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IN TIIL LOCAL HELD. j Events of jhe Past W eek In and Around Town Briefly Told. Mies Mnud Thompson is visitiu^ friends in Dallas, N. C. Mr* . J?' unuie Culp, of l'iirevillo, | spent 'v* eterdiiy vvi111 her daughter, Mrs. XV m. It. J.'iudfoid. \t 1 I ? V - i?hr lie.-sie lioyd, of lluntcrs- ; ville, Kj. C.. is spending a few days i with ifriemls in this place. Tin* now finishing machine of ; the Fljrt Mill Mfg. company was put ii, operation Monday. Mr, J. T. Nance, wife and child left fecund iy for a short visit to relatives in Gastouia, N. C. Meigrs. A. K. Kimbrell and \V. J. Cihveny, of Rock Hill, spent {Sunday in town with friends. Mr* C, F. Rodgers, who is now einpldyed at Lancaster, spent Moil- i day night at his home in this place. Mrtfc, "\\\ E. Harris and little daughter, of Ilarrishnrg, N.C .are ; guest^ nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. F. (i rier. Thdre are no new developments ! in the postofijee robbery which oc- i cur red at this place 011 Monday ! night of last week. A I.. T /. ?' .t. <,T. jwivens came over from' his home near Yorkvillo Sunday atitl spent a short while with (us son, Police Officer K. 1*. H. Ni vens. M i>i. J>r. T. S. Ivirkpntrick and INlisse.s Lillie Massey and Bessie ; \\ ith^rs went to Hock Hill yesterday morning to attend the coininencoment exercises of Wiuthrop colle^i, Tiiijes readers will be pleased i to learn that the condition of l)r. J. if. Thorn well, who sustained serious injuries from a fall sevend days ago, is somewhat improved. A slight change was recently i made in the schedule of No. 75, | the Southern's southbound local '; freight. The train now arrives at Fort (Mill at 2.15 p. in., instead of 2.5.? I). in., as formerly. Tli|* many friends of Miss \ iola Co us n t, daughter of our townsman Mr. < . t'ousart, will bo pleased to lo ,rn of her recent promotion from private nurse to head nurse of 01 of the leading hospitals of l>ost jfi, Fiiday night the town hall was! the t[.-one of a danoe that proved a ; very pleasant event. After the , dancjt a delicious repast of re? ' fresll men is was served at the lios- I id Is til.> i t 1 A,-._ I j .n: u< >1110 Wl iSll. Illlll HI lb. W. I J. Ardrey to those who par 1 licipnted in the dauce. Citizens of Pleasant Valley liavh inaugurated a movement to raise ! ft fu'ld to erect a monument to the late Prof. L. Sliurley, the fund to , lie raised principally by the former pupils of the deceased. No money i has yet been paid in, we are in- j formed, but a number have offered to subscribe liberally. Catawba river is once more on a rampage, from the heavy rains of Sunday ni^jht and Monday. 'Yesterday morning the waters were in a feAy feet of the county river bridge, ami it is feared that much dam will be done to corn in the j lowUimls adjacent to the river unless the waters recede rapidly. The ofiicers of the town appear /to be determined to strictly enforce the bicycle ordinance passed recently. Dmintr the past ten days several arrests have been made of persons who violated the law.! Convict ion and litdit lines resulted in each case, and tue offenders j were warned that a second offense 1 would mean heavier penalties. In tin-last issue of the Lancas-I trr Ledger it is statid that the widow of the late Prof. L. Sliurley has been paid &7S7.17 on the amount of insurance carried by 1 Mr. Sliurley in the Farmers1 Mil-' V^al Life Insurance Co., of York | county. Tin- balance of tlie !?l,0i>0 will be paid ns soon as nil assess- j inoni is made. Mr. Shurley hnd only been insured in tliin company since .lanuaiy last. Sunday morning Lou Cnnniugham, a middle-aged negro woman whoso home was on 111?