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I ) ^ ? ? _ I PR2CE.25C, m$ **5*:s?3*jur*ai /tAPUDme ?| Xa^ < run ? M Ncpvnin ll"inl u?li , Xournlvln, ^ Sj ami HICK IIE.Vl'ACHU. Ti J-) ui.#o- lij ? lillely lir.ruil<s?. No f/Trtot on tho B lU'sirt. For -ii'h nt nil DfiliC Stores. p *iSs?5iST5s?t?.<:"i^T. A*\F .T.VtStnilRgftv\frU "Wl,'' "T*Tt /?'"V -IV ' 111 Sll.iMliin-l Hwiwt 1 Study other branches. Thousands 10 ii w il>.In thin buccn-fullr. I A\ i ite for p irticulars nt once. Drake-Br.dge School, I Wonui 550 150 Fifth \v? ouc. New Yoih t ' .f. WANTED AT ONCE! SaSSns ww and grndtin'e In time to accept tcond i>o. vltinni In the K|'|-j|iK and 'iliim r v\ it wait Tor part till Ioii i titll posit are recur il, accept notes, or tviil pav It. It. tare ami I'flii'e work for ' nit 'iiitinn. Hoard heap. Don't miss this eteat i.Mer. but write at once Tar full 11. f i mat Ion MIL! .IIUlA Et! MM "Is (OLMtClt. t 'U.IIMMIA. ft. C. ' , . w- < IIOI.MKH Imprnrwl Harm v?l "Krllpm." . Yejv'.TTu--. P,o<t M'l-ti-date |ev>*l made .St/ I'rie tl V) with rial. W.ilnfot jrflii itT v\ ?le*r ri nti ?> ci'oiilar. 12 North fji d \\ Forsyth St., Atlanta, Us. HDHPQY NEW DISCOVERY: giva* wj fa Vw* I O I "line* reli.f and curti until wmi 1 ou. ul t. i.iuomal. nml lOilnt.' ir.ii.acuk Vrri-. Pr H H OlEEN SSOMh t.i AtUat*. .... (told .llriiHl ut i oliwio I;.x|mibI|Ion. McILHENNY'S TABASCO illotlierr, Did yon overuse O.'osr O'.kahk Linimfnt for |i.?r littleouesV You should never tie without tfei* rented}?U cuicrt nil itches slid pains. Ktuu the teU-liOHded tnnn hates to pet fenld. Ho. 62. THE WORXIXC OF FAT" Wow It AITtcteil tit* Cursor* of lUoKI nicy and Koo.rrdt. Fate Is peculiar. It knows tictter than we do what is best for us. It Axes our destiny without our knowledge, and often against our will, says Leslie's Weekly. William McKinley'a xaost vigorous battlo was liis contest for the speakership with Thomas II. Heed, in 1S20, which Heed won According to custom, Mr. Heed made his distinguished opponent chairman of the ways and means committee, and lhu3 it was that the protectlvo tariff tneasuro drafted by that committee, largely through the influence of Mr. McKiulcy, came to be popularly known i as "the McKinley bill." This made MeKinley the champion cf the working masses, the candidate of his party fOT pi" sident, and finally gave him a triumphant election and re-election for the ofllcc of chief magistrate. At tho Republican national convention at Philadelphia, a little over a year ago, the party leaders of New York Insisted that Governor Roosevelt mist accept the tender of the vice presidency. lie resolutely declined, insisting that ho was entitled to re-election to the governorship. The party leaders of Now York, aided by those of Pennsylvania and sevetal other states, forced the 1 nomination of Roosevelt, and then compelled his reluctant acceptance, flcnrcely six months have elapsed since his Inauguration, and ho is now the president of tho United Ktntcs, with nearly a full term to serve. This is /iestlny, and who shall say that the Fates arj always unkind? GOOD JUDGE OF DISTANCE. Wliut an Expert Uolfwr Did wish 131* Watch. The accuracy and steadiness of aim j snd the wonderful judgment of dis- J lance acquired by steady practice at the , rnino of golf are a source of great surprise to the spectator who Is not a j devotee of tho game. Some of tho pro- | feesiunals who have spent years at the game, both in this country and abroad, have a great following of the younger element on the links, who try in copy the teachers In a way that is ludicrous. About a yecr ago Willie Campbell, en old-time champion and all-around expert of tho gnme, w.u; cniplojwd as tnutructor at tho Franklin Park links. Jlli. uccuracy iu making a drive whs almost perfect, r.nd his aim was so sure that frequently he would amuse the crunu uj inacins ?i ponny on mo crys- t *il of his wnlcli end with n ttrong I drive pick It off without even scrateh ?tug Campbell young man y gcod knov/1t that bo could ng a golf ball ore a faw inlaced the ball prepared for n Jk tnat < a me Ins the drive, ball onrt watch ;ttcr be imagor fifteen rain3 of his watch, of the crowd, ddcr but wiser ! I v Te!esrn|>h France has a population of 23,517,975; 79,443 miles of line, 400,590 miles of wire; 12.560 officers; 70,269 employes; sends 42/.90.04S messages per year; has CG persons to each mile of wire; 0.01 -oiio of wire to each porRnn Vrir P.rpnt Rrltnln tlm I'firrB. I spending figuies aro: 40,270,570; 43,507; 20S.48C; 10.816; 1521942; S0.037.720; 130; 0.007G, For the United States the figures are: 75.937,CS7; 222.587; 1.115,086; 25,609; not reported. 