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FORT MILL MH AfcQE. Minor Hnrpeemys In and About Town Told in Para traits. Mr. W. H. MeHeliam spent Wednesday in Lancaster, presumably Oil business. Mr. R. G. (''Pcjr-Le?M) Graham, of Steele Greek, N was a vi>t tor to if?.>rt Mill Friday. Mis. Surah Carotin" . if X wport, S. C . is a tcin st at the Inane of her son, Mr. W. K. Carothors. Mrs. W. M. Phillips and children, of Rock Hill, visited relalives in Fori Mill during the past work. Miss Ada Prndford came up from Oscr? ! Monday eve'dsn.; .n i spent Tm >- : iv nd Wednes 1 iy at her home in is is plan '. Misses Mini Thompson and Tomiuio C 'p returned Fri l?v from a vi -if relat i vt s and friends in Wax 11 aw, X. (\ There wiil ho a hi<_r picnu at the Tones roller mill, on Catawba riv er, today ( Wednesday.) The publie is invited to attend. Mr. 11 :1 t. Lee, of Yoikviik. w the guest of liis brother. Mr. ). . Ideo, in lower Fort M li township, for several days during the pi., t week. Mrs. I >r. .1. L. Spruit returned Wednesday from a ten day's visit to her parents, Cnpt. and Mrs. W. K, A i drey, in i'rovidi ere, N. 0. Miss Mary Alexander returned to Iter h me in V rkvillo \ r-i ; , r accompanied by Mrs . T V. who will sp- tid n \v< >1 wit. tives at thut place. The i.ld s< Mi vs.* reun. a. and picilie held It M t . C d 1(1:1' . ' ' home <-t the lute C bv.uliie.! -t : lust Wednesday, whs att Mid d tpiite i number of vols ; >c! !> 1 rom this tnwnship. Mrs. C. C. Cooper and children returned to their h< ine u ; 1 > i bin Friday morn i: "t. i . eever.d days n: the iion - of MrCooper's father, Mr. I{i<dn.i" > mi di ilk, of the Steele Creek serin, i. After spending a -1 i r4 v Idle his home in this place. Mr I Arilrey left Wednesday in 1 ' i''or (J-eortjetowii, w! -re ! .<!o instant, lie will - .a - >i, aim dry biuiiimes. Mr. Ardvey i- ' e.dt ly elated over his prof+pet ts m . that city. Master Paul Steele, who i. -.s been employer! for some time at the drug store of Dr. T. 1J. iMeueh mil, returned to his iioin at i >wlysville Kriihry. It. i t lie . nteti tion of the young man t us Clemson lit the openim of tie next session. A slight cimiiu^ was veeent . iniule at the Fort .Mill Jli'^ (Ann pany in the liour l sf p| ir - work in the evening. Sullicieni time is now.made up each day to enable the mill to make sixty six hours a week and suspend work kI ! oVh ek Saturday afternoons, ins'.: ad of 2..'U) as heretofore. The marriage ni President th. V. Johnson, of Winthrop and former secretary ? : - h' i 1 .;$ ledge Smith, of Suuimerville, S. ( .. will be solemnized at the home of the bride ibis evening. TVesident Johnson and bride will leave Sum merviile t- morrow for u bridal tour through J'nrope. A farmer of il is township \. .. , recently visited Vest rn Y< rk n forms a Times