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WW W v uuu Muu una M'JiNonfi. "One would naturally think that our business at this time of year would be at Its best, but it isn't." said n tobacconist yesterday. "Our cigar trade always falls off in bad weather, especially when the bad weather is accompanied by high winds. Even habitual smokers don't enjoy a cigar in the open *ur wnrn me wina is blowing. Just take note of the number of men you see smoking on the street some calm, clear day, and then note the difference a day like this. You will see that it has quite an effect upon our business. Our receipts are much higher in summer than in winter, just because of this, it's all well enough to picture a man smoking before a cosy fireside, hut there are lots of men who liavo cranky wives, and who seldom smoko in the house. During the summer they can do their smoking out of doors with u full measure of enjoyment. Yes; summer is the best time for us." Itrokc Ironclatl Hule. Tt was no one's business, of coulee,' hut his own, but President Itoosev'elt does ride with a docked tail when he feels like it. The last day Gen. Wood was in Washington he rode with the President out Massachu OWV.O nmim; VAM'UUi-'U U?il} Dl'VUIllI LOG huge culvert over Rock creek. Tbe President strode a dock-tailed horso that time for sure. Ten rods behind rode'an orderly, and about the same distance farther back rode two pln'.n slothes policemen on bicycles. I-I#?r the latter negotiated the rough and rutty roads farther out is of interest to them alone, but the President is a hard man to follow. The rougher the road the more certain he is to take it. But it was a dock-tailed horse, a hij.?islded, long - stepping thoroughbred which can do 20 miles an hour if called on. Signor Marconi's three dots sent across the Atlantic without wires elicited much technical criticism, but his latest exploit in sending a six word message over 1,551 miles of intervening space is not open to the uamc sort of objection. If six may be thus transmitted, why not six thousand? Who is to set hounds to a system of intercommunication so cheap in operation, so elemental In flnnct rilr?Hrm nnil > mi. i ? ?.w.. u.iu Iitoiuiiauuii ; 1 11124 latest wonder in electrical transmission Is, in effect, but a single unfamiliar phrase of the vnst question of modern electrical development. The earlier telegraph instruments havo gone out of date; why should tclepgraph wires and cables linger superfluous in the Twentieth Century? queries the i'hiladelphia Record. "The pen,'' said the famous warrior to the great editor, "is mightier than the sword." "But there is this to say in favor of the sword," replied the great editor. "It uever gets us into Jibcl suits." Itnwntim Holer*II ntaflgorrmrot. Jaropolk. one of the early rulers of i Russia, had onlv about hnlf n ; jnvv, the remainder having been cut off by a saber stroke during a fight with the Turks. Grizzly cubs born in captivity arc almost impossible to raise. Of twentythroe born at Cincinnati, only ono lived. SURGICAL OPERATIONS | I * llow Mrs. Bruce, a Noted Opera Singer, Escaped an Operation. Proof That Many Operations for Ovarian Troubles are Unnecessary. " Dear Mns. Vinkitam :?Travelling for years on the mini, with irregular ' meals and sleep and da rap beds, broke 1 down my health so completely two years r.go that the physician advised a compl^m 1 had gained MRS Q/BRUCE. * ufYleient. vitality, an operation for ovarian troubles. Not a very cheerful prospect, to h i s ire. 1, however, was advised to trv I.vdi i l?i. IMnldiam'a Vflgela1?l? (!oi;i]M)iiiul aiul Sanative Wash; 1 did so, fortunately for me. Het'ore a month had passed I felt that my general health had improved; in three months more I ?vaa j cared, and I have been in perfect ; tL h 'allh since. 1 fTid not lose an engagemi.1 nt or miss a meal. Yoar Veg table Compound is cor- j tainly woude: ful, and well worthy the pr:. friends who have 9^B been cured are ready to give you. I always you will admit I have good reason to do F<> B Tito fullest counsel this can bo secured without B ^^'O'.t by writing to Mrs Pinkhain, j HjHi.vim, Mass. Your letter will bo j^^^^Fentircly confidential. y fc$5,ooo| HHB OPK.y ALL TUP YEA It. B Bi.l.