79,696,227; 491; 0.0147. The United States ha3 two-thirds as many miles of wire as all the principal countries of Europe and sends about 24 per cent of all tho messages dispatched. Each person in the United States has 0.0147 miles of wire to use, while in thicklypopulated England he has 0.0076; I3elgiuin, 0.0031; Denmark, 0.0041; France, 0.0104, and in Russia only 0X014. I'or the* !?oir?i*i, N*o r what nils yon. he.i la?!)* to a aiicer, you will never get wc-ll until yoae l)onc'? aro j at riput. Oasoauetb b?.? na.uro. <:ro you without a gripe or pain,* produce ?y natural movement*. com you just 10 ! i-enta to go tiing y.>ur h?:;lth back. Cahi cAixrit Candy Calhar.ic, the genuine, piu u:? in metal box every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. kexra-.e of imitation":, rot.. .. i . . i? tiw>a .* jf.u* uccumcs ? mrs. snc never w ill be M isscd. A <?no?l Way to 190*!. Cleanso tho system, purify tin bloml nnl regu nto the livor. kidneys, stomach and bo voW with tho Horb medicine. Garfield Tea. Insuring health and happiness for ;he New Year. JTnowledge is power except in the case of a man who known he's been whipped. FITS permanently cured. No lit* or nerroa*nen after first dav'a use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise fro-! Dr. li. H. Klixk, Ltd.. 1)31 Arch St.. 1'Uila. l'a. The only reason some people don't make fools of themselves is because the opportunity is lacking. Mrs. Vfinslow Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. ^ Many a man thinks his wife is gifted as | n mind reader when tn roa.ity he talks in bis sleep. Fisos (lure cannot be too highly spoken ot ss a cough cure.?J. W. O'BniEN, 822 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 193.). The most ductile metal is platinum. Wires have been made of it very little thicker than the threads of a spider web. A Christmas Dlnuer Thut W?? Not Katen Because of indigesticn I This sorry tain would not fcavo beon told if tho system had been rcgu'.nted and the digestion perfected by tho Usf of Nature's remedy, Gariicld Tea. j ! his wonderful Hera medicine cures all fcrms of stomach, liver end bowel derangements. ! lean?os the rvstein, purities tho b'ood and lav* th" foundation for long hfo and con- j tinned good health. - - i? Homeumts her hair, but in ore often her hat. Each package oT Tptnam FancLSsa Pte colors either Silk. Woo! or Cotton perfectly at one boiling. Sold by nil druggists. The glazing of pens, tn sonic varieties considered an important operation, is done ! with shellac dissolved in nuDhtlia. How's Tilts? We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any case oT Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .t. Chf.sf.y ft Co.. Trons.. Toledo, o. We,the undersigned. have known F. J.Che. ney for the last 15 rears, and believe mm n rfectlv honorable in all business transactions and financially al>!o to carry out any obligation made by thy firm. Wfst .V I'tUAT, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wamiin'o, Kinmn ft Marvin, Wholf.i-s.lo | Druggists. To'edo, Ohio. Hall's Catrrvh Cure is taken internally, aei- | ing directly upon the blond and mucous snv- j faces oT the system. Price. 73e. per bollle. j Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials froo. Hall's Family Pills nr<- the boat. mothers'. Did you ever u-o Coosk T.isimekt for your iliile ones'/ You rhoiibl never be without ibla rair.e y-lt cures all aches and pains. The latest censii3 bujlctin shows that Chicago outclasses all tho other large cities in tho number of deaths from railroad accidents. Its total for > >./, ? ' me 1.E110UB jcui ia aau. wnwc me combined total for nine otbor big citios 13 only 486. The Amcrlran Salt Co.. of Louisiana j will operate a barge line between Gal- i veston and Morgan City. HI I: thfrb^ST' **. MR I ft 11 ;?fil'!lBllli T. i v.