University of South Carolina Libraries
? ' * TH&FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATIC. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS. B. W. BRADFORD. Publisher. Fnbmnriptlon price . . , , $1 jx r your. Correspondence on current subjects is Invited, but we clo not tiptoe to publish communications contniniup more tlmu H00 words, and no responsibility is as nun km I Tor thu views of cnrrenponcleuta. Am tin atl\ erl inlay medium for < 'hurlotto, Pineville, Fort Mill, ami Rook Hill business houses The Times is unsurptiwod. Its to* muds known oil u|>)>lic,afiou to the publisher. lviM'jiI Telephone No. 2(1. FEBRUARY 19. 1902. The Charleston exposition didn't pet tlio President. Iiul it pulled olT n very successful Muuli Gran. * # * Some people are wanting to! know the name of Ihe poet who j wrote about the benutiful snow. . Well. Admiral Schley is hnvinp j a pood time with the people, if lie #cttti't shake off the official hoodoo. . Senators will think Iwice before th -y wind up Gov. Tuft apnin and : start him to poinp about the Pilippities. * * ? Prince Henry cant, see the democracy ef this country; he will be so completely surrounded by a wall of toadyism. Cuba will be piad to pet a tariff' concession of 25 per cent, but the ^ Filipinos are askinp for 75 per cent. ? ? The political party that promises to establish titled nobdity in this country can count, upon h , wealthy, if not a numerous fol- ; m + m According to the revised Presbyterian crreed, no man is condemned except for his sin. Thin is a decided improvement on having him born condemned. 0 0 0 Minister Wti is ns profuse in apologies for having seemed to relied upon the labor organisations as though he intended to run for utHre in this country. 0 0 0 It is a little queer that all the senators who are interested in preventing Isthmian canal legislation should be "in doubt" about the best route for a canal. 0 0 0 A number of big fires in eitb s has made this a hard winter on tlie fire insurance companies, some of which may have to substitute JISHi'i-HIIH'lltii fnp illuiil.inilu lliio .v.. .w. U...V.VUUD nil O J Cll I . ? ft The Boston physician who ridiculed Hnd opposed vaccination and went into a smallpox hospital to prove his immunity, contracted the disease in its worst form and may die. ? Hugar has been giving as much trouble to an international confer- | encc, now sitting in London, as to 1 our own congress. Sweet things usually are troublesome. ? Some insurance companies nre doing a land office busine-s in issuing policies against the smallpox. The premium charged is about one third more for unvaccinati d applicants. # # * Lookout for a yawp from the yellows. It has been decided that the only American newspaper men allowed to tiavel on the train with Prince Henry will be three lepresentatives of the press asso- ! nations. * # # A batch of 280 census bureau clerks were fired at one time the other day and Washington wan filled with weeping, wailing and 0 gnashing of teeth. It. always goes hard to be forced away from I I'nele Sam's pie oonnter, # * # Congress should openly decide I for or against the construction of an Isthmian canal and then let the peo le say whether they consider 1 lie decision lighter wrong. The question has been under discussion long enough. + + + i Georgia and Massachusetts club- , :J ?_ i i i ' v? iiuir-ii art- r-'iio ID nave rennifll ( a mutually satisfactory solution of the color line problem, rained by 1be application of colored women's r clubs for membership in the lien- 1 oral Federation of Women's Clubs. 