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* THE FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATIC. PUBLISH ED WKDNESDAYS. 1 B. W. BRADFORD, Pnbliaher. Subscript km |>rie? , , . . $1 per year. CorroBjJon donee on current subjects in invited, but we do not ugreo to publish communications containing more than 800 words, and no rcH]MUisibiUty is assumed for the views of correspondents. Ah an advertising mediuin for Char lotte, Hiiuviile, Fort Mill, uud Rock Hill business house* The Times is nnsarjuiswhI. Rates made known ou application to the publisher. Local Telephone No. 20. MARCH 19, 1902. A London publisher Iihs off red Sniitos-Dumont a prize of $2 000 to make h trip ftotu London to Birmingham?100 miles?in his | tiirship, without stopping, and ! Satitos-Duinotit has had the oom- i peiiton opener I to the world, the' airship that makes the trip the; quickest to lake the cash. Now is ' tue time to bring out your flyer. ; 4- + + 'Air*. Chinese Minister has dis-! covered another reign of terror , among the Chinese in Colorado. , Hud has got tlie Secretary of State to ask the governor of Colorado to ; look into the matter. He can look in or look out, but if the miners' j union of Ouray has said the Chin 1 ese must go from the place, we ( are inclined to think they will go. Gen. Free Funktox made a hull's eye when he said: "It is perfectly proper for us to have all aorts of opinions as to what we shall do with the Philippines, but, >r heaven's sake, let lis keep them H| W to ourselves until every inch < f Hip thai territory recognizes the sov- j I i reignty of the United Stutes. The Amendment-prohibiting senators, representatives and other of. ficia'a becoming beneficiaries under the Ship Subsidy bill offered by MoLaurin, of Miss., is calculated to make every honest. American blush with slmine, to think that it should have been considered neeessury. * ? The governor of Virginia had all the politician's fear of the [strikers' mob which controlled Norfolk for a time, but lie doesn't deserve to be singled out fi?r abuse any more than the other men who j nave unuer similar circum -.tam-es acted similarly. ft ft ft It ought to be com for ti n g, although we are sure it isn't, to tho fellow who always wants to borrow money, to know that a new national bank, which expects to live by loaning money, is established in this country every day. - Several reasons have been given out, but our guess is that die President headed off his daughter's intended coronation | trip because In* knows adverse public opinion when he he meets |f it in the road. I Wi W. A stor, the man who be- j came ashamed of his American ! B birth and got hiniBelf naturalized W i.b an Englishman, is now after a r Beat in Parliament, If he gets it. our admiration of English voters will drop several points. The House fighters could get more gate money than woutd be needed for the most extensive ; Cuban relief asked for, if they wool I pair off and do their scrapping under the regular ring rules. ^ ft ft The Kaiser will quickly discover that we can lie firm as well iim courteous, if he should bo unwise enough to ask us to let liiin establish naval stations 111 American waters. ft ft Attorney General Knox will now proceed to see whether his of. [ ft II't H to lioncl off the l)ig IHlllOHtl merger will be any more successful than were those of tue Gov. of Minnesota. Would it have been more wick- j ed to let 2,000 Cencus clerks alip i lluough the civil service gate than to close the gate after 700 got t h rough ? # * * If a number of Senators are not trying to disgust the people with the whole Isthmian canal <|iieHtion their talk aud actions are deceptive. Kino Edward is ached n'od for j a two day's stay in Paris, but the town will not be as red ns it wis ; during his princely visits. Cecil Rhodes downed many an opponent, but. like the re.