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Congressman Jenkins. < f Wi.s.. snyH Cuba belongs* to I'nele Sum by right oF compiest and that it cannot he given up without an act oF congress. We l>eg to call his attention to the uriungoments that y FORT MILL TIMES. ^HHhTRMKHKJ) WEDNESDAYS. B. W. BRADFORD, Publisher. liicription ... p< ^^^^^ orrcspondcneo on current subjects is ^^^^^Btcd, but wo do not ujrroe to publish ^^^^^Kniuuicutioiis cunt inning mom I^HH words, and no responsibility is us ^^^^Bnrd fortho views of correspondents. uu advertising inedinin for t -h irB ^fftc, Piuevillo, Fort Mill, ami Roc It ^^^^ ill business houses The Times is linsur^^^Hissed Rates made known 011 applicaB Bion to the publisher. ^B Locul Telephone So. 20. IV M4RQH 2<5, 10;>2. H In reference lo Tito Times' ar- j H tide of lust Wednesday eonrern111 lt the dispensary Hcntiinont in I B Yorkvijle, The Yeoman of Friday I I 8ey?: f The Times has in some way re-' (L reived an incorrect impression of 1 lit* condition-* 111 Yorkvillo. If nil tvhooppnHod the establishment of . a dispensary were of the frame of mind indicated, it would clearly show that prejudice, not n desiie fin lessen the evils of whiskey sell- 1 iiijr and drinking, was behind their OOlJoSition t)n tlu? _ . . ......... y, ^ W believe that, with a few conspicu one exceptions, the opposition to J ihe dispensary was founded on conscientious convictions, anil we are satisfied that these will be agreeably disappointed in the results. It would be a humiliating i confession for them to make, if they resorted to the violent meth- 1 ods suggested by The Times, for it is the duty of every Democrat l<< i abide by the will of the majority and the duty or every tjond citizen to aid in the enforcement of thej law. These are self-evident t rut lis. Hn and there is no way of escaping; or ^ ~ evading them without convicting i one's self of insincerity. Our information came through a Yorkvilie correspondent of the' News and Courier, who, jud^iu^ frgm his artiele, took a front seat way up in the (i. line in his fijjht against the dispensary and is one of the very few who are sore over tlipir defeat.. If theeorrcspondeiit hue ipierepresented the situation, liere is our regrets for having men tiqned 111*? same and a hand of apology for ho doing. Will Gel in the "Push." "For a number of i years Rock Hill has taken little or no part in ! {State or coipity politics. There seems to have been a "dead line" drawn around our growing little! eity, and our citizens who have i been courngeoun enough to ?pi s lion -tin) just ire of Hindi treatment have Dim n returned to "tlu ir happy homes" by the "dear people." It is felt here that tlje entire enmity, regarding the events of the past few months in partieiilar, will ree ogaize and admit that Rock Mill has suffered from a lack of generous and fair treatment on the part e > i ? oi uj? coiiniy or iin? county political machinery. Hence it is probable that. Ili?* lethargy of the past few yeaiH will be shaken oil"; mid that. Rock Kill will ask for, with the expectation <if receiving, her 1 birth-rights. Already Hon. \yilHon, one of the ablest and most siiccpssful lawyers hi tlie State, I has niinonneod himself a candidate for congress from this district. Jt is highly probable that a young attprney, who has m? t with (|eserved hiicccsh here, will oil', r for Ihe State tlouse of Kcpro-ciitalives. Rock Hill will at. least fnake her wants known." We ono!" the above from some Iloek Hill correspondence and Iheve ip no denying that it expresses the sentiment of Rock II ill people and there is no doubt but lhat the complaint is justified tor some extpnt. Fort Mill lias fared l?o better and we can sympathize with our neighbors, but as they I rise from their lethargic stale for opp more whack at the pie, we are going tp retire ppd risk the sweat of the brow. We have heard ii ?