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PROMINENT PHYSII {_/ N OF WASSIt^ ???? ' ' ' ^A^'X^'WWWWWW^WWVAWVWVW^ C. B. Chatabvrlin, M. D., writes from "Mutt)/ rases have conte ancle 5 ha s benefited, and cured. There foe | catarrh and a (jenrral tonic."?( Kxumliirr IT. S. Trmiarjr. l>r. Llewellyn Joriliiu. M?*<ilnal Examiner | or l'. S. Treasury Department. graduate of Columbia College, and who served throe yoars at t West Point, has th?f ^Skl following to say of C5> *TV lVruiia: I / ~ ~ flu "Allow mo to ox- I ,, press my gratitude \ ' hone lit derived <> ^ from your wonhas brought forth s^Pj/yr a vast change and 1 I now consider Dr. L. Jordan. 1 myself a well man after months of Henry River Manufacturing Co. of Hildohran, N. C., has tyeen incorporated for manufacturing cotton and wool, by Messrs. IX W. Aderholt, V. Aderliolt. M. E. Rudisill and J. O. Ballard of Cherryville, N. C.; J. C. Qulckel, A. L.. Qulekel, Miss S. B. Hoke of Lincolnton, N. C., and M. L. Aderholt of King's Mountain, N. C. Capital stock 1rQi>5,000, of which $:?9.000 has been subscribed. No details as to character of plant have been announced. "The pen,'' said the famous war rmr 10 uie great editor, "is mightier than the sword." "But there is this to say in favor of the sword." replied the great editor. "It never gets us into libel suits." laarorfrrtly hnrmlea* vcjrefnh1<> fnmpmui.I Itpral. tlreiy ami permanently rlltnlnntea corpulency anil aupcrflunuii flrati. II I* n < 1 UK A IIMH.I'TK ami u? III arm lfi? an fn-i-h nlrTlmuiMiwImf I atlenn linvr n?> ! thin treat men t. I'll v sir Inn ? 1'luliir' e It Wi Ite in u? fur l>RI< KTIIKATVlKVI'. semi Ten Cnila Imnvrr Ironmpp. ? !< ' crri'?|ii ndi'tu p Mrlctiv Cotillilrnilnl Lory thingIn plainwall ! i<ackaiin>> n mlyou t)>? formula. If you Ink pour trrnirneiit. nnit you <;nn make Kedurto* nt lionip If you ilrclip; know Inn tin- IniirntIrnt* nrotl have no frar < f pwll affect*. A<lilr< ??, (ilnirual'briii.t u .37111 hJrB Ate M l.ouU Mo I ' So lit a ft ftl p y MADE EASILY MUllt I ANI) RAPIDLY. ww I 1 I Wo want mon with energy nnd Kilt; will give llioin >< Munition in which they ran make tnomn rH| l<lty the labor Imlng light nnd Ptn|do nient the yonr around. It ? quitm no capital or gl out education. Nome of our brut Kiiicmtipti are country boy. l'rollt Suiok nnd euro Write nt once for |>at tleulnta. 1U1HI1NS run. CO . Kmnr lil'dg, Atlanta, On. - tor the race w^v Of life, you know, / * _ Red Seal Shoes Are all the <jo. ! < > WS39'S* TO AI CC of trrmrr rtaar-rlptlon. n*?117-?"i>i ?w?Lt? UfA'tion Oil.irnntewrl f* rv-^t\ i Writ* for rtl.op. J KHKI1 M a It I i K S Mi' ' |.,i S ftt .llll riMilllkJln, Mcallen s business college, a.1: ' Sceor?tfu! School. No maurl:*. CittaloKUe free I Jrttk cjrvN, u?r (Thompson's Eye Wafer / MANS WORSE PE-RU-NA. I -W-VX-X-V-V-V-V-V"V"**^i 14th and P Sts., Washington, 1). C.: { r my nbscrvut ion, where l'cmnti j r i e, I cheerfully recommend it for J 7. II. CHAMHEULIN, 31. I). > ? * \AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^WAAAAAAAAVAAAA{ sulToring. Fellow-sufferers' Porunn will 1 euro you."?Dr. Llowollyn Jordan. Goo. C. Havener, M. I>., of Anacostla, D. C., writes: Tho Poruna Modidno Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen?"In my practice I have had occasion to froijuontly |<rescril>e your vulu- ' ahlo medicine, and have found its use bono- i Ih'ial, es|N>oially in o:is>>h of catarrh."