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IN THE LOCAL Flft.0. fr&tfs of the past Week to and Around Tewu Briefly Told, Mr. J, P. Crowder spent yesterday >u Hock Hill. Mr. A-lea Fewpjl was in Fort M>11 a short time Sunday. J. Lykeu Watson, of Charlotte, ^ _ 4 i 1 * wot* a > ibimr w ims piece on Mutiny. Miss Nannie Tltoruwell spent Saturday with friends in Keck mi Mrs. E, L. McElhaney went over to Rock Hill yesterday to visit her parents. Dr. J. E. Masse y, Jr., of Rock Hill, spent Thursday in Port Mill in the practice of his profession. The westlier is getting decidedly guiuuxerish and straw hats and light cothing is iu evidence. Messrs. fra. ir. and Rose he lie Sinythe, of Oastonia, spent several days of the past week in this township. 'Jt'Ue spring session of Miss Clara ' Sledge's school closed yesterday with an outing and picnic on Catawba River, Mrs. C. R. Craven returned to her home in Rock Hill Monday lifter a visit of seyeral days to relatives in this place. Messrs. Kidney White and Fred Ninis visited the home of the lati? Afi TT .11? XT /I i?i o iuuuicio ai uLuuy, i\. V/., | this week. The stand in Confederate Park j has been put in shape for the ex- ! erciaes of Memorial day, Saturday, the 10th. Mr. W. W. Boyce, of Rock Hill, was in Fort Mill for a short time Friday on his return from the Hold Hiii commencement. The truck gardens are looking {veil, and with good seasons there will soon be an abundance of vegetables of all kinds. Congressman Finley has about succeeded in getting an appropri* tion of $,'{5,000 for a government building at Rock Hill. We no tic# in The Herald of today that the Hold Hill cornet band is to furnish music for the memorial savices in Rock Hill next Friday. Very little interest is being taken in politics in the county yet, and candidates for the legis ature and county officers are slow in making their wishes known. The Bailey-Jackson Comedy Co. gave a number of vaudeville allows in town this week. Those who attended say the entertainment is well worth the price of admission. A numtier of people of this place went to Hock Hill Sunday to at- ; tend the funeral of Cadet Harry Stevens, who was a victim of the sad accident which occurred at Yorkville Saturday. Extensive preparations are being made by the ladies of the Baptist church for their ice cream supin the Stewart building Friday ; night. All should attend and help | the ladies in their work. As stated previously, the May meeting at the Presbyterian church will commence Friday at 11 o'clock The pastor, Dr. J. H. Thornwell, will be assisted by Rev. J. A. Dorrity, of Charlotte. There is a notible improvement in the condition of Mrs. E. Fulwood who has been sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Harris. Mr? ffiillmn/ul u-nu oV.1.. I on Saturday to be removed to her home on Booth street. A^ain we call the attention of citizens, those who are liable to j street tax and who have not yet paid, to the fact that the time is now on and unless payment is i made on or before Satuiday there is a fifty-cent penalty attached. Mr. A. A. Bradford, Jr., was on Monday awarded the contract for the erHeiitin of a nmdurti r,....... cottage for Mrs. J. L. Watson. The house will be looated on the lot oti Clebourne street opposite the residence of Mr. R. F. Grior. Tuesday night Mr. Walter F. Spratt suffered another one of those acute attacks of which he | has been the victim several times before. His condition was very serious yesterday, but his hosts of friends sincerely hope he will be on the streets again within the ! MC*t few duya. The railroads have decided to continue the cheap rates to the I exposition duringi this month and have even improved o;> the situn- | lion a little. During May the low ! rates will he 111 n?? - ,? w uuiti n*rndays and Thursdays of each week. A letter from Mr. Z. V, Bradford a few days ngo aunounced that Mr. W. C, Henry, who waa at one time a resident of Fort Mill, has been awarded the contract to erect a $10,500 public school building in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. Henry is meeting with much success in the "Land of Flowers." The York County Democratic convention met in the court house at Vorkville Monday. The principal business transacted was the election of delegates and alternates to the State convention. One delegate and one alternate was elected from ench