reporter that, tincotton crop at; a whole is not near ly so promising in that section ? it if- in the vu-iuity of t ort Mik The breaking of the May drought hereabouts at an earlier date than 1 in the western portion of the conn ly, he says, accounts for the exist ing differences. Mr. Greene Collins returned to his home in be!air Wednesday morning after a two moot1 si' ii cal treatment at the Chariot* I'ri All ' - ? ? " * vmc rxospilfti. Jt Will l)e len:rm bered that some time ago Mr. Collins was fearfully burned about the head arid face by falling iu the tire at hie home while unconscious from an attack of viriigo. lit was tnken to the hospital in Charlotte for treatment, and after much suffering, is again able to go about, though it is feared he will in-vm regain perfect sight, as liv; eve.were very much affected 1 y the burn. From 8 o'clock Friday until the noon hour a continuous string of buggies and other vehicles were moving in thodir. cii^u of Brown..' Shop, near the home ot Mr. S. A Epps, Sr., where on that day was heid the annual picnic of the farm ers of the entire section. There is always a big crowd at the Brown's Shop picnic and the gatiierin/ this year was no deviation ! <> the rule, the number present being variously estimated at from 300 to 1,000. The following county < an- . didntes were present arid made speeches which were listened to with much interest* Messrs. J. Li. Hailc, T. P. Barron and W. E Adams, Jr. All who attended report a very pleasant time. ? V ? - J M r. T. M. !Iu?.;hi,:t, of Lmih'jikter. \vs ;; \ isitor to ]'" >rt -Mill Sim flay aiul M< aulas. M iss Matnio Stoole, f '1 '< Hill v is a i? -1 tin hoii: of Dr. T. 1?. Mr'JK'lmiu Sunday. ) .M.s. ,M l,i. Ila l mil (lauuht v Mis- Kunioo iVtiirnod Iv i \ a vi -it t< > relaI. v s i u ^ : n, N. (' M is Ida V i> y. of II e . 1 I, . , is in* jx;u*st i?i ! r cousin, Mis* ( iMala I kirkp it: ick, on Hooth , jst root. ( 1 Mi ; D. TTurrisnn, of Y l.vill , . : spoilt several i! iy of lh ' pusi \\ ? :. ? j with .vkitivos in low*-? Mil! ' township. r The I" ! t:! ; I w ' m? ! I with water u Ion. Saitiuli' ., .d y . ! | Kill IK) ItUV 111)' S I s .( ;u. . i 10 (outri(.< (.'apt an 1 Mas. S. I,. W:,iu h-ft T:i? .. iy t la-. ; o k lit 1 i < . Springs. N. C.. v here they w iii , ! remain for some \\v< .t. t M'-a 11. !-. Whitf re'urnect to her In ion* in 1\ ?k Hill Saturday ^ j tini' ai no attorn vis ; t,? relatives in ! v.'t'v : ml Mill I.y\n^tiip. ! . tin* 1;Mii'c with n which c sun y < .nil thilca i?>us< si?m tli< : ii"! . Mi. 1 j t!: *i-. *ss:t11 nt ?*x jti s < .Mo:m' ?v . August li. 1 Aft r i vi-'t of Ht'v^ra! ys tu ! relntivt'fl iu Fort Mill, Mr. and > Mr.-. \V. ,V Wri's i . ?t a ' ? ' their iioute in Charlotte fciiiturcltiy , in >rniiM,r. i ':'i r. will '111' . >11 ' f tilt' 11 >i: \\"> -. -'ill 1 or. v i* > \ . v;:: . ; . i ' ' r. . . ' '! :i?l \vc!!;|..\. CO [ mills ' I!' \\ . V. S'.-li. . \\ ii I '.a* hi?cn ' , onnili>vi i : ; tii .\ t:. ?it.* lYnn-p? >l f:t' >1! ('<hi |mny, :t?i?! \vi.? hv -t?li i tcrs \v r? ? A'iliniiu;i<i?i v. ( > tit 11ihome in 'liia place. Mr. unci Mr-'. K. (' Vat.M J. It i Ft r lay t' a t n <l?n . v it ; > i ( home tif the la.1 t at V rat v i i . _ S. C During I : V. a V. \ Vile: J.ufiil in|. lit til** *"''('1.1*1 11 depot it iK'iinr tilh'il l.v r ' t*. | Amloi - ,:i, . !' Niin ty Six S i' Dr. T. !t. M< !. *i* -'nry i < t lli' 1<>i a! 'k :'m! < r 11 a '' . ' * *:; '.i'l ri:*.'.i reporter t h >t a- i nc it 1: 1 1 -t.1 I . ; : In*' ili. t i |l lV- *t ; s i? ' of li. ' \ :t ll ill ' Tilt IV \ Iihv< I t- !i fewer of fevor tins v.: nmo- t ?. :i v t: me tor ?vni s I pis*. The valuation of real estate in 1 r Fort Mill township for l!K)2, n? M irivi m in an f'osiia? ' of returns which was roe r 11y i?;\<|e i;o l?y Auditor \V illriiiis, ir- 'i 2HS,.V|.\ a-lin v: < .j- ijt.ii. While' I lie t. iir? v a dcoi0,r ;f : S* ' 111 Hot) Will leal i ? ? I ' uiro ;^rttnu inc iviuiuj l.'iori: n Mil intMvns <if S il?),l If* ijvoi I j <>:ir j Mr /.. V. ?m), who for 1 ^ rtoinc tium ba- hi en unmi^i'd in j finishiii?r tilt? building of tin- Jones ioll"V nill. or: ( rlv. r, informs '1 In !' i?ii-r :! ;i{ I i.i* In:1 dins.; is is. w i'i ;:<!y r. It* iiiht ib;':on , !' t lit' 11! i"' 11 i ' i i ' )!l' .' lie.- s 11 111 \ exj * 'itisij the :irr v. I ? misi on ' jji11 '* ii ii' |'I'M i . i.irhi 1 i -ry, nil of which arrived Homo waoks a^ro. It is h('}*'d (hut the i.i!! will I>? i:i first class running' shape by the ?<>th inf.hmt. f ( fw isi?r i|ji? failure of (he 1 mil ' . !?! hi i.i v. ' 11 t u. ). ' l !?? _r? am. in re tyir wlin I. WRH to ill I '/( ! I piuyoil 111 ' 11.:.- rh c i.i.-1 ? ni.n\ belwi on \ t ho i'iui'vill and F r M i i I i i.i"- ' fitih : 1 . til I- i th t ( llii ' will I)" pltij '! Ili'Xt Sot nil: y aft. "h ion < :i u ?(;: ..1 1 whie! has t? i? oofici" uslv p.v n tlio piny rs by Mr. .J. I*. Crowder. Tli, pr nd 1 lea just north of tho i old Springs hoi stoml. about d mih's from F irt Mill. ; < Fori Mill poopit- <_ ii rally will bo m t< i - Ht til ' ) i :u of * !.n in tended i ... v:.I fl'rof.A li. l'nnkfrom lim a 11.II t > K haw, at j, \v I it'll pint it was < it Iv floe: oil v nrnir!; ii 'Iin ' . >wh > II...I. t School, a position forinprlv filled by Prof. V. K. TV cuvoll. i.f Fori !, .V ill. IV f. P> ,uks e h i unt.l I If years a;; > \va > 11?i- i?011 .1 ?1? pub- , " lie K -lioo! al lib- place, s acknowledged one of 11:?