University of South Carolina Libraries
THE FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATIC. rUIlLISIIKO WEDNESDAYS. ? W. BRADFORD. Publisher. Fubseriptiou pHce . ... $1 iw r year. I'om'sikiinli'iH't' ?>n < urn mi r subject s'is . invited. iuit we do not to pablixh coniiiiuaicn tions coiitniniii^ moiv than SttHI words, and no responsibility is assinned for tin' views of correspondents. An nil advortixiiit; medium for Charlotto, 1 iaoville, Fort Mill, and Rock ' J till laidijcsh houses '1 lie Times is uiisurptissed. ltutrs mudo kuowu on application to t lie publisher. J.ocal Tulcplioiio No. 2d. APRIL 90, 1!K>2. "Cheap *r heel!" inny Buino tlay become a political platform, and wiiou it dooa it will win. ? ? Mr. Rrynn will doubtless make n note nil the acquirement of a $1.1 MM) bird clo^ by President Roosevelt. * * They say everybody's place can bo i tilled, but the man who can till Dr. Talinafre's place as a popular pri aclier is yet unknown. * * The senate commerce committee came very near to inakino the River and Harbor bill a dollar a' head. It. now exceeds $70,000,000. * * Perhaps his youii?j wife had something to do with Senator l)e jm'w h mii 111 miiici-iid'iii iiimi nc would not be ii candidate for re-oleclioii. An exchange heads imi abl? editorial "Sound Ihisis For lVare," iii?*iiiiiiilt in South Africa. So far i iih we ran see there is inure houiiiI than substance about all peace talk. A North Carolina fanner has went out invitatioiiH to a suicide party, in which lie promises to do the act at. the end of dinner, just as the lloinaiis used to do. The new pension commissioner will hardly try to jolly the disappointed to the extent of accompanying each rejected application for a pension with an original humorous poem. Gen. Fitz Li ?e is being urged for president, of the Jamestown exposition company. a Virginia organization formed to hold an exposition in eomiiiemoration of the settlement of Jamestown. ft ft ft 4 it /?! T 9 . . /Miiiincr v nicngo i uiversny i professor, Frederick Stnr, Iiiih launched out ns an iconoclast. Mr says tin* wedding ring is n relic (if barbarism; nlso the dress cont. * There nre Congressman who pay SI2.000 for automobiles, but for the benefit of prospective candidates who may not lie posted it may he stilted that there is no law reipiiring them tuoivn nutoinohiles. * + * The president has been appealed to to knock out the sedition laws) now being enforced in the Philippines, and it is hoped the appeal will not be in vain. The civil government of the Philip; ices has no moie right to claim immunity from and attack than tin* civil government at home. Democratic Precint Meeting. Tu accordance with an Act of tlje last legislature, the Democrats of this township met in the town hall at this place Saturday afternoon and reorganized the Port Mill Democratic tdub with olllcers as follows: (-. T. ('rook, president; S. Iv White, 1st vice-president; I), (i. Kinibrell, 2nd vicepresident; \V. McPllIp, secretary; V. It. Iflaukcuship, treasurer. Fx _ 4 ! 4 4 1 \ 4 tuunive ? ( nil mi I lee I >. A. I,ee. N, K. White. J. It. Mill-, J. VV. Ardrey, Fred NiniH. IV ithmkenship was re-elected afl member of lite coutitv executive commit lee. The elul) then elected delegates and alteruateH to the county eonvent ion at Yorkvdie on -May nth j an follows; Delegates J. L. Kimhrell, If. M. Faris, \Y. II. Windle, .1. II. Hutton, J. H. Ilaile, J. \Y. | MeKlhaney, T. (i. Cull), I*Kimhrell, Phil lfennett, V. It Itlankenship. AlteruateH WH. Warren. 