University of South Carolina Libraries
Coy Was Enameled Creen. Thomas Scanlon, aged 12 years, fell fnta? m. vat of liquid green enamel at . m raaajsnifartory at Beaver Falls, Pa., nit ar'tMn fished out was found to be nnosM a bright green from head to ftaerfc. the stuff soaking through the boyTs clothing. The <e?amH hardened quickly when w.wiwd to ?Vr, and had to be chipped mil aermped from the boy's body. He id moR the vrorso for the mishap. * i"* -i m- i?iu Coughing \ ** t \rae? given up to die with qpaicli consumption. I then began to rise Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I a-OTpvjwrcd at once, and am now in Srerffec* health."?Chas. E. HartflBaisv,, Oibbatown, N. Y. St*s loo risky, playing 3 U I wiiu y uui vuu^u. The first thing you | it will be down | J desp in your lungs and I the play will be over. Be-a ?i?n early with Ayer's I Cherry Pectoral and stop | tbe cough. ?'.a?ra . Xtc., MWuth for nn nnlliiBty I S naitt; Mr:.. i i^-ht fur l>ri.ncliltl?. houmc- | biuc trwil ?-ul<l*. etc.; ?1. must rmuomWa 1 B V Mr>Amdc?Msi attfl to kccii on limnl. J-. C. AYEK CO.. Lowell, Maw. Cross ? Poor roan! He can't help it. It's his liver. He needs a liver pilL Ayer's Pills. I VjBt yt/or moustache 01* beard a | beanisSiai brown or rich black ? Use iRdP'kinnrham'c Rue | UtAVIUIlgll^^U I# J U at* firsjrjnilJ.or Jashua, N. H r W^^turainavof Foods4 y* Oie<Bwl .J?r?t ExAntly lUriht, then put np in k?/- ^ X cur * You g?*i them ? C. jour grocer i? Mfc ?H^<- ? * tWf l??.ive u*?dainty, <l?IUiou? and 4 r Jy^rfjoisi rw. V\mi will uovrr hounu with* ?-*** *'h Foois you ouca try thorn. ^ LT&i;gVT ftfcM H I & I ll>BT , CHICAGO < m. a**k fm? *mr lHMkltt,Mi(ow to Make Mood a Atlantic coast line THE KOUTIi TO F3LOBIDA. "J )?is rsu"Jn?n?l iH mont nnnroiv Intelv nnmnd. "" Atlsvrtii<\ tVia -1. 1.1 ? ,' i<ir lis network of Ssrxax-.b-v <-?? tonus the chape <>f the const* >In?*I'nitfi*rr dke princip I t itles In its grasp, aiv! u.? ties ,-ea const nt many Points "1'bie 1? t.W*. route betwecu the North ?r?t >"i?rul.i. not tn lie t nly one passing Jiir??ioh CVe Historic elites of llicli mo nd V?? *s>d <1 Jtarlertor. r-. t\ 'through I'Ullllian wrvif.t Now'Ytirk 1?> I'ort Tatnpa, with i'ollwan . taimjc piri, New York to >>i?%iinnnh, vmcbsiifi'it oArl-feiH comfo't while enroute, tiiMletlW. iur)iil?>mrutof the I'lant system r3Sc??*nrir?9 rrnden-d 1st* en more nronouneetl tnd bou It. lie roll mail high In the estlnatiot: trl Tlws'i'li si- pleasure or hu*ln> 99 rev^ui .-*? r>)f s letlon ol the beat meant of Crxuajirt iiion. The oitcnto't of the traveling public In nlo-iaya earwluily considered at the modern .omvrii Vo?t of their e cgtinlly appointed e*r??tll ?*??. Th** line has raw 11 y put "n Bale nn Intcrchangrifcla >141-n Re Ticket Rood over <tMcht.ce<1 krailtog lilies at the rate of $2 110 tp>sr lJUt edict anil theac tickets are being siiikW. after by the traveling pub* Ian ana fluinenicainml economic means of uatvC l(y>ni tk irr. any information us to rates ormkedo <t?, write to W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt., Wilmington, N. C. for za Easy Conscience nF _ UHOE COJ Bee " Shoes WANTED EUO 3Touiis Mon m- K<x"n i omiioii. wnii-n wo rill fituviioo in Wiltlnu tindor n $5,000 Z* JlniITl;lly plOCUrc lb:<in. Tf?e CSa..