? Goo rue C. Havener, M. D. < 11 you <l<> not prompt find satis- ] fn-tory results from t!? * use of Peruna, | write nt once to 1?r. Hiirtmun, giving a full statement of your c;isi',? and he will In- pleased to givo you his valuable ad- i vice gratis. Address I>r. Ilartmnn. President of Tho lliirtiuau Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Notes of Progress. I Drayton Mills of Spartanburg, S. C.. 1 has filed application for charter capital stock being pluceil at $250,000. Hooks of subscription arc now open, and the 1 stock is being rapidly taken by local investors, some of whom are oillters of other cotton factories. Arch R. Calvert, mentioned recently as proposing an enterprise of this character, is the | promoter, incorporators are Mr. Cal- j vert, M. F. Floyd, W. A. Law, John P. I Cleveland, W. E. Burnett and A. L. 1 White. Brenham Cotton Mills of Brenbam, Texas, will build a mill to have equipment of 5000 spindles and 160 looms for ! the production of tho coarser grades of cloth. This company was reported last week as organized, with eapital of $150,000. 1). C. Giddings, Jr., can be addressed for particulars. The Board of Trade of La Grange,! Texiis, is endeavoring to organize a company for tho purpose of building a cotton factory. Messrs. John Killough and Alex. Rosenberg have been appointed a committee to visit mills in the State and report on the feasibility of the project. H. M. Shaw and associates of Oxford, 1 N. C., contemplate the establishment 'of a knitting mill, and Mr. Shaw invites correspondence relative to the i cost of equipment, selection of eharac- | ter of product, and other information. t Messrs. H. F. Douglass, B. F. Hamilton, H. G. Beard, Columbus Lytal and F. P. Stearns have incorporated the Shawnee Cotton Textile Co. of Shawnee, O. T., for manufacturing cotton products. The capital stock la $100,000. Scnbount Special lintes. $5.90 Chnrlotto to Itnlolgh, N. ('., and re- i turn, account of Commencement Exercises A. A M. College. Tickets on Mile May 24th j to 27th, inclusive, good to return until May 29th. One fare for the round trip to Jackson, Mis*., account of th? ? ?-rii 1 Assembly of Presbyterian Church. Tickets on sain May l'2lli, i:uti and 14th. with final iiinit May 30 h. For further particulars call on A. V. Merrill,l'ass. and Ticket Agent. | 23 S. Tryon St.. Charlotte, N. C. FITS permanently cured. No (Its or nervousness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great 1 Nervellestorer.t2trial bottle and tmatlsofroe Dr. 11. H. Kline,Ltd.,081 ArcliSt., Phlla.,Pa. I Germany raises more potatoes than any other European eountrv. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething.soften the gums, reducesinflnintnatlou,allays pain,cures wi id colic. 25c. a bottle A>k Your Ilruter For Allen's Foot-Knur, A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, ; Hunions. Swollen, Sore. Hot. Callous, Aching, sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's j Foot-Fas? makes new or tight shoes easy. At . all Druggists and Shoest >res, 25 cents. Ac cent no substitute. Sample mulled Free. i Address Allen s. Olmsted, I.eliov, N. Y. '1 he consumption of liour in the lTnited States is id ut one barrel a venr in mail, woman and child 1:1 the country. Totterlne Curi'M Krzemii, Worm. Harher'a Itch,Scnldhead, Totter 111?t those itching skin trouble so unploastnt and disgusting. r.O -. a box l>y mail from l. T. Shuptrlno, Savannah, On., if your druggist don't keep it, Oinscng to the value of about $800,000 la exported to Hong Kong every year from this country. It is Used as a medicine and stimulant. Thirty minutes is all tlm time required to dye with I'utn am Fadki.kss Dyes. Sold by j all druggists. Few of us arc so busy helping others that we can't stop to help ourselves. 