-m I 1 y Bniiki r?. OfllclMa, IliittlncM Men. Knrn Heard it oo?t. Write l^ulck Vo I i;i Macon, Ga. A fiOW HE KILLS THEM Arp Tries Colonel Rcdding's Plan to Get Rid of Potato Bugs. OFFERS THE CHILDREN A PRIZEj Gives Them a Mckel a Dozen For Dead Burs?Mow the Philosopher is Succeeding. I am trying Colonel Bedding's plan to exterminate the potato bugs. lie says begin early and watch for the first ones that come. Make an inspection every mourning and kill the largo striped ones before thry lay their eggs. My crop is about six inches high. I have six long rows in the garden and the other morning 1 found the pesky things had come. 1 killed about thirty and then told the children?the grandchildren 1 mean?that I would pay them a nickle for every dozen bugs they found. That evening they killed sixty and next morning forty, and this morning fifteen, and this evening tell. So file three litll" irir'st l?rnnr?ht 71 <r in debt sixty rents and foci rich. The ! bargain is that they arc to pay me back for all I flnil and I have not found but five yet, though I don't look very care- j fully. Children like to work for money Just like grown folks. I remember well the first half dollar 1 ever earned. ?.Jy father was clearing land and told me I i might have the saplings if I would , trim them up and pile the brush and I j might have the wagon and team to j haul them to town and sell them. I had the evenings after school and Saturdays to work and soon had a load I ready and sold it to our school teacher for a silver half dollar. I was rich, and as I drove home 1 felt of it in my pocket every little while to lie sure it was there. I liko to reward these little chaps, for it does them so much good and makes them love me. The love of an innocent child is the purest on earth except the love of a mother. I have no greater comfort now than the glad smile of a little one tLat jumps into my arms whenever I come. It flat ars my vanity, for though 1 am old an 1 ugly the little one will hug mo and pat my wrinkled cheeks and turn away from those who are young and handsome. The greatest inducement, for a parent to bo a Christian is to secure the salvation of their children and meet them in heaven, for it is said in the scriptures in three places "Bollevo in the laard Jesus Christ and thou siiait be saved?thou and thine house." It ; was said by Paul and by Peter and the , Spirit, "thou and thine house." So let ! tlio good mother not despair of her wicked son who went unrepentant t > bis death and may those words always I eomfcrt her. "thou and thine house." For the sake of ten good people the Ix>rd would have savod Sodom and for the sake of good parents He will saw the children. Iacst year my potato crop was seriously damaged by those bugs, and by the paris green, too, for I used too much of It. and so I am taking Colonel Redding's advice and killing off the big j striped beetles before they lay their | patches of yellow eggs on the. under j side of the leaves. 1 instructed the hil- I dren to look for eggs and they found 1 only two leaves with eggs on them. | With a little sharpened stick they dug | nrounu iiip uase or every plant, ami there found most of the beetles, but I am already satisfied with the experi- ' mcnt, and liope that I will not have to use parts green at all. I shall continue my bargain with the children, even if it is expensive. I overheard them plotting tliis evening about going to the drug store tomorrow and buying some iee cream, and they agreed to take two saucers apiece. These littlo girls are great inventions, and I love to watch them and then ruminate anu ponder why it was that children, especially boys, get more selfish and deceitful as they grow older. The devil seems to let them alone until they get woaned \ from their mothor. The good and the bad are strangely mixed in this world. Now plagues and i pestilences keep on coming, botli on animal and vegetable life, hut a kind Providence has provided remedies and given us