University of South Carolina Libraries
V * " *' >5 > - .f "* THE FORT MILL TIMES, j Dt MOCRATIC PUBUSHEP WEPNKHPAVB. B W. BBADIOED. Publulut*. Ptibwription j>riro . , . . tl iH>r your. C"orrt's\x)urtoi?io <>n >?ul>jr< i? is I r ? I>.<1 I... I u u ilo mir nirri'O to . ftpnniiniiirntioiiH containing morn than BOO words, and tin responsibility is usMilled fiir I ho vil'WK .?r C?>lTOX|U)l|dolllH. As ;i11 advertising inedinjn for Charlotte, linovillo, Fort Mill, and Hook Hill business Ikmiso* Tin-Tillies is tinsnrI Missed, Hales liiailo known un uppliuaion to t|i? publisher. Lnoal Telephone No. 20. MAY 14, l!?o-4. The custom of eandi.Infos an- I liotllicinir themselves through the1 columns of the county papois. as | has been practiced over since the campaign humbug lias been in vouge in this Slate, seems to have become J? thing ?f 1 !>*-* past, at least with the office-seekers of York < njnty, Indeed, it. is said, that there is grave talk by some candidates in this county of ignoring I e newspapers altogether and it now looks as if is to become a ' tlity, as there is, as \ye have seen, only one York county man an-1 n lunci t) himself up to this writing. If this action is taken it will i lean considerable loss to the newspapers, hut if the candidate can afford to cut expenses along this line, we believe the paper man can just as well afford to lose it. The Columbia correspondent of News and Courier expresses his opinion along this line as follows: "All that the newspapers have to do is to put the 'snuffers' on the candidates and simply leave out ill ,.r ti.... ...... . 1. mi iiiv i^in'ii f/i iiii\ v (iii?ii\Kii ro, i 11 L' I I ineet ings. their spouchcs and everythint; commuted with their cam- ! paign from beginning to end. If the newspapers will only have the norve to huhl out they have already won thejr filtht and perhaps j not this yeur, hut ijeip year, they can double the pripe of the cardst and the candidates will be glad to pay it. ' The unknown and new candidates pre the ones who wdl ho handicapped and injured by not publishing their cards and getting before the public with their an* nouneeinents and their speeches, and it is evident that some folks know a thing or two about politips." -* ? There has been a great ileal said through the columns of the papers in regard to tlje Charleston exposition and its many attractive fpa-| tntea. There is one, however, t hat lias been almost entirely ignored or overlooked by all ronvap mdentr,, and probably from tlie fact that its location ia audi aa not to attract general attention. Reference js made to the grjisa garden of the United States agricultural department, which conaiatH of foiir acres of .'round and ia located just east of the encampment of the marine cprps. Every farmer whn vibita the exposition, ahonld viait this garden.T Mere are to bo found growing over Jiffy different specimen of forage crops suitable for pur Southern suns, as wheat, rye nijd barley of manv kinds. The seeds of the different forage corps referred to liave been gathered from f'Jgypt, Africa, China, licland, Scotland, Kngland, Anrtlndia, and many otlior countries. The representative of t|io agi ienltmaj department | in charge of t|je garden in a prac- i tical farmer, and oan give the visitor fnl| infonnation regarding | each and every species of the crop, , and it can tie said to every farmer, i if ho can spare time to go down, yen if he spends only one day at j the exposition, let hip? carefully I study these forage crops, get a list. t\f Uiiel) uti l.a UM? nfo . oo * l??? i W* ?i??vu ?.o IIU nuiuo I\J tip*-1 filial Mr will be ten times repaid fur the j expense of the trip, ami for tlje time ho may think ho is losing from his farm. The announcement by the management of the exposition has been made that it will l?ositively dose with the month of day. ? Senator Mv La rin has issued an dilresn to tin people of South 1 arolina in which In tnimuuces Mmt h? will n?