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1 ' .m ... ..... ulitiia ii ii?ii? Lost Hair\ ?wn.m " My hair came out by the hand- b ful, and the gray hairs began to I creep in. 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, I and it stopped the hair from com- I ing out and restored the color."? Mrs. M. D.Gray, No. Salem,Mass. p g There's a pleasure in | offering such a prepara- | tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. I It gives to all who use it g such satisfaction. The | hair becomes thicker, | longer, softer, and more g glossy. And you feei so h secure in using such an I old and reliable prepara- g tion. SI.90 a bo'.tlc. All drugxlsta. 2 If your drupelst cannot supply you, 1 scud'us ono dollar ant! wo will express r you a bottlo. lie sure anil (rive tho naino I of your noarcst ex iTt'ss oHm p. Address, I J. <\ A YKR CO., Lowell, Mass. | f , ,, f r I ALABASTINE ; The Only Durable Wall Coatlnit j Wall Paper is unsanitary. Kal- ; somines arc temporary, rot, rub i off a .id scale. ALABASTINE is a nitre, permanent and artistic ; wall coating, ready for the brush by mixing itt cold water. For sale by paint dealers everywhere. Buy in packages ' and beware of worthless ; imitations. 1 AL-vrtASTINF. COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. ^oteoitoatoroatoatoatoatoaioaiottotic 1 f.APUDlNE 1 ? ^ LaURIPPE, COLDS, ETC. o it Dora Not AllYct the llcnrt. r\ ^ gf Hold by Dru^Klxtn, 1.5 and 25c bottl*. ,1 o'*oiaoV?o*o*o?o>ioHoVio*ot?ol?ori GET $5,000 VciMit back Of our Giiuninty of l'oaltlon*. O/'A'.V ALL THE YEA II. Endorsed by Hunkers, Officials, Kindness Men. B. K. Fare pnlil Hoard at coat. Write l^ulck to OA.-ALA. Hl8.COM,i:GK, Macon, Oa. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold In balk. Bev/are of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." So. ISO A Sable Itaddlua Oetila?. | nrother Dickey camo In yesterday, leading n black pickaninny by the hand. "Ho ain't but 10 year ol\ sub," he explained, "but he done gone inter de writin ' business, en he says he gwinc beat dis yer Dunbar feller writin* for de race. Ho done light in tor bulldln' of a story, en heah's a small sketch er It, but he say hlt'll bo 'bout three stories high 'fo' ho gtt throo' wld it." And Brother Rickey handed over the following, which is printed verbatim: "When spring begins to dawn the young sprouts of nil varieties that has been nestled In the earth during tho long and dreary winter, puts out their green heads, looking upward. The birds begin to warblo swoot melodies from their throats. Also ono can see, by close observation, poisonous repfl |pq lipintr n Knn n o I f ? ...0 ?..v.. i. no ii iimj wen; #uu* nlng themselves and resting up from the sleep of the cold winter that had Just passed into the great boyond, still there is nothing or no one more thankful for the spring than the Poet."?Atlanta Constitution. Then Hit Would Wi?k?v. The late lx>rd Uufferln was known to his friends as one of the most charming of men His friends were of both sexes. Indeed, his platonic gallantries. after he had reached the age when he could safely indulgo them, wore quite unconcealed. They may be thought to be referred to In Kipling's sprightly sketch, "Mrs. llauksbee Hits Out." which is of the period when Ixml Dufferln was viceroy of India. That this tendency on the part of the noble spouse was the subject of amiable banter by Lady Dufforln la attested by a reminiscence of their sojourn In Rome, when Lord Dufferln was British ambassador there. There had been during the night a shock of earthquake in Rome, whlcn naturally formed a topic at the ambassadorial dlnnor table next day. It turned out that every one had felt the shock except tho ambassador, who had slept through it. "Oh, well," observed a guest, "the Inst trump would not waken Lord DufTerln." "No," assented the marchioness, and added thoughtfully, "unless It huppcned to he the queen of hearts." The Van Wormer boys, convicted of tho murder of their uncle, cried bitterly when placed in the "death house" at SVaiiQemora Prison, N. Y. f Not Worried by the Leak. Strange replle3 are often received !