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Iir.m'o itoori OthblS. T* saloon Is g anti-American fccJ_ cause it is antlf. Tho vlvisootion ' spiritual things W'^ 8Ut'?ly Ki. 1 lESEi \\ \\wiVi it 13 better to fel V have heaven in \\ * A A your mind than |*Jv^ \S'r^k to havo your riVS?"^ mind in heaven. * I ? V* Christ is tlus focus that has gathered In and given out every ray of light the world has ever seen. He who comes Into touch with Christ, the center, touches every radii In tho circumference of civilization. Cruelty is one of the marks of cowardice. The world needs salnt3 more than sermons. Bravo hearts break out their own opportunities. Breadth of outlook dopends on elevation of life. People are not reclaimed by calling them uames. Personal salvation will solve the problem of society. Doing the will of the King i3 bringing in the Kingdom. God had to think out man before man could think out God. The new church believes in doing good as well as in being good. Time may be money, but money is neither time nor eternity. The truth is found only by those who are willing to lose their theories. The hands will not point tho right hours without the main-spring of right motives. Better to suffer for being ahead of youi times than to be lost for being behind them. The orcaphpr whn atrvila Ma otnln trras ia likely to have troublo with their clothes. A I.o?nou on Lnhstcrf. The methods of public school Inrtructlon. cs applied In New York city,, do l.ot always meet the approbation of the parent3 of the pupils, us was evidenced tho other day when n German woman of commanding flguro strode into tho school, and, approaching the principal, demanded: "What it is. a lobster?" Tbo principal poiitely c?:platnod that a lobster was a spccioa of chellfiah. "Veil, bow many legs lias it ?dls lobster?" Tho number of legs was stated. "Veil. I work me for a tiurry, and If your teacher cannot flr.a better dings than to aak my boy Jakcy bow many legs baa It. a lobster, and make him come homo to boducr h'.s fadder mit questions, 'Whnt It is, a lobster?' It ia pad peesness."?Vouth'c Companion. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, \ f<**l Tl!r>? ai ion villa nnl 8;\nuinthi Hwtu.a Titan nt.Oibn.- i'ojnta. Schedule in RflT-ot n,th. Il. l. y ? V;i,r |uuj;l'>i.iiy ^v. n Tl*. i'l.... ~7! bYi-nuntth i.-io. Hjr. I v.;?| 1 - 5WW facp 41<? ., lVti'' l-i' ?-> ? Ar. Oolnmbia 6tout 8ta? , .. CvTuharoe.tin, <jmi. Uy j tui ilwp Summitryil a T 4lr U'yjnt Mi iuichv.j.u i o i? ,?i Ojivnwy.ii .. , y - .4.4a ? Vvli.ifvil.i I J . '11 AL-Vl" ""'bia II liii 5 ?w? Cv. An .1114.u, uy. | ' ,kiV ;>.>-n kv. Ulft.utuviUi aiivp MI..J, l-v. Ailu ri 3u"?i? l:7' 'fr.?l,on slip ii?n> Johnston 4o.,, |j a,,, .... Ar-5,A,!*uJ?h!,h.- __ Mf.p J lull Cv. Oo umtiiu, .Miuu .It O-v-'p lira Vtintmboro Otop 7 i'xi ClxM ?-r 7;'iP 8 Kn - !<? ><:u uui 1.4 5,VS *r.OJiirluile lljj. HUfli l?5 -u Ar t?iiivll.r 7. l7+~a "j~-J~, Ay. tiicnininni . " T7~T' V. J./, 7f i ,p ~ Ar. Wa^inx.IHi | tfjjp T777I ? ('J-E;<) ; v l " 11 '* 'V 'WlAiHlihla ill .in 'J It'ii -New V ?rk. 1 iuW c . LvTuo nmbin .. ~ n ;l,n- 7 ?v.? "7777! At. bpart*iil?urB a i0,. i0 Avv Aimevli.o 7 lip Jfr/p Ar. Kmixvii i- TJop .... Ar. Ihucmn.i i 7.wp h~|.a! ... Ar.lxn.4vii.