-A!a. Bus. College, HMV)N, GlCOilGI.l. tfim?! stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Snwrc ?f the dealer wtio tries to sell "something just as good." k IF YOU WILL PUT with this gargle your throat ofU'i t tij*' <3, Kee fact always frcsl For Cuts, Masbes need only to apply ffyexican ff} a few times and the son be conquered and the w To get the best results of soft cloth with the lin wound as you would a \ 2oo., GO<\ ai KEEP AN EYE ON C ^iuAamm iunnn|r yoilT fowLi USO i SOUTl I Rw A.I L i: THE ORE JIT OF TR^fiDE JI Uniting the Princ Centers ar.d fioal Resorts of the Sov JV7/1 Tb *Tr F-T Z? /fi f II? d. JL A y CincIMn IHPE'~3 o ri clu A ?I\*> v i 1 Now Vor'f nrtd Florida, olCh and Savannah, or via Sava nnah. Superior DininR'?Car Srrvic Kscollcnt Service and i^o'" count South Carolina In Exposition. Winter Tourist TicHats to roduend rates. For detailed Information, lite apply to nearest tlekmt'agent, o S. H. IIAKDWICK, General Passenser ^srnf. 1 i Washington, Zj. C. I R. W. HUNT, Dlv. Passenger Jigent, Charleston, S C. Hi feqruary io, iocs, ^SFOBTTTirXSBSSr RAM'S HORN BLASTS. I rr, HERE is no use of f/tW I saying "get thee fA^~ -A- behind me satan," Y; / \ fl while you hold him ' 'ast 'n frontrlVTvL^^ The salvation of / one WOI"ld depends upon the servants of anot^erv-T}J V )t** When the world L \?p 1\ * \ h puts you on a cross It places you nearer Christ. * *% Character Is too great a price to pay for anything else In the world. A little knowledge Is only dangerous when ono Is contented with it. The clock of Christian character needs daily adjustment from heaven. He knows not Christ who thinks of giving Him a second place in the life. It is an easy thing to fill the church, but quite another to fill the congregation. The Kingdom of Heaven cannot he enriched liy the plundered goods of the poor. ' The winds that blew all chafT from the Christian blow ail character from the hypocrite. it is easy to find a man who can keep accounts, bat hard to find one who can keep his own conscience. The descent of the flesh to tho dust is accompanied by the ascent of the ipirlt to the divine. Japan is entei tslning* the Idea of adopting the English nlphabet. and of finally substituting the English lan- ; guage for her own. Since she emerged from the shadow, Japan has made almost Incomprehensible strides to the front, but If she carries out this Idea It will show that she Is worthy of taking position in the very forefront rank of nations, exclaims the St. Louis Star. poonfnlof Mexican Mustang Llnt into a glass half full of wnt?r and i it will quick! j cure a tSoro 'l hroat. r* Ihic Y* ? k 4^ i in your memory:? and all Open Sores, you 'ustang ^jniment ?nes9 and inllammation will ounded flesh healed, you should saturate a pieeo iiacnt and bind it upon the ioult ice. id $1.00 n bottle. ^ r poultry nn>l nt tlio very first sip;n of in, Scnly Bumhloloot or otUer Vloxlcuu Mustaui{ Idulmcut. HERN | ,WAY 1 HIGHWAY JVD TRAVEL. ripal Commercial ;ih and Plea&uro t'uh with the & T and WEST. 8 rvrt, Throttfih Sl?rpln;>?Car9 H Mow Crioans, via A.lanta. JH Z*olnt3 via Atlanta and via er via Eynchburj^, Danville t Eiclisnondt Danvillo and F. o on nil Xhroujjh Tt-ninn. iv Ralos to Charleston ac* t tor-Stato and West Indian ; all Resorts now on sale at H rature, time tables, rates, etc., ffl ir address U W.H.TAYLOE, Jtsst. Gen. Pass. Jtyent, i-j Jitlanta, Ga. t J. C. BEAM, A P o ? -. ^UM. Jitlanta, Ga. I" j PROMINENT PEOPLE. | Secretary Shaw is sai?l to liave made over $800,000 in tlie Texas oil boom. The Duke of Cambridge lias lived under five sovereigns of England. General Lord Kitchener has just celebrated his llfty-second