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VOL. X. " " ' " FORT MILL, cf\VKI)NK.Sl)AV, JAN I'AliV !!K'2. ^ ML r>. . 1 - i m Iynoiwte's stsai rsp H Everett-Moore Coicem, With Capital ol $139,000,00, Embarrassed. c. DUE TO TIGHT HONEY MARKET - - - - <? O The Syndicate* Anoyn iiirnm ?... ... tlic C'nntrul a Hr?i!?cr*' Committee? IteUeTAcf Thit It* liuaticial Trouble* J Ar? Totnpoia y?Cotr.rol* 1SOO Mitci of 1 Trolley Tract* In Oliln and MiclilRau. '' ' 11 ! Cleveland, Olio. ? Tap financial af- ( fairs of the E^reti-Moore syndicate. ( owning or ccnti lling a number of ur- ( ban and Intern tr.n electric railways, and an extensii? system of local and long-distance tcypiione lines in Ohio ! ami Michigan, lis passed iulo the con- i trol of a eoniru fee composed of seven 1 prominent bank is of tills city. > This aclloti v\^; taken, it Is stated, as the result o^ temporary financial j einl airas-raent ?\ the jiart of the syu- ! WIcTtc. which lir-Tfor so;nc time past . liccn afiY ted by ? stringency in the money market. ' ? a j:;regate capital- ! ion of all t i various properties t owned or dontroE 1 lwr the syndicate j is said to ho abnu'di:;i .000,000. The i cjsonnel < til* committee Is j as follow.-: It. It. womb. Myron T. Hirrlck. .1. .7. 8vl an Calvary M<>r- ! ris. Kaufman ll:w, K G. TillotSon | anil \\ . i,miiihit. Tlif commiltcu ?teen lias been nt i work invc-u'"tntlns* ho .ifT.iirs of I lie j *yn<licute, eni>"" a Ih > firm belie T Unit :lie concern Q cu lively lolvtnt, nii'l Hint its eivt'.r^nss.ueai will be only temporary. \* The Kvi'i'ci i-Moo*.,1^*yu;Uca4:e is r.ccv. ill toil Willi ronti line more than 1200 milf s of mi)-1 "n,l In'evu hnn electric 1'iiu s in Oh? aiifl: Hiciiigan. with many new c tensions siUl iu court:' o! im us.rue.Jo. As a itmiIi oT the incuts"nicnt of the financial crtihniv. svu'.pv or the syndicate :: run was gcc. ' on the i)ha Favlnas mid Fa .kin? (k. nivrjy, of which r.ver.'tt and Moovta v illieetorf. Ml tlont: ndg wa;t? pro: v'ly met. ?mrt IVeMd Wr.itt'r.-*< n 6".U l!m bail: ha?! aiunl" fun's 0:1 t? nay :.ll <le 1 .isiiui's v. -o ilr-rv.l their aoncy. The institution !s ou<? o" tt city drposiioriec. When Is ins rcVvt" was lacT. i!. jn UCloor.-. i n:- >. n.? ^ ...... .* purees re re nlaerd v .in 1 clml In? a snmV?i* *u?d n? f-3S5.000. Tho Commi'to oT Bankers oiraniE K. ft. ?V?wMsrtu!K IM mnn ?ntl T?. 1. Tlllotsoa Cricveta: Tltp ooiuniliteo J^,\n {issued r jjtacpuif calculated to Ipsrdre coatif 'In t fyndionte'a creditor.-. say' mt 1 rnlltfav properties cMiic rn wi Jn so in! condition nn:l nor solve and expressing the bcllcl, tlib c *- -? '- ' evilly would be only temporary. i MISS CCOS=VZL7'S D~ BUT. Tli? Prmlilpnr.4 Ktittit l)nng?>icr In ?li-.ccil tt? Society at Wusiilnctoa. Washington. P. C. ? Miss A Roosevelt, ihr oldest daughter oTP Ident and Mr.-. Roosevelt, was preI o<i to WnshlD^ttn foe!ety At a lipid In her honor in ilio Whlir IIo .Aliout 500 gnosis I ill were pre: K innny of ' ,,n"v Hons r s J //7k i? W L xfirj JV, |N\ ! ifo ,y^'.r*: l/< i} )iy,;^Er>. ^ IK:,! ^ !i ai8H al:of, r.on-KTr.i.r. ^ bi MIfs Rooscvo'.t will nunc tlio Em- noi Ti/.-nv n" Cif>rnisinv"3 now va<;h.. iui\v Jt'j Imifrtln- ru hwueii Island. This an- kh uonncetccuc was made 1 lie \\ lute tl?; HoUEc. The Kaiser's invitation to be Miss ttoofceelt <niw tu"o\v?a l>i. vo:i tin HollB'i.Pu, the < i ruiuu Ambassador ,o a tltij wlUtCil SlJi*;. | 1 p: FirtE 1.0S3I3 F0F1 1531. ! j1^ <-vor iMWno > tVor;h op.