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v liS THE LOCAL HELD. Etenls of the Past Week In and Around Town Briefly Told. Snow! Snow!! Snow!!! Slush! I Slush!! Slush!!! Wood dealers are . ?aping a rich harvest during the snow. Rabbit hunting and sleigh rid- j ing is the order of the tiny. An election will be held in Fort Mill on March 3. See notice in another column. The young people of the town e ijoyed a delightful "hop" in the town hull Monday night. There has been acracely "nothin1 | doin" in police cireles since the close of the holiday season. Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Char- ! lotte, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ardrey, this week. We are requested to state that the Southern Railway no longer lias a 'phone in its office at this pjaoe. Mrs, W. J. Caveny, of Rock Hill, returned to her home Monday, after a visit to relatives near this place. \iro s: \r \t:ii 1 1 *? .vA>?. x?i. imiio iciuiut'u 10 uer home in this place Friday after a visit to her son, Mr. T. M. Iiu^hes, in Lancaster. Capt. and Mrs. W. E. Ardrey, of Ardrey's, N- C., spent several days of last week a the home of Mr. j J. W. Ardrey. The merchants will do well to I put in an extra order for levins and rubber boots when the next snow begins to fall. The koo(1 price of cotton comes rather late. The farmers in this section have sold most of the cotton raised last year. Ilicks, the weather prophet, hit the nail on the head in his prediction fi?r n liiir ~ uv.nm. il I'lO | 14th and 17th of February. Mr. Wm. Garrisou, of Chnrlotto, spent several days of the past week in Fort Mill. He is now engaged in the insurance businesss. About a dozen members of Electra Lodge, K. of P., of this place, went to Charleston last night to participate in the exercises of Pythian Day at the exposition today. The town was without vaccine ; points Tuesday owing to the1 rush of business Monday. It is thought that three-fourths of the population has been successfully vaccinated. The oldest inhabitant cannot tell about a winter in a dim past when 4 1... l e i me ^luuuu wh8 rrozen neany every morning from November 5 to February ID, as has been the case this winter. The former patrons of the Barbersville, Pleasant Valley and Belair postoflices, who have not socured boxes on the new rurnl route No. 2, nre now receiving their mail from the office in this place. The snow of last Friday measured 14 3-4 inches at this place. One of the older citizens says that this is the deepest snow since January, 1851, when it was 24 inches deep in Charlotte, his home at that time. He aiso says that ! smallpox was prevalent in the city then. There were two marriages at the Catawba House this week by the proprietor, Rev. E. A. llartsell. On Monday night a Mr. Dacus and n Miss Vainer, of Jamestown, N. C., and yesterday morning Mr. Oscar Grigg and Miss Maggie Wilhelm of this place. | Since the last issue of The Times three cases of smallnoxhave developed among the employees of the Millfort Mill. These are L. C. Walker, 11. S. Wolfe and John Moore. Mr. Moore is said to have the most severe case of the 1hroe. It is also reported that W. R. Phillips is ill of the disease at his home near the upper mill. The members of the Fort Mill Light Infuntry expiessed their feelings with shouts of joy last Thursday when informed by Capt. Spratt that the legislature had appropriated a sufficient sum of money to defray the expenses of a trip to Charleston. The company, JO strong, will leave Fort Mill Thursday night at 10:30. Qni'.e a number of citizens are expected to go at that tirue. A t i Further Tax Extension. Tin* time for the payment of j taxes has been furthered extended until Mnrch .'10. The bill was in- , troduced by Representative Ashley, of Anderson, and has passed the house. It received a sec md readinir in the senate M md.iv night, and will undoubtedly finally pass that body and will receive the sanction of the governor. Death of Mrs. Merrill. Mrs. Rebecca, wife of Mr. Snm , N. Merritt, of this place, died Sun- | day morning at It-.30 o'clock after an illness of about three weeks, i The deceased was about 70 years t?f ago and a good Christian woman and a wife and mother devo ted to her family and her home. ' She was a member of the Baptist church and her remains were interred