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THE FORT MILL TIMES. DFMOCRATIC. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS. B. W BRADFORD. Publisher. SnbRoription price .... $1 per year. Corresixmdenc? on current subject* is invited, i?nt we do not njrreo to piiblbih rdfer.muiiicuMomt contniniiiK more than BOO words, and no responsibility is assumed for the views of correspondents. Ah mi advertising medium for Charlotte, Pineville. Fort Mill, and Rook Hill business bonnes The Times is unsiir piiHwu. Katn<i nmclt* known 011 application to the publisher. Local Telephone Tso. 20. MARCH 12, 1902. Various manufacturing enterpriees in South Carolina have been very much annoyed of late by a habit the railroads have of confiscating shipments of coal while en route. In cases where the factories have been on the point of shutting down with coal on the1 road, the railroads have seized the coal and coolly ndviaed the owners that they would make it good later i on. The legislature has sought In \ put a stop to this sort of thing by j passing the following: "If any 1 common carrier shall convert and j appropriate to its own use any property of nnother held hv it on consignment, or in course of transportation, it hIihII be liable to the consignee or other owner of such property, for treble the value of such property.1' * * * The bill to classify the rural free delivery service and place the carriers under the contract system, which has been debated in the House for over a week, was passed Monday, but in a form that, completely changed the purpose for which it was framed. Before it I was passed the bill was altered radically by its opponents. All the provisions relating to the plae inn ol carriers under tin* contract system wore stricken out and the Hillary system was not only eon. tinned, but the tnaxiniuni salary of carriers was increased from $500 to $600 per annum. The uinendrneuiB to tin the salnt^es of rural carriers at $600. was offered by Mr. Swan son, of Virginia, and udopted without division. The third change in the cabinet of President Roosevelt ocoured Monday, when Secretary Long submitted his resignation in a graceful letter, it being accepted in one equally felicitious by the President. The change was made complete by the selection of Representative Wnr Henry Moody, of $he sixth congressional district of i Maasachusetts hs Mr. Long's successor in the Navy Department, Mr. Moody will assume charge of the Navy Department on Man 1 Mr. Long will re-outer tho practice of law. ' + + + The United States Senate has a job on its hands with two senators too bad to go unpunished while no punishment is provided for but expulsion and doughty little South Carolina would be most apt to slap the senate right back in the face and send Benjamin right back if he were expelled. The senate would most probably he too glad to he helped to let the situation 140. Later we see that the president of the senate must scold them a little.?Concord Stardard. We don't think any considerable number of Americans believe with Senator Pettua, thatj a military guard should be provided for the protection of the President, Military guards are provided for the protection of the head of every Kuropean nation, hut they have not prevented numerous assassinations. A military guard would add nothing to the safety of the President. TIia Pliinoau <>f ?t>rt .... - - -f MV illU |iM?Yil|tr 111 | Kwnng Hi have resumed tin* game of missionary-clinging, which was ho popular with them during the Boxer uprising. Of course, the game is Hcconipunieil hy a rebellion. That lets the responsible authorities out, Those contemplating n European trip will be deeply interested in the reported break in the steam, ship combine, and threatened rate ' war, but they are afraid to about until there is more convincing evi- 1 deuce of the break in sight. Colombia's attempt to get a big slice of the price naked for the ' Panama Canal Oompuiy's concession may be a good thing for this country, although there wasn't much danger that Uncle Sam would be caught by the speculators. * * * Advance notices of the experience of M'ss Stone in captivity are now appearing, but the real thing will be told by the lady bersolf, from the lecture rostrum, at so much per tell. H . A Nebraska editor stated that nj cer aiu girl's breast was tilled with ! rape uud the printer got it rags, j aiul now the editor in camping out on a rise northwest of the town where he can get a good view ol the landscape from four directions. | + + + A decision of Judge A. C. j Thotnn.