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IN IJJt LOCAL HfcLD. twenu.;of the Past Week In and Around Town -Briefly lotd. 'fb* farmers are wisliiuir for rain. Mr., S, MencLenball spent -taring inClmrlotte. TUe ol<i eejinbL? blackberry crop Olives protuiao of beiuj< a plentiful oue this year. Her. F, O. ?S. Curtis, of LauriuInirn, K. O., wius u visitor to Fort M ill this week. There is but a little more than t wo weeks now iu which to visit tire .exposition. Mi-e Nannie McElhaney left JMojaky ?or a visit to relatives at ftiUteacWle. N.C. JM re. D. Harrison, of Yorkville, is a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Nuns. Miss N?;tie Spratt, of Chester, visiter! her cousin. Miss Willie Hoke, iu Fort Mill litis week. Lumber is being placed on the grounds for the erection of tin1 Watson house on Clebourue street. Misses Bessie and Florence Boyd, of Huntersville, N. C . were atnon^ tho visitors to Fort -Mill this week. Mrs. J. M. Odell. of Concord. N.O., spent Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. E. White, in this place. County treasurers now have the right to charge o() cents for each tax execution, instead of $1 as heretofore. Mr. jittul Mrs. ?J. W. Ardrcy and Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Spratt spent yesterday at the homo of Capt, \V. L*. Ardrey, at Ardrey's, X. C. Mrs. Mattie Keudrick, of Uoek Hill, sister of Mr. J. B. Men- i deiihall, is spending a few days at the home of the latter in this place. Miss l>rennie Thompson, of. Riverside, S. C? spent Weil tiesday at the home of her cousin, .Mrs. A. L. Parks, Farmers are too busy to talk polities, but they are doing a lot of reading and hard thinking afh r each day's worky is over. In response to numerous reijllests Mr. J. \V. Mclilhaney has opened a livery stable in Pineville with Alr. Lou Gulp in charge. Tin* large tiling, to hi* used in repairing Kuilrotui street. arrived one day last week and the work ivas commenced this morning. Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Tlar ??*li : Ifft yesterday for Henrietta, N. C., wlmre they will spend ten days with their daughter. Mrs. M. A. i Walden. Mrs. W. J. Caveny and little daughter came up from Itoek Mill tSaturday and are spending several dnys with relatives in and near Fort Mill. Misses Louise MeMurray and ] "Florence lioyd came up fiom Wiothrop Friday and spent a couple of days at. the former's Home near bolt Mill. Only two cases were disposed of in the mayor's court Monday, lieing those of Boh Mediums, white, disorderly, and Will Blake, colored. recklessly riding bicycle. The fines were $3.50, each. The baseball season is now on and the fans are enjoying themselves immensely, Gatl'ney is like the la lie 1 on the bottle in regard to baseball?not in it. ? Gaffney Ledger. Ditto, brother. We shall not attempt to name the people from this township who are visiting the exposition this week. but. feel safe in saying that /it least thirty boarded the train at this place yesterday morning, Mr. A. W. Fravor, of Baldwinsville, N. V., and Mr. and Mrs. 10. I J. A nflnui u ji iifl lint ?i g/iti nf *?? ,slin\v, nre visiting their telatives Mr. Mnd Mrs. E. \V. Kiinhrell, in this place. J11 response to a telegram, Mr. F. T. Pegram went to Gastcnia Monday to he with his brother, Mr. T. C. Pegram, who was dangerously ill. We learn that Mr. Pegram died Monday afternoon. The railroads have given a rate of one first class fare for the round trip to Rock Hill from all points and return on the occasion of the Hummer school meeting there. Tickets will be sold June 21th, 2f>th, and '20th, with linal limit to July 25, s I Wild strawberries are be^inniu^ to appear on the market. It is reported that there will he an abundance of this delicious fruit this spriufj. They are now sellim* for 30 cents per gallon. Owing to a sudden death in liis congregation, Rev. .1. A. Dorritee, who was to hare assisted H -v. l)r. Thorn well in a 6eiies of meet, ings at the Presbyterian church last week, was unable tremain in Fort Mill longer than Saturday morning. The Presbyterian manse narrow, ly escaped destru -tion l>y tire yes. terday morning. The tire was caused by an escaped spaik from a stove Hue in the kitchen. I?y tie handiwork o|f neighbors the tiro was extinguished after it had tunned a very small hole 111 the