in the cemetery at Flint Hill Monday. A husband and several children survive and mourn her sad death which was the result directly or indirectly of smallpox. On account of her advanced age and other conditions she was unable to withstand the dread disease. ? Pettus' Body Seen But Not Recovered. The Rock Hdl Journal of Wednesday says that the hotly of dim l> ti.. .. * ? ' * ireuus, a colored ?oy who was drowned at the works of tho Catawba Power company several weeks ago, was seen last week The power company hands were dragging a guy rope across 111* river when it caught upon something, which proved to he the body of the drowned boy. The tug of the guy brought the body to the surface and pulled it loose from the one which its hands were gripping in the death struggle. Tinmen for some reason or other failed to catch the body and it floated on down the stream. A Valentine Party. Quite a unique affair was a Valentine party given at hospitable home of Mrs. Ale* lt>irh>?r l?Yi?l.n* evening in honor of Miss Anna Barber, of Barbersville, S. (\ Mrs. Barber was assisted in receiving by Mesdanies Epps and Finch, and it is entirely superfluous to say that everybody who attended enjoyed themselves, for anything else would be impossible with a hostess of so much geniality, especially when so ably assisted. Each couple was provided with a card containing a quotation which was more or less oracularly prophetic of the fortunes of lov in storo for thetn. Aftoi sometime had been pleasantly spent in reading these quotations the party assembled in the dining room where an elegant supper was served. After supper a merry evening was spent in listening to various valentines read, especially the original ones,which were more personal and interesting. Music was furnished by Fort Mill's "One Man's Hand," and at ' one o'clock to the sweet strains of ["Home Sweet Home'' the llappy I party prepared for a delightful sleigh-rido to their refpective j homes. A'. Y. Z. A Telephone Operator Burned to Death, Screaming in agony and with her clothes abHtze from head to [foot, Miss Mamie McKnne, night operator of tho Charlotte telephone, ran frantically about the room of the exchange on the third floor of a building in that city at 3 45 o'clock Saturday morning, then dashed out the door and lied down three1 flights of stairs to the street. She was met at the bottom of the stairs by parties attracted by her HPt't'niMW w-lir. i-i.llo.l I..VI- ?l... snow and extinguished the fire. She died a few hours later. Her dress had become ignited from the stove in the office. ' Virginia-Carolina Wins. The senate Friday evening killed the anti Virginia-Carolina Chemical company bill hy a vote of 20 to 10. The purpose of the hill was to revoke the license of the company to do business in this State. It was perhaps the hardest fought measure that has oonio up this session. Senator Graydon led the fi<_'ht against the cotnpanv hlid lie made mi earnest effort to have the bill passed. Senator Walker made the strongest., clearest and most logical argument 1 against the bill. His speech was in the nature of a ''heart to heart" talk to senators, and his candid statements of conditions went home to every senator. The larye i vote by which the bill was killed j was somew hat of a surprise. | Several new skilled workmen arrived here yesterday to work for Messrs. S. S. Or,1 way A. Co. on the Catawba dam. I i IKE % % Selected County News. The board of health of Rock Hill lift*; ili'ti'l'iii I n?? 1 ii"''1"1" compulsory vaccination ami will enforce Llio provisions of the ordinance recently mlop'.ed. A few days ago a white man who refi.sed to he vaccinated and resisted the! otlicers was lined $5, which-he paid. Tax collections in York comity up to yesterday morning, amounted to 5MeJ,tK)S.7li. The total nuiiibi r of receipts issued was J?0,t>ll Originally there were lO.oUU i?eeipts on the hooks, and the a^reuate amount of taxes en I led for was (?(>. This leaves m arly 1,000 receipts sill to issue and more than SdHOllO t?? ?-/?lt...a Ti... ... , ?x. vw v wm V ? . J II*final limit on which taxes may be paid without penally is March I. ....Although no cases have yet been reported in the town, smallpox is more or It ss preva ent all around Vorkville. Stephens denkins, a well known ne^ro preacher, died at his home near |)elptios last Sunday, of smallpox, eomplicatcd with urip. His widow and two children nrt? now down with smallpox. Cases of smallpox are reported on Mr. Win. Dohson's place, two miles northeast of Yorkvillo, and there is a suspected case on the farm of Mr. S. \V. Ionian, on the western outskirts of town.? Volkville Kmpiirer. Thursday application was made to the Secretary of State for a charter for the Rock 11 i 11 Railroad Company. The road is to run from Rock Hill to Harmony, in York county, a distance of ei^lit miles, to use either steam or electricity. The capital is placed at $10,000 nnd the ineorporatois arc T. .). Koddey, \V. 11." Wy 1 i? and C. \V. F. Spencer, all of Bock 11 ill. i C' .1. il. w. Stevens, of Iloek II ill, and Ilia 8 >n dames, who compose tli** Stevens Lumber Co., have removed their mill from Kershaw to a point on tin* proposed j Cliefiterlield and Lancaster Kailroad, a lew miles above Cliernw. i .... Friday, Mr. .Luther Fell, of Westville, S. C., came to K ek Hill, having in custody two white men. whose capt ure was made at Sloan, N. O.. Wednesday. They were charged with having robbed Mr. Bell's store at Weslvillo on the night of February nth, when thoy dole sundry goods, which they disposed of and which led to their capture. Tliey confessed : their guilt and agreed to return to this Slate without requisition being made for them.? liock Hill Herald. Tlio Pitchfork Senator. The most intense man in the fifty-seventh congress is Senator j Tillman, of South Carolina. lie puts on the loud pedal for every word he utters on tin* senate floor. He means every word lie says and punctuates every sentence with a I vivid gesture. This ge-turo consists of extending tin* first two fingers < f the right hand like prongs of a nilchfi.rU tlu-n them in tli^ atmosphere in tin* direction of his opponent. Ho is h | Democrat, but you know that already. Senator Tillman sits in hischair tamely, as if dreaniinj* of the time when the platform fell in K(Icefield and stopped the free fiu'lit in : progress at that moment. Hut lie is not dreaming at all. He is listenining for some Republican to cive ntteiaueo to a statement that may be vulnerable. When a Republican does t his he is iuiuied ately sorry, for Senator Tillman immediately pitchforks him. Atlanta -I ourual. BUCELEN'S ARNICA SALVE. lias world-wide fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Hums, Hoi Is. Sores, Felons. Ulcers, Tetter, Salt llheuui Fever Sores,C-happed Hands. Skin Kruptions; Infallible for Files. Cure cuaranteed. <)i?1 y 25c at Meacham's drue store. The Canadian povei iiinont seems t i know how to curtail the reach 1 of the octopus. As a result of an inquiry into the combine of the paper inmufacturers it was decided to reduce the customs duties on j paper from 25 to 15 per cent ad valorem. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL. "T stuck t<> tny engine, although every joint ached and everv nerve was racked with piin," writ' h (J. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Bunington, Iowa, *'l I was weak and pale, without anv appetite and all run down. As I Was about to give up, I got a bottle of Klectric. Bitters and, after taking it, 1 felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their lino. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by T. B Mcacham Price 50 c? nU. I A California judge has doe dod 1 that the vagrancy law is uncon- ! Mutational us it denies to a certain d iss tin- "pursuit of happiness.'* If iis provisions wen* logieallx | curried out, says the jiulge. it would he possible to idai e under ?f r? s* tlif millionaire taking a nlennuso trip in his private ear. Tin* brother :o<a! til' tin* mml who 11 w i*lI in u Ya?;nboiidiu\ liave now a local as well as a poet ic ?1. f?nder. j Yak able Land for Sale or Rent. Oik* tract containing 1' 0 acres. One tract containing 00 acres. Well timbered. located near I'ar lierHville. S. C Terms reasonable. Apply to Alex. Barber, Fort Mill.' S C. Town Election. Ira G. Sinytlie having it sinned as warden of the town of Fort Mill. S. (A, an election for one warden to (ill 11 its unexpired teiin will lie held on Monday, the did day of March. 1002. I'olls opell at 10 o'clock, a. Ill , and close at ll o'clock, p. in. T. I). Faulkner, L N. Culp and .T. C. Ilu-hcs iiro ap|it?intcd managers. 15y order of tin* council. d. \Y. McKi.uam.v. .1, M. Sl'uatt, I ll'ondniit. Clerk. To Prevent Smallpcs. When you Imy Cream of Tartar to prevent Smallpox lie careful to buy tin' pure and \ou can't buy it at 40 cents per pound. Ask your physician about it. We have both kinds. Vaccinalion shields lOcts. 1 Cm 11 at A K DREY'S. TKV T1110 Ci ty Barber Shop For a first-class f IA1H ( I T, SNA YE, SHAM TOO, or HAIR SINGE. Garothcrs Soil. l'liOl'KIliTOUK. Third door Rank building. T R ESS l?A SS WARNING. All persons are warned not to hunt, I'ikIi or for any purpose whatever enter upon any of the lands owned or controlled by the undersigned. The law will be rigidly enforced against any one disregarding I his not ice. S. K. Whitk. Mas. .7. M. Odki.i,. f. \V. Akdkky. F. Kims. .T. M. Seuatt. Miss Bcssirc Wiutk. I'-hi.u; Junks. \V. I. .1oni:s. IX A. Lkk. J. B. Mack. ,T. H. OoijTiiakp, W. IX IIokk. W. K. Sl'uatt. IX M. Sl'katt. T. M. Hcoiiks. T. S. Kikkpathick. T. O. Spkatt. H. \V. Hickman. ^ "The melacholy days are here, X ? Th<i saddest of the year," _ \ ^ Al^llKN Ihe fold winds whistle t ^ in the chimney ami .lark ^ J Frost witches the people with J ^ their wood piles short. When J I jp you feel that tickling ill your ^ I ^ throat and a pain eutehes you A : bet ween your shoulder blades <? Then is I lie time ? ^ * J for you th get J ! % CIIKKItY BALSAM * " 15 t It acts pleasantly upon the # ^ throat and luii^s; it is h,tnnl? <>., ^ J soothing and agreeable to lake. J \ Don't tritle with a cob I on . w V a your Itin^.i. Keineinher that m A Consumption kills more men q f t hail bullets. (p i AUDREY'S DRIU SHIRK $ PATENTS and TRADE MARKS or return EN- I TIRE attorney'n fee. Send nodel, sketch I or photo and wi: hcih! an IMMEDIATE I FREE report on patentability, ttgive the h>-st legal service anil advice, and our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patent Lawyers, Opp. U.S. Patent Office,Washington, O.C. n I " FOR (?()()!) WIUKKIKS, \\ IN KS, BRANDIES, KTC., CAM. t IN OR WK1TB TO \V. it. iu>0\ Eli, cniKi.on'k, n c. s 1 NEW i & . * * >> e nave just r $ dies, Childrens ? Shoes and Mens $ styles that will ii $ lot of Madras Gi & waists and mens 5 of White Goods i g Call and get 5 heautiful goods. $ interest you. I L. J. M ^ 'Phono No. 71. % ^^VVVW<%- 1 J 4 Days of * ? v v 1*". ?r I ho remainder of tl har^aiiiH: ^ Fifty-two inch Table F ^ Wonn-ns' 1-il Wool Ves | SPECIAL N< Co h>r huIo or trade @ her of Horses am @ we will trade or week, we have (h Co Tuesday and Fri< ^ this purpose. : I Tlis OLD F?I ? T. B. I5EL1 ?8>?2>?303?0?S ^ anywhere, for 50 cents. Tli 0 j^ood all cotton goods. 0 Women's goo.l heavy C pt il5 cents, for 25 cents. ^ A few suits of mens1 & were $2, the Hiiit now I Blankets going f((1- )t KO gA ami $1. Wool Blankets, w? J| A full line of Womens1 and 75c. A few pairs of CI \ now 50 cents. % M EACH A ^S)??>???????? 1 Tie] OLD" PJ <0 T. 15. 15E til 0 SEED OATS ? about !>()() buslu ? Rod Rust Proof ( ?| sell at Hoc a bus] ? few days. ? BKST A! OLA ? received a bit*- k]o 0 Molasses, and \\ 0 will advance late 0 friends to buy so ? FKKTIL1ZEU ? on Cotton Seed ^ and all kinds of ? ini?\ We are str x and will not bo i & 4531 > i i / ^^B In A ATICi S uruuuo. % eceived a lot of La- fe and Mens Fine <E Sir Ilats in the latest j itercst you. Also a <k inghams for ladies ^ shirts, besides a lot ind Domestics. K first choice of the ^ The prices will & I j ASSEY, | ! Bargains, t 10 week we offer the following ^ elt, worth 50 cent*, for -AO els ^ t mid Pauls, worth (55 cents ^ lis price is what you pay for u W JK 43 'ottou Vest and Pants, worth fp \ V\ oolen Shirts nnd Drawers, or $1.50. ^ , ng? Cotton Blankets 50 . 75c, ^ *re $3.75, now $2.80. JK Ovorgnitors at 25c, 4oe, 50o, ^ li Id i ons' Gaiters, were 75 cts, ^ M&.EPPS. % SLIABLE Store. | v, Proprietor. ? We have 011 hand Isjof home raised x )ats which we will 10I, net cash, for a g! ,SSKS?Have just'H t of New Orleans || i\ fill ??!.- -fi?" ?1 ? ? v umiiv tui' priee r and we advise our ? on. g k %%%% v% 2s IS?lie! our prices ^ Meal, Acid, Kaiait <$ Guano before buy- S2 ietly in the business ? indersold. S* JTICE?We have quite a large lium- <& [1 Mules, and while S sell any day in the 0 [a ided to have every g? [lay special days for 0 is m^m : % V fC, rroiu-et ~