- bios' educators 'u m > 11 -M . ? " t i i > 11': \ . " n I ioi ninny friends here will ros?r? I tit Irani that he is to leave, York s county. , A telephone message fr in Watf haw. N. C., Friday ainioiini i tl ti.i death, by liyhtniciu. of Mi*h. Susan (riilfin, who lived with her hue band Mr. N'athaiinl (1 iiiiu. in nr Rlorven, in .Mecklenburg eoiiuty. N*. The stroke of liyhtiiiny which ejiii;-'d .Mi., (bribiu ueuiii V severely shocked Mr. Ciiiiliu, lbs j. father, two small childr* a and p? r haps ot hers who wciv in the house No cue except Mrs. (irillin, now over, sustained s-rious injury. Mrs. i) rill.?: had just started io look out at the window when the Sash came down and < ndod h* r lii' . Sli v.; - only about 2~? years t of ay, had been no*rritd only a p fi w years, ami leaves a husband " H'.ui two,sirui|l ;h'lsl?. ?. ilaMh nf T !.* ,1 ? ... w < ,???.-? -f '*y !? Information wus ri ci'ivod in ! 't / litl \\ alti'S(|a\ oi , ll< KtltltltMl death o. Mi's. SlIS'lll * Morrow J\f|! v it\- >! I..1 1 Kell, a i in r inane n . . I'll -\ I nee ( \ i i; >\\ u- M i s kell was ' > y-ais of no, aiu! has i. it i*l > i. J. mo \vii hen t . ! i w i >'.: ! fi : iT r i .sin* let M ednestin v ni Its tn >< >a at I ?'flti'!;. Mrs. !vc 1 j was a<i tijciitcr ; if Allen \l <?iT?nv, ??t i nMeusler ' <>tlli>t?, atl was i, a. i! lit tic* id Al :'i 'v; ieainsuu'l, iii/Mi* \ mi j l\ t,1!.. iShe leaves .i!. i sciis ami w i c> i' _. < t. S? el ,\ as > mo.' r.- li'ti ' 1 i '..c it A"i ii;. i*: :a ; \va ' ? . , ..ii vvh inew ho;. I'll fill'Tai \ i a < were ht'lil i! t ' t' "t'HV l'l|( e III 1 ' . ' ' '; t. i v! i Ml' > l a 1111 l.' " ? ' i">' * w . in 11! n t > iii rii m :vh *i 1 >:trifi-ti r?>tiir . Ivca mil ii' mv <1 *V(?t ! t' ietn! - in let ' Mill who will l:> ar of Imr death t ; h pit :*oun ! re; r.-t. Tr eiM .:l .It'll..-, tin - '!< ' >; . ,. the es n|nal e ?nv ! \ '. > i ' m i < i." pel ' I or Tims lav t.r ilt-t w ... in n. . ! r ? *f? k m . X r m s v i i '. i u: >:. t | itltiii; that !< vv.'iv the man >YM. . 1 > . I I 1. N i l> e. H till ' at I t i o i ret *:: n*es under .v'.iie t he e.srnpt d dt) years It:' >. LTuefulell saut that !: , with ' t v. .i ? ; : . ruit\ i?*' wis ?tI 'j rk on t . State farm, and h ?iit? :i t t's -My, v\ji f?* .1 I n h | ? !?> / >otne J u IV. Il<- . li i iIIt il i< *t < . niiti^ hmuv when or- , lered t,i ;; < afti>r \Vatet\ hut on > (Vic! . II Sin: !' I| lie 1 .re for < ' ,i v iv,,', ! 'm.mid : : v , . t <i;V 111 i< i ?!. I hiring iv !{0 y. '.in ilril :i i , i i i !!? i , h - hits i I eiti11-r iii ! nut v. N. t' , in* in 1 i uii?o ' ii , t "? t . ( 'hi - m. I'l lies ? ?11 ? 1 11?* I t i i r 11 i! t lie nil I ho I it ies ? vc :i.i te .si'. i-.i I t ntj ' x i mm lie wis not aw are . i I t. ntlivcr N i\ ei , > 11, , i; i? on -i - . 'i mi ii t of the oid neyroo's advanced i Ir e It i m i ll i ' i?i ; 1 r ' I ' I! I ! i ; i- {mo ye".; !' rt .\i ii ' . II V i : ' | !, ! I 1 :' I " i I i 1:. . t. 1 he 'nit I >n il ,< ul ' iln' in. all ??t i \il(>?ll Veil' stlllllLp I ' ill i li-'Slii II. x I; 111 ? i|C('eel|"li II: 1 IVillo ! i i 1'? pl'.t ' o work ac.'