|T? oers* of pur leading men. 1 moatly farmers, say flint (hoy were disgusted with politics. The dig graceful Tillman and Mcl,aurin ciipefa have had much to do with j I this. The Morrow-Ilealh Company of Waxlmw, N, C., has recently bought out tin- McCain-King Mer- | clfantile Company of ttint place. The Monroe Journal enyH that | something like $40,000 was in- i yolved in the transaction. lioHidos ' ft largo merchnntde business, the < deal included a live y business < and the Wnxhaw Telephone Coin- i puny. ' 11 HIV DOi IILJ llliulc in mvo lip tlio island nhiiut tin* liivt of Mmv. and li? ask liiin what ho is Ljt?iii*r to do ub >ut il ? * * IIor jowol fml havintr boon ml i v? lii-oil ?>ut, S irah l?oruhn>dt not up 11 quaiml \vitJi a pot t who was writing :i now p!ay for In r, ami I Amot ic in nowspapors pay ^ooil ! money to have column of this froo i aiI vi1 rI isi mo r?,t onbh'd over. No | wonder that I'juropoans regard us as "(load easy.'" * * * 'I'll!' fMllllofl unit 13 IllltHritur 1 11 it t Kuropean railroads arc refusing Iransportat hm to pauper inituiL'rants to the I nited States is p>olml?ly intended to convince eon^re s that further restrictive unniiuralion legislation is niinec. ossaiy, and should not I> swalloed without salt. * * That was a '"new woman" in deed, who saiil in a speech at llir inin^haui, Ihn^land. 'The only complaint we have to make against men is that they are a little too re iriiiLj." When they take to sarcasm the men had better take to tIn* woods. * * * Senator Ifanna first entered the, canal mix up as an advocate of the l>arieu route; now he is openly in command of the I'aimm t forces and says the Nicaragua hiil \viIi? a t t I I i I ? inn or aiiowcu in pass IIH' Demur. ? Washington i-i eiitei taining 11 disriplrof lli?' !>? ? niI wliD turns lisli into i'i^us and performs other dillteiili feats We'll l)i-t a lioise collar ho can't turn tin* nvoraije represent at ivr in congress into a mail. # ? ? i Civil Service (/omuii-sinner Ko?1 <>111>11rg, \vhose resignation will take ellVet April 1. is llir only man who thinks a congressional nomination in thr Inisli as good as a ?5,000 salary in thr hand. (Jen. I'Yrd Mansion has lieen barking his digestion against a Hi'iics of W ashington dinin rs and liinrlms; his doctor prolialily nut more out of it than anybody rlsr. T T T 1 : i ? i*i nil 11 ill II Wll II < I I _T 111J11 MICHS llflMl ever hope to \vi ilo m sihilt; origin il ideas hi*' too almighty scarce t<> l>? p<ipuliir, in* matter how II my iir* dished up In tIn* puMii*. ? ? ? Every " )*' luii cause In r> juice that ill*' lnliur troubles* in Massachusetts. \v111 11 for ii lime I lvntriii'il tn In* serious, have Ih'i'U sit isfiu-torily riuli'il. * Oni' method i f silencinn trust criticism is to put tin' ? r 111?' mi a trust pay mil. It worked like a rlmriii with ex (uni^iessinaii .1. I IIIII11111 HI I ii'W is. ? * Tlio (i. A. II. Vi-ts n o airaiu til inn IVnsinu ('uinniLsioncr Kvaus 1 wo a thii'i* tinii's a week withiuit ui'tlinn th*? pri'siih'iit tn take t In* hint. i ? ? Tlin ntti'iiipl to inaki' the election of Senators I?y tin- people a pnrt;hii) pnliiiaiil ipii'stimi was ii lilnw hi'lnw tin' la-It that tin' movement iliil in?t (If -1 i vi'. * * * An I'xpri'xs messenger wis eari ifd * > t V liy a )(?.) package tin* idlii'f day. He'll ln? hriiiinlil hark I?y one of the company's deter, t ivt.'B. + tTlif popular air with tlu> farm T imw ih. "In the Sweet |?