rT / i lMBp -y v^f-- ; ' "*'V..
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Writes About His Experience As a
Grip Patient.
Orandchildrcn to Watch the Clock
for Time to "lake the Medicine ?
Reads the Papers.
This is a bright and blessed morning
I feel better?a good deal better. Think
1 ...ill ...rlln o 1 ,,1'Dn r,r Iwn nf II (TV I V
If a slelc man lias good surrounding
it boats medicine, Hood cheerful company
to call and not stay long?g od
children to sympathize and watch vim
clock for medicine titno, good grandChildren
to conic and kiss you and go
to and from and talk and make a
noise ; n good wife to scold you and
tell how imprudent you have been, and
a good doctor to look at your tongue
and choke you with a spoon handle so
as to see away down the esophagus.
But nature has the best of medicines
stowed away in the blessed sunshine
that gives life and vigor to everything
animal and vegetable and revives the
droouinr spirits of the sick. It has been
n. loug anil Uanl winter?the coldest
ana most disagreeable onn hundred
consecutive days that we have had for
years. How i enviey the good people
of Florida while I read Tom Sawyer's
rhapsodies in the Clear Water paper
over the advent of spring with Its
peach tre es and yellow jessamine perfuming
tlie balmy air with their fragrant
blossoms. But it is coming?
gentlo spring is not far away now and
a day like this is its harbinger. If it
were not for the daily catalogue of horrible
things that headline the daily papers
even a sh:k nian could I e caltu and
serene on such a day as this. An aged
country friend told me that he had quit
taking Hip daily papers for it distress- j
od him to read sucii things. "I haven't !
long to live." said he. "and I don't j
wish to rloiul my mind with a daily re- ,
cord of human misery." But most all
people have to mix up with tho affairs
of rations and of men and keep posted
about verything that happens. We
can t skip the bad and read the good
only. There is a fascination about horrible
things that we cannot resist. They
arc tho llrst things we look for. They
excite our pity or our indignation or
our wonder. Our childhood began that
way for wo never tired of Jack the
Giant Killer an l Rawhead and BloodyBones
and Robins hi Crusoe. And now
the editor of the press dispatches carelessly
looks over the little slips that
are laid upon his desk and reads "Another
explosion in the mines?one hundred
killed;" "Another railroad wreck
?thirteen killed," and then regimes
the little anecdote lie was narrating to
a friend. We are all growing ease
hardened to pain and grief and suffering
for the same reason that the surgeon
becomes ease hardened to the
pain of his patient.
But ever and anon some now horror
come along that shocks humanity and
nstounds the world. I read throe long
columns last night about the horrors
of adulterated food in Paris and how
IS.(100 infants died the last year from
poisoned n.ilk. How the great Incorporat<
d dairy companies in the suburban
towns have to deliver SOO.OOO quarts
every night. It Is skimmed before it
is canned and then i& watered 20 per
cent htfore. it. is put on the cars. On
arrival at their depots it is delivered
in cans to SOO milk boys (gareons) who
get $1.'I0 a night and as much more an
they can make by watering the milk
from the hydrants that are supplied
from tlin rivrr Seine, tlie filthiest river
In all France. One hundred doteetivos
nvp employed to watch these hoys, but
the boys have detectives, too, and aro
seldom eaeght or arrested. The mine
Intendent of police savs it is impossible
for one hundred men to follow and
watch fight hundred boys and he. now
asks foe two thousand. This watered
milk quickly sours and by the time it
Is delivered to the retailer at day break
It. has to bn watered again with a solution
of bicarbonate of soda. This is
the. milk that supplies nil Paris, and
Is daily fed to infant children and In a
brief time they take cholera Inantum
or diarrhea and die. The medical faculty
all testified that this milk caused
the death of over 1S.000 infanta in
Paris in one year and the mortality
was on the increase, and this does not
Include the deaths of children over ono
year old. These eight hundred bova
are organized into a powerful syndicate
for protection and d >f :i.cv Each
pays into their treasury $1 a week,
making n total of f 1 1,000 a month with
which to pay lawyers' fees and fines
and (he wages of those in jail and to
bribe the city detectives not to catch
them when watering the milk. They
water It while the wagons are on the
go-pumping in behind with cans ot
water. The milk suspect 1 is tuia* it
over to the city chemists, who analyze
and report that if the beys are arreted
most of tlx ni escape punishment in
some corrupt way. lint none are discharged.