>y wives wno wake their husbands'for burglars, leaky water pipes, etc., In the early morning. Mrs. G., wife of a certain government official In Baltimore, Is decidedly nervous and has funnunnMv "hMirrl thlnoo " One morning last week she thought sho smelled gas. Bravery came to her mysteriously and sho crept downstairs to Investigate. After smelling about for some minutes she rushed upstairs, called Mr. C., then shook him and at last aroused him. Then this was heard: "John, there's a leak In the gas pipe in the kitchen. We'll all die if it la not fixed." Leaks had been heard of before, and Mr. C. sleepily nsked: "Is it a-'enklng much now?" "Nut much!" screamed his wife, and then as Mr. C. turned over, this soothing advice was given: "Put a bucket under it and come to bed."?Baltimore Sun. "So you are just married." said the chief of the railroad information bureau, who wanted a clerk. "Does your bride make pie?" "She does," replied the applicant for the place; "but what has that to do with my securing employment in your office?" "Oh, some," said the chief. "Wo are supposed to answer inquiries politely. and I'm not tnkino- nhnrw, the temper of a man with indigestion."?Baltimore News. It's funny that a girl never gets into society until she comes out. B. B. B. SENT FREE. rnr?? niootl and Skin Dlaeaac*. Canrfri, Scrofula, Itching; Humnra, Cnrliuivclea, Rutin?StupH Itono Pitlnii, Ktc. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures Pimples, scabby, scaly, itching Eczema, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Bone Pains, Swellings, Rheumatism, Cancer, and all B*ood aud Skin Troubles. Especially advised for chronic eases that doctors, patent medicines and Hot Springs fail to cure or help. Druggists, VI i>cr large bottle. To provo it cures B. B. B. sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., 12 Mitchell St., Atlanta, On. Describe 'rouble and free medical odvieo sent in sealed letter. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. All wc ask is that you will speak a good word for B. B. B. when cured. Chicago expends $3.11)0,000 a year for its Police Department and $1,870,000 for its Fire Department. itik Tour Dealer For Allen's Foot-KaM, A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Soro, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and IngrowingNulls. Allen's Foot-Ease makes uew or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Sample mailed P&ur. Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeUoy, N. Y. In the Grand Canyon of Colorado a man's voice has been heard a distance of eignicen nines. FITS permanently cure*!. No (Its or nervousness after Dret day's use of I>r. Kline's Oroat NerveRostorei'. fit rial bottle and treatisetreo IJr. It. II. Klink, Ltd., 931 Arch St., l'hllu., l'a. One miner is killed for every 1,000,000 tons of coal raised. When it conies to wearing an engagement ring the left hand is the right lmnd. "Is Worth It* Weight in t.old." "Had Eczema for three years; tried throo doctors and every advertised remedy, with| out effect, till 1 tried Totterine. Half a hox of Totterine removed all signs of the disease."?C. II. Adams, Columbia, S. C. 50.-. a box by mail from J. 'J'. Shuptrino, Savannah, (la., if your druggist don't keep it. The pen is mightier than the sword when it comes to signing checks. Seaboard Special Itatea. $5.90 Charlotte to Raleigh, N. C.. and return. account of Commencement Exercises A. A M, College. Tickets on i-ale May 24th iu ?1111, inclusive, Kooa to return until May 29th. M rs. Vlnslow's Soothing Syru p for children teething, soften the K?ms, reduces liittu:nmi?t Ion,allays pain,cures wind colic, '25e. a bottle 1'iso's Cure cannot ho too highly spoken ot iui a cough cure. J. \V. O'IIiukk, $T1 Third Avenue. N.. Minueai.oils. Minn.. Jau. 6. 