* plantation of Mr. T. W.Cidpin Pleasant Valley, died suddenly of heart disease wiiile on her way to a church in that community. The woman complained of being ill and sat down in the shade of a tree. Before her companions realized the seriousness of her condition she fell backward and died instantly. An observing farmer say.*:: "There are some curious things about, corn, and one of them is. where do the red and speckled ears come from when you do not p'ant any but white corn? And another is, why can't we find an ear with an odd number of rows on if? Von can find a four-leaf clover, but you never saw an odd row on an ear of com yet. It is always fourteen, sixteen, twenty or some other even numjber, and we would liko to know nboiUX'? mathematics and what objd nature has in these install odd uumbers." 1? \ A Brutal Negro Fight. Kd. Roseborou^h ami Prim**' McKinney, colored faim hands on the plan tation <>f Mr. \\ . .1. Stowart r-outh of town, became | involved in a dillieulty Friday* afternoon wliieh resulhd more or less seriously for both. The men Were hoeing rot toil when McKinney culled Roseborough a luir mikI struck liirfi with a lioc. For the time being their differences were adjusted, hut later in the afternoon the quarrel was resumed. Then Rose borough beuan to work his pocket knife effectually on the hack, left shoulder and arm of McK'itiuey, inflecting eight or ten ugly gashes from 1 to 1 inches in length, two of which were necessarily sewed lip by the physician who dressed his wounds. During all the time Kosebornugh was cutting McKinuev. the later was pounding his antagonist iti the face with his right list and ?.liii much damage thereby. As yet no arrests have been in de. Miller-McNeeley Nuptials. Thursday evening at the home of the bride's parents, .Mr. ami .Mrs. ?T. K.Miller, in Pinevillo township, the marriage of Miss Ktnmu Mider and Mr. John C. McNeely, of Charlotte, was celebrated in t.'ie presence of the nioinbers of the families of the contracting parties and a large number of invited guests. Following the ceremony, t labo. rate rofreslnnents were scrvtd. Mr. and Mrs. N,(.,.ly then drove to Charlotte and took poses ion of their new home. The bric'o is a niece of Mr. .1. \V. Miller, who resides in Providence township, and who is well known in Fort Mill. Hojfs Die of Hydrophobia. The soasoip is at hand when the dreadful mad dog is prowling the country and causing intense excitement null loss of live stock. Every owner of a dog should watch his canine vjery closely nowadays and at the first signs of madness either securely routine or kdl it. Already a number of accounts of losses of cattle and hogs, as a result of (log l|)ites, have been seen, one of which occurred not many miles from Vort Mill, and was as follows: "Dr. *T. S. Abernethy, of Long j Creek, Mecl.lenburg county, N.U., has lost nine hogs during the past few days caused by the bite of a mad dog. Several days ago a strange dog was seen in the pasture where the hogs were. In a few day the hogs became sick and died in terrible agony. The dog that bit the animals was killed some distance from Dr. Abernethy's home. The cause of the death of thg hogs, Dr. Abernethy says, was without question hydrophobia, and that, too, in its worst e > IU1 111. Pleasant Valley Items. The condition of Airs S. H. Patterson is somewhat improved. Miss Hlaiu lie Smith, of Waxlmw, is with Mru. Patterson. Mr. Fraiik Potts returned home Wednesday from the South Carolina colleg??. Mrs. Wn.lter Davidson, of Charlotte, visited relatives here last week. Magistrate D. K. Hall held an inquest Sunday over the body of Lou Cunningham, colored. She died suddenly Sunday morning, and Dr. 1M. 1 *otts, who made the post mjortem exarnination. says her death /was from natural causes. ; The quarterly conference of the F<?rt Mill 'circuit, will bo held at Pleasant Hill church on next Saturday until Sunday. Dr. II. VY. Hays will (preach at I 1 o'clock Sunday mornijng. Kev. A.