roof. Arthur T,. Butts, who is well known in Fort Mill, having heen here twice before, pitched his tent i on Main street Thursday and j^ave several of his highly interesting shows. Kach ni^ht lart?e crowds of [KMjple wetit out to See the beautiful pictures and hear the explanations t hereof. Cadets Hen Massey. .Tames Fulp and Win. Channel came over Friday from the 1\. M. M. ^loik vilit* and spent two days at their homes in this place. Messrs. Fulp ami Channel were with the crowd of cadets who went to Black's pond, near Yorkville 1 <* dny.i H'40. when three of tho number were drowned. Notwithstanding the fact that there were several public entertainments in town Friday night, the ladies of the Baptist church gave their ie.e cream supper in the Stewart building and had a good crowd in attendance, realizing therefrom about ?20, The occasion will probable be repeated at an early date. No doubt the ol 1 soldiers and others who are entitled to pensions will be glad to learn that they are soon to receive their money for this year. Pensioners in this township may expect their money during the present week, us the county pension cheek has been received by the treasurer, who is now distributing tin; money to the several township boards. Memorial Day was observed here as usual last Saturday but the observance was quieter and the ceremony simpler than usual. The Presbyterian church was the assembling place and from there the veterans and their families and friends marched to the cemetery where the graves were solemnly and lovinurlv il ?>? <>rii 1 m 1 ( '< in f t ate I'nrk wna next visited where all due honor wns bestowed upon the silent soldier in statue. Kev. Wright closed the day with prayer. We are informed that the Southern Railway company has under consideration the building of a new bridge over Catawba river in the near future. The bridge at present is thought to be one of the most substantial on the Southom".entire system, but the railroad people think it incapable of holding the heavy trains which are now being run over it. and the building committee will decide in a short time whether it is advisable to build a new one. --vJumped to His Death. Charlotte Oldservor, Tuesday. Mr. Hill Abetnothy was killed Sunday nijjht at (iriltUh's station, on the Southern Railway > miles from Gharljotte For the last three I,- i... i.L-1 i ntinn ill" IJM1V1 UliOIl Ml WOl'K III Till' blacksmith' shop of Mr. W. M. Long, in tliis city, and frequently spends hispundays in Hock Hill mul Fort (Mill. He spent Inst Suiulny in (Fort Mill, and having missed the! local train v\hich .stops at (1riffithi*, he boarded passenger train No. 01, a fast train which does not stop at theRimdl stations. At Griffith's he sprang from the train and struck a mile post. The right side of his head and right breast were veiy badly mashed. It is presumed that he was killed in stantly. Mr. Abernethy was about d."> years of mj?* and his home was at Alexis, Gaston county. A wife and several children survive him. The remains will be taken to Stanley Crcok today for burial. i PEACE REIGNS AT CI.LMSON. Cadet Thorn well and Entire Soplnnore Class Reinstated. President IJartzog Resigns. Dr. J. H. Tliornwell <?-turned to his home in tiiis place Saturday lifter a visit to Ciein.-on College, where In* wi-iit to ntti-tiil the trial, before tin* board of trustees. of his son Cadet Allison Tlnu nwell, who U td bci'ii suspended from tin* c?dlege about b> days a^o lor tnkinur lest tubes, without permission, from tin* i'Ik'im cal Inboratoiy into the class room. After a public trial, in which all witnesses were sworn, the trustees unanimously decided to reinstate ( 'adet Tliorilwel1, censured the faculty l a the loose way in which ci lleee records were kept and f<<r tluir want ol eare in conducti11_r serious discs* and stated that tlx' punishment was t???? severe tor tlx rusi . Dr. Thornwell couducti ii tlx* defense l'i>r his sim. Tlx* 71 students who compost' tilt* soph more class, who had left tlx* coUeirc on account of the suspension of Cad* t Thornwell, were, aft'r a thorough investigation of their ease, granted permission to return upon petitioning to that effect and making up lost time. Tlx* trial of Thornwell lie^an at v o'clock Thursday niplit and was concluded Friday at 12 o'clock. The trial of the sophmmes