They go b:i k n? once into the
company's service. P.ut Paris is ar ur.od
ap it never lias been and devl.*.i'-a
th.? death dealing business shall ho
hi'< icc-i no if it t:tki-si t w i 1 ti Hiot. T,.1 i.. I
tertivcfl to pursue tho eight hundred
boys. "Our children are fed en nttcrobos
from tho river Seine," is now on every
tongue. Other citi?s have taken
up tho cry and notion and Dunkirk
show larger death rate of tnfant.sthan
Paris, and now thew say no wander
tho population of Franco .s decreasing
Instead of increasing. We are poisoning
three fourths of all tho children
before they are n year old and half the .
remainder soon after. Seine water, ml- j
crobcs and bicarbonate of soda!
This exposure comes from late otl*cial
sources ami is no doubt the truth
or very near it. Just think of It and
shudder?18.000 innocent, helpless babes
murdered in one year in one city.
Tom Hood wrote a song about the poor
sewing women that aroused all London.
If he wcro alive In Paris now
what a pitiful subject he would have
for another song. What a shame upon
, our sex. for it is not women who do
these tilings, but men and boys. The
mothers suffer In giving thorn birth
They nurse and cherish and clasp the i
little things to their bosoms and love!
and hope and pray, but the destroyer'
comes ana men ail she can do is to i
grieve ami weep. England slaughter-1
Ins the Boers and Franco her Innocent 1
children. What next?
A graphic writer in The New York J
Press describes a different kind of hoi -.
ror that wo know not of. but is a llv ;
ins. breathing, seething thing that is
not new but has come to stay and
grows bigger and more horrible as th?
>ears move on. He says: "It would
have been unnecessary for Gustav Pore
to follow Dante for a text in order to
picture the horrors of hell." The government
has established free baths at
Hot Springs, where thousands of th?
most miserable of all God's creatures
congregate and bathe for relief and a '
care from their loathsome diseases.
These wretches leave their rags upon
the cemented iloots which are an inch
deep in water, then stagger or reel or
crawl naked as the fiends in the chambers
of hell. From thence they crowd
Into a third room where the water and
the air is up to 110, and the stench of
foul odors is horrible. In this room are
two large pools like vats in a tan yard,
and the victims tumble Into them like
hogs into a mud puddle. No doctor, no
soap, no towels, no attendants and they
are soon hurried out to make room for
mere, for seven hundred u duy is the
maximum. Ten. fifteen or twenty at a
time soak their loathsome infirmities
in the nasty, filthy, hot healing waters,
and then recloth themselves with their
wet rags and go somewhere to dry. All
are benenttcd and 10 per cent are cured.
What a picture! Their lives, such
as they have made them, are not worth
saving, but they cling to them and live ,
in hope and defy despair. One hundred t
and seventy-eight thousand of these I
hllT?flt1 hnlnivc 4 1 '
|>anocu I III 1 11-',!! lilt' 15'C<*
baths last \car. One bath room It; for
white mcti, one for white women, one
for negro men and one for negro women.
Not far away is a magnificent hotel,
and there is a fashionable ball going
on. The rule, the gay, the elite are
there. One moment a man is waltzing
with his wife, the next with s :mo other
man's wife, the next with somcbodv's
mistress. Everything goes, and
all is hell. A famous physleian took
his daughter there this season, but scut
her homo quickly to keep hrn* from the j
company of wealthy and diseased para- \
sites Almost every one who goes there I
legisters under an assumed name and
plays incognito during liLs stay. A
southern judge was recently railed upon
for a toa?t at a hotel banquet and
said: "Here's to the names we left behind
us." Rut the half has not been
told?some of it is too bad to tell. Every
night the poker rooms are in blast
and thousands won and lost. The reader
ponders and wonders "ua such
tilings be in this Christian land, and in
this Clod's country. Verily, the. humble
and the poor who live around us on
the hills and in the valleys or down
in the piney woods should he thankful
for the health and morality that comes
from poverty. Burns never wrote a
truer verse than that which says:
"And I know by the smoke that so
graceful 1> curled
From among the dark elms that a
cottage was near.
