University of South Carolina Libraries
IE FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATICrUBUSI t KD w i :dk re DAYS. The TIMES COMPANY. - - ? ? Subscription prioe $1 por your. PnyrfRixmclonct' on curr&ut subjects is invited, but wo do uot utfroo to publish communications containing mom than 1100 words, nnd no responsibility is assumed for the views of corrcsimudents. Au nil nilvnHiiMiiw I'm lotto, Pinovillo, Fort Mill, and Rook Hill business houses ThuTiiiiutiis unsurpassed. Rate* iniiclo known oil application to tjie publisher. ? T/Ocul Telephone No. 2(5. DBOEMBER 1001. It is said tjuit Admiral S-liioy will make no effort losroure ? n?nj^iOHHionnl investigation of his affair or of the affairs of the Navy Department, hut that lie will immediately pro.-eeute Mnelay tor erimiual libel. There are. how- j ever, some members of Congress , who propose to have such an in- , vesti^ation, even if it 1ms to be ! secured over the head of the Com- j in it tee on Naval Affairs. 0 The State Dispensary Law for! , the irnvtM'timenial regulation of liquor in Sontli Carolina, went in- ! lo elTect in 180*1. At the end of eight years it is possible to tabu- ! late fairly the results obtained, and to compare them with what has! boen aeheived in the prohibition States. In Frank Leslie's Month- ' ty for January, Senator rl i 11 man publishes ti vigorous article in defence of the law with which his name is so closely associated. As I his argument is based on f^ctsatidl i tigure-, he shapes tim issue Mjuare-1 I Iy, and both the friends and ene1 lilies of the law will read liisgrticle I with keen interest. ^ ? A Neighbor's View Of It. The Hock Hill Journal gives the following accouut of the smallpox sit not ion J)ere: The Fort Mill authorities are said to hu e given up the jo) of tr\iti!_r to control the .-inalln >x sit. nation there an a had, unprolitnhhdisagreeable and impossible job. They did not provide for compulsory vaerinatiop, but after an expert had reported two blooming cases they provided ft?r a qnarantine of the patients, which was successful for a short time only. These two patients after they had been placed in a house patrolled by armed guards promptly sent in a bill for about $50 worth of rations which marked the beidnninjjj of the end of the quarantine. A short time a ter this some cottqn mill people were seized with a desire to visit their friends in quarantine, and defying the] irnar<is who threatened to shoot | 1 'HMD, Walked into ^tllO house.] Tlit* 11 another enso developed, that of a woman. When alio was told ihnt she must go to the pest house she had several columns of opinion to deliver, which being Hummed up and boiled down might well be expressed by the woid ''nit" in bold face black type. She indicated her willingness to go kicking and squalling. The author tics were deeply but not favorably impressed with the picture sin* painted of; what would happen and nave in to her. The public schools have been closed on account of the disease, The Journal does not seem to' profit much from its "esteemed contemporary, The Congressional Record," but it seems to rather show the influence of a certain yellow Journal in New York with a familiar name. However, the j Journal conies pretty near expressinn the spirit of the occasion. ? fining to Mississippi. Charlotte Observer. t Carrying t hesubtlearoma of three drinks apiece and the aspect of peifeet peace. Peg-Leg Williams and Peg-Leg tirahain stumped into the lohhy, arm in arm.and made a kowtow of good fellowship. "Am I doing any business?" said Wil- 1 linjjiH. "Well, I should gently smile a smile. I have just returned from Qoldshoro, where I have got 20 families to go to Louisiana. My plans ai e to send 2.0<X) people from Nop h Carolina to Louisiana, Arkansas! ami Mississippi before the! hist of February, ami I beloivo I ean till my orders.'' "He has Ian- : kfad roe* h i?l Peg-Log Grahnm, whose initials nre K. (}., and who has been a successful fanner for many years on the Neal farm in Steele Creek. M Satuid ly night I and my family will go to Swan Lake, Mia**., to take charge of 