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$ . 1" f_ '_J . " IN THE LOCAL FIELD. 'JEvents of the Past Week In and Around Town Briefly Told. Are you broke too? A iUierry Christmas! The second snow of the season fell at this place last Thursday. Miss Clara Sledge is spending , the holidays at her home in Chester. Mr. E. W, Kimbrell has been confined indoors for several days with a severe cold. Prof. S. M. Mason left Friday for his home at Yorkville to spend the holidays. Prof. E. E. Thornwell, ot Kershaw, is spending the holidays at bis home in this place. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, are spending the holidays at Mr. J. W. Ardrey's. Wo understand that the Presbyterian Sunday school has decided to postpone its Christmas tree uti'il new year's eve. The many friends of Mr. S. J Kimbrell will be pleased to learn that he is rapidly recovering from Ilia ro/imi 1 * 1 I ai 10 i wtin nuirno* Rev. aiid Mrs. A. Fincli and children left Monday morning to spend the holidays with relatives i nfSpyriaubu r# vC unty. Rev. and Mrs. E S. Reeves returned to their home in Statosville, N. C.. Friday, after a visit to relatives in this place. Mr. S. S. Ordway has received a second shipment of machinery, which l?c will use iu completing the east wing of the Catawha tUtu. llov. J. H. Massey, son of Mr. B. II. Massey of Fort Mill, will till the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at this place next Sunday evening at 7:30. M*. Martin Wolfe, Jr., and Miss Conhe Johnston, daughter of Mr. fc5e<yifldus Johnston, were married atf the Catawba House Monday afternoon by Rev. E. A. Hartsell. At the regular services Sunday, tljA* conuregatioti of the First Presbyterian church of Hock Hill dec dcd to cull Rev. Mr. McArn, of lyerahaw, to the pastorate of their church. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Menchnni, Jr., of Greenwood. S. C, after spending several days with relatives at this place, left Monday for Rich burg, to visit Mrs. Meacham's parents. Mr. Monroe Merritt has been employed as overseer of Mr. F. T. Pegrnin'a plantation in Bethel tcwuship daring the oomiug year nnd will move his family to that place in u few days. Mr. A. H. Merritt, Jr., and Miss Bessie Felts were married Saturday afternoon by Notary Chas. Kiuibreli, at the home of the latter in upper Fort Mill township. It was a gretna green affair. Mr. Walter Rpps and Miss Magpie Stevens, and Mr. Henry Bniles ; and Mien Emma Love wefe marlied by 'Squire W. O. Bailes on last Sunday. All of the parties' are employees of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company. The smallpox excitement, which ' -was up to fever heat some days; ago, has about blown over and all is ' again serene. No now cases have j been reported and the two persons : on Factory Hill are rapidly recovering from the disease. Married on Monday morning by Rev. E. A. Iiartsell at the Catawba House, Mr. J. K. Cole and Miss Maggie Si lies, of Greensboro, N. C. The bridal couple were aecompnnittfl to Fort Mill by a sister of Mrs,Cole. While away from home on last ' Friday, Capt. S. K. White had ) stolen from him a silver dipper,! which he prized very highly, hav- i ing used it for a number of years ! The dipper was taken from tin* back piazza sometime during the ' day. Dr. D. G. Thompson is wearing upon his forehead an ugly bruise as a result of a runaway accident Saturday morning. The accident 1 occurred a few miles this side of Waxhaw, N. C., where Dr. Thompson and Mr. W. S. McMurray had gone on Friday evening. The buggy was overturned and con1 eiderably broken up, but the occu1 pants escaped with but a few 1 Slight bruits. $ | The boxes, 25 in number, for the Gold Hill rural mail route were received at this place lust Saturday and will at once be placed along the route. The boxes I are made itf crnlvimivnft if"? ???wl are equipped with signals, which, when raised, informs the carrier that the box contains mail matter which is to Ixo psoted. The carrier, Mr. J.R. H;;ile, Jr., will make his first trip with mail over the | route on January 2. The young men of the city gave a delightful gonnan in the town hall last evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Spratt. Among the visitors were Misses Howell, Harvey, and Wilson, of llock Hill, : and Kirkpatrick, of Sharon, wl o are visiting Miss Kittie Kirkpatrick, and Miss Blaine, of Rock Hill, who is spending the holidays | with friends in the city. An etTort is being made by the ! members of the Fort Mill Light I Infantry to raise