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THE FORT MILL TIMES. ! DEMOCRATIC. PUBLISHED \VEDNESDAYS. B. W. BRADYORD. Publisher. Fubscription price $1 p? r your. Correstxuidence on current subjects is invited, but wo do not njrree to publish communications conlaiiiitiR m?h*e HOO words, and 110 responsibility is :is umed for tlie views of correspondents. Ah an lulvartihiiiK medium for char lotto, Pinevillo, Fort Mill, utul Rook Ilill business Uoiihok The Times in unsurpassed. Rut ox nludo known oil uppliea- | tion to the publisher. T.ooal Telephone No. 20. JUNE IN, 1902. lust. what effect the candidacy of ex-Governor John Gary Evans ' -for the United States Senate will Invve upoti t he result of the election is, of course, problematical, but it is safe to assume, taking into ac- ; count the political pnst, that Mr. Ashury C. Latimer will bo the I ^rentest loser. ? ?.* ?. ? The Times takes pleasure in directing the attention of the votlinr nnlilir' tn tli? ft r? mm mmmii > nC Hon. J. li. Haile, who offers as a candidate for re-election to the ^ . Legislature. Mr. Haile was elec-1 ted to the Legislature two years ago and has proved a valuable member of that body. His record as a legislator is such that he de- j serves re-election. It is also worthy of note, in this connection, that, he was the only member of the York delegation who voted for the resolution consul ing Senator McLaurin for his anti-Democratic course in the United States Senate. ? ? '"A writer in the Macon Telegraph refers to Gen. Nathan H. Forrest as the "greatest general"' produced by ! the civil war. People differ in their conception of greatness, but no one who has read attentively Gen.! Forrest's military career will gainsay that he was indeed a remarkable man. Entering the Confed- 1 erate service as a private soldier, with little education and 110 military training, his bravery and , innate ability as i. leader of men Hoi>11 won for him t lw? mnrilofl recognition of his superiors. And when the war closed he wns a ^ lieutenant general. A great man was Nathan Bedford Forrest; so 1 great indeed that our recent military heroes are to him what the rattle of a snare drum is to the ( boom of n 13-inch gun. ( -* ?? ? 11 Frequently the suggestion is made that only qualified voters? voters possessing registration certificates and otherwise entitled to participate at general elections? j should be allowed to take part in our Democratic primaries. Those who oppose the change have thus far failed to offer one tenable reason why it should not ob- 1 tain, und it is safe to say that i unless restrictions of some kind ; , are laid upon the indiscriminate ( placing on the Democratic club roll the name of every man who : < wishes to vote, the practice will eventually result in the pii- j1 mary system being brought into' such disrenute that a ret urn t.rt tbn " I I ' convention plan of nominating can- 1 didates will ultimately come. The j primary is far hotter than tin' con- j vent ion, because the former moans ; 1 the choice of the majority, while the latter is undemocratic and is in nine cases out of ten attended by boodling, bulldozing and unfair wire-pulling. Ily all means let the State Democratic Enoch 1 tive Committee pass a ruling that only qualified voters shall have n voice in naming the nominees. Such a ruling would also increase ! the vote in general elections from 11 oO to 100 per cent. Senator M. A. Hnnna, of Ohio, in reply to a suggestion from Colonel Cutter Smith, of Ala., that ho become a candidate fi>r President in 1004 Iihh written Colonel Smith mh folIowH; *'I appreciate sincerely j the fnendHhip which prompts the liigh compliment paid ine in your Suggestion. I am grateful for such confidence, but must insist that I am not to be considered in nny sense ? candidate for the nomina- , tion for President in 1001." According to connnercinl reports the two last cotton crops will not j be far apart when the ccnmt is I made the 1st of (September War & Genera!'s Daughter Arrested. Soul liei tiers will tend with regret and mortification of 11>?