1903 Bp^ m The- toer m f i f> ? a 'axat,ve ?' ' j^K** action is rapidly g with the many otr !the age. T he ma who are m?st understand to meet the above be wholly free froi or substance with jlij and wholesome > I anti gently with * S?l functions in any | $0 fulfils most perfei < :v' v highest degree, is H Sy The sale of millii many years past, ; - '* which it has giver ^ ^ that it possesses t g$$| it to public favor. # THE SURGEON'S KNIFE Mrs. Eckis Stevenson of Salt Lako City Tells How Operations For Ovarian Troubles May Be Avoided. "Pear Mrs. Pinkham :?I suffered with inflammation of the ovaries and womb for over six years,enduring1 aches and pains which none can dream of but those who have had the sumc cxpeI %# 1 V ffc WJ r ?we :* ~r-v-r.""" mtts. eckis stevexsox. rienc*. Hundreds of dollars went to the doctor and the druggist. 1 wns simply a walking1 medicine chest and a physical wreck. My sister residing in Ohio wrote mc that she had been cured of womb trouble by using Eydla K. Pinkham's VfRctablo Compound, and advised mc to try it. I then discontinued all other med icines and gave your Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. Within four weeks nearly all pain had left me ; I rarely had headaches, and my nerves were in a much better condition, and I was cured in three months, and this avoided a terrible surgical operation."? Mrs. Ectfts Stevenson, 250 So. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah.?$0000 forftlt If abovi tssttmonlal is not genuinn. Remember every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkliam if there is anything about lier symptoms she docs not understand. Mrs. Pinkhum'a address is JLyxm, Muss. Small crops, unsalable vegetables, result from want of Potash. I Vegetables arc especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KAI.I WORKS, ; 93 Nu?au St., New York. IIIWW II IHI^WBIIIHIW^Wlll ! I? f Mil II J vtific production known value and distinctive rowing in public favor, along ler material improvement* of ny well informed quite clearly, that in order conditions a laxative should n every objectionable quality i its component parts simple md it should act pleasantly out disturbing the natural way. The laxative which :tly the requirements, in the ip of Fids ' ons of bottles annually foi and the universal satisfaction i confirm the claim we make, he qualities which commend KINDLY AOT APPRECIATED.^ Courtesy Shown a Poor IUlud Colored Man In a Htroot Car. reople are so busy nowadays they have often not time to be polite, and a considerate act at once attracts atten tion. There was such an occurrence a few days ago in a 4th avenue car. Among the passengers was a blind negro. His clothes were the veriest rags and were held to hl3 emaciated frame with pieces of wire and bits of string. A brcom 1 - idle served a3 a cane. Over cno shoulder waa suspended a gunny sack, giving him the appesyance of a cotton picker. He continually picked at ono hand with the fingers of the other, as though he were playing the banjo, humming softly to himself the while and patting his foot. As his fnce was wreathed in smiles?not a grin?all eyes were turned in his direction. Many of the passengers looked at htm regretfully when the ear reached Stanton street and he arose and made his way toward the door. The hour was a busy ono on the Bowery. People wondered whether the old man wculd reach the sidewalk in safety. A young man standing on the rear platform did more than wonder, however, for he alighted and guided the negro safely to the sidewalk. He then as rapidly as possible ran after tbo car, which was disappearing down Ho efrnt?* Several of the passengers who had noticed the Incident called on the conductor to stop the car, but as he did not do so one cf them rang the boll violently, and the motorman reversed the lever and brought the car to a sudden stop. As the young man climbed on the platform, says the New York Times, many smiles of approbation were cast in his direction. But he seemed to be almost, ashamed of what he had done, and lie pulled his hat down over Ills eyes and continued his ride in alienee. Tlimt Word "Get," Professor Glbbs says, "There is no word In the English language capable of performing so much labor In a clear, intelligible sense as the verb to get," and Dr. Withers gives a specimen of ita capabilities as follows: "I got on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I got to Canterbury I got a chaise for two, but 1 got we* through before I got to Canterbury, and I have got such a cold as I shall not bo able to get rid of In a hurry. I got to the treasury about noon, but first of all I got shaved and dressed. 