.in is a trusty. O Ulcer v.iveil; thinks that if a p- 'iti'Mi vus properly signed and |?a" 'iit.eil ti tlic _ii venior there \ >>111 > 1 I"' in? villi I i!e in obtaining a j.anion for | lie uid lll.til. ? f -T ^ T* "*> f? AT. - - l -- J ?k -?Li ! r In "!, I .\. <inl j ctlut1, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast ' < Mi lit <? <1 icli as t*> cui'" ; eVi'l i:sc. of piles, eae.sii v J 5 tain ?rs. iVine aii failed, l:?;ick Ion's A.nic s;.!vc soon en oil hint Subdues I li llilliiit ion (Mtieieis A' lies, li'll.-s Mile-.. Iv st ailvt in tl. \v nil. lino it M eschall' s til I; > to> ' \ (' iniii iaii's for r ?r.nty nflicosnro . amp;n \ a!' JUST LC:K AT I!2P. Whence eanio that sprit;h ly step. ' * an it less shin, rich, rosy oriplex ion, smiling face Shi loo!.. it. , el-'' i .! f I' '' lit . ' She -< I )r. i\ ! !i: " N. v.' Ie I MI { suit, nt; ? !i rs >11 !*'" ".i, !t : : . . or "h ; 1 n s< ' j >M' v ? ;i1 V vl i. i ; m c 11>t f , v u I j ;? - > vi i / 4 fi r 1.11 . / : _ .. ? y iti:<? j. I (.lli.r mi Hani; tiuiIdiiiMain Strfct, j, 'orf Mill. S ? . Atti'l n?'( I'llll <T !. ofi'lCi will l>? <1 .St (i VlTV >!, unlaw iNniirr lo ii'.r;::; rr.rrrn. AIlov '- . v i. tli- "inly .ii hm* yi .! .? < ! In all onr 'ti n hum Is < i oik Mil ; mi i r f r i r i '^i i v lint.-. <1.11 1M.' i Mlc'i! h f ' '' ' t ?v. I." " < 1 V; ?|| I ill IMIUM it.I- j ion t . hrlDii-.'iri^ to tin ir M-ftions 1?> j i?lyiij" * ? t h. s nwr visor for > imo. i'o'x.'is )i\ niu' > t w? tion thai 1m vn 0 \i'i?f is i'. r< ;i .rr fh.i fa i l > in MO ... :.l ?..,< ' V. I ll :i V . Ill llli'lll'.ll 1 ii ii! - 'if iMiitiili! pni'ii :i for I in?-i: ion. ( )vijY'.'l'rs who ivftlsn to olii'V tills .ii'- li.ililf to i.n' j'fii.ilty jH'ii' -, "... rl hy hi \% I.;, onli-rofth ; ' ? i >. Motivil t f <'oin l ii ,-.?,n?>rs of A in'!; < i -n JOHN I . it M>Ul.)ON, oupi. r.\ i v. MARYJ. IIT'NTKK, t.'lfrli of i'.M.u'ii. 7-M T. tl O ? !/ f ? r * ? y i. i k'i . in .. ? ..j ?..i ' l'UAM.i: IN ( mum MHarness, K< >( !\ HI] li. ;*> (\ ti g.SP \\'< i! in if.. iiiii p.n.vy;" i> \j0 be t i i tlr l i.irk' t fur the SN toiiey . C) A . O L i V E ft, rAiJN'I:.ib SA I?f?I,V>, i DOT As SII013 1* Kl'A TKJ Xv?. T riws i? i-.??n.ilil( iiii'l all \\ k Ioniant. t il to bo first i i i s Shop one doot' liel ?\v Ai ii' y.;clrux si? ro <r> FDHNIP SEED. 1 1 & ! * PI iii i.i' top. K,* FLAT Dl'TC'H. Ci xYLI TE 11 LOPE. j j .;i ^ :i(vW liLOi;]'!. I 1-* G? Sr. 1 TO!' j ^ IV "\ \ < i A. Aa Si i ..;: AN PIS'/K %' V _ Vi * V f ri fk r^i ^ f t'tdjjL/ r Lit Zj iri ( v <S fi' V . f .Tp ??, 7 * *? ?l ?- M jf. y.-Wt.;*- p | ? w i I - ? ! . 1 ' . ? W iilV \% i* > X?