1 May be they have! All thinus are I possible, but we shall wait for proof, j + + + By a vote of (>"> to 43, the II u e of Rs pre*entnti\ea on last Vted- t nesdn; reduced the proposed ap- ' preprint ion lor Winthrop from t t , m i I to fifty thousand. \ >. tV.r State institution appro- \ > . vah reduc-d. The dele- i in this county, it is ( Paul, u?i i i say a word in Win- c th ops behalf. c mKLtei 'd Is the Dispensary Law Unconstitutional? Floronoo Times. I In the Hiuument before Chief Justice Melver at C lie raw yewtor-! day in the mntt-Tof the injunction | I HLrailist the eatuhl isliment <?f ili?. pcnsaiies at Seranton ami Lake City, S. \V. (J. Shipp, Esq.. of HiIh l)ar. made n |> ?ir?t against tin* dispensary law which if 1 he supreme court ad her* d to the pre-**dent it hnd set, would, if raised, knock the i whole law in to pi. The point was that the law was unconstitutional because it exempted certain eoun- i ties from the provisions f>f the (lisP' tisary law, and that it is special legislation. It appears that in the first act on this subject that in counties which had piohihitory lipuor pro. visions and in towns which had adopted "local option" laws, spe-, cial provision was made as follows: "Provided that dispensaries may be established in the counties of Williamsburg, Pickens and Afar- j ion and at Seneca and other towns incorporated in Oconee county J without, such election 'an1 compliance with the other requirements of this act." That "on" was ehariged, probably by an error in the ei orossin^ department, in the act of lSlMi to "or."'which removed the section named entirely from under the operation of the*law. wlwtln /uien 1 ? - 4 " 1 jb xs t? iiwic v unu i r fi Vfiy X II I t*T* esting one and Mr. Shipp lias evolved boiiio most interesting problems out of the situation. The injunction writ is made returnable at the next meeting of the su- ' preme court. -? ?. Is Tillman After Trouble? To those who follow the doings ! <if the Ibiited States Senate, the member with a pitchfork, who is the representative of the old hotblooded element in South (Jaroli- j na, i? easily the most sensational i "feature, says the Detroit Free Press. He dearly loves a tight, and is an opponent not to be held in light esteem. When he is not puzzling men like Spooner, Foraker, Piatt, and Lodge with problems in law or logic, lie is having his fun with lleveridge or badgering all lb-publican comers with the taunts and sneers that trip so readily from his tongue. It is a long time since Tillman vviiu rniriiviLkil ??o ? 4? - 1 1>au\l ?!.-> n I^IIUVI 1 !_J IJI . He has a wonderful fund of gener- 1 hi knowledge. Few men nre quicker to discover a mistake in history, whether of the present or of any p *riod in the past. Me can ask more embarrassing qnes- ' tioiiH ihan any other man in tin* Senate, and where evasion is at- i tempted he is a merciless commentator. Tie frequently dep e- , cates his legal abilities, yet scarce- , ly a day passes that he does not i trip up one of the profound lawyers of the Senate. With all this the Senator is a , good deal of a bully. Ho is bent on the indulgence of his combat ivenose and has no hesitancy in taking up a theme that is not ger- | mane to the onestioii bofi? ?-? -- * I Senate. His favorite divergenee ^ is lo get the Southern situation , relative to the negro under dis- ( mission. Flis repeated insinuation ' is that the Republican ineinherHliip , is afraid to defend tin- A fro-American citizens ot the nation since it ( is making war upon the brown , people of the Philippines. This | is well enough tih a reminder, but > the Senator is persistent and in- \ expressibly aggravating. He has ? only to keep on to insure a re- 1 newed waving of the bloody shirt. If He is frightening no one. Ifesitn- j lion is going back at him hammer | and tongs as a result of an intolli- j; gent aversion to reviving the slumbering embers which should be | , allowed to die out. He is iudus j trionsly courting a revival of the trouble that his own people would most strongly condemn him. > ' There iH ample room in the prea ent arena for the exercise of all ^ Mr. Tillman's Senatorial prowess ; . without arousing the race (pies- j j tiou dog. The News in General, f Pictures of the $10,000,000 Pat- j ^ erson tire taken on Sunday morning were exhibited in New York Monday night. They were taken ' shortly before midnight, but tin- \ flames were ho blight tlint every ietail whh plain. Governor Tuft says that high lalaries are a neeessity in tlio Philppines. The investigation din- ] dosed the faet that he lives in a J palace, that hiw servant hire is :.'J,000 a year, and that ho line I t ? jorsea in his stables. I The California prune trust has > oppled over of ith own weight. l The theory was admirable, but ' he result of the combination 1 vns disastrous. The prune market ' van so glutted thai there was no ' rrofit to bo had when all the pro- * hirers were working together and iompetition did not kei p the pro- ' luction down to its rightful basis. 1 THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA. Short Items of State News Convenien ly Grouped for Times Readers. liuvjjlni'H ontoreil Tito Durhnm MhitIi uitilo < ? nil pony' h ptore ot li I'trknt <>ck J'nesriiiy n i?*l 11. Tito ?mIv tilings nii^aiinr won* nhmit two hundred pounds of Hour and some bacon. They came out at the watne place the en.ranee was made*. Governor MeSweeny lias rffered a reward of 8100 for the capture and Conviction of the person or persons who set file to the liarn of Mr. d. F. Stone, in Chester county on the ni^ld of November 10th last. A movement is on foot in Laurens to erect a $2o,()0l) hotel a four story building, on the southeast corner of the public square, where, until recently,stood h block of s'tone build milts. two of which collapsed and the other three having been condemned are belli ? torn away. Capt. !. IT. Grant, formerly of Anderson tins ln'ftti rimiuviinloil - civil governor of the island of Leyte. in the Philippines. II. ?I. Faile. of Lancaster county, has been appointed on tlie state whiskey constabulary by Governor McSwi env. Unless the Seaboard Air Line railroad begins work on the Charleston-Augusta lineduring the present month it will forfeit its franchises and lie as dead as the Itlack Diamond, says the Barnwell People. The Gatl'iiey Manufacturing Company lias ordered *4<H1 looms for weaving colored goods. Over three thousand vaccine! points have boen sold within the last few weeks t?y the drug stores of Bock Hill. The city of Anderson, at a special election, has decided, by a ma- 1 jority of 100, to issue bonds for a 1 sewerage system. About 12 m h-s j will be put in, at a cost of $40,000. , George H. Martin, a farmer of Cluvokee county, is exhibiting a turnip taised by him which weighs eight pounds. The infant dangler of Mr. and Mrs. ?I. P. Price, of I lelmar, I a?x i i.. i \t iii^iwii nmim v, whs imiwiu'ti .>11)11 ?lny evening I?y tailing into a 1111 > r>f win or* Navel Ondet S. II. H. Doyle, of ()rangehurg. is attached to the battleship Kentucky, flagship of the North Atlantic squadron. Judge Chas. (r. Dnnt/.ler, wlioj was recently eleetetl to the bench : from the I'psl circuit, will preside; over his tirst term of court at Florence. Dr. 13. C\ Rrasiugton,of tlie town of Kershaw, has decide;! to locate in Famdeii, for the practice of his profession. State ('ons'ablo .T. S. Norman captured the illicit distillery of Kenny Mundy, lt> miles from Aikeu, last week One hundred bales of cot ton, belonging to th?) Springs Ranking mil .Mercantile company, on the platform at Heath Springs, was sot diie by sparks from a height i....;^.. < ) ? 1 1 11 Mill iu>i iiHuiiuny ; 111 < i nurneil. loss was covered by in-.urinoe. The minion fire cracker is n llilig of the past in South Carolina. Tli e legislature lias passed a n\v prohibiting their sale in this itnto. No cracker over three nehcs long can be sold in this ; -hate from now on. Mr J I?. Davis cf the Bethniic i leetion of Kershaw was found dead n Lynches Creek last week. He! ind wnndeivd otF from home the| hMh ult. His mind was affected. 1 Passenger train No. d!