- un fortunate arrest. in Alexandria, Ya.t I'Yidny. of Miss Mary Gust is, dauirliter of Gon. Koltt. Iv 1 Lee. Miss Lee whs charged Willi violating 111 law for separation of white nml colored passengers on rnilrond tmiiiB. Sin1 boarded a train in Washinijton City for Alexandria. After the; train crossed the Loiio Hiid^e, the conductor approachod Miss Lee 1 and explained to her that she was riding in the part of the car re- j served for colored people, and re- j quested that she move to the front I portion of the car. This Mi h Lee j refused to do, not withstanding the1 repented requests of the conduct!>r. When the train reached Alexandria, Miss Lee was informed by a police officer that sin* was in eustody. She was ihon escorted to ; the police station, where, alter she had heell inven >i chair in front nf flie building, she recited the ineidents wliieh led up to her arrest. Probably with the idea of relieving her of the embarrassing gaze of j the curious, someone suggested t that she be taken inside the sta-j tion. Instantly there were several i protests, noticeably from gray- j haired men, many of whom hud doubtless served under her father. Noting these protests, Miss Lee j said: "1 do not believe that Alexandrians would allow me to be taken a prisoner into a police sta- I tion." A difficult problem which con- j confronted the poliee officers was what disposition should lie made of the case. Finally the mayor of the eity was appealed to. He at once directed that Miss Lee be released upon Icr own recognizance, for her appearance in court, at JO o'clock Saturday morning, should the railroad company rare , to piosecuto the ens**. Mihh la*e did not appear in I court Saturday morning, but instead forfeited $5. ?- - Tillman Appeals for Cheap Mail Boxes. Senator Tillman mode n strong and impressive appeal tu tin* Senate Friday for a cheap rural mail delivery box. During the morning: hour he took.occasion to present to i Iho Senate a sample la?x, made of galvanized iron, which, lie said,; could be furnished to persons' alon^r rural free delivery routes at a coat of -1 i> cents for each box. Under the rules of the Post j Office Department. patrons of the service are requited to procure ( regulation boxes, which cost from $1.25 to each, and thin, lie said, 1 was an onerous burden. Senator Tillman enlisted the ' sympathetic attention of the Senate, and appealed to Senator Alii- ; son, chairman of the committee on f appropriations, to insert a pro-J J vision in the general deficiency i bill to enable the Post ( Mice 1 )o- ( partment to inaugurate a system 1 by which cheap boxes can he nip- 1 plied to the farmers and other ' beneficiaries of rural delivery. Prief and Itreezy. A cynical old cusr once declared 7 line to he the month of b's?bu^s awl brides. The Charleston exposition closed with the usual exposition story "very successful in every respect except financially." "Automobile killings" has be- I ouie a standing headline in the big dailies, and the killings in- j reaso all the time. One man is said to have made a million dollars in the May comer in oats in the Chicago Board of Trade. We take it that ho feels his oats. , Two Frenchmen have published FI book to prove that love is caused ! by a germ. If true, the germ must i be very uneijually distributed among the girls. i The Senatorial wind-jammers at 1 last talked themselves out nnd panned the Philippine hill. If they ! are wine they won't turn so much wind on the canal bill. The soienti-ts may fall clown in trying to predict volcanic eruptions, but no mistake is ever made in predicting political eruptions. The country is now preparing for 1 one. I Brigadier General Wood is still on good terms with Dame Fortune. It is understood that he will be made a major general in duly, when there will Ire two vacancies in that rank. | It is not surprising that politicians should regard as insignificant the action of Hon. (irover Cleveland in agreeing to leave his fishing to make a political speech j before a new club on the lUth. It seems that doctors do not al- ! ways know what to eat. A 1111m- < ber of the guests at a banquet j? given in honor of Surgeon General i and Mrs. Sternberg, by army surgeons, were violently sick for sev- 1 era Todays afterward, i THROl-GHOtT SOL Til CAROLINA. SJnrt Items of Slate News Conveniently Grouped for Times Readers. (Juvorimr MoSwootioy has an- ; ii.'iiiil iii iniiiiip 111?