birthday. Congressman Cannon was AttornoyfSencral of Illinois at the age of twenty-live. The King of Portugal has publi hod an interesting book on ornithology, lie Is said to be a great lover of nature. Rear-Admiral Charles E. Clark is a native of Vermont, where he was born in 1810. He hns been in the naval ser vice since 1800. Iludyard Kipling will movp to Tunbridge Wells to escape the crowds that have sought him at llottingdenn, near Itrlghton. Fngland. Former Senator Peffer Is writing roviews of certain periods of American history, and is engaged on a work '* Mling with capital and labor. Former Captain Dreyfus has not yet completely recovered from Ihe effects of Ids rigorous treatment on the lie du Dlnble. It Is stated that there is danger of his becoming blind. Mrs. Hetty (Jreen has offered to erect for Chesterton. Ind.. a village of "OO population, a Masonic hall on the site of the one recently burned. Andrew Carnegie has offered the same village a library on his usual terms. Governor Odell says the host way to wear a silk lint D to carry it in a grh>. lie is having a dross suit ease made with a compartment for his "stove pipe," so that lie needn't wear it when iie's off duty nor carry an extra hat hox. Lord Curz m of Kcdleston la sure of a step In the peerage when his Indian vice-royalty conies to an end, says the London Chronicle. He will then he in he rare, though not unique, position >f holding a rank greats- than his 'a titer's. Dyspepsia Is the parent of many disagreeable ouallties. CHILDREN WiTH ORIGINAL IDEAS Toun(iirn Glr* Tiblrau of Gardrn of Ed>a, "In C'utlumr." J This story Is told by a Philadelphian: "My friends In Santa Barbara. California, that land of perpetual sunBhine. have three most interesting and originally minded children, one girl e? and two boys. They were quite accu3- b? tonied to roaming around their fath- ta er's place very scantily clad, so we P were not much surprised, upon returning from a drive one very warm morning, to find all three, clothed only in Nature's garb, at play in the orchard back of tho house. The two younger children, Walter and Katherine, were seated under the branches of a tree?totally naked?looking like Raphael's cherubs, while a few yards away, tho eldest boy, George, a man of about seven years, stalked solemnly up and down with an old high silk hat of his father's perched on his euily head. Calling Walter to her, the mother said: "What are you playing, darling?" "Oh, this is the Garden of Eden," responded 6-year-old Walter. "I'm Adam and Kathy's Evo." "But what on earth is George doing _ with his father's hat on?" questioned tho mother, too well accustomed to E the children's mode of illustrating Bib- i Ileal truth to be very much surprised I at anything. But even her composure J) was shaken when, with a most solemn ^ look on his cherubic face Walter re- F sponded, "Oh, he's God." t ^ n Where Peta?aes Crow. P Humboldt says that at the time of y the discovery of America the potato ? was cultivated in all the temperate " parts of South America from Chile ut) ^ the coast. The Spaniards at first no- y ticed it in Peru. The variety of potato ti cultivated in Europe and North Amer- h lea grows wild in Chile. Different spe- ' cles of the plant are found growing wild In most parts of South America. and, it is claimed by many botanists, in Mexico and Arizona. ? Great Britain is only half as big a? Sumatra and double the size of Newfoundland. It stands