And 1 raid to m\self if thice's peace in
this world.
The heart that is humble might hope
for it there."
? Bill Arp, in Atlanta Constitution.
LA301 WCRL3.
r.iciac coast batters arc insisting OP?:i
the union label.
Many union painters are ou strike in
Chicago for higher wages.
A strike among the granite workers
in New England is probable.
The French Chamber of Deputies
las adopted the cight-liour bill for
The hrlckmakers and plasterers' of
Council Bluffs. Iowa, have organized
a trade union.
The Granite Cutters* Vnicn. of St.
Cloud. Minn., have adopted a uew wage
bc-ale of $3.25 per day.
The organized hook and joh p. in ^ :s
of New York City have been givi a a
tub; tautial advauce in wages.
Chicago school teachers are making
a lullor light against the pi ,? a? oil
twenty per cent, reduction in sahiiics.
Ti e city bureaus of San Francisco
have been forced to employ more.men
in order to comply with the eight hour
The masons of Vnl ncia. Spain, arc
f]|.) lil'Ot AC.. ..o*....!* --
ui^.iuiAuuo i in in .1 ( Mjiui y
to sticcesoiuily Htrike tor an eightjliuur
The novprnmrnt printing olllcpj fast
approaching < i.iphilrn, v. ill l?c the
largest it.- .tuition of Its kind id the
The coal trln rs at Proad Cove, Cape
Pi . ton, have struck n second tone
wl.hi.i two months tor lue;fca.scU
The hill for the restriction oPwIiiM
labor in the cotton mills of .s ?nth i'.i.mUna
has been rejected a.-.ala l.y ti:
State Legislature.
The Cloak maker."?* I'n' >n. rf Mew
York City, las . part tl (lint (shout
GhOO clonkmakc.s have reach? ! an
agreement as to wages and < un/itlons
for the early spring work without
strikes, in m cordnnce r/iih a plan oi
arbitration a. raU? J for ..eveiai v. ck:ayo.
The Counties Stand About as They
Will Remain.
Twenty-second Day?The House had
the Trust bill under discussion during
the entire clay, both morning and evening
sessions being devoted to its consideration
without accomplishing any
tangible results. Th- amendments offered
were all voted down an<l a motion
to strike out the enacting words was
lost by a goed majority.
Twenty-third Day?The House did
buf little business outside of routine
business. There was much discussion
'.n at.? A. A. ? * * -
iivt i nit* matters 01 rc-aiBiricung tau
st:\te. but tho senate bill finally passed
as! given in these columns.
IT venty-fourth Pay?When the nppiopriation
bill cam-- up for third
re'id'ns Mr. Harvey Wilson, chairman
offered nil amendment to increase tho
appropriation for print ng from $12,000
to $20,000. The. code must bo printed
th'is year, he explained, and that will
make the difference. The amcndmcr.
was agreed to.
The house further agreed to the
amendment to provide $'J95 additional
to have the code printed on strong r
paper on which the acts are now
There wrro no other amendments
offered and the bill pasted third readi|
g and was sent to the senate.
< A night session was held, but nothing
of general interest was dispatched.
The house adjourned till Friday.
10 a. m.
Twenty-fifth Day?Doth the "supply
bills" were given second reading in the j
HlIouse. The proposed drainage law
li as killed as was Mr. DeBruhl's bill to
require all foreign corporations locating
to do business In this State to take
out charters in this State. The House
Also passod the bill to require county
hoards of education to name the teachers
In the county summer schools and
the several bills to give relief to certain
townships which voted bonds In aid of
the Greenville and Port Koyal road? |
wnicn was never built.
The House was in session nearly
eight hours and began to got the heavy
bills out of the way. There will bo '
many bills to die on the calendar, how- i
ever, because they cauuot be taken up
in time.
Twenty-second Day?There was n
long an<1 at times oxcltini; debate in
the Senate over the rcdistrioting bill.)