0. T. Crook, Oavid Lindsay, I'Mtrar lonen, It. F. I'ciiuett, J. It. Mills, J. Sawney Kimhrell, Heyward Merritt, I). A. Lee, K. II. Phillips. The following were elected to represent the Klin. Kill precinct in the county convention next Monday; Delennte#?J. Ilender8on Colt harp, W. C). Itailes, Alternates das Miller, Theodore Ifoyd. P. Frank Withers was elected a ^ member of the county executive committee fr< m the Flint liill precinct. The Tillman Appclt Scrap. Tlioy met, lind their little tilt, and Uncle Ben sailH on as smoothI vr nc if tin* r*? linil I WJi'ii mi M!1 1' Appelt" ill cxUtence. AppeltV proofs consisted of affidavits from former employees of the peniten- i tiiiry. nil concern in;* supplies furnished'Tillman, for which it whs el limed he never pnid -charges that were diseussed. settle I and forgotten about nine years nm>. Tillman answered the charm s one by one, l until assured by Appeli that it was unnecessary to furtherexplain, and the senator quit talking. The general opinion in these parts is that Appult. "took water" from the moment Tillman announced that he would speak at Manning, ? -? ?- ? Good Koads In Georgia. In iniprovin ils highways tin* State of Georgia now lends tin* rest of tlii? South. N?*iirly 2.0(H) miles of graded roads have heen 1 Iniilt in the Slate in the last ten veins ami under a law passed in I .SO I, the various counties now raise ? 1 O.tMM) annually for road making and mending. The State law permits the employment of chuiiigniigH of lnisdeincnnor convicts on road making as a relief to hired free labor. The com icts are quartered in movable camps and during the winter in county barracks which have all conveuiences of a well-regulated prison. The only persoiiH in the State iwho object to tins method of im pr. wing the highways aie the conyicts and their opinion (has not count. ? - The Serpent a Man? There is a tniiiintor out in lvniisms wilt) lias been i'iiiivicted of heresy. lie had to pn noli in opcra houses because Ii** is shut out from nil the churches; lint then they would not lie largo enough to hold his iiudinanees. One of the hereiieul utterances is ilint "the serpent which tempted Eve was i> man, and that the same kind of serpents have been tempting women ever since.'* No w ind- r he was eouvietod. Destr ?v tin* belief that all the sin and misery of tinworld came through the transgression of Eve and you have shatter**d the foundation on which the sub. J jection of woman has been placed for untold centuries.?Ex. ... Locust Year. The periodical cicada, according to seient isls, will work havoc in a score of States next month, as they will then be on one of their recruiting migrations. South Carolina will fortunately escape the disastrous (jetVects of their visits, but both Georgia and North Carolina will snll'er heavily from the myriads of insects which will devastate whole eountii s. and crops will be seriously impaired by them. The locusts have been underground for sex oiiteen veais and are now near tin* surface, being less than an inch in soil.? Ex. ? To Combine Southern Spjiulles. Over 100 men from six States, representing over 700.000 yarn spindles, met in Charlotte Wed nesday to hear the details of the proposition of T\ h. I'nderwood, of New York City, who wishes to combine 00 per cent or uiore of the southern yarn mills in a idO,<100,000 trust, dust before the adjournment the mill men unanimously voted for a resolution .declaring the wisdon of an uinalg mation of their interests and a great majority of tin* spinners vol (Ml lo reeoinmen I 111 m I lite proposal of Mr. I'uderwood Iiv favorably coiisidoioil by the st cklioldvis of 111<* southern yarn mills. Distinguished Woodmen in Yorkville. Among the distinguished people in attendance on court this week, are -J. (\ Moot, sovereign commander of tin* Woodmen of the World, (Jergo \\ uoly, sovereign organ i/.er of t ho ho mo organi'/at ion, and H.C. liruiim, attorney, all of ( hnalia, Nebraska. They cainc last Sunday on account of the suit of S. W. Mitchell against the oigani/ation of ^lio.OUi)damages, alleged to have been sustained on the occasion of his initiation into the order by the camp at 11 ickory (irove, on March 'JJI, l'.HJJ. Yorkville Kmpiirer. TI3 EASY TO FEEL GOOD. \ Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, which positively cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, -Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; never }jripe or weaktm. Only 2i>o at Meachani's drug store, d V THROUGHOUT SOU III CAROLINA. Short Items of State News Conveniently Grouped for limes Readers. Work on the State House in Columbia lias boon completed. A human skull has been unearthed fioin a ditch in Sumter. Tlit? Acts for 1002 have been issued from the press of the Mate printers. The candidacy of Tj. ?T. Williams, of Kd^efield, is the latest annouiiceinciit for governor. Tiie second annual convention of the South Carolina Hankers' Association on May 7 ami IS will i he held in Charleston. The South Carolina pie hunters in Washington are said to have heen ureal ly alarmed hy the insult of the president's visit to South Carolina. The State Press Association will meet in (ienr^etowii on May 2$. | Th e oood people of that city are making niran?pneuts to yive the association a royal welcome. A. P. Aldrich brought suit against the (irendel mill of (li'eeu- I wood for $10,000 damages on aceouu! of a spell of typhoid fever which he said was caused hy improper sani'ary arraiiiinientH at the mill. The jury found against him. A woman a?;ed 7!l years, from (I ri'eii wood county, was miiioiii; the visitors last week to the Charleston exposition. This visitor is wormy ot speeal mention Drcniisc : of the fact that until she went to (ireenville she ha 1 never ridden on a train. Hon Sniiih.a nej?ro supposed to I have had part in the killing of Mrs. \V. \Y. Jon s, near llavenel, was kiih (1 while attemptinrr to es. eape the magistrate eonstaliles. Hi'V. K. \V. (ire^?;.an evangelist, died Wednesday 11i111 at Florence, after sntVerim; two weeks with typhoid putiomoniu. (ireuj* was a firm believer in the "faith cure," and eonld not lie induced to take | niedieiiie. < )wino to the increased atten- j dance lately it is probable that the I hoard of directors will keep the j exposition open until duly 4. An nttenpt was made to wreck a Southern train near Cornwell, Chester county, la-t Thursday ni^ht. A erosst ie was placed lengthwise between the ra Is, but was thrown from the track after beini; puslu d several hundred yards. A movement has been inaugurated in Charleston by the Daughters of the Confederacy to erect a memorial to (ieneral llauiptoii in Charleston, the city of his birth. The South Carolina monument at Chicamnu^ua has been injured by recent hit'll winds. In the federal court in (ireenville last week, .Morgan and Deason, the two count ei feiters Iroiu .MeCorniick, were convicted and sentenced to one year each in the new federal prison in Atlanta. i iit* monument to tie erected at Winnsboro to tin* Confederate j dead by tin* Ladies Memorial Ass a'iatioii is heino ?t en out ami will be put up in (it) days. Mrs. Minnie II. I'ike, wliose husliaml was killed by tlie recent accident at the Spartiinhuro electric power bouse, has brought suit against the company for ?20,000 1 damages. A decided reduction in the price of case euods whiskey has been made by the State dispensary The reduction will probably hold oood during the summer months, as less of the stulVissold then than at any other Iime. As to Rural Mail Boxes. The rural free delivery carriers wish it stated that they cannot put mail in wooden or home-made boxes put up along their ionics. The y would be glad to do so, but the postal icgulutions arc strict and must lie complied with by them. I n order to have mail lett it is necessary to erect a substantial Io? k box such as approved by the postollice department. It requires a little ex pen liture to yet one, but once bought they will last for a long time and do not cause further expense. Those who wish their ma I lull for them, therefore. should provide themselves with these l>>xes ami lie ready to avail themselves of the mail facilities provided for them by tlie government. A Racing. Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph line which I'has. ('. I'll I is of Lisbon, la. had to repair. "Standing waist deep in icy water,* lie writes,'"^ave me a terrible col.I and cou^h It oivw worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Siot i.\ City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I be. umiusin^ lb Kind's New Discovery and.was wholly cured by six bottles." Positively uuaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Luuk troubles hy Tlioa. B. Meucham. Price 50c and $1.00. V S. W Mitchell vs. W. 0. W.-The Goat. The case of Samuel W. Mitchell. Kuinu the Woodmen of the World for i?25.(X)0 for alleged injuries while beiiiLr initiated in the lod^e of Hickory (iiove, thin comity, n| year ago. was remaned when court met this morning. says a Yorkville dispatch of Wednesday to The State. Mitchell testified that he is. Htil! a member of the order and pays all dues. Ho was roughly handled at initiation; no one held him on the goat; didn't know how lie got otr. He was told to set np. but said "How the devil can 1 sit np?" Said he had typhoid fever in 1SSI and Dr. Ward attended h i in: asked Dr. Ward for a certificate as to his injury for his lawyer but was refused. The goal, mounted on two wheels with a handle at the hack, and the seat covered with something like sheepskin, was brought into court by the defendants, who intended producing it before being subpoenaed. The three defendants were sworn and told to operate it as they had on the plaintiff. Prof, i Linley, acting as a candidate. There was much merriment in the court room. Key. .1. Ij. Oates and a number of witnesses said there was a man on each side and one at tic handle during initiation of plaintiff. tie < said it was a side degree and not in the regular work. He said Mitchell laughed ami hollered "gel np" to the gout. He was tilled f?a*ward over t lie g<>a! "s head, alight ing on his feet, being supported by attendants. He got mad then and wanted to tight and said he was hurl, but remained until the close ot the meeting, a half hour or so. j The goat was bought by piivate subscription of members. Defendant's council proposed offering ritual in evidence but council on ot her side admitted then' was no goat business in it. i lvev. Mr. Oates had ridden the goal the same as the pluintilf had . I Ill Mil*. Dr. Ward test ified that Mitch* 11 had had fever some years ag?? and had effects had follow* d. lie said Mitchell asked him last summer for a cert ilicate as to injuries received hut he could not give it. Mitchell on the stand denied Dr. Ward's statement m strong terms and the judge admonished him. AI ?le arguments were made in the case hy Maj. J. F. llarl and (Jeortre \\ . Hart, Fs*p, tor plaintitV. and hy Congressman Finley and Senator .1. S. liriee, for the defence. Judge Witt Is delivered a fair and impartial chaise to the jury upon the law The jury after hoi lit; in their room for six hours failed to agree, and a mistrial was ordered. It is said the jury stood six against six. Those in favor of a verd et were willing to give a small amount. 11. T. Cray, of Kaliegh, tiustee for the hone! holders, last week bought the Favelloville, (N. ('.) Cotton Mills. Dr. II. W. Lilly, receiver. for 5?H?.700. WIIIS K K V $1.25 Pes? Gallon. Mention 'Times'. Send for private price list Write: WINSTON DIG. CO.. WINSTON. N. C. Hottest Priced WliLkoy Hoaso SouI lier u Ha lw?y Schedule. Trains for Cltai lolte, etc., front C*<>1 it1111> it, etc., pass Port Mill, S. C , No. NO, Richmond Limited, (daily ) 0:01 a. in; No. -N, Local, (daily > p. in; from Chester. No. til. Local, (except Sunday) p. in. 'I'rains for Columbia, etc. front Charlotte, etc., pass Port Mill. No. 'J7. Local, (daily) 7:1* a. in; No. U'.l, Richmond Limited, (daily) 10:i(t p in; No. 7.">, Local, (except Sunday ) 2: *>."