* iiiiii on i in* i head. Hear this: "If th?'Hon .1 no. ! Ij McLaurin is to he Vared for,' j I In* Mumcr it is done tin* better. | That liction which represents him j us representing the people of i South Carolina has become protest pie. I iesides t lie nilniinist rat ion i no lonper neeils the pentleuian's j vote natl can well alfortl to put an end tot lie performance." There was a case of rather more than usual interest before Mania- j Irate Reckham, in Rock Hill, Prilay. ?1ule Toms, a nepro, was: harped with shiiotinp Mr. Sain liarron, of the liuiia Hook, while returning from his store late Saturday niplit. The nepro lives on Mr. Ihirron's place, lint, works at the Catawba Power onipany's plant. It is supposed ! that the object of his assault was robbery. The evidence was such that lie is held for trial by the circuit court. _ ? From Bryan's "Commoner." The beef trust ^ot an injunc- , tion; it also continues to pet the money. On memorial day the President levotcd one woid to dead soldiers md sixteen words to live lteinojrats. Some people can never see "the land of God in it" unhss they' ilso see a chance to make money mt of it. In view of the action apuinst. lie beef trust of course the re- ! naininp trusts will slide ovr into ! lie fryinp pan and submit without i protest. The fat-fryinp process ' s in the hands of a Republican ?v iuir I - *M " 4 % President Roosevelt says tlint it '? nil light to punish the men who nave been guilty of cruelties in the Philippines, hut he intim ites that ho would much rather punish 1 the pooph who have criticised : them. "Who will haul down tho American Hay?" shouted the Republicans in 1900 Well, since that lime a Republican administration j lias hauled down the tlug in Cuba | ?nd in China. The sooner it is liauled down in the Philippines I lie better. ?? ???? A candidate out West carries a .rood plow hand on his rounds. When he wishes to talk to a farm- 1 T he lets his friend take charge of the team and keep the plow going. 1'he farmer is generally willing to talk several hours while tho "sub" is plowing. Happy Time in QU Town. "We felt very happy," .writes R. N. Revill, ()ld Town. Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case jf scald head." It delights all who use it for (hits. Corns,Burns, Roils, Bruises, I doers, Eruption. Infallible for Piles. Only 23c at Men linn's drug store. noiiiiceii i it!d lio will in?l Don candidale for any ollioo this year. A ('olumhia merchant otters to! bet J?lt!0 that Col. \\ . !. Talhort will he nominated for governor. Tho annnal oomiin iiccmiimiI of the Win'hrop Normal ami Indus- j trial College of Soutli Carolina is , in progress. Greenville lias sot a good exam - > pie hy tinintr a restaurant keeper who violated tlvo j^ane law b\ selling quail to customers. It is announced at the census) <dlieo, \\ asliitiotou, I). ('.. that I i ill it I*. Mollis, of Chester, has la en appointed special editorial clerk to do the work on i lie closing reports of the last census. The watermelon crop through-! out the melon section uIoiil; the Southern railway between Columbia and Savannah is reported to he in lino condition and a heavy one. The movement of melons has already be^un. In a tolcyram to The State, (1. Walt. Whitman says: ' I have 4 * t I II ' ' ' ? iiifti my |neoj^e \vu:i iii?' exccn-! tivo committee as a candidate fori mirernor with tlu* statement that if elected 1 will ipvc $1,000 to the executive committee expenses. I This is the best 1 can do." The governor has granted a pardon to an old ne^ro, Madison Smalls, convicted in Florence county in 1N75 and sentenced to twelvemonths. lie escaped after servinir *ix months, lived at his home for 'J7 years and was lately j capture ! and carried back to the penileiit iary. Ainon<r those who filed their j halves and paid their assessments to State Chairman .Tones Saturday was ex-( i over nor -John (Jary Kvans, who in now in the race for tin* I niled States Senate. This makes six contestants in the senatorial race Latimer, Johnstone, Klliott, Hemphill. Henderson and Kvtms. The Washington Host has a I... i.: < r 1.:..:.. L . i . : i . i g??@?? ? ?? ?@?