\f and Hye We fear that iirxt fall. as. usual, it w ill lie, "Sliow 1'ity Lord." * (ieti. Fred Funston is in a fair way t<? LfII tin* country with talk, and lie isn't an extra p?od talker cither few no ?<l lighters arc. Villi <*11II not convince I III MO wlio live in the hliz/.aid-strioton seeti>>11 of fln? norlhwest thai Maivh has hoon a mihl month. + + + Cohan judges are said fo ho always ready l<? haml out juH'iee while-you-wait; if the applicant payh I ho pi loo. # Now York is nioroly (!omon*lr?* . linn that I ho rofonn of a f?i jr city 11 <?11l_r partisan political linos is an impossibility. WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY. There's no rout for those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always Inisy, rul ing Torpid Liver. .Tnnip lioc, Biliousness, 1<\ ver and Ague. They han sh Sick Headache, drive nut .Malaria. Never gripe or weak en Small, taste nice, work wonlers. Try them. 2."?^ at Aleucbn iii's flrug stole. * niRUl'GUQUT SOU I II CAROLINA. | Siiorl Hems of Stale News Conveniently Grouped for Times Readers. A hiiI?? \vnrel>ous?? for tin* A nnrir. r 1'iii-lcJtu' Cuniiiiiiw iu 1?? _ in<x built at ('anidcn. Tlu1 eaparilv of tho eot'on iniil .if Helton is to be doubled, which ! wil ma I; (Mi tut ill of .VJ.f oo sp in! I< h. I Altncnia pnstofHce, in Chester > co.hi v, will s on be established on tho Charleston route. It will he t at or near (j r nit's 1111II, ea lof Armenian church. I'.y a jivact ically unanimous volt1 ll"ck Hill bus decided to issue t?10.00 4 wort 11 of bonds to cover (floating debts. An addil on of; three mills was also made to the tax i vy. The constables of (I rpenviilo a sis ed by some of the police of that city in.tde- a raid on the Windsor llotel S.tuiday niubt and se.'/.cd h,'5 hot I lis ot beer and some whiskey. ('apt. .Tames S. Campbell, treasnrei II ehlantl county, tiied at his home in Columbia Stuntiiy morn itij;. lie wasstiickcn with heart trouble early in the week and was desperately ill from t he si art. W. C. Whitney has left with Mayor Kmanuol. of A ken, ?1.000 to be distributed anions the sufferers from the recent disastrous tile there. The board of directors of the State dispensary, in accordance With ail act of the last I. .. i - la l 11 , has set aside Sli.MOO f >r tl,i? < (million t-clino| I'll 11? I of tin- State. Two 111< 11 on tli Aiken chainiranjx while working 11??* road Wednesday, made n desperate id tempi to escape. Tm V Were lived upon by ilie ipiard and liotli riddled Willi buckshot and w >11 probably die. Tlie Winnsboro (Iranite eon puny is nnikiue an ell'orl to secure about IOO add 11 ion >1 stone cutter.-, to eiuili e it to cart \ out its eon tenet for fnriiisbini; tin* material I'm a 12 story building in I'hil.i delpliia. Mrs. Alexander, wife of \V. \V. Alexander, a farmer living near I Vans Crossing;, (1 reenvillo conn' v. was 11. rued Thnr.-dav while burning cornstalks in a fn I ! near her home, and is not expected to live. A little (lauehter of Section Master f lowers (lied at her home near Palmetto Thursday from the etleets el severe !?tiru,s sustained the day lief ne. She was siaiidnie before the tire when her > |othin?r eauold and in a moment the tlaun s rushed iiver her. W hi In it has been definitely set t led that the pu ni Is of \\ inl h r< p are to visit ('harlestoii, thus tar the details of 'heir .irran^enn nts are not dclinitcl\ fixed. The trip will be made on Apiil 'J, ami the party will return on the ni^ht of A pi il o. Spartanburo has been awarded tin- pi r/.e <?l ti e 1 00.) t<>r the bes*. mint s exhibit at 111?- Charleston OXpO-itioll. I "1: 'st IT o< ') t lit' s- eond pri/.e of $100. Tiic tiiir.l j>i./,e wis (livitl'tl betss?eii I >iii ! i ii^t < ii ami ( lro!"i low n. April 0 lias hern set apart as I'rt swlmi'ds I).iy. at tin' Charleston exposition. \ lea'uio of the day will lie ll'." pt soul a I ion lo Major ?l en kins, hy hi-- former chief ol Hou^h Hitlers, of a Ii aut'.ful sword from I lie Smith Carolinians. A few ni?_r!ils noo .1. A. Ilarne. a farmer living near ltainh >, in the l :\ver section of (iiveiissood counts. hail ^S0() stol- n lioin him. 'I In names ssas kept in a trunk : n Ins house anil iiovs it ssa- taken mil is not known. The Sweet ami the Bitter. The Y"Ui;oer hro hers, recently paroled from the Minnesota prison svhero they svere ts- r s i i i _c life senlenees. ti in I that they eanaot marry in that State because tlu-y are legally tlead. They at nst secure pardons hefove I hey ran en?;ai;,? in matrimony according to the lusvs. lint at tiic s one time tliey are inillUllie from the operation of the lass* for the collection of debts in curre I in business They may hesitate before askino for the pirdou, in view of the balaneino ml vaniii^cs. night WAS HEX TSRSOE. "1 \v?>11!?1 eoutrh nearly nil niijht long," writes Mr-. Clins. Apple, irate, Alexandria. Ind . "ami could hardly U?'1 any sleep. I had conKUinption so had that if I walked a block I would eoii^h frightfully and spit blond, Imt, when all other medicines failed, three >'1 <>0 hotilea of Dr. Kimr's New Discovery whollv cured tin- and I gained eS pounds." It's nhsolut Iy guarnnteed to cure Cokis. (' nighs, l,n Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and I < (i 1114 Trouble. Price eO,.nid ? 1 .IX). IT in I hot I les frci al Menjlpiui's drug store. V. a, .o tUim* Hitman's popularity, Tito Washington correspondent j of tiu> Brooklyn l?a?;le culls jitton- | tion to the tact which has been a source of womli rociit in inaiiy I <iuuiters. Jl is the fact of the! populuitly of Tillman at Wash- j ington anions his brother senators. Probably no wn-ilur cwr came to the eapitol with m> ro of pr? jn ice j against him. By I he lb-publicans j In was in a hind "f horror as the embodiment of what was mi- ! eolith as well ais unconveniional,j and of views which had no appro- | priate place in the senate. The Democrats did not welcome h:m ; ' they resect, d his displacin$4 one of die ohh r and more respected men ! <-f tin ir nuinher. Our impression | is that Tillman broke down tin* ; wall of Kepllbliean |)r< judiee before he was ta\en warmly into Demo-! eralie association. The llcpubli- ' cans said they found in him an : ear..est ami a t hoi u glily honest man, and, if his extreme views embarrarHed tin- I )cinnorals, they ( I he lie j u In icans )\\ ei e not m ieveil over it. Thus Tillman to be ! liked first iinioim the Bepnbiican j seliutois. Later, lie ullleieW III lie ll of hi.