fifth in point of size in the list of world's islands. England. without Wales, is almost identical in point of sizo with Roumania. It is less than one-quarter as big as France or Germany. The whole British Isles occupy only the one-sixteenth hundredth part of the surface of the globe. Search out the real for the righting of any one of earth's wrongs, and it will bo found to exist in the life and teachings of the Redeemer. Ask Your l>cnler For Allcn'n Fonl-Knfp, A powder. It rests the feet. # Cures Corr>", liutii'ins. Swollen, Sore. Hot. <? il|ou".A',hin} . Sweating l-Vet an 1 Ingrowing>. Alio, Foe t-I?j.>o makes new or tiglu. 1 i *?-nsy. A all Druggists and Shoe:tore.s, cent.-. < ept no substitute, sum; I > mni;eil l'uut:. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lei!' >, N. Y. A woman appeared I . . . e the York t England) Guardians the day \\i:o had ju>t buried her -eventh busbar. !. Conduct >r 1! D. L" r is. in tro t, ?.Ii li.. says: 'i'ite ?!)' t o! Hal ; Ca arrh ('ere {> wo derful." Wiite him it it. bo d L>. Diugg.sts, 7;< \ About ld.'ViO carload of orange.* are annua !y <dii]>;>*.l from South'. r.i tY..:t FITS permanently eureJ.Xo tits or nervous- 1 ness after first day's use ol Dr. Kline's Great Nerve j;estorcr.?2t riul bott'e and t reutisofreo l>r. It.II. KUKB, Ltd., 1>31 Arch St.,Phil a., Pa. j Fowls are supposed to have been iirst domesticated in China 1400 15. C. Mrs.Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces Intlnmmntion.alluys pain,cures wind colic. 26c. n bottle Switzerland lias 170') hotels---seven times as many for its size as England. 1 am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.?Mils. Thomas I.obiiins. Maple ^t., Norwich, N.).. Feb. 17, luoo. The one thing we are sure of accumulating is age. ofcofco?aoMofco)io;?o;?o'40 4o;co;ao;i ? HEADACHE, ss** I o H FEVERISH CONDITIONS % 5 I J AND COLDS CURED BY o * "o A P I T 1 > 1 >' K o 1 ?.* Sold by all DriiskDI*. -5 C o v. o ? o v, o o ??o ?t o 9. o t? o o ??o * o r. o $3 & $3^53 SHOES SS Established is70. For move than a \ quarter of a century the reputation ?f j W. L. shoes for style, com- 1 fort, and wear lias excelled "all other makes. A trial will convince von. W. L. DOUGLAS 84 SHOES c CANNOT BE EXCELLED. . si.iweo ir.'r.'.Ti., s* MO.OOO ^ Best Importer! ani American leathers. Hey! 's Patent Calf. ?namcl, fits Calf, Calf. Vici Kid, Corona . Colt, flat. Kangaroo. Color Kyrlots unril. Caution ' The woman* imvn w. i., noncii as* nnn-.o nntl price C'oniinl or< boHon. Shoes by mail, IW. e.rlrit, fllns. I rt'alofl J"frr. W. L. B0U0LA8, (SkOCkTON, MASS. - 1 -1 l fl In tin*. NMd by drucvi*i?. 1*7 , IISS VIRGINIA GRANES ells How Hospital Physicians Use and Rely upon Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam : ? Twelve ars continuous service at the sick ?d in some of our prominent hospids, as well as at private homes, has iven me varied experiences with the seasesof women. 1 have nursed some MISS VIRGINIA GRANK3. resident of Nui se^'Arsooiution.Watertown.N.T. lost distressing cases of inflammation nd ulceration of the ovaries and womb, i..... i.? n,,.* ,i~. i t 1. Pinklmm's Vegetable C 0111ountl when everything else failed ith their patients. I have advised my atiei.ts and friends to nse it and have ct to hear of its failure to ci\r2? " Four years Ago 1 had lulling of trie ' romb from straining in lifting' a heavy j atient and knowing of the value of our Compound I began to use it at nee, and in six weeks I was well once i lore, .and have had no trouble since, am most pleased to have had an opporunity to say a few words in praise of our Vegetable Compound, and shall ( ike every occasion to recommend it."