- i Him j i is pure. u|||J It is gentle. ^ |j||||| It is pleasant, if: ||:||P|j || It is efficacious, 'j:" IjijllJji It is not expensive, i. !;-!jljj It is good for childi | ji l| It is excellent for li ?,? ' I j i. r ft ;,j It is convenient for i'li i It is perfectly safe i . j 'jj 'I It is used by millio i'y, 1 v'f : It stands highest, a If you use it you h ft- ,i| produces. & ^3 : I Kow >lrri?7 Shin Tronblaa Ctin't ro?:int Tett^rine. "I have been tronbted with Kc/ema four yearn. Tetterine ba< done . me ho much good th t I gladly recoinmenu it. , Send another box."?\V. C. i'uller. Bemiroln UotiKge, Sea Ciiff, N. J. 60c. a box by mail from J. T. fehnptrine, Savannah, Qc., if your druggist don't keep it. married women feel that they t?mid like to organize a society for the improvement of men. nothrm, , Did you overuse Goohk Ghvark I.imvext for i your little oDHhV You Hhnuld urv^r t ? withj out this remedy?it ernes nil nebesoud puiuB. j A barrel of gasoline confined in n cellar has twice the explosive force of a barrel of i gunpowder. Wish All Happy ?w Year. : Happiness that comes with good health Is , River tonll who uss Nature's gilt, (InrfloldTea. i This Herb ( u.-e cleaiues the Fj*tem. purities the blocd and removes the cause of disease. The Lanlatidcrs average four feet eleven inches in height and arc the shortest people in Europe. A Grievous OfTrnoi, Magistrate?Tho charge is Interfering with an ofT.cer. Roundsman McCarly, you will please stato exactly what the defendant did. Roundsman McCarty?01 wor passing his fruit sthard, ycr anner, an' Ol shwolped a banana, when th' dago trcid t* tck it from me. yer anner.?Leslie's Weekly. Ninc-tcntlis of England's railroad passengers travel third class. gwaw aaaMraajCsamflnaMnraassnawnea I Bronchitis 1 441 have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec- fl toral in my house for a great many a years. It is the best medicine in I the world for coughs and colds." K J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. I All serious lungi troubles begin with a 8 tickling in the throat. | I You can stop this at first I in a single night with i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. D Use it also for bronchitis, | V. W.lOUlli JJllUll, IidlU CUIUS, | and for coughs of all Kinds. S ' Three sizes: 23c.. SCc.. $1. All tfrujfiitf. j# M Consult ronr itnrtnr. If he rati take It, K IV then (lo as lie snjrr. If he tolls you not R D ta take It. then don't tuko It. He knovi. K Loatro it with hint We :iro willing. II J. I". AYKK CO., Lowell, Mass. 6 J f.f <r 19 fgt w / Fruit. I I It? qimlity infliicnccs R 1 , the selling price. Qj 8 Profitable fruit N '" H growing insured only ^ H j&Sfcj when enough actual uj 16 Potash 1 S PS ...... H! h fe/fi ,s ,n 111? fertilizer. fJ k"o| Neither quantity nor Rj Nj p goo.i quality possible nf IJEE. lvi"'out l'?,as1'flips'"' Q Write (or our/w bujkt n H??vmd droits. 3 f?S \\\ ,V vX < J r.r.RMXN K Al l WORKS, r ftJgslfc^sL"N" a ^^2dSB^^sssaEMarsmKma0 | \YL PAY R. R. PARI: v ' 1 " 1: $5,00? Ui'i'.osit, Guarantee j moo iiskk scnoi.AKNitti'v no a ten at ? ?ST. Write Ijr.lck to OA A I A. lll'MNKSS (Ol.l luK, mai ON. OA. A ri to SIOJ-.AU Y t.niuMlnit Ndlmtal Antomatla tr%u Intiow ( Ion r; >nli >1 tlxht. rM ?n ? %}# W U(k.n?.,ltofii? IS.Hultt ri lilnck.Clbcliiuait. o. Why p.of Fjjgs family l&xartive i i t j ren. i i ficlies. business men. under all circumstances, ns of families the world over, is a laxative, with physicians, avc the best laxative the world 0 ? % % I . r?? ???Bl ?? ?B?1 rjCT* "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LC outshoot ail other black powder I better and leaded by exact machin powder, shot and waddlr^. Try t ALL REPLTABLll ?)