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The Miluary Korce of Jnpar.. The Japanese army is equipped, ortcaniznd and drilled like n European army and many of :ts officers have received their education in European countries. Conscription was intro?Jneed into Japan in 1874 and the regulations now in force were adopted in 1883. Every male citizen between the n&v.s of 17 ind 40 years owes military laervlce. which is given three yoars in the active army, lour years In the first reserve, five years in the territorial army and eleven years in the nntlonal army of the second reserve. For the jernr 1801-02 the budget provides for 12 divisions or 24 brigades of infantry, ?aeh brigade composed of two regiments of thr?e battalions each. The cavalry comprises 17 regiments or 51 squadrons. The artillery has 19 regiments or 144 field and mountain batteries. The engineers have at present 2H companies and will soon have 89. The Army Service Corps has 13 battalions of two companies, with one battalion (three companies) of telejgraph troops. Upsides the 13 divisions of the infantry there are three regiments of coast guards and two battalions of foot artillery and a special brigade of four battalions of Infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers (the "Yosso Brigade). The aggregate is 3.116 officers and 135,633 men on a p*-are footing. The war strength is 392.220 men and 1,098 guns, the re SCTVCH excluded. When It la remembered that recent campaigns have shown the Japanese army to be of first rate quality it Is obvious that the military power of the new nation of the rat idc is formidable. I victims or Electricity. A table has been compiled by the Insurance companies of the losses of sJectrlclty during the nine months ending on Dec. 1. Two hundred and fortysix persons have been electrocuted during these nine months, or an averago of almost thirty a month; 515 have been maimed; 112 horses have been killed, and there were 442 hres. In this table no account has been TkrpL of the indirect accidents through the use of electricity, such as trolley <car accidents, electric mobile accidents, and the like, but only whore the direct slertriu shock caused the death or maiming or the lire. The loBses by electric fires alono have averaged over a million dollars a month. These losses have become so arrious that the accident, life, and fire >i? - i uuii'auiu:* ure considering tba advisability of taking united action ^igaonst them. The insurance rate in these companies was lixed before the jgreat and Increasing use of electricity, anil the electrical risk was not figured in. so that the rates are upset and require a readjustment through these ad-.litlonal losses. The winter months show more damage by electricity than the summer months. Ihiring the summer there are lower fires and not so many electrocutions. while after every winter's storm there is a long list of casualties and tosses from imperfect insulation, crosstil and broken wires, and misled curitcnia. The youngest princess at the coronation services will he Victoria Alexandra, of Wales, who -tias just kept her 5th birthday. The little ICarl of Airlie, who is in his 9th year, will. It is said, ?h> the youngest peer to take part in .-She coronation. The father of the hoy iiie?l leading a cavalry charge in South Africa over a year ago. MRS. IDA L ROSER tiranfl-Niece or Ex-l'reHldent I James K. Polk, Writes to 1 Mrs. Pinkham Saying: " Dhar Mrs. Pinkham : ?I have been married for nearly two years, and so fc?r have not been blessed with a child, j 1 hiAve. however, suffered with a com- i Kteat Ion of female troubles and pain- j 1 menstruation, until very recently. h MRS. IDA h. ROSKR. ""The value of Lyriia E. I'lnkl?r> m's Vegetable Compound was 1 ?allcd to my attention by an iutimatc fr'?cnd, whose life had simply been a borture with inflammation and ulcer- j mfcion. and a few bottles of your Com*K>nnd cured her; she can hnrdly lielieve it herself to-day, alio enjoys wi'ch blessed health. 1 took tour : .bottles of your Compound and consider ! mjrwn euroa. I am once more in line health nnd spirits; my domestic and oDieial duties ull seem easy now, for I ^rel so strong I can do three times what I used to do. You have a host of friends in Denver, and ninong the hest ount, Yours very gratefully,? Mits. Iiu L. R oskii, 320 ISth Ave., Denver, j 5d."