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rs TJIfc t.OLAt. FIELD. JEyeuts of the Past Week In and Around Town Briefly Told. M ise Annie Gulp, of Pineville. spent Thursday with relatives in in is place. Mrs. Thus. Suiith, of Pineville, was aiuongr the visitors to Fort Mill Thursday. Mrs. Klizt Fullwood. is seriously in lit iiu* home of her daughter. Sirs. 1. 11. Harris. Mrs J. L. Sprntt returned Sun- j day from a week's vis t to her parents at Artjreys, X. C. Miss Annie Castor, of Coneord, spent several days of last, week at 1 lie home of Mrs. L 1*. Fnlp. The pupils of Mr. \V. M. Crook's school held a picnic on the Flint Hill church grounds last Friday. The prudent farmer will increase his watermelon patch this season; he remembers that it is campaign year. Mrs. Walter Davidson, came down from Charlotte yesterday for n short stay with relatives near Fort Mill. Mr. lieu Downs left Monday morning for Charleston to accept a position with the street railway company of that city. We are requested to state that the Fort Mill Light Infantry will be expeeted to assemble for drill a>11 Saturday at l:iJO p. iu. Ft orida beans, peas and cabbage ore passing through Fort .Mill these days by tie trains loads. Only a few of the latter have appeared on this market. Among the visitors to the exposition tins week are the following from Fort Mill: Miss Mary O'Connell, Mrs. W. 10. Cunningham, Rev. W, A. Wright and M r. 1). C. Barber. We ackuowlege receipt of an invitation to the celebration of the hundreth anniversary of the Salem Female Academy to he held at WinstomSalem. N. C., May 22nd to 29th, inclusive. The $25 each for nniimml <1 i?*th, mentioned in The Tunes, is not. pension money and is not for veterans who draw pensions hut for those who have lost limbs and . do not draw pensions. Mr. J. It. llaile's many friends were triad to see and shake hands > with him Saturday, and while he is not entirely recovered from his : recent spell of pneumonia, he is , again able to be on the streets. Chief Xivens secured a large number of pint and half-pint bottles of whiskey from a blind tiger Thursday night, A pistol was al- I so taken, but. in the search the chief loosened his grip and tintiger escaped. Mr. T. (1. Cnlp, who for a number of years has been running a corn mill at the shop of the Spratt Machine Co. has removed his grinding appiratus to the gin bouse of W. -J. Stewart, east of town. A meeting of the Fort Mill I Camp, (J. C. V., is called for next/ Saturday at t o'clock p. in., fov the purpose id' arranging a prof gram for decorating the graves (jf the Confederate dead oil Memorial Pay, May |l). I Joe Henry a d Kulous SmoyJr, j two colored sports, wore before tlie mayor Monday charged with gajuibling. They claimed they were not in the game, but were j/ust '"lookin on." The evidence fvas against Smoyer, however, uikU he IV iu (i V". I Dr. ?T. If. Tliornwt ll nnnoii iced from his pulpit Sundtiy night that the finnlift 1 -May meeting tit the Prealivterin n #?lnn* ?-ill fiKMioe on Friday, at 11 o'clocft, before the necoiid Siindiiy iiij next month. The pastor will be assisted by tin- Rev. .J. A. Dorrity, of Cnai lotte. j It is notable nnd very oneour/iging to the tiller of the s<i>il that after these eold spring /months when the weather finally does warm it ho continues mill seeds, though committed to envih later than usual, grow otf syith unchecked and unimpaired vigor and iiiHtirc great harvests. I The Jjadiea Missionary Society of the Baptist church wjtll give an ice cream supper in the/ town hall 011 Friday evening, May It, the proceeds to be used in/ defrnj'ing the expenses of the clJureh. Mr. Ji. J. Massey will be present with his polyphono and premises sonic good music. Joe Izard, a young J negro man. is suffering with a bullet wound in his left arm, which was inflicted while he was .engaging in a game of ''skin" near the