-jpsri Jit XVa* Lait Via.. US XfTV Vr.'I: City. ? Cver S1T0.C 10.00.) | worth of property in the Unl ec". States 4? \ mid Cai/>tia was destroyed by :iiv in ' \ 1001. )s compared with 1'JOi the 8;' m losses ,ov 1001 wove be.weeu " )o,- 0,1 1 o to aid ?10.0tX),000 less. ,le l>'or tlse last si.: mouths o." jf-ol the losses were .So,000,000 lar^e:* tliun in yxr, while the brsc si:; months ' '. O'a tigurcs were l'ully $13,000,000 ? f inter those v?f ICOA The most disostons nicnih of last year was May, I *neu the losses were about $23,000,- ! , <*0. The largest tire of 1001 occurred .. pn\ May 3 in Jactsc nville, where the i?w was placed at $10,301,000. :u f .<J: I - ALMA ELECTED IN CUDA fj o is Chosen the First President of the Island Republic. l\ nnrvnl Mn?o, the Democratic CanOhlate, AVItlulrevr from tlie Campaign?A Light Vote l'olletl?Xc*Ti>|iai>er Comment*. Havana. Cuba.?The Central Hoard ? r..ii ' r Scrutiny lias given oiu me iuuu?;ig results of the elections which have list been held in Cuba. Thomas Ksrade Paltua, the Nationalist candllatc for the Presidency of Cuba, has ifty-live electors, while General Barolontc Maso, the Democratic caudilate, who withdrew from the cam- , taign, has eight eltc?.ors. Seuor Pakua received-the unanimous lee.oral delegations from the Provnees of Pinar del ltio, Havana,;as and Santa Clara, and one elector from Pr.rr.o Prln -ive and five electors from Santiago, General Maso secured ' - T?-~? - l>..l.t..lnn llll'CP OiCCtOl'S lldui i ? iiuvip and live from Santi;:.v\ v(c ">= ' fi V X-? \ xv*x list 15g1 - ^-=- f j TT13IY1 v.?rn Yli v -A'.M V. jTb* people ot ?'u >-i lutv.t fiicuO Mra to ' < itM-ir I' l'rosici^u: o. tii; 2\u\v i.f! ulliikf.) Tito follow'.it': civil ( o.-'-iv. t xcev* ro/v'*/., til i*?J:;I * \ 1 tttu, Nrcs. in Havana: I.p^uoisi'. n l:-.tnurjis; i V'oraes:. hi Kr.n.a L'le.rn: :; o. Ik I'urr \ ? iVlncir. \ sad Eciicv;:.-.iu B n p_ a vo i'ioViiici*. A ;a.ily li- lit vche was rj'.!?t ml jro.i.wli-.a. tile Islam!, ir- -V; was ;o uo rx"r. .t?: re is n v.'idi r. '.v? y;;en e n* o hn'.r.n. I.a DIsc?t?;lo: a; efllr s t"? f'uov. ii t he * ? < aintv en ilie par o.* tii?* I'alai a? o.ois o." Iieinc: victorious, :;iul) tha [?re|oi"- tv. n iv j he mn'ovify oT live ill r? ijrnii^ mil did not v</>.e. I. itli- ' 'Is l...h; vrif' fan V r* ? i ii \ C'.u'r.r. i </" oriii ii Ma lu . tir tr >< i! e I It I . IU C'lil iiin ? pshiji th ilk iO I,,.. .?j sea and th r pass. nrors u?ui Cl.t w look ;o tlio gr L-l oa.s l'o/ tiifit* Uv?*i. ill.* bar!; ?;vpl in in Use darkness and nothing l:as , ue 0:1 heard of lies* since. j tie Ml luu*. en of lb? 100 per- I \V us 0:1 ilie M a':in Valla linvc been ^i cci'.n.d for. (JsvaniSi r \Yd- vt asosi, Pii'onu.n Mar.el, L. Drube and ; Us ree pa liters sire Ksuwii .> have* is ?n drownen. Inning be. 11 in Use una. ' at iu wsss swamp. (I in .ryin;, .o cifeet st landing av Tr.riidad. I i'j 5!x?y-iive of ?i!. survivors were > eked ui> i v ,he s?' a.ii^bip Disputed ot they lie. .> .i around in Uu> small pi a.s. Is v.. > when these arrived at m i;vi:a. Cal.. <ii:t. ibc u. ?vs <?. the tils- f It .or was uv. i heard on shore. and p? any tugs were Iiiiiitcrtiau !y s.ia our ii; rdsctvr Uiv remaining boa..'. I > Cn inn ill A. I., i.nll >.< ii mi the fa toil si onwsb.p's dec!; r.niil ln? saw every t in 10 get in?o the bosis safcl.v. Tlien III ordered iho bonis ?o pull nvay. Tins S! ey dm. The vessel rank, the Captain . tl itii iie!\ but .11 so.r.e way li.> managed h: net clear of the rlj;;.jiii;j. and i n? p< the boat emwj re>ci:e;l ban l'ro;a u c water. 01 d; Ueditrlmii of I'orr l* ii;litin~ Force. ^ The total reduction of the effective s oer tighting force iu ilif last year, uj eordlug to official report*. is 21,S?X>. iMOOF THE PASTYEAR g th ca i Rev'ew of the First Twelve Months of the Twentieth Century. ci tn 'RCTRESSOFTHf UNITED STATES i\ E 'ur Country A.miuim a Tonltton . (' Amoiij; tlis uivat IinluMrinl Nailons? )" S?tiii> ?r i ltr l*r Inrl jih! 1C r eft tn That If a\e ^ Occurred In Amcrlra nuu (.mowncie- -v Not.itile IVraon* Whit Uavi> Uicd. I'i - d Washington, 1?. C.?The lirst your of A tlit' twentieth century lias closed with l< a remarkable record to its credit. Vast e changes have been wrought, political- j ? ly and imi us trimly, in sill parts of the j j world. Every dcpartni; at of human j j interest lias felt the impulse of the. ! a opening century, and ilie year lias ; ' been one of losses and of gains, of fu'dilmcnts and of promises, Tiio United Suites has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. This country ' lias assurr.t >1 a leading position among , the great nations. Its export trade has reached astounding Itgures, while foreign niauutaeturers nave tn'.teu alarm at tlie increasing proportions or j the so-called American invasion of En- j rope. The geucral prosperity of liie ; eouiury la roiiceted in vlie urn-sampl-d I condition of the National Treasury. "For the calendar year," said Secretary < Jage, "we show receipts in excess of the ordinary e:;peiidhurrs ' amounting roundly 10 $loo,Odi).oot>. | Such an excess iniglK have resulted] in serious embarrassment had uo; the I department luvu aide by menus of ] , this surplus 10 reduce the punlie d"l>1 in large amounts. The available cash 1 j on hand, therefore, is ou y ah at t ( tWD.MUd larger than the amount. held a j 1 year ago. There has be n a very 111:1lerial increase in the volume of money ! in chvahuiou as well as in the amount per capita." The loir.aiu is now i and the amouiii per capita, ! $28,711. The lull?, the loom and the forge have been taxed to supply the and I foreign demands for their products. 1 The es?\ssive cu? lit of the suihmt r disastiou. .y aneroid w?e corn crop, but this misfortune has been large.y iv- .lie uuu'itally high ' price., whicl^fi le p.^vaUid for flgrieultr.rai confsoili.ics. The year nas ; been mar.tcd by an unprvccdvuted volI I mile of bus*.liess aud t aha 1:cement of I vabics iu the realm of and spee. j ulatii n. '1 lie value of iudusirlal seeur" . itlos which have b.'cu niiilinrizeil or n the calendar year ? aiuouiu to nearly 5?".,0il.VKKU)0O. The Wait stive t pan.c of las. Alay, while ^ It w.p.d out many sj-vuouiYe torlaiiei, did noi destroy a single foot of rail " a . I.m'c lit :v:)l tovm.1 YV it \ KJk %l .un o .. > - - f -I' er.y. Soon niter a gigantic *omolna? " ticii o. the railroads ut the "V", ll wirn a cupi.fliizatlou of *K)>M0 . iri was formed, nud h:ii-uiouy was e " ^ among the Interests whose cias.i Vri ;i divjuucd the panic. , t li^CE Jans oi uie couti|r> have c:t-1\ on unusually prosperous 9"? rions shortage of cars lias / c delivery of freight, aui^ Dt ariiy crippled mtiny iudvfc- p.nii road bv.ildirg in.Pne Vhircd robl been greater during lDOi YV year or e.'even years pre- the total xp'proxiinaving u()57 gnu The construction for dasl tied to (lie total mileage oue ngs t ha total