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"? .1 _ ^ "" " ' ' ] What the FanU Was. Or. Frank W. Allport, one of the! leading oculists of Chicago, was recently appointed examining physician by the board of education. A pupil from one of the echools \vhe*e "fads" We more thoroughly In vogue than In almost any other public school, came to Dr. Allport In the regular course ol events to have his eyes examined. The (khvfllciAn Wf?r? t thrnnah thn nenal aula for discovering the defects of visIon. He placed a chart before the boy. The first word was "hat." "Now read this word," said the doctor. "Hhhuhah-tuhhh," sputtered the boy. "Then try this," said the doctor, pointing tc "big." "Buh-lh-guhhh," stammered tho boy. "Madam," said the doctor to the boy's mother, "there is some mor? serious defect here than a visual one The vocal organs seem to be affected.' "Oh, no," answered the mother, "h? could spell and read quite well until he went to school and took up this new phonetic method."?New York Times. Bmnllrat Ilaalc Notes Innad. , Bank notes for ubout a farthing each Circulate freely in Paraguay. It takes two notes to get one's boots blacked knd eight to pay the postage of a letter to England. Yet one of them will buy In the season fifteen oranges, thrco j bananas, or a water melon. B. B. B. SENT FRCE Cum Blood and Skin I>Irpu*pii, Cancen, 1 Bono 1'ains, Itching IlumorH, Ktc. Send no money, simply try Botanic Blood Balm nt our expense. B. B. B. euref Pimples, scabby, scaly, itching Externa Ulcers. Eating Sores, Scrofula, Blood i Poison, Bono Pains, Swellings, Khouma ! tisrn, Cancer, and all Blood and Skin Troubles. Especially advised for chronic cases that doctors, patent medicines and Hot Springs fail to euro or help. Druggists, 91 per large bottle. To prove it cures i B. B. B. sent freo by writing Bi.ooi> Balm Co.. 12 Mitchell St.. Atlanta, (ia. Describe troublo and freo medical advice sent in sealed letter. Medicine sent at once, propaid. All we ask is that you will speak a good word for B. B. B. when cured. For the first time since its arrival from I Malaya in 1802 the ginnt orchid in the tropical house nt Kcw Gardens, Ixmdou. Was in bloom recently. Thero are tlsh iD the sen as good as were iver lied about. So. 12. MISS VIRGINIA GP.ANES | Tells How Hospital Physicians Use and Rely upon Lydia E. Pinkhuin's Vegetable Com- ( pound. "Dear Mrb. Pinkiiam : ? Twelve rears continuous service at the sick ! bed in some of our prominent hospitals, as well as at private homes, has i Hven me varied experiences with the liseasnsof women. 1 have nursed some ' MISS VIRGINIA GUANRS, President of Nuraci'Auoolatlon.Walertown.N.Y. most distressing cases of inflammation and ulceration of thaorariesand womb. I have known that doctors used Lydia E. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound when everything else failed with their patients. I have advised my patients and friends to use it and have yet to hear of its lirst failure to cure, i " Four years ago 1 had falling of the womb from straining in lifting a heavy patient, and knowing of the value of mil V rV\mnr\nr/l T U ?A. J w..t ? I'vg?u unc it lib once, and in six weeks I was well onco mote, and have had uo trouble since. I am most pleased to have had ar. opportunitj* to say a few words in praise of your Vegetable Compound, and shall take every occasion to recommend It."? Miss Virginia (.ranks.?$5000 forfait if abort testimonial Is not oenuine. Lydia K. l*inkham*s Vegetable Compound lias stood the test of time, anil has cured thousands. Mrs. Pinkhnut advises sick women free. Address. Lynn, Mass. jj CapudinecA"^s \ f Headaches. 