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r i 1 1EF nM MILL TIMES ^Bocratic. F13 BUM WBDNKFDAYB. TJBII COMTAHT. r * u-i?? cull* riiM?u? l?riy?J . ... ?1 I*T year. Correspondence *?n current subjects in invited. bnt wo <U> uot u({n<<> to publish communications ooutniuiiiK morn tluin 300 words, aud no responsibility is ussomcd for the \tew* of ebrrtMpnudents. As uu ttdvertWnjr medium for Ctuirlotte, Fht?vUb? Kurt Mill, and Rock Hill business houses The Times Is unsurpassed. Rates made known on application to tin' pubishor. I/x^Telepieue Ko. ttt. JAK^RlY H, 1003. The municipal election is now nt Imnd aiul The Times could offer no better ti^^ctriion tlutn tliat the present set of offictra l>e reelected. Tlldy have exW'bited the proper spirit of pro^V'ssi veness and have carried out toe earnest wi^es of tbe people in tbe mat'n^BLatreet building and other \ h. _^%ei|lent.H, We believe that \ thrf^^SvS^faithfully done us much \ as financial circuuistances per, > mitfed. And while it seems like imposing on goodnature, we think the people should show their np- i B precintiou of their good service by re-electing them if they can be induced to accept. These gentle- ; I men linvn ? oinnuiiiK monument 9 in the permanent work they have j I placed on the etreeta this year I And if this snine expenditure is F repeated for a few succeeding L^^veaiH Fort Mill shall have enaily ] reompliehrd with a two mill tax |, ^^^Kvhat other neighboring towns are L 'running and sweating for under ;t I Hfu ten or more mijl b?\. We say j let the good work go on and this requires the right men in office to do it. The gratitude of the J lining generations will reward v them. n For Intendant, v J. W. McElhanoy. For Wardens, a Ita Ct. Smytke, W. B. Meaoham, ei , .J. M. Spratt, A. A. Youtir* * ii Does ThiMtean You ? ?WLV'\ Ti mes subsorip- m find that n number of ft MQH^^PHHwb 'rB are getting badly n< P^^Hnrrvnra^ f T jlVe have worked hard during ihf) paat year to give our readers h a lcpregentative paper, hihI patientlynwaited the arrival of the fall . season, ftt which time ft number of delinquents promiaed to pay ua. p|( That season has cotne and gone, Tl and some promises were fulfilled, ^e for wjuch we extend our thunks. r Others have failed to come in, and pa as" a result, we have considerable be money yet duo us, which will in zei ail probability not bo collected un- ' til next fall. "P 1 1 While it may not be generally (*j ( known, a newspaper cannot he run on the same scale as that of some ?to classes of labor?giving lienH and <>ffi getting someone to "run" it for a v'? year?but its accounts become due ( ^ 1 monthly and must be paid prompt- up ly, and a weekly paper in a small mn| town like Fort Mill, which affords wot a very limited amount of adver- "j''* lising, depends somewhat upon jn . the fall collections to tide it over w|,( the dull season which invariably scei follows the dawn of the new year, ""d And, while we regret very much H to do so. we feel unable to allow H|)fj our debtors further indulgence, |,ou and will be compelled to erase step their names from our list unless iuvi immediate payment is made. step m m n cout rlhe Times Company. j Officials friendly to Schley have only to drop an interveiw into the wj^^ slot to get an administration re- j8 th prim and. seen * such Dewey and Schley have places whei in public esteem that cannot be an" i shaken by civilians placed over nJ/,0( them temporarily by the exegencies of oolitics- '* ' , I THIS ? It is likely to ho some time he- , fore wireless messages are sent . ...? i tmiei across the Atlantic for a cent a pUr^ word. The tumble in the price of' for etock in the cable companies, in whicl the London stock market, is more apt to be the result of manipnlation by shrewd speculators than of (^on^i Marconi'* experiment*. <>nly -J Siehley'd case seems to hnv i 4^'hed a stage in which it is otti emit loin