->! of iih, lie had to throw up his hands when d. att took the road If anyone thinks the sugar beet j growers haven't got a Congre-aionnother think Subsidy Bill Passes Senate. A Washington despatch of Monday says that after prolonged debute, the senate today passed the ship subsidy bill, the final vote beiup 42 to 31. Senators A'lison and Del liver of Iowa, Spooner and Quartes of Wisconsin and Proctor and Dillingham of Ve niont, Republicans, voted a pa in flnal pnssape of the bill. Scnat r M-Laurin. of South Carolina, voted for it. The Commutation Tax. Some question has arisen in reference to the commutation tax. Heretofore the tax has been different in certain counties, some hav! insr it $1. others ?2 and still others a different tipure. The last legislature passed an act makiup the tax unitormlv $1 and roquir np that it should be paid by March 31. In some counties where the tax was $2 it had already been paid by commuters, and county treasurers have been makiup inquiries what must be done about it. Thoupli no otlieial opinion has . been made on the question it has ! been found that the act does not po into ? ffect until the 17th inst so up to that, time the old lawstood as it previously was in tinvarious counties. Commuters who pay between now and March 31. will ">iv h ive to jmy ?1. -Uoliunbin Record. Southern Gets The 3 C's. The road know in the days of its projection as the Three ('V. has, by the act. of the Legislature, passed into the hands of the Southern Railway. The vim and spirit of Col. Tripp has kept the road from falling to pieces, and it is said that it will cost the Southern $100,000 to make the road bed safe or passable in some places. The S uthern will take charge of the old road on the first day of April and will immediately commence to rehahnitite it. The road bed will be strengthened and trestles rebuilt in part. Through trains from Marion to Columbia will at once be put on, reaching the latter city vi i Camden. Kingsville and the South Carolina road. ?Charleston Post. In the Rock Kill Herald of today. Col. Tripp denies ihe above statement and says he knows nothing of the Southern's taking charge of the road on April 1. Is it Warren's Body? A Branchville despatch of Friday to The State says that the body of a man?supposed to be that of Bartow Warren ? was found floating in lOdisto river this morning about a ipiarter of a mile below where the express safe was thrown in the river some time ago. The body is badly decomposed, j There were a shell belt and two pistols buckled aroun I the body j and express envelopes in the man's p< ickets. One eye and a half ?>f the side of the face are tfone. Tbe body j nieasures 5 feet S incites; the shoe | is number six, the hand resembles that of a woman. There is a j?old filling in one tooth. A belt around the body contains two dS-ealibre. 6-inch pistols and lie wore one cheap nickel watch, showing time 8-45. Blue coat and vest and dark h ck pants are the attire. On account of the deeomp sition of the b sly it. could not be positively identitied, but from; what parties say it is almost certain that it is the body of Bartow Warren. It not Warren it is almost certain that it is the bod v of one of the men connected with the express robbery near Fifty-eiobt on the night of January 27tb. The most reasonable theorv ad vanced in Unit in crossim* t 10 river after dumping ihe safe, the robber. weighted by the pistols and cartridges was drowned. Hurt by a Palling Boom. While at work at the Catawba Power Co's dam Tuesday, Sain Itavisand Charlie King. both eol ored, were hurt by the breaking of the boom of one of t ho derricks. In falling it Htruek l>avis in the back, knocking one of his ril>s loose from the baekbone and fsa.*tnring the baekbone somewhat. At the same time a drill with which he had been working was in some peculiar way driven into one of his hios. ]lis ininrien w??ie ? 