1,200 acres of land belonging to Mr. Thomas dames and his hoii. It is the finest land for cotton and everything else I ever saw. 1 have arranged to take with me about '25 liuuvlns from Mecklenburg, Union and Gnat- n counties, who will Work on the farm that I r.nt." SPRATTARDREY. The Marriage of Two Popular Young ! People of York and Mecklenburg Couqties.?The Reception. The crowninir event in the lives of two of the in?'Bt popular young ( people iii this section was eulini-; i iiuted last Wednesday evening in the nmrriace of Mim Fun in a Ar- , drey, daughter of Capt. \V. K. ! : Ardrey, of Ardreys, to Dr. J. L. Spratt. of this place. The nnptial ; scene was enacted at the residence of tiie father of the bride, which is a typical example of one of those splendid old country homes, the i luxurious comfort and liberal hospitality of which one often reads, lint seldom meets with nowadays. Few le h than a hundred rein-1 tives and friends braved the extremely cold weather to be present at t his arrest social event, but once ' within those comfortable portals, 1 the bleak Dec- mber without was eliminated l?y the great h>^ "fires, whose fierceness penetrated every remote corner of those spacious < rooms and halls, and by the j<>y that liuht d up the faces of thoS'-ll whose intense interest lav in tIt * i welding of two lives, within whom* I young hearts burned the one love ! of a lifetim . ! i Promptly at tlio appointed hourjI the sweet and solemn notes of the < wedding march, Hounded by Mrs. < W. M. Ardrey, announced the approach of the bridal pair into the | parlor, where the gues's weie as- , sembled. They entered un.dlend- j cd and took their place upon a snow white rue in the centre of tin1 room. Rev. (J. 11. Sprinkle,! the pastor of the bride, stepped , forward and occupied a similar , rati a few feet in advance, and , from there the appropriate wools i were pronounced which hound the , lives of two whose hcaits were al- i ready one. Sometime was spared I for the hearty congratulations that followed and then the doors of the two largo dining halls wero thrown open and the guests were invited to partake of a most elegant wedding feast which was as bountiful as it was attractive. < The best wishes of a ho#t of friends is felt for Dr. and Mrs.'( Spratt.. He is one of the most p pillar and ino.-t promising yourjg i men of this section and he has 11 plm-keil one <>t tliii choicest tiuwersj of womankind. Jj< ui;? r.t'TioN. jbM&i Thursday evening the festivities of the day before followed liy ii reception givetitVP honor of the hride and groom by i the parents of the latter, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spruit, at their hospitable home. There were about sixty-five people present and it was a delightful occasion. A magnificent supper was served. They received innumerable and cost I \ presents, which attracted a great ileal of admiration. However, > there was one exception. It was a cheque for $50 and remained 1 snug in the groom's p >eket, along with several presents of gold coin. The cheque was from Mr. Leonidns i Spratt, of Florida, to Mr. Leonidas Spratt, of Fort Mill. For tin' present Dr. Spratt and his bride will reside with his; parents, but will soon begin.housekeeping. May (ict Part of Money Back. The superior c ?urt of North Carolina has issued an order restraining the liankK of Kutherfordton, whieli hold money belonging to the Amos Owens Cherry Tree i Company, or its former owners, from paying out same. This writ i was served on Monday. The order is made returnable Jan. I before Judge Council at Newton and'was a.a..:., i I... IA p_ i> i a (Milium ii ny reaves (V iVUClier, HI torucys. The action was probably taken to scare payments of amounts due ' agents, although there is no speciliu iiifomm1 ion on that point. ? Attended School at tort Mill. Yorkvillo Yeoman. Tho lending lawyer on the defendant s side in the Bonine ease in Washington, Mr. C. (>. I Duglass. is a South Carolinian, and wo believe one? went to school to Col. A. K. Banks, at Fort Mill, Mr. Douglass has acquired a national reputation by his conduