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IN THE LOCAL FIELD. Everts of the Past Week in and Around Town Briefly ToML Mr. J. T. J. Harris epeut Muaday Hi Charlotte. The jireseut price of cotton is j .8.90 for the best. Dr. J. L. Sprat* spent n few hours iu Charlotte Saturday even- j The Times now lias two b >nn fide subscribers in ttio Philippine Islands. Eggs and butter are still scarce and are bringing \1\ and 20 cents respectively. Mr. T. I). Faulkner, and daugh- ! tor Mrs. A. L. Parks, returned Mon- j day from a. visit to relatives in Cb a riot to. The Charlotte Brick Cooipauv now has its plant running full blast, since the skies have cleared somewhat. A Now York cotton expert says that cotton is worth 0 cents and will probably command 10 cents i before the end of the season. A Mr. Davis, of Gastonia, passed through Fort Mill Friday enroute from Monroe to his home with a select herd of cattle. Prof. Jackson Hamilton went down to Hock Hill Saturday morning to attend a meeting of f|%?A V/rrl/ \r * ...v . vi ii v/uuitij xrai uoi o xissiiciation. Farmers nre getting badly behind with their work on account of had weather. There has not been a half dozen plow days in six weeks. Mr. W. Henderson Colt harp and nil his family have the smallpox at their homo about six miles above here. Mr. Colt harp has a very severe cnse. Rev. I)r. Bridges, of the Presbyterian College, Charlotte, N. C., preached in the Presbyterian church at this place Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Moore, a returned missionary from Japan, delivered an interesting lecture to a large crowd of ladies Sunday evening at the Presbyterian manse. The rear coaches of the southbound through passenger train were covered with several inches of snow as they passed through Fort Mill Thursday morning. The recent cold weather it is thought, will retard the buddhig of the fruit trees and will more than likely save the crop. A big fruit year is promised us by the wiseacres. Now it a good time t<> lay gravel along the sidewalks, while the ground is soft and muddy. The gravel would readilv become act iii the mud and form an excellent crete, Tn the Circuit Court at Monroe last week H. II M< user, a farmer employe of the Millfort Mill at this place, was acquitted of the charge of disposing of mortgaged property. A young son of Mr. Frank Withers, whose home is about six miles north of Fort Mill, is now engaged as flagman on u {Southern freight train which passes this pluce daily. It will strike the uninitiate 1 as a little peculiar, but merchants give out as a fact thut the cash trade for the past two months has been better than it was for the corresponding time last year. An infant of Mr. and Mrs. ?T. P. Bnrrnge, who live at the Millfort Mill, died Wednesday after an illness of several weeks. The burial was made at the Fort Mill cemetery Thursday morning. Some of our farmers are still holding their cotton. These are the iii'-ii who raise their own supplies and make their cotton their surplus crop. They can always get better prices by doing this. Mr. Frank AIcGee, the young man who was struck by a train on Sunday of last week, while steadily improving, is still confined to bis bed at the Palmetto Hotel. A brother of the injured tnnn has iniiiii un i 11 Ii mi t I? a ? ?.? hi^^L* ?yv\ u n ivn ibivi# ?.V#| l-llU [/fl-Tl nrra, There has l>een another change of operators at the depot in thin place. Mr. H. C. Hippy, who 1>hh been the day agent for several months, has resigned to accept a similar position at liockton, S. C. Mr. 8. C. Yates succeeds Mr. ltippy. While a few of our farmers have been hauling fertilizers from this place, it is said that the sales have been practically nothing as compared with last season, when, up to this time, hundreds of dollars worth had been hauled to the farms. The rural delivery of mail mat* ter gives general satisfaction txt> those on the lines. The people living a mile or farther from the line do not like it. Thoso who hud daily servico by the Star routes are also opposed to the rurul delivery. \ I ? 4 ; Wo nre }?lnd to have seen our Gold Hill friend. <-Sp|ii tor," on the streets several t inn's recently. He walks with cons de^a ,)le diiKculty, but with nppea'ei It. detertuiuation that is admirable. lie has the deepest sympathy of all in his misfortune and The Times hopes for his early and complete recovery. Supervisors Gordon'and Caskoy. of York and Lancaster counties, i mot. by ugreomotit |at Barber's; bridge. east of Fort Mill, yesterday j and after viewing (lie situatiion appointed a time for letting the j eontraet for repairing the bridge. The notice appears J elsewhere in. this issue. I Mr. James Gilligan. who until last snrim? was Riin?frrinteiidpiit of the Fort, Mill Mfg. cjotnpany at this' place, died at his hnme in Char- \ lotte last Tuesday aJfter a lingering illness. The fnnerfal service was conducted Wednesday in St. Pet- | er's Catholic ehurepi, and the re- i mains were takenl to Pawtucket, Rhode Island, for luirial. The March wiiuis began on the first of the months and have been unusually persistent and severe ever since. This/has had the effect of drying tlnj soil very much, but work is still ilupossib e. \\ liiie J speculation is sti 11 going on as to whether the crop of small grain is , killed entirely orJin part, it. is interesting to notice that the small pat ehes aroundl the houses and gardens in towns are in good con.i.e.... VIII IV III. S. C. Yates, aLrent at this place, lias received instructions to sell ! round trip tieUets to Charleston f< r $4 2o on necjount of South Carolina Day at till1 exposition which is March 2 >. Tickets will ho on ! sale March I'd rand 20 limited to return in five Mays from date of sale. Everho ly who can do ho I should take {advantage of these low rates to visit the exposition and see the historic old city of I Charleston. J Readers of Jl'lieTimes will be in. terested in 1 li< i following Act passed at the recent session of the Legislate e which is short and comprehensive: "T1 at all products of the ' farm in this /State may he sold in i any town or city by the producer of the Haid product or bis agent without saitl producer being required to p ly license to make such 'sale. Provided, said producer or agent is not engaged in selling the ! produce of other persons. Fort M ill needs bettor roads very mucli. A good dirt road leading to town does much gootl. 1 At preseny nearly all the roads to this place/are heavy with mud and ! both travelling and draying is difficult. J A goat deal of the trade of thisplmee comes from Pleasant Valley aiid the many fresin Is on Sugar CueekHn the last few months | have grejathfl suit <?tT the trade. 1 f ?lw...o, I 1 ' x.L _11cou i' ?aun wt'l t* I HI 1(1 H Il( 1 K*\*tM more people would come here from a I longer distance and the trade <|f the town thereby he | greatly Increased. Nothing is to he expe/cted from the present way of road jna king. I Amoftig the cotton mills having ex hi hi lis at the Charleston exposition, T/he State mentions the fo'lowingf: Arc-ide Cotton Mill, Tioek Hill. ; S. C., pleached shirting and peri calos. [ 1 Font Mill Mfg. Company, Fort j Mill, p. C., staple ginghams. 1 Victoria Cotton Mill, lto k Hill. S. C.1 ginghams. -4M Congressman Pinley's Handwriting. Jbtpresentat ive Finley <1 >esn't writ j' the most h-gilde hand writ ing ] in tlJie world, siys the Wasingt m conieRpondent of the News and Courier. Indeed th.