>. on the Southern Railway, that left Char-' 0 te at 9:2.") Friday morning, met. .villi an accident not far from the datum at Flif'on. S. C.. Friday nortiing at 10:45 o'clock. The mgiue was derailed and A If Carer, the colored fireman was iniured while attempting to jump "roni the engine Cab. The remainler of the 11niii held to the track. H. II. Mobley has instituted suit igainst the Seahoanl Air Line Railroad Company for $200 damiges for al egetl personal injuries. Mohlcy was mall clerk on the road ind claims that he was injured in 1 collision at \V hit mire, S. C., on November 5th. last year. HAS TO COKQU2B OR SIS. ''I was jus! nl) >111 gone," wiles Mis. Komi liiidiaidsnn, <f Laurel SpringR, N,C. "I liMtl Consumption in bail thai the best dnct.oih eaiil 1 ' :oulil not live more than a month, y >111 I began to use 1 >i. Kind's ( Sew Discovery ami was wholly * tired by seven bottles ami am > low stout and w 11." li s an tin- ( ivaled life Raver in Consumption, 5 ?nueinonii, La Grippe and Urou liitis; infallible tor t oughs, Colds. > \sthiua, Hay Kever, Croup or > VV11 o| ing Cou-h. (iunnuileed )>ttlesf>o.- and trl.OO. Trial . reo nt Meuchuui's drug store. > V '' " II on. Bailey H. Theus, member I of the II oust* of Representative from Hampton county, who 1ns | boen desperately ill of pnnenionia at liis quarters in Columbia, died Wednesday morning. His dea h was expected, for soon after he became ill it was evident to his | j physicians that nothing could ln> , done t<> snvo liis life. 1 Mayor Calvert nnd S. .T. Simy. son went to Washington last week to work in the interest of a post1 office bidding for Spartanburg. The Lancaster and Chester Ituilwav company expect to be running gauge cars over its road by the 1st of March. The standard trance rails are already laid from Chester to Lancaster, but it will take a coupe of weeks more to make the necesary chnn^eH iti in some of the trestles. The super;. inlondnut's office will be moved from Chester to Lancaster next j Saturday, when the new superinj tendent.. A. P. McLure, will tak?| I charge. , The C itnden Chronicle finytj tlmt .1. \V. Barnes recently canghA | hh alligator at tin; head of tin; i old Airline pond which was 0 feet) . long and weighed 000 pounds. A. (t. Flowers, of Sumter, has , been appointed to a position in the government printing otliee in 1 Washington. 1'ideas the legislature adjourns early Saturday morning it is like-t ly that the governor and his stafft will be unnble to attend the oxerrases incident to military day at i the exposition. working overtime. Eiirlit hour Jaws Hie ignored by those tir?'|esH. little workers?-Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Millions are always nt work, niuht ami day, curing Indigestion. Biliousness. | Constipation, Sick Headache ntul all Stomach. Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe. [ sure. Only 25c ut Aleacham's dmi; store. Add to your telephone list No. M7, Denton's Meat Market. Rule cf Board of Health. Be it ordained by the Board of Health of ihe town of Fort Mill, eointnencing at once, that all residents of the town of Fort Mill under the age of fiO shall bo successfully vaccinia ted unless such persons can show sufficient cause, which shall, be determined by one or more physicians of the town, and any poison not able to pay the fee, 10 centts, shad be vaccinated at the expense of the town. After Alarch 1st all persons : failing or ijefusing to be success- ! I'mIIv vaceiiiated shall be "?(1 eenis for olich day, or imprisoned nt the discretion of the intenduul or council S. E. White, IVest. T. B. I\] eacham. Secy. Ratified and approved this the 18th day <f February, 19112. ?T. W. McElhanev, Intd. J. M. Spratt, Secy. 'j?