a sum of money ' sufficient to pay for the laying of ., ....... ?i ii... i > <> I u U.v;v uuui JIJ HIU iUNVU 111111. A lie ] citizens should all aid the com1 puny in its undertaking, ns the, hall is greatly in need of such ro' pair. Then, too, it would seeui ! proper that the town council should help out in the matter. Rev. \Y. A. Wright, and family ! arrived last Thursday and have : ; taken up their residence nt the parsonage on Booth streot. Mr, Wright, who is the new pastor of | the Methodist church, pienched his tirst sermon in this place Sunday evening, lie was formerly pastor of a church at Barnehville, j ; and has a deep hold on the people of that section. Through a deal which was made last Thuasday, Mr. W. Me. Gulp is to succeed Mr. F. T. Pegranias 1 nron ietor of the Pulmefio the change to be made t-ometime ! duriu^ the present week. Mr. Peg ram, through liis courtesy and strict attention to business, has met with much success during his nine years in the hotel business; here. fiotj) Mill (ileaninjfs. Dec. 24.? News is scarce nowadays, but listen out for the squall later on. Some thief, or thieves, entered the cotton house of S. C. Paris a few nights ago and took an bun- j dred pounds or so of cotton. Crops are about all gathered and ' there is general complaint of the : shortage. A friend recently requested us to givo oui; experience with the year's crop. We made a fair crop of everything we plant-; I ed?corn, cotton, oats, peas, pota- ' toes, etc. On throe and one-half : acres in oats we threshed 21 <S bushels. From the sale of oats and hay from this lot we realized forty-odd dollars p?-r acre. From fifteen acres in cotton we gathered i n ino bales, and we are satisfied that six acres of the fiifteen made six bales, and on our ''pot" acre, which composed on? of the six, we gathered three thousand nounds of Heed cotton. Now Thomas, if you are nroitud, we have no seed I for sale, hh it is strictly against our religion to sell then:. We feel i loath to say it, hut this is our last crop. Our race is run. We still have a surplus of agents and peddlers around. One of the latter met up with a well known horse trader recently and swapped his whole store for an old horse ' and a wiilinni gont. Christmas is hero and we can't enter the chase as usual, hut will inform sportsmen that we are just an up-to-date setter. Splinter. tlijppy Event at Belair. Dee. 20.?A pretty marriage was; solemnized in liela:r Methodist church Wednesday evening al 7 o'clock, the contracting parties! being Mr. John Collins and Miss Bessie, daughter of Mr. Sam Me- : Elhaney of Poortieth. N. C., formerly of Fort Mill. The ceremony ! was performed by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Strickland. I * lifter tllfl llOflll I iff III iwnla ? t . ?... .?x iiuiiLui j;iM in til 11 wedding march, played by Minn Cloud Hall, the bridal party entered the church. First cnine the attendants, Mr. Walter Hall and Miss Carrie McElhanev. and Mr. Ed McElhaney and Miss Mary Ross, up the right and left aisle, respectively. Then came the bride and groom, handsomely attired. They met at the altar, where the impressive words were said that bound them until death. After the marriage, a sociable was given at the home of the1 groom's parents, and on the following day a dinner was given at 1 tlu1 homo < f Mr. Calvin Hall. The bride and groom are both populai young people of llie Poor' tioth section and have the beat wishes of the entire conunuity in which Uiey live. Jalk. SAW DEATH KEAB. "1 t's of thn rniule my heart nclie," j writes L. C. Overstreet, of Kl^in.j Tenn., "to hear uiy wife cou^li I until it seemed her weak lun^s ? would collapse. Good doctors 88id die was bo far gone with Consumption that 110 medicine or earthly help could save her, hut a frien recommended Dr. Kind's New Discovery and persistent use 1 of this excellent medicine saved ; h *r life." It's absolutely ^uaran- ! teed f<>r Coughs,Colds, Bronchitis, ! Asthma and all Ti.roat and Lnn^ diseases, 5Qo and $1.00 at Aleach- < am's Dru^i Store. Trial bottles1 free. -? ? SAYS BEE WAS T0BTT7BED. "1 suffered sueh pains from . nrn* I l.owll.. .....II. " ' II. Robinson, Hillsborough, 111.-:., '"but Bucklen's Arnica salve completely cured th m.M Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scald-, but us, boils, ulcers. Perfect beater of skiu diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by T. 13. Menchain. 