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Klfh Mn?r* Alr:i of 1 tnvrn<o. J. M. Longyear of Marquette, Mich., who built himself a palatial home at cost of $500,0C0 in that city, has become so embittered against the city for Allowing a railroad to run so near his property that ho will move the house, stone by stone, to Boston, wi loh project will almost reach the eost of th? structure.?Chicago ChronIcls. If OJlTthincr We must hare wlnnfnc power?in winning souls as well us feme. ?? ?..! M. .... ... ... <> . ? My Hair "I had a very severe sickness that took off all my hair. I purchased a bottle or Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain,? I Ayer's Hair Vigor makes I the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there i is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and alj ways restores color to gray hair. . St.00 a bottle. Alt dra{;l*t*. , If your drnxeiKt ennuot eiiuply you, |R end ub one dollar uml we will vxprer.i |j you a Ixjttlo. He iiureaud glvo the name B of y-jur uenreHt ofto-e. Add re**, I .1. A YER <'?)., Lowell, Mini. I Snap Shots. Our Idea of a level-headed man is no who ran bo brought around to our way of thinking. The people who Insist that marriage is a failure are usuully the ones w,ho have never had a chance to try ?t. A Itittenhousc Square girl has had a wo many proposals this winter that she is thinking of having rejection ?lips printed. vmii uuui goes at s.bu." sai.l the ticket seller. "Make it 2.48 an?l I'll take it." murmured Mrs. Ikirgaitisales, abstractedly. Truth and error are the two great opposing forces in the world. The first is from (lod; the second from Satun Truth will triumph Noll?"What made you think fieargo had been drinking at the dance last night?" llello?"lie proposed to me and I accepted him." Nell?"1 admit that docs look suspicious." Hollo? "You horrid thing! What I was going to say is I).at ten minutes later he came up to me and proposed again." KIDNEY TROUBLES. Mrs. Louiso M. Gibson Says That This Fatal Disease is Easily Cured by Lydia E. Fink ham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mus. Pinkiiam : ? I felt very discouraged two years ago, 1 had suffered no long v.-ith kidney troubles ami other complications, and had taken so much medicine without relief that I began to think there was no liopo for me. Life looked so good to me, hut what is life without health? 1 wanted JU> be well. MR*. IX)>UISK M. O!nS(">N. " I^yilla E. Pinkliam'M Vofjc(a1>1o C' (impound cured iuc and made me well, and that is why I gladly write you this, and gladly thank you; aix bottles was all I took, together with your l'ills. My headache and backache and kidney trouble went, never to return ; the burning sensation I bad left altogether; my general health was so improved I felt as young and light and happy as at twenty." ?Mrs. Louirk Oinson, 4S13 Langley Ave., Chicago. 111.?$:<ooo forfeit If above testimonial Is genuine. If you feel that there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your ea.s", or if you wish confidential advice of the most experienced, write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and you will 'be. advised free of charge. I,ydi;i K. FMiikh*m'.s VcgelableCompound has curod and is curing thousands of cases of female trouble. ? R50 Kinds for S6c. ^ !t lift faul that Sal/rr'A Trertnblaatid flower -Sth' V( v are i< mill In more irarilen* dm I I'M more l.trniB llall ulijr oilier <HmT|l l? AlwflilU i lutf I* I'1?m>ii for llilaT*^^ >V? ow ii ami oprraleotrr (??> nrirn li>r ^Ck tStfi,' A (be production of mu iI.uIit k*iI> In Jjm\ onlcr to Iodine yon In Irv tlwni A&H \*i'inalif D o lollon ut^ unjirec For fG Conis Postpaid Afft Ro' | |1 I til klmli nf nrfit Uiflmii rtdlibti, Wyr I (I ' | ! nrlltl wIhi, ST T / III *|ilriollil Wrl flwl Rf / li (arjniwl; tramltul Oawrr mill, T\ a In *11 b'?