of the couu- t hoi iiuitieiy I'JP,o'<T0 miles. T1 priueipal events of the Sev !, to the American peopie ma? of the oaih of allegiance mor States upon the part of vrer i in lloito Province, the uizt f President McKinley lent Hooseveh, the capSo oy P?.Mgadier-lieneruI f .on, the establishment .Mit in the Philippines, xin lie Pan-American E:c- ga,j do, the openiug of the ons in Oitinhoma lor i!;ia ssassination of Presi- a tiutiuio and the sue- p up esldeui klotntuxeIt as 0(j l .mod States, tlie Wf'; lit Co.uinbia 0/ feir ^-o, racht SUauaroek II. lne tue America's Cup. l.hea under \ o? tae / . >uouia. ; ouut( "Which read si.onn . geii fur nfteen h ?urs. j e unnotiueeuienx of Siguot* Ala coui m<l] ui ne una reeeivcn wireiess ws.e- ;im upiiy at if *i J Jy, \ ?v, a message I out Corn wall, flight ud; Andrew Car- Jut gie's otter of $iu,uuo,txX) for .bo en- ju>;, iwiucut of a National University at jU.!, ne liiiiffton; Mrs. I,eland batnioni's V0D ft Oi ^oO.'JOU.ttU'.Mo Uio Stanford I"i?;- t>01] of Caiiioruin, the rati titration of (Jf o N.c.irngiut Canai 'treaty with Great rliniu by tne t nitcd States Senate. itl tlio .akin..; of the practical I! t?l?s* toward an isthmian canai and a ! I utile: tic* cable. i tail Important. events have transpired in I Ari her portions of the World during tiie I we ist year. Croat itrl.aia lias neon lsy witn tile Sonlli Airi rail war, with isu agnation and witn grave ti-wui | I 'obieuis; franco nas expelled tb_> re- . wil ;iotis orders; Germany has exp^ri- 1 l*ai seed the gnatcsc industrial J wit on in her history; Austr.a-llangary ' Sir is returned to the ti Id of racial and iigunl feml; llussia lias blushed her iberimi Kndvoad and fallen beneath . ie sway of an appalliuglninitu'; Japan J11'' is givtu fresh proof 01 her astounding jwers of progress; China has been me ireeri into new relationships with the liter world; Crete has attained the esire of ayes, the practical annexation I > Greece; and the South American'sen tntes have maintained their propyli- |?M tics for bickering nud Oghtlng. lu'tei diiiou two now sSlatcs nave been ' ,ihd to the world's conuuuni.y or iw- " >us. L'lJon the llrst day of the year | e Cornwall wealth oil Australasia ! uio into being, and unoti the inst In iy of tin* year was held tlio olcotiou liich will on 11 into existence ilio Govutiiont ot' the Republic oJ Cuba. The year's list of the distinguished ai ad is reiunrkable for the many great lines which arc recorded on it. The ill includes President William Meinley. termor President l'cnjuuiin arrlson. Queen Victoria, Fraucesco rispl, former Premier of Italy; Km- | tcss Dowager of tiernuiny. Li lluu^ | u hang, the great Fhineso sturcfiuau; ; ri .blmi ltaluuan Kahu, the Ameer of i t] .fghauistan: Prince von Ilohonlohe, j j .inner Chancellor of Uerniaiiy; Pros!- j ent Krrazuriz, of Chile; former King j 0 Illau. of Servia: Prince Henri <lo Or- | v iaus. liuzeu S. Piugreo, former tlov- > rnor of Michigan; Duron Wilhcim ] on Itothsehlld, head of the famous uniting house; Sir Waiter P.vsnin, j ho novelist; Uuiseppe Verdi, the ttal- , an composer: Williai.i Maxwell liv- j ] ins. former Secretary of Sia;. ; Kate lfeeuaway, the child's illustrator; tear-Admiral Francis >1. P.unee, C. S. | x"., and Ignatius Donnelly, the poiiician and author. The great record of gift'' and lietut sts made in 18'.i;? to colleges, inilicrsifios. lil rarit s and art museums, which reached S7!),7411,1)315, must give way to l'.it'l. The total of its g.f.s reaches $P23,SSS.w'J. t)f the total amount there has hi en given to educational institutions <'iS,s.' a.;.