township, J. R. Haile and S. H. Kpps, Sr., being chosen from Fort Mill. We learn that the widely circulated report that the Southern Railway Company offers round trip tickets from Fort Mill to Charleston at $1.70 is erroneous. Ti ... n t8 Bam that this report was the result of an error on the part of the railroad people in sending a circular letter to this place which should have been posted in Fort Moth?, S. C. The warn) weather of the past week has had a telling effect on crops of corn and cotton and we j don't remember of having seen a better prospect fro a good Btand of j each. However, an experienced ; farmer in discussing this matter, ' says better crops are usually made j with irregular stands, as the plant j is generally left too close in the drill. Miss Beulah Crowder and broth- j ei, Master Wilson, narrowly escaped serious injury Sunday as they started from home to this place. For some reason the animal they were driving became frightened and in a dash down the road completely demolishing the buggy. Both the occupants were thrown out but fortunately neither was seriously injured. Large crowds of Fort Miliums, on foot an 1 otherwise, paid daily visits to the Gold Hill section dur- j ing last wt-ek to witness the com- : mencement exorcises at Gold Ilill academy. The sp ech of Hon. W. J. Talbert Fribay afternoon was' the drawing card of the occasion . and a large crowd was present to . hear and shake hands with the gubernatioual candidate. The veterans met Saturdav 1 afternoon and appointed a com- j mittee to assist the ladies in decorating the graves on Saturday. The Fort Mill Light Infantry will also take part in the decoration and all the members are earnestly requested to assemble in the armory at 4 o'clock p. ni. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Friday afternoon and arrange a program for the occasion. It is now believed thot no further consideration will be given by the President to the subject of retiring Lieut. Gen. Miles, so long as the commander of the army continues his present attitude of reserve, and that the case will be allowed to remain as it is unless Gen. Miles himself should do something to take some action to revive the recent determination of the President. Mr. W. E. Kimbrell, of this township, is one of the visitors in ( from Dallas, Texas. He reports corn in that State eight to twelve inches high. They were cultiva- 1 ting cotton for the first time. He says that they make a crop with i about the same amount of ploughing that he gives to the preparation of land before planting. Small grain shows the damaging effects of the long drought. The wheat nnd oat crops were very small. Depot street, which has been giving the street force no little trouble of bite, is again closed on account of the undermining of the , culvert bo* near Main street. It is said that the Southern Railway i has agreed to repair the road this '1 time and, while it may be some weeks yet before the work is coin- 1 pleted, there is consolation in the * fact that wheu the Southern completes a job it in jjeuerally subBtaotial. The Fort Mill Mfg. Company, which since its organization in 1887 has transformed its plant froiii a small weave room to a modern cotton mill, is still in the line of improvement. The latest addi- 1 tion to the mill is a finishing ma- | chine, which will be in operation iti a few days. With this plant, it is claimed, the compiny will be enabled to suve thousands of dollars annually, which money heretofore has been paid to Northern ; OolWPrna hurried out into the delightful ; spring atmosphero. The charges i consisted principally of drunks and disorderlies, and the city treasury showed an additional cash balance of $.'17 after the morning's receipts had been enumerated. A case which probably elicited more interest was that of a Mr. Brown, of Salisbury, N. ('., and John Kutledge, an employe of the i Millfort mill. Morgan had Hutledge arrested on tho charge of bigamy. It seems that some weeks ago liutledge ran away with a daughter of Morgan and that the1 latter has since received information that Kutledge had a wife , and several children in another State. Rutledge denied the charge and agreed to accompany Brown to North Carolina, where lie said ho could prove his innocence. He was thereupon released and remained in town until shortly before train time, when suddenly he skipped out