3 C LaQrippe, Colds, etc. |5 E Money bark If It fell*, is* 9>. All Drug Stor<* JJj ^ Small crops, unsalable veg- I etablcs, result from want of Potash. Vegetables arc especially I fond of Potash. Write for I our free pamphlets. GfcV^AN' KAl.I WORKS, ^/Sa^au Si., Sew York. LABOR WORLD. The Iron mines In CSermany give employment to over -10,000 meu. Blast furnace workers all over the country will ask for three elght-liour shifts Instead of two twelve-hour ones per day. Uivor ( \f ft Ci! ^ mnnnfa/ilusAt... have agreed to raise the wages of employes. The coal miners and operators of the Pittsburg district have adopted the wage scale of last year. A sneeinl commission has been appointed in France to codify the laws concerning working-class legislation. Helena (Mont.) labor unions have appointed a committee to make plans for the erection of a labor temple in that city. State Labor Commissioner MeMaekin favors a law in New York requiring evidence of legal age before a child can Ik? employed in a factory. The Conciliation Hoard of the North of England iron and steel trade has appealed to English workmen to support employers in the effort to recapture the world's trade. The Southern Pacific Road has inaugurated a system of merit and demerit marks for the detention of freight cars. Train masters ami train dispatchers will be held responsible. After nine and a half months the great strike of the iron workers at ' San Francisco. Cel.. has ended, and j JIOOO machinists, who have been idle since Inst May, have returned to work. ; The Supreme Court of California declares unconstitutional an act passed j by the State Legislature of 1SS5) regu- j luting the sanitary condition of work ( shops, asserting that it is arbitrary and special legislation. The American Tin-Plate Company and the Amalgamated Association of Metal Workers have harmoniously agreed upon a scale of wages for the 1 coming year, thus preventing all danger of a strike or lockout. NEWSY CLEANINCS. London has an army of lo.SOO police- i men. Sugar duties have been abolished in Snn Domingo. A street railway strike at Rome, Italy, lnis been averted. The Indiana Demoeratie State convention has been called for June 4. A new salmon combine of forty-fi*.o firms is contemplated in Uritisli Colninbia. Several (Serinan steamship companies have reported a laree decrease in dividends. tiencral satisfaction has been ex- ! pressed in Austria over the intention to send an Ambassador to Washington. A Swedish Count will put .1t>0 acre's of land in Michigan into peat beds, an entirely new industry for the United States. The Swiss Federal Council will con- i tribute to Harvard's (.eruianic Museum j plaster casts of representative Swiss | sculptures. A Referendum Dengue has been formed in Chicago to further that feature of municipal rule all over the United States. Harvard University will probably send an expedition to explore Egypt. Babylonia. Assyria and Palestine for Semitic relics. Nearly $10,000,000 was expended by Ilclgium last year in establishing new (lovernment railroads and increasing tratllc and transportation conveniences. The proposed gigantic coal combine of Indiana and Illinois miners lias gone tip in smoke. The operators of the latter State demanded too high a price for holdimrs. The San Jose scale has wrought j great havoc in the orchards of Ohio, j and it lias been necessary to dig up and burn thousands of infected trees. Next season's fruit crop will bo short us a consequence. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Tlichard Croker is reported to be Inlying more land In England. Abrain Garfield, youngest son of the late President, has entered politics in 1 Ohio. King Edward VII. and Queen Alex- I a in Ira have been married thirty-nine years. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has returned to Washington from a Western spe ehmaking tour. M. Santos 1 Uintonl, it is reported, intends to visit New York City next summer and 11 y about the Urooklyn bridge Congressman Chester I. Long has been' renominated by the Republican convention of the Seventh Kansas District. Senator Piatt, of New York, has gone to Florida for a stay of several weeks The trip is taken for the benefit of his health. J. Pierpont Morgan thrives on ; corned beef and cabbage. Senator Mar- 1 ens A llanna on corned b. of hash and buck wheats. James Dick, the Scotch rubber im- I porter and manufacturer, who died a few days ago in Glasgow, left $5,0U0,iHiti to charities of that city. President Roosevelt has found time to prepare tiie manuscript of a new book on the deer of North America. The volume is one of a series, and wfil be issued in the early summer. Senator Gallinger. of New Hampshire, sent to the library of Congress the other day for a Itible, which, one of the oldest employes says, in fortytwo years is only the second time such a reuiiest 1m* been i.v . J ? WV.UiJll of Congress. Archibald Hard Dnrragli, a Congressman from Michigan, ami Thomas Rob- ' ert Hard, a Senator from California, 1 great-grandsons of Richard Hard, a sol dier of the French and English war of 17."i<M7t>0. met for the lirst time in Washington recently. Minnesota is called the "Rread and Hiittcr State." and rightly, too. for last . year her mills turned out 2ti.C3O.5O0 barrels of flour and churned over 60,- i 000,000 ponnds of butter. i TTow'n This ? We offor One?Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by UaH'fi Catarrh Cure. V. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo, O. j Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J.Cheav-y for tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorablo In all business transactions ind financially able to carry out any obligation made by their llrm. West A Tiiuax,Wholesale Druggists,Tolodo, Ohio. Walking, Rinnan AMAnvis,Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood und mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle, bold by all Druggists. Testimonials froe. Hall s Family l'llls aro the best. Messrs. I. M. and B. F. Powell,prominent merchants in Columbus county, N. C., wrote us that Rev. T. C. Floyd gave "his child one dose of "Roykiu's Worm Killer" and the result wus 307 worms. He wishes all interested to know It. Earliest ltunilan Millet. Will you bo short of hay? If so, plant a plenty of this prodigally prolific millet. 5 to 8 tons of rioh hay per acre. Price, 50 lbs., $1.90; 100 lbs., $3.00; low freights. John A. ; Salzer Seod Co., La Crosse, Wis. A Even the musical woman may harp too much .n one string. FITS permanently curod. No fits or nervousness after tlrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat | NerveUehtoror.$2trlal bottle and treatisefroo l)r. 11. II. Ki-isk, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philo., Pa. The fellow, who has dyspepsia usually makes other people suffer for it. Each package of Putnam Faoei.ksr Dte colors either Milk, Wool or Cotton perfectly at one boiling. Hold by all druggists. Platinum is worth a great deal more than gold. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.?Mas. Thomas KonMNs, Maple H*t., Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900. Dr. It II. Kdmumls, ono of the best known physicians and farmers iu South Carolina, writes us that "A negro girl 10 years ol<l, near him, took two or thr??o doses of I)r. Hoykiu's Worm Killer and j ns-ed 3C0 worms." When the skv is blue nobodv else should be. ' A Doctor's Testimonial. Dr. C. I. S. Cawthon, of Andalusia. Ala., writes: "Tetterlne is superior to any remedy known to me for Eczema and stubborn skin diseases." CO.:. a box by mail front J. T. Shuptriue, Savannah, Gu., if your druggist don't keep it. The fellow who is out for the (lough id one sort of donation party. Tvner's Dyspepsia Kemedy is a liquid preparation and knocks all tablets out. It cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Vertigo, Fullness of Stomach. Headache. 50c. Druggists. It's funny tlint when u man's taken in lie feels put out. Ill no lew ay, S. C. Messrs. ISovkin, Carmor ?V- Co., Wholesale Druguists, Baltimore, Mil. Gentlemen.? I have quite a demand for "lJoykin's Worm Kliler." It is the heat vermifuge I can get. A termor bought n liottlo of me u few weeks ago; k*vs one dose to his child; came in next duv with a chow chow jar tilled with worms; the result of ouo dose, since then all want it. NY. J. Davis. B*it For the llowels. Ho matter what nils you, hoadnche to a cancer, you will never got well until your bowels are put right. Cakcahetb help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just lOeents to start getting your health back. Cahoaiikts Candy Cathartto, the genuine, put up In metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. 0. stamped on It. Beware of Imitations. In Germany the yearly number of divorces exceeds 10,000. And Hermit Hslit While the momentous affairs of tho nation are being dealt with at one end of the White House, at the other end of the stately old mansion there la the natural, unaffected life of a typical American family, and now and then Washington society folks enjoy the stories that come from the nursery where the children of its first lady in the land romp as strenuously us any ather youngsters. One evening during tho Christmas season the Roosevelt children had a feast of sweetmeats, and when Mrs. Roosevelt came into the nursery in the morning she found Kermit paying the penalty of ovcrlndnlp-oncn And how Is sister?" asked Mrs. Roosevelt. "Oh. #he don't know she Is sick yet," groaned Kerralt. "She's not awake ret." Sheep-stealing is not soul-saving. IM?to? ?nrn |V,? .ornr- umaw | Health I " For 25 years I have never n I missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla J| I every spring. It cleanses my H I blood, makes me feel strong, and rj i does me gocd in every way."? H I John P. Hodncttc, Brooklyn, N.Y. I Pure and rich blood I carries new life to every 1 part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed, fl Yfll 1 onvinnc /-. kn I 1ft wu VVI H1IA1UUO kU Uk> active. You becomestrong, steady,courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. $1.03 a bottle. All drugr'.ttii. Ak'.t your doctor what lie think* of Ayrr'* SirtnparllU. Ilo knows nil iihout thm frntnd old f.unily niedk -Inc. Follow hi* adrlccaud wo will be iftlUnril. J. C. AYES Co., Lowell, Mat*. . ft-rt vk | STARTLING Thousands of childrc n :: w t Worms. Svniptoms arc soldo Mkf ^ child's temperament and upon the vai tines. Lose no timel Adopt the safe * DR. BOYKIN'S > vv A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DE: * IN USE OVER 30 YEARS AC( w 25c BEST VERMIFUGE KN( -. jr. i x iwm x - < r v^..>.... * / One may tall the teas and ^ ' I that men of iffhl/s, who u I nor the inclination, whether I medicines which cni^so excess I organs in a constipated condi I lines. It acts n&tnrally, acts eff I the Internul organs and leaves I If In need of a laxative rem I when anything more than a luxu I is to consult a competent physl I which claim to cure all manner ' I The California Fig Syrup Co. wi which would pivc satlsfact Ion to ' sanction and ono friend recomment exceed all other laxatives combined old-time cathartics and modern im diffusion of knov'odge, as to the lx Into pcneral use with the well-info - ?. and ever beneficial action. The quality of Syrnp of Fljts is the laxative and carminative prlnci on tlio system, with apreeablo and I orpinal method of manufacture, effects ono should always note tin Syrup Co.?printed on the front of - V? vv : J Y "LEADER1 SMOKELESS POl are used by the best shots in the coti i uniform and reliable. All the world's c won and made by Winchester sfhells. USED BY THE BEST SHOT WE PAY R. I. FARE and im.kk $5,000 I Dcjtocilt, Guarnntee o/ Cj/rff/lJ/ 200 MtKK schoi.ahnh i r?. iioakd at COST. W rite tjulck to OA.-A I.A. llt'SlNKSS dll.l.M.I'. MAI ON. OA. Hs: Galls on nur Homo or Mule nulcklw cured with Or. I. ml I'ii ru. All Pea err. or eent bf mull wltb Pr. I an.els hook."id?e.A-os of Hornen. < tittle. J-herp mid swine and IIow to Trent Them." up-.n receipt of 2 5 conln. A. r. 1>ANIKI.S? ; Mn ??l to r?l St., KOVl'ON. ITIASS Money in Chickens Por'iSca himii)|H wo (I a U? | f PAt'H. buOK giving tlif oxperlonce J I a pruoiw\*? F'ouiiry Ktintfr?uot / g an Mmirar. uiu a man working / \ ,nr UOII44T.4 mi l wilt*?alUrtllK ^Vfurn. n tear (km iiuw u? Defaut I.iim v uro I'lsonsi's rtMhl for toi I ,i ?iw? lor KuiU'inii (, n liicn Kuwlno 1 1 t?vo lor lirn<Hilhi<; I'Vi-ryllilUK r<~ 1 1 (julallefor prodiabie poultry rula' I IliK. IIOOH I'l ni.l.SillMI CO, 131 I.<iodhi'.I Siroul, .Sew Vurk. n p rs dqy new dif covery; |i?m ' L* I* \# r O I Quick ro'i.f and curna worit m?m Hook of t?rtlin?n<a r and t<) tin y a* trratmrnt I Krra. I?r M H. OktLH a kohh hoi B. At anta. (la ho. i a. ic4 r-m og Juuftks WMlHt ALL UStTAlls' Host ponrfh Syrup. Taaloa Good. 1>o R*u In tlun>. s id liy drugalxt*. ?. - ? oi-irVtrk?c*ci Vcr ?r k w ? ^ - FACTS. ! vb re being gnawed to distraction by % in reliable. They depend upon the JJJ -iety of worms present in the intes- <p ! A and sure course by using ^ iYORAt KILLER. ; ! STROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. ;EPT NONE BUT DR . BOYKIN'S. t DWN SOLD EVERYWHERE. "J \ t ^ r islt every Innd and everywhere will find, I ro well informed, have neither the time I on pleasure bent or business, to use thoso ive purgation and then leave the Internal lion. Syrup of Figs is not built on those ectlvely, eleanses, sweetens and strengthens them lu a healthy condition, cdy the most oxeellcr.t Is Syrup of Figs, but the Is required the safe and scientific plan eian and not to resort to those medicines of diseases. is the first to manufacture a laxative remedy all; a laxative which physicians could 1 to another; so that today Its sales probubly I. In sone places considerable quantities of maiiuus arc aim sum, uut nun iuv gi-nerui ;st medicinal agents, Syrup of Figs has come rmcd, because it is a remedy of known value dr.o net only to the excellent combination of pies of plants, known to act most beneficially refreshing aromatic liquids, but nlso to the In order to get the genuine and its beneQclal < full name of the Company ?California Fig every package. *****" ' "i^| ?.?. .,.f( |.||. ' ^ ^ yal Worcester BON TON L o r.sets 7 STRAIGHT FRONT- / ,e mtylfl that leads the world. J Ask roor dealer to order style 2 you acslre ; accept no substitute. AL WORCESTER CORSET CO., \ Worcester. Mass. ^ h e & ? e bs " and "REPEATER" WDERSHOTGUHSHELLS intry because they are so accurate, ! ! rhampionships and records have been I Shoot them and you'll shoot well. ; "S, SOLD EVERYWHERE .1?1 nwo,? w< mi ( old ,1Uiltl ml IliiliOiO hX|Miiilli?u, McILHENNV'S TABASCO^ Sffcdf's Mnrvol Who, Th* m<??* rt>?rr?l ?i c?r??1 r.n r??r M $ rn\ J i ^ \ ! ^ i &r'. \ i vv>;r/^A;?}^^W, \ \ e-jU- ' :;.v U ,-~v. | jjjj W/\E&"ft :' ': ".? .0:->?-"-.'-r'' '."vPl'l The wonderful medicine, Ripans Tabules, cured me in three weeks after having suffered for five years. My trouble was dyspepsia, and as I believe came from eating too much sweet stuff. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for tin ordinary occasion. Tile family bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a your. THE LANIER SOUTHERN S$admcM # //( ae M A CON* r.A. Thorough In nl appointments. nuflnsfls men re- opnltc our dlplomaa ns a testimonial of ability and w Till All bmnr-bM taught, i Full Information cheerfully furnittho.l. $1 fin fne $ I If you rnnnot make Jloo for IUU Itir 1 . every SI you Pay us f'r teach*iwr you. we'll refund your money. Send for tacta C. C. BITTER. Fulton Hill. Hichmond. V?. A N TTS ^ PATENT W COTTON PLANTERS ?AND? Guano Distributers ^ "Write for Prices anil Calnloj;ue. ; ) The Gantt Mf'g Co., MACON, - GEORGIA. i-'" J. T. GANTT, Proprietor. ^42 bus. per Aero I y irll paring crop anrri mi m.ulh. A i ?B ?i >l>? btt< tin ?niru,J lluct- a n earih. pro.lacU* from to t? Hj baahal* ? KTTk XIICU., y/jc. ^ J