\'.l, to ci:r.ritic8 8--.-lT.17u. to churches 5>d.L'!!8,-lvvl, to talis, ums and art galleries ifad to libt*arlc8 ?10,USS,7U-. j S3,607,539,203 IN TRUSTS. Crnr.ttn on t'lo i'onililton ??f 1S3 lmlutti tut Combination*. Washingian. 1). C.?Census statistics made i bhiic ? n industrial combinations show a total am ho. .v. .1 on May til. 1*? >?. for t'uc is:: corporations reported of _*);?. aod capital moi i\ d JtU,*.'' 3,-0t>,N'.?S. VIis? total va.iuo of cii tin* products of th comn'natious reported is .S'.tiJl,t-'ac.ti'il, and sub.raetiug t'uo tniiie of ttie products of the hand trades, or mechanics I and neighborhood ituius< .'.es. which airman. to id '. | the products of the industrial combinations in IJIUP are found equivalent J to mure than iivtaiy per cent, of the I total gross pr? ducts of the tnann ac1 luring industries of the country as tlisy existed in lobii. Tlie 'S t eorportt.ious oinp.oyed an average of h'n'J,.p.i'J wage earners, receiving 513 ni wages. Ku.'ployincnt also was granted to 21,383 salaried oiiiein.s', clerks, etc., receiving a total of 8J_V U53.U2S in salaries. Miscellaneous expenses o" ^icso co:u1; illations aggregated $3.j1,?31,077. Total cost of material used was $1,083 0S3.828. The gross \aiue cf products, less the \tuue of material purchased in partly luauuiacitned form. gives, the net or true value of prcaucts I of thvov. v;u filiations as ?l,0ol,981.LuCttS combination 'ms reported eflfUtfc e ISC corporations reporUbVecMA1' n .l;'plants that were active in iW1" a;s yeai' flhd TT4 reported as idle sv<?o &S thai period. F ? npr iSID OLD f.'.A'DS OF FORTUNE. .,K:| , at i Trieil to Ki>k' SGCOO. r.ut VVnj \ tin ill veil u Cold Hath. t HOI) irnett Junction, <la.? The Misses i He, .two elderly woman, were ) >ed of $;i009 in gold. J.? hen the robbers criered the house ! women, hearing a noise, invert!- ',n-> >d. lighting a lamp. The robbers ' lied a bit eke: of cold v\ iter on the ^ ! lioIJlng the lamp and overawed , ! u. , u\*1 lie women lived alone In the house. eral previous attempts luive hern 1" " lo to rob them during the las; . w UUc iths. The women ?ny the robbers e white men, and thin!: they re cosid one of thorn. Th? Sltarp on t'mnnr, J, aptain Schoeffel, with a detach- Sta it of eighteen tnen of Company k. ed in inrantry, at JJapdnp. Island or Sit; Liar, P. I? was attacked by si large Mi of bolornrn. A severe hand 10 Ml d light endued, In which si sergeant, leu corporal and live privates were Na Pd. Captain Sehcoffel was wound- ?lrc but not dangerously. l\ve primces . the e dangerously and one sligitiiy ! '1 uided. X'o pioperty was lost. Tlx? i fJb my was llnally with ; o:' vy loss. Pli ?;. ? No Sirmm of Itructimi. rilS 'be business and industrial develop- cot lit of tlte year has neon so great c*? t some persons are expectant ?#.' r.n ' iy halt in the forward movement; oh" there are in* present signs of lm? sn ding reaction, and the situation np- s'01 rs to be favorable for a prolonged Mi itintiance of the prosperous business w! dition which xnnrked the closing Til the year. ab Ou? of III* HatflH.U Killr.1. ioliert H. Katfield, one of tlie I"< nky elan, lias bee 11 killed at lhe Troy dug eainp in tiie Ibnal Mountains. s*! i, by Dcp.iiv Sheriff Devlne, who ut to arrest him for wife beat in j. ' Vx;>lurt>r Star's Kouud llic World. Ji i Icrry do Windt, the explorer, who fo I try to reach New York City frniii iir 11.