-ion. of the 1*. S. court. holds in effect that speculating in | stocks, grain, etc., is just in much [ gambling when done in a hoard of trade as when done in a "bucket shop." That's right, too m m Officials in the Philippines de- ; elated that the 25 per cent cut in j duties made l>y the Philippine; tariff hill, now in the hands of the President, vvns not sufficient, hut Congre.-s was not moved by the : decterutiou. m m Reform ran be easily overdone. J For instance, the prating from ' London about King Edward insisting upon having everything Willi tlie slightest tendency to. | whi'iI immorality cut out the plays | In* goes to see. Every man in the State of South Carolina should consider himself ; a rommitee of one to convince the 1 President that lie would lie as safe > at the Charleston Exposition as in the White House. + + + The example of ex-Gov. Hogg, of Texas, in refusing to make a | monkey of himself by putting on | a court costume to see King Ed- I ward, is worthy of being followed | by other American gentleman. r + + While tin1 Potomac was flooding Washington some of the water should have been utilized to wash the spots olT the mantle of Sena-! torial dignity. ? ? * The Senate, having passed the! Irragation bill, is now wrestling with the Ship subsidy bill, which | it won't pass unanimously, if it passes it anyway. * * * The wholesale price of whiskey was cut one cent a gallon the other day, but no cut price sale lias been advertised by any of our retail d sp.-users. # * * , , Johnstown people are excusable for gel ting excited. A Hooded child dreads the water quite as : much hh 11 burnt child does the fire. ? * # The fihip subsidy bill is now the regular order of business in the Senate, but the Fanner's sub- j sidy bill is still unheard of. ? ? The spring Hoods got several laps ahead of spring, which isn't duo until the 2lst inst. in several I sections. * ? Prince Floury can say nothing in more languages than any prom- ; incut visitor this country has had. Bryan Willing To Run Again, Scranton, March 10.? W. J. j Ilryan, who lectured here refused to discuss with newspaper men the action of the Democrats of the Mississippi legislature in pas- j sing the McAllister resolution | cutting loose from Hryanism. He said that his veiws upon this matter will be fully sot fonli in the coming issue of the Commoner. Mr. I rynn, in answer to a ques- J tion as t<> whether or not he is again a enndidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency, said that In* was merely a private citizen and not a candidate for anything, hut he would not give a bond not to accept the nomination >f it was tendered liim. To Insure Their Own Mills. OM.- / <! I .? /'vl i no v^iiuimim v /userver nays: Mill men from 11??* Carol inns repr. sentin^ properly valued, in tinHijtrre^alo, at between $1().0(X),()00 and $20,000,(XX), met in 111ih city yoaterday and organized their own insurance company under the corporate name of the ' Southern Manufaclurera' Mutual IiiHurance! Company.'' It is purposed to cooperate with other eonaervative unit mils and tin; factory association in improving the regulations for protec ion, and it will, at the i same time, keep throughly within the limits of the laws. Am tiio mill men present the name of Mr. Leroy Springs, of South Oaroliun, appears. WQRKINS 24 HOURS A CAY. _____ There's tio rest for those tireless little workers?Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, F?