works of the Charlotte JJrick Co.'on last Sunday. The bullet passed through Izard's arm and lodged in the hand of another negro standing la-side him. The man who did the shooting fled and has not been arrested. The young people of the town uiet in the town hull Monday even; ' ii?tr ?iml organized the Fort Mill Dr..math.: Club with S. L Meneham president, and J. E. Williauii sou secretary and treasurer. The purpose of tin' oi^anizatiou is to ! further the social enteriniiinient 1 of the town and to raise funds for ; charitable purposes. The next m....;n u.. i...i.i ...x . iHIII i#t- i * * n i L' i uuty. Messrs. S. S. (Jdway & Son. i ' who have hud a contract to build : the part of the Catawba Power Company's dam 011 this side of tin* ? river have suspended operations. I It is said that there was some dis- ' agreement over the contract. It ' is further reported that Messrs. I Ordway & Son. have employed ' counsel to defend their interests 1 and a law suit will likely ensue uu- ' less some settlement is amieahly ! effected in the nieantime. i Supervisors Gordon and Caskey, ' of York and Lancaster counties, ' met in this township on Thursday i to examine the repair work on liar- ' tier's bridge, which was completed > a few days a'jo. Mr. Ilyat'.oncof ? the contractors, was also on hand 1 and was assured that the work was in accordance with ll/.e contract in i every detail. It is said that the waters of the crock /have already 1 been entirely over tlje bridge si nee * its renewal and thai the strii'Mure i i a. .1 ?.ai. - pvw. mi i it v ul?ki i?m Ji |; i wi 11' I I (lulling'. I 1 | ? 1 "Pleasanl Vail y" Day. ? May the 7lh wll lie ' 1 Measant , Valley"' Day at /the Charleston Exposition. A luf^e cnnvd ?f our | eitizens will atteijd I he exposil ion next week, leavii^T Kurt Mill <>n Tuesday uiorninmj .May t?. and we ( ask all wlni intend to visit llio I?ilt , show to mo next week and help us make ''Pleasant Valley" day an era in the history of the exposit ion. S. E. 11. ?-? The Gold Hill Commencement. Editor Times: As this is eominenoeuient week at Gold Mill academy and as I thought prolan lily some of your readers inimlit be interested in the same, 1 dee ded ( to write a synopsis of the exercises and stfmd you a program: Tin* exorcises will cointucnce on Tuesday, April 2l?th, and will close ( on Fridav, May 2. Music will lie furn.tslicd by the Gold Mill Coun t It.o./I Oh Tuesday, beginning at 7:d0 p. in., there will bo a speaking rontest for n silver ineilal by the ^ classes of the primary department under charge of Miss IMankenship. Wednesday night, beginning at 7there will be a debate on the dispensary question. J. A. Kpps, ( dj L. Kimbrell and \V. M. Crook representing the affirmative, or dispensary, and \V. M. Collharp, ' L). V. Kpps and ('. T. ()rook op. posing. Theie will abc? be marches, drillH, burlesque drills and fan- , k'y inarches by students of the [primary and advanced classes, 'which will probably be of more in teres! and furnish more amusement than t he debate. * On Thursday at 7). p hi., will be given a concert by Miss Mason Harris' music class, and there will also be a contest for the Itev. K. A. \ ongue gold medal, to lie given in nit' most successful reciter of 'lit* intermediate department. Friday, May 2, will lit' com. meiicement day proper. In tin* forenoon there will lie two contests for f*old medals. II ys will contest for jrold medal awivded by Hon. W. II. Stewart, of Ilock llill. (iiriS will contest for j_r?>l? 1 medal awarded by the county supeiintendent of education. In the afternoon there will he a .medalists contest for a joihI iiionoerani pin. ' This contest will he hy all those 1 who have won medals in the past and are still in school. I fo <jjot to say that between the forenoon ami afternoon contests dinner will be served on the grounds. In the afternoon at o'chick a literary ad Ircss will he delivered | hy Col. \\ . .1. Talbert, congress- , man from this Slate. This proha- , hly will la; the most attractive ( feature of the commencement, and will he well worth your coiiiihl; to near, even it you art* not interested in any of tin* other exercises. Col. Talbert is well known in i hi.