The measure, as it passed the House.!
finally passed its second reading in tlv
Senate, with the single amendment
that Clarendon is taken from the
Seventh district and placed In thCFitSi
district. It Is thought that this amendment
will be agreed to by >the Hons"
and that the bill will be ratified In this
Senator Gruber offered tin amend
which would have materially !
changed the First, Second and I
Seventh districts, but after a long debate
tlie amendment was lost. When
Senator Mayfleld undertook to have
Edgefield and Salncla placed i n separate
districts. This brought forth a spirited
protest from Senator She pard, who
carried his point, and Edge field and
Saluda remain side by side In the Second
The redisricting bill, as it passed
the Senate yesterday, arranges the Congressional
districts as follows:
First District?Charleston, Berkeley,
Colleton. Clarendon and Dorchester.
Second District?Aiken, Bamberg.
Barn well. Beaufort, EdgefleU}, Saluda
and Hampton.
Third District Pickens. Oconee. Anderson.
Abbeville, Greenwood ajnd Newberry.
Fourth District?Laurens. jSportaubuirg,
Greenville and Union.
Fifth District?Cherokee. Chester,
York. Fairfield, Kershaw, Chesterfield
and Lancaster.
Sixth District?Marlboro, Marion.
Horry. Darlington, Florence, Williamsburg
and Georgetown,
Seventh District?Richmond!, Sum
nr.. urar.grburg and Lexington
Twenty - third Day ? The Senate
spent tho day on the question! of appropriations.
The bill as given elsewhere
in these columns was , passed
without material change.
Twenty - fourth Day ? The (Senate
was in session more than six hours,t
but during that time no great number1
of matters was acted upon? debute being
the order of the day. Nearly all
of the morning was consumed in the
consideration of the hill to provide for
a commission to settle the boundary
line dispute between Greenville and
Spartanburg. The bill was klllied.
At the night session Senator Mayfield's
bill to provide for the establishment
of a state fertilizer plant was
killed.as was also a joint resolution,
which had beforo passed the houac, for
the appointment of a committee (jo Investigate
tho feasibility of so. h a
scheme. j
The bill to make domestic fowls subject
t'? the provisions of the general
stock law was also killed hv a refusal
to ad id! the report of the frre Conference
committee, which had tho bill in
The free conference committee re-,
ported on the house on the "chicken
1)111." Tho committee reported in fa
vor of the hill as it left the house, rejecting
the senate amendment. The
senate had proposed to make the provisions
of the bill apply to chickens as
well as other domestic fowls. *i'ho
house want* d to exempt chickens.
There was a lot of good n at it red discussion
of tho report and the vnta nn Um
committ< "'.s r spore was about to1 ho
taken when tlie senate went ovpt whrrt
that it had rejected the froo eon'erencr
commit lee's report. The ho^iae
followed suit, and the hill is daad.
The following new biila were Introduced
Dy Senator Mayfleld, to amend tj^e
. ; . I
art regulating tho rate of interest upon
contracts arising in this state for tho
other commodity.
By the committee on 'drainage, to
provide for cleaning out the streams
and draining the swamps and bottom
lands of this state.
The committee to which was referred
ihe bill to establish I.ee county reported
favorably on its passage. Tho
objections which were urged against
the bill, and which at one time threatened
to defeat it. have been found to be i
not substantiated, and the bill will now
lie passe 1 without further interefcrnce.
Twenty-fifth Hay.?When the Senate
met an agreement was made to consider
only unoontentestcd matters. By
this arrangement a great many Mils
that have been on the calendar fur days
were advanced. A few hills oniy got
their third reading, but ">7 second read* j
ing hills were acted upon.
A Substitute Meisure Against Chemical
In the Scnato Monday Mr. llender- I
son, for the majority of the committee :
on judiciary, made a report on Senator
Graydon's bill to debar the Virginia- j
Carolina Chemical company fiom do- i
ing business in this State. The repoct !
recommends the passage of a substitute
hill, which is us follows:
A bill withdrawing permission from
the Virginia-Carolina Chemical company
to do business in this State ex
w)/(. U|/Uil LU7 VWllUllUMl^ IUTl'111 BUlll tttl. |
Whereas. the Virginia-Carolina j
Chemical company. a corporation
formed under the laws of the State of
Now Jersey, did on the 22nd day of
January, 1900, file with the secretary
of Staite of this Statu the papers necessary
to onablo it to do business in the
State ns a foreign corporation, and
Whereas, the said foreign corporation
previous to the tiling of said palter
did violate the laws of this Slate
and has in other respects violated tno
taws of this State and
Whereas. every corp* ration chartcred
under the laws of tins Stiu'e is
subject to the right of non-ndment, alteration,
?:? 1 epeal 1 y tlx - general as
acmbly of tV.e r >? . th -refero,
llo it enacted by t!' yere ?! r.. srm- j
Idy <if the Stale of S u;h Caro it..;:
Section 1. Th' t tie- permit or porn:
ion t;? do b. ri:i .in ibis State by
the Virginia-Carolina Chemical company
lie, ami it is hereby, re ok: d. t ?
take effect on the ls? day of May, 1902.