* Wo Line Your Doll ir in payment of laundry work loft in onr can , but wo strive as well for your approhn tiou. Our aim is to wash clothes clean, iron shirts, collars and ruffs to your liking two mean by that imlishc 1 or domestic finish), and goiierally to afford yon the best satisfaction at prict s eomincnsurate with good work, but si ill cheap. The perfect work of the Model Strain Lanndrv. Charlotte. N. (J., (all the time at short prices has won tljjo general favor of good dressers, Shipments made Wednesday evening. Ku. L. McEi.hanky, Aoknt Fort Mill, S. C. 4 J. XL Trayw'ck & Co., DEALERS IN FIXE LIQlions AND WIN FS. No. 4'3 F:iit Tioiln slf chjarlotte. - - - N. C. j l J< pr laptly procarwl. OR 1*0 PSJS. K?n4 ithJ?I. krt.-h ? J or p> "In fir f report n? |-\lromk. ly. H....R "lip* .Vto P'l'jUn I' H and Foreign Patent*.-ixiTrada-Mark*.' & J. PI IEK. Paired term* ever o(T?r..l :o invent, r (V IAWYPRB op 5* YPAPR' practice Y ? 20 COO PATEN iS PROCURED THROUGH THEM Y A I' bnatnen* r .nfto nttal. Sound aju.e l'.i.lbfulU. tji, rrjro. Moderate ehtrge*. Y pC. A. SNOW & CO.;} PATENT LAWYERS, A & (ipp. U. 8 Patent Office, WASHINGTON, 0. C. Y I ON A WHEEL utA:ti<uub uuppuiM u a oulua gi a. Ulcei Rm mini in need not become a 1^(ul v 1 f 1 h?>\* <lo i ft! EX MUSTANG will thoroughIj', qi nently cure these i is no guess work al iment is used a eu YOU DON'T KNOW Xr?c Mubtang Liniment. As a tlosU I ||| I | \ R. m. LONDON, ROCK HILL, S. C. JOB PRIHTTIBIG. | <> I I * I i P Die Ever Oc( That the best can employ is meat in a new circulates am of whom you Fort Mill* and covered thoroi ! THE T ' L y/JLS\. For HOLIDAY PRESENT The Lamp ofi The lamp tlmt doesn't flare ? to Use bad liinfftiaK" "le * iK J"011 Ket '' Am' HtA>"8 K00*' 5 f\M f&k part with, oim* you have '4s^jWi "Che JSfcw 1 \V^rw Other lamps may l?? offere< Vs. / y they may tie, In some respects n: f *j. -.gfJ* ness, t here's only one. The . euro the lamp offered you is r i Mi ou it; every lamp has it. (30* Ol.I JjitmpH 1> We can till every lamp want f ' * i v\ Want a new lamp or an . ' -s >y" jjt/j l isbtsl, a vase mounted or other A New Rochest* . Bend vou literature on tho *nl>J Jrf ^ Wc are -SPHCiAI.ISTS In the Lamps. Consult ' THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO lentl." moots with dlsastor. A vory I'ientdoctnr to havo with vmi whutt Icxicuu Mustuug 14ultucat? rs or g Sores fixture upon your L is your fault, for ICAN LSNIIYiENT nickly and permaifllictions. There bout it; it' this linre will follow. Illicitly a burn or scnM rn n been rod you have treated it with Mexican Uuulcr it stands at the very top. DR. J. L. SPRATT, SURG KONtDENTIST. Oftloe in Jones.buildinK, Main Street, Fort Mill, S. C. After December 1, office will bo closed every Monday. Terms, strictly cash. The Charlotte Observer Nnith Carolina's Foremost Newspaper. Ripper and more attractive than ever, it is Jill ill Vlll illlltlo vici f nr tl*n tiio othce, tho club or tlio work room. THE OBSERVER Contains all tho news of tho world. Has tho Associated Dispatches; special correspondents at tho State and National Capitals and an experienced corps of correspondents throughout tho State. The Daily Observer f weenekay* Is $h per annum; $1 for six mouths; for three months. Tli^ Semi-Werkly Observer, A perfect family journal. All tho news of the times. Only $1 per annum. Sample Copies of Either upon Application THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. n?l cur to U salesman you an advertiserspaper wliich ong people expect trade? I township are ' Slily by IMES. /? S?For EVERY DAY USE Steady Habits ip or smoko, or cause von ^ up that looks when f y V < lamp that you itovor will- J ^ it ; that s 7 V Rochester. \mm( i you as "just as (jo<xl ? - , hut for all around pjCJJJpl S'< w Rochester, T<> make |Md&jjMJ outline. |<H>k for lire nuine r EmBk293 ) Varieties.) J HBU / In?I?* Notv. i . No matter whether you ^ >< old one repaired or rafln- C 'make of lamp transform >r we rail do it. Ug aa^ST]"Ijjr C ) trratmrnt of dUeasv* of -yf ation FKIiU. Vfl >t IIS Park l'lare A S3 Karrlay St., New York.