*ver and Ague. They ban ah Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken Small, taste nice, work wonders, Try them. 25si at Meat-ham's drug store, THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA. Short Items of State News Conveniently Grouped for Times Readers. March 20 is South Carolina Day at tin* Charleston exposition. The only church in the world, so far as is known, that is also a lighthouse is tst. Philip's church in Charleston. A whole familv was rendered uncoil scions by tlic escape of <h>al gas in tln-ir resilience in Columbia last week. The Cum fie u Hospital Association has been orgauized by tlie citizens of Camden. $1,500 has already been subscribed to the enterprise. The court crier of Sumter and another negro have been arrested for breaking into some railroad ears and stealing j from the A. C. L. Some of the citizens of Aiken are agitating t lie question of making a bid for i the location of the Columbia Female college at that place. The project for reclaiming the waste land in Chariest fin county will soon he under way. The plan is to have the i work begin 011 April 1. Convicts will be employed to do the work. Fire in Bamberg Thursday morning destroyed projierty to the amount of $15,000. The tire originated in the ; store of .T. I). Black, this and several ot her storehouses being destroyed. An effort, which is meeting with inucli success, is being made to build another cotton mill at Kusley. The I capital stock will l?e $250,04)0, and of this amount $50,004) has been subscribed. | The Anderson Mattress and Spring Bed Coni{Kiiiy has decided to increase ; its crpital stock to $20,4)4)0, and will ; amet.d its charter so as to get the right to manufacture pants, shirts and underwear. The citizens of Florence have jieti- I tinned the Southern (Lofton Oil Co. to rebuild their cotton oil plant there which was recently destroyed by lire. Stops will he taken by the coinpuny to rebuihl at oneo. Mark Andrews, an IS year old negro of (ireenwood county, pointed a gun at his sister and playfully said he was going to kill her. The gun went off ac cidentally and did kill her, shooting off | one side of her head. John Coleman, a negro, was killed by his sister in Darlington one night hist week. Coleman, while playing a j joke, was trying to break into hissister's house when she shot through the door, killimr him instant lv. An extra session of court has been ordered by the governor for the trial of .)alius (ijhbs, a negro man who on last Wednesday outraged Mrs. Daisy D. Haines, of Florence county. The court will be held in Florence. Benjamin Kile, a white man of good family and u resident of Charleston, was arrested last week for counterfeit ing. Throe silver-dollar moulds, a melting ladle and a stove were used in t the manufacture of the "queer." The Southern Railway has undertaken to transport free of charge the pieces of broken columns on the State i house grouuds. given to the ladies of j Greenwood and Spartanburg by the | general assembly to bit used as monu ments. The Southern Athletic Club, of Charleston, will make a bid for the' Jotfrics Fitzsiinmons light to be pulled I off in that city. The officials ure quoted I as saying that there will be no legal objections interposed to the big mill being j held in Charleston. The narrow gauge railroad between TjlllC:i?st??r ;iinl t li.wl.n- lu.ifin ...u.mii.... I - "* | broad gauge trains uii the 'Jml instant. The roil11 is soon to be rook ballasted j ami other improvements will ho made which will make it compare favorably ! with the standard railroads of the 80111I1. The four-year -old son of Mr, Joseph Wilson was burned to doathon Monday of last week near his home at Warren ton. His fat her had been burning some | brush and the little follow strayed too near the tire. All of his clothing was burned off and he died shortly after he Was found. Revenue officers destroyed five illicit distilleries last Wednesday night in the up|>er section of (Jreonville comity. Of tbu number three were standard copper j stills. Tlje others were wooden. They also destroyed forty tljrue fermenters I and about four thousand gallons of j beer and mash. The county board of control for Fair- ! field county reports that the disponsary j at Winnsboro has been robbed. The j loss is placed at $.">81). In the rei?