-i . ..! I". ..J Vj.'.l' ouT.rn |No. ;ijN'o.a'Vj L>ally |!_>nily| t/onH.-j ~ 77 |jig.j f,,~, f.v. oiiKMiipti i r~ ~r TTvi,l i i .Cv.'Kuoxvti"77. iL.;, h'd 7777 AHn?vii..i 7 0:? :M*?P tgMirmutuirv Ua:>ii r. Ar. Oantnblti . m&Fl wajpj ? ?wi:?fi?7rt.*ii>''."7*.7. bitup'izitaTZ777! Huc,y o6u? lyiiUijiorH n t?T. w?M"ki^n (So.fty) 9 .vj(, i j iTJij Ly. Ktcnuio n .. . " u ui\> lA.iriil . . . j'V. c J juV? <|.! " Cv. Onariot ? i? ii ~y "7777 Hook Hill y 1.x, U4rt. ? U ^ ?U ?4In! 11 15p laa-4? i.MHn Ar. Ooiwiwrfii. iHMirSt.. 11 :c? 1 ,?,? ''* 0<?iurai>.a,(T/I l>.7.ll7\jJtn ?5 ?, 777T JphnHf., M0i> ,10.x, J ?ritoa | o ;nu, Ar. Aikrn a slop 7 itui Ar. Wi-aniiorllle ^k?l|> iiin Ar. A?mm n tOf 743n 'iT- m Ivy | iiui' T.Tn 77777 Kl-iRrilu, iM,l. J ; Ojnnjjobnru 4 :n:,n * Rjnii.-h/li,e 5r>,, ,v.j, 7* Suaimervl.lo ?4?j, t, r,7n Ar. Onnr.oxon ... 7ao> ;,KW xumiuimou. n/.l 11 -l i i !.?l .... i " fcltnrkviile , 1AJ..I I * Kirnwo i 1 ICpj lly.ii ** Savannuli 8?i&p 4 .V.* ..... At. Junk t ?nvi''o t p. -i.> V 4 nt f I'n aleomns car ScrvloA. Kxoollont dully paiwagvr sorvico (wtwwi. Flu/idx and Ne.v York. K?m. U? iifl'i #4?Now York and Florida Eu j.Tors. I.Tntvluvroo.n r .eo,>l;i; cur t !?> vtckii A-.ijjr.ntn and Now York. Puiiinim room * loo ciir-i \?- wjcij Port 'i"?rn'.?. .lAck ,?i?mi?. .^itvunnn.i VYanhiuiftokiami Vow Yoik Fuhnmu t> re inxcnrn l>e woon Ohnrlotionno tiichmo.m und ' 'narlott? and .Norfo k. IMuin; e?i\ri botwun i hw?oue ana dtiTtnsah. Not. :<? u nl ...?*t.T. S. run Man. Thron?h IHdiiuau dittrinirruom buffo* wo? our* betwvou Jnoiccruvillc nnd Now York Mid Pull fliuu .? ca. i.itr cnru between Auguuia auii Char lotto nntl Chnr.ottc and hichmoud. Diatu; oar* tarwiui luoutu o.?oiv* Pnnman n.oop iniC oaru iMiWren .lack-* uivillo aud Columbia mrouto (inky bo.woou Juolfuon villa andCuKin bad, via AshavilM. Fit *NKb.UA*!NON, b. H.HARDWIOK, TblrUV-P.Atrtii. U;r., (ten. Pa? an*., a a*htn*lun, I). C. WusMti* ton, D. C JV. H 1A .Ot K. W. H JN1> fcjft lion. I Raw. A n't., Div. Pawn. Atlanta. Ui '^urlojiao. d. G. Newspapers In tn?tish Lead the World. J Book News thus summarizes thtuicwsjNep;'rs of the world: "That English- f speaking people are the greatest news- * paper readers is shown by the fact that considcrablv more than one-half of all the newspapers published in the world ^ arc printed in the English language. 1; is csumaieu mat mere arc now tully fifty thousand newspapers published in the world; of this number the United States and Canada issue nearly 21.000, Great Britain about 8,000, Germany 6.000, France over 4.000. Japan 2.000 Italy 1.500, Austria-Hungry 1.200. Spain 1,000, Russia 800, Australia 800 Greece 6jo. Switzerland 450. Holland 300, Belgium 300. About 2.000 morfarc published in other parts of the world." iTJollirrs, Pid you eyeru** O >ossO'.t.khu IjtmwRWT Tor your liltle one*-? You should never oe without ?}?U remedy?h ?'D*? n 11 m*hw end |>ni:i?. Wigg?"Is D'Auber a successful artist?'" Wags?"Well, I underata-nJ be once draw a prize In a lottery." Every one is 1 ?