Provided, liowcv r. That this abolition
of said p.-iinit shall not take effort if
b< .ore sad date the said company or
its stockholders shall eiiiier take out
o charter from the secretary of State
under the laws of this S'ato a.? a <;>>tuesMe
corporation. or file a stipula
nun wun tae secretary of State, to ti e
at ci Llv.it void corpoiation will abide
by all lawh and regulations of tills
St'.ate now existing or hereafter enactod
relating to domestic corporations of
like charter, and a bond in the penal
si>in of $:.0.000, with sureties to i ( unproved
by the .seoretary of Stat . viditioned
to pay said rum absolutely if
raid company shall in any way fiis t ?
pay any fines and penalties now <; te
to tlio State or observe any of it . laws
r.pplieable to domestic corporation, or
attempt to question the jurisdiction of I
the State courts.
Senator riarnwell. fi>r a minority of
the committee, made an unfavorable
report on Senator Graydon's bill and
declined to recommend *lhc .substitute
hill, holding that neither plan was applicable
to tin* circumstances.
S'ate Sunday School Convention.
The following official announcement
fir ii *:i made, dated at Newberry:
T * Castors and Superintendents.
The South Carolina Sunday School
association will be convened in an-(
nu a I session in n- ? "
...? nil UUlIt *J. t
M irth llfi-JT. A very interestine eonvontion
is proniis< d. 111 addition to
prominent ami forceful speakers anil
Sunday school workers or our own
Stat*.*, wo will have with us. as the
representative of the International executive
committee. Mr. ('has. I> Meigs
of Indianapolis, I ml one of the foremost
Sunday sc liool workers of the
great West. Mr. Meigs will discuss
topics of great interest to the Sunday
schools. Ait this forthcoming convention
delegates will he elected to the
1 titli International convention to l>n
held in Denver. Col., next June. We
appeal to the Christian people of our
beloved commonwealth wh < are specially
Interested in this great cause to
idrnflfy themselves with this organized
movement to the end tint it t:.o
convention may be an assured success.
Let pastors aril superintendents tako
up this matter at once, with their
teachers, presenting the great n " ml of
larger equipment and tl;. be - 'its to I
ho derived by attendance upon all (he j
sc. sions of th<? convention. Tin rail-1
loads will extend the usual courtesy
of reduced rates. The good people of
Oret nwood will entertain all rt .{legates.
For programmes audrcsa Win. F. l'olliam,
chairman executive coniinitLe.
A Suicide.
flreenwooil, (Special)- News has I
r. aelud li re t f a suit tdo in the low r |
ii.mi in iih> county. I'.lrs. Sral'>in
Rush, a n.arri. <1 lady about 30 y cars
old, committed suicide last Wednesday
by shooting herself In the h" 11.
Sho had been in bad h< alth for some
time. Last y ar a little child of hers
was burnrl to death, and four ycars
ago nccid( ntally shot him.self while
A I??.|iiocrallr orirltil.
Olo Hansen, the peasant who has
been appointed the minister of agriculture
in the Dutch cabinet, looks after
all the work of his farm, and even
personally feeds the cows in the
? !
Appropriation Bill ns Passed By the
The following are the estimated
Items of expense for the State government
for the next year as allowed by
the House committee:
Governor's Office?Salary of gover- I
nor. $3,000; salary of private secretary, !
51,350; salary of stenographer. $ 100;
salary of messenger, $400; contingent
fund, $5,000; stationery and stamps,
$300; total $10,-130.
Office of Secretary of Slate?Salary
of secretary of .State. $1,000; salary of
fhicf cleric, $1,350: extra clerk hire, j
$1.2')0; contingent fund $200; station- 1
pry and stamps. $500; hooks and j
blanks. $350; Intnl. *?"..?