> kind* po.ntirely furnlnliiiiK nq US m IiimIk U of I'lmni lrc llimiri ninl /jH 1cl ?'# lot* nml lot* of iIbiIi'# Vfp'ml>lfi,/J|M MB jRl luirrlU'i i.llli our ureal rnl?ln|HM/#H j Ltl Ijij tliliul nil a hoot Teoalntr nml I o Vtl m' W? CI (ni mil llrMum Mi) Sflli, nnlim '4 Vi I aced at n pound, rle., nit only ^e",> HA for I dr. In atainpa. \>rii<lo-?Uy. rf"\ W/hfl\Sw\ 'OHN A. SALZER SEED CO.. *V V\\ I)/JJI La Create. Wis. ^ So. 8. f> DAPQY Nr.WDI'COVER V;?|? LJr % I O qiiic. r* i*f and rami wort rpnm. Bo? V of (r.tlmon a and lO iln va treatment I ? ? . u?. U M. OI.IIH ? 8(.t.h, lea*. At aula, (la 4 ? f'% si. *S / / tCltNCE AND /NDU5T ri,f. It appears that the greatest velocity of a rilie hall is not at the muzzle, but some distance in front An average ol 10 shots with the German infantry rifle has shown a muzzle velocity of 2008 feet n:?r second, with ? murlmmn ! veloci%* of 2132 feet per second at l'J feet from the muzzle. The extension of the use of electricity in British warships in place of steam for subsidiary purposes is to be made the subject of a series of experimental tests. At tho present time the capstan, steering engines, ventilating fans and derrick hoista are worked by steam power. Arsenic is a very brittle metal, steel gray in color, and of no great importance in the arts. Metallic arsenic is found native in veins in mctamorphic rocks in Saxony, Bohemia, and abundantly at Chanarcillo in Chili. Arsenic is widely disseminated, as fewsulphur ores are free from traces of it. The white arsenic of commerce is crsenious acid. A striking proof of the lasting qualities of cedar wood nas been discovered in the state ot Washington. Near Acme is a forest of hemlocks, which has grown up over a buried forest of ce urs. It has been iound that the trunks of ceuar are well preserved. j although they have been lying In da nip I soil for at. least 150 years. The ring.* I of growth on the hemlock show that they have been growing over the cedars for that length of time. Mr. Birkeland has continued his calculations to determine whether the periodic changes in the area of the J spotted regions of the sun's surface ! are in any degree due to gravitational ! disturbances produced by either oi the I planets Mercury, Venus or Jupiter. i..s latest calculations cover the period 1S92-90. and his conclusion Is that we I must seek for other causes than planetary influence to explain ? sun spot period and that in future it is idle to look for the cause of this period outside of the solar sphere itself. Professor Georgeson, who is in charge of the agricultural experiment stations in Alaska, sends encouraging reports of the conditions there. He made a trip into the interior and down tiie Yukon early in August and found new potatoes, cabbages, cauliflowers and other vegetables ready for I the table, and gardens blooming with a variety of annual flowers. On the lower Yukon he found extensive trace? i f land covered with luxuriant grasses, fix feet in height in places, ajid apparently well suited to agricultural purposes. The following it? m relating to the Manila observatory is taken from Prof. P.arwnrd's account of his trip to Sumatra: The observatory is equippi d I Inr \\f\i 1? netiiAo/?t?n.ol - * 1 * .. .,ww. uo.iuiiuiiik ai uiiu humcoroiogltal purposes, it has a fine refracting telescope of It) indies aperture, the rbject glass being by Stelnheil and the mounting by Saeginullcr. On account of the troublous times of the past three year the object glass had I been removed and hidden away during that period, so ;hat the telescope was not in a condition to tie used when the observatory was visited by