hej^an immediately after tlx* hearing of the evidence in the Thornwell case and was continue ! until late Fnday niiiht. Tlx- decision of the trustees was ami itinced Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The facts, as brought out. were were that the iucidi lit occurred in the class room where from 2" to do boys were enurii2<d in w -rhino at their experiments and that Allison Thornwell. having broken the test tubes that lie was usin^, walked to tlx* desk wlieio they were k? pt Dr. liiuckett standbi" within two feet of him and b.iv* standing there wilh their notes bein^ corrected ami took out two tubes. The professor turned ami said: "Wiiat arc you doinj^ tin re?" llo answered: "1 am outline tent tubes.'" Tim professor said: "How many do you need?" 1 It* answered, "four." Professor Bracket! ?javc them to iiiin and lie returned to his desk, lie said lie thought lie had a rij^ht to use tiiese tubes when needed without asking pennission. Such was the euslotn and the understanding of the class, ami sev eral boys who were put on the stand ailirmed that the tubes were always considered property to be used without asking pennission. I'he impression made by Dr. Bracket! was that the hoy was so ( retire and looked pale when he asked him what he wanted. The trial of President llart/.oo on charges presented by the boys, was to have e mmenccd Saturday morning, but the senior committee, with the facts brought out in the trial of th e soph mores for reinstatement. left the ease in the hands of the board of trustees.' President 11 art zoo's resignation was placed in the hands of tlm board several days previous to the trial. lie said he tendered it so the trustees mi^ht not feel any embarrassment or hesitancy on hin ( account in making the most, ri^id and thorough investigation. The hoard will art upon tlio resionaat its rooiilar meeting next uiontli. ('ndet Thorn well was exported to leave I kmc tliis morning for the college. Death of I'rof. Shurley. At his home in Pleasant Valley last Saturday occurred the death of Prof. li. Shurley, one of the most prominent citizens and one of the most experienced and last known educators in upper Carolina. Ills fame as the latter extended even beyond the cotiiines of the State. I'rof. Shurley wii* born fifty-five years n?_;o in Kbene/,er township, this county. Shortly after finishing his collegiate edu cation lie went to Itrazil and lived a number of years and returned to i this country and be^an teaching. , lie has served as principal of | hell's Academy, in Mecklenburg county, N. ( '., hbctu Academy, in this county, and Pleasant \ alhy Academy, beinjr principal of t III' Jji I t IT II vui'i' 1 . - . ? l|x>UI IHUIkl^ MtllMU, when death ended his labors. .\s h latnrnl result of or t li illy years' work I here are hundreds of men anil women scat lend throughout the InikI today who are leaping the benefits ami are in ih hied to the deceased lor tin* training of their minds and moulding of |iieir eharacU rs. Prof. Shurley was a p ilar in the liaplist eliureh anil his less will he severely felt ill ail circles in which ho moved. lie march d Mrs. I'lfiis and she and a step-son survive him Death was caused from heart disease alter an iilof only a few dn\s };otihiii? Bird's Nests.. This is the season w le-n sunn hoys ami even those of matilur R. M. LONDON, KdC'K HILL, S. ('. JOB PRINTING. J. U. Tray wick & Co, DKM.KKK IN' FIXE !,I()i!()i:s A N I f AV I N KS, Nn. Iv' Triulo St. (MIAKLOTTK. - N. C. WHISKEY $1.25 Per Gallon. Mention 'Times'. 2cnd for private prise lir.t Write: WILTON DI3. CO.. WIKSTCH. IT. C. Lowrsl Priced Wlii Kty lloiisi' ai?e ilol roy, hi ?I only Innls nests, hut tin- It-1 1 li < i???!'