1'iso's Cure is th? best medicine we overused tor ad affections of throat and lungs. W*. > v antra ren, Ind., Feb. 10, iihk). I China and consumes more ducks . than any other country in the world. THE TIMMER MARKET. | It la a Unique Affair Held at Aberdeen, Scotland. On tho last Wednesday of August every year there Is a fair called the "Tlmmor Market" held In tho Castle Suare In Aberdeen, Scotland. Sonio fifty or sixty years ago nothing could be bought at It but wooden articles? from which arose the name "Tlmmor." Now. however, It Is the Scotch housewife's last chance of getting her berries for preserving. Every patron of the the market knows that after that mourn me ouiy cuauie 01 nun is ?hence the rush. Great and small, rich and poor alike turn out. Booths, set to the best advantage and numbering perhaps two hundred, j aro arranged in rows, ample room 1 being left for the buyers and pleasure-seekers between, rruit stans. ; old clothes dealers, shooting ranges, j wheels of fortune?everything to make j a penny can be found there. Schools I and colleges have no recognized holi- i day on that Wednesday, vet the aver- j age "mod" Is a regular attendant. Up j and down he parades, blowing his trumpet in the face of everyone he meets* and looking the very picture ! of happiness, nlthough past the age of three. By seven o'clock the "tarry rope" lamps are lit anil the fun commences. ! Country "bumpkins" fetch their "lasses" anil buy them candy anil pears or whatever is wished for; pro- | vhltid that the cost does not exeeed sixpence. The elite of both sexes 1 mix with the crowd and "treat," the one the other. When all is about sold j out the students start for home with l a rush, upsetting the stalls as they go. Nothing, of course, is said by the police, it being "Timmer" day. Should any one be so absent-minded as to forget the months and the days j thereof, he has no doubt whatever, i from the head-splitting noise, of the last Wednesday in August. Odd5 and Ends. When a pugilist is knocked out in lie tirst round life to him is surely lot one round of pleasure. "Don't strike a man when he is lown," says the Mnnayunk Philosopher. "The chances are he hasn't anything. anyhow." "I have followed the sea for 30 rears," said the man with the weath- i rbeaton face. "And have you never ' caught up with it?" asked the silly, i pale young man. The one crop that never fails is the dead beat crop. pTired Out j " I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was I tired out all the time. Then I tried B LAycr's Sarsoparilln, and it only I took two bottles to make me feel g perfectly well."? Mrs. N. S. Swin- H ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to f I bed, tired when you get e | up. tired all the time, i ( Why? Your blood is im- | \ pure, that's the reason. I 3 You arc living on the 1 Li knrder l.'r.* I Iuui uvi 11 ii^ UI IIV^l V \J tA" fl haustion. Take Aycr's J Sarsaparil la and be j quickly cured. IVfiiJgS: 8 Ask your doctor what ho thinks of Arer's kj SirH.ij.srUla. Ho know* all about this ,:'rund old family modlciiio. Follow Ills advice and wo will bo satisfied. J. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. :-o?,oHo?fcnrii?oi?ouo?!oi?oroi? i| fAPUDINE SfS* 1 ^ L.aORIPPE, COLDS, ETC. u Dora Not A Heel (lie Ilenrt. Sold by DniBgtltt, IS nu 1 2.%c bottle, ft OstOMOMOiflOilOAOilOstC^OltOMOoS^r) Corset Comfort. / G For warm rliti K Corsets cotnps U Straight fron | Royal Worcester I and Bon T \ Corset ^ They always fit. tA Ask your dealer to show the tr? you, or order style you sc!i< Royal Worcester Corset Co., wor? ! ALABAS1 f? NOT A K A LSO M I N ( f JNpfJ r "Fnughl I";;o your na?tv decaying kulw Y mine? No. sir! AI.AHA&T1NK is what r asked for and what 1 want." 5 ALABASTINE COW?PANY C \W I , \ pw:? i y inal ^ ai' LyeSEa ? Pinkham's ^ It will entirely euro the worst fo rian troubles, Inflammation and Ulc of the Womb, and consequent Sp adapted to the Change of I-ifo. It has cured more cases