minds to find them. Iiut I have found no way to keep the pigeons [ from preying upon my young peas r.s ; they peep out of the ground. They ut- 1 terly destroyed my first planting and ( have begun on tho second. We have had a flock for many years, and 1 never knew them to trouble the garden hefore. I say. Colonel Redding, what must I do about it? My wife says cover them with brush, and I will if I can find the brush. Tho Knclish soar rows do leave us most of the crop, hut the pigeons don't leave us anything. Reckon 1 will have to turn the hoys loose on them. The beans, onions and early corn are alright yet, and the strawberries seoni to have no enemies. They make a beautiful shew, and give ua great comfort. In a week or two we will have ripe fruit in abundance and shall send s cue to the preachers. Urothcr Varboro... '? says he docs not think it any harm > send good things to a preacher even . a Sunday. Strawberry culture is spiv ? !ing rapidly in our town and some of the neighbors are trying it as a business for profit. Dr. Felton, Jr.. ins put out thirty thousand plants the last m ason. It was Isaac Walton, the gr- it fisherman, who wrote in his book on angling, "Dr. Rutler said that 'doubtless God could have made a better berry than the strawberry, but doubtless (?od never did,' and so I say that God never made a more calm, quiet. Innocent recreation than angling." My good friends, Dr. llenham and Colonel Murphy heartily Indorse Walton <<n fishing and will sit in a boat half a day in a summer's sun and watch the corks and ruminate and not catch enough fish for supper. If I was as fond of it as they are 1 think I would movo to Florida nn.-i thorr> I h#vn cniinht more fish there in one day than in all my liie up here in Georgia. 1 did not go to Dallas, the long spell of grippe left mo too dilapidated to travel that far and give lip my home habits and comforts, but I road all aboul the great reunion with keen satisfaction. Thee is life in the old land yel and love for the "Lost Cause" in th? hearts of our people, the confederate* and their children and children's children. May it never be extinguished.? Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. * * f"T< E modern tOayMSr I Tower of Babel ^-A. is built out of ^ God n ever inV^^vi gives His power t o feed our YtuW'tf ^ll? (,ovo of V promise comes in lA \ k response to praycrf. u laTV s rc,r,Pons"'I* } O * b i 1 i t y begins where man's ability ends. Men reach Ggd by realities and not by formalities. God's essentials may be hidden in our incidentals. God never forgets the man who can forget himself. The man who is willing to work is rot kept waiting. Nothing paralyzes the love of right like lust for riches. Th" bigoted hold no belief; they are held in bonds by them. Idleness and riches furnish time and tide for the devil's ships. Uncharitable thoughts will deface the most charitable actions. When Christians go out in obedience to Christ sinners will come in. Get on the other side of a hindrance and you will see it labelled -Help." The full salvation of the saint depends on what lie is doing for the salvation of the sinner. The Weeh In Trnile rtrcles. Business in leading lines liar centin*ed active. Some departments of the textile trade are still iiumlk-npncd by mill stoppages, due to labor troubles, but wherever imiutcrruped by strikes there is a large movement of maimI11V.1 I,I..-. ,.! ..II I.I...I . MM... .,? ? I Uivu I' i W\IIU in *n ,111 iviuil'. 1 111_" iron and steel industry continues u?load all others in vohmio of output and strength of prim's, other industries aiv generally well employed, .aid i ho distributing trades an* active. Th trend of values has boeu upward. Tried to Knter King Alfonso's I'alncc. tY.nsiderahle excitement, has lioen caused at Madrid, Spain, by the arrest of a Frenchman. who attempted to enter the royal palace. The prisoner gave the name of Saury. .\oihlng hut, a prayer hook was found in his pockets. Saury was handed over to the French Fmbassy. ttcnernl Funrtoil Ki']>riiiinii<li <1, President llooscvclt lias reprimand -d General Funston for criticising Senator lloar. ttuil lie has tlireeted liitn to stop public discussion of the Philippines tpiestiou. INVITED BY KINC EDWARD. A Coronntion Comi>lIir>?