>rt on the robbery it is stated that eight negroes have been arrested and that from the evidence in hand that convictions are certainly exjxirted. The ease of .Tames O. Schumjicrt vs. the Southern Railway Company was ended in the Circuit Court in Newberry last week with a verdict of *12,">00 for the plaintiff". The suit was for j damages to the plaintiff in the loss of a foot in a collision that hapi*mcd at lie 1 ton in February, 101)1. llovornor MdSwetmey has received a telegram from Governor Montague, of Virginia, stating that the sheriff at Williamsburg, Ya., had arrested John Henry Floyd uiul t lint Floyd has made? a full confession. Floyd is wanted in J .aureus county for killing John Nance. There is a reward of $.">0 offered for his arrest. Train No. 17, leaving Charleston at 0:40 a. m. for iSnuimeriillc, crashed into 1L shiftiiiff ?11?i r i i??? ? if f U.i V ' Coast Lino a( Wosts Saturday morning, killing tho engineer and slightly wounding tho fireman. ltoth men leaiied tor thoir livos, but tho engineer was caught between tho online and temlor and crushed to doaith. On the Southern train which left Charleston for (Jolmiihia Saturday aftornoon was a crowd of ilrnnkeu negroes who started up a general fight as soon as the train cleared tho city limits. Tho traiin crow tried to stop the row, hat this was not accomplished until the ttugmau pulled his pistol and shot the leader of the gaifg squarely through the ! head. It is thought he will die. A HORRIBLE OUTBREAK"Of large sores on my dangli tor's head developed into a chho of sea Id head1' writes C. 1). Isbill, of Morgnntoii, Tetin., hut Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for Kczemu, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only cents a Mcacbuin's drugstore. Will Stand on His Merits. Hon. \V. B. Wilson, who wont to Washington last week in the interest of the proposed public building, gave out the following statement to h correspondent of the News and Courier: "I was in the legislature for eight years and during that time acquiied au extensive acquaint^ unco, and I believe I have many friends who will stand by ine in my race for Congress. 1 take it that there will be no discussion of national issues in our campiigri, 1 a 'A Til 1 L 1 ' ? Din u win merely ue a question or wliom the people think tin* lies! man for the place. I understand that my competitors in the race will tie Representative Finley, who will slain! fur re-e ection; former Congressman Strait and Adjt. (Jen. J. \V. Fl-?yd." Baby Adrift on the River. Charlotte Observer: A Charlotte man who rettimod from a trip to Lenoir yesterday says that the people aloiio the Catawba were considerably exoreised over the tinning at ('litis, of a box eontainino a baby about 21 hours old. The infant came down with the Catawba flood. It. had been placed in a box that was water tibt. and was still alive when found. Where it came from is a matter of speculation. The watchman at. the Uhodhiss .Mill says that on the day prrceeilin^r 11.?? discovery at dill's, he saw an object m? over the dam which he thought was a bee ltd hi, and lie so reported to the superinteiidipit of the mill. Later developments lead to the belief that his supposed bee mini wag the box that colli tilled the child. JLUOTlCe. On Friday, March 21, a contract will he let for reparian linrber's hriil^ over Su^ar creek, 2^ miles cast of Fort Mill. leciticatioim w.ill bo made ki'owr: on day of letting contract. The rieht is reserved to reject any or all bids.; Q. Cakkky, Supervisor Lancaster Co. doiiN F. Coupon, Supervisor York Co. DR. J. L. SPRATT, SUUOEON DENTIST. Offioo in .tones building, Main Street, Fort Mill, S. O. After December 1, office will be closed every Monday. Terms, strictlv easb. We Like Your Dollir in payment of laundry work left in our care, lint we strive as well for your approbation. Oar aim is to wash clothes clean, iron shirts, collars and ends to your liking two mean by that polished <>r domestic linish), ami gonevally to ntVord you the best satisfaction at prices commensurate with good work, lint still eh. ?p. The j>erfoet work of the Model St cam 1-unndrv. (.'Imrlotto. N. C., all the time at short prices has won the general favor of good dressers, Shipments made Wednesday ovening. en. l. mcei.h an ky, auknt Fort Mill, S. C. 1- K Ji SSL'ASS W A11N IN CI. All persons are warned not ft) hunt, lisn or for any purpose whatever enter upon any of tin- lands owned or controlled by the undersigned. The law will lie rigidly enforced against any one disregarding t his not ire. s. k. whitk. mrs. j. m, odki.l. .t. w. Akokky. f. nims. T. m. Spkatt. Miss Bcssirwhitk. eixiak jonks. w. i. .ioni s. 1). A. lbr. j. b. maok. j. h. Col.tharp, w. b. 11 ok i'.. \V. K. Spkatt. B. m. Sim: att. t. m. IIl'tiiiKS, t. S. kiukpatkick. t. (3. Sea att. 11. w. hi'fkman. So (it lie mi Hihiva) Sthtdule. Trains for Charlotte, ete., from Coluinb'n, etc.. pass Kort Mill, S. C , No. 50, Richmond