?. se. l if QTAblTLING j Jjj Thousands of children are * Worms. Symptoms are seldom ^ child's temperament and upon the vurie jjj tines. Lose no time! Adopt the safe ai 2 DR. BOVKIIN'S \* lb * A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DESn S IN USE OVER 30 YEARS. ACCE 25c- BEST VERMIFUGE KNOV ae I $2000.00 I GIVEN VALUABLE m The offer in our Premium Book, la hereby | EXTENDED FOR THE~E (except Prese 1 PRLSENTS WILL KE~ delivered to us dariniS the year inn brands of vur tobacco: R. J, Reynolds' 8 oz., Slrav.1! Golden Crown, Reynolds' Sii I Mahogany, Speckled Beanly, Early Bird, P, H. Hanes 5 and 0^ To appreciate onr offer, thes That we uic giving ?2000.00 per ory of chewers on ottr trade mari t <fy onr best effort* to please elit being deceived by imitators. Full descriptions of Pt tags will be furnished | R. J. REYNOLDS TCB&CGG Ci "JPJf III I III i ill II II BecaM? Its component parts are all wliolesc It acts gently without unpleasant a It is wholly free from objectionable It contains the laxative principles It contains the carminative principl It contains wholesome aromatic li agreeable and refreshing to the t All arc pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically Its value is due to our method of m.i the orgiuality and simplicity of I To get its beneficial effects ? buy t Manufactured by (autorKIA jlc^ San Francisco, Co Louisville, Ky. N< foi: sale nr all leadixu i> t ROYAL || ORCESTER AND ON TON OR.SETS STRAIGHT FRONT made in all the latest shapes colors. They have no equals, no others arc "just as good." your dealer about them. a! Worcester Corset Co. Worcester, Mass. E-SJ* m ti-taCr JADED SHOTGUN SHELLS I shells, because they are mad-; cry with .he standard brands of hem and you will be convinced. .I?E8S KEEP THEM | ~ C- C-15- C- 6- & C & e-?16- t C- fc- S-t ft- C- MFACTS. I i >K i being gnawed to distraction by Jj| j reliable. They depend upon the ty of worms present in the intcs- * :d sure course by using ? j /ORM KILLER. ; TROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. ? iPT NONE OUT DR. BOYKIN'S. * /VN SOLD EVERYWHERE. * ;ra*rrniMunD3saBHHMRnBSBBBnBaszKasn PER DAY AWAY! ; iFORKSATION II [cf expiring January a, 1901, NT1RE YEAR OF 1902 I nt So. imq) i GIVEN FOR TAGS i1 jgor, taken from tko followjerry, R. J. R., Schnapps, in Cured, Brawn k Bo.'s Apple Jack, Man's Pride, Co.'s liatnrai Leaf, Cutter N. T, t- facts should hs considered: j day for tags, to ti.\ the mem- L kr> placed art tnh.neos, io idea- ' veers, and prevent them from ' cseaia offered for oar upon request to I, WINSTQS-SALEM, N. G. ! iHP je | I I ^ ime. i fter-effects. : substances. i i f.\ of plants. I .;! Ics of plants. j ? quids which are il ' % astc. j j >; :;i $ li % compounded. j;j mufaeturc and to ji; $ the combination. , ::V bM .he genuine. 1 Ml V / V \i S ? . , "ff . a / .n i I p-N . J A 1 t! i i ? if. jj: j ;w York-. N. Y. }'. i] ? nUGOJSTS. -?' v. VI The lieet Sugar luuustry. A most important article giving Messrs. Gxaard's anil Cutting's views on the beet sugar Industry In this covin try appeared on the editorial page of the New York Evening Post of December 12 last, and as every house hold in the land Is interested In sugar the article will be of universal interest. THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. The Evening Post bids the heartiest welcome to every American industry that can stand on its own bottom and make its way without leaning on the poor rates. Among these self-supporting industries we are glad to know. Is the production of beet sugar. At all events, it was such two years ago. We publish elsewhere a letter written in ISI'O. aud signed by Mr. Oxnard and Mr. Cmting, the chiefs of this industry on the eastern shle of the Rocky Mountains, showing that this was the happy condition of the trade at that .into. If parties inasijueradiug as beet sugar producers are besieging the President n;i<l Congress at this moment. smd pretending that they will be ruined if Cuban sugar is admitted for dx months at half t present rutesof duty their false protean s ought to be exposed. The letter of Messrs. Oxnard and Cutting was probably written for tlie purpose of inducing the farmers of tlie Mississippi Valley to go more largely into the cultivation of beets for the sugar factories. This was a laudable motive for telling the trulli and showing the large profits which awaited both the beet grower and the manufacturer if the industry were perseverinely and intelligently prosecuted. To this end it was pointed out that farmers could clear St?."