-tu>r for eoud resolutions, eveu if too vr' Hk to k?.e;> them. Mo. 2. *???? lifri-, Pitt vou ??ver u*e Ooosr. C.hkarb I.iKtXEirr for 1 your iluI? oner? You rhoulit nov?r be wl< bout C ibla roiiio y? It cures all acbea uu>1 jaius- , Twwmm] Makes an Important Statement < of Interest to All Women. " Deah Mks. PiNKnAM :?Tho hon- < est, intelligent physician is al-ore the ] 'School.' Whatever is best, in each case should l?e used, no matter to what school a physician belongs. I, as a matter of conscience, can only pre DR. WASATA, ?f I.anslng, Mich, scribe the l?st, and as 1 know and have ; proven that there is nothing in Materia Modica which equals L/ydia E. Pink- ' hum's Vegetable Compound in severe cases of female disorders, 1 unhesitatingly prescribe it, and have 1 never yet been sorry. I know of noth- 1 ing better for ovariau troubles and for 1 falling of the womb or ulcerations ; it absolutely restores the utiocted parts to their normal condition quicker and ' better than nnything else. I hare known it to cure barrenness in wo- i men, wiio wuuy are nappy mothers of i children, and while the medical pro- \ fessiou looks dowu upon ' patents,' I < hare learned, instead, to look-up to : the healing1 potion, by whatever name It l>e known. If my fellow physicians i dared tell the truth, hundreds of them . would voice my eeatiments."? Dr. i Wanata, Lansing, Mich. , 93000 forfait if abece ta'tirrailal Is nzt ftruine. The record of Ijytlia IS. Pinlcliam*3 Vegetable Compound cannot be ] equalled. Accept no substitute. Mrr-. Pinkham advises sick women''%/2P. A'.ldre?s Lvnn, Mok3* ' tHHCln ipjf the oct1. 1 r Tlios, E. Mihtv* ? Estate colored lirg, the concliub^it^^^fl < f which, no folio PRICE. 25 c. I r 'coTn (Wi reTnovcs fr?ni the soil rm large quantities of Mil Potash. ^vtepV ^ ' j Ihc fcrtilijct ap\r\.~*<1 niust furnisli I.) ^T\ enough Potash, or the ' Mff . \ '3ni' '?SC 'tS Pr?~ % i uuwm^ |iuwuv ^ Keti! mrcfully o?r books f^V' i ?D C,?^"">ent /rt*. i GERMAN KAL1 WORKS, H 53 N??? York. j THUSfc i'.UNClihS & $& 1 look*, ip/lure hi* v?!n<> H?-ni"w th< m wi'h B l? nl ! ' Af>??r?i?Mi?. No CAM. NO WHITK MA1II NI*P! E. RAsY. Mullert U> y? nr wIPi Or. fianipla' Monk. > ifllrr rn. ? ? llr, Hli*rp ?i(4 ~ v Ini-ai.d .low in I'licm upon ncvlpt of 5 r. DR. A. C. DANIELS, 1 STAMrORDRT.. II ^TOA. .M\*8. M OlttS WHiltt AIL EUttFAlLS. P^T ||4 Bm OQ(h ir?p. TMNOOOI Cm W TO i> iirnr. fold by (IrnnlMn. |H SHOT DOWN IN A TRAIN ? t /*! % Dl^nl &K T A/) in Oio il I i nnr f\ f ttwil I IOH KOt W9U JM an Inoflensive Passong-er. LwnUnnli n?1d Up the Eo;lneer itid U?c?p id on tlio Locomotive?CaptaicU Near Home of tlio Leader. Memphis, Teuu.?Three men. headed >y Ashley Cocke, a wealthy planter roiu Cleveland, deliberately killed M. !hen, a passenger on a north-bound Cazoo and Mississippi Valley train, ust out of Leland, Miss., and then iompelled the engine driver to unrouple the locomotive and carry them 'nrther up the road, where they hoped o escape. All were captured several lours later. Cocke was accompanied by A. M. ?hipps. postmaster at Shelby, Miss.; L'oiu Lauderdale, a relative of rbipps, tud another man uauied Blackmail. Jocke had a revolver, Blackinan and Lauderdale carried rifles and Pliipps vas unarmed. When they boarded the train at Leand to go to Shelby, J. M. It lien, n rall oad engine driver, of