>? VI or 'i l.r, *!i ,; -Rut- 5 t-h.ll.v . ~n . !' . ' |'vi". ' , i ^ 1 V.:ul ' !? :i f- < v!..f(vr IV pi i. r <>r ; .i IM lit > \ i .i v i 1 i M'. viit i .iUa ;r.,\\ rh jh i'l i< Ili'.tM lilt* f. i'l sn Wl'.'lr'ic'il .III.1, i -?. ill t JlO I 11: i * ill 'I '.: V ;t-. a 'hi . J nit 15 i>.f! r -t li? f i * n * i i mi ; I'M lii IIM I .i , ; 1 .til . . .1 ' I .{ ? Hi' 111 still t<r. i 'i t' i :::;. ^ ;? Us W'lfti I V ; .it. i' pn'il :i ttl ' ' i'ii tii'in-i i;r !. >< titiMi ii>t i nit lis \ t* ' ':.!? ' > ;tj ilii-il. I - " : i U '. 'in uMS nil ! -I in .! ' i ' it I I 'if V, I wvlvi iiitint as I i. . ; 1 i n u < 1 in f-: ' ' ! I w *> .? ' ti. < t?l .! v ; M IV -?.! i'?; !,*i| !> !:i' :i!\ ii I *-.i I ivorythiiik hIh could i?>r ** nado tllU to t > hoi i. ?<!>'. ;i- -!i? i - . i n li<: hi i would ouiv lin 1 ^ niuiihl ii.i 1 tliu'.oit li? t l.'.s i i.-t \ ! ti'M I'lUts v l*' I; r mi i . 11 i \t,p thn lliirit I o >iiiiniu it uutii 1 C lv ii . w i ' ' i! . 11 ri My III! ii^i SI l: v. "il a II 1 , I ;| f : V. . I . .1 : 1. ?s , 'h i ! A .? . ii. .1! . i i i i'i i. t i- i ily hi'iillii . iii : . nl 1.i ii s f M 5. iiti .i ilili' l'iuil thll. , lo Hit" .4:11*1 \. Ii ' J vurth living. When I commenced tho I 5? {i r:oiiy I wrigln-u lii.i ]N?uitils. ti >w I , *' veiirn 1 !ii i/nuii'ls, wliii !i <\.it mv r . b. tiiil \vi Ik'I'mii' 5 was tuUnn sick. , If jih\ i ii ' mi..i iv l'i- ' rr-. ; <v i iirvi ia.; i > . < i>i., t hoV ti <1 'i' ! 11' si il.- ! i i / I h<' 111-iiiim ! y ! xmmiIiI i.oi 6 a ; iv amount of iron. v t". what it i l f r m . Mrs .1 !>. WtEV \KD AT Till-: ? * /> j*? * fr- r< lr> R ,W. V.- . ? f : i ^ I i V*. T. B. &EA05;A$ i t $ i mi x ' i I n I 1:jo t <u Mi).! Ii ^ lid f;.v':x>t .-fork >'i I iiimI '?tc;il M-.-ilii n s in lit- ! 11 . v.i !; i.s .t . u .p!iii inn i 4 . V "" v 11 ! s :iiid Sti.t' II. ! y, juhI t!l ?>i jk IlL' llrrtl. | ^ ( i?;.\ t:s. cii viuiTTF.s. A i V n: i:\vi v:; A; > >* TOl'.ACt < !S. \ v. :;r ! t :pc: it net* i i t .:t * < <f ,rs:?j ii . ' . . i i .-.i .i.- i j)! it : \ ft# out r, ami in 1 1 *11 > I ?rv * ap iiJHlTi. ss v " i it ?apt nti i:.i>n i)f ? 4$ IIL,' t . flit (i HM f sf aclttl'il V. ; $ L l>. mo#-P.iii!, i?, J, . " . *? T* i ?u* i n U- V i ! ! ( -^L . U'is- V 3 )/'. . ??\ 1 " % v ? > l?.V <31 < <> ? | \ f\M ~ i I YA^Pf | , iau??frf iiai^s IIIOIl .ii. ii i found on lou-ii tr>-ill fnnii yolll Tha MCD3L STSAl! LA71TSU7, hurlorl , X. C. ;i1 in ' hI:iins, inl% ain*. ,(iit iii'.v, ui'l i i[..(Miill . virch's fviuii ovt i Ifiiii'il ir?ni.-. Tlml wh it w?- part icuhii iv ^iiurd against, ocklo . tlnw'i ss, iiniinic'iliifo whito i~ \\ hjtn c:?n hv, or .is sfrnn^of < .,!