1 ~ "J ? considered very serious, hut, although unoonscioui after the ?ccident, lie is now getting along very well. At the same time King was struck on the head. His injury was painful, hut not serious.? Hock Hill Herald. The Cuban sugar growers must make good their tales of woe if they expect to do any cashing in. Some men are always ready to invite diaappointmet; the professional office-seekers, 'or instance, M i THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA. Short Items of State News Conveniently Grouped for Times Readers. j IvK?*n H. Minima, n young farm j er of C.arendon county, ljns nn j animal, about fourteen month*! I old. which lie says is u frtnk of nature. Its heat I and hotly are i those of u hog, but its feet resemble those of it sl;.?pp, it makes a 1 noise Vtry much like the bleat of ! a sheep. A petition has been circulate! i i the Davis a i(l Cross Roads m c turn of Clarendon county inviting' Senator Tillman to a4 euk in Clar- ; entlon. A petition praying for an elec tion on the question of cs ablisliing a new county from p ntiona of Barnwell and Mampltui. with Allendale as the county scat, is to be p e eutcd to the governor. Work on the big cotton mill nt Itim hi, Horry county, lias been retarded by tne bad wed her, but is now progressing well, mid tliej building is nearly finished. The | machinery is m??v being put in. The Bamberg Times tells of lime men that visited its office' last week who were 17. IS and ">S, ,.,.,t i...a ,.;..a ,.i.:i.i ' 'MUI rM\ II nun Iiinr'' niiiWM'ii, UIIU six b.jya and three girls. 0110 four i I) >ys ami live girls. and tin* other live boys and four girls, 27 in all, I 12 girls and 15 boys. C. C. Campbell, a white man. who was tried and acquitted last year nl Orangeburg for at tempting to rob A. K. II. Dukes' store at Hrnnehville, was tried and convict- J ed by the I cited States court in ('harlestoii and sentenced to the I'nited States prison in Atlanta for two years and six months for robbing the postotfieo at Lees, a : few w.-eks ago. Tlie town of Manning has : bought, twelve lvitson lights to tlluinitiate the strecta of the town. Efforts are being made to estab- : lish a dispensary in the town of; lohnstoii, EdgeHeld county. Hon, ?L It. McLaughlin, of; Orangeburg, will lie.a candidate in the approaching election for congress to succeed Congressman Lever. Oliver (ireer. a negro boy, was hanged in Anders >n Friday for a criminal assault upon a white lady near Helton last December, (ireer j was cool and appeared uneoncerned as to his fate, and talked freely to all visito s. He acknowledged lis guilt ::ik1 that he de-i served his punishment. President Roosevelt has with- : drawn the nomination o f \Y. (J., Chaffee to be postmaster at Aiken j b.?cnu-e ?f a shortage in the tie- j c 'tints or I os master Uhatlee t??t. e ..mount of $dllt). 1) irlingt m county istohiild a new Mini modern court house. The total tines collected in the i mayor'* court in Florence last month amounted to $lli*>. A movement is on foot to organize a military company at Florence. Some of the most prominent young men of the town are interested in the movement. A petition has been presented to the town council of Jonesville r apiiiing an election to he held , for a dispensary. The petition is signed by thirty-eight names, and only two of the whol number own real estate in th * town. Noliritor Sense has reipiested i the governor to order a speeial j term of criminal court for Laurens County for April lid, to last ten days, on aeconnt of the large nuint?er of cases to I) ' tr I'll. lie also re |u *sted a special term of criminal court for I'nion County for t lie same reason. It is announced that tlm presi- j dent will visit tin' ('hirlcstoii exIposi.ion during the second week in April. (leu. K. Prince, of Anderson, is announce 1 as a candidate for congress m the Tin id |)is?rict. He is a lawyer of ability, -lt? years old. He is a member of the legislature, chairman of the board of trustees of the Amleison graded schools, a i I dixit*!* of College m lit I a useful citizens oenerally. In a Texas railroad wreck a few ; <1 tys ago in wlneli I'i p isseuocrs were killed and about 2."