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THE FORT MILL TIMES. I DFMOCRATIC. VUM.IK1 IKO WKI>NEFT)AYS ' B. W. PHADl'ORD. Tkums OK FVIWOKII'TIOX: One year ... . ?l.Of? Six mouths ri I Three mouths . ... , Correspondence on (Minwit snbjecrs 5 . invit4r?l. hat no responsibility is as- | rtunicil for th?> views of cnrresi?oncl?otH. Advertising ai?- undo known to those i'ltevosted on application to the publishers. Fort Mill Telephone (with lonjf ?1 itame connections) No. "iii. AUGUST 6. J 903. Scrsw'iat P?rserr,!. Two months iitcu I returned to Fort Mill ami assumed conirol of Tlic Times. Since llien the pupoi I has been the recipient of many 1 complimentary notices, for all : wliiclt T am nmcoivly grateful. 1 now find, however, that tnv inter eatfi lie elsewhere, ami this is t hepfore the last issue of the paper with which I shall be actively hen titled. It is, 1 hope, hat liy worth the wlrle for ine to say that 1 rail The Tiiiies ami Fort. Mill ihe home of my youth and young manhood?with many sad regrets. Again and attain do I wish to express my gratitude to those who have befriended me in the past and who have helped me in vi ious wave since I became connected with the paper <>n dune 1st. this year. To all who car? to know what my plans are for the future. I would say that 1 expect to return to Kentucky the State of my iidontion. \\ m. II Mraii.'okd _ ' Notwithstanding the slrong opposition (i) th?- establishment of n ?liepensary at Yorkvillo, il is noted that tin* institution lias disposed I of two carloads of liquor during j the two months il has been run liiug. The order orenting pension ex- i nming boards at tireenville and Columbia will be revoked since Capers insists on having the negro physicians ori the board and the I white doctors will not serve on ; them. . . . Late despatches from Los Alamos, Oal., announco that the re P port j sent out from there about |he recent earthquake have been treatly exaggerated. It. is now Estimated that the property dam go within the limits of Los Alu Iuoh will n<?t exceed $4,000 W 0mm That was a pretty severe rebuke that Candidate (too. dohnstone applied to Mr. Latimer in his Laurens speech Thursday when ho characterized the latters* "nut 1 i i ~ i ,'i ivjuid mm puui[)i\im ni'tHin policy an a disgrace upon the j shades of John 0. Calhoun and j other*. * * * Judge Simonton recently hand- I cd down a decision in the case of j the State of South Carolina against the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, in which he remands the case to the Slate courlH. It is likely that the company may yet take the case to the Federal courts i der certain pircmns'uncos. * ? Another distribution of farms on j the lottery plan is shortly to be j innde by the United States gov- 1 eminent. Over n hnlf-midion acres of fine farming lands in South Dakota, comprising what was formerly a portion of the Rose 1)11(1 Indian reservation, are to be thrown open to settlors probnl>lv |T. early this fall. * * The Southern Railway linn | issued to its stockholders a pre- ! limiiiary report of its enrningH for i the fiscal year ended .June 30. The showing is the best the coin- . puny has made since it was organ ized in 18114 to take over the old Richmond Terminal system. Roth gross and not earnings amounted to $37,712,248, an increase of$2.-; 014,478, and not earnings amounted to $10,868,111, an increase of $201.- | By the reappointments acta Lex1 . ington, Aiken, jSpartauburg and , Orion wood each gain an ndd.tioh itr..;11" # al representative on account of tin* increnso in population, while the following counties lose one repreBiRftoii ||entative each: Charleston, Beau ort, Kdgetield and Berkeley.1 These counties under changed : ' I 0 \ conditions will bo represented as i follows: A ikon four, Henufort three. .Berkeley three, Charles?! 