for narts unknown Morgan and his daughter left oil the evening train f<jr Salisbury. Reveals a Great Secret. It is often naked how such startliny cures, that puzzle the beat physicians, are effected by Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con. | Buinption. Herd's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and yerm-in. fected mucus, and lets the life-yiveiny oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heaPs the inflamed, cough-worn throat ami lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs hooii yield to Dr. Kind's New Discovery, the most infallible remedy for all Throat hud Lung diseases. Guarenteed bottles f>Oc and $1.(X). Trial bottles free at Meachaurs duty store, , The town council has recently bought from Capt. S. E. White one anil one-half acres of land adjoining the cemetery, which will in a a short while be paled in and made a part of the present burial ground. By this time another week the lots in the addition will have been surveyed and will be sold at $10 each. It is very probable that a new oflicer of the town will be elected in a short time, whose principal duty it shall be to see that the cemetery is propeily cared for and to plant flowers, etc, therein. It is now reported that the Catawba Power Company and Messrs. Ordway Sons, have about settled their dstferences as to the building of the eastern section of the Catawba dam. It will be remembered that some days ago the latter were ordered to stop work, which, it is said, was unsatisfactory to the company. A compromise will probably be effected soon, and, while the Messrs. Ordway may not complete the work, this step will open the work to others, which in the present shape would stand until after court this fall. The following party boarded the morning train at this place yes leruay ior uiiariestou: Messrs. j 1). (). Po'ts, J. W. Davidson, J. M. ( Harris, White Cousart, S. E. Bailes, Clins. Hawfield, Misses Bessie Wolfe, Martha Bailes. Loma and ltebecca Harris, Eva Potts, of Pleasant Valley; E. S. and Eh Howie, of Belaire; Misses Dovie Harris, Eunice Hall, Delia Mills, Ava and Bessie Kiinbrell, Aileen Harris, Susie White, Mth. A O. Jones, Messrs W. F. Harris, A. Barber, and Masters Murray Mack, Kenneth Xims and .John Massey, of Fort Mill. In Police Circles. A mournful nanj^ of culprits greeted the mayor at ihe station house Monday morning. The j jud^e disposed of the prisoners with a hop. skip and a jump, and Another Girt Mi&sjng. A Lenior Hpeeinl of May 2nd to the Charlotte Observer Hay? thut MiBB Cordie Childere, who dirmppeared from the hoiue of her uncle w f ur i i ... ui-iii utMiuir >? euneouay night under circumstances similar to those tliut surrouuded the death of Nellie Cropsey. of Elizabeth City, has not been found. It is tmid that she was seen at Chesterfield, a little town between Lenoir aud Morguutoti, early yesterduy, on her way to the Utter place. Later it s said she was at the Southern Kuilway station in Morguuton, where she told someone that she was on her way to Hildebrand, a village tive miles west of Hickory, where hIih lnul t???nrl?t uclmnl ? wp,..,. The case is creating quito tt BenHHtiuu in this section of the State. Its similarity to the Cropsey ease makes it more interesting. SSTHAYED?From my premises on Saturday, two black spotted pigs, about b weeks old. Keward for information. Dr. D.G. Thompson. Attention Ladies. The Ladies Memorial Association will meet at the bank on the afternoon of Friday, May lJtl?, at 4 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. By uuler of the president. Mrs. .1. 1$. Mack. Dog Ordinance. lie it orduiued by the town council of Fort Mill, now sittiiiK in coniniou council, and by authority of the same. That after this date it shall he unlawful for the owner of any Hitch to permit her to run at large insule the iiu:or|xirate limits of the town of Fort Mill, while she is in heat, or season. Any such hitch, so found, shall he killed or the owner may redeem her on INtyiiieiit of u tine of not less than two nor more than ten <l.ill,i?-o ..