vs. the people, and it it dollars to crackers that the peop'< ate on the aide that will be taken \ by history. i ?iim farlter, the colored "geni 1 men," who seems to have qui work with the exudation that In could live on the notoriety gaiiie<l toy knocking Czolgogz down, it doing entirely to much talking. ! It may he that trusts are dead, as President Schwab, of the U. S. Steel Corporation, says they are. hut the country will wait for more positive proof before inventing in mourning gurmeu a. * # + The newest way to call a man a lier is to say thet he ia slightly yellow, hut we don1! insure those who use it against getting knocked i down. * Isn't Senator Piatt rather an old man to he taking the warpath for the scalp ?f a Kanaaa newspaper man? It isn't any of our huai- j neaa, but we advise somethiinr : easier to reach. When an editor abuses the other fellow he in courageous and independent; when he abuses yon he is cowardly and scurrilous. Lots i of fun in being and editor, if you are not over-sensative. * * The British Consul nt New Orleans has sued one of the daily pa- ( pers of that city for contempt. Vnother man who doesn't appre- j ,iate the freedom of the American i r jrene. 1 ir thai New York capital-labor J oint committee liveH up t<j thead.. 1 TT . fi ^tiice notices Senator Hnmm is , ; vin<? it, it will be about the firmest product of the season. e * (1 Advocates %>f the theory that v in order will out" will be inter- \ ited in the trial of the Oklahoma 11 rnier recently arrested charged 1th havinu committed a murder, b ^ Missouri, thirty-two years ago. ? w It is now said that Capt. Rich- ! S ion I P. Hobson will soon resign [ It oin the navy and enter politics, d< it will..joppose Hon. John H. hi ankhead, as Congressnan Tioin to o sixth district of Alabama. si tte Emancipation Day at the Exposition. in 1_ v Last Wednesday whr Emancipn>n Day at the Charleston oxposim and thousands of colored neo- . e took part in the exercises. q( le address of the occasion was j livered by Tlios. E. Miller, pres. ^ ent of the State colored college co Orangeburg, the concluding co ragraph of which, as follows, will qj read with interest by the citiis of Fort Mill township: 'Go with me to a little town in wi per Carolina, the town of Fort coi 11, and I will there show you in i i city park, by the side of a 80( nfederate monument, a shaft of So lie erected by an ex-Confederate mi cer commemorative to the ser- , wn os and fidelity of the negroes j mJc the South during the struggle ()f , Lhe lost cause. Bear with me wh I describe a p >rtion of that Hon gnificent testimonial to negro Hn( rth, to negro character. On one Cf,t e is a description telling why wh monument was erected there re8 .he city public park, and by )in; on nnother side is a harvest ] le, with the sun at its zenith, in t a negro seated on a log with bus cklo in his hand preparing to ! the his noon moal in contentment, j Cot another side is a great farm 1 Sco se with open piazza and broad est >s, with a beautiful lawn and J $1,C ting walks. Seated on the : Kan is a negro woman with n I Dru itenance beaming with smiles eacl loving care, for in her arms in chai led a handsome white baby, the ig the walk is the child's cart j a wheel otT. and over the door ^ e dove of peace. The whole It e presents a hallowed aspect dim as can only be witnessed vow re fidelity, love, contentment, 'y? * gratitude are enthroned. thou p-'ople, this monument whh *nc .ed by Captain White, of Fort lr<nl and in time more will follow one." , "Htl<l TO ATOMS. Coll|( 16 old idea that the body dome- trio ) needs a powerful, drastic, ultlu ative pi.l Iimh been exploded; nt>le Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, overt li are perfectly harmless, Appt y stimulate liver and bowels Only pels poisonous matter, cleanse system and absolutely cure Th hpation and Sick Headache, taxes 2oe at Mest-ham's drug