Yicksburg, was >n his way to Tutwiler to take an eu;ir.e. He was asleep when Phipps (tumbled over him. awaking him. After a discussion the four men told Ilhea that he would have to get out of lie car. Rliea saw that the men were ippareatly intoxicated and started to ibey them. As he reached the door he three armed men tired on him and 12 fell, pierced by three bullets. The rain then returned to Leland with Lthcn's body. George McLouglilin, a conductor, went in search of policemen, who arrived In time to arrest Fliipps. Meanwhile Cocke and the other two men worn up to the engine driver, covered iiui with their weapons, made him uncouple his engine and carry them to ?helby. There rlie three men took another train and went to Cleveland, where they were all arrested. Indignation is Intense, especially against Cocke. whose exploits have made him notorious. He killed a negro only a few days ago. FATALIT ES FROM FLOODS. Men Tliflr Mio lit Cmrsla And Vlrclnla?Cunt Train Wreck. Philadelphia, Penn. ? Reports from ill parts of Eastern Pennsylvania showed that the rivers and creeks which became greatly swollen as a re ult of two days' continuous vain have 'alien. Although considerable damage lias been done, the losses will not be Treat, most of the flooded areas being ow lands along tlie Upper Schuylkill. Lehigh.and Susquehanna rivers. In the anthracite coal district a few of the mines were flooded, causing u suspension of work for the day. Atlanta, Gn.?Four deaths have been caused by violent rains In Georgia. Alabama and Tennessee and portions of Nor lb Carolina, and much serious damage to all kinds of property lias esulted. Three persons were drowned it West Point. Ga., wh'Ie attempt eg o cross Mie turbulent Chattahoochee nut P .* *Ar.v llUssell. an engineer, was freight wreck caused by a wi. oar ."otasulgn. Water In the. it.c jj of West Point was from ane to I*\ . fee. deep. Many of the locui'.e -ri e" t the night In Fort Tyler. Gnllroad tiaffic was considerably de' > Vflfl "'J Pnrkerslmrg, TV". V.n1Two men wore kilted. one badly In. "rived. an engine Mid four cars at tbe foot of an emhmVriour. two oilier cars wreck ?d nuil 100 foot of track torn no as the result of llio collision of a west-bound freight train eg.viist a ma?s!vi? rook at Xo. .1 Tnmml. noay T.onj linn. The inrine s I ruck the rock .lust as the train ramc out of the tunnel. The two mon killed arc Flrentnn A. It. HHo and Rrnkcmnn A. B. Puinnni. both of Crafrou. Heavy rains loosened the vook. which fell across the tracks from the iilllsldc. MURDERERS LEFT TO Die. r>if to Tre*? anil Kspt Thero All Night in u Fierce Storm. Vancouver. B. C.?A brutal murder 'ollowod by <iuiek vengeance took place it McNalr's camp In the outskirts of Vancouver. Buvnll Knraburu. while talking with a friend, was seized by two Japanese, while another sank an axe'into his skull, killing him instantly. The camp was aroused and the three murderers tied securely to trees and loft In the mountains nil night uutil the police could be scut for. A fierce storm snrang up and In tbe morning one had died of exposure and tlie others were dying when taken In charge hy tbe police. The dead man. Ikabu Pnburo, was tbe one who struck the fatal blow. O ESTIMATE WIDOW OUT OF JA'L. Uer Imprtsovwient l'nr C miempt of Canrt rnin?? la no Knit. Bridgeport. Conn. ? Mr?. Mary E. w ngm snijin. who wns adjudged in contempt of court and committed to jail three n ecks ego. having refused to reveal the -whereabouts of $300,000 of Government bonds owned by her. has boon released. The court proeeediiig-s through which Mrs. Smith wns declared In contempt were brought by counsel for Orrln F. Dnlley, of New York City, who sought to locate her Government honds in order to attach them to satisfy a judicium c of .5300. The terms of her release are not made public. Assnrnnces Frmn Gfrmnn'. Germany gave assurances that the the Monroe Doctrine shall not he vio lnted In its attempt to collect claims from Venezuela. Jnntprrt From tl>? Brooklyn Rrldc*. For the purpose of gaining notoriety Tolin Samuel Pinover jumped ofT the Brooklyn Bridge. Not a hone was broken by his perilous attempt, and h?s chances of recovery are good. John S. Pi Dover's home Is In Middletown. N. Y.. but all his family live in New York City. Ills father, Samuel Pinover. it a wealthy retired merchant. Th< I bridge Jumper 1* twenty-one years old. I aud for several years has conducted I a wholesale ilouor business in Middle-' town, 'N. Y. i '' ^ Kait Mr th? Kowru, K<> mnttor wb?^ ails you, headachn to a rancor, you will navcr g?t veil until your imwey iirij put ri$ht. Casoatu-.ts be.p nature, rariCSim uitbout a {<ripo or vain. producti'MV i\?ural movement-. ?-n*t* vin in-i 10 ATtitftoiatari getting yonr health back. Cas'rAwcTR Candy Onttmr.ic, the genuine, pus ?:? tn mefol boxes, every tablet baa t . C. ?tamped on it. Beware ot imitations. Every man who fails feels that he is a victim of circumstance*. FITS permanently enred. Mo iits or nervousijesHartcr rtrst day ? use or Dr. Kline's Gren. Itervc ileatorer. *2 bottle and trriUise free l'r. It. II., S31 Arch St.. l'hilu. Fa. ' With an umbrella it is always a case 01 put up or shut up Mr*. Window's Soothing Syrup lor children teething, Bolton the gums, reduces iu final ma tiou, allays pain, cares wind colic. fi.So a bottle. The people who are always short find il difficult to get along. 1 smsure Tiso's Care tor Consumption save 1 my life three yoars ago.?Mas. 'i'aos vs Bobbins, Maple St., Norwicu, K.V., Feb. 17, 133J. It is liet.tcr to give than to receive what you don't want. H. H. Gbkxh's Sown, of Atlanta. Ga., urc the only succcssrul Dropsy Specialists in the unrlil sen "?*"" ? * ? ? - -1' ....... U.w i.i^acu uuu lU'l'IVtrrlltl'Ultfll. .ti another Colamn of this paper. Mexico lias issued during 1901 $252,009 In postal drafts on the United States. rrtSAV Fadxi.C8S Dtks are fast to mmligbl, washing and rubbing. Sold by all druggifcts. A. If. Cope'.nnd, the first train dispatch- ' er in the world, is at present living in Chenca, a village in Illinois. Statk or Ohio, Oitt of Tolkuo, r T.UCAS CoCKTY. \ **' Frank .T. Chenky niakes oalh that he is tb" renfor nariner of the firm oTF. .T. Ci'rxrr ?V f!o,.(1oinKbn?ineM intbe City ofl'oledo,Com.ty and Slate aforesaid, and thai said firm will pay the sum of one rouins for ench rnd every c??n of catarrh that cannot bo mred by the use of Ham.'b Catarrh Cork. Frank .t. Chunky. Sworn to hororo in" and subscribed in my . ?s?