-re is inmdi I moire of originality than legibility in mis penmanship. Mo Haltered hinfiself, however, that through J practice he was able to write 11 I inline of his home poslotfice. York viljle. S. (/., quite plainly. Hut lie nojw has his doubts about t bis. and I is lsoriously considering t;ikinlt ? ctJnrse in penmanship in one of the J night schools here. This is due t?i fhe f'ict tlint ho recently h;i?I an i *ii port it ti t. letter directed to Yorkvplle returned to him from I lie fiostoffice here, after several days Ulelay, '.villi the remark written on t/lie envelope that there was 110 in?st office in South Carolina whose ^lament all resembled the marks Jon the envelope. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. !''I would cough nearly till night long,"' writes Mrs. (Mias. Applegate, Alexandria, Jiul., "and could ji hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so had that if I walked a block 1 would trough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other I medicines failed, three $1.00 bothies of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 5K pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Colds, Coughs, ha Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Trouble. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Mencham's drug store. f A School at the Fort Mill Mfg. Co. The Fort Mill Mfg. Company has engaged Miss Kssie Marcus, of Lake City, S. C., who will in a few days op n a school u' the mill. 1 The school will be tauuht in one of the tenement houses in the v 11 Inge and will Iks run exclusive! v f ... 11... l.~ 1:1 r * i iii IUI nil' miirilt 111 ill** rnmiivn Ot ! the operatives. Miss Marcus arrived Monday niuhl and is boarding at the Fa I met to Hotel. ?? Much Pleaased With the Rural Delivery. Yorkville Yeoman: Messrs. Hlan- J kenship and Crook are two of the leading farmers of Fort Mill town ship. They have recently secured a rural free delivery system t hrough their neighborhood. When asked on Tuesday how they liked it, they answered that they had no idea what a oreat convenience it would be, and they would now feel as if thov had lost track with the woild if the route was abolished. Cherokee's Uiij hoy. We had a visit yesterday from Master Laurens Vnssey, son of Mr 1. li. Vnssey, the champion heavyweight of Cherokee, and we enter him against the State. Laurens at oiglit years old is hands >me. Iniglit and active. lie is 1 feel, JO 1-'2 inches liigli, and measures at flic waist 11 inches, el) inches at the chest, neck 11 inches, wrist S inches and weiglis 117 pounds. Ciall'ney ljr?lj?er. Selected County .News. President K. T. Few'ell of the Arcade mill, Hack Hill, has about completed a plant for the consumption of "mill waste." As the name implies it will put into marketable shape that which is lost from the ordinary cotton mill. Tho output from this mill consists of felt and commercial hats. Tim election for or against a dispensary for Yorkville eanu- oil' last Friday ami resultetl in hi! votes for, and To against it, making a maj ?rity of 21 for tlm rum shop. A few days ago a motion was made before Justice Jones to have the eleetimi enj titled, but the motion was refused. The dispensary will be established in a short time. Mr. H. C. Collins, of I'elair in lain I castor county, tells tlm liaiicusicr Km terprise that Mrs. Sarah Collins, who lives itvcr in York county. is hi? years of i age. She is the mot her of ten children . Her husband, the late Win. J. Collins, and live sons were in the Confederate war. Cue sou was killed and one died. She has 1 living grand children and N dead; and hi living great grand children and h (lead. She is ill lihh! he:il?li Representative Kin ley received lint ire I Thursday from the Secretary ?