| L. Stough will preacii at the Haptis;t church in this community on thie fifth Sunday in dune. S. E. 13. . ? Miss Mftry Lyle, r?f Chester, and Miss Mat-y Moore, of YorkviHe. are guest^ at the homo of Mr. F. Nims, 2 utiles from town Saturday morning at 11 o'clock and Sundjay morning at the same , hour. Dr. J. I>. Mnnk will nivncli at Six Mile Presbyterian church. Communion services will also In* held Sunday morning. Miss A,titiio Williamson, the Hiyear-old daughter of Mr. lloht. Wdlininson, who moved from this township to Pineville a few years ago, is seriously ill at. the home of her father. Little hope is entertained for her recovery. The recent rains which fell in this section came at an opportune time. The ground was very dry and hard and the outlook for a corn or op was exceeding discouraging. Truck patches were also much improved by the rains. sewing machine hargain.? One second hand Wheeler & Wilson sowing machine, in good condition and capabio of doing first class work, is offered for sale at a bargain. Apply at The Timas otllce, I 1 Cherry Tree Swindlers Convicted. In tlit* district court in ( 'hariotte Saturday L)r. ?l. Frank Bright, his fater?Rev. T. Bright ou t C. i> Wilkie, a newspaper man, were found miilty of fraud in connection with tlie Amos Owen Cherry Tree company, which did an i k tensive business tlirouuhout tii?> (Jnroliuns several months auo. rI'11 ? maximum penalty tor the oiVeuse is four and a half years in the pen. itentiary and a line of $1 ,nlK). Commenting upon the ease, Indue lioyd said: "It is a p infill ease. Ilere is a minister of the gospel, a representul i ve of the highest eallinu on eaith, who deseemls fioni his hi11 plane and violates the law of his country. His laid influence will permeate the place in which he lived, and his example will do harm where it shouid have been exei t ?I for uood." It will he remembered that this company adveitised for wenien to dowriiiuu at home, aur? einu to pay $20 p*T month therefor. A condition pr cedent to entering the company's employ, however, was the payment of $11!. for which the company agreed to furnish cherry tree sprouts, to he sold by the employee lit l!t) rents each. I n most cases, it is said, the cherry sprouts could not he disposed i f at any price. It is claimed that few of the women who paid their $12, with the undei'standinu that they were to h- paid $20 per mouth, ever received one cent from tlie company. ? ?? A Card of Thanks. 1 desire to express my thanks to those friends who have heen so uvuerous as to replace in part the loss 1 sustained in the postotlice robbery of last week. EroiiNK -M ASSEY. Filthy Temples In India. S.aercd cows often dclile Indian k.O ........ ; .. i...-i.. ?? u.j'iv .-, "Ml ?*wir*t- >v i in (V UIHI ) that's pointed by constipation. Don't pi nil it it. Cleanse your system with Dr. Kind's New Life Dills and avoid untold misery. Tln;y p'ivo lively livers, active bowels, omul diirfst.ii n, line appetite. Only -oe at Meachntn's druo store. -* *Gov. .Tetf. Davis, of Atknnsas, who was recently expelled from the Baptist church in Little Hock, has connected himself, on invitation, with the Baptist church in Kussellville, Ark. - Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful advance in nioiiicine is given by druggist. G. W. Huberts, of Blizabetli, \\ Va. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced incurable canecr. Tliey believed his case hopeless till he used Klectrie Bitters and applied Biieklen's Arnica Salve, which treatment eoinph'tely cured him. When Lie- trie Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and microbe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healiii!