? per acre by cultivating beets, and might even make $100. But In order to assure the cultivator that he would not be exposed to reverses by possible changes hi tlie tariff, they proceeded to show tjbat the industry stood in no ived of protection. i no oeet sugar industry, t hose g<>ntlctnen say. "stands on as firm a basis as any business In the conn try." They point out tlio fact?a v? y important one?tliat tlioir product /oiiips out as a finished article, refinei/and granulated. It is not. like cane sug^r grown in the West India Islands, a lUack and ofiiensive paste, which must be carried in wagons to the seaboard : nd theme by ships to the United Stall's, where, after another handling, it put through a costly refinery, an i lit V -hipntd by rail to the consumer, who*nay possibly be in Nebraska, nloug&de a beet sugar factory, which turnsi>ut the refined and granulated artichlat one foi? swoop. Indeed, the advantages o*. producer of t>eet sugar for supplf the domestic c n-tvnpt'.on are very great. We have no doubt that Messrs. Oxnnrd and Cutting are within bounds when they say that "sugar can be produced here cheaper than it can be in Europe." The reasons for this are that? "The sugar industry is. after all. merely au agrieultrral one. We enn undersell in -ill rvii.r... .......... , . II UJ.O. nnd sugar Is no exception." ft follows us naturally us the making of flour from wheat, if we can produce wheat cheaper than Europe. then naturally we c.;'i produce flour cheaper. as we do. But the writers of the letter do not depend upon a priori reasoning to prove that they can n .-he sugar at a profit without tariff p;\ :ee irn. They point to the fact that under tin McKlnley tariff of 1800, v*!::ii cngar was free of duty, the price of the article was four cents per pound. Ye net pro tit ?-f $3 per tm \yas made 1 11 > beet sugar factories under those conditions, not counting any bounty on the homo production of sugar. They boast that they made this profit while working under absolute free trade, and they have a right to lie proud of this result of their skill and industry. Mauy m-i-i iiu'ioni's n:?(i neen started in bygone years, back in the sixties and seventies of the nineteenth cen nry. and 1>'m1 tieeause the projectors did not understand the business. Since then great progress has been made, both here and abroad, lo the cultivation and manipulation of the beet. What was impossible thirty years ago Is now entirely feasible. Tho ' industry Is already on a solid and en- / during basis. There are factories Id > the United States, these gentlpmexi tell us In their letter, capable of using 350,000 tons of beets per annum at a profit of $3 per Ion. and this would make a profit of $1,030,000 as the income to be enrued under absolute free trade. It must he plain to readers of this letter, signed by tlie captains of the beet sugar industry, that the people In Washington who are declaiming against the temporary measure which the President of the United States urges for the relief of the Cuban peo pit*, arc either grossly ignorant of the subject, or are practising gross deception. The tenable ground for them Is to say: "Other people are having protection that they do not need, and therefore we ought to have more than we need." This would he consistent with the letter of Messrs. Oxnard and Cutting, but nothing else is so. U/PCURE CACt:R A >11 lUMUt^ " $We I'sc NO Knife, NO Piaster. j We ft** no (Mln. hwln? i>i>i?i I We run? y?u lit Ke K VOl l\\V. 1 \\ ? m r ?>r><iiiMif of 11< ii tii'iOral rn lettfc I Wr w tnt you t?? r. ft.l mir u l'n-e II lrP 1 W( ivanl ihl- '..'i' lurl ard in?rrlilii|| IK 11 Wr or* I. J Stl.l * I .??! , ' Mini Yl u ntr a n<,vi?i t . <t.n Kor IWmm y rr M \VK P ? V 30Ult WJU M 1(1 AM> III TURN" roMIt, IF VOU W.1.LVI-II \}.N A U AK1C1 KKATHK.vr. jB ... S85^^!5!i33BaZB6h fl CUIUS WMttU Alt PSf tAli.1T Ea K Host s'nuuli Syrup. (iis>t C? pgJ In tuuj. SoliLby Orari(i?u. AM HI 8M