? p. in. I'llrotiuli sleepers for Richmond, Washington. New York, etc. and for Anonsta. Savannah, Charleston. Jacksonville, etc. Close connections at Columbia for all points and at Charlotte with through trains for Ilie Last. N'KWS AND OPINIONS i \t? NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Dally, by mall, - - - - $6 a year. Daily and Sunday by mail, $K a year. The Sunday Sun IS TIIK OKI-'. AT K.ST Si \I>AY NKWSl'itVKR IN' TDK WOHI.n. Price .sc. a copy. By mil , $2 a year. Address THE SUN, New V >rk. ; . mexican nusra don't stay on or near tin* f-urfa?*?. int lilacs I<J Uio Lojju uuJ varivus wut -11. r%J For a Larcc Deck, Sore ftlccclc or, in fact, a!l Lan ness of your body that will drive out lie mm at ion to <;ui Me: si Mustang1 L If 3*ou canned lvrc self ge.t some one 1 it is essential that rubbed ill most tin Mexican Husta overcomes tho ailments of hordes niul it is a. lUvsb in aj. r aiai pain l.i.aTiioi ISOUT1 RAIL THE GREAT OF TRADE A J UnUIn^ the Prlncl Cen ers and Resorts of ihe ioui NORTH, EAS Hi|th?C L'mm V??tlbuU Train I i f iiviw vw t urii ana * rj Cine nnati ?nd Florida 1 2 Now Ui rk ?r?d Florida, althi R anid fnvannahi or via y Sawonnak>. ' | .fuptjrbr Dlr?lr?f<-Cnr Servlci i KxciM'cnt Jervic* and Lov ; covoi fouth Carolina Int 1un.f>op itlon. Wirttkr Tourist Ticlfot* to I raJuccd rates. !! for detailed Information, titer apply to nearost tic kvt-tt}ion t, or ! l.H. IIARDWICK, If ?shlngton, ?>. C, & R W. HUNT, f*; DJv. Passenger Jtgent, jfj Charleston, S. C, W Ftnnuisv IO. IOC2. ?rrt rR. m. i-OKmOBT, ROOK HILL, S. 0. JOB PRI2VTTING. . a I Cnr LJ I in a v/ r> r? i- o r- ? i -T ui i ivuiuat r r\ l o c. w l The Lamp of |t Tlie lamp that doesn't tlaro i to use Itnl lanyim^e ; tlie Inn V??U iret i mill KtAVH (roml ; I hi1 tU^lv pari Willi, niiee you liuve "Che ]Vcw 1 Other lamps may bo oflTerei they may In1, in some respects 11 mre's only one. The . sure the Ulinp otTereil you is 011 it; every lump lina it. 18IX C>1?1 JjltlipN ? We urn till every lamp want wants new lamp or */<>iv. an Isheil.a vrs1 mutinied or otliel ..I till* H Now Rochestt si ml 'on literature >n ?ti?- suUj ,1^ Wis arc 5PI-.CIAl.IST5 In tht tii|?'-j Lumps. Consult THE ROCHESTER UMP CO ? I . 3? ng Ut?iment I fiw>9 ?a th?oii"h tho irti>fr1es bh4 5 -^.<4?> u..,i )...,(^.'>n?Mt | iip^ 3/" , _ 1 acncsa and Sore- ; there h> nothing the pain and itv? cldy as scan J raiment. !i the spot yourto assist yon, for the liniment be roughly, ng Liniment nil (lotwstio animals. In fart, natU-r who or what ilio juiticutis. ? ^ 1ERN| WAY HIGHWAY | \D TRAVEL. I [pal Commercial I th and Ploaauro th with the M T and WEST. >a> Through Sl*?pln^?Cara )l*w Or;*ana, via Atlanta, 'olnta via Atlanta and via ??-via Lrnckbur^, Danytlla Rlchmopd. Uanvllla and ? on all Through Tralna. f Ralsi to Chnrlnton noer-Stala nnd Wat at lndlna K nil Roaorta now on anlo nt | aturc, tints tables, rates, ete., B ' (iildresx Jfi W.H.TAYLOE, B Asst. Cen. Pass. Agent, a Mtlanta, Cm. I J. C. BEAM, || District Pfiss. Agent, | Atlanta, Gm. I J FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, l!l! A VIII U'U VTO I'l IJk.1, U IV,, CALL ON OK WHITE TO AW II, HOOVER, (jniaoriF, n. c. SEMB to write for our confidential letter before applying for patent i it may be worth money. We promptly obtain U. S. ami Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS r return EN-I TIRE ttorncy a fee. bend model, sketch I orplmto and we ?cu<l an IMMEDIATE FREE report on patentability. We give the best legal service and advice, and our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patent Lawyers, IJJppUU^s^Patcnt^ S-For EVERY DAY USE" Steady Habits ip fir smoke. or onuso you I.imp licit you never v ill- f Rochester. / I ynti ;?s ' just M tr<wwl "? .lint for nil/trotuuj fiuiiiii-. l.-'lt fur tiie liuiDO f ) IlKlo Nf\V. / \ No inniliT wln-Uitir you v< ft 'ffijmiwMl 'lunkc of lamp transform <5* jr. tin cuii il?< II. Let m ^ Ij!? / i trritmrnl of dlietsc.i ^ lis Turk I'Uro A !t!5 Kireltf St., X*w Turk.