store. exteu e THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA. Short Items of State News Convenient! Grouped for Times Readers. ' | Tli'' Southeastern Mninnl T.if 1 j and Savinir* Tn-nraooe eonipam I of Greenville ban been chartered i The capital atock ia $50,000. ! The Wert* A Anderaon Mer t i chandiae company, of Ninety.Six ? i made application Friday for i I charter. The capital etock ii named at $5,000. \ | While hunting at White* bridge : near Georgetown. Percy Ward, n I young son of Major S. M. Ward waa accidentally ahot, and died in al>ont nn hour. The Palmetto Fire company, ot : Columbia, haa taken action against uip r> aboard for destroying sev; prill sections of its hose at tlie rci cent Gervais street Hip. At. a recent meeting oT tlio boa'tl ; of trade of l$pnufort it was proposed to erect n modern liofpl to post not less tlin.ii $5,000, in or near Beaufort. A commis-don was issned Thursday to tlip first now rot toil mil! of 1002. It is known iih tlip BivingsviHp Cotton Mills, of F irinont. in tlip county of Spartanburg, with a capital stock of $100.00 \ The work of preparing toohange the gnnire of the Carolina and 1 Northwestern Bailroarl from a narrow to a standard gauge is he- I ing pushed by the mnnairenuMit with all the speed possible under existing conditions. The Florence brunch of the Amer can Tobacco Company sent, out. from Florence Thursday a solid train load of leaf tobacco. Tin' train was made up of twentv-Hve cars and represented JH5.552 lbs. i r>f pure South Carolina leaf. Joe Rhode*, colore 1. was arrested n Spartanburg Saturday charged j .vith attempting to wreck a train, i Two unsuccessful rtteinpts have I eeeutly been made to derail the i >assenger train on the C. &. W. C. i Railroad, near Moore's station, t tud here is strong evidence a- 1 jainst Rhodes. H. J. Duliose, one of the oldest > iti'/Dlia ?.f * ...... .ir. ... t ^|/iii inn Diir^r county 1 lied lnwt Wednesday in his 81th * ear. Tie wiih a war veteran. Iiav- I ng enlisted in the service at. the ' rat call to arms and stuck to his : '' oat of duty nntil the surrender. I le lost his right arm at Getlys- ! urg. ; tl Abrnm Holmes, a colored man. j ^ as run over and killed by a out hern railway engine near Colinbia. The negro was walking own the track in the durk and o1 rid a long 12-inch board on the tl p of his head. The board so tl laded his eyes that he did not f< e the headlyvjj t of the appronch- '' g loconiofvve and walked direct- c) into Uvf pilot. J Attorney General Bellinger has G nt to various sheriffs summonses serve on officers of the Virgiymirolina company in the suit ought against the company for ~ e annulment of its charter. The E mpany owns plants in several unties. Mitchell & Smith, of J larleston, are the attorneys for p "trust," and the case will prove T/1 be a famous legal battle, and jrc 11 be fought through the last Ac art of resort. h* On Sunday night, Dec 29, a Cl1 tion of 150 feet of Portmnn hools dam, on Soneca river, 10 les west of Anderson, was shed away, causing a loss of 9a i.000. The river was the sourco ^ supply for the electric power ich supplied the city of Ander- l i with light for its steots, stores P?* 1 homes. Several of the largest ton mills in Anderson areeither oily or partially closed as a I ult of the catastrophe. a bo tha ^ve of the parties concerned * he Amos Owen Cherry Tree j inesss have been bound over to j j next term of Charlotte Federal A irt bv Dnnniv I j iunioimi ? . ggin. M. O. Padgett, of For City, was bound in a bond of >00; George Pateet, Glandison a nsey. Alvin Biggerstntf, and j iry Harrill, of Ellenboro, were S i bound in $500 bonds. The # rges are that of having used ? mails for fraudulent purposes. J ] EF MYSTERY. J ' is a mystery why women en- \ i Backache, Headache, Ner- \ ^ mess, Sleeplessness, Melancho- ? 'aintingand Dizzy Spells when ^ isands have proved that Elec- ^ Bitters will quickly cure such 4 bles. "1 sntTcred for years ^ kidney trouble,1' writes Mrs. 4 ne Cherley, of Peterson, la., # ,i i - ? >- - 1 .. mine UIICK pHllKHl me HO J # 1 not'dri H8 myself, but Klec- J Bitters wholly cured me, ana 4 tl >ugh 73 years old, I now am K * to do nil my housework." It ? onioH CoiiBtipatioi), improves 5 y< ?lite, gives perfect health. ^ O 50c at M each mil's drug store. ^ tl e time for the payment of ? \ without the penalty has been # ided U> March, 1. 11102. *** / Over Half Million Net Profit, y Til? follow inir renort nf 41 j State dispensary wns submitted 1 e ' Governor McSweeney last Wei r nesday l)y the chairman of tli State txmrd: "We have the honor to subtn to you. for your information an j al?o that of the general assembly ' | tliia our report of the hnsinet done l>y tlie discus iry during th fiscal year closing Nov. 30. 1901. ' Examination of the various no counts attached hereto, will slioi 1 that the total amount of coat o liquors, wines, beer, etc., purchase! 1 during the year, has amounted t< Si.017.973.47. and that our gro-i ? sal h have amounted to ?2,328, <581.21 ( exclusive of h lies of fresl beer by dispenaers). "The net prutit (to the State] I for account of tlie school fund if j Sl20.9ti2.22. Tim net protits, that have accrued to the counties and towns, divided equally, are $424.. 285 87, which makes a total net j prolit of ST)4.r>.248.12 for the year, on account of (lie school fund and towns and counties. "We have for some t:me felt a serious need of more warehouse j and office room, and also a safe | and commodious tire-proof vault for the storage and preservation of our permanent records. Consequently we have constructed more storage capacity, nml als ? a convenient two story office building with commodious ami up-to-date fire-proof vault, which has co<t $14,494.81, besides other petty improvements. "The act approved Feb. 19. 1900. forbids us to make more than 10 per cent profit on account of the school fund, and the past year we have made on that account in round figures 0 per cent, which I U. Mack, "The ?.l.choly The saddest r*el?choly days are here, W saddest of the year," HEN the co in the clY5* 'he cold winds whiatle Froat catches 11 'he chimney and .luck heir wood pil'l"<Ues the ]>enplo with ron feel that*'00'1 "hurt. When lirnat and a 'hat tickling in your Hit wee 11 your " P'hi catches you jen your shoulder blades Then I lie it is (lie time for ior you to gel f II If P CHERRY BALSAM J It act i jroat an aots pleasantly upon tho I jothing ;^,roilt ,l1"' 1w?kh; it in hurniW-t, ( Do,,***)! hin^ and aurtvabln t?? tukn. ^ anr lv Don't trifle with a cold nil niiHun V(mr ^tuiga. Remember that ; i in hi? Cousmnp;ion kill* niurt; turn , p than bullet*. 4 (Ml t * ARDREY'S DRUG STORE < bi j> < / ieav. h ??111y ? very small muffin with which to run the business, 'iinl while it is true that the school Fund is considerable, ainouutintr it present to !?(?11,1154.118, it is ivailable very slowly for puyiuent to the schools, as that is our only working capital. 4,\Ve are gratified to be able to diow such a liioli per rentage of let profits on the business done,; specially as the price of I (juors lave been very liijfli on account of! lie hi^h rale of urnin, while we j lave not made any advance in the irice to the consumer. ' The system seems to be in very j ho roil uh working order in all its eta iIs' Notice of Kit ct on. | There will lx? an election in the town f Fori Mill. S. C., on Monday, j ie 151th day of January, 15KI2, for le purjiose of electing an intemluut and ! >ur wardens to serve the town for the isuiup year. | J The jiollfc will ojhui at 10. a. in., and ky?e at t, p. in. '-.p. Faulkner, L. N. Gulp and ?T. 0. ! hies have been appointed managers. ^ order of the council. J. W. McKl.ttAJ.KY, j. M. Spkatt, IntMl<ant, A Clerk. M :ANK-STATEMMJB atoment of Skiving* Bank <>f H H [or quarter ending Deo. ami ^HABEaSES irnitnre and Ht^plm* AH H from banks LIABILITIES. BHHH fl H rpiuH .... JQ^Bjn^H profit 8 iridend No. payable H deposits W. B. Meacham, ve-named bank, do t the above stufnmcu^Efl^nXEaB^S^^B my knowledge ' mm H H . W. Mi hl.)lASK\, fteat: ' % l 1M f ; > ? FOR HARNESS sSSHi ?t wuv, ?od you wiU be autooiahed IH it 1 s I It's this wa Yon can burn yours Powder, etc., or you with Steam or I Lot \ onlv one a / v. i ?* scald and that is by Mexican Mustang- I | It gives immediate relief. I linen cloth, saturate it with loosely upon the wound. Y idea what an excellent rente you havo tried it. il FHWI TIP If you linvo ft t: M r U?? L nr. Otlior ix.ultry c Liniment. It is collwd a sxasdabd For HOLIDAY PRESENT: The Lamp of J f Tin* lamp that dnfim't flam u ytfWnK. ,'v,, lam y<S6j6LA you u?-t it ami slay a pnoU; the / "ttJ. Injjlv part with, "in* v?hi Imp' N. & they mn> Ih% in suiiw nuwctik I nt-o*, tlii'iv's nril> mm. I'hr .% Xt?jr at ire the lump oflfen-.l yu is ifl NjMf on it ; ov.-rx lump lias it. v't." Old T^iuups ?ll x^^y]L^''5S,sv ^ i-'i'i I'" i'm i .v lump want. I J' . ?*?&. ' tOt wnntanow lamporifotf,nttolH ^ >['V'V m >wf Jjl Wiivl, a vw ni anM orotlnrtfl Ak! ''a ? >"< ? Now Rochc8'Oifl "yWad*. m.|i.| 1 ,,|| lu.-r.iliiri'.11 til.'MU.j.'i^B Jto- , . . ^ Wc urc MM LI \ LISTS In trie ( ' Lumps. Lon.s.iltut^H THE ROCHESTER LAJKPfl'J., M JyJLiA i J 14 .'X' " vP^ 7 JH ? V L ' it t\ V~~\*- jrytt) \ J K j-Ti Si Hoi R t l>i? State an] K [nil 1111 oxperienew |^ corps ofcyriTspoiulrins^J^^ r Plan1. t The Daily Observer Sw*?*7" r Is $x jht nuiiuiii; *1 for six month* r for three months. STli" Senil-\Veekly Observer, A perfect family journal. All th nows of tho times. Only $1 pt annum. Sample Copies of Either upon Application P TflK CrtAKLOrrK Ot?2?BKVER, ? Charlotte, N. C. pong P A promptly procured. 0* HO Fit Send mndrl. tketrb.1 . A ir fli '.. ( r fr<r r. |- rt ..n p?t. nuih.lii> lt.->k " lie* P ? t? (Ibtein t'.S and r. i^n I" .tnntf eml Trad. M?rk?, a A'rail IklnS trrllit c?.-r fl#?rr<t t ? itrillltn. Z ? PATIHT LAWYERS OF IS TEARS' PRACTICE ( f & 20.000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. s A t) All i.imu' < r.inSaeiilial. Auo.l ndvio*. KeiUifuU r v " rvlrr elinrgnr i f rrC-A-SNOWArni ; a p.TC.T j ; l&KS?SX*JB5Kiftii / ' A B 6orm Mexican Mustang" Unh ust what you nwtl. It take* effect I to see Uow quickly it iiocU* forth . > elf with Fire, Vith J can scald youiself Vatcr, but the~e is lvj v^uic ?i uun or using Jniment. . | Oct a piece of j fl old \ this liniment ail bind \ J on can lnivo no noquato ! dy this is for a bun until I tird afflicted vlth" bup or any t lisenso ut-o Mcxlcu Mustaug J remedy by poultry ^reader*. 1 S-fnr EVEtY DAY USE* Steady Habits p or Kinoki', or ca?o rou ip tliut louks 1,1*, ?Itt ii f w luuip thai you luer will- f | lochcstr. Vhn/ you n? "Just asr;oo<l lint. t<>r nil arond Rood- Kwon 1 if /*<>chr?t?-r. i'i> make Ugmdrip Jiitii*. N?k for -lie name p } n<lr No?'. / A No -iIht von iuLi??>f lump trannform ' . mi I'ttu doit. Let Q HQCflPn rcnTnerrt^of disease* oi v/y J -V< 38.**?rk Place A S3 Barclay St., New tork. __ c Signo standi < > 11 IV' M LONDO Wk . Hill. S. C W^Bm. L. SPRAT' O U 1 i A 1 1 - N i ' I . ^ 1 1^1 |BiiT in ^Ws building, Main Stret HHr Min. ^^^Vftcr December 1, oftico will be clone 1 every Monday. '< Terms, strictly cash. > nkTij^kfll ' U^rHunb^>u^*onthleriUanetteM>efbre nj>- K I living for patent; it may be worth money. I' We promptly obtain U. b. anil Foreign PATENTS 1 * V.a?iyiA.DE MARKS or re urn E N" N TIRE attorney's fee. bend model, sketch or photo and we hand nn IMMEDIATE I FREE report on patentability. We giveH the best legal service and advice, and our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., g j) Rmtant lawyers, Opp. U.S. Pateat Omce.Washington, O.C. | * | J. 0. Tray wick & Gc DEALERS*N | FINE LIQUOUS W AND wiv ^ No. 42 Etut Trade St | CHARLOTTE. - - - *** I