Oftlee of Comptroller Central Sal- j
nry of eomptroller neral. $1,000; |
salary of hookkeeper. $1.to0; salary of i
auditing elork. SI.400; eontingent fund.
$200; stationery and stamps. $.100,
printing. $"00; total $7,300.
State Treasurer Salary of State
treasurer. $1,000; salary of ehiof clerk,
$1,500; salary of hookkeeper, $1,350;
salary hookkeeper. loan department,
$1,350; contingent fund, $250; stationery
and stamps. $20.1; printing bonds
ami stock, $.">00; total. $7,050.
Offien of Superintrndont of Education
Salary of superintendent of education.
$1.1)00; salary of clerk. $1.2000;
contingent fund. $200; stationery and
stamps. $f>00; books and blanks for
public schools, $1000; expenses State
board of education, $200; traveling expenses
superintendent of education,
$::0<); stenographer and typewriter,
$100; total. $5,XC0.
Office Adjutant and Inspector General?Salary
adjutant and inspector
general. $l,f>00; salary of clerk. $1,200;
salary of State armorer and help. S2"i0;
contingent fund and armory r* nt. $",00; j
stationery and stamps. flT.n; exoens-s i
office and
.i. in-. re- |
pairs on armory at Ileaufort. $90; for
maintenance militia. $10,000; tot t>, :
$ it.240.
Oril-e of Attorney c-niornl Salary of |
attorney general. ?' 'mrt; salary of assistant,
$1,250; i nnt in . rt fund. $150; '
stationery ami stamps. *75; i xp uses
litliMtion. $2,000; total, $5,475. |
Office of State Librarian -Salary of |
State librarian, $S0O; contingent fun 1.
SIr.o; stationery and stamps. $P.0o: for
purchasing and binding books. $100;
total. $1,250.
Railroad Commissioners- Salary.
700; secretary. $1,200; stenographer,
rent, etc.. $750; printing. $250. (This
appropriation is advanced and is to bo
returned by tlie railroads, express and
tolecrrapb companies.)
Pension Department- For pensioners.
$200,000; salary of eierlc. $000; stationery
and stamps. $120.
Phosphate Inspector Salary of phosphate
inspector, $1,200; expenses of
board. $200.
Keeper of State TTotise and Grounds
? Salary of two watchmen. $900; salary
of janitor. $100; salary of engineer,
seven months. $75, five months, .>25.
$050; salary of firemen ($215 each)
$190; contingent fund. $210; fuel f >r
State house. $1,200; repairs on State
house, $25o.
.nmicini Department -Salary of Justice
Mclver. <?f Y. J. Pope. A. J., of
Ira 13. Jonrs. A. J. and of Eugene II.
Hary, A. .1.. at. $2.S.70 cacli; total. $11.100;;
salaries of oleht circuit judees.
$21,000; salaries of oiplit circuit solicitors.
$11.0.70; rode commissioner. $100;
salaries of oiiilrt circuit stenocrr inhcrs
$10,000; salary of State reporter. ? 1 .-no;
salary of clerk of supreme court. $K00;
salary of librarian supreme c ourt. $800;
sat iry of stenographer supreme court,
StOO; salary of messenger supremo
court. $200; salary of attendant su?>rerne
court, $200; continent funl.
$700; purchase books supremo court
library, $700.
Health Department- Expenses main
taininc fpiarantine station at Chnrlegfon.
SI.000; sa'ary quarantine office,
Charleston. $1.0.70; salary ouaranflno
office. Port ltoyal. S700; expense* two
stations at Port Roval, $.100; salary
quarantine of St. Helena. S700; expenses
nuarantino station St. Helena,
51 ."0; salary quarantine officer tjeoriretown,
$f.TO; expenses quarantine station
at tleorsetown. ?!">(); salary keeper
of Lazaretto. $200; salary keener
hospital huildines at Port Itoval. S177;
for the purpo e of carrying out t!u> n"t
esfnhlishine the State hoard of lumlth,
52.200; clerk hire, State hoard of
health. $200; to quarantine the Stato
;x'iin t ronfaijlous and infectious diseases,
Tax D partmcnt-County auditors,
$"."..'00; printing hooks and Id-inks,
county auditors and treasurer. $2 700.