-iit to tlie Niece of I'lenldrnt r.uc tiiinim. Washington. L>. C.?King Edward has eonferred a delicate compliment cn Mrs. Harriet Fane Johnson, the niece of President ltuchanan. who was the mistress of the White Ilouse when King Edward, as the Prince of Wales, was entertained there, by inviting ber iters mally to be present at Ids coronat ion. Mrs. Johnson, accompanied by lier l.ioce. Miss May Kennedy, lias sailed l'tr Europe. DEATH WIPES OUT TWO FAMILIES. Twenty-twin Nelnns mid AtrCIoik) '* Carried Off la Twenty-two Months. Flora, Intl. A startling death record Is made by the 1'amiUes of Homer Mciun aid John McCloskey. In the las. twenty-two months twenty-two deaths have occurred in these families. The Seinns and McCloskey* are closely related, and the diseases which carried them off were smallpox, tyI held fever and heart failure. Tilt last to sueetiml) was Home;* Ucinn aged tifty, who has just died. Ituli;ariiiii<( Invade liouinolia. A hand of thirty Utilitarians crossed the frontier and penetrated to the Vilayet of Kossovo, Uoumclia, after a tight with Turkish troops. Troops May llr Needed in Kjiypt. licitisli troops are held In readiness to proceed to the Sudan, owing to the fact that trouble is threatening in thai part of Kgyt. I toy Hunter Shot hy Companion. While hunting in (Jetlstown, N. 11.. Charles Adams fatally shot Fred Campbell. The hoys are about sixteen years oM, ?nd live in .Manehester, Little Boy slinot* tits Mother. Ton - year - old Early Fierce, living near Lexington, S. ('., has killed his mother while attempting to shoot at a crow as she told him. \\ lien Mr. I'ieree returned home In* louinl the hoy silting on the piaxzi l>y the side of his dead mother. l'n I tit n \rrl vi* in t'uii.i. Ton1, is Estrada i'altnn, Presidentelect of Cuba, arrived at Ciliara, on the northern coast of ilmt island, from the United States, and was enthusiastically received by the people oim whom lie is to rule. mr, y The bridge which has been plnnr.ed between France and England would cost $170,000,000. It would require l.? 000,000 tons of stcol. Influence of Knlnfnll. Mr. Clayton of the Blue Hill ob1 jervatorv. has a suggestive paper in 1 the Popular Science Monthly on the infkencc of rainfall on commercial and political affairs. Every severe financial panic in the Unite'1 States has been cio.;ely associated with a protracted season of deficient rainfall. The ! outbreak of the boxer war in China 1 wns at least partially due to the Impoverishment ? ( the people by drought. A severe winter precipitated the French revolution. The Russians saying that January and February are Iwo invincible generals was exemplified by the disastrous Moscow campaign of 1812. In the year 54 B. C. Caesar's legions in Gaul were defeated on account of their scattered stations. and the stations were placed wide apart because a scanty harvest had made this disposition a necessity. These are only a few of many examples that might be cited. "All things come to those who wait" is an obsolete saying. All things are coming nowadays to those who can't and won't wait." While commenting on the success of the recent invention which allows telephone and telegraph messages to pass over the same wire I without knocking into each other, the New York World rites tlit? following instances to show the dispatch which marks modern proceedings: A man : arrested for an assault, and in a hurry to be tried rang up a Kentucky judge I seven miles away, had his ease heard by telephone, was fined $12, paid it, and was set free?all within haif an hour. At Oswego, N. Y., the. other j day, two sweethearts who wanted to marry immediately, but could not because one of them was quarantined as a small pox suspect, exchanged vows by the aid of a phonograph, supervised by a clergyman. Ash Your I>cnl?-r I'nr Allen'* Fnol-Kn?e, A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, bunions.Swollen. Sore, Hot. Callous,Aching, sweating Feet and IngrowingNulls. Alien's Foot-Knee mnkes new ortight shoes ensv. At all 1'ruggists and Shoe stores. 