> , presence. this Clh day of December, ] skat, ' a. d., issti. a. w." otkabov. ? ? yolarfK I'nblir. Hall's Catarrh Cnra is taken internally, and nct? directly on the h'ood and raucous surface* of the system. Send for teitimonlals. free. F. J. Ohknrt .t Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist". 75c. Hall's Family Fills are the beat. An ounce of gold was worth fifteen ounces of silver in the year 1S80. It would buy t ventv-one ounces in 1900. Drofk'ni, 1sT. 1"., can. 10.h.? A timelr rnd i recticnl pnrrgeslion comes froni a phvsi' inn o' this city ; h" rays: "'Jck' Garfield '"ca. the H r > Mrdicine. It is c-pee ally mo led ni thin aHon, w icn the s; s cm is apt vtb ouin.ord r from eating rich food. This ?? - vuuniiiii rfiueuy ciemmR H>'.-tem md I r^'.nu.o t?o iver, kid t o -*. Htnn.ach and I i'ov o' . 3t in nimp'e, per > and effective, ; n i U ?o.-d .or >miiivc and old.' France produces $15,030.000 worth o> i chestnuts a year, and Italy $2<),JO0,CMH> ! worth. A 100-foot mast has been set up In Slaconset, Mass., for the wireless telegraph otattca which will recui o messages , from the Nantucket light chip. The'ground connections were made by placing eight heavy metallic plates, two and a half by eight feet, in the ground. j Policies Tnnlre-rwd^ -Is when for ! gcd out of piinciple. ' r- "f The man with a wot dttown ./,J pUt hi# Lest foot forward. witty, | for V . i Tetter 1* Terrl.,^j.(j Bnt Tetterine cure* it. "M wi>,(( i^had Tetter tor twenty years, and Telteru ' i?thc only thin^ that floes her good. Send a bo*."?A J. Orana. Crano. Alis*. CO", a box bv mall from T. T. Sh*v>irlue. Savannah, Ga., It' yourdiuggist don t k iep ic. A ton ai coal is said to yield about S000 feet oi purilicd gas. ytotV r*. Did yon ever use Goohk (?bkas?'. Ltv r ic't for jfntir l.ttls (itn1-'/ You should n*-v?*r without lids remedy?it cuioaMllachveund puius. . . m ?r jQ[; % jlII '"^" ^ * wu9 5nw>> iv UJC wuu y fi quick consumption. I then began y g to use Aycr's Cherry Pectoral/ I ? E improved at once, and am npfw in n 1 per'cct hea'th."?Chas. E./Hart- 2 I It's too risky, playing 1 ? The first thing you i | know it will be down g H deep in your lungs and | | the play will be over. Be- ? E gin early with Ayer's 8 I Cherry Pectoral and stop r. B Throw n'iM: pnoufli lor nn ordinary n Q cold; VV.. Jn.t ri^hl tor lironrhlit*. hiwrnr ri I bm>. hard cold*, etc.; fl. inu?t economical K I for chronic c*M?? and t? keen on tinnd. v J. C. ATKIt CO.. Lowell. Mns?. fl 1 ?TiAPUD!WE ? s s* ftiUBl Jp Nrrvntu ll^ad ich", Nournltrln, 2 ? nn<) HICK HEADACHE. It U g g lately linrmle?*. No effect on tho heart. For titln nt ill Driitf Stnrrs, g <.* & Mr&at*ssini k7i^?ito.&*.