* - w. win. mi I thu streets of the town, not less tlnui two nor moro than twenty days. Done and ratified in council this the I 5th day of May, 1902. John W. McKi.uasky, Intel. J. M. Sphatt, Clerk. Announcements. Candidates' anuouncenients will be inserted under this headline from date of receipt until issue preceding the primary election at $:i.5U each. Cash with order. For County Supervisor. I hereby announce myself a candidate I for the otilee of County SUPERVISOR, i subject to the result of the Duniocrattc primary election. T. 15. CULH. . ? Floor Stains Send 00 centa and get a half gallon and atain your room, hall or | piazza floor. You get any color, I but walnut. Maliogniny, and I cherry are the principal shades. It ia much more economical and healthful and neater than wearing out your carpet a and mattinga during the Hiitnnter months. We also have Varnish Stains in Oak, Walnut, Cherry and Muhogainy forreatair :ng furniture. T7isiting and Business Cards 100 Engraved and aluminum case with your name engraved on case for 45 eta. 50 card a and the anme for !{."> eta. 100 carda engraved, micar. for ;>0 centri. Ov?*r 50 typed to H?*loct i from. Ardrey's Drugi store. J. D. Traywick & Co., DEALERSIN FINE IjIQUOHS AND WINES, No. 4*2 Kant Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C. WHISKEY $1.25 Per Gallon. Mention 'Times'. Send for private price list Write: WINSTON MS. CO.. WINSTON. N. C. Lowest Priced Whiskey House. Agents Wanted. LIFE or T. TEWITT TALMAOE. by his win, RKV. FRANK DKWITT TAI, MAGK and uiutochitft editor* of ChriHtiaii Humid. Only book eiidorai'il by Tuluia^o family. Kiinrmou* jirotit for uucuts who act quickly. Outfit loots Writo immediately CLASK ii CO., 222 S. 1th St. Phila , Pa. Moutiou tin* jujior Old pnperH for sale ?t TlieTimcn otlice, Jn?t the thing to put under your carpet. i r 5a | New Ai tc TT Uj JLiUHiniOCKS, at 0 * Ladies Slippers, g Childrens Slipp< 2 Mens Slippers a: # Drop-stitch Hos g and Children. M S Furniture, Sewing 2 lot of Lawns, Madi niai' IlikUD O 4- * i xyi cois &uuua 5 Call and see the | L. J. Masse ^XiX&&X>XiX<X9V% IsEASONAB 6 Tills in a great Uibbon J ceived our second shipment o ^ the leading shades, 3, 34 and < ^ A good 5 cent vest. A i ^ for 25c. A special vchI, col ^ Lisle vest at 25c. A line Lis ^ A very nice vest, half sleeves, ^ In Corsets we show you 1 ^ line of Girdles at 50c. Modii ^ A complete line of Lawn: ^ 10, 12 1-2, 15 and 2<)c. Plain ^ evening wear, at 10c. One p ^ 25. One piece OS inch Org ^ One piece 32 inch light blue < v oi l't'iHinu ijiiwii in light anil ^ Percales at 7 1- 2, 10 and ^ A full line of Valenciennes L # 4. 5. 0, 8, 10 and 12 l-2c. Wi J) at 15c. Fans at 2, <5, 10, 15, \ Our Millinery business jMEACHAr 1 Clothing, Cloth If well, stay w well. Our idea is idea always. Our stock of Ch good health to yoi depression in pri pouitment in quali have an up-to-date iug in Knee Pants, old, also a similar 1! from 15 to 20 yei Clothing to beat styles, sizes and pi heretofore been bn ter towns or patron continue to do so i we can save you @ dollars per suit a @ same fit ? 1 Hats, Ha! ? We have reeei 2 Spring and Sum ? styles. Mens' Cri X 11P' | Shoes, SI ? We are overst 2 Shoes in sizes from ? if you wear this ni ? get first choice at ; I OLD RELIA1 g T. B. BELK, 00? 0?@00? 90 rrlvals. | Oc and 81,25. & >rs. - jg ad Shoes. 5 e for Ladies, Men ? illinery, Bicycles, g Machines. New ? ras, and light sum. m ) arrive this week. new things. ? kv Fhonc S 'J P Mo. 11 g EE GOODS. *| season. We have just re- ^ f that Wonder iiibbon in ail ^k I inches wide, all silk, ut Inc. \ lice taped vest at 10c, three T ored taped, at 10c. A fine le vest, half sleeves, at 2oe. a at lOe. K. Z. waists at 2oc. ^k :he R. ?fc G. at $1. A big inn waist Girdles at 50o. fF * and Organdies at 5, 7 l-2t J Organdies in all colors for ^k iece of OH inch Organdie at andie, better grade, at 35c. Organdie at 18e. One piece & dark blue, and pink ul 18c. f 12 I-2c. Galatea Cloth at 15c ^ aces and Insertion at 1, 2, 3, ^ I?. - A I I? /" ? ^ nut-i t* runnier Dona Uuiure 25, aud 50c. ^ ia immense, l/l &, EPPS. 5 1 -- ? > ?0 @? 0??????? .tog, Clothing. -1 ell. If sick, get ? to give the best g. [>thing will meanji ir poeketbook. A <| ce oiid no disap- <| ity and styles. We ? > l ine of Boy Cloth- S from 3 to lb years. ? j ine in Long Pants, || \/?Uf UHIA ifJCII A the Bund in all g rices. If you have |? ying from our sis- g lizing a tailor, why <g my longer, when g from two to live g lid give you the g ftp Is, Hats. I ved our stock of g inter Hats in all ? ish Hats from 25e S| loes, Shoes. 1 ocked in Ladies ? i 2 1-2 to 4s. So 8 lumber come and <& a sacrifice. ? m STORE. I , Proprietor. ?