. This i.;i clear v lolutiou ol I In- gillie law anil unless the prart ice is stopp* d. sportsmen ar * <h t? r:s;iu?'d to tako \ ijioi mis net n hi. !ii the ey? s i?l tin' true It.v? r oi' lh?' ^iiiii anil a pointer il it is -a wanton nut rani to slanMitio liirds al t ii is .si a s 11 n ol tin' \ oar. There is Mo ri a.soii to ililato on tlm harm it ilihis. ami what tl.o ovil will I ad to. It tin- I?iI'iIh nil' not allowed to* 11it*ir lirood, il' they are killed in t !m spriiiotimc and their i tests dost royi'il, ih*> 11 in* - will come, and rii?ht ijuirkiy loo, wln-n t lit'i * will I a* a dearth of heivd name in this country Sp< rtiueii earnestly uij/i; that tin s>' violations ol tin oaiuc laws ci'asf, else sonic heedless poison will timl liiinsi-ll m t 111;hjiI ill the llleslu s of the law. Mr. dailies K iiuluvll, who il will In* remembered was taken I'tom Korl .Mill township to tin* State hospital ft?r (Ik* insane, arrivi d here .Miunlay nioht and iii'inedi utely went to his Inline in the northern part of the township. It was I lioi|o|) t I >y si mho that Mr., Kitnlmdl was inrui aide. hut alter only a few mouths treatment In- is now sound and well. Reveals a Groat Secret. It is often asked how such startling; ciiii's. that pux/.le the I>?'st physicians, are rtfcctid l?y Dr Kino's New I Jiscovi'i y for Consumption. Ili-re's tin* secret. It rills out the phlegm and o,.|iii-infeeted uiuells, and le's the life-ojveino . xylieu eiirieli and vitalize the blood. It heals the inllanied. roiio |i-worn throat and lunsis 11 aril Colds ami siuhhom coiiolis soon yield to Dr. Kind's New Discovery, tlie most iufallilile remedy for all Throat and Lane disi as s. ( I uai'i nteed holt li s ode and 5>1.00.' Trial liottles free at .Meaeham s ill no stole. $ New Ar P ii ? - *" g iiiiininocKs, at ?M ? Ladies Slippers. & (hihirens Slippe ? Mens Slippers an 5 Drop-stitch Hose g and ( hildron. Mi 5 1^?11*11 it lire, Sowing lot of 1 jii w is, Madr $8 nicr 1 >ress i*aoods to ? ('all and see the 6 | L. J. tylasse 'WW%,v% %,-% % SEASONABI ^ t&I<li/J < '?* ??'"'<' rtF 'I iii.?> is a urcat !li!?!)oii .ci i Veil i >'i!' s-c > 11?1 sh 11 >il 11*111 <>t tin' Ii4 i?l' ii;' shade . .*?, niiti 1 A ^tuitl .? mil v. at. A ni Wr I' i 2->c A s|? ? in 1 \.st, c??Uj Li.-lc \isl a' ? >? A hint Lislt ^ A \ i r\ nin vest. halt sleeves, i a In (5?rscts \vc show you II ^ Ii11? <>l (i in!It's at 50e. MciImi ^ A < tti|> ((' liti n|' Lawns g l<>. 12 1 2. 15 mid 2 )r. 1*1 tin < a i v? 1111wear, at !Uc I hie |>i< 25. < >n?* | iivr to inch Droit < tin* |ai cc .',~2 inch li .-lil liluc < ^0 nt I'ei-ian Lawn in lirrhl ami I 'ci calcs at i I 2, I" lini! I A lull line nl \ alcnciciuics La $ I .< <1, s. 10 and 12 I 2c. Wa at Lie. l*'aus at 2. >, 10. 15, yl ()ur Millinery Inisinoss i ^ ME AC HA IV 0 ?0Q0?i3?00G?0 | The Gash Bi ? DON'T I.KT I I ? The following pr ^ you tliul wo will i ? A limited amount < ? cos, t he <>-cont kiii( q White and ( olorod 0 too low to tell. La< ^ regular price JJ?>e, 0 Ladies Dropstitch <3 kind, at 10c. Lap ? Embroidery ai ^ ('oine and e;ot yo 0 per yard. We d say int? t hat will sa^ 0 10 cents ner vard. p Slippers. S 22 Thirty-six j>;iirs< Q in sixrs I to 4, 1 ho jg itn?I 7.'>( per psiir. x of I jiidios SI .;>0 Sin g out Tip, at SI. T j<5 of Moils Snt in Ihils, ^ Our shoo tnido i eg urn >> r sun wain 1 < vv larger and wo an* {K wiil accomplish it. 0 host shoo on 1 ho in; g ost price, conic to tl 1 01,1) liELIAI! % T. li. HIM. ^ P. ?>. Flew lot c Q cvixyoOilj 0?00?0?@? 00 001 ^mm 'rivals. $ ?J! . . ins )eand 81.25. id Shoos. ? ? for Ladies, Men Uinerv, Hieveles, 8 Machines. New as,and light sum. $ arrive 111 is week. new things. ^ y 'Phone 5 5> Itfo. YI S LE GOODS. * ? >-? - mb?am ^ oison. Wo liuw just re- ^ I licit Wiui lor Itilibju in alt i i ii * I it's wide, nil silk, at 15o. ? illjK'tl Vt'rit. 111 lOc, I ll I'c'ti ^ u'l'il taped, at lt'v*. A fine 1 M-rit. tin It sleeves, lit 2-)c. lit l()o. Iv Z waists at 2fu\ gP to U. A (?. at $1. A l>.}^ ^ in waist (iinlle.sal Title. & and Organdies at 5, 7 1-2, m) 1 ti^uinlit'K in all eolors for of (??S ilicit Organdie at ^ indie, better j^rado. at 35c, h<r!iii(lit' at 18 . One piece dark blue, and pink at 18c. ft) 2 I 2*. (i i latoa Clot It at 15c. us and Insertion at 1.2,3, rnei's Kent Ik r Hone Coil u'd 2 >. and 7>0c. H inilllollrio, ^ fl&EPPS. ? O? ?Q 3? ???S?0 Iyer's Bazarr, g 1 PASS YOU ! ? 00 ices will eonvinco ? *avc you nionoy: Jh' >1 Assorted Oali- 0 1, at 4c per yard. &) 1 Lawns at prices g| lies Sun Bonnets, ? our price 25c. gj Hose, the 15c 0 Kobes ?it 25c. ? id &? [1U 3113UUIUU. 0 iir choice at !Oc g lon't hesitate in Sj re yon from 5 to ? hoes, Etc. I ?f Ladies Slippers ^ SI.50 kind at 50 C]i rwenty-fburpairs jjp >es. Stock or Pat- as wenty-foiir pairs 6p a* ^1- jg?| s daily growing, ?vj a make our sales &> satisfied that Ave ^ 11" you want the irket at the low- ?> ||(W &J 1I.R STORE. 1 Proprietor. ^ ? (Jlovhfrf , ;.V (%p SC CwiS