>1* War that a vacancy I-rum the .">1 li district would orhur at West I'oiut on duly I, and lie was requested to lunke the neressary arrangements for having a new appointment made. The competitive examination to till the vacancy will ho held at Yorkville. on June lit. J. (J. Anderson, president of thereinoiul club, of Ko.dc Hill, visited Washington last week in the interest of a public building for that city. Together , with Representative Finley, Mr. Aiider son 011 Friday appi-ared before the House committee on public buildings1 and grounds and o tie red some strong points in support of the proposed build iag. It is thought that t be chances are good, but tlie result cannot be learned for thirty days. The Kock Hill Herald says that Mr. A. 11. Ferguson of that city has entered suit against tlietf. ti. it N. Kailroail for damages sustained to his lands lying along the Catawba river on ae- ( | sount of the Hood in the river in May, ' 1*11)1. The lands in question lie below ] the Iuuk, liiixh embankment approaching 11"' railroad bridge on the west bank i and that was built l?v tin? railroad com- j puny. liciwi-cn the embankment and he outer cdpHif l lie bot toms is a trestle and Mr. Ferguson claims that on at*count of the rush through the trestle of the back water occasioned by the embankment. his laud was washed and torn terribly. Messrs. Wilson A; Wilson will prosecute the case. Yorkvillo Yeoman: Mr. J. L. Mc(Jill's was burned on Wedlics day. There was 17 bales of packed cotton. a bah; of loose cotton ami Too bushels of cot ton seed in the house. Fart of the 17 bales will bo saved, 1 Tofcssional cracksmen nitroglyocrinized the safe of the Victor cotton oil mill tit Yorkvilie Friday night. The burglars only g<>t SJ.?, as large sums of money are not usually kept in the sale over night. York.ille Enquirer, IvStlj: A meeting of Ihe York delegation was held in tin otlicc of Senator liriee yesterday for the purpise of recommending to the State dispensary board mimes tor the county board of control. Messrs. liriee and licamguurd were present. Inasmuch as t here are only three members of the , delegation now, it was agreed I hat each name a man. Mr. Ilaile telegraphed the name of Mr. .) S. Drakeford, and accepting this, Messrs. liriee and IleumL'lia I'd comiileted I lie board liv addiiie the liaiiK'S ol Dr. .1. It. Saye ami Mr. .). R. Lindsay. Although the appiintive jmwer 1 i?'H with I lit* Mate hoard, it is not probable there will bo any change iti these recommendations. STItlax*^ a alvH . ??-D. ' J whs Iroubled for several years ! with chronic indigestion ami nervous debility." wrilt-H l'\J. (been, of Lancaster, N. II, No remedy # helped me until 1 began lining KIcctrie BiltorM, which did mo more good than all the nieUieine I ever used. They have also kept my wife iti excellent health for yeans. Sue says Klectrio Hitters are ju.-t splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic, and mvigorator for weak run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by T l>. Mcuchuiu. WAXTFD - Ladies to do writing at home. 1 furnish post aye and stationary. Will pay $1"> per month. This is no fake, i have j full control of the hu tineas and no | rrmittam e is made until all my lie In is mi id fur fmi !"" , ? i-*" : liinis < ??iI on or address Mrs. J . !S.! Denton, Fort Mill, JS. C. Wanted Schnapps, Early Bird. Red Elephant. Apple Jack. Ma tie's Natural Leaf. IE.I. R. and Speckh d Beauty tobaeco tnr;s. Will pay | lit) cents per hundred in cash. ; Ward LViirnm. Valuabld Land for Sale or Kent. One tract, contaiuini; 1' 0 acres. I Due tract containing IM? acres. Well timbered, located near Barbersville. S. ('. Terms reasonable. Apply to Alex. Barber, Fort Mill, S. 0. Wood's Seeds. Ferry's Seeds. Craig's Seeds. I The choict at vaiieties of each growth. The coarse SCi'tls sueli as Beans, Peas, Corn, Watermelon, Canta