-- section mid is expected to draw a ' laiL'0 crowd. Tin- public in general, and every- ' body in particular, is cordially invited to tie present. X. He Kep*. His Leg. Twelve ycaisaooj. \\*. Sullivan, of Ilaitfoid, Conn., scratched his le^ with a rusty wire. I nlluniiuation and and blood poisoninr; set 1 in. For two years he suffered in- . tensely. Then tlie best doctors ill'"- , ed ainputat ion, "but." lie writes. " I . used one bottle of Klectric Hitters i and 1 1-2 boxes of jiuckles Arnica j Salve and my leo was sound and well as ever." For Frupt ions. Kc/.e ma. Tetter. Sail Kiieum. Sores and all blood disorders Klectric Hitters has no rival on earth. Tiy them. | Tlior. H. Meachain will ^uarant'a?> , satisfaction or refund money. ' >nIy | oO cent a. Hurrah for tiic Old "dill! Tin1 <>1<I land, the wa'er-mnrk near Spruit's Island, the wheels of which have lieeii silent s > Ioiilt. are about to coin:1 to life Hiiiiin It is *-,i\ li. n i.t ;iJ -- , ...x will mill IUI II ilWiiy. iMie jin tty oiven moss on the roof did the rocks that were under it, ivere in keeping with tin? hmo ^ici n brunches of lice h, iiiiik aiiiie and willow nlotm the hanks >f t he < )iil t 'atuwh i. Til oh<erver, from the hank on the opposite bde. could watch the waves. whit foam, and perchance, the It avy .ul.'s and rafts o,? down, with in tiim,' to d. tract the sio'it. Yea. all was m keeping alotm the hanks of In' old river. Hut t > tho-e who ire sioht secimr, time sweet old nother. (if you- make it sot will >0011 have the moss on the new one, ind as the rock founds'ion \v;s u>t disturbed. all wdl he well c_;ain. The old ada^e, "I hint spiio ?[>ero -pes." mu-t he true, for the ild mill seemed tn more than one ivav had almost lust its hiealh. Pi," - -?' " ? in urn w III 11 11 I I I \\ 11 1 r > I I .>1111 I lliuost put it to sleep; Imt .Mr. linns, u at lover <>f Maiure's aws. thought tlie water power an idvantnoe over loeati >11. luuiee lie s eiiinu 1o put up :im all r uiiui llp0 date, thirtv-liarrel roper mill on 1 lie rivi i. I'll s mill will lie a loim wanted necessity and will lie very onveiiient t>i this place. The Messrs. .lotus will run a ferry I??r [lie e uiveiiieii e of the puhlie in connection with the mill This by the way. is said to he the nearest wav to I lock Hill from this place. Mi. \Y. 15. II ?k . an clliieiit carpenter, built a o,>ud Hah ibe work on wl-icli was completed Friday, and launched Saturday lilorniuo. Many men and hoys wero present to see it as it rrlideil into the ()M ( 'alawha. "II. Swimming lime. Catawba river, about two mi'es from t bis place, is and w ill t lirotiebnit the summer la> the principal resort of the lads of this township. I )ne can timl water of almost any .leptli in Cntauha an 1 men as well us hoys visit the stream to indulge in the enjoyable sport of swimming. The scrupulously neat and painfully respectable little hey loesn't much out of a cit y summer; hut the small hoodlum, and tho vonnnster who doesn't allow famiiy traditions and prejudices to trammel his boyhood <lo not pine for fresh-air resorts with the mighty longing accredited to tin*::: I?y their elders. < )f coiirsi1, if one's mother won't illow one to swim, and maternal \r gilauee is greater tli in filial elusiveness, one might as well he in a .lescrt, hut tile little hoy whose swimming prowess is the admiration and envy o! the other h >vs let no owner of a yai In and eouniry i.onie pnsuine to pity him. There are hundreds of the ur hins all along the riverside nowi days. Nine-tenths of iliein swim like tisli. The rest are manfully striving toward tie* goal. 