<?! .. . ben yon Ixnitfiu iI- ?i " iu il!v of a O >loi p.;. f torn . ><>nr v? ashnhl- apparrl i. \v:\ ti" id !i.iii, Wei! w1, \\ 1! JVn ,!ii I. ut' i I Hljlpniont i?l? fi.nn Knn Millnvny Inirsil.iv iiiumin^c ami laundry r B?t .truotl Saturday ni' niing-i by II) 1. McM.M\\|'V \jrcnl i as Gents 1' I 59 | av L>, <J, MASSKY'S j| ! , any Lrli? s' or Mens1 St'MMEU HAT now 6-) } a sl<?k. S mil el these eust us live times as much. W . still have n few desirable styles of Wiwh bloods ^jp | 4hnt Ac oib-i at about half price. ' -nit .'c. ;stu! Pubbersat lowest prices. X ir Climax .Mosi;u!l . Canopy at ?1.50 is a fjood in- 6b ) v? la: nt It k 'f|> ill" lies out in the day time, and the Qy , tifoes out a* lii'jlit. ? t ..... 00 v I"' I : *tur?'. Sew "n'.r Machines and Organs Tt? > $ . Jllst I ) 1. '\v i* tli'1 time for genuine burgnine. a ) & L. J. RIASSEY. | ( i hone No. 11.) JS J )0G' ' 0'ip Fipj f'joaplllPP ^nta ? g uiii i iiit'l uiudlttliuu uulu. a : . avi i "in lor our lull ootids, and to do oo Ok ! iv it* 4,(!ut ]'rwo t/ouiiUt System." , 'ii>t 1***111t'l count, r you will lincl all our ? ; GOODS fj j> zzx $5j will pi ci? of jdfe v' 2s> 11 ;< >( i l-i. ypjj !is ?>f i '1 '5 S. YVo Slippcrr., Jn ;V . nr.'I ';. tli ii will ?.?o A^^^^mcnr half pl'ii M? kK&APJKflRK &&J*t tBlES REDUCED, $ r<I< . to make r.if:in for our iniinr HHP stock of Dry ' (' <! . Shi.'s, ' nderwi ar, Skirts, 1 ants, llats, Caps, ^ l Shoe-, etc., we will seP ^ : :Ji Summer Gccas at Reduced Fricss. | 1 ? ', ?:-s I :' r II! .; Wi.r' l Toe. firnl ,"()< ^ i ' I'.ill w rtii ."?1 )'1 pi) at ....$1.00 - >ii i f Fan Is worth $2.00 m? at ....$1.25 t-5 pal is of ran'- worth $2 .50 yo at ....$1.75 ^ * 10 pai;s of Rants worth $2.50 oo at . ...$2.75 ^ A tew jjadioK' Skills nt First. (tost. 12 Hoys' Sails that ^ " '.. ft .i at ( !. la fact, prices will he cat on onr @ sto !. .i! iiiiiin r i unis, - ? come early and secure A I o, lie Ivir.; iiiis we now < liVr you. , r i: n . 1 I t.t Hi ! we keep ri lino stock of Fresh A "< 'er..-s : : a I! ton. - and air order will have prompt "i c.'ir. tut . <-i. 1 y m need Fruit Jars or Rubbers we ii?tvi till-in. i'lione 12. J^aLii??3 cS? Young- ^ *5y - W^ -VW%^ OUSE FURNISHINGS. ;. ' ,:-:L" , 2. C. l-.il1 In p pnT'i1 uioit so!;! I'.im c, on | P iTw ij ?j jl. ? p J LOWEST CASH PRICES. . < i: :n i.i.iM'K rri ilit buying. Our credit pri'-os nre C A S FT .- 1 wli r. . (>111* (ju.ulilioH are personally ^uiranteed F??r dmn\. (>,n ieini . lire pnu !i'-jjlI\ Y(>1 It terniH A Kinnll iirrtt payt unci i!.. In! hi ( in wi't lily mi in eitlily nin imits. art* mi/ed in out loiivt ii! iici . Our sin k < <.mists <>f an exeollont hhsoi tin-ut o? I'AKMM! ai.fl HKDUnoM FURNITURE. EXTKtfMt>\ I A I ' i - MS. ||.',|ili RACKS. MUASK and Will T15 KNAMI'iliKI) REDS. I'll i FF< )N IK US. COUCHES. DINlMi UOO.M 1*11 \ 1 KS, I'OKCll U(.)( KEltS. JUUCMM'S liAHY OAKKLUiEss FANCY KOCKEKsT n-1 < k '-riln -i'-nts iimIIuiiu: ' Hn: nowost styloa of furniture, llio ! i -t i j;:jt i?l the factories. Wo are selling it at short ,1 jii. t t - nIv? rtise tli faot that wo carry a fall and complete lino i .n>? FnrnUhitt^s. - s..R<??.K.Tk M 4. S. LVH3B, uwa. : * ?>