-? uj iiu utKiiiiim route, uas sta: .cd :h In* companions for the 'j'] aits. ?!? Clnlhinc TrailM* l*.u?y 'he usually busy season in the cloth- ^ ; trades of New York City jU( last quarter iuduced 15.00U g.u- (>1| at workers to Join the unions. p., Trmln In Cotton CSootl* (Jultt. SusineSK lu cotton good* has hern ] isonabiy quiet, but tlrst hand stocks h;i > under good control, and the price th idency Is against buyers. vl< I LI PIN OS ARE TOR I URE^D |j isurgents Visit Awiul VergeancV Upon Natives in Our Scrvica. \ p TT it rmul Outlnn-^ S?>iz?*<l Tlir?*?* I'nllrfmei, liiu'knl Tlirtn Wltli and 1*1 u 113; Tlivm AUvm Into :? Well. , pin Wnshincton, D. C.?Many Filipinos iio accept service under .\niorieni\ ^ nli* ar? visited witli van trance by jn. licit* fellow-countrymen. The War In >ep:irtme:it has received records of a l r a so in irbicb tnrcp native i uinvun u, . . , ? HI rbo bad been vent .ruin Looac to >*nn Cieholas. Iloeos Norte. for duty at tin- v.-!, alt r point, were sek:rd and bound b\ S_* in armed band of ont'r. ws. tnteit beTore a priest to be ronfe -cd. and 11 i n(. Hunt: alive inio a well. al.< - beinr ^ ha eked with ho!os. One of t !i?* band, \Veu< avian Uosalos. was sen.eiii d i? be banned. A not lie;* native policeman met in* ileatli at tbe bain's of an outlaw band or in tbe barrio of San Autonia. T.a* una ft IVovinee Tbe on.laws were lylnv: III Ui ani'ush. awaiiin r tiro passim: of r. patrol of I brae policemen, "nan wins" f nnproru h tliey spraujr out and ean u <1 p one o:' tbe three. A t'ew days later his bod.v m;is found in a ne'.rhb udin: river, jj wei-'iMi'd witb beavy roe'; and sliow-I Itpr wounds tbrouvli bis heart and I ' ' " 'r *- - ?" *li.? mi'luvs were I 1X1 II S III X UIF ? . ?. .. cau::h: f?? ? ! sentenced to lie banned. Two FllWiilns wlin too'.. pat" in t'10 * murder of nil unknown native. accused of be!in: a native sny. hclmadvd ' bo body, and liurb'd ii in ill city ? f j1 Mati'da. Tlmse wore also sMiteiu'Cd. Another hand seined n native man and | r woman, for no juviaront "'"live, 1 ! I,T d them by s'vikin-f them with obi lis on the banks of their nvrs. Mariano Zntes. wlnui brouvht to trial for the crime. jrave the follow Ins; vr'ruo explanation: "They were relatives. rne'o unil < aunt, of nilim, ami 1 hail to do It to save my life." . 'P'.ie miliia -y commission foiiml him jruilty of murder. but the v nicne-,'| was rontinenu'iit at bard labor for' twenty yea:'?. CYnoral Chaffee an proved the sentenos. lmt fully < >ucurred in the remain; o.' the Uepa-tnient Commander, that it was inade. qv.ate. ASPHALT TRUST INSOLV-NT. rio ijnl to t'nv Sl.'Oi'.onn At inmlly I pnn ! StXRIt.tlOl) Ifriiinr. Xctv York City. Cumulative evld< indieates iliat the ro-ca!led Asp'ualt Trust is ser'ously wrcited. 1), spite the National A anil a It Compaq |an' | capitalization of A22.fl00.00b ami ,e'"s authorized capitalization of S30.0>.;ltc 000 enjoyed by the Asphalt Compan.. 'of America. which Is uow meritv' 'J i the common trust, both c6nce;u j! ' . I In the hands of receiver?, fo j that position by inability .0 are In I teivst ehar^i < rfirced inio al pi . 1 duo a- ""dbiiitv to meet in- j., ,_.-i's:es. due or about to fall v \ mnountlu.; ?o soincthiuq like S! - n.L,. .000. <l"M' roiu the papers submitfed In the W'!" liraHon for a nv Ivcvsiilji ir apis that the company i; confron ed *'\u:> ireseiit with no better prospect than 05 t of an annual deficit n" about Si - Th .000. It stands pledged :? pay antlj.