>* baa t ;> didate in the next. primary election to succeed himself in iIn* ITiiit*-<4 States Senate, and gives his reason theretur, I' Looks Blue For Koester. Gnoree R. Koester will not bo <>nit ii rm-tl nw mlInftor of intftriuil - I revenue for South Carolina. And j thereby hangs an interesting tale, j Koester is a newspaper won of Columbia, S. 0., uho was selected by Senator McLaurin, As soon as he had been appointed it was discover* d that he had participated in the lynching of a nemo. Investigation showed that ho went to the lynching in his capacity of reporter, and he pleaded that if he had not shot the nemo the mob would have burned the man at the stake. llis excuse might have been uecepted were it not for the fact that Senators from the North and West arc bei wr deluded with protests from colored voters against KIvilli: L*ed nil oflice to a man who was identified in any way with a lynching party. The Senators arc fearful that. Unless these protests are heeded the colored voters will desert the Republican party that they have prevailed upon the coin mittoe which has the nomination ill charge not to report it. Rooster's name will probably be withdrawn. Washington Pofd. Things to be Seen in Charleston. The greatest Southern Exposit ion. Three of the oldest churches in Ainericn. Two of the historie fortresses of tin* world. Moultrie and Sumter, The best harbor south of Now York on the Atlantic coast of the I'lilted States. Historic mansions which were -i.i ii... a.-i ; - f ' v/??* ' V ? IIU |/l.A Kuril IWII Ul IJIUt** pendenee. Streets paved and houses built with material brought from JCnyland. The site of the new United States Naval Station at (J hi corn Park. The most beautiful cemetery in the United States. The only tea farm in America, where tea is grown for sale. The most beautiful Magnolia and Azalea Garden in America.? Magnolia on-the Ashley. Tjjo handsomest Government building in the South if not in i America. Tlie only city in the TTnites j States \\hi?'h litis preuerved its aneifnt benuties and peculiarities in, tact mid having n ptyle of nichitecture pueuliar its own Tin* city which in the past mid will he in the future, the groat port of entry of the south Atlantic OOlkHt. .1 ....... I. . Adrift in Raging Catawba, Two wall known young Rock' Hill men narrowly escaped eternity via tlie vvet, watery route while atteini>tiiiLr to cross Ihe Catawba river at 'dim tin lit'* o? Sunday in a | bateau, which, tlion?>li it already ! contained water when thuy started ' i on', they did not suspect of leaking One of the young men, whose I : names are purposely withheld, could swim, and hut for his ability inn! presence of mind at the; time the bateau tilled up and cap. sized in mid stream hot h would in ' | all probability have lost their lives. When the boat turned over the j one who could swim grabbed the 1 other, who had sunk once and ! I. ! 1. .. 1.1 <1. I 1 1 i l*nv?- iiiiii m immii <?ii iiit* iiuui, hiiii presently they tl??ilt *cl uljiiilist a rock. wliicli wns not ?jnit?* al??ve the surface of the water. The swimmer ?n 1 i? kIy made a hat for that rock out of the boat and i hn^yin^ his partner in peril to his hosoni and from the bosom of the j rutfiiitf Catawba sat therewith him on top t he boat nt teri n^sweet words of cheer, consolation and encouragement to him while a party went I down stream about a mile and a half or two miles and brought back a boat, wherein Crusoe and Irs 1 man Friday were rowed safely and | also trembling lmek to shore. In tin1 meantime a party had came t<> Hock Hill as fast as well whipped horses could carry them to pive | i the alarm and have a rescuiitu parly organized ? Hock Hill JournalThe Charleston Trip, To say that the Pleasant Valley crowd enjoyed the trip to the Imposition would he pulling it mild On our arrival in Charleston, we I went down to JJattery Park, the] most beautiful place in the city. j On the next, day we took in the i Kxposition, and all were delighted with tlie beautiful Brenery and interesting exhibits to be seen on every hand. We found the midway equal to dessp dames in {jetting your money, only they do it in a more polite way. At the end of the tirst day we had seen about as inueli as we could "contain."" (hi the next day we visited Magnolia Cemetery, the Market Mouse and ot her interesting j>laees. We also Went over to the Isle of Pnlmo Iinrt Imtl a nice time picking up sin lis iiiul enjoying ourselves generally. We also saw Fort Moultrie of Itevolul iodary fame, in front of which is the grave of Osceola, the Seiniuolo Indian chief. After three days of learning interspersed with pleasure or vice versa we returned home, and it was with many regrets we loft the "City by the Sea," Changing the old sentence a little we may my, "we went, we saw and we took by storm," and we have only pleasant recollections. S. K. B. - ? Young Girls Badly Frightened. Two young girls, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Bailes, of Fort mill, while returning to their home a few evenings ago, when in about one hundred yards of their home were confronted by a negro man who (isose from his hiding in a fence corner and attempted to seize them. They at once gave til#' iihirm ?mit mil O. ? 