the Allien] can eclipse observers during their stay I at Manila. Father Algue, the director of the establishment, stated that they had a large percentage of clear nights . i.uring the year, and that the atmos! plicro was steady much of the time. This observatory is doing very valuable meteorological work. The study and j prediction of typhoons?so destructive in the China sea. and of which Father Algue has made a special study?is of j the utmost importance to navigation. I The work was spoken of highly by tho ! officers of the various vessels on which the expedition rnihd. ItlriKurini; II timidity. To most minds scientific instruments are so fearfully and wonderfully constructed that no attempt is ever made to pry into the manner of their performing their functions, the results obtained being accepted as n matter of course. Vet many such instruments I while apparently complicated, are j really based on very simple principles. I Of these the thermometer and the j barometer are, of course, now general' ly understood, although this was not always true. Another meteorological instrument, however, which is much used, otic . which is more or less mysterious iO the public, is that by which the amount , of moisture in the air is determined. While delicately constructed nmi t?-.i_ I anced by means of fine springs, the I chief reliance Is placed on a few horse hairs, which are ox< eedingly responsive to the influence of dampness. When the air becomes moist they relax, and a pivoted bar, one end { v.bieh forms an indicator, is drawn ulong a scale, which snows just to what extent tlic air is saturated with \vat< r. When the nir is dry the horse hair becomes tense anil the indicator is returned to its appropriate place on the seal p. It Is in this way that traek is kept of General Humidity, whose damp forecs so effectually conspire to keep humanity in misery during' warm weather. IntolllRmcn nml the Siiffinjp. Rymonds So you object to woman suffrage. I should like to know upon what grounds, if you have any reasonable ones. Belcher?I've hoard more than a hundred women say the men are all alike. With such an idea in their heads, how can you expect an intelligent use of the suffrage from them?? Joston Transcript. ) / NOTE AND COMMENT, t Owen Wiater's "The Virginian." | which the Macmillan Com pan > is pre | y<u in is iui (HiiJii'Uimil, is ill Story '<5 a young Virginian of exceptional gifts, who is living as a cowboy in the I far West, and falls in love with a Vermont girl of education superior to his own, the first woman of refinement with whom ho has ever been thrown. The life in the cattle country is familiar to Mr. Wlster, and in this book he has united several chapters that have appeared formerly as separate stories, but that were originally written with the intention of including them in this book. Announcement is made at Columbus. Ga., that the Columbus Manufacturing Co. will at once install the necessary machinery to bring its completomont up to the maximum of 25.000 spindles and 800 looms, as originally planned. This step iB taken now because of an enforced idleness of several months that is caused by the damage recently sustained at the dam of the Columbus Power Co. While the dam is being repaired the mill's additional machinery will bo put in position. The company has awarded contract for the 7500 spindles and 225 looms needed to make the number. in a recent case the Supreme Court of Georgia decided that "dry" counties cannot shut out liquor "in the original package." Whereupon the teetotalers of Cartersville?where Sam Jones lives?got together In mass meeting and served public notice that they'll "make an original package" of any man attempting to bring liquor there. Madison Spinning