? liss Virginia. G ranks.?$6coo forfait if >ove testimonial Is not genuine. Ljdia K. Plukham'H Vegetable Jompainid has stood the test of Inic, and has cured thousands. Mrs. Pinkham advises sick wo icii free. Address, Lynn, Mass. | Bli Warn IPpb Wm I i1 _<J iiL |c(oT A PTI 14 ^ ^ K Lj J XI VL W4 4 Vj * W Thousands of ehiVren r. ?</ Worms. ;-y::ipl< are feldo ^ child's tenipci ;:m1 m ?:i tlx- va! )?!' lines. Lose . * AJapt the safe IV 4 S DR. BOYi'UN'S > * A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DE: % IN USE OVER 30 YEARS ACC w 25c BEST VERMIFUGE FN; v. *^ 3-3-2-3-9-i-?? 3--.^^ -v-v* * a a * - - - - r MGirls - Yo wSrSr^-'VT^yi'; i?\rfnrTIt s umvcrmt : ? M W HATTb-1. A.M..tlR M.P. I?D1 tmoo P. AVf SOUTHED DENT, If you are interested in obtaining a de of full instruction. Addrt'89 Dr. S. W. J Truthful Piirp vnr- r I f\1ft rs U ! Manly Boys for | fit N5HDU ISnulUb, rlmniiral n?d .^Hillary. l'.xpr Suprrlor l.ncullun. Write for < uIjiId^ik \U.SILLS DANIEL,] I ?PKim.HOND. VA? 1 Tli" most prominent anil successful gpo. clalUt on ANCER, umor and DUem-ps of Women, of the South, h Miinnierlnit in Henderaonvllle. N. C. the ninths ot July arul An it net. '1 he l?r. takes lita opportunity of < fTerloK hie n-rviors to ho ui.i^ffPs of Western- North and Sfiuth ' roltna. Consultatloa and Kxaminatlon r... a . ..I .. 11 .... ...I a... .... i-iita from a dlntnuce. l> r* tin it tod Nurse In ttendance. Add teas or call 50 Mnlti St. ionderaovlilo, N. t; After Sept. 1st call or dd'esa. Ill* I>H, lUSIH. tAMTOHIlll. i.lchiiond. Vh. Send tor my IllUitratrd book on nncer Froo. A SIMPLE, DURABLE Hand Power Hay Press. IMPROVED THIS SEASON. Better than ever. Pays for itself juick. For testimonials, etc., address ft ATK;NS HAY PKLSi CO., bast Point,Oa. ISO. .T2. Free Test Treatment x. ?jn ii hi mi i ? iiiiiiwin ; I If yon have no faith in air tnothod of J ' jllief /&*\ treat nmut, ?encl mo * a*nii>ie of your ! jf?8 .inorninu urine for ana>)?ia. 1 will I;'* jzk t!<en aend you by mail my opinion of I a..Jl ret ;ourdi??.i?aanil one w,.k'? treaiint-nl 1 } HEl Of All COST. Von will then bo J convinced iny treatment vurae. A V w Mallinjr oaaeaitd bottle for tirlnn aent fv9<Jw>Btefrw DR.J.P.8HAPBR, 1 jA va Jtmm $-2 Pcnn Ave., Pittsburg, !*?. I* the and only business college in Va. owia ing its building ? grind new one. No vacations. Unites & gentlemen. Hookkrct>iuj{,Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Telegraphy, &c. ' Leading bueineti college south of (ho Potomao fi*er.'?Phi la. Sitnogtaf>/>r>. Address, O- M. Sinithdeal. President. Richmond. Va. Medic\l college of virginu^ l!sT\HMtll Ittl 1838. 'I he Slaty-Fifth Ses?lo i will commence September 30 h 1903. Departments of Medl' ltv. I> an I'liarmacy, Will ea dppod Laboratories. eu'e <1UI Ho-pltal facilities and ahtin-tnnce <>f t'l nlenl Material atlortl unexcelled ? pp rtunlt os tor practical wnrlt. For .announcement mid further Information, address, <?H rfntnplior 'I'ompklno, ill. !>., Deo n. RicnMOXD. Va. Y ^AHDLOPH-MAGON WOMAN'S COLLEGE F Ta. Kndoiml for Hiyher Kifwctifiort. ^ (ZiOnsnl ".l" by thr f'.S. Commission' tr of Eilucit'.ou. flT.i lrt 1 1*ci*?rt. i?. 1?U ) t or new li)u na etl < ut?tln?ne ml?in?H* i kfh't Wm' W.smiH, A.M.,LL.l>.,College t'urkl* <> .LjriiohburK.Vi ujutm posifioNS YT For at! COMPETENT STIUENIS. < an sei rm; yoi one. A liltrK.fira in Sirltitf 1 f r ntK' !