11 ? i "_C I t. I'! l.;oli?i I two, Greenwood three, Lexington throe, Lee two, ?Sp it tiurhui'o -;x an 1 Sumter throo. U V * If the South woiv blessed with n few more cotton m o: fa ! u: or . such as tho 1) ikes, i f N >rth Caro lina, it would not he a j*r?ut while before tho entire ou'pnt of the cotton Slates would bo converted into ctoth ri;;ht whuv it is raised. The latest venture of tho "Tar iioel inannfa-turors is a mill of mammoth proportions, which, when comp will have tin equipment ifi M)o spindles and 2.U0 > lo an. . :i t wii! oive employment to 2.0OJ persons. Tho mi!) is to be built id 11 .ii'tiot L county, X. c. ?* * -? FTr.rci! Them Al!. An exchanjro 1ms th. f >11. win;:pnruor;spli. which nppli. i. all the counties of I ,< M ito: "Wo respectfully cull the al'-iitiou (f all eommi'leos on reoislrulion for j iho 1 )omoon 5 < clubs of the <-nun* ' ty to fin* necessity f n thorough revision of t!i<ir respective club' rolls. All representation is based on these rol s find it i.-. one of the i most inijoi lunt dui ies in t!io whole sv .- torn i f i < Democratic primary plan. 1 jCt every committee conn* tncethei- and iiliilat a eoni i ilete re - . t vision and l<? see to it that every young mail of ^ut age :s properly enrolled and tiiat every now r?aside u t coming into I ho com 111 n11ity is looked utter, ?< that there will 'uo no question about their right to rote when the time romes. This a d' tv which cannot 1)1 too t : nHI illy ?*11.;:: i." Beits Fur Hogs. The sugar ' oi t is < . ming more and mi >v" into pi mibience as a farm staph in I hie country, which M-t-Mis eminently adopted to its culture. he o.e . nu'ir people in all parts of 111 vol id say I'nit the heel sugar industry is nuiniio tliem entire'y out business tin y just Call not tin ?t it. The following from the. Marion Star tells of the result of an exporun nt on this line in thai county: "Mr. '1 ho mas 1"!. I'ire h. been experimenting in Iv-et culture lh<s| yeni*. lit' says it. pi\> to plant them for tho hogs. The I?? ? ! i| mi inexpensive crop and the yield per acre is simply astonishing, when properly etilii1 . toil. Mi. Kore showed lis a sample from his farm Saturday. It was probably , the largest beet ever seen in Minion.and measured i i inehes in length and l.'l inehes in circumfereiuc." As To Mail Boxes. A special de^pdrh from Washington says that patrons of tin1 free rural delivt ry service w II soon he pM'mitted to erect their own mail boxes instead of being forced to purchase from the government, the high priced article that the department now prescribes for use exclusively. I'nder the present regulations pair its of the s. rvieare e.omp lb d to buy one of 11 styles o! boxes, ranging in price from $I.'2o to SI. No prison is allowed to receive a letter along the route unit ss he ban put up a box conform)> g to the renuip' inonts of the departineirs. (trtlers prescribing this change have been issued hy the post master general and will go into effect October next, after which date all boxt s erected mast c inform to the new specifications. "All boxes must be made in the best workmanlike manner, and them niusi be no joints depend:nir solely on soldei to hold tii<* ditYerent purls of the bos together. but all joints must be either seamed, curled, or ri\ oted. Covers, lids or encasements hIihII be hinged or pivi led in a < strong, substantial manner, and edges of same shall ? xtend down , or lap over the niailholding compartment for a siulieient distance, so that when closed it. will thoroughly pro!ect the mail from rain, snow or dust under nil circumstances. Ail cxjn sod parts, sueli