25 cents. Ae. eeol no substitute. Sample mailed piiee. Address Allen s. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. A. The girl who talks about her swanlike neck is apt to make a goose of herself. liyeingis as simple as washing when you use IMtnam Fauklkss Fves. Sold by all druggists. Most men want to do better, hut they are seldom aide to decide where to begin. 51 rs. AY ins low's Soot hing Syrup for children teething, s >fteii the gums, reduees inllammati' 'i.allays pnin.eures wind eolie. 2ao. a 1 ottle .Japan lias acquired the American dining car system. FITS permanent ly cured. No tits or nervousness aftor ilrsc day's use of i)r Kline's < Ire it Nerveitestorer. - 21.rial battle and i re.itiso'ra? Or. It. H. Kline, Ltd.. 931 Vroh St.. Phlla., Pa. In New York < ity alone there are about 400,000 (Jennans. l''s Cure for Consumption is an infalliblo medicine for coughs and colds. N. \V\ Samokl, Ocenu Grovo, N. J., Feb. IT, 1000. Chinatown, San Francisco, lias four dallies printed i:t its own language. fds sT%k /> ?S?. Drocr^ti Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something jnst as good." ? *T ^ v -V 3 f ^'"v-v f~ "1 rH* ; am V ^1 7- ?& ^li ;1 #iX lf^'" 1 'I jfe >-Sa Corn I i ? ViM removes from the soil 1 ** ! C&*m 'ar-^c <luantitics of foil Potash. rWflii -ZZ* *'ic ^ert^*zcr ap_ I l'^"\-,,J plied, must furnish I") pi fx t'nouK*1 Potash, or the \ \ laiu' wi'-l lose its pr<>Jgjjir \\ duting power. Rear! carefully our books i j 1 on croj>* sen. Jtn. I (iF.RMAN KAI.I WORKS, I Bfc?^?p3| 93 Nassau S. , New York. g biwHM^BAaBBBHiiKnaBi aMBV 11 "" IAt ail Seasons. 77ie Straight Fron Royal Worces and Bon Ton Corse iu are just as comfortable in the v\ Ptf weather ns in tin* i-oldi-st. VS. been making these corsets for Ba hall a century, ami we know ju H every stitch is put into litem. ui Ask votir ?Ir:i!< r to show tlicri to v Jt\ Royal Worcester Corset Co.,worc?t ^*fc'Tr?iinwFigr3^^^^rgfrF DO~YOU SHOOT If vou do you should send your n , wiNcn GUN CATALOGUE. It illustrates and describes all the diff ! Ammunition, and contains much val Winchester Repoatlng Arms Co., I: More than sixteen per cent, of the population of Germany live "in cities of over 100,000. Tfttertnn Cure* yulrkly. "Onlv two applications of Tetterine cured a bad etii>' of Kinj: Worm from which 1 had i . .1 .......i ?? I -rfuiiiin . i.ntiiouioii.Miviinimil.liil. 1 ?0>-.a 1h)x I v mail from J.T. Shuptrim*. Savannah, Ga.. if your druggist don't keep it. The goats in Naples sometimes go up six or .-even stories into the houses to be milked. \~~Heaith~] " For 25 years I have never -j missed taking Aycr's Sarsaparilla 3j every spring. It cleanses my U j blood, makes me feel strong, and 3 does me good in every way."? 9 John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. jj Pure and rich blood 1 I carries new life to every 1 part of the body. You J are invigorated, refreshed. 1 You feel anxious to be 1 active. Youbecomestrong, j steady,courageous.That's j what Aycr's Sarsaparilia j will do for you. 5!.00 a bottle. All Arcs;':!?. 9 A*k your ilortor wh:?t he think* of Avcr'n B S:ir?..priri4In. He known *11 about tin* emml 9 j nlil (umlly nifrtlrlne. Follow ul* advico and ? R we will be K.i*l*fl?-?l. B J. ATKTt Co.. Lowell, Mass. H J fr?wwrrr/.'--r-aiw?t?ii .IMK ? ?> ?.<-??& owiowjonroironoiioiroBtororoKfoato I I f APID1NE Sf' * ^ LndRlkPH, COLDS, l?TC. o % Dora Mot .% fleet I ln< Heart. Sold by IlruuKist*. 15 no! iic bottle. or4ioMoaor<eio?a)|o}?o)|04to?ctfC4r.? $ T?io I Victor-?"I ?or layor ?>f p*|M r if bml pnonrth , V A T?u harit tbr*? hero, l'ahy may \vcover. b;i? A cnuaot Ihriv?." $ ALABASTI^E I j P IT WON'T RUB OFT. ? ^ Wnll r.'p^rh nmwnllary. TCal*omin?*- art* t*m- ^ ^ |>i?wry, rut, rubiilfiioJ iitlf. Al.AHAfTIXt U* ^ ; V* |><iii>. (H'riuMent ami <?