Co. of Hunt.sville. Ala., is rapidly preparing its new plant for operations, to have 6000 spindles and manufacture thread. A 1500horse-powor engine has just been instrllcd. and the textile machinery will bo n position soon. About 100 operatives will be employed. Company is capitalized lit $100,000. Rushton Cotton Mills. Griflln, Ga.. has completed the Installation of 600 spindles and 12-S looms to doublo its I equipment, and is about to commence production from the now machinery. Probably $100,000 has been expended for the Improvements. John 1). Uockfcller will give $10,000 to Hiram House, a settlement institution at Cleveland. O., providod the management raises $l.r>,000. One man was killed and two hurt in a train collision at Ahvorth, 111., on the Illinois Central road. The men who give up their seats to women in street c ars have a long standing grievance. No. Maude, dear; mourning stationery doesn't all go to the dead let tor office. 'PI... < u I.. i Send n box to above address." COe. a box by rr.nil from J. T. Hhuptrlne. Savannah, Ga., ii your druggist don't keep it. Ii poverty is not a crime, why ii it punished with starvation? Tynor's Dyspepsia Ttemedy is n liquid preparation and knocks nil tablets out. It cures Indigestion. 1-yspe) sia. Vertigo, Fullnests of Stomach, Headache. fcOc. Druggists. Mrs. Wtnalow's Sot >t hi ng Syrup for child ren tei?t liing, soften the gun's, reduces in 11 annuatiou,allays pain curt s wind colic. Jo.-a hot tic. IMso's Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds. \'. \y. Samuki-Ocean Grovo.X. J.. Feb. p/ moo Governor Tnft. of tlie* Philippines, gets $20,000 and each of his four assistants $15,000. while there at" twenty-six other ofTleials who draw from $4,000 to $7,500 a year. In all there are 4.600 employes, not quite half of whom are Amerii ans. The salary' roll runs to over $1,000,000, or which over two-thirds goes to the Americans. It must he borne in mm 1 however, that the cost of living is ' very high. .uiiugs w? no ueai are oiten iii<' tilings that are not worth doing. St-ulionr<! Special ltuic?. $7.75 Charlotte to Wilmington, N. nml 1 return, ncconiit Htato Council junior 0, U. A. M., February l^'h to 20th. ; Tickets i'ii stile February ltiili. 17th and 18th i Until limit l-Vl rnnrv 25th, 1 IKI'J. $ Charlotte to Ihih'igh, N. and re- | ttir- . account of "Hood Deads Cm.vnnilmi. ' i Tickets on snla February 8-h to 14th inelu- j >^1 v? ; linn limit Fot runry 17th. 11:02. For fur- | ther information coll on A. V. Morrill,1\ und T. A , '23 South Tr; on St., Charlotte, N. C. !\p>t I'or the roupU. No matter what ails you. headacheto a cancer, yon will cover get well until your bowels nro i'ut tight, Cascaukts 1i?*1 j? nature, euro you Vt'ithout a gripe or pain, produee easy natural movements.eo<; you just lOeents to sinrt getting your healtlt l?nek. Camcaksts t 'audy Cat hart ie, thogenuiue. put tin iu tuetal boxes, every tablet lias <'. C. C. stamj ed on It. lkivan of imitations. A farmer near Lenox, S. 1)., shot a pelican that measured eijiht feet and four inches from tip to tip of its wings. llrooklyn, N.Y.,Feh.20. The nativity attho laboratory of the Curfleld Tea Oo. is further evidence of the popularity of their preparations; over Three Million Families used tlnrUeld Remedies last year ! This vast pubii approval speaks well for the remedies. They are: Oarllehl Tea, Onr'leld Headache Powders, tiartlehl-Tea Syrup.Oarileld Relief Plasters, Oarilold Delia ionna Plasters darnel.! Digestive Tablets ami <1 untold Cold Cure. Hritish America is about "00,000 square miles greater than the United States. FITS permanently en red. No llt^or norvonstiess after llrst day's u.