/ano " *" Men and Women of moderate means. Yon have money en v.uh t > enter v. l*h us. Send at once for large new <'at >' *? COLUMBIA PrsiNI.CS COLLEGE. ro1u<>ib:<>; ?. f. HOME STUDY. KTSS PENMANSHIP, etc., successfully L2 taught by mail (or no clurjcs) V>y JjKWJ/ M Draufilion'a Bus. Colleges Na3t?-?53E7 vlllc, St. Louis, Atlanta, NontRom- UflfSSEffl ery. Fort Worth, Gatrcston, Little sljCMlflP1'* Rock. Shreveport. May deposit ntoney in tank till position is secured, 10,000 students. Fof Booklet c:i "Home Study**or college Catalog, ad. Dep. 60. Drautfhon's Bits. Coll. Nashville, Tcnn. Red springs, n. cT~. HOTEL YQWNSEND SUMJ1ER ANl) WINTER RESORT. The Mineral Waters are not excelled In the United >tates,as hundreds will testify who bavo been bene lit ted by them. Write for Booklet. Term*, &c. S R. TOWNSBN0, PROP R. ATLANTA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Free Dispensary, only college |n the U. 8. operattlig u drug store Demand for graduates gr-nter than we can stipply. Address l?lt. UKO, K. I'AY.Mi, Whitehall, Atlanta, U?, A Good Figure can be attained by any woman ^ if she trains it properly. The ? correct corset is the foundation [} of a symmetrical tig tire. The Straight Front I Royal Worcester Bon Ton Corsets fit bec?nsc they are made right. J Ask your driller to show them to von. PiCyc.1 Worcester Corset Co., ... Worcester, M.u?. J , ^ sc? A ir>TTfr> n i re being gnawed to distraction by in reliable. They depend upon the rioty of worms present i:i the intcs- qt and sure course by using ? A'ORM KILLER. ; stroyer of these monsters. ^ :e?t none cut dr. boykin'3. v own sold everywhere. 2 - - ^ DNfHOLLEiET UHaWoMtpfHICKORY. N.C.' y ixaimdiiacii.'rs a nu i ll> hi ait8j rcaokt. juamaorsiupr . r~~a Mils. OOC. OXI Of!l)-*?H II AIU. UIREC.Ton .IS^J > oivtn in music. ptauiitul cataiocill frff. AL COLLEGE, mtal education write for froo catalogue ?0Jtrr,Dttan, ft 1 Innintl l'.iJu., jjtlanta, Co. IRNE SCHOOL1S8? rlrnccd Tiarlirr?. Thorough Work. ?. JAS.A.KIMII IItM.,A.R.,I?rlurl|>?l, o hi/ ma mm. a ?'-JA 1 ^ I suffered untold misery for a period of over live rears with u case of cnronii dyspepsia. 1 Mould rise in the morning feeling draggy, miserable and unlit for work. For weeks 1 would be unable to cat one good meal. After eating 1 would swell and the oppression would almost drive nie crazy. At times 1 would be troubled with spells of dizziness. Constant worrimcnt reduced my weight until I was a shadow of my former self. I have been taking Ripnns Tabules now for two months and ain almost cured. Mv old symptoms have disappeared. I nave gained in weight over twelve pounds. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, CO cents, contains n supply for a year. ^DROPSY Pf W 10 d;ys" Tr,EATMENT FREE* (2 * jro Havoiaada Dr>pryanditsconPMSk y plications a specialty for twenty T years with tho most wondorfnl a . .( success. Ilav-curedmany thooaJs^*?d cases. j.a.asEEU'3 3fltra, Tr~ B Atlanta, Oa. NEW PENSION LAWSImS Apply to NATHAN III < K KOK I>, t)i 1 F fit., XX itthuistmi, IS. (), CBISi! rep airs " 1 tL ^ SAW3. RIBS. M Tlrlst'o Twine, llshhli, M LIB VIS Jtr , for any in?k?nf(lln ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repilrs for same. Shutting. Pulleys, Pelting, Injestcrs. Ilpes, Valvea a. ii Fittings. l.OUKAKit 1 ItON XV (> It K * AND sUITl.J COMI'AMV, AucuiU. Us.