loupe, .Millet, ami Clover in bulk. Onion Sets. We also have a limited quantity of tin* famous Hun com lie or Nort li Carolina cabbage seed in bulk. Spring Gleaning. Don't coiumoiice until you ^ct some our lied line Poison, price In ami lin cents per bottle. Ardrey^s Drugstore. J. 0. Traywick & Co, DEALERS INT fine eiq;johs and w i x fs, No. 4vJ East Trade St. I 11.All 1A MTU. - - - IV. 1". TUY THIS City Barber Staop For a first-class IIA1 It ( I T, SUA VK, SIIA.M P()(). or 1IAJK SI N(1K. Carothers & Son. l'KOl'Uil.TOKS. Third door Hank building. plying for patent; it may lie worth money! We promptly obtain 1'. S. and Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS o return * N- I TIRE attorney's fee. Send model. s!:ctch or photo ami we send an IMMEDIATE I FREE report on patentability. We (jive the best lei;:il servieo and advice, and our n charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patent Lawyers, OppHh^T*atcn^fficc^^ FOK HOOD WHISKIES, \V I v i.'s: ? T II j. Y I MIAN 1)1 KS, i:TC., ( AI.I. ON oi: WKITi: TO W. II. IIOOV KK, I'll \li 1.0 T IK, N c. X proroptlv f>r<u IM -1 OH MH'I.E. Silt: k J m of photo fnr fv 11 ' i i * 1.' > : i . 11. * v* VtoOKt nnl > au-1 F vn I' N ntrfftu.lTri.! Mu l. . A X VRF.E F:ur? t? rnn to r nlT-re<! t? i nv - nt?r?. Ct V PATKNT I.AWYT.US, OF 2ft YF. \F.3' PUACTICL X 0 ,20.000 PATENTS PRUCunFO IHnO'JGM THFM. ft i *.? ? nhofntiiil. N.iiiol ftilviir Kuthfulft V) *.*rvi. M-fli i rtto charge*. ft |wt: c. a. snow & co.; . ,S PATCNT LAWYERS, S F 0pp. U S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, 0. C.V | THINK g One thousand sui ? FIT you perfectly ^ cf 1'loC <irt1/\?o ? ???? J MEACHAIV @?@?@?????? ?0 ; I Tie OLD REt ? T. 15. 1JELK, ? SKi:i) OATS?1 g about JM)0 bushob ? Rod Rust Pro,of Oj 2 soli at Hoc a buslu g few days. ? BEST MOLAS c5 t'/wl ?? 1- * A V itA'i'lWU (1 JOL @ Molasses, and we ? will advance later (O) friends to hiiv sooi j| FEirri LIZE11S g on (lottoii Seed M x and all kinds of (i g ini?-. Wo are strie >a and will not l>e on g SPECIAL NOT g for sale or t rude qi ? her of Horses and g we will trade or se ? week, we have dec C$ Tuesday and Frida g this purpose. ITiliOLD IE1 1 T. 15.15ELK, ^00Q0?00??00? ^ * iv o^ v IIAIH 9^ JII JLV't This is the advanta $ your clothes are m( ? course they cost a 5 the ready made "ta $ get kind," hut thin ? ed selection of styl $ prices, all guaraul 5? are selling agents 1 g America's leading t g see the samples am g measure. A perfec ? L. J. MA ? % MONEY r< 1 SMi 2 1" going tlirou; ^ Shoes, we lind too ^ --w2s, "2 I-"2s and 3sI n order to get rid ^ have decided to let \ I n the lot will be f ^ SI.,'>0, 82, 82.oO an ^ have tlieni for $1, 4* 81.1)8. If your siz & come at once and ti ^ nice shoe. ''><S$J' "! ' - <1? OF 1T? ? its of Cloffo^s (\u:t r. All dtiV rout L- -1-j .5^ ami i,in. ge yon have * ide to oi ili r. Of ? trifle more ilian g ke what yr u can k of the v.nii.nit- ? es, quantum and $ iced to lit. We ? or Strauss firos., 1? ailers. OnlT and || i let us take your $ t lit guaranteed. & lSSEY. I I ^, ' >R I 4LL FEET. % our stock of \ innnv small si/os K * 7^ -in ladies shoes. ^ of these goods \? e fs> them go cheap. ^ omul shoes w orth ^ (I S3. Yon may ^ SI.48, SI.75 ami ^ 0 is in the lot, ^ jot a bargain in a 1 &, epps. J ? . * ^ i?QOOO?0?O??^) Timn m? ? jlflDLB OTIS 8 .. Proprietor. t w ' >, We have on hand ? of home raised its which we will & 1, net cash, for a x i SES?Have just' cj? of New Orleans ? think tlie price <Ja and we advise our jpj jjjj -?C.j?ct our prices ^ eal, Acid, Kainit uano before buyMy in the business S dersold. g I ICE?We have g lite a large nam- ? Mules, and \\iiil<^ II any day in the p idod to have every y y special days Tor , v'? ^ ijjy JABLii Sbrc | p1 -Jm