of TSac 1? A-\- ' ' ? Aciuusiy uic woriu lias over Km eases. It di.;solve3 ancl expels tumor of development, and checks any tear] Irregular, Suppressed or I'akif Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Floe ache. General Debility quickly yields Womb troubles, earning pain, v lieved and permanently cured by it acts in harmony with the laws that ? harmless as water. It quickly removes that Henri tiule, "don't care" and "want-toirritability, nervousness, Diz/.iness, I melancholy or the "blues," and bael of Female Weakness, or somo derar medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints and Back; Compound always cures. No other female medicine i widespread nnd unqunliliud en< has sueli n record of cures of fern Those women who refuse t< wnrded a htimlrod thousand tinu ? a cure. Sold by Druggists ever CANpy CATHARTIC ?j?. 5-V-. ?.?fco s ,? itro?ut. r.;r. r^e stamped C C C. Never sold in bnik. Bowarc of the dealer who tries to sell "sometlilug just as good." J* ' ** UNION__MAOE. ^ \j\ 'JS* L\ A 1 llW Id ,L' '' s''"? ('c,i'*'rs everywhere. M ^ r Caution! The pcnuinc have !'| /M J^j W. 1.. Doug'i.-.s' i .:??* .ral juice H W stamped on the bottom. Increase of talcs <n talie belovt U 9 1R0S= 7 ?H.70eV?lr?. | [J B 1 ?' >' > = HOH. 11> J Pa. Ira. W I sssaasKTnrzryiT^: _ & B 1 :,UU " ,>4-'il' ' " 1901 = 1,5^0 Palra. | Business Mora Than Doubled In Four Years. K ThJE REASCVQ : , ? , _ ft U .1.1 nuiki s r\rnl tolls more men R $3.10 H an 1is.M sliocs ilian ativ <> l:ti f? o inwiiilio'tiiri' j. U i W.Ubouuloa { Kithocsrlncedtldeby H l siilo vrilli $.'.. ?) and sh.mi f1i?? s of i.lficr niuk. * nr.- h , found to l> * jum o. k>oi1. 'I !? > will outwear two H pairs of ordinary g-l.lio anil C:i.?o shoes. ^ el Made of the. best leathers. Including Patent M Corona Kill, Corona Colt anil National Kangaroo. U fail Color f.|pl<>li nnl AlfiKji Rltrk Hooks I'.oi, Kl K.l.IloiiiiUi |i "i;rt Hdtr Line" cannot be equalled. y Slims l?y mull. 35 cts. extra. C.".l:ilii|f Q nsiiVriIM*' f'' ;j iKt~yj- *?| Iltst < oujih riyrup. 't'nMra Good. Urc F|~j ^ Iter, Mais. ^ ^ n oa~.-<r. r><r><* P ?3 P\5 ?2? A Durable ! S aNi ESi Wa? Coating ^ 2 Forms a pure and permanent coat- p in^ and does not require to l>e taken off to renew from time to time. Is 3 a dry powder, ready for use by ^ mixing with cold water. *i ! TO THOSE BUILDING V1 , 9 We are cxj>crts in the treatment of *j walls. Write and see how helpful i we can be, at no cost to you, in get- y i ting beautiful and healthful homes. } 9 , Grand Rapids, Mich. ^ AS j isfi )\v T ni 1 v tV?f* n ronf - -- - ? -y V>l X i of Lydia E. PinkV egetable Com1 Justifies Her Origfig nature. 7egetabio GczmpQuncfm rms of Female Complaints. all Ovacrationt Falling ana Displacement inal Vveakness, and is peculiarly l-iaeho and Lcucorrhcea than nnv 3\vn. It is almost infalliblo in such s from the Uterus in an early stago Lcney to cancerousfhumors. ul Menstruation, Weakness of the xling, Nervous Prostration, Ileadto it. reiglit, and backac he, instantly res use. Under all circumstances it pvern the female system, and is as ng-down Fooling, extreme lassibe-left-alono" feeling, excitability, "aintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, vache. Thcso are suro indications lgeincnt of tho Uterus- whir-h tnio ache cf either sex the Vegetable a the xrorUl has received such lorscment. No other mcdieiue alo troubles. ? accept anything els? are re?s, for they get what they want ywhere. Refuse all substitutes. ^gaPFree^ >< I Enclose a-cert sta up for particulars. D Address SCOTT REMEDY CO.. Louisville. Ky. M ' 4 evented by Shampoos and light dressings of emollient skin cures. 