1 soon got into the secret of getting n memorial beforo the board, but I could not trot an answer then* i ?? intelligence from tho messenger that I should most likely get one next morning. As soon as 1 got back to my Inn I got my supper and got to bed. Whon 1 got up In the morning I got my breakfast. and then got myself dressed that I might get out in time to get an answer to my memorial. As soon as 1 got It I got Into the chaise and got to Canterbury by 3. and about ten time I got home. I have got nothing for you, and so adieu." 'crybody Knows / t to have your Dress Fit you / t Wear the Proper Corset / yyal Worcester || Son Ton Corsets j are the most stylish made 3 STRAIGHT FRONT P t your dealer to show them. ^ :ept no substitute. AL WORCESTER CORSET CO V WORCESTER, MASS. \ \\s J2CC&H& is due to the originality and s combination and also to the me fucture, which is known to th Syrup Co. only, and which en feet purity and uniformity of p to the ideal home laxative. I l|s jjfcrvfcficiad always buy the genuine and noi of the Company?California F printed on the front of every p: process of manufacturing figs t are pleasant to the taste, out virtue*; of Syrup of Figs are ol excellent combination of plant* medicinally laxative and to act it 5*r\ Fra^rvcisco, Loxjisvillt.Ky. fit headache? mck (PE-RU-Na CURES 1 "I am perfectly well," j says Mrs. Martin, of I'J Brooklyn. "Pe-ru-na J cured me." ) Mis Anna Martm, 47 lioyt street, Hrisjklyn, N. Y., writes: 1'eruna did ?r> much for me that I feel it mv duty tit rori?itimr?(I It to others tr/io may be similarly aljl Ictcd. About a yea r ago my health teas completely broker uoirn. hail back? ache, dicsrlnestt aud Irregularities, a nil life see turd t'ark indeed. IF? had tisetI I'eruna in our home an a tonic and for coliln and c atarrh and I dee it led to try II for my trouble. In less than three months I became regular, my pa I us had entirely disappeared, and I a in noAC perfectly well."?AIrs, Anna M<i rl in. Miss Marie .lohnson, 11 Columbia, East. Detroit, Mich., is Worthy Vice Templar m Hope Dxige No. (J, Independent Order <>ood Templars. Mtss Johnson, as so many other women also have done, found in Porunu a sjh? die for a severe rase of female weakness. She writes: "1 want to do what I etui to let the whole world know what a grand medicine 1 Vmna is. For eleven years I suffered with female troubles nnd complications arising therefrom. Doctors failed to cure me, and I despaired of being helped. l'crunu <*urvd me in three short months. 1 an hardly believe it myself, but it is a blessed fart. I am perfectly well now, and have not had an acne or pain for months. I want my suffering sisters to know what Per una has done tor me."?Miss Alarie Johnson. Nliss Ruth Emerson, 72 Fvcamore st.. Buffalo, N". V.. writes: "I suffered for two years with irregular and nainful menstruation, and l'eruna cureu me within six weeks. I cannot tell vou bow grateful I feel. Any agency which brings health and strength to tl?e ntllieted is always a welcome friend, and to day the market is so ^ ?? .. _ J Thousands of children a wt Worms. Symptoms are scldc 2 child's temperament and upon the vai jjj tines. Lose no timel Adopt the safe J DR. BOYKIIN'S > * A SURE. SPEEDY AMD SAFE DE 2 IN USE OVER 30 Y'EARS AC( * 2Be- BEST VERMIFUGE KNi Inn perfectly hnrntlcn'i vcgrtnhle compound. It iwrIlively Hint i eriiiniii-iitly olluilticto* corpulency nn<l Mi|irriluoiiH tlckh. It U a tit; K AR^II.l'TK tmlut liarmli-sKHs frmh ivlr.'l tinutinmUof |n?tl?n?* have u? <1 tills tri iitiin lit 1''Inns < ntlono It Wilte toun for Kill r.TIIKATMKvr. -end Trit Centa to cover i?i>tiiki . etc. ri>rri?p< titiniM atrlctjy confidential. 1.?cry til! tin In I'I n i n nt-alt it I tick ago*. tve amid you tin' formiiIn,It you Inkc out trcui mciit. nii<1 you can mnkn 'Hoilueto' Mt homo If you <1*Mre; ki to* lint Ult Inn' || lit* Iuivh uo fear of ??ll ,fleet*. Aclilr. sh, (llnarui; l ln iu.t o ,3TU 1 hJd A ?c hi Luult.Mu 250 , FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. Apply M once to TIIE LAN llifl SOUTHKUN UUblNKSS ? OLLRGK. Macon. 