*;*** n* > ^Beatity is Skm E fm ^^nnd correct dressing fj deep. The foundttio SJ set dress is the prop a IR-oyal ;! Worcester 1 and X50jT4 T \ Corsel Straight front, J}ro the best made. Alk ynttr dealer to show them \Rojil Worcester CcrsGlCo., wen* | DO YOU SHOOT I If you do you thotdd send your nr. W1NC J GUN CATALOGUE. I It illustrates and describes *11 the diffct 1 Ammunition, and contains much v*lu ^^Wlnch rstcr Repeating Arms Co., fcTARTUNG ! j|? Thousand t of cliildren t ! Worms. Svtnntoms arc seldt I \y child's temperament and upon the va | J|J tines. Lose no time! Adopt tlte safe ; S DR. BOYKIN'S "" | *' A GURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DE j I.N USE OVER 30 YEARS- AC 25c- BEST VERMIFUGE KN 3-5 3 3/? "3 3 jS 3 3 * 3 2 jS It J *-5 3 J ^& *' 'v//! wJ('V /M Qc :orKMYi <Act 3' V-K--r / (\cts WMJI ^clslrvjS> . / Syrup of Fi;^s apf .. J well-informed and t< "*^ysK\ jj poncnt parts are si cause it acts without tions, as it is wholly quality or V Aw manufactui V^3.-4 pleasant to jf^T^v '?y"- virtues of from an ex Pm / iMf'' known to I . r j I ' / . a. act most b< ' >- \ / /' ,r \ . . f.r/ /.'V To get i " s'-^y genuine?r r^oRrfep ? -n .. -S&.r\ F~rar\ci?c.o. ovjisvilla. Ky. ?&i?. by all dru^^i4st-3. Price >*.; ; r . WYOME hi Klrort^at. 9^1 ^jtUCly n??ri '?? H H other br ?"clie* Thoumodn ?i _JBl. n w <li.ln; thin ajace?.iXuU: ? k it* for p iriicuiAr* n ont-e. Drake-Br. dge School, Room 550. luO b'lfth AVintic. Upw York lit; UTANFED AT ONGEI SaSSss WW nn?l Kriulim'e In time to nccvjit Lrnod poritinDH in tin- t.; rin?r i unit r il> wait for part till Ion ? porlt hiih are tocund. accept not***, or wi.I pitv h. II. i?r? ami furii'ult I'lilce work for - hi t. nit t?. hoard < luraf^ lion't inlsAtliis u'unt i llor. but write at once tor full luf i illation C (iI, I .11 UI A t'OLLKGK. coi.ii.nMA, N. r. WE CURE CANCER AND lUIHllK^ $We Use NO Knife, NO Plaster. re ;lv? no pain. ehH n" K?t*M~l. V.u cure you III FOaF. VOI' T AX. W a a or.irtuatv of two Mr.llcal Ce'ltfti W waat you to rra<1 our Ml rage II >.k, t?> a ant thl? "art" li rl' iol In * rlilnit u*. W? u-a fa. J. BUJ a P??iiii, i l. lmion i. Va. Y'nit a Mtttl tnrtay tor P-m ti?*. \% x pat Socn way 11 itk ami u*.TVnx no*X :?you WiiuLvi.*!! ist. t> auk iukatiient. XV. C IfOI.BIKH imprortd I nrm I. vol ' K.rll|i?e," ?Re?t ii t - I .to lev -I made. T, *_ mitf Trie < l.",0 with rt? I. Write for Jpygj^Yy de*o**ii?li r ci'?*?th?r. fj North ? \\ Furaj lb St., Atlanta, Ge.nDADCV lWDisfiOV5RY;p?n %J "S3 1 <iu ck r? i?f *nrt crna* w<-rrt r >u Bu .fc l??l iii ulxnJ lU.laui t.raiment l'r. r. Dr. H. H. CnCKH'a 5uNr. Ilex U Atuata. fla. uj" rr 'n "?'< "An.' in-nni'm* Automatlo Wlmlnw l li-nni-r. n IN Bt l .lit. S*avNr-fnri-y V }1IkA(i.,11i uiii IB llu im'it H ?h: . ?. liiclunatl.O. Colli .llcrinl nt I llllain i xiiimlllon. McILHEINNY'S TABASCO S??. 4. *m *n 2j*row. !! ? mnmmmmmntm n ? ? me and address on a postal card for a IT'S FREE. er.t Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and P able information. Send at once to the ' | x Now Haven, Conn. j r FACTS. T ire be in.ij gnawed to distraction by * >m reliable. They depend upon the JJJ riety of worpis present in the iutcsand sure course by using ? WORM KILLER. ; STROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. I CE?T NONE C'JT DR. BOYKiNS. * own GOLD EVERYWHERE. * r rstl/; Pleasarvtly B?s.r\cficiallyt ' ?.3 a Laxative.. >ea!s to the cultured and the )the healthy, because itscornmple and wholesome and bedisturbing the natural func nee iiuiii every oojcctionable substance. 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