? wounded, there was a Mr James llrire, of , Woodward, S. ('., who was injured, Ihtiu^h not seriously. Charles Gerinan, magistrate at Ictn^ley, left about two weeks ago unceremoniously and li is not beon heard of since. The Aiken deleRation met and recommended an election for Ins sue eseor. Nicaragua and Costa Rica also i trietl to do the strike" act in o uiuection with the canal. Inventors take no chance in dealing with .Swift & Co, the Washinirton patent lawyer*.. They do business riuht, and have never had a dissatig ied client. Read their at', in tins paper and write i tliein, it you think of taking out n K 1 STE1KES AEICE FIND. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. II. No remedy helped me until I betrnn using; Elec'rie Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicine I ever used. Tlicy have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. S ie says Electric Bi'lers are jmt splendid for female troubles; tint they are a grand tonic and invig orator for weak run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by T. B. Moacham. ? Dr. W. J. 1011 is was run over and killed by the train at Furinan. in 1 lamp on county, a few d>?ys ago. Dr. Ellis, being considerably deaf, did not hear the approach of the train. Fie lived at Daud, Ga., I and was on a visit to relatives in Hampton county. A HORRIBLE OUTBREAK"Of large sores on my daughter's head developed into a case of scald head" writes O. D. Isbill, of Morgantoii, Tonn., but Buck leu's Arnica Salve completely cured her. | It's a ecd lire for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Kln-uin, Pimples. Sores, Dicers and Piles. Only 25 cents a M cacham's drug store. Notice. On Friday, March 21, at 10 o'clock. a. in., n contract will be let for reparing Barber's bridge ovei ; Sugar cieek, 2^ miles east of Fort Mill. Speci lieat ions will be made known on day of letting contract. The right is reserved to reject I any or all bids. WYI.IE Q. Cakkey. Supervisor Lancaster Co. John F. Gokdok, Supervisor York Co. iinnouncements. Candidates' announcements -vvill 1m> inserted under this headline from date of receipt until issue preceding the priniarv election at $1.5 > each. Cash with order. For County Supervisor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County SUl'KHVISt )R, subject to tho result of the Democratic ' primary election. T. C*. CUL1'. DR. J. L. SPRATT, SUHC.EON DENTIST. Office in .lones building, Main Street, Fort Mill, S. C. After December 1, office will be closed every Monday. Terms, strictly cash. \\v Like Vonr Doll ir in payment of laundry work loft in onr oare, but wo strivo as woll for your approbation. Onr aim is to wash clothos oloati, iron shirts, collars and ruffs to your liking two moan by that |M)lishc<l or domnstic finish), and getierally to afford yon t ho host satisfaction at prions ooniniensura to with good work, hut still ehoip. Tlio ]ierfeet work of tlio Modol Strain Ijiundrv. t"harlotto. N. O., all I ho timo at short prio-s has won the general fuxorof good drossors. Shipments niailo Wodnosday evening. Ku. L. McKi.iianky, Auknt Fort Mill, s. ('. TKKSSI'ASS WAKMMi. All persons tiro warnod not to hunt, lisn or for any put pose w Ii;itover outer upon any of the lands owned or controlled by the under* j signed. The law will be rigidly enforced against any one disregard i ng I his not ice. S. K. WntTK. Mas. ,T. M. Ooki.i,. ,1. W. Ajtorry. F. Nnta. ,1. M. Sl'U att. Miss BessiK WlUTK. Kno vit Jonks. W. I. Junks. I>. \. Lkk. J. B Mack. ,1. H. (toi/rn \up. W. B. IIokk. W. K. Sphatt. B M. Sim:att. T. M. 11 innks. T. s. Kikkpatkick. T. c\ sph att* 11- W. 11 i'kkm \ n. NoiifIm*r 11 Railway Srhidulc. Trains for Charlotte, * t< ., from Coluinh ?, etc.. pass Kort Mill,, S. , No. 110, Ricnniond Limit* d. (daily) 0:01 a. in; No. 28, Local, (daily) 8:1);") p. in; from Cluster. No. 01. Local, (except Sunday) 2:;").") p. in. Trains for Columbia, etc , from Charlotte, etc., pass Fort Mill, No. 27. Local, (daily) 7:48 a. m; No. 2D, Richmond