-e *?f Dr. Kline's Croat Nurvelteslorer. >o i rial hot tie and treatise lreo Dr. 15.11. Ki.isr. I'd I \ rah St.. Phila., Pa. Putnam ren r--^ i?". y ado not spot, streak jr give your goods an unevenly dyed appear- j anco. Sold l?y all druggists. I It's better to be a back number tltr.n j not to be numbered at all. How'n Tl?In ? | We offor One Hundred Dollar* Howard for [ any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J. Cmf.nky & Co.. Props.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .T.Clio, net for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and hnaneially able to carry out any obligation made by their llrm. Wr.rt .V Tuuax, Wholesale Proggists.Toledo, Ohio. Wai.hino. Kins an A Mabvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,noting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of th*\ system. Price. 15c. per bottlo. bold by all Druggist s. Testimonials freu. Hall's Family Pilis are the best. It's the hardest thing in the world to Understand why other people are not satUtliod Chronic Tetter. Dr. .Tames C. Lewis, Tip Top, Ky., writes: "I have an invalid friend who has had great benefit from Tett? rine in chronic # 4 t 1} Delicately forme c find, in all the Reason I or mothers, that the p which acts gently ar ^ which may be used w any conditions,when 1^1} ' Syrup of Figs. It is I biuation of the Iaxat plants with pleasai ?'^Pff agreeable and refrot Ilf * to the system when i |L^-? Many of the ills a transient nature ai ftrouble and it is plej promptly to the hem w*,cn anything n fyk , is best to consult tin J the old-time catharl trums of the present ptjfc jT remove the, strain, |it>, similar ills, which ai l^kr' tion of the system, u: \ Syrup of Figs?and sion, tho aches and p: P a re due to inactivity Only those who V; '1^ can ',0i)0 'Is 1 $;I i I'jrl, antce of the excellen I'/f'l tlio company?< {Jib'-, printed on the front it any preparation H nlent and should he < quality of this exec ().' |/> substitute, when Sy . 1/jh always resented by 11 irjS/T'- lirgt-class drug- esti recommend, nor sel remedies. The gvnui j/W- reliable druggists ov |&IF?RN I WST* us? CAPUDiNE | *| FOll I.AGKIITE. COI.HS, ff Z. FEVERISH NESS, AM? ALL ? KIMS 11 IS A I > A < ICS . . . V St NO ItlvLU'lP NO t <OT. IV jfl So[?1 l?y 1111 Orii2?ls(?. US fc ? ???;? Sr. CtvifcSiWft SiH .Wx 5r>* r Small crops, unsalable veg- g I ctables, result from want of 9 Potash. t Vegetables are especially a fond of Potash. Write for I our free pamphlets. german kai.t works. 93 Numuu St., New York. Wanted I <" ^rr?vkB. L. I/ . thc montof ilfe.Miidf Hoolikr??|tliiu. nuialiklilp, Miorittn ii<1, Arlilintrtlc. AT ll?1K UDi'.fr tlio kmUIuucc ot exukhienckutka*. lltlt?. i Drake-hridge School, Itnom WSO, IfiO Ktf h Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. I Sslf-Thrcatfir? Spwin? Machine Koodlol Seri'lSTr an*! wr will ?rnil yo*i siraplppa lt?KV>assorted | liewMfi. (live n?!ne ol lunrlnne. Arrnta wnnied, Net'.vilial AuluuntloXae llf Co., IM'X?n..n 81 , N x.City "pn KS AS1S FOI ^ V|fJ^ I KLDJLALSmiS'mW ho. M. i 8 A A Monpy maklnK rT"rjr ono n win# Bilul ,','r M t?r! ?? Mr. IMrdmonf >??i ww rlr> Co.. nil. lif, VV IiiiIiiii "ulrin. | j "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY L outshoot all other black poude better and loaded by exact machl powder, t-hot and wadding. Try | ALL . REPUTABLE Dl I HjHL . d and gently reared, women will softheir lives, as maids or wives ono simple, wholesome remedy id pleasantly and naturally, and 'itli truly beneficial effects, under the system needs a laxative? is? well known to be a simple comive und carminative principles of it, aromatic liquids, which are /; diing to the taste and acceptable *&jff * ts gentle cleansing is desired. v1 ti 1 from which women suffer arc of Yfc id do not come from any organic isaiit