as rivets and hinges, must be gaivani/.ed. IWcKin'ey Postal Cards. A now stylo postal en id has bet n issued by the post office in In.nor of the late ['resident MeKinlty. Already specimens of '.ho cauls have reached hare through the mails front other points. The now curd is of exactly the same size as the one now in use, hut is, on the whole, an improve- , inent over tho old issue. It. is of a better quality of paper, although ! it is somewhat thinner, and will ' therefore give a better waiting ' surface. On tho old card there is con ' ' siderable. scroll work around the portrnii ??f tfi'lTt'thoii. There is merely a pinin hue around that of M'.K inl? y and lit*- words. "Postage our ta lit. IN id Mi Iv miry IM01." This in } :in. d ill plain type outside of the lino aiouud the portrait. dust opposite the portrait of McKinley in the upper left hand c >rner is the s al of the I niti'd Sim. ii. also with a litcht line around it. with the words. 'T'uited Slates" above and "uf Amori a'" just below and outside 11n lino. Printed in larye loiters betwien (!: lowet ends of 1 !?*? two are 1 lie wortIs,"P. slal Card/" Just above is printed, "The space above is tescrv d for pot-1 mark."' and below iu lyp. a tie :! : Uer, "The sj m o b?do\v is h r the address only." Child Hind In 5 Sw'rp*. The following sad accident which is told of i:i the Inst issue of the Lancaster Enterprise ?>ni> It t to pfov? a t i in *!y warnini* f?> pa reals who foi the amusement of tl . children civet swings i i outhouses and t.her places where limy are not in open vi'W to the ?! ' ! tuembcrs of the family: "One o| the 2 year old twill hildreu of Mr. (i. !?. Cundei buck, of the Tradesville section, met with a distres?ire.* accident Sunday last. The child was missed from the house by its mother who wont out to lo< k f a- ii and f .and it i t . i ? t. iii^in.; in u kWHi.; hy Hie lu'e'K il-'ini. h 11>id evidently iii'i'ii sv. !?;*inu: win ?i ill f 'ii>way it >t the r. |??> mound j}-: n.rk nnd tin' ol its body elicw tiu? rope' s.< tiixllt tliwl it cliol; 'I t'lt' child to <l?*at 11. Whi'ti 1li?y found it. ib t'i ?'t W' rc resting upon tin' ground, thoueh at a sharp tingle thereto.'* ALL WEtS SAVED. ' 1 \ ye ; VS I Slltl T il much I'll told in.- rv fro n I ' i>." writes '1. il. Johnston, t i h trough ton, (la., "timt I wis unable to work. Then. when ?*v ryt hinge I fsileal. ! wiis wliolI\ cured hy I >r KlliJj S New Mise 'V"! y l"i Ceill suni|>tii'M. My wife sulleiod inI nse-iy tioin Aslinna. until ii cured in ami nil our e'Nlie'i ienice L?oe*s to sis \\ it is the best < roup medicine iti tin- world ' \ !i*is11 will eonvinee you its unrivaled for I'iir? it and Luno diseases. \iiimijiiili '*(i bottles .*>')(? :i,i I si Up. Tii't! h. ttles fi'? o nl Meac-ham's I >i nv Si >< e. The fanners ol the "Fork'* < lower F< Mill township) no ompanied I?v their families sp mt Fridnv pionio'.io on t ' il.iwlin liver lu'iir the nvi ! i>- - i tho vh.lnwlm I'nwor Company. ? LCO!* FLFASAeT. FI3AS2. Tholo^raphor (1. I', Harlan, of K Ion. < can do so now, tliouuh for years iio couldn't, because Iso sutlered untold aya-uy fiom llio worst form ol' indices)ion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till lie tiied Fleet ric Hitters, w hicli worked such wonders for niin llial lie dee lures tln-y are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia and stoiuaoli troubles. I'nrtvaled for diseaaes of the Stomach, Liver ami Kidneys, they build up ami .pve new uto to the whole syrl un. Try lliom. Only r?0o. (iuariiiitenl l>y T. 1?. Menoluini (Iriitii'i-d. Announce areat? n'h;. Tor ?.c"tc- cntrui rs. I hereby uiiiumiii1" niyseif us a candidate tor rli I Ions ?>t llepn . ntatives, aubjeul to the action of tit Democrata; primary election. 