-- populism, and became so ardent a partisan Democrat that he into favor on that sal-- also, l lie above named col respondent says thai, after last week's to-able, leading liepublieail HelliltolS liue Ahlrieh, Allison and h'rye took pains to j?o over and pleasantly converse with Tillman, while none of them paid any attention to h I i? . > - .hi-ijiiuriii. r>.isi<>ii iiorald. " " A HOBBISLS OUTBREAK. "Of lain- m?ivs en t1:y danoliIcr's I > cm I ?! t? v? l? >i>? d into a c;im? < > f fci-aUl head" HI'lllVS ('. I). Islliii. of .\l< Tyrant on, Totui.. hut iiurklonV ! A rnien Salv nunplrti ly eur; d her. lis a ^ eed run' f?>r Ke/einn, I'. tI. I. Sail iCIi.'iiui, I'nnples. S( r? s. ( leers and I'ihs. Only 2a . tils a Meaeliam's druir slnre. iiLiinoTa2s.c imcnts? Candidates' anno liieomeuts will lie ins.Tieil nailer 1 his headline from date of receipt until issue preceding the pri1 n:11*\ eleel ion a eaelt. Cash with order. Fcr County Supervisor. I hereliv ati'ioutum iuys 'fa eaielida'e for the oliiee of tiuitt v t-1 i'1'lll\ 1 .-a >15, suhj ret lo ih result of ill ' 1 sunoeral ie primary eleetion. T. (1. < U 1.1'. DR. J. L. SPRATT, sik<;k<>n kkntist. Ollioo in .loin s building, Main St root, Fort Mill. S. A f'lit IVoomlu r 1. ollioo will ho olosotl rvrrv Monday. Tonus, siri -lIv cash. nTTTTTI ,-Ul I | ! L1 i-n? I; ~ S../ f! K . 'i'ii \\v l ike V'Hir Doll tr in iKiyiuiMit of laundry work loft in our oavo, hut wostrivoas \\oll for your apjirohaiion. Our aim is to wash oloihos cIomi, iron shirts liars and otitis |o nour liking i\vo moan by that jx.lishod or (Inmost in tinisln, and trotiorally to atVord yon I ho hos- satisfaolion at jiriot - inn' :oiisnr:ifo wil h irtHiil work, hut srill olv ?yi Tho ]M-rfoot work of i la Mndol Sloain I.aiiiidrv. < harlot to. a" ho limo at .short on.- has won thoiionor il favor of > >d dress-u's. Shiptuniils mad Wodnosday ? voniit^. Kt). Ii. Mi t\r\, hii'.v r Fort M ill, S. ('. 'I IJKSMWSS W A UN I N (i. Ali |m*rst?tts an* wnrtictl noi to limit, !isii or for any purpose v. 11 n 1 ever cut or upon any of 11?? landowned or rout rolled liy the underhllilli'il. tin* law will he v ltmiiy i nforccd a trains! liny out* disre. K?ir<liml' tins not ire S. 10. Wiii i k. Mils. ,t. M. Oi i i.i. j. w. aiiiiiii y. f. n ms. T. M. Sri; \ it. Mi > t'rssir Wn;t::. Kooar .foxes. W. I. Jokk8. 1). a. Lkk. .1 I'. M \i k. .1. H. ('OI.TM 1 Ul?. \V. ! .. I loKK. W. 10. Sri; vr 1. 15. M.Sn;\ i r. t. m. iii..mis. t. s. kli.'k ' ATllll'K. t. ('. sim; nr. ii. vv. lit 1 1 m x. So 111 hern Nil lw;i\ N<lndule. Tiains for ('luu lolte, etc., fioni ColuniliH. rl< .. juiks Fort Mill. S. No. Kiriiinond Limited. (daily) 11:01 n. in; No. 28. Loral. (ii*iiI\ ) 8:05 p. m; from ('In sler. No. til. Loral. fcxc< Jit Sunday ) '2 :55 11. 111. 'I'rnins for ('olutnhia, He. from (Minrloito, etc., pass Fort Mill, No. 27. Loral, (daily) 7:-ls a. m; No. K irli 1 not id Limited, < did;\ ) 10:21 |> in; No. 75, Local, ^except Sunday ) 2:55 p. 111. Through sleepers for Kirlitnond, \\ nsbinuton. New 5 ork, etc and for Anjjcuftta, Savannah, (Miarleatoll. Jacksonville, etc. i f He eoniicOlioiiH at Culumlii 1 for all points and at Charlotte with through trains for the Fast. w Mexican Mustang Liniment se A. / A toad um a harrow nifion ro trior that, is tortured with Sjui o . * ? x uinw, sprains, nr. J-lost and apply the kind of t\u far and vide 1:3 Mexican Mnzia Lb Never fail*?not even in t'i< Cures caked udder i:i cow s 1 remedy, llans'v a nisease or joints that caunol Lo cur iMcxican fa"" Mustang Liniment itk H-T.TT.: lixixarsanl axxs ! SOUTl R.AIL THE G RE JIT CF TRJiDE Jr. c* - - - - ? - M j i rvicanQ Clio t'rlrnr C"< rk * t"i an.": ??s.uu: t5 o: ;hc Aow; I NORTH, !Ki^h<Cla?is Vrstihnlo Tralr hp?w???i\ New > orH and I Cincirtnnii und Florida I **o v i 1 lo. Now Vorh ??r*cl Florida olthi j ami iSuvann h, or via ;) Scvannah. 1 ^ Supor or Dintn>t-Car 5|<?rvlc? ? Excellent iSorvir e and Lou ccun .Veil tli Carolina Int n| exposition. N Winter Tourfsi Ticheta to * rrducid ratoa. Fitr rjcttrllfil infor m n Hurt. liter !J tip fly i o net irf.t tickct'agcnt, or .. ^ hj i.Il.HART)WICK, \A General Vassenge- J9$rnt, m lis a s his.gtun, L). C. fe rt. W. HUNT, I Sic. Passenger JJgent, IH Charleston, S. C. fl Ffnnu*5?* 10. inc?. k. rvi? LQi\raoivr, ROCK HILL, S. (\ JTOB PRINTING. ?> < ? i i "[?ril9i-LDAY PRESENT: The Lamp of i f P The lamp that doesn't flare 11 ^?-}s%. tii tiin t>nl lamrunKe; t!i<- Wtii {^_ J "! ! 11 anil stays K?>nil ; tin" / k*, ' ** ixiyh | .rt. with, "life you lnve 'Ml % The fN'cw 4\1 ) I Other lamp* may ho ?Cered V ' '/ they l! i\ I in xoiiie reKlx-.-ts, in?s, there only one. Tfie S sure the lamp offered you is ? I ~jj 011 it; ?very lamp has it. (Shi Old fiiinips 3 %?*" ^v" '' ,:i ! :1 ' very iaien want. (. Z- * 1 v\ want, a new hinp or ?/ni*, an < ' * \j~-1PJ t J islieil. a vase mounted or other ?* e.l .... :i Mow Rochcstc v "J'-'a* i* ii.I v**u literal ore . .n lie Me.j. J . . " - \\ i. ..r. . 11 s. t ' I I I - in i lie ?V} Lamps. Consult; THE RQSMESTER LAMP GO. , - - '-p--- ' 11 rcartily overcome Leas of Bftlfy wca >o?l J lo?ifs ami Scratches in hor tnuius ami cattle. Farmers try it, f D^lf ' it2s;i S3|,' I ier f 'O than the fhijhhfrl hnrso ivins, Swinney, Harness hnrso ownerjfc knoTrfliis lyuthy that heats, known. / mg imroeirat. most, agirravateil cases, quicker than any known peculiar to muscle, skin eel by it, [?boFt rc?mfvly' on tl?o ni.irkct for id i rails, Sprains and Skin Lumps, ocpu licnsesand mules iu condition. -- ~-~!rSSiujEiit'iri -?irw rt.iimA' I XW AY I V V A fv HIGHWAY HD TRAVEL. ipo.l Commercial ^ imci P \,:a<urc [k Liu v.iili tlio -C |J T and WEST. | is. Through Slrcpln^^Cara t> ij?w Orleans, vie. A.innU. r >oints vib AtUnU end vi* I ?r vi a I?y nchbur 1, Danville I Richmond, Danville and H ? on all Throu|(h Trains. k] r Rnics to Charleston sc- l< er*Sta: e und West Indian *' all Rnr.orts now on sale at HI tim0 tulles. rates, etc., n W. II.T/.VLOE, r Gyn. I'ass. Mgcntf c | Mtlanta, Ga. 1 J. C. EEAM, Diifricl Past. J?gent. Mtlnnta, Cu, ti I . The Charlotte Observer Nv*th Carolina's FOremost Newffaptr. Eiptwev and niorc at tract ivo than over, it is an ii valuable visitor to the home, th oflice, tho club or the work room. THE (MISERYEll Contnii.s nil the news of the world. lias t hf Assnrialeu t'ref.- D-spa'cues; special eorresjHiiidoiits at the State and Nat ioi al Capitals and an experienced corps of correspondents throughout tho State Tlir; Daily Dl>>erv?r ^enekay9 is :?S ]M>r annum: ?1 for six mouths; for three mouths. Tlj" Ni'iiii-\V kI> Observer, A perfect faniilv journal. All the news <>i mo tunes. Duly ?1 jnjr aunuin. S; mpleCopic? of Either npon Application Trie charlotte observer, Charlotte, N. C. S-For EVERY DAY USE Steady Habits p or Rinokf. or eauso you i|t that looks >. .>? .! wli.-n jf laino that you uuvcr will- f /y ^ '' i tlmt i I V Rochester. ' / you us " jwt ns eoo.i "? Inn r r i. i urotm ! k<xm1 KBalMfll Tew tester. T?> make milno. |.H.k for tliouaine r ^ No r..itt?T whot her you :{*;x<y-y;?fi y*. .] t rojuiireil or refln- ^}%rC&i "v i < ?>f lump trnnsforui jf? ir .itnu-rt <1 diseases olQ^r . ^ t :;s I'm k I'Ueo A ".1 It.urclay St., New York.