Limited, (daily ) 10:84 p in; No. 75. Local, (except Sunday) 2:55 p. m. Through sleepers for Richmond, Washington, New York, etc. and for Augusta, Savannah, Charleston. Jacksonville, etc. Close conneotions at Columbia for all points and at Charlotte with through trains for the Eust. Mexican Mustang Liniment?? A toad iiin a harrow puffers no mor that is tortured with Spa Sores, Sprains, cte. Most ami apply the kind of tyu fur and wide ;.s Mexican Musta Li Never fails?not even in th< Cures eaked udder in cows < remedy. Hardly a t.iscuso or joints that, cannot bo cur Mexican Mustang Liniment itk (SOUTl RAIL THE GREAT OF TRADE A. fniiina the Prlnc ICcn cri r.nd Ileal Resorts of the iou NORTH, Hi(th?ClBKR Vestlhule Train bnlwarn N*w YorK and I Cincinnati and Florida I Anhtrville. | Now York and Florida, rI Aw and .V?v?nnr. h, or vU Savannah, iluprrior Dlnlnf>?C*r S?rvlc? Exc?ll?nt Jrrvlco and Low coum South Carolina Int Kxpoitiiion. Winter Tourist TIcKnti to reduced rjite*. / 'or detailed Informatlor., liter apply to nearest ticket. ayen t, or S. H. II AHDW1CK, Oenoral Passenger Agent, 11)ashlngtor, 11. C. R. W. HUNT, Oh'. Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. f R. IYT. LONDON, KOCK MILL. S. C. JOB PRINTING}. For HOLl'PAY PRESENT The Lamp of' tTlio lamp that doesn't flnro i to um' had Innuuuk'e ; tl>(* hu you K?*t It and stays good ; th* uuflvpnrt with, "inn you havt ^Cbc JVcw 1 Other lamps may ho offerer they may he, in some reapecu nesa, there's onlv ono. 7Vie , mire the lump offered you is ? on it; every lamp has it. t!W Oltl linmpn 7 Wo can till every lamp want want a now Inmp or utove, an ished. a vase mounted or Oth'M ed into a Now Rochesti send vou literature , n the mih; Wc arc 5PKCIA I.IST3 In th< Lamps, Consul! THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO I. ! I rcadilr ovorcom? Loss of Hair, seaswl Hoofs and Scratches In hori mulos an J cattle. Vojtmwu try it* ji||| ier c than the fh'ithfhl horse vins, Swinney, Harness horse owners know this jj>uthy that heals, knowa LHlg .nSirnent. "5 most aggravate*! cases. quicivcr man any Known peculiar to muscle, skin i'd by it. j bout, ronituly on tho mnrket for id (inlls, Sprains mid Skin Lumps. ecpsLorY -sand mules in condition. SERN 1 WAY I HIGHWAY 1 \D THAU EL. ? ipal Commercial ? t'l and Pleasure th with the ^ j& G T and WEST. I a, Through Sl??pin^-C?r? E <aw Orlnans, via AJanta. H 'olnta via Atlanta and via k ir via Lynchhur((, Danvllla E Richmond, Danvllla and K ? on all Through Trains. 9 r Rates to Charleston ac? |* r-^tnte and W?ct Indian F' all Ratorti now on aala at K nture, time tables, rates, ?(?., M a it Ur ess W. H. TAYLOEi C Jisst. Gen. Pass. *K?nt, C Atlanta, Ga, I J. C. BEAM, District Pass. Agent, jjj Atlanta, Ga. la The Charlotte Observer North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper. Ttigffer and more attractive than ever, it is an invaluable visitor to the home, the oltioe, the elnh or the work room. THE OBSERVER Contains alt the news of the world, lias the Associated Press Dmpmches; special correspondents at the State and National Capitals and an experienced corps of oonvsi>ondoiits throughout tho State. The Daily Observer leXkay8 Is (ier annum; $1 for six mouths; for three mouths. Tli" Semi-Weekly Observer, A perfect family journal. All tho news of th<- times. Only $1 i>er annum. Sampto Copies of Either upon Application THF, CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. S^ForEVERY DAY USE Steady Habits ip or smoke, or cause toii up that looks when is ?T ? lamp thai you never will- 4 ^ Rochester. i you as "just as jrood BBwra i, (mi for all nrouiit! Rood1 iSDjusSjl .Vrir /iorh: ter. To ninko J eniune, look for tlio tuuuo ^ jMBBBMS ^ ifndo TVOAV. / ofMn A t. Nonmtter whether you y, i*iii v.o^y_j oi l one repaired or refln- CT ~r~T"2" riuake of lamp transform i~?*^ c3 pr. wo can do it. la-t us /"C ( ) i treatment of diseases ul^/. ?.vVJ Ution FkliH. t 3S I'ark IMare A till Barclay St., Nrw York.