1'roliah y tli re are hundreds of mothers it home worrying their hearts out ind shaking at shadows, hut then that is tho prieo one pays lor tinjoy of being the mother of a hoy. The wise mother does her trend)lino in private and counsels caution. not abstinence, for the hoy will go, and it's a part of wisdom not to fni hid \ lie inevitable. Jcb Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had helling I'ih s. They're I en i hi v nunoviiiLr: hut T?nek ien's Arnica Salve will euro Ilio wor-t aM* of on curt 11. It li/is ? iirdd iliousiiiiils. For Injuries, Pains or I >od i ly Fr n | it ions it s 1 lie host sal vi in the world, Price line a hex at Me leiiiuii's I Jrii^storf. (iuai.iiitoed Attention I ndies. The Ladies ,M<morinl Assorialioli will meet at the htlik on the ifternoon of Frid iy, .May ihh, at I 'clock. A full attenclanee is do. si I ed. 1 ?y (?:ilcr of the j>r? sident. .Mrs. .1. V. Muck. Wanted, VSZ cr T. IK WITT TALMAS", l.v hi. ...a, KKY. n:.\NK DKWri'f T A I. \1 A( i K silid ass iciat e editors of < le i i;i ii Herald. < >nly !>.. >U endorsed 1>v ralmars.' family. Kiinrmons profit iireals wh > ac qnick'y. (aniit in ru Write iiuaieniately CLAP.JI Sc CO., 212 I. Kr. St. Phill , ??l. Mention I hi.-. i,a '1 UF.SSPASS W'AKM.Ntl. All prisons arc warn?<l nnl In limit, lish or for any pin pose wliat v? r 1'iitrr upon an\ of 111? lands iwiircl or controlled liy tin* 11 n?I *t*. n<jrni'(l. The law will l?- raddly liforri-d against tiny nur disic ^anli'ic 1 liis not ice. S. K. \Vn.i*|I*. Mas. .1. M. Onann. .1. W. Aii'in v. F. Ni>is. J.M. Sim: \tt. Mi>s liosir. Wm tk. Kims\i; Joxi-:s. W. I. ,1o\ks. D. A. I.i i.. .1 I". M \< K. J. II. Citi.Tii \I:I\ \V. I'.. IIOKK. \V. K. Sim: vi r. I'.. M. Sim:.\i r. t. m i st mik-. t. s. k :i:ki'.\ti:h k, '1'. t_\ Sim: ? i r. II. w. lit m m \\. \V. II Wivi?i.i . (Joocl for laid itii'ii. not lm?: lor oood iiu'ii. is tin.1 <do Iuiio that l>*-lk is lio\V Si'llilltr. Ivoml his u<i. 11" yon w nit a stylish hat or Imm not or tlio prcttii'st and latost inillini'iy oo to .Mass-y'c. u:ul you will ina!\o ii<> mistake. : i A m 7.1 oiinccments, (t? >;* aittionneenieiOs will he inserted umlor this houillino front ilaio of receipt until issue pivoc:Uiijt the primary election a' eaeh. (.'aslv with ortlor. For County Sv.rcrriLor. 1 It -robe announce myself a oaiitlhlnfe for the oilift oft onttty sI'rKKY IS< ?H. snbj? et to the iv>nlt of the Democrat it* primary election. 'i'. (i. t'l' t.l'. DR. J. L. SPRATT, sriicroN DKvnsT. Ollieo in Dank building, Main St root. Fort Mil!. S.i After Dooonibor 1, ollloo will bo closed every M mdav. Tornis, striotlv oash. Tvlarque Veiltlizxa Is the ii*ttin* of tin* now \\ riling Ihtpor. Wo liavo three" tvtil si i a pi s n in! s Initios, while a in I it*/tire I ?I tie. I *nt np in pound packages, price "Jo cents per pint il of l'> cents j>*t (11; i t*i *. I'm veh >| ?< *s I" cents per package or for '2-> routs. 23 a tier Color5 Prior t."? cents por bottle. It ket ps your butter from looking liko tallow am! keeps pooplo fioin buying other people's liiitter ill pit Terence to yolUS. It i.speifoet Iv liar: 11 less. ' XtLooKnf; Paint Magnoli a Ulaek Klistir" is one of the Iio-m and eheape>t paints on the market for tin and paper roofs. The manufacturers guarantee it for live years. It costs sixty cents a trillion. (Jet some and paint your roof valleys 1 ? f? av l in y I" j^in to leak or paint afterwards and it will stop leaks. siorc. J. U. Traywick & Co., I)M.\ I.HltS IN V INK IjIQDOIIS AND Mr INKS, No. 12 Must Trade St-. CIIAKLOTTM. - - - X. C. TKV TIIK CI 1$ h op For a lin-l-class j I a 11; ct t, SUA VK. SHAMPOO, or 1! Mil SINOE. Oaro'ih.i:;:rs ci 'L?oiz> I'l.t >i'i;I i.T? il;s. Third door Hunk l>nilil ini^. Iv-. Shi'i s -l.iiii-d while you wail. The Charlotie Observer N' nth Carolina's I (iremo't Newfpjper. Hi;;}fer ami more attractive i lian ever, ii is ail ia\a 1 ua 1 >l<* visitor to i Ik- homo, t lie uHiee, t lie cluli or t lie \v?u*k room. 