_r power, blood diseases,skin nipt ions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters f>Oc, Salve 2~?c at Meachain's drug store. Senator Depew (N. V.) urges Congr-ss 1o make the appropriation for the purchase of 2.000.000 acres of laud in the South for the Appalachian paik. Caved From An Awful Fate. ' Kverbody said I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Clniinbersbiirg, Da.. "1 was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by May Fever and Asthma, that few thomrht I could k'cl well, bill 1 learned <>r the marvelous merit of I)r. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, used it, and was completely en red." For desperate Throat and Lun^ diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for ('.>no|is. Colds and lironehia! ?\ tTeet u ?ns. (iuaranteed bottles .?(>< Si. Trial bottles free tit Menchain\s dru^c store. Announcements. County Supervisor. I hereby aiuiouaee myself a r .mdidntc for t lie oliiee of County Supervisor, subject to the result of the Democrat ir primary election. T (J. CULl'. For Itopro:entativo. We are au'horizi <1 to unaoiinee J. K. HAILKasu candidate for re-election t<> the ltoase of Keprusentatives, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary. to write for our confidential letter licforc ii|>rilyiiiK for patent; it may t>o worth money We promptly obtain l". s. and Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS return EN- I TIRE u torney's foe. Send model, sketch I or photo and we send an IMMEDIATE 1 FREE report on patentability, we givo the beat legal service und advice, and our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patent lawyo.s, Opp. U.S. Patent Office,Washington, D.C. kBaarwawBaonMBanmBmi How About Your | Medicine Business ? Wo cjirry tin* lnrj*08t stock of Hm^s. .Modioinos ami Dnij^jzists | ^Utilities OV'iT eaiTICil in Kurt Mill. I 'I'Iuti' in a |>?>1111 at which iny I'i'Mst*s in be a vistnre ami this point is at the iiiiint? in buying medicine. Kverybody wants tin- I) st anil tin' best is none too J t'OOl 1. ' hir hot tos am! packages be; r tin' labels of the most reputable manufacturers in the world whose reputation rests upon their standin? I < >f purit y. < hir constant aim is to ?ive our customers satisfaetoiy service in every respect, to lilt lit their eoutid< nee, and t > promote all that lair and honest dmliii ? van accomplish. We can furnish you with any medicine money ran buy yener- i ally within III hoins after receipt of order. So don't imagine we haven't the agency for sueli and such tncdiciuc. Call or telephone u<. We have your Physicians confidence, why not yon is? Local phone Pi. I'.ell and \ T. A: T. Co. Iondistance phones. | Ardrey's Drugstore I R. IVI. LONDON^ KOCK HILL, S. C. JOB PSHNTINGJ ! I). J. WILLIAMS! STATENVILLK'S LIQrOK DEALER. Laurel Valley Corn Whistoy, 5 Years Old: Pj Full Quarts, in ni-at case, ?7 21 Pints, s nn is iIsilf Pints s ,*?0 | ti r ..n,,?w I.-,,.. ;i...i...i iim.1 One ami two v illous, jti^aiwl crate inc.u<le<|, per gallon, \! Pure N. C. S-reet Mach Corn Whiekcy New, per gallon, . l jo Two inTlirt'i years old. jse ,.al. I ;> Pure Appla 3randy, i?er gallon, 2 mm Sim City Club Rye, 7 veals old, lv! quarts, . s no i Tweuty-four Pints, . :s ait l''orty ei^ht Half pints. It (?0 One and two gallons, jnjj and orate included, per gallon, V! ."in Sncclsior Rye, jo# and era to ineluded, per gallon, 2 00 ' 1 Peach and Iloncy, per gallon, 2 tin Rod: and Rye, per gallon, 2 on Holland Gin. i>er pa lion, ion Heiiiemlier i am no rectifier or imih pounder. In Olivine my j^ooils you are not Inlying water. 1 guarantee all t lu se ^oodssajM-ri ir to any i ln<i:r l?ei n;' i pped from tins tnar're1 All Jims will lie put in OoXes i list eat 1 of erat; for 1 " ( . ? <tra; kej^s boxed for 2oe. oxlia, and all lio.xes are shipped without an\ marks to indicate tlieir coiiieiits. < asp must aeeotiijiany all orders. They w i 11 he tilled t Insame day reeei\ed. Sun! money I registered letter, postottiee money order < >r e \ press money < >r- ier. (loods slti pjs d eilher by freight or exprt -- <.s mi my iv |m>ik :>i iiiy i i-cn-rvMu ><? i lie llraulstr?vi and 1 >t<>111 Mrtvsmiil" Companies and my hundreds i>! 