St.it" Colic .us Support of South
C;.v, ;> a ,!!< $rs 107: support of
'' >1 i d Nortn.iu and Industrial college
at Oi-; v. c hur.r. 5\ 700; su: -mrt of bencflda;
y < a lets at Citadel. $2.7 000.
Wiptbrnu V irrnal and Industrial Colic;
$.70 eoe; for - hoi irships. $7.-170.
St'to Hospital for the Insane?Salary
or superintendent SJI.P-'-O; hoard of
re* nts. tier d>m ind nii 1 "are 51.200;
SUmiort of. $120,000; renntra nn.l im
I.r Yftr.. nf $10,000:': deficit 1001, $11,f20j
In: ; fO.O'
1> and IV.'n.l Vvliin Snni
?2i1.O'?0; f 1 ?r Imwrfivcnnonts,
; -,;i
] . TV t' Mliory Salary of <upcr"> '
' ' f ' ') c.iji! I'M ft' 1,
l.i.50; phjv cLim. $l,0r,0; chaplain,
<G'"'0; rlor'i, ?1.200.
c. i ' 1 : Sit] port of, $1,000;
u." < -Of: '.Is fil'f' K
Mis -c11:>T.) s '"or oomoiitteM ta rximlni'
I'on'.s of State treasurer. < irnptroller
r< iicral ail fdnk'nr; fu:i?1 corn
r It Vion. ?r>00; far committee to examine
books of penal anil charitable Institutions.
$"00; public printing. 812,<'(1;
to Prov'd<* for conipleMon of State
liouse, 5ir..otiO: Colnmbin water v.*ork?,
$2,000: sa'artea supervisors registrar
tion. ? 12.000.
Special fund for attorney general
(ant!-*rust litigation). 53.000: rsnt of
an office for State superintendent of
education. $:tr?0: for the payment of
detir to sinking fund commission for
i- -unlet in? State eapttot. 51 "..000; State
>> l of e iualt7atlon. $12,000: for pam
bl -t.; to tin distributed among politic
. in.iis cv mho i-rcfil of health. $350;
r?r insurlnc stewards* hall. $120; for
Fouth Carolina room in the Confederate
museum at Richmond. $100; ro;?..lrs
and improvements governor's
. :.mi : ">n. t'J'O; claims passe 1. $'1,000;
for liuhtinu public huildinus. including
basement Slate honse. $0,000; Agricultural
and Mechanical sorl'ty. ^1.200.
Interest to Accrue -On R. 11. O. at
!' . $5.587.135.20?$251.731.58; on Blue
? 100.000 at 4Vi $18,000; on Vrriciltural
(ollc::1 stock. Clotnson and Clallin,
S1O1.S00 $11 .50S; on $5S.r>39.30; Clemson
collctre nerpctual stock, $1 ">12.26;
total, $284,754.94.
l'ast due interest likely to accrue,
M'li? Crowa I'rir.ce of Japau uay
visa iho l llileil stales.
The Kill}; of Siai 1 will nut visit
Amnio.i tins comini; autuiua.
Andrew Carnegie lias been oleolt-w
a member of tlie l.otnlou Kel'urui Club.
Dr. \V. h'ewanl Webb w ill bo a candidate
for bicun.uaiw-Cioveruor of Yeraioot.
ITince Henry. after returning from
the Lulled M.iu.s, will celob.alo the
?luaticr-conuuaiy of bis ae?.vico m tbo
Ccruiau Isa.y.
John 1>. Kucbcfeller will give ?10,0(10
to 11 it nut i.ui.so, a settlement institution
at l i.-\etaiiil, t"lwo. provided the
toa. .;;,t tin in raises .^io.uOU.
M (1 ti'ial It. .M. Yi nug has
"\ en . i ii . an n> ilie . crioiary ot War
v uc lac id si 1'icsiil lit of l lie newly
A.n y tiiir * nil to Le lov.