Limited, (daily) 0:01 a. in; No. 2N, Coral, (daily) N:(),*> p. in; from Cluster. No. fit, [jural, (except Sunday) 2:55 p. m. Trains for Columbia, ete , from Charlotte, etc., pass Kort Mill, No. 27, Loral, (ilaily) 7:1S a. m; No, 2'.), Richmond Limited,(daily) 10:7-54 p m; No. 75, Local, (except Sunday ) 2:55 p. in. Through'sleepers for Richmond, Washington. New York, etc. and for Augusta, Savannah, Charleston, Jacksonville, etc. Close connections at Columbia for all points and at Charlotte with through trains for the Eu&t. , fir * ' Mexican * Mustang Liniment I ; A toa^^^i a harrow puffers iyr? m thnt is tortnrod witli Si Sores, Sprains, etc. j Mos ami apply thy kimllCt't. Jar and wide U3 I Mexicjan Mjuist i Never fids?-notcvcn in 1 Cures caked udder in cow remedy. Ilardly jieisca? or joints that cannot Lo ci Mexican L,v Mustang Liniment i fnssgfczgsjr^mwi1 'f rt7r.rm SOUT R.AII THE GREJ1 OF TRADE IUni:ingi the Prir Cen.ersj and Hei riesort3/ of the vSo NORTH Hi^h-Claoi vj>?tibuU Tr? tintwnen NJ-w York arte Cinclnnnli / ?nd Floridi Ashuvillo. I New York nnjd Klofld*. oit artri SavnAniihi or via Sovnnnahj Suptnor Ditiln(f?Car Sorvl IF.xccllrnl A'irrvi c ? nnd Li count Joulth Carolina X Exuovi.i o/ n, Winter ToJriat Tickets ti reduced rates. Far detaltled Information. Ill apply to naiarest tlct?t<?gen(, tS*. XX. HARlbWICK. he no raft Passenger Stgpnt, I Washington, D. I R. W. HUI<T, Die. pAsssenger Jtgont, I Charleston, S. C. WtnmjADY IOJ IBOB. R, M, LONDON, rock hill, s. c. juju rmivTiiMU For H/OLIDAY PRESEN The Lamp of The lamp that doesn't fla \ T<>n K'-t it and stnya good ; f r \tfir'* uiglMuiri with, onoe you h Zbc ]Vfcw V <> ^ar Other lamps may bo ofT< I 'I Jjf they mat I*-, in eoiue r<\ | \[ "Mfr ln'^s, t here's only on pure the lamp ofterht you I KS on it; every lamp Intu it. imwL Old fiiinipN I Wo can fill every lamp w vk wa,,t a new Innip or *f<> nr. LC<f; ; 14 If/J .3 hlitil, a vase mounted or ot V U "I in... a New Rochei It jUnA I o 1111 1 11 lire 1 !! llie > Ik Wo are SPECIALIST 5 in ??jFeJ - < "vy Lamp.t, Conn P'-'"? THE BOCHESTFfl UWP I rlU [readily o-rercomo Loss of Bab) Diseased Roofs and Scratches in horses fcnules ?nd cafctw, Farmers \rj it. fTw^ ?^;in ider oro than the faithfhl horso pavins, Swinncy, Harness <t horse owners know this yippatky that Uuais, known amg Jraimneimt. ho most, aggravated cases, s quicker than any known =e peculiar to jnuscle, skin urcd by it. tho host remedy on tho market for ^'incl (lolls, Sprainsnnd Skin Luinjie. t keeps horses au d mules in condition. HERN I .WAY T HIGHWAY I QKT> TRAVEL. g tcipal Commercial f ilth and Pleasure j? uth with ths X? fcj rT and WEST. J ins. Through Sl?apln|t?C*ri I 1 New OrUanii, vim A itnU. t Points vim Atlanta and vim Q her vtf Lynchburg, Danville M RlcVinond, Uanvlll* end p toe on all Throu tfhTralni. B ow Rntea to Charleston ac? n nler-Slale an d -West Indian r o ell Resorts now on sale et I. tcrature, th/im table's, rates, etc., H or address i.. W.H.TATLOE, 3 Jixst. Con, Pass. Jtgent, k Atlanta, Ga, I J. C. BEAM, & District Pass. Agent, -M Atlanta, Ga. R irOTry^ximmiiTOCTirinTmrgTiiiM |jP The Charlotte Observer North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper. Bigger ami more attractive than over, * it is an invaluable visitor to the home, the otlico, the club or the work room. THE OBSERVER Contains all the nows of tlm world. Has the Associated Bress Dispa'cties; special correspondents at the State and National Capitals and an experienced corjis of correspondents throughout the State. The Daily Observer Seweekay" Is per annum; $1 for six months; for three months. Tit" Semi-Weekly Observer, A perfect family journal. All the news of the times. Only $1 i>er annum. Sample Copies of Either upon Application THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. TS-For EVERY DAY USE Steady Habits re up or rnqoko, or cause rou lump tluit lookn pMMi wlun f jf the lump that you iic*t-r will- v Rochester. ^B?lg/ ?rcii you ns " lust as crooil els, hut for all nroiimt (food- plfjyjffij Is'uMiuine. look tor the name ^ t iMtido TV<"\v. / | nnt. NoiimtfiT wli?-tlu*r you ><?l: ;*rv' ! mi oh 1 otto repaired or reflu- ^jSnmhc&3' her niaho <>f lump transform *^1^1 r15* 9tor. vie can do it. 1*-L ur O tlii- treatment ot diseases ~ CO., '*** Ware A S3 Barclay St., New York. J I