1'. D. P.AlvltON, Koek Hill, S. C. We are authorized to announce .TAS. V.. RK \MDlT.\RD. of O! v< r. as a can lidato for re-elect ion to tin- 1 iouse of 11? presenta! ives, subject to the action of the Deniocr.itie party in tin approaching primary fleeti<>n. We are authorized to announce VH \"i< P. Me t AIM, of Yorkvilloasu candidate for election to the House of Representatives, subject, to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. We arc authorized to am ounce J. ID 11 \1LK hh it candidate for n -election to the House of Representatives, subject to the net ion of the Democratic party in tlie primary. For Trobate Judge. Thanks, banks many times, to my n amorous friends forth- ir kind sull'rage f ... ft... I., f -I ...... I - a ; on of the sain.' for another tor in a." Prolwit" . >o one ran ap{ racial e such kindness tnor than 1 do. W. II. MoC(>HKLIv Ccunty Supervisor. Wo are rtathoi i/< .1 toiianonnee .T( )HN 1<\ (-OH I>ONT as a candidata i>>r ion for r." olo t ion as Supervisor of York county, subjo " to the notion of t ho IViuocratio voters in tho pritanry election. * 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the olii a of Comity Sppe-visor. aubjert to the result of the Democratic pi unary election. T. Q. CULI\ Tor Scanty Auditor. We are authorised to annontico \V. E. AJtAMS, -Jr., of llothcl, as a candidate for recommendation for appointment as Auditor of York Comity, subject to the action of the Democratic party in tho primary election. Nolicr If* |!jiniltd.i All mmliflntos (nmjristmtus inclwlud). must si^u t lie pledjre :vml jmiv their asKi'HSiiiPiits oil or lutfuiv 12 oVlork nooil !un Monday, August lltli, 111)2. J. 3. BRIOB, .1. II. SAYE, Co. Chsiirmnu Sei.ty. Ex. Com. t 'M-'it I R, Ml* LOKBO^ ROCK HILL, S. C. JOB FBPT7TFCT',: ! ! j YEY THE Cl'hr Earner SSfosrm W JtFor a liit.t-rlasi HA1K CI'T, SI I AVE, Si i \ .M IV >0. or 1! AI \l KINO P. Ca?o tb. :: s-xv $2L ?a> c n. 1 *i:< . U! I ('!: -. Third door Hank building. ir* iro h tny ?*? 7 *"> iw?r ? 5L i \x TOY NEW BSCOVERT FOR '5 dftT COLD. TAKE ?0 SUBSTilTtFTE, Cures Consumption,( "oughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, I layFcvor, rieurisy, JLniGrippe, J fonrscnoss, Bore Throat, Croup and NVhooping Cough. NO CURE. KO PAY. Price JOc. ami $ J. TRIAL DOTTLES FREE. | J. U. Trayv/ck & Co, DEALF.US IN FINE IJQilOhS AND WINES, No. 1- East Trado St. CITAKJiOTTK. - - - N. O. D. J. WILLIAMS, Elaiesfiile's Lipoi Eealer. Laurel Valley Corn V~hi -key, 3 Tears Ola: 12 Fall Quarts, in neat rasa, $7 at) 24 Pints, ... . 800 48 Ilalf Pints . .8 .">0 I1 ( niHons, kog inelndwl, y on One ami two gallon-, jug ami crate iiic.uded, per gallon, . 2 2o Pure N. C. S*veor Mash Corn Vviiskoy: New, ]vr gallon, . l 10 Two to Three years old. pi r gal. ! ?~> , Faie Apple Brandy, i?er gallon, . a no Elm City Club Bye, 7 years old, 12 quarts, . , . . 8 00 ' Twouty-fonr Pints, . . 8 50 Forty-eight Ilalf pints, y 00 (hie anil i\V'> :r '!! .its, j !" and ernte inel ahetl, j" itlon. * it) Sucohlcr Eye. jug mate eltilled, jH-r gallon, . V t.H) Peaon and Honey, per gallon, r on Book and Byo, per gallou, . . 2 00 Holland Qin, per gallon, . . 2 tx> Koinmnhor 1 am no roeiilier or com* launder. In buying my g *><ls you are not huyiuK water. 1 guarantee all these go.Hls siijH-rio:- to anything luting shipp .1 from this market. All jugs will he put ill boxes instead of orutcs for lee. extra; kegs boxort for 2oo, extra, ami all lioxes are shipped without any marks to imli rate their contents, fash must uceoiu* puny all orders. They will bt tilled the same il.iv reei>i ei>H sU?,,.t ........ l. registered letter, iKwtofiicn money order or I'vpros nioiiuv order. l ioods sliiftjki il either by freight or express. As to my res|H?nsil>ili!y 1 rotor you to the llrndstreot and Dunn Mercantile Cotni>ruies and ley hundreds >1' customers all ovor flu* South. Remember, a^ain, mat I i*uurau:ce satisfaction in all cases or refund the lunnev. 1). A. W I LLlAMS, STATKSVIM5, N. C. FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WI NES, 1111 AN DI ES, ETC., CAM, OS OK WRITE TO W. II. IIOOVEE, imitl.OITK. N C. 4 \ A TIER,3? ?.!> iffja ma?\?a ?*w<w? Mfivm < w onM not mov? uoDfls faster th every departmeat. Note (lie foliiuvi 8RSSS 803BS. | Oar advert is snout 'm< been a com- J ploto hit in Ins depni i inont. ()ur cduii- j tors have l> .<u re . rrau::cd and a mini Im'of new pa icrns ail led to them. We u*!c you to call aud sen oil: display. If von can't come, write us a note un<l we will mail you samples. Wo have no iv-tji -t forcost on the.-' jjoods. liny arc marked to sell. timmn im*. PMMs Made hv th - ! ' >rt Mil! M dr. Co., sin s: , lengths, 1 |m>nii(l packages. (7 yards to pound) a hi^' "oargain at 1 < nts SHOES For men and women. Wo offer in I this line prie<>s that can't lie 1 a- in ! Fori INI ill. Charlotte, ielsewhere. i 0<ld lot?thev j?o at tide., Toe., ?1, 1 etc See th mi soon au?l ^c* your size. \ ?'- t hie I >i st. if w tit von in this lor. We beli tor CASH only. Tlint' ?_j. _fc?._/0 MGR. COMW Our cheeks hit cash to us. just a Word TTi e* Y. J K PTA 1'P V r> 1J 1 , K % '4 5 I .jtmmJl **?- A Jl V?V >2 4^ VLl' Dunns* our Jtilv t1l< sou] stocks of U'00(js. iiied to close out all re $0 IVfMEl ATJY Oil This is no lake. Yon the benefit of some o why not von ? A Little Chat About Shi We are stHi selling Shoos. The Ka^le Sin continued making an shoes, and 1 hey have a Guarantee of 1 heir shoes. Now, ' ii\ lniyim* another hrai * can got a pair 01 sty lis i __ i j / personal L'narainee, u>] We are the sole Fo iticiiardson Shoo ?or M shoe here, hut is a kn sold in competition brands. It is hot h si v * Bo You Need a Cooking Wo have j 11 st receh diono Stoves, in all si: the closest prices. Pnpriitnrc...Wp T.ilns tn t, u; si w u vj.Av This department e< Dressers, Wash Stand Tables, Extension Tali ilia,- Hod Springs, (Jhai Try one of our Ire just what you want. Trunks and Travel it <5rt V* aJm i See us for anything Furnishings, (jJroeeriei will save vou money. THE OLD EEL T. ?. I 1 SALE nn our price's, jiig bargains in i?vr: SUPPERS. This lot is about sold, only n few rni - b dug Iff*. If we have your size, v.hi g t .'i ? per runt oil* 011 your purchase. GENTS FURNISHINGS. One-fourth oif on all our Hats. Pants, White and Negligee Shirts. Every should soe these, as we moan to close oat tins lot in tiie next It) days. OOLURS. Big lot, big bargain,'ou. each, 50c. doz. r,R90ERIES. Our line is complete, our prices are interesting. Don't you need some Sugar, granulated, at 18 pounds to tho Sonic OolToe, SI pac.kuges of Arhuckles' lor $1' And that Flour?it's willed "Dan Valley"?if you try it you will have no ether. 1 I I boxes of matches for 10 cents. s vim I makes low prices, > RRIS mXm >B? V r*l*v W mnXmm my iNY STORE. Buy. o/ arance Sale we liave but we have dctcrmniainiug ?GOODS r? ? "PBIC?, ir nieghbor will reap r these bargains, and 38S. the celebrated Eagle >e Company have disytiling except men's uthorizcd us to Cvery Pair where is the economy :id of shoe, when you h Ka<?lc Shoes, with a r less money? rt Mill agents of the 'omen. This is a new own value where it is with other leadinir C7 lisli and durable. ; Stove ? ed anotlier lot of Inzes, which we offer at Talk it. insists of Suits, odd s, Bed Steads, Centre les, Mattresses, FohK rs;. ' '1 x v A m Hod Steads. It is \iX Hags. ******** *%* * '? mm in Dry Goods, Gent's s, Hardware, ete0 We I ABLE STORE. ieijk.