11 .1 \\ as ? i.jio.; nan aclts.
f r ?a..:i-j it. .'.lei*, wan, of AI
i i. \ . a . u . n a ;io? u.ar acel'
1.1 on1 o !: . i..'. l>4i: ihii a jjaic be
\va Ihioivii lo ti.? gioimd ny ilia
v. . I aial in< i.-in. ai.ii was fraciu.cii
I .. v.' b'toUlUf' 1 * 4
l.y.n: a inn i. ; b'rvretu. v of
til 11... lit ... i.t . . .till , IIJ lilt O. I.I..ill .1
ri'tiii vtd 111 ..i sui nut limitative ssurcc^
will .-i. 1..0 iint.il .1 jiiii a. s.otva.t
ii.S I'm.Ill li. Ill 1.1.- I lilt It Ctal.S 1 t Uwt
Cull I'.i :i\ , i>l AcW lull*. City.
Citi"i:.l i in..-lull, upon win mi au
(?;it'. it i niii v .. . tii'i lut iiu (1 iu Kansas
c. y, .Mi>., ii'ttiitit, is iinpiuvmy. His
in., ii-iitii, liu.ii .1., naa asUcil the War
l?. i?aiiin til to i'?.i nil tlu> Ci-aiTU.a
l.-iitt1 itl ahs'ilea lit fee months.
1 ii'siat-al Ko'tsovi'll has liainotl the
folio winy ycuWcmcn to. members of
lho lU..ii\l oi S istiors to lite .Naval
Aci.-.li ui>: William Jluiicr Duncan,
New \t 1 .amis ik.wlc, l'liilatlclI'liia;
.tallica 11. .Way, I'laismoulh, X.
It.; I.. W. Mctiiu.ler, VieUsbttry, Miss.;
Iniyi-nc l.. /.unmetman, Cincinnati,
Dim.; Ceinye T. Winston, Kah-iyh, X.
c., 1 taut...-, J?. Call, Tucouiu, Wash.
Tim Navy Department will cxpcii
nil 111 V\ li II I i'XSIS (III.
Over 7,OOf?.(MU lobsters were caught
up nil tin- Maine coast last year.
A general strike of all joli printers
in Itangor. Me., has been ordered.
1 luring the 1!KK) season of navigation
."..*.7 lake vessels passed the "Soe."
Italy promises to make a (lovertlinrnt
exhibit at the St. Louis l'lxposilioii.
The McKinley .Memorial Association
of tlie Stale of New* York iias raised
s ,i a i' i.
Nearly "000 men are at work on t'.ia
site of the World's hair grouuc at
St. lands.
Suits for .$7.00,000 wi'I I e in'-'tpntfil
against New Yolk t hy for land taken
for reservoirs.
Ilritish Columbia has made no return
on tin' Krilish capital which has
been poured into it.
(lerinany has Imported as much as
?lo.ooo.nuo worth of apples in on year
and $J,rioo,ooo worth of iicars.
The picking of the rai in and strawherry
< reps in California is almost ?:ilirely
in the hands of tile Chinese.
An Australian has heeii swinging
eliii>- for twelve hours a day tor six.
days in titled: alou at LMin'iurgli, Scotland.
A move meat is on foot in Springfield,
Mas. .. i i g a up a I' .*i;.11 among
tii> i.i-it-l> its and iiiaiiUi'ael tirers to
protect themselves again t ftidicio rs
.or a.lverii i ienis in | . (.'grams ai d
li . r: in:.: thai, lias i.ut a known circulation.
li 'lend is a I. out i ? chiaiu home pile.
11 ing t hri. I i.iu of Denmark has. ailed
.or n.i extraordinary n. .cling of tha
Alihii g next sum i:er to c mushier a reform
of the constitution. A plan to
he s 'lhinilii d is lie? appointment of a
I'll" IcfiUUll. \vil<? Sll.lll l?" IK'
1 ti:siit41 ;1 Willi Ict''..iiui!c anil k 11:?11 iv"
ill ll'v iK jll V ilfc i 11.5 I V il <1 Cll Ct'pLH"
ii?( 1, . tli
'? f! t v. .i .i . ,i: our r.iival vosl'
. . ; <! yrny. but (ho Hritish
.i i 11 .1 <(i t > r.tlsiiod I hat
' vn . ' l> i ? 'i ?r lor warships. In
v. .. u i lim "lit. therefore. it i:t
is-. " < ii.inr -l painted
i ;i \.u In of rotors, rome of tho
!? In-c !?.',(?1<? ' reen.
: . < ii'ioi gray, .trul>. tv.i, yen green
or : ,y l