0*. Bo-kke. plutr, Hanking l'emnatitihlp. hhorthand. Type, writing, Telegraphy. Mathematics, Ortmimtr and IJusineu* Correspondence thoroughly taught, Board 48 to $lt> per month. McALLEN S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Suooaasful School. Mo malaria. Catalogue five. ho ttO lA'htf llrlct Hit rrlttna aslnln* iiiuv uuoi IMI 1> WHVU iail>>il f tic stubborn ez you choose, Dat mule do kick amazin'; Must have on Red Seal Shoes! r\c? |jg iimplicitv of the m Sk* :thod manue California Fig isures that per- JOfcji r >roduct essential ?&$ ?? n order to get f T * Effects ftl te the full name \ ig Syrup Co.? jj||| : ickage. In the {>* ire used as they the medicinal (itainpf) frnm an ? known to he J lost beneficially. ^Vs(ilp^. 1! s-w York.M.V jjj| | f. SC-1E, SiZZIHESS PELVIC CATARRH.) 1 <^ilM>i. *s" Jifll i it I ' I IBiilSilJl I ' UV^T'-'T . JI.I ^jjij. |i ijiwyuujji ijMyafrAi |j! Mrs. Anna Martin. _j lilitU with usou-m ami injurious nit.cheipefl that it 1.1 a pleasure to know of so reliable II re tried V ;lm von olnoo ! ? o.iWi./. " 11 / Price $1.00 CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin . of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT, to instantly allay Itching, Inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS, to cool and cleanse the blood. A SINGLE SET of these great skin curatives la often sufficient to cure the moat tortur- ! ing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleed- ' ing, crusted, scaly, and pimply skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss OS hair, when all else fails. ^ Millions of People Use CirncDB* Boat, assisted by ConctrBJL Ointmkst, for preserving, purifying, and bcauUfying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop, ping of falling lialr, for softening, white ling, and soothing rod, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, ttchlngs, and chaflngs, and tor 1 sit the purposes of tho toilet, bath, sod nursery. Millions of Women use CirrtCtJHA, UoAJP 11 In tho form of bathe for annoying Irritations, i, Inflammations, and excoriations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women. *CimorwA RmofcvwNT Prtxs (Chocolate Coated) ars a now, tasteless, odorless, e?v>. nomlcalsubstitute for tho celebrated liquid CtmcuRA K solvent, us well as for all other blofKi purifiers and humour cures. 1 n screw* cap vials, containing CO doses, price 2T?. I Bolt Dissifttmil the ?orIt. gntr, Ikv, (M-rrHVirr. (Oc . Pii.ia, lie. ItrtU.h l)*rv>*t ir-ai/fbuwrboriM IX'fwlnn. rrrw^h Dewtlt A Kim m U rtlx, Krii. Pnfti ti? Dmo h Cam*. Co?rn ftele IV>pe , Bortoa, C . 6. A? C\ THE UBiHF. IS MY GUIDE If you will tend me * ttmplo of your moraIng: urine for chcuilr*l am*!**:* I ?vl1l tell ?uu t.y letwir, ?h? NAMl. LCOAUOM *nt "A ?IT!NT ?f ? r tlStASt ?n" wnoth.r *&. CURmBLI. or INCURAblf. fr.? of chirm. fQ' UialsncB la n?? h.rrter t- aucceat whA ' acltDce lakca the yUc* of giuMin^ THE WATER DOCTOR ??''"?'"is* 3 8HAPEU, VI. t>.. 5?ni (III AIm 622 V?cnn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ^r?ColV?ing Al I Enclose a-cent stampfor particulars. W Address SCOTT REMEDY CO., Louisville, Ky. I; whiv whiting krntiow this i-ates. b ?Miss Hutli fcmcrson. ft is no longer ;i question as to whether Pcruna rati be relied on to cure nil such eases. During the many years in which I'eruna lias lieen put t<> test in all forms anil stages of acute ami chronic catarrh no one year 1ms put this remedy to greater ti*st than the past year. Perann is the acknowledged catarrh remedy of the ago. Dr. Hart man, the compounder of Pcruna, has written a boo'; oti the phase.- of catarrh peculiar to women, entitled, "Health and I'eauty." It will he sent free to any address by The lVruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of I'eruna, write at once to Dr. Uartmnn, giving a full statement of your case and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, (). > F ACTS. | \b re being gnawed to distraction by Jt mi reliable. They depend upon the riety of worms present in the intcs- 41 and sure course by using ? ArORM K5LUER. 5 STROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. * :EPT NONE BUT DR. EOYKIN'S. * DWN SOLD EVERYWHERE. JJJ FOR EVERY