'I'lSK OHSKIiVKU Contains all I lie" news of the worhl. 11 a s I In \?m Cus. I ) - <vi? v. I i ; -neei.i 1 rori'i >j?>u<It ut- at the State and Na t i >na 1 *>i I a Is ail a i v |? rieiu ed corps ol covja siiiiideiits t hroiioiioul I lie Mate. The IHimtvi r 1 - *"? . -r a III! inn: : I tor r * jt >1* | irot* IllOJlt I In. Hi" Srisii-Wri !i!> OhM-ruT, A iM-rl'ifl 1*.1111 1 \ j' All fh<* new s |>1 i lin t inns. Uuly s 1 1?(1' illillUl'l. Sample Copies of E.thcr 'ipin \ppli'nti< n Tflli cMAlil.OTlli OUSliKVI.K, Churli'l'e, N. C. / \Vi . in;.! " >Mn ! - ..i 1 "i rciirii / Hi i IMuilill, .*ii ii tui I til VI li(ii li tl : f it iit.iln.ity. J < i f't e Ik 'iV . ' -i- '/: y- imi-mm yv/$ '^vif.. Kriw;.if 'ti Opc^:,;;.. !j. r.KCAt Cilice > : % v vWASHj ,MGTO N D. C. / | Bulterlcl ^ ^ Whon you ei 5^ cloth you want t ^ foot tit. If you i ^ 1 urn you need lur S your cloth. Wo gj about tS hours a got tlioni from tl $ takos about live cl $ kind of pattorn. ? in pat t orus for u ? send cash with 1 $ tonus on pattorn 1 l. j. r a I SHOES. SI ? ^ 'ShlGiGS ??J?~ Siiocs ?^r^ S3?iocs ggr ^ Shoes gsr & Shoes r&~ r $ Slioes ssra Call on uk wlioi 5 M EACH A *> \ <c\ <o> /r*/s> <v~'* ^n.o r~ oy_;Ao* Vi> <C? VlJ/Vo' VL | Clotliing, Cli I to 0 SI' well, stay 5 well. Our idea $>, idea always. @ Our stock of ( (> i K i?*ood liea!lh to y depression in p O point meat in <pu q ha\ c an up-to-da 0 ini; in Knee Pant 6 old, also a similai 0 from 15 to "20 \ 0 i,loiliini?* to Me: V stylos, sizes and heretofore keen I C70 Ut towns or pain eonl in no to do s< ^ we can save vol tpO dollars per suit ? Sa?1!0 (it? I Hals, B h & \\ c have rec< 55 Spring and Sn r* si vies. Mens' (' @ up. v* v'*. t^r*. * v tv I Shoes. SI V, J 0 We are over Shoes in sizes f'r< Q if you \\ ear t Siis SJ irei ilirst choice a | 01,l> l!lil,li 8 ii. i:m,i Oe?303OS9?@ :" * a, i Pal terns. $ -, 8 <w nt a nice piece of y* o no sure ol a periso a Uutteru-k "Patr e 11 o fea r a f w as tin ? deliver patterns :n % fter ordore i, a> >vo i V 4 10 AtI;nta o'liei . Ii % avs ta goi any < lher As there is ue \ ?';-ViZ s and wo h;ii: > ;h ho order our only J-i s is Cash with* order. v*i Vfas&av. ? lOKS. SIIOKS. 5>' . ;$ Our Spring und Summer stock is now eonipletc. Jnsi rwi'ftl a yr shipment or .Drew . Selby <Ss t'o.'s ^ Mi.n's tor Won;.mi t'n.a i?: -Si. See our l.awn Toimi* ; hoo* for Women ami Misses tit *?.( ami .s > els. A line of Womens Oxfords t d St up 0k, Samlalsat $|.:t i and l.oi' \ Ask to see I hose Welted Oxfords k) for Women. This line i . strictly upto dale and we don't Imiievo that a 0F better Oxford can be so hi for J '1. The famous Walkoverfshoi " Men in Viei Kid, in 1'aunu \" ,w, $4. ? t >bl Men's Southern Tie at ?G. (9 Old Men's half Congress at I ay State Shoes for men. in Vici A* and t "a if at 2"i, V?eV> ami This ^ line needs no inl nslei i lou 'h : iiev ro well known to Fort Mi!' i >ele. ^ The best Shoe in . int r.? a for Women and i hildren i hat '.undo by t he 11. C. (oi lman ?. of i '?.! n- yy bus. Ohio. Think i a genuine Kul Mioe for Women at i-l.d.i and ^l AO. Children's Shoes, sizes "> to M ?">0c; s'_. to lo'_,, r.ic; II to 1?\cry pair guaranteed to he solid . i in need of SH.OKS. M&.EPPS. J 9? O? ?? ?&S&S??? ' ithiRg, Ciotliing. | well. If sick, ?>of jjl4 is to <>i\o the best SK IT iothing will moan Sg our pocket book, A <?> rice and no disaj)- C?> ility and stylos. Wo ^ to lino of Bov C'lclh- & s, tVoni I) lit I\\ (Mrs @ iino in Bono Pants, cars old, and Moil ? ?t tho Hand in all prices. 1 f you hav * 8 mying from our sis- !s? )nizin<? a tailor. \> hy ? > any loii^or, when 8 i from two to five 8 and give you tho ? lats, Hats. | rived -our stock of ? minor Hats in all g". rush I lids from 25c ? iioes, Shoes. m stocked^ in Lad'osJBH *2 l-*2 to inuinhcr como ? t a sacrifice* B K, Proprietor, )0 ?S> ?C5