?S&000 forfeit if above testimonial is not Jf you arc ill, don't hesitate to get nbottleof LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound at once, nd write to Mrs. Pinkliam, lynn, Mass., for special advice? JStisf roe. sir I ARP ON A SICK BED Doctors Say That Bill's Heart is Af fected. AND HE IS GIVEN SOME MORPHINE Then Bill Clues to Sleep, lias Fitful Dreams and Quotes Turn Angelina" All the Night Long. If anyone else was conrerned I would not write this sick letter, but it may benefit others who are similarly affected. I havo been a very sick man an.l hardly expected to see my next birthday. which is today, the 15th, but I have scuffled through and am now on the up grade. One of my far-away boys wired me to work on my stomach and 1 would get well. He might as well have wlrod: "Keep on living and you will keep living on." No. it wasn't the stomach. It was high up where the loft vantrielo of the heart had got walled up in and the trouble was what the doctor calls the angina pcctoria, and my left arm was helpless. For two days and nights 1 sufTored more of real agony than I ever suffered in all my lifo. Our doctor boy was here from Florida, and knew exactly what was the matter, and I took all his medicine, hut got little relief, and I was willing to die to get out of pain. Finally he gave me morphine in both arms and I went off to sleep and rest. Those morphine dreams and visions are always a miracle to me. I thought that in his talk about my trouble he called it angelina pectoris, for I don't hear well now. and I got the refrain on my mind, that pretty verse from Goldsmith's "Hermit:" "Turn. Angelina?ever dear? My charming turn to see. Thine own, thine long-lost William here. Resorted to heaven and thee." Ever and anon I could hear it raining on the tin roof, but it didn't rain a drop. All night long 1 was murmuring "Turn, Angelina, ever dear." I couldn't stop it nor think of anything else to say. but I wasn't restored?next day I got some better and as 1 hadn't taken any nourishment for three or four days I craved something add, and like a foolish boy eat a small piece of huckleberry pie for supper, which they told me not to do. That set the dogs to barking about midnight and set me hack Just where I had been, and the doctor's work all had to be done over again. Emetics and hot baths and hot water bags and more morphine finally brought relief. That night after supper the young people hud the dining table cleared off and were playing that pretty little childish game called ping pong or ding dong or sing song or Hong Kong, or some outlandish name with its tinkling halls, and so I got up anomer rerram and was murmuring ping pong, ding dong and ding d??ng bell all night. One of my boys, who is always punning, told his moth or that huckleberry pie business was simply a ease of too much pie-eaty. and they tried to make me smiie, but they couldn't. 1 was past all wit and humor and puns and jokes, llut I am done with huckleberry pie and huckleberry cordial and huckleberry Finn and any other huckleberry. Only last Saturday my only brother died suddenly of heart failure away off from home. His time was not out, for he was nearly twenty years younger than I am, and row, alas! 1 have no brother, and he was always a good brother to me. But almost everybody Is threatened with heart failure now. and so I am looking out for it, but don't want it to come along the Angelina line. The heart is the most wonderful and mysterious organ of our anatomy. It is called the seat of affections, tho desires, the emotions. The organ of love and hate and joy, but it is not. It is mentioned in the Bible more than six hundred times, and always in connection with our good or bad traits, but it has nothing to do with feoling or emotion (r>r character. It Is nothing but a fleshy, pulpy organism, a mechanical contrivance, and has to be carefully nursed or it will rebel. It is the engine that drives the whole anatomical machine. If overworked or overfed with ico or tobacco or anything else it will work on faithfully until it can't work any longer then gets discouraged and dies suddenly at Its post. The hook says that but little was known to medical science concerning the heart until the eighteenth century, and that within the last fifty jears many hooks have been written, and now no part of the human system is better understood or more satisfactorily treated. The disease called angina pectoris is declared to be the most dangerous to which it is subject because of its distressing pain and a sense of impending death. If I had read that while I was suffering I should have surrendered, but the doctor wouldn't tell me nor let me read it. He says it is better to mtpify rather than magnify the apprehensions of his patients. But the young people ought to be told, told often and earnestly, that they can't fool with the heart. A boy who smokes cigarettes on the sly is storing up trouble that will surely come home and sap his manhood and shorten his life. This is so well known now that good men will not employ boys who smoke. One vice calls for another and a news manager told me the other day that one o" his newsboys skipped some of his patrons every week so as to have a paper or two to sell and get money to buy cigarettes. Of course he discharged him. It is pleasant entertainment to listen to a doctor tell his varied experiences and this one uttered a trut-i the other day that ought to provoke serious thought in every parent's bosom, lie says that his greatest foo in the treatment of diseases of children is their disobedience to their parents and it is most, generally the mother's fault. They will do things and eat th.ngs that are forbidden, but she loves the little dears so much she overlooks their disobedience and so when thoy get sick they will not take tbe jhy.^ielan s nifdicmi.H without force or a struggle and if the duct.** adhere to force it the moth * x ' M i t * - ? or lets the time pass rather than hear the screams or cries of the child. Not half the parents enforce obedience from their children. Prompt and willing obedience should be the first lesson taught a child. Theii hanolnoss de ponds upon it and so does the mother's peace. We old-fashioned people have but little patience with a generation that is trying to reform the world with new methods?abolishing the ways of their forefathers? raising children on love instead of discipline and filling all the schools in the land with athletic sports and intercollegiate contests. What onor, what manliness, is there in kicking a ball or batting one or wrestling or rowing a boat? These sports have gotten to be the most important part of the curriculum and fill the daily papers with pictures and thrilling reports of the games. It is all an "ignis fatuus" that fools the boys and makes them think they have acquired an education. When they went to college their parents had fond hopes of them?when they coine out that hope is gone, for thry arc unfit for business or the duties of life. While I was half recovering from the morphine state 1 got to ruminating about the value of things and 1 compared good health and domestic happiness and he love and devotion of wife and children with fame and power and wealth and ambition and the very thought of them sickened mo. 1 wouldn't givo a good shower of rain just now for Roosevelt and all he has got or over expects to be. But I love Roosevelt because he hates Miles, and I love Miles because he hates Roosevelt and I despise them both?"Turn Angelina"? ping pong. And last of all came Satan. They are for war. They kill a thousand negroes to our one. They make a land desolate and call it peace. They have trampled the love of liberty in the dust and all for lust of power and place. A woman front Kansas City sands me a paper with a speech of a Grand Army of the Republic orator on Decoration day in which lie says that he wishes every confederate monument was buried in the bottomless ocean and other vindicative thing3, and she wants me to answer it. No, it is no use. That Grand Army of the Republic is full of such contemptible creatures and ; csw't answer them all. It is a standin.. curso to the peace of the land. Let the ball roll on. Turn Angelina?ping pong, ding dong, ding dong bell. We will survive the wreck of matter and the crush of words. And sq I went ot( to sleep murmuring, there is no Grand Army. It is a two for a niekle or four to one concern, if 1 couldn't fight better than that I'd apologize and hide out. Some of them down here in Atlanta would like to make friends, but they have never apologized and the way tney do reminds me of the old couple: "I know that you say that you love me. But why did you kirk me down stairs?" 1 *inx ? pong?ding?don?Turn, Angelina?Wish 1 was well enough to wrok in my garden.? Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. Popular Summer Rates. For the Northern and Eastern Seaside Resorts, the Baltimore Steam Packet Co. arc offering the following rates from Portsmouth, Norfolk or Old Point Comfort, viz: VIA l'KNNA. It. U.--<?Of?|? U.NTIIj OCT. 31, 1902. A-t>urv Park, N. J. ? 13.00; Loug Branch, N. J. *13.00; Atlantic City. N*. J. *11.00; Ocean Orove, N. J. *13.00; Capo May, N. .1. *11.25. via n. A o. u. u. noon cntii. oct. 31, 11)02, Astiury Park, N. J. *13.0.1; Long Branch, N. J. *13.00. Atlantic City, N. J. *11.00; Ooeuu Grove, *i3.00; Harpers Ferry, W. Va. *7.25. VIAQCF.EN ASNK'H H. B. Season tlekota (good to return Sept. 30th) Cape May, N. J. ?3.75; Rehobotli Bench, Pel, ?H.00. Ten days Capo May *7.75; ltuhobotli Beach ?7.25. This route offers the tourist a delightful sail and the pleasures of promenading on the spacious decks of its popular steamers, inhaling the balmy breezes of the Chesapeake; and after a good night's rest in the commodious staterooms of the "Alabama," "Georgia" or "Tennessee." travelers en route to the North. East and West are Invigorated and prepared for rail Journey by the early trains out ! of Baltimore for Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The "Bay Line" has also arranged for special excursions to Niagara Falls for $14.00 for the round trip. Descriptive pamphlets, etc., at all railroad stations. For further particulars, address J. W. BIIOWN. Jr.. So. Pass. Agt. KEY COMPTON, General Agt. Norfolk, Va. If you are going to get married for money, or for a home, or out of pique, or for any other reason not involving real, convincing, old-fashioned love, do not ask the Rev. W. E. Warner, of Chicago, to tie the knot for you. He won't do it. The fact that you came a rong distance would not help you,for Miss Besaw came from Wisconsin, ami Mr. Broadway, who is twice as old as she is. came all the way from Indiana, and still Mr. Warner would not marry 11iviii i?<-< an- ? in1 lmiiui oui mat sue did not love her ancient suitor, though she was quite ready to marry him. It all come out in the middle of the ceremony, for in the beginning the J clerical suspicions were not aroused. Mr. Warner was marrying them in approved fashion, and was getting well along toward the marriage-fee stage when the revelation came. Me asked the bride-to-be the usual questions, and in answer to one of them she made the fatal admission. "I do not love him." she said. "Then here is where i quit," exclaimed the clergyman, forgetting, as it seems, the dignity of his cloth in the firmness of his determination. His decision was beyond the reach of appeal, and finally the couple, departed, the elderly suitor, not in the least disturbed, declaring that he would find a clergyman who was not so particular. Whether he did or not is not set down An expedition will start in July to I rescue Arctic Kxplorer Baldwin. Resi cue expeditions to rescue the rescuers start out as circumstances war1 ramt. ? Th* Rffort of \Tiirin l)#r? an<l Cool Nlirhta. A leading physician write* that ha hu no tired warm i'.wh an<l ouol night* always afT ect the bowols, anil suggests soma preranta tire remedy. l?r. luggers' Huckleberry Cord lal Is the only oue that can he absolutely relied upon. Itnerer falls to cure. Sold by all !' 'i ggl ats, vt5 and Mc. bottle. The Krsboard Air Lino Ha? Ismiml a folder under the title. "Summer Elsewhere Via Seab< nrd Air Line," which will be mailed to any address upon application to A. V. Hnrrill, 1\ A. T. A., 23 South Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C., or any other passenger representative of the above company. H. H. Gbkem'? Hobo, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in tho world. Seo their liberal offer in ndvertisomout in another column of this paper. Use Allen's Foot-Ksiv. It Is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, not. Sweating Feet,Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, u powder to be shaken into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sampio sent Free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, n.Y. Destruction of germ-bearing mosouitocs is said to have largely relieved Havana from yellow fever visitations. FITS permanently cured. No fits ornervousress after first dnv's u?? of l?r if ih..'. KerveHostorer.flit 1 ial bottle nnil trentl.sofroo I>r. H. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. The washerwoman may often be seen wringing her hands. We will give -SICK) reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. Chknkv A Co., Props., Toledo, O. A rich man's autograph always looks best on a cheek. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup forehlldrsn teething, soften the gums, redueesinflatnmao 11<L,allays pain.cures wind colic. 23c. abottl- j A donation party?the fellow who is out i for the dough. I'lso's Cure cannot bo too highly spoken of | as a cough euro.?J. W. O'UniEN, 322 Third ! Avenue, S., Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 6,1900 | A man's bad luck is often due to lus bad I habits. In some of the cantons of Switzerland j all the dead, rich as well as poor, are buried at the public expense. AT 8HAKKSl'EAItK'S HOME. " strntford-on- Iron." "I am finishing a tour of Europe; the host thiug I've hud over here is u box of Tettcrino I brought from home."?C. II. McConneli, Mgr. Economical Drug Co., of Chicago, 111. Tctterine cures itching skin troubles. 50c. u box by mall from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Oa.,if your druggist don't Keep it. Jamaica hopes to export over 12,000,000 hunches of bananas this year. Tennessee now has 1.445 names on its State pension roll of old soldiers, and the total amount paid to them in the last year was $149,220. No more names can be atbfed unless the legislature increases the appropriation. The pensioners are divided into three classes: the first receive $300 a year each, the second $200 and the third $100. Chicago stockholders in the Ferris wheel are again talking of sending it to Coney Island. They have invested $000,000 in it and get no returns. The holders of the $300,000 mortgage bonds are a little more fortunate, as they have some prospect of saving at least a part of their investment. During the Columbian Fair the wheel paid well. For six years I have been a very sick man, suffering from nervousness, headache and pain in back and stomach, all caused by a stomach that refused to do its work. A friend advised me to try Ripans Tabules. The results have simply been wonderful. At droggiat*. The Five-Cent packet l? enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, tu coats, contains a supply for u year. I S^ CURES g II APUDINE^Pp i ? ( old*, etc. K x V y Sold at all Drug Stores, g S * "^DROPSY fe? ?* W* 10 DA,S"TFEATI,ENT f REE17/ * jrj Have mad? Dropsy and its comzf plications a Bpecialty for twenty RlnSi T years with tho most wonderful y ( sncoess. Havo cured many thouaja**"aa^ CiSr3, ~TTinv*jri^ skf* ** " B ???? ijnWTr3 Box ? Atlanta, Go. V0U WAHT 0NE 0f />.? iJi** ',jj jf thcac Fluffy Little While I *^1^ 0 JTV French l*o<>dlr? ni nn ( i^VrCl * ?-fi' ViiT Aristocratic J"ct l>og. Kor \-yfcp _> jWw s particular* send to Ratlimm's Pet Kennels, IH?S Marshflrld \*r.. r rillCAVO, ILLINOIS. -* ? f f f B " - ' " wvmtiuw otuiiipcu v/ i/ u. never sqiq in DQiJC* Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." fOLUMBIA fin [fT ^business UULLlul, COLUMBIA, S. C. Student* prepared mofflccMi'n ^rapher* and Court ll'IMirtrrn In dmrtfft lime at least expense. Hn?lnewCiiurne lesitlnK U> detiree of M. A., etc. Ilun. (lredaof cxmu.Niu* In hua'nee*. Send fi>r lurxe n>-?? CutaioKUv. W II M'.W HKMIt\. M. V.. I*re? |. KsffiMn*! !f3&nl?lVW csfl The candidates The office choose, gjuj ^ They win who run ??:'--JS In Red Seal Shoes. 1 No /irg/>?| "my hair was railing out 17 fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once."? Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor I will restore color every n time. S1.0S koMk. All draalsts. I If your dm grist cani.ot supply you, B send'us nim dollar and we will express you a lv>ttle. Bo sure andjjivo the nasi* B of your nearest express orfTeo. Address, fl S J. C. A YEK CO., Ix>wcll, Mass, fl bo. "2r>. \'.Mr.':!Thompson's Eye Water Mothers and Daughters 1 E Both look well if A wear the straight 1 Royal \ Wofcestet jf or BonT I _ ? Ccifsets M Try them now. K& Vou will always wear tiiein. B A?V your dealer to order what you V* select, if he doC* n Vr?j, iheir. JL Royal Worcester Corset no.,wor??t? boiLe Work, SbnfttiiK. I'ulloys, (JjeariiiK, lloxoa, llnnar pa?-tty. :a>i tmn ie Loinbsrt Feuiidry, Msei To Preserve, Pur the Skin, Hai Nothing ? Millions <a women u by Cuticura Ointment, th< purifying, and beautifying of crusts, scales, and dandruff, a for softening, whiterting, and sool for baby rashes, itC-hings, and for annoying irritations and infl sive perspiration, in the form of i and many sanatrve* antiseptic ] themselves to women, especially i of the toilet, bath, and nursery, compared with it for preserving skin, scalp, hair, and hands. N< soap, however expensive, is to purposes of the toilet, bath, and ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, soap, and the BEST toilet and bi COMPLETE TREATMENT 1 ConalfltlnK of Ci'TlCtn f Xl I flS?523 H ftnrt an.! Hoftcn \MlllV U (SOr). nil, soothe and heal; and Tu r cct fit and cl^anae the blood. t O t I 91. nio?t torturing, dialled humour*, with lyrn of hair, when all olao Depot: <7-28, Chartcrhouec London. 1'otikii Dunn and 'Them. (X>UT , Solo l'ropi Ccticu&a UaaoLraNT riu.? (Chocolate Co t?al aubatltute for the celebrated liquid WTirt Klifter* and humour cu r*. )Cteh plil la cqutr 1 up la ?jrow-eap pocket rUia, ootatalag ?), ! i i \ SUMMER HOIViES ' ON LONG ISLAND. By the Ocean, Sound and Bay. Cooled By Sn B ! ? I A T I A K T I C O O lf m m g "LONO ISLAND.* a handsomely Ltnsiratetl descriptive book, containing/. ?... _j the hotel* and boarding houses [>orl_ Island, free upon application -at Ucl.2 offices. Aator House. 1? <t?2 I'-agte >lurwtu) (13M ttorld Bureau) and 13a3 BltK/Jr way. M Sth av.. 34th st.. P.. It.. an<J fo?t New Chainbcw st . and 43 wei. at.. New York; 333 Knlton at., f Summer Resort; 1 IN Hri.,.,,.. Brooklyn. and at L I. R. It- statE/1, ^ Brooklyn, or send ?c. In stamps t?J. i? ?r SMITH. (Vca'l HaasT Agt". 1,. I Cltf1^ ^ Medical college of virginia. F.ltTARI.IKIIKn l?U. Ihe^lx'y-Fittiises?Iou wi 11c.?mme September JO;h 11ML Depart _? ? 0e Medicine. Dentistry and Kharmloy. Well roulnped Laboratories. n0?o}_ tal facilities and abundance of t"l!0}cai terlal alTonl unexcelled opportu?|.t.ea ^or practical Work. For Announcement Iin,j fur_ ther Information, address, < hri?toptirr Xonipklna, Ifl. U., Dean. RlCIty,>al^ "x&lffi? so?iesm,raowe,.,sjr JBmSk pt|.p? miu <rs, Etc. IluiiitiuK CiHtinps? c i?t fvpru '^' ? ?ln? un<l lloll-r Wnrkk, AtiRUstA. 5' ify, and Beautify ids, and Hair ; Equals se CUT! CUR A SOAP, assisted c great skin cure, for preserving, X the skin, for cleansing the scalp md the stopping of falling hair, ihing red, rough, and sore hands, chafings, in the form of baths animations, or too free or off encashes for ulcerative weaknesses, purposes which readily suggest mothers, and for all the purposes No other medicated soap is to be , purifying, and beautifying the ) other foreign or domestic toilet be compared with it for all the [ nursery. Thus it combines in the BEST skin and complesuon iby soap in the world. WH EVERY IIUMOUB, $L n v Soap (25c.), to clenn?c the ckln of cruata the UiIcUbmI cuticle; (uticcka oomnorr ay luhtug, Inflammation, iiml IrrltatioD, And cirriouuA Bacm.vr.nt pilia ,26c ), to coot A Single arr It often aufliclc nt to care the ring, (ux) humiliating rkln, ncnlp cod blood fan*. Hol<l throughout the world. TiAtUh French Depot: 5 line tie lc Pali, Parte, i., Boeton, U. 8. A. ( ated) at* a new, taatrleaa, odonrleaa, ecorjonv ha RcaoLrsirr, a* well ae (or all other blood a lent to >ae Uaapoonf ol of liquid RecoltbImt. doeea, pdoa iio. a/ '