to know that they yield so i'ilcial effects of Syrup of Figs, lore tiian a laxative is needed it ?V ? family physician and to avoid tics and lordly advertised nost day. Wlu-a one needs only to jvlik*. the torpor, the congestion, or [tend upon a constipated condiso the trne and gentle remedy? i enjoy freedom from the depros- ^ lias, colds and headaches, which ^ vof the bowels. buy the genuine Syrup of Figs ^ lenefleial effects and as a guarcc of the remedy the full name \ California Fig Syrup Co.?is \ of every package and without Terod as Syrup of Figs is fraudleelined. To those who know the Mont laxative, the offer of any rap of Figs is called for, is i transfer of patronage to some iblishment, where they do not 1 false brands, nor imitation no article may be bought of all erywhere at 60 cents per bottle. lifihStfRVi mi jbl ^o. ^ a av v ia r.l'. [ *-> :is5? -' wr#-r *' " .I/..-., |>K>fe ? ,;1 S.ifeej'ij r'.v vol . ; . life? foul * Urau, ri Ullag ?>u war la. tu r.l l.u | ^ \(j^' Th* mo?l retrrrI 'tr r*rr*l ??>?! n?* f ?o.l ?. K? N ifr* /"s^Lv of fraiu ftBd 4 lou? uf t ir U Laj |>? r <.'ir. VEZZTAlii rfr '"'&crfl lariat rrowon ???! *??ir tori. caui? aivi up a i-eui. 1 Catalogue tell*. ^or ~'^c? I fcfXRILING Ui Thousands of children u 4/ ! tv Worms. Svmptoms are seld< u< ,' . ^ child's temperament and upon the va j |? tines, lose no time! Adopt the safe | OR. BOVKIN'S > ! * A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DE * IN USE OVER 30 YEARS AC( 25c BEST VERMIFUGE KNl 3-3-S* t <.<>!.! .Mndal al i.uIIm.o i.X|i??lliuu. /Vic ILH EN NY'S TABASCO iety IVomen .. ^ will find a vast improvement In M their different frowns it" they wear * ^ the proper corset. The ml Worcester I! ana Bon Ton Craigfc! Tront Corsets 1 combine every grace H anil elegance. fl >ur dtalcr for them. B, Worcester Corset Co ,j Worcester, Vast. JB VLZSL irauuj nr. v:zjnr lrorwmaMoraMuniwfraBHBi^ I ESTER' OADED SHOTGUN SHELLS 1 r shclis, because they arc made incry with the standard brands of them uitd you will be convinced. iALBRS KEEP THEM I a? wiabbwnwwew^ t. 1 i \ %v'/ '".j ' \ tell ?%Wd W4t mil wm mm ,-f^r Jip m ?& Mm 11M ' Rf" ^llllili I vr.\&-*,~ Crj<*tfc& r';., \ -.'>k4 ' * " "* ? ' !' ii'ii \, ;. < i?v"'a. >[iv '* " ? " ' I" .' rwi.i. v!r w*' ' I ; tN^.Xt * 'I* f?-r., r? in . |H>rC \'l 1'v tV'i.'V' ??><>?.; h.!- : ' ? - ST.. , .. %>? V / J\\ V ?l > I.'!. v.f v 1 .: w.<Uw V V- T 'iV J -- ' ' ""> ? I * ' atf?r.-vs. prr Acra a*"'/&j? " ! ' : r , A , .?,? ISy / /i" JJ ? 'I'll., prndncln; ?ri>m GO ta 50 ba?tcla Mv ^ Lif'SEESS FACTS. 1 tk re being gnawed to distraction by & >ni reliable. They depend upon the JjJ riety of worms present in the intes- + and sure course by using ? vVORM KILLER. $ STROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. * :EPT NONE BUT DR. BOYK1N S. * DVVN SOLD EVERYWHERE. * W'ANTED~"vom*iE3 wtio w.<nt to make money ami hnv>- monry to h ive, to sell l?r <i\li )'? Hhi:?i< !'.? Comb. St favcs SiAir sn?t make- irrow. It enables iiK?utt to K?t rich. Rend M) cents for ono. bl>. B. D1AUJCK. Gen. Mgr., DECATUK. ILL.. 0. S. A. THE LANIKR SOUTHERN Sfludmedd^ M ACOW* OA. Thorough in al Appointment* BnMn**! men in- opnt/e our Iploira* as a t^nttnio. ni of ntifllty '"><i wnh Aii nr-'o i;**-* taught. Full inforniiiiloii cheo fully furnished. .,. w? llt\ S*'?1U HsTK;{..K tsaiis on nnr '"orso or Mule quickly cured with t?r. DnnlrU* l.n.l < ura. tl I'ea er?. or icnt by mail with Or.1 nntlsbook/'iil*. . ?> eg of lloraea. < utile, t-liecp ami >wl' i' ai ?1 II >w to 'l runt Them." upon receipt of '2 5 teuu, A. f. DlMl-lt, Utanlford St., 1I08T0N, AlAHS. STUDY LAW MnViSSttSi"in 1 Ul/ 1 YT Kimy terms Kilter now Only those in rjirno t *1 t?i? v. idil i'?H \v oi.i.i Ho* CIO. IS Old OI.K, VA. vi ^ jfl