<2 SCSI All! <p (j>) ? We have | vate saBe a | eral Mercl 1 RED" g Compare 0 AArittL ttios 1 A ? Colored Lawm ? at oe. Calicoes i\ @ ponders at To. 3 H ('ollnrs at J>c. Mei ^ unbleached "JOe. g Summer g This lino coiiKi cp orod Lawns, Mtislii x broidery and Laces 0 One piece of 38-i ? our price 8 I -3c. ( @ lar price, 7 I-2c, < ? price 40c, our price 0 As usual wo arc ? Neckwear, Hosiery g Hats, Caps, and ev< |The OLD ? T A. OLIVER, HARNESS, SADDI.K. ROOT & SHOE R KI'AIHING. Prices reasonable am\ all work fjnaraii- 1 teetl to be lirst elass. Shop one door below Ardreys drnp store. DR. J. L. SPRATT, SVHGF.OX DENTIST. Office in Rank building. Mailt Street, , Port Mill. S. C. After December 1, office will bo closed every Monday. Terms, strictlv cash. ARE YOU WISE *gnc niuuou there is uo remedy to equal ami eas^ o and a sure way to tr rr<i ^ . y inroatin order to and insure healtliy 1 take half a pdassfull it a teaspoon fill of Mexicai JUin nn?1 with this pnrple the thrr Then l<nthn the outside ?.f ih<> ill ment nil"! after djinp this ]?)ur s. ?n nxuuuil tlio licck. Uust l'OSITl' 2of., uOc. tt?td IT MAY BE YOU % Jrss, can Muttunjg L.UuuiC?S nud /ou a k lidfiiSi Bltwii 'r , / )?@?<S?(2?? @6??? 3HTER recently bou splendid stc landise and QOEDPRI ? ttio follow] >? of our oo Few Odd Lot s at *>o. por yard, Lat it Vr. Mens' Work SI Jons' Fmioy Half Uis' IViKTal Jean Hloac i V n/l nimwii'fuic ni !u)i? 1\< I Iiu iiuiiiv/j \ ?un \/i in i Goods, Win ft sts of Percales, Murine i Duck, Dress Oinuh; at prices t hat will int( How's This? nc!) Hlue scrim, rem )ne piece of ori-inch air price 5c. Table ' 25 cents per yard. rents' Furnishing Goods. headquarters for Dre , Hells, Overalls, Clot erytliing in <*ents' Dm RELIABI . H. BKLK, Proprietor 0??0?@@@@???Q(J A men dm en I (ii IVaceOtd imncf no ir untamed t>v tne town council of Fort Mill, S. now sitting in common council and by authority of the same, i That the words "Tho Iutciidaut, or" he added to the IVace Ordinance (ratili< d on the 17th (lay of June, 188'J) on the sixteenth line, just after Ih-? words, "diseret i< ?!i of." Done and ratified in council assembled this dial day of .Tunc, HHt2. J. W. McEi.hanky, Attest: Intoudant. J. M. Senatt, Clerk. inv people {sutler throupa ijrnor. y don't know that for all infloinMexican Mustang DlnimcuU iWW kw w J 5\ \, Y way cat a case of Sore kill disease germs Lhroat action is to of water put into i IVTustang imsnt at nt frequent Intervals, iroat thoroughly with the linino on n cloth oud wrap V C CL'Ril l.OO ? bottle* been troubled with r? running r. Treat it ut oneo with Mexl? iu dupoud *.pou u b4*H>oy euro. ?. ? S???@0?? >?0?@ s ALE. | grit at pri"! ck of Gen- ? offer it at I :oes. i Lng I prices ? mpetitors cS 8" I (l!os iTndorvcst at i iris at. 15e. Si is- ? oso at 5c. Mens' ? died T)rawors 25o. x u run in So ? ;r If rices- g > AViiito and Col- g mis, jDimity, Em- ? LM'cst you. Q ilar irioo 121 -2c, ? Hute Scrim, roi>u^ ? Damask, regular? ss SI lirts, C1ollars, ? liinsi;, Odd Pants, x nisli ings. ? jE Store,! I 5??j?O??????00 W lalltrop scholarship and Kn? ( ranee Examinations. The 'xaminatioiiK for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and foi the admission of now students will bo hold at this founty Court Houso on Frit lay, July 11th, at a. in. Appl ioants must not ho loss than fifteen years of age. Who u scholarshijss nro vacated after July 11 th, they will bo awarded to thoso mukinj r the highest average at this o.\annual ion. The i lext session will open September 17, 100: i. For t urther information and a catalogue a ddress, 1>. 15. JOHNSON, ltojk Hill, S. C. TRY THE Cil y Sarbcr Sliop For n Hrst-cliins n; in ci'T, SUA V E, {SHAMPOO, or T 1 \ I 1 ? OTV/i J J l.tliv HI iXII'j. " Ca colliers & Son. PliOl'UIETOKS. Third door Bank building. FOB GOOD WHISKIES, WIX ES, BEAM)IKS, ETC., CAM, ON OK WHITE TO "VV". II. IIOOVEH, N. C. I UK. KING'S THY new discovery .FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, CoUls, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,! lay Fever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Crotap and Whooping Cough. I NO CURB. NO PAY. Price 60c. and SI. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE.