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IN THE LOCAL FIELD. ] I I uryn^n n?i.' >'?' I' U?N' M'??* Mr. W. M l'liillips was over fjroni Rock Iiill gu business Ay?duesdav. Nearly all the fanners in this flection have conquered "General /Green." Mr. Frank Hull, of the JJock Hill Herald, spent a part of Thursday in town. Capt. M. M. Wolfe spent Thursday of last we k with friends in /Charlotte. INJiss Ada Bradford io attending the summer school for teachers in , Lancaster. We hope thut every section of the county has been visited by good rains. Mrs. M- 1). Scott, of Charlotte, was the guest of M'8- J. H. Mack during the past week. It se,enis just now that candidates tof the Legislature are going to he scarce in this county. After a short stay at Glenn Springs, Mr. L. J. Massey re- j turned to fown Wednesday after- j poon. M iss Mary Young returned Tuesday eyening from a visit to lier sister, Mrs. J. E. Bruce, at \Viunsboro. Messrs. Monroe Merritt and E. I). Thompson, of the ?eno' neighborhood, weje jn town 0110 jdny last week. Rend the advertisements in The i Times every week and you will know where to get the best Lmr- j gains for the least money. Mr. F. T. Pep ram returned to liia farm in Bethel township Wed- i nesday, after spending several days in town with his family. As high as is the price of pens every farmer should plant as many as possible and give thorn such cultivation as will enable him to have p,ens for another year. The candidates can start out now in quest of yqtes without fear of bejug molested, as the crops are clean and growing and the dear people are hopeful and in good spirits. ? J ^ j , vyiv?cuf ?? (in 11 I ICVl 53.50 by Tutendant McElhnney for fighting within the incorporate i limits of the town. Hie antagonist, Jim Hall, also colored, got ot! with a warning. Dr. and Mrs. T. 13. Menchnm left Friday morning for Richburg, to l)p at the hpdtjide of their jittle grandson, who js seriously ill. The child ii? tho qon of Mr. T. 13. ^leaoham, Jr. At the last meeting of the directors of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company, held a few days ago, Mr. J. M- Spratt was ejected secretary antj treasurer. lie will assume the ' duties of the position in a few tl'jyeMesdames Jas. Grier and T. A. Mills and Misses Annie Barber, Aileen Harris, Eatellp Magsey and Dora Grier went to Rock Hill Wednesday to attend the closing exercises of tlie Winthrop eoui piencemeut. In the makeup pf The Times in the future it will not be the custom to insert tljo principal part of the local news on page 3, as has been . done iu the past; hereafter quite as inue.h, perhaps more, local matter >vil) he found on pqge 1. The school at the village of the Fo:t Mill Mfg. Company, taught by Miss Essie Marcus, closed last Friday for the summer vacation. After spending a few days with friends, Miss Marcus will return to her liojne at Florence, S. C. At the Issl meeting of the local lodge of Odd Fellows seventeen candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the order. This is a record which the members!) p is justly proud of, and one which places the lodge abreast with the other growing lodges of the hltate. The Hock Hill Herald is in- ; formed, contrary to an item published in thesp columns last week, that Mrs. L. Shurlev has 110 further . , w ^ y ' claim against the York county insurance company oti account of tlio death of her huaband, the $787.17 she has been paid being her part of the money in the treasury of the company at the time of her i husbands death. | A, Arrested for Broach of Contract Joe Preesley, a white man who ; has been employed at the Millfoit mill for sotue time, was arrest* d and placed in prison Thursday afternoon by lYdicetnau Nivens, the charge agaiust Pressley being the breach of a labor contract with a farmer named Roberts in Lancaster county. Friday morning a deputy sheriff came to Fort Mill j from Lancaster and took Pressley ' back with him. An Expensive Stretch of Roadbed ?? Pr.ghahly a very small number of the many persons wl;o daily walk the footbridge which spans the railroad cut a hundred yards north of the depot in this place know tlint the building of the roadbed through the cut, about 10U yards iij length, wnp attended by a very great deal of trouble and expense Owing to the presence of (juieksand it was necessary for a work train to be engaged for more than six months in putting in piling, rock, timber and gravel before a train was allowed to venture inside the cut. Then, for mouths after, trains passing through the cut would sink into the sand until the wheels would be entirely hid from view. So dangerous was the roadbed considered that all trains were j stopped and the passengers advised to get utl' and walk until the cut was passed. This practice was continued for many mouths. During recent yoars little trouble has l?een experienced in keeping the roadbed in good condition, though there are numerous springs in the cut from which water flows continuously. - . tyr. A. C. Springs Here. Last Wednesday and Thursday Mr. Alva C. Springs, of El Reno, Oklahoma, was a guest at the home i ofCapt. S. E. White. Mr. Springs moved from Fort Mill to Oklahoma several years ago. Recently he has been engaged in the real estate business, in which it is said hp has met with considerable sue- 1 cess. Discussing Oklahoma politics with a number of Fort Mill friends Thursday morning, Mr. Springs said that the people of the section of the Territory in which he lives are anxious for Statehood, lie d .es not belieye, however, th it Oklahoma will be admitted to the I'nion as long nstheKepub licans are in power at Washington, for the reason that the Territory is Democratic, as Oklahoma State would also be, and that fact, well known to the Republicans, would mean two Democratic United States Senators, as well as a member of the lower house of Congress, to say nothing of the State administration. After spending some time in Charlotte with his brothers, Messrs. E. Ji. And 1?. D. Springs, and other relatives and friends, Mr. Springs will return to El lteno. Cherry Tree Swindlers Sentenced. The Charlotte ()bscrver ?f Thurs(lay said of a matter in which a number of women in this and adjoining counties are interested: In the district court Wednesday Judge Jioyd pronounced sentence on the defendants in the Amos Owen Cherry Tree cases. The sentence emphasizes restitution. It is required that Dr.; Frank Bright, Rev. T. Bright and C. 1). Wiikio and (J. W. Itol 1 ins, C. C. Watkins, M. C. Padgett and C. F. Ceer pay into the court hy the October term the costs of the cases and ?12,01)0, which will he paid to the women who wore defrauded of money by the operation of the endless chain swindle. rn i . ? jj-He case against 11. \V. Closer was nol pressed, while in the case against \\T. H. Healer the prayer for judgment wan continued. At the October term J edge lioyd will give his tinal decision as to the fate of the defendants. lie said Wednesday that if restitution ( we.e made he would sentence no defendant to the penitentiary; and it was intimated that impris uunent in jail f<?r a short period will he severest punishment iullieted. . ? ? Jumped From 9 High Window. Because the foreman of the ; Highland J^ark cot toil mill, in Charlotte, refused to ejceuse her from work Tuesday night of last week, Fannie WagstntF, au operaative who moved fjxmi Fort Mill to Chni lot'o Rome time ago, jumped from a high window in the mill and was seriously injured. The girl said that her parents' were siek, and asked to he relieved from duty for the night. The ' foreman, not believing that the illness of her parents was dangerous and not taking her idea serionslv * ?- ?' * declined to grunt her r? quest, stating that the mill was shu t of hands. Going to the window, the girl jumped for a platform on the outside, y/hjeh phe failed to reach in hor sprint;. )She f?-ll to the ground; three ribs were broken, and sinwas badly bruised. Dr. Sumter Davega Dead. Dr. Sumter M. Davega, after nearly three years of | a'uful illness passed away Tuesday morning at his home in Chester in the list year of his age. Dr. Davega was an eminently skillful surgeon-and physieinn, and was widely known throughout the State and the South on account of wonderfully successful work in his profession. 1 le graduated with highest honors from the Charleston Medical College in the class of lhSt) and commenced practi ing before he became of age, and during his life , took several special courses in medicine and surgery in I'hiludel?i.:? 1 XT ... \* i i jjiiici emu 1 ni'K. lit' WUK always well posted in his prufes- I sion and, if anything, was ahead ?*F it. Until tin* time of his first sickness he comnmudid a very large practice in Chester and elsewhere?having built and operated there a splendidly-equipped lies- j pital. ?? Safe Blowers Active. The traveling gang of safe blowers are still operating in this State and are meeting with some success. The postofliee at Trough, near Pacolet Mills, was broken into early Wednesday morning, between the hours of o and 4 o'clock, and the entrance was effected by the use of false keys. Tne safe in the ofliee was blown open by dynamite and was completely wrecked. The burglars secured about oO cents in coppers, about $1 worth of pes tage stamps, three registered letter ^ and a money order blank book. The burgluiy wan TVocted without any disturbance to I he robbers. ? The Confederate Battle Abhey. Richmond (Yn.t will he asked at once to give *'.?.>.() JO to t he t'onfededernte Battle Abhey fun 1. If thin amount is secured there all dilliculty in tlio way of the speedy erection of the ahbey will he reinovod. This 111 jvemeut to have a great repository for the memorials of the lost cause will then he quickly consummated. It is stated that the sum aetually in hand is ?101,000. Sums secured not yet turned over to the treasurer will bring this total up to $120,000. There is yet unpaid upon the subscript ion of M r. ( 'has. Broatnyay Kouss ?10,(Kit). The executors of .Mr. Kouss say they will pay that sum dollar for dollar as like amounts are contributed by other friends of tlio abbey. A Mjnth of Many Disasters. May, 1!M>2, will probably go down in history as the month of many disasters, for an equal sum total of calamity has hardly ever before been crowded into a single month. 1 . The following iH a brief epitome of the most notable horrors: May 1. A tornado devastated the city of Decca. in India, and tlit* adjoining country killing 41<i people, and ruining tin* crops. Muy M. Volcanic erupt ions on the islands of Martin'wpie and St. \* iiioenl caused the death of 110,000 people, it ia estimated, and rendered waste a large part of both inlands. May lit. Twenty-three people were killed and 202 were injured f '1 * fN iii mi explosion i>l iiHpilia ?t yheridiui, I'm. May 1 J. NVws was ivcoived of tlio 1 -ss of tlio I ?i itish-1 ndia linn < 'anu.rla, .carrying <550 passengers. 11 is not known liow many surviv? (1. May J7. Ki^hl njen were shot i to death and l> people were wound* ed in a riot at Atlanta, Ua. May lH. From oO to JA,.0 po?> pie woro killed and iiuutetiso damage 1 was done l?y a tornado in Texas, i The storm extended northward, ranging d at h and damage i n ot her States. May I'd. I Jet ween 2o0 and .'?00 lives wore lost in a mine explosion at ( V;al C'i ock, Tenn. May \!0. A storm atvnmp&uicd by a waterspout swept over t'ineinnati and the adj nnino e aiiitry. killing six people and causing over a million dollars damage to property. May The northeastern portion ot Iowa was submerged by ijood-. eau>iiio v'?*? at damage; lot men were entombed in a mine at Fernie, Hritish ('olutnbia May 'J t Portions of Illinois, \T 1 I * ? * .\ri)l HHK.I, iMISSoUll, Mil I l\ Ml WIS were visited by ki'vimv storms which caused extcn.-ive dunce; t<> l??"P r:y. Will Establish Negro Colony in N. J. llcnry (J. White, tin- hist ncuro to sit in Congress, a iijeinb. r from North Carolina, in b tli the Fiftyiiftli am! Fifty-sixth Congresses, is reported at tho head of a syudi- 1 rate which has purchased !#."? 7 ^ acres of land near Diirleieh, N. )., near ('ape May. It is intended t establish a colony of negroes I'roin North Carolina The nam of the town is to lie Whiteb uo. Already , several avenues have been laid out. Each colonist is to buy a house on the installment plan, ami is to have ten years in which to pay for it. It is to be an a^jricultuial colony. Saved From An A^fui Fate. " Ev? i body said I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields,! of Chainbersburo, I'm., "1 was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fen-rand Asthma, that few thought I well, but I learned of H Discovery for ('onsiunpt it. and was completely ciirc^^^^HM i i i spe in 11 Throat and I . i as< s it is the sab st cure in ti^^i -world, and i- infallible for ('ouglis, Colds and lhouchiul Affections (iuaraulcid bottles hOc ?1. Trial bottles free at Mcacham's dnij^ | Announcements. ?. County Supervisor. 1 hereby announce mys -If a ca * for the office of I'utility Su|kt\ is??r, sub jcct to the result of the Democratic, primary election. T U. C'ULl'. For Representative. Wo are ant horizud to smnouncc .1 U. HAILKasa candidate for reelect ion to the Ilonst of Hi presi-ntutives. subject to the action of lite Democratic, party : in tin primary. \ in fit tl in til I lt> hiitt'llrtliiMiictt He it ordained by the town council of Fort Mill, S. (now sit i in^ in common council and by authority of the same, That the words "The luteiidant, or" be added to the I'eaee Ordinance (ratified 011 the I itlt dav of June, !** ?> on the sixteenth line, .fast after tlia words, i "discretion of." Done and ratified in council assent bled tliisJrd day of .Tune. !' (> ?. J. W. MfKl.HANlY, , Attest: luteiidant. ,T M. .**!'i: \tt, t 'lerk. Nil<?H OttliiHUMW. ordained by the town council of Fort Mill, S. ('.. now -itiiu^ in coin liion cqutteil and by authority of the. cattle, That sifter this date a tax of from one dollar to fifty dollars tat the dis re.tiou of the liitenthilit ) shall li< collected from any person or persons exhibit in^ any circus, show, or entertainment of any kind (where a fee i> chsit-ftedi in side the ineorpomte limits of lip- town of Fort Mill. Any violation of the above ordinance shall l i' subject to i line of from one to fifty <lo lars, or to work on the >tie<t,s, or chain jtaii'; from two totliirty ?lsiys. Done ami ratifh <1 in council this li'th day of May, 1 >*?. ,1. W. Mf \xi:v, Attest: Int ciuluiit. ,J M. Sett \ rr, Clerk. > Wo i>mmptly obtain IT. s and Korcigii^^T ISSUE < fe wrHWwKfHWBBMWWMWBW ? fsend model fcotch oi plotPQllDTenth'Dfbit f frocreiurt on putcn I'lllity. I. < free look. < : "'wASH INGTOhf "o. c!'?e $ ^ x N ^ ^ v x v v yx v vv v x v \ \ \\ v\vv4 * 5 WHY IS IT WF CAM 5 SEWING J I ORGANS, I' At IIALiF There is no secret aboi jP tru oxpoii8<' to st II tlu\-.e ^ a wii^oii, and we are not a'one for a living, we can in the middle \V.e are ? vt ry host inakt s. us it is anything should <^o wroi; yb tile peddlei& can never I $ OUR GUA \A in always worth its face \ ^ here to hack it. up It's flP taehuients and uocdlcB fu J Ij. O". 3\ZE. Js ('lMione ] ?0!5????(2KS^??? 0 I Black Dre iP| One piece k Mclr.iso, 1 xf One piece o J-inch aponopd i tlieluHl wearing skirt ... Cip One piece 11 inch Scrjje, w ? (lilt* piece 1 hiIIi;iiitilie, 11 it ?( >m- piece Brilliant inc. Ilit Two skirl patterns in Ma k of t lie st tlHoll. W e have i left for Q5 One skirt pattern of Ma?k oet it for ? Cosmt Meneii's Taleuni Powder... Tel low's Talcnin Powder... A ^jood Talcum Powder .. . 0 Three hats t'oltpiln'ti T??il< t t A koo(1 ToiK t Soap | milli] Qp If you want Bargains in M QP W hat we have left is^oiu " I R. Tfl. LONDON, KOC'K III liL. S. C. JOB PRINTING, i Cheap Rates to Teiivor, Colo On iK'citiuit of tlii' Trioiinial Convoiil mil nf t In- I nternai iuiiii I Sunday School Assui'iat ion to lit' hc.hl in Dnovor, Col., from .Tunc Jt? to .Inly *J, l!in ?, tin-South in Railway announces a rati ot ono faro for the round trip pins 4- from till I point in this torrilory to Denver, I l'i< Ui is will in* Mth! .Iiiiio jj, jv! ami i withliual limit h-avinu Denver .Inly | olsl, with privilege of extension to I August .list. Parties taking this trip ha\o an oxoi'Uoiit opjnirtunity of visiting the. (Jrainl Canyon, I'iko's lVak, 1 (ianlon of tho (ioils, Yellowstone I'ark, 1 J?11 I.ako City ami ot her points in tho West, as reduced rates will In* iinuli* for t hi's" *idn trips. Dr. W. K. Pclhain, of Newberry, > stati ohuiriiiun, will ho in charge of tho ' South Carolina delegation, going villi1 Soul horn Railway to St. Louis, at wlii li I I |M?int immediate Conner!ion will ho !' niailo for Dnmpr. 1' ! BHHBH to write for our confidential IcIU r htfori applying for patent; it may Ik worth money. \\tf promptly oliUun U. H. uml Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS o return EN" I ' TIRfc attorneys fee. Send modi I, sketch i or photo and ?! wml tin IMMCD'ATE < PREE report on paten UthilTy." Ave give the bent legal service und advice, and our 1 charges are moderate. Try ?m. 1 SWIFT & CO., Put ant Lawyers, K , I AFFORii TO SELL S 1ACIHNES, 8 IANOS? | PRICE? S ill if. We are at no exanls, hk we do not run Ufc dependent upon these ^ i afford t?? cut the price )hliged to sell only the & no trouble to lind lis if ^ >_C in aft or years, while >e found wliei) needed. 2ft RANTEB ? nine, as wo are always no trouble to eel ??t u the machines we sell. oF ass ey. 5 No. 71.) B ?O ?Q??0?5?? @? ss Goods. I l-iiu li. worth $1.J>0. ..$1.25 S?j 'Mid slirunk Ser^e ; makes ST orlh any where GOe... .49c v worth ?S.?o 70c leh, worth GOc 50c ffjj Yoil the nolihiest floods gA sold it for $1- lake what's Sk Yoil, worth SO.- ; you can Ry 60c ? :tics. I 5c V *oap 25c C9 5c ? o.ery. x illincry, come to see us. ? <A cheap. ? xx & Epps. ^ i?@@0??????0? YOUR HAIR?IS IT II KAbTIIY? i>r is it continually falling out in.I often attended 1 >v a dry hiiiI irritating itching of the ic lp? Baldness is not a thousand nines ?iV when such a con iiti^cj exists. Vou cannot res lore. /Tto to (fyini? embers when t he ia-jime, so with falling n*Tij?. roii'iininr. u'ive the so dp food and sj||j^huils while there is yet life. IMPERIAL DANDRUFF CURE lias more medicine in it than any of the muchly advertised hair t nil's on the market. We buy it from the most reputable mniiufaelurin^ dp-mists in the I nite.) States. We know it to be j^ood. And if you do not find it ho, yoij eet your money back and you j^ot it cheerfully. AUDREY'S DRUG STORE. ' Kill 'em Quick" is a p lisoneif My piper. Put up ID sheets in an envelope for 1.0c. Our envelope will do the work of a wh do packa^i of sticky 11 y paper, and then it is .mi much more coir, onieiit to use. No One Can Realise the Suffering from E2ZEtlA Save Those Who Have iufforcd. Henii'ittsville, S. .Tuiiu 1H, I*M)*i. My son came back home from sellout a vi'iiM :i < 'i? mill \\*: i ^ siilTioHii!/ irmiifl v from inilii minatory rl(ouiiial ism?could not walk at till except with crutches. He was treated for that l?y our local physician and cured A year afterwards an eruption appeircd on his iega, wliich were completely covered with little pimples which wore tilled with a yellow water, and whemwor and wherever tliev would break they would heroine sores. His case was exactly like. Miss Slaton's, as described in Mrs. Person's circular, except it was confined to his lens. The Helling was intolerable, ind from bis constant scratching it would en use b >ils. I supjiose ihure worn ii hundred, as his legs were covered from the waist down. After tryiag the various r? medics advertised for the blood which did him no gsod, we then bought one half dozen battles Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy and one-half dozen wash packages. Soon after lie commenced taking it he decided it was im[uviving him and in a short time we [touhl see a decided improvement. The vires commenced to heal and dry up ind tpially disappeared. To he. sure of i cure, we ordered a second half dozen lint ties, and before he finished taking it, lie was entirely cured and has never had i return of the trouble. His health was run down, and He had no appetite, hut is s i ui as lie startod on the Remedy hid health commenced to build up at once. It has lie mi two years since he wat I sure l, ho is perfectly well ami hi* goo A ami health is excellent. ?A Respectfully your*, St /