* *2.500,f::U> in Interest and sink- wrc< fund charges. whereas It professes wen he able to count unon reeeivlnz lie in the earnings, interest ;11?i j,.,.,, men's of Its subsidiary opera 11 tic killo ninnies not in tree than Sl.OOO.OOt: stem fly. a he loss will undoubtedly fall hear tjlu on PhiladIonia FtockhnMers, t>l ere. it is estimated. I he stoeklio'd- , 1M will lit* out of pocket at least SHU,i,OUO. 1 LAUNCH OF THE MISSOU.T. Hoyt ? ISatttmhtt) s??iit lnt ? Ibo Water at ^ Newport >f??, \ a. \\'v ewport News. Vn. ? The United upsj ttos battleship Missouri was launch- fron at tlio yards of the Newport News uiaii iplmildiiig r.iul Prydork roiiipany. .... ks Marion Uockrell. daughter.of the .. ssouri Senator, performed the eliris- .'(| lilts ceremony, and Secretary of the vy John P. l.rug delivered an ad- _' ss. defending the appropriations for navy. j*'he Missouri is a sisier ship of lite "(M> ,io. bnild'ng at San Francisco, and Ni tlie Maine, recently launched at invi iladclphia. Iler eoiitraei twice was I.ou SSfl.OOO. Her I:erl was laid i n Feb- <*. try 7, 10'JO._nnJ sii^ is about half son np'cted. iler rout met speed Is diet) :htecn knots an hotir. He V now feature iti rod wed Into tin jj ensive power of litis ship are two j bmerged torpedo tubes. The M s w;('? trl and Iter e'ass are the first baiile!ps of the United States Navy in a ^ tieii water tnlte boilers are provided. ie collective indicated horse power is "* out 10.000 when the vessel is making !l ' ;hlcen knots. *' V.'ATERGFOUT D O\'J>1 S 230. Tti, l ininlnl 1?y ( J? Willi mown ltnini);r, tolo rangier.? A water t lias burst l<|-; er the town of SaOVe. Moroero. It ' *! initiated the lower va?5 of the town r the space of twelve hours. sweep- Hde X evtry.itin, into the sea. Two bun- fcr. rd persons have lit* -it drowned. IP tore are no Kuropeans .among the to t ad. The damage to Saffce was If tl orinous. -j<a ffee Is a fortified sea nor t town of fo;. r*rm>r?/i It ? t*i.t?n Mi!/*** - "" ' >;ll! :*ludins about oOOO Ilc'.i.fU'y. Jt i? closed by massive walls ami lius :: lace and a small for:. point* t.*x*?r to Atlrml Coronation. ^-*"11 It Is said that the Czar of Kussln s accepted an invitation to attend ^bt < coronaticn of Khic: Kdward, pro i cid< tied that the Czarina is in jjoo.l health net the time the ceremony occurs. tall ] - MESMlHEffi., WAsHlXfiTON U'KJIJI. tcretary Hnv made rii tot h I lie Mexican tlovc; n/ctw ^V.forWerntion of the cTa?^hs Ji the urch In California. ^ V > 7 i lear-Adiniral Frrtix '.t* Asbury Rde,; S. N.. retired, is, ilrnd. He -was' cod on the retire? list Oetober 4,, after thirty-four years of actiro vice. Iivat Intc.^rst wr.? excited In V\"asn::?*h b>\ ttie gaJthorlnp of wnrsdiips Venoztmnn wuten?..aMd' the cspcctfd t :\ai demons' Htlprn [tear-.\i^4irnl Kolilry D. Bvnns tvl|omiunmlev iho battleship Iflwnon tile >:i nisli war. received nlu mi arc of tl^o 11: iago JioUnty money. aino".iiiti""^^o ?jf U? A i.ian who killed l:?iii?clf InJ^tiotel Washiiigion was Idcni it.ciLM^^??CO. l\linger, of Sciirnef _ ?.... < ; ~r?>rn At>OI*TKt? IST.ANTljf. Oneral Chafer ?nd Aei'ug f'ovra \\ right denied that there Ik fluy I t <>n between the military nnil civil aikorities in the l'ililinnlnes* Captain Fret* oriel: s. Vol r. Second nvairy. was appointed Cantixln of tlio ori of Havana, Cuba. (Jem 1!< ! .;* Mrso. Perr.ocrae candidate f >r iii * l'n sldenry of : u'-a. gave in iii oainrwicrn and ro-? iinwd i 1 Ills b.ome at Mr.ntnulllo. The military nvo:i at Snbig Bay f s iv .'<1 nldisii >d. and a largo mim-' ,er of Filiiiintw ?a a nivit '.n T^agvma ml I'.atnngr.s rvoviucva were Bctlt' here. f n'nnc t n nstnhl t., ( " .iini,. i ll : by bliqotin^ \ elf tlironprli the head. 1 * \ earnsua nr. \ Veu /.cola noofepfed \ tations to parileipaie in the St. Is World's 1 "siIi* o.' 1 i . . , C. llanis, 'lie p:i'iii(v of Kit Cnrniid a vo'.ova:? o.* i.'io MerJcan war, at Altor.a, it )ii!< I'oiMiir, Col. was seven.y-fnur years o." a Re. Iss I.irr/io Tjm (? mus r'Mct'olnrr i a nun at Umbos Station, ' Va., u a Sot' i: .Itailway {'"iitn passed nd tlii' . l'rrdovle!; Marshall, akotnan, wvs she; and killed, dctaclr.r.rni of -'J/*, reertiils T"ft barracks at Columbus, Ohio, for I'lr.llpp'.ntr. ran tov, loan lias beam to ( rc.'t wirolcsrapli siui'.on.s :i*.u:i.the Korean St. tie Ilnsslun police sa'd titer had overt*.1 an an.. . noni plot at ssa o.' the nu-. ?. n,,. roits citaracrlclan Ranibiin.'; bo :?ra proposed 'staldlt a Mon o ( at.o at Santos, lie Sultan of Yuv.ty would consent, lie Xloar.iRitaii ('< . . sm organized a Rist'j'Miny.V pes ion. with Scuor itinRo l.ope;; as President, ho Do'.ulu'on Covriiini'-nl appointed prlnary Inspce.ors for snipping is bciwoeii the United States and iad.1. lie Austrian T.ord Chief Justice, valier IIoi*in;er, commuted sniff at Vicuna, ile was driven to the by tfear that ho was coing trv y bliud. i jhlueiary haul; :i' M 1 utin as soon iSTaii's arc more reitlcd. HSS , llOVKSTir. While sicaiiir- ai Cti-finv'.rt. Conn.. T.eroy Mosiipr, |Ci:.,ht years old, "\.as drowned. The poslo'Uee si Cold Water, Misty was robbed m' in money stami .--.. Theodore 1J u d > eud.ore Huddles . < Jr., formerly, iccpcr for i h<> Sr,k Yards llaiilc' i.- : Sr. l.ratis. 11:.. \v.\s arrested ou r :iii. i h;;r:..n ; it'.iii with cuibcz*. j . lo.imm:; far -.perntin;; bucket, i' ve:? rc.urued; t tbre: lirai*'. j , lie bkaun.? at !<-V?\.a. X. Y?'- 'Ler nuil tl-..aid P.; fed h? an air -> and weiv dro>v ^Tj" ?t|! ;ht \V:>:i n prisons at In- ? apo'K li d., nsv.timeiT^ fo, ulKlued ly luruiiu; a e II- ou them. g Mj tea children v. burned B| uiVaio, N. Y., la a a::i aCnc hnusi pB a train \\ : < - . ; Yalta. III., scvefl ?r.?ons were 1. la >! ami Injured. * liter Kails. :i fa ner, of Manheinp ., eul his liiio.t; \. .it a racor wail? omleiu over ;i ci>. i case wbielJ t against liini. jV in* as fciist miils must close bee of i he j.I:or. - of wa a. brought it by the .'amp in price. 1 ) e Cam:..n liail < .'> ess train on Host on ami >i m liiroad wa?' ke.l ai N'.t-'.i .:, N. Li., a ad two were hilled. cause his wife !e't Ifir. Xtl.ltiKt er^, a farmer, ai City, II!.. I he* and it a . If, shot Ibeir son. * 1 j terrific ;r:lo swept the foothills of itocky Mo.m from Cheycpue Hike's IV.'.":. <lil.i, considerable nuo to proper, y. j-? ? 1 revenue eii.? ; 11 m :ri 11 (oil warned lisll SMI'Sl icr< off A eo ?I :l IMtiiul. a wntnonv ri'?cvv::ilo!i near CumHarbor, of.' the coast of Florida, itlian Kekiiirn, la ( par oT the il>- Itoc'.c llvh . was drowned hy tlie dtinjj of his l:ia. while retnrniug i Nana-raiuc. t 1'lrr, It. I., wilh his . and supplies. of^ht l-lria':' ' "' Hlvlt was killed collision wlili a:i express at Thesn. Mich. 1 inctrcn-ycar e'd T.or'l" I.. Htichln- / liauxli cr of a fr.-m-r near Dtilton, (