*il mr. r? iwiy l??r tin I rtinh l?y num.,r in cold wntnr. for mU A | Ir liy 4?ft|pn ftrrjttkrrf. I'.uy In I | ? iukI In vrtra of worthim kmitatu>B?. ^ ^ ALABASTINE CO.. Grand Rapids. Mich. ^ \ I hail a general run-down feeling lacked ambition, and had no nppetite whatever, with a very languid feeling at all Itimm. On going to supper one evening my hoarding mistress recommended my takil'g ltipnns Tubules. She told me her experience with them, aa well as that of others to whom she had spoken about the TrUuIoh. 1 decided t<> make a trial and since I (have la-en taking them I feel like a new-riiade man, anil have none of my former i^. nnplainte, taking a morJ decided intercut in mv work and in life in general. . At druggista. I The Five-Cent packet la enough for im ordinary occasion. The family bottle, GO cents, contains a supply for a year. \ 1 250 \ FREE SCHOLARSHIPS) Apply at once i,. THE i.ANIKU HOfH HERSl I ' IlUhlNKes itl.i.KCK, Moeon. Gu. Ho kkoep. \ I ! ing, liniiklng. IVnajanHlilp. Sli.>ithill d. t ype-1| - writing, Telegriipliy. M ulirmiulit, Grammar \| and UMlnn? I orretptadlttM thoroughly it taught, Hoard IS to lid per mouth. I ! Enclose 3-cent stamp for particular*. B i Address SCOTT REMEDY CO.. Louisville. Kf. McALLEH S BUSINESS COLLEGE, SE52? Successful School. No malaria. Catalogue fr.*a. "NMBO I1 i , .s * % :W > v?Xs ~ :r Ma!S* : ?' ~ - .., .1 - - '4jJf kMHad*T-K>M4Ztxa>~i.-vf irj i in i mi mm*i\ i nI < I1MMI '? i v ante and address on a postal card for a IFftTFB I v.'.'.? O ?& IT'S FREE. crcnt Winchester Rifles, Sbotgunsand liable information. Send at once to the Now Haven, Conn. i ' an hn wrfortly Imrmleiw vrprtftblccompounfl. IfTvatlively and | erinauontljr clltiilnntPS corpulency and RUlHTfluous flesh. It IkuTI IS ftC A IIHUA'TI*] and a* Iwii nilcs*n? freshnlr.T liou*nnd*nf patl?nt? hare us? <1 tliln treatment. Ih\ sklnn> endorse It. Wilt? to us for 1*14 1 t Tilt A'I MKVr. s>?ml Ten (!i'|iIn tnuovvr uifttavi'. ? to. ('ormintiiili nci' strlot'v confidential, i.verx tliIiik In plain dealt <11 oekn^fd. \Ve solid you tho tnrimilu.if you take our troutment. and you can moke "Iteducto' at homo IT you dealt c; knowing the Ingredients need have no fear of evil efTtet*. A?l<in m, (ilukt'iitft'lu'iud o..370 1 f- Jolt Y>e M I?(*uIn..Mo ( a CIJTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS (Chocolace Coated, 60 doses, 25c.) are a new, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid C LJ T I CURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood Durifiers and humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one tcaspoonful of liquid RESOLVENT. Put up in screw-cap pocket vials, containing 60 doses, price, 25c. CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, and digestive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most successful and economical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives yet compounded. Cenpiese TreaHbcst $i Complete external and internal treatment for every liutiiotir, consisting of Ct ru t'UA Soai*, '.55c., to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUTICOKA OlNTMKNT, 60c.t to instantly allay iU'hinp, iull.imiu&tiou, and irritation, and sootlio and heal; and Cuticura IIksoi.vrnt, 25c., to cool and cleanse tho l?!ood. A Sixain; Skt is often KUtlicient to euro tho most torturing, disiignriiiK, itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humours, ec7emusrrashes, and irritations with loss of hair, fvotn infancy to apt, when all elso fails. CrnrrrA Hrvrmri told throughout liic wnr' J. Jinttph iH'ptit: ( harttrhnniieSfi., Lontton. Krer ch ? Hue <1* U I'tix, Part*. l'OTrr.u Duco aku Cucu. Cor.:., ifolc 1'roy*., iiu?toii? U. U . | Goodenou?h| | for anybody! I j i . na filler 1 ill 1\^ are onsame value as tags from ' 'S\AR"DRUMMOND'Natural Leaf. GOVD LUCK' 'OLD PEACH & HONEY' 'RAZOR and E RICE GREENVILLE' \ Tnhar.m ^ URINE IS MY SiiiDE Ml HAVt "lOc'iir t BKMf llTtHT f ><> - DISUSE .1 ? '.r jjL CUA/Slt. or IKCURABlE. t>" > < <? p?^** ' * iNf'Tk i>"" ' i THE WATER DOCTOR lJ..SHAPIjW, IVI. !>.. 14 *!! *1I Venn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ine parson in ine puipii Expounding of his views, ilears never any creaking soles Since folks wear Red Seal Shoes. Kf TuT turtts wntHE au fciSTFliis.K| Iwi Best louph Hyrup. T??Im Us? Kg Qj lit t'.tnw. by <1runnl*t>. pi