1-?' Mt??? MM IV/ ft IK ^III/UI h house nearby. The screams of the children frightened the negro and he run in an opposite direc] tion. Soon thereafter a blood hound was secured and a party of i about eight started in pursuit, but all trace of the negro was lost. The young ladies stated that identification would be impossible, as it was almost dark and that the negro did not get very close to them. Kock Hill Herald, 10th. The Times heard of the incident some time previous to our last issue, but as there was doubt as to whether the man did attempt an assault, and not earing to create excitement oyer what we feared was an imaginary affair, we refrained from publishing anything of the occnrronce. The whole af fair is supposition. Old papers for sale at The Times office. .IiihI the thiiig to pqt under your carpet, - ^ ? r Yorkville Dispenser Elected. The boR 1(1 of control hold its Hrst mooting since organization last, Tnosdny, nil members being present. Mr. Jhiu oh \V. Snider was j elected dispenser at Yorkville at a j salary of $(>00 a year, and the place j selected for a dispensary is the ! Hunter store-room in the Lindsay J budding at a rental <>f $200 a year , and a cellar, if recpiired, at an additional charge of S2 per month. One other room was offered at the same rental, tiiat in the Allison block. And also a vacant store in ; the southern part of town by Mr. i \Y. (\ Latimer at $120 a year. ' The Lindsay room was thought to have some advantage o\ er the others, principally on account of size and light, and the fact thnt there are no ?>]) n back premises, nor adjacent alleys. The dispell| sary will now be opened as soon as the building can be put in agreed I condition and tin1 dispenser tiles ; his bond. There was only on^ | application for dispenser, that of Mj, Snider,?Vorkvllle Yeoman. ????. Yorkville News. Yorkille Enquirer: The county hoard ??f conunissioners In 1?1 its regular monthly ineetiiu; Wednesday. all the members beini; present. The auditing of accounts constituted about the only business that was transacted. The election on the question of issuing bonds in tin* sum oi $12 - , .*>()<) for the purpose of erecting a home for the graded school, is to be held at the sheriffs office next Wednesday from 8 a. in. to 1 p. ni. , Since the story of the mill pond ! has developed that several other cadets had narrow escapes rt the same time. Cadet A. Friedheim was draped under by by one of the drowning boys, ami . I. I.. ... .1-- -- !il I ! 4.1* 1 iimm ii ih O>IM |n' 11111 y WIIII c 11 nic ll I ty. Cadet Moore also Inula narrow escape. What Thin Folks Need. Ih n greater power of digesting and assimihiting food. For them Dr. King's New Life Fills work wonders. They tone and regulate I the digestive orgaiiB. gently expel | all poisons f mil 1 he system, enneh the blood, improve appetite, make healthy llesli. Only 'Joe Meachain's drug store. A eoloted woman living near Waxhaw recently gave hirth to what is pronounced a monstrosity. It has the body and limbs of a fairly well developed infant, hut it's head is very much like that of a huge frog. The head is almost Hat oil the back, the ? ves heiinr lnr^e and in tin* top of the head. An autopsy revealed the fact that j it had iio hraiu whatever, its spinal jcoluinn extending clear up the ; hack of the head. It lived only a i short time. Stand Like a Stone Wall. Between your children and the j tortures of itching and huruin^ eczema,scaldhend or other skin diseases. How? why, by nsiu^r Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greateBt healer. Quickest cure for 1*1cers, Fever Sores, Salt Khenni. Duts. Burns, or Bruises. Infallible for Biles. 'Joe at Meachani's 1 )ruj? store. It has been suggested by the State supei inteudant of education that Jefferson Davis Day be ob served in the schools, llis birthday is .Inne it d. As this would tie somewhat late for some of the / I schools any day could be selected with propriety. ? Holds Up A Congressman' "At the end of the enmpfti^n,M writes Chump Clark, Missouri's I brilliant congressman, "from over! work, nervous tension, loss of sleep ami constant speaking I hail about utterly collapsed. It seemed that till the organs in my body were out of order, but three of Klei? trir Hitters made ine nil ri^ht. i It's the best all-around medicine ever sold over a dru^uist'scounter " Over worked run-down men and weak, sickly women train splendid health and vitality from Klectric Hitters. Try them only 50c. (iuarenteed by Titos. B. Aleaehatn. DR. J. L. SPRATT, SURGEON DENTIST. Office in Hank building, Main Street, Port Mill, S. C. After December 1, office will be elqseil every Monday. Toruis, strictly cash, fffipST* v. IF YOU WILL PUT V?th tfjis yaw? tbrpttt often <r * L? I ? Keej f:ict always fresh For Cuts, a need ??i)ly to apply ^f^exican (fY[\ tv few tinic3 nail tho sorei bo eonqucrcil and the wo To get tho lie t. result ; of soft elotlj with the linl: wound as you would u pi 2<*>c., (iu< KEEP AN EYE ON Itoiu |Jj;*-US<" iUlloUK your fowls ll-?- tU (SOUTi B.AIL I THE GREAT OF TRADE A. tTnUinj} the Princ Ccrv eps und Hesl Rckprts t'f the Aou NORTH, EAS HI|(h?Cl>Kl Ve?Hhule Tralr brtwaen New York and ] Cincinnati and Florida 1 Aahevill*. Now York and Florida, althi and ?nvknn>hi or via ISnvannah. Superior Dinin|>-Cnr Scrvic Excellent \rrvic? nnd J.ot count South CarpHitn Int ILxpotlllon. Wtntwr TourlM Tic Hets to roductd rates. For detailed information, lltoi apply tQ nforest ticket'agrnt, o S. H. 1IAKDW1CK, General Passenger /Igent, Washington, O. C, R. W. HUNT, Dtu. Passenger Agent, Charleston, Jf C. FEIlSliANV 10. IOCS. Floor Stains Send 00 cents and got a halfgallon and stain your mom, hall or piazza floor. You get any color, but walnut. Mahogamy, and cherry are the principal shades. It i is much more economical and i i healthful and neater than wearing j out your cat pets and mattings during the summer months. We also) have Varnish Stains in Oak, Walnut, Cherry and Mahogumy for re staining furniture. Visiting and, Business Cards 100 Engraved and aluminum case with your name engraved on case for -tacts. no .1 ..i a.., e.... 'i* It9\r i ftiim rum tin* miiut* iui i in. 100 curds engraved, micar, for 50 cents. Over 50 typos to select from. Ardrey's Drugstore. DR. KINO'S trv NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumon i a, \\ ay Fever, Pleurisy, IjaGrippc, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. j Pric# 5Q<;, and $1 TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. ivtnfulof Mexican Mustang Liininto a glass hulf full of water anf} it will cjuipWy curv * f^w ?i""otvt? \ W? ? this i'i your memory:? tud all Opeq Sor^s, y<m jstan? Pinimenf i 41 4: ...:n less aitti iimuiiiiiuui ion ? ui uiuletl flush healud. toil should suturntn ft piooo :uunt and bind it upon the n:l! ire. <1 u bottlo. jMiuitry and nt the vrrv first sipn of . Scaly I'Olts. Riniitilfioot or other iexi|>uii iMusUuk liliiiiiiciit. ?rvBfrnt.^iitniTT ti^wiffi?yu^ 1ERN I WAY HIGHWAY f \D TRAVEL. ipal Commercial th and I'leasurc K ih with the & T and WEST. in. Through Slvoping>Cnri | N?w Orieins, via A .'anta, 1 Points via Atlanta and via I or vin Lynchburg, Danville H Richmond, Ilnnvillo and on nil Through Tralni, ft v Kn'ei to Charlaston sc> Ij lar-Statc and W at Indian J' mil Raiartn now on solo at E ritiuro, Htnm table?, rate*, etc., H r aticir?MM W. H, TAYLOE, | Jtsst, Geti, Pas*. Jfgent, f', J!tlar\ta, C?, J. C. BEAM, j". District Pas*. Jt/fent, Jtttanta, Ga. I Dot; Ordinance. Bo it ordained l?v the town council of Fort Mill, now sitting in common council. nntl by authority of the sitnic. That after this (late it shall be unlawful for the owner of any Bitch to permit her to run at largo inside the incorjmrate limits of the town of Fort Mill, while she is in heat, or season. Any such bitch, so found, shall ho killed or the owner may redeem her on payment of a tine of not less than two nor more than ten dollars, or work on the streets of the town, not less than two nor more than twenty days. Done and ratified in council this the. f?th day of May, MM>2. Jons W. McKlii \xky, Intd. ,1. M. Sl'jtATT, Clerk. FOR (jiOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OH WRITE TO W. I!. 11 GOV Ell, (II\KLOUT, N. C. TRY TIIK City Barber Shop For a tirst-elabu H A lit CUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO, or HA1U SINGE. Carothers ? Son. PKOrRIEToUS. Third door Punk building. Shoes shined while you wait.