2dc. FOR KENT.?A good two or, three horse farm near Barbers- ! vilie. S. C. Apply to Alex Barber, Fort Mill, S. C. " 'Twfts the ni^ht before Christmas Ami all o'er the house." Do you remember what a great event the Night Be rout: Chuist-I MiVS ucsd to be to you V We can ' furnish you some holiday presents that are calculated to m ike the Day A ft hi; the Night Before one long to be remembered by children and adults alike. Books. Everybody expresses surprise that we should have such nice ones and by such notable authors and they are dumfounded by the prices. Think of dainty little i books in half white vellum willi ornamental designs in gold and artistic floral decorations at do cts. per volume. And you can get such titles as "Scarlet Letter," "Elizabeth and Her German Garden," "Visits of Elizabeth," "I'uul and Virginia," "The Poets," etc. All Linen Juvenile Books nt 5 and 10 cents. The prettiest little Testaments ; you ever saw at 25, 10 and 50 cents. Xmas Cards. Beautiful works of art, with holi day greeting and text. And what would lie nicer for an Xmas present than a handsome bottle of tin- best quality of perfumery, or a stylish box of sta- | tionery ? Be sure to call and see. Ardrey's Drug Store, j FOR GOOD WHISKIES, "WINES, BRANDIES, ETC CALL ON OR WRITE TO w. ii. iiooven, (HiRuim:, n. c. T H ESS PASS W A KNING. All poisons are warned not to hunt, fish or for any purpose whatever enter upon any of tie* hinds owned or controlled by the undersigned. The law will be rigidly enforced against any one disre- j gnrding this notice. S. E. White. Mrs. J. M. Odei.l. ,T. W. Akdkky. F. Nims. J. M. Spkatt. Miss BossikWhite. Edgar Jones. W. I. Jones. D.A.Ln. J. B. Mack. J. H. ooi.thaki*. W. B. iiokk. W. E. Senatt. B. M. Senatt. T. M. Hughes. T. S. Kikkpatuick. j T. C. Spratt. H. W. Huffman. I ro' >'N^???^ nrre (ft W JL^ 1 OLEi f| ISeccini ? 0 until C iiri save 20 p I? come to so (g plete stock Vj niM I BOH 8 Pi ? f| w<> li 0 ment of . 0 means a s;i g We la ? ROCK INC ? ^ make a via 1 ep '/P To tin tS '?*> io Jg nothing to ^ will mean ?3 111 far ^ will com J: v| can get bv I in i Ti x,v<'hi fch 3?I A AO, I ?Q ?S?E M3'1 KColid r In looking for * peals so much to 1 he We will feel hig our stock of Beaut iful <%*> %% V* V%. ^ %/* <&/%. %** SANTA ( LAI S is5 just loaded down wit h^ nice TOYS, etc., for<j the Hoys and OirlsJ for here is wliere liojj t will tret tlie nice* ?. r things for 1 lie Xmas? t roes, as well as 1o fi!U * t lie stockings ol the* many little ones. visit to this store w il!? <> eonvinee you. t* %S%> We offer special ( Dry Groode Slioes, etc. Wre lisive nice stoc and inspect our goods The most coniplot found here. HVCXILjXJ gS>?5@? 00 S? ?C ??5 ANNUAL LR AN OE S. s December 1.1th am stinas day. So if yc or cent on vonr easl * e us. AVe will show ; : of General Merchant | -y -*y> "S* t "j U?vV>ni wx?m wka nx.m at. +in K,jfi vl^r/ajn ave just received an Furniture, at close pi ivilli* of per cent tc ive in stock a nice as: I CIIAI'.US, one of w ry acceptable Xmas pi IsrtjnufT?> ? csOot a&a V??iL^...TI9> I * people who wear sli i ? ?" snow our line. It wi look, and wo know : a sale. 1, to make matters s ice you of tlie BA1U coming to )LD RELIABLE! B. BELK, PROPRIET ive just received sevc tor era in. The price i SC ?fS !o>cv ?c> O? CZarX9* I*o -A-XX t present for the hr taste and idea of the r n v u (,i*~J j/ xr~~ u^ln (Utitf *?**> ^ >4* N-7 -nr-' hiV honored if you > Presents 111 1 his lino. -Qv^ ? * 0 "y'^-e s ' ; ; r \ : > ; ; i " A x :-< M ' 4fe : i?? ;Mr v v^< v;-;.'/\^- .:-,V'v. \ ' - ^ ' >-:v--V*X ? '.i,.1- . - ' . > . * I 3'd* - v"1 7 i.-, 777^ , v,,V.'/ - VO,V J' -,\. . **K\&jW3?iir> . .^0 ':V:7 ' 7' ' 5 . J -V , . " 'j ' ., , . ij ,, V r r :.t *Vi; MI RISTM AS Pit ICE ^ Motions,] k in lliis line and it before buying, u line of Groceries i Yours for biisin V ,?3 &> ~sr o C - ' 11 * j _ ' ' "T*. A T "P1 1 s? { continues & >u want to ? i purchases, you a corn- ? lise. ? 2???, | 0 other shiprices. J'ltis 6 > the bin or. & sortment of *k ... C3 iiieh would g escnt. ^ ? LOOS WC will ? A 11 cost you (g) that a look |j . * "4- ^ hort, a a - it tJa JAINS you ^ {mm | 011? iti}. <i OR. ral tons of S IO ^ ? .. j ????????p??w?w?w. e?tin.g . I VI Ml niHW o-?? . w-.vci ^ v. * a ? beautiful as artisti * T^o %.? ; AV. ar vill call and examine * A lot of Christmas ^ Goods that will scoop din the holiday business, for this is Santa j | * dans' relay station. 0 ? We have lots of nice *"1| 5 things for Christmas 1 >that were unknown I J last Christmas. Come I t while you have an 1 [unbroken stock to so- 1 fleet from. A S on our ontiro !h:o E-l'a,ts? O ^;,']jfl||| pay you n Y< oss,