'mis toiin rs all over I in Sml h. K?'tiifin 1? i . atfui ri. t I irmt ivi ii t satisfaction in all cases or refund 'In* inoncv. D. J. WILLIAMS, KTATKSVI I.E. N. ('. J. U. Traywick & Co, DKAI.KTIS IN FINE MQuOliS AND ^V INKS, No. \2 I'ast Trade St. CHARTS)TTK. - - - N C. f i i.' I,-, i ondFMRn | t Hcint mixd, iKi'l.'li ?>i |.i <>t?,<>f invention Itii ( f r, ;?>! ! >n uHi'l)tnl.:lity. H r free book, \ I i' I'.'iu. , :i ! TRADE-| ? Fruit Jars and J $ Summer Shoes 4# dren and Men. jo Light Coats and 5 Cots and Bed Sj j? Sewing Machine yj Bargains in Sun jo Laees, Kinhroiden 6 linerv, etc. | I. J. ass* 1 WHITE 0001 & i Cp \\ J (S Persian Lawns /?> 1 iKIia Linen "). 7 1 < >i :;;mtlii s, lis inch Ma<Ira-, |\?r waists fC* I >imit ies 1 One piece All-Over Lata A new line Lawn Inserti 1 COLORED GO 1 CO I.C One piece Persian Lav ?2Uc, now Ortrandies in dark blue, t fc?) This is tin? host season ft Wo have them in pi If you want summer ^ooi | MEACHAM *f0OT llrTj I You have seen footlifts that didn't lift; foot-lifts that almost broke your leg; and foot-lifts that pulled you out of the scat. ' i But have you seen I the Walter A. Wood foot-lift that has none of these faults? " It's the Mow A A. YOSJI FORT Ml Ml OH OHlillitlltT. !'? if ordained l>y tlio (own council of Fort Mil!, S. now sitting in com moil council find l?y authority of the so nio, That after this dnlo n t:iv of from one dollar (o fifty dollars (at the discretion of the Intendant) shall hi* collected <;?o:iifiiiy jierson or jiersoiis exhibiting any circus, show, ??r entertainment of J any kind (wlirru u fws in charged) inside the incorporate limits of the town . of Fori Mill. Any violation of the above ordinance shall be subject, toil tine of from one to fifty dollars, or to work oil t bo streets, or chain gang from two to thirty clays. Done and ratified in council this day of May, lUtrJ. .1. W. McKtTHANRY, * Attest: Intcu duat. J M., SrR.'.TT, F'lerkV II , 1W I -W Hint l.?C UU :1s, call to see us. M i & EPPS. | 9 ?? ??@0????@& & ON Tup ^vaster a.W00d ^>w. i If J he perfect foot-lift ff is only one of many g good features on la the Walter A. Wood )| Mower?features | that have placed it in | the front. Come I in and let us show you the others ; or ask for a catalogue | describing them. B rev you want." (| nig, Agent, a ILL, S. C. I <>n arioiint of tlit* Triennial C.'Ollvetii ion of I he International S unfitly School Association to lie hold in Dncver, ( o!., from .Tune 2t> to .Inly I!H)2, t lie Sout'it*rn Railway announces a rate of 0110 faro for the round trip plus $2 from all pants in this territory to Denver. Tickets will he sold June 21, 22 and ti.t with final limit leaving Renvor July 21st, with privilege of c\tension to August 21st. l urties taking this trip j havo an excellent opportunity of viait* ing tho Grand Canyon, 1 ike's Long, Garden of the Gods, Y dlo\\>touo 1 ark, j Suit Lake City and other point* in tho West, as reduced rales will bo uimk for these aide trips. Dr. W. E. leih;tin, of Jsewborry, statu chairman, will be iuobargcof ih , South Carolina- delegiftioii', going via Southern Railway tost. 1.011 is,at whi.U print immediate connection wiU bu mude for Douvcr. Liiimjur mugs. |9 for Ladies, Chil- g I Suits for Men. g [>riiigs. $ 3s from So up. ? nner Dress Goods, S r, Straw Ilats, Mil- g Phone > J P IMo. "71 g 5 0v3 OQ0? ?????)?> IILTE GOODS. | 15 and 20c -2, 10, 12 1 2, 15 and 20c a 25 and il5o X 15 and 25c 0, 12 1-2, 15 and J(? l-2c a on and Embroidery. X ODS, I )RED GOODS. I m, in dark blue, worth Qs} orn and garnet 10c y) >r Colored Linen Goods. fip lain, I'lLrureH. and stripes, M