'I stops falling hair, remo dandruff, soothes irritn stimulates the hair folli with energy and nourisl hair grow uoor? n swec scalp when a;! else fails. MILLIONS mi ! Anoiiffnl l?y Ct'tk't'iu Ointm;:\t, for ing tno t?Kin, i<>r cleansing tin* se: '.p of stopping of fulling hair, for softening, ami sore h.iuds. for baby rashes, Uohin poses of the toilet, bntii, ami nursery. 8<>ai* in tlie form of baths for nnm excoriations, for too free or oflenslve p ulcerative weaknesses, and for tunny :;i pest themselves to women and mother . emollient properties derived from ( rv: purest of cleansing Ingredients, and tin No oilier vixlicaUd soup is to be comp.i and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair domestic toilet soap, however cxpensivi purposes of the toilet, bath, and nurser ONE I'kick. the l?t?T sklu and couipl baby soap in tlie world. Complete External nnri Ir.tornnl XT ? CoiwUtlnK of Ci'Ticrr 15 Ti tl ai"' Call'.', ami hi.hi ri <2 (-W.,. u. In-l iiitly ail;, OOOtllC 1111,1 In-;,I. ai,, 1 I TUo Crw4* <?1 anil idealise tlie blood nO ?OS Jhl ttl0 m(>H. tortertii;:. di scrip, and blood humour*, itw-lie-,, Ilc-1,1 it^. a o fulls. Skild tliroitcrli,'-t iiu- a,,rid. Itrlt:->li Hcpn Depots 5 Hue de la I'.itx, Parts. forma l>ui OlfllUWU Kksoi.vkst |?i;.i.s (Clioe date etihst'.tuli- ft>r 11 to evict). Iti-il ntj-il'l I.'CTIIUB* IJ>) and humour cii'm. I'm up In screw-cap pocMctnu PlIAeiuvalteralhc. iwiWiillc, tonic, H.-.d ,lli cot, n'.oM (!<-'*< r-ful and ccoaotiirul liood and jl.l yet coiapoua ted. I Good enough I | for anybody! I y\ll Havana Filler g j : -FLORODORA'BANDS are t of same value as tags from < \ 'STAR: 'DRUMNiOND'Natural Leaf, i ! 'GOOD LUCK"OLDPEACH&HONEY' ! "RAZOR'and I.RICE GREENVILLE' \ Tobacco ?"' .win 'TT -I SWIFT CREEK Stock and Dairy Farm. c C; ?? s2jf I'll* for s.ati'n Inrtri- II Un livrof AAit, . /r\nl.-i\t..iini:i.-i:lst.?r? .1 A J.O.O. l. (,' ,i .li-r-. Iftiili ninl |J. . ( J / None In . Iiri- I In till' I.uih. if L/ (.'Iiiubtiiiiitf y lln- most I-/\y iii imti'il mil u|itn il:it?? I lb.oil R\ \ . . ItI III AllliTli'Il. Hulls 1.1 f.l 13 AV*-*"* fcw" in.'iiih- i iii, S'.'.vki. Ili'lfrm, Minn- urn1, S" l'.i].ANI>( il \ v l'lws. $.V"u each. Si-mi I'lici'it ami ci't What .von want. T. 1*. tilt \~\\ bLI., I ru|i . Hattli'linro. \ C. i of CUTICURA SOAP CUTICURA, purest of his treatment at once ves crusts, scales, and tted, itching surfaces, c!cs, supplies the roots "iment, and makes the :t, wholesome, healthy IT!!"1!!!??, SfifiP J *4 5 a 'O V E B 2 A V p J ?* I j -reserving, purifying, and beautifyerusts, scull,, and dandruli, and tho whitening, and soothing rod, rough, gs, eh.din : >, and for all the purMillions of Women me Ccticuka. ying irritations, in(himmnt.ions. find r>i>ir?tiou, in the form of washes for iti-epUe purposes which readily su?CUHCUKA SOAI* Combine* delicate > t* i: a , the jfrcnt skin cure, wit I; tho nvxt refreshini* of flower odours, r. I with it for preserving,purifying. , :i>;<I hands. \<> o;her l?w.yn or , is to bo compared w it h i< for all the y. Thus it coinhin* s, in ()xk Soap at usiou coap, and tlie LKS1 toilet acii Troatmcnt for Evory Humour, SoAl'f'V.), U> rli'dDrc tin* hkln of orusta tin- thickened ruth !? ; < i nci ka ointmknt v itching, liiiluiiiimitlon, ami Irritation, and i tl< i'll! p.ksoi.vknt 1' r.'.v.i, to oiml \ sni.,i.j. Skr Is often auMclfiit to euro il.'iniMv. Itelin t>ii nir.jr, and scaly pkln, 1 lrrltatmis, with loss of hair, when all cl-n t' 27-2f, OharterhoiiM! js?|.t London. French :o axi> CUMM. < <?ur., Sole Props., IIvjUid. d) are a new, tnntelc?a, odonrlcas, eonomleal oi.vrxT, a* woil a? for all jtlier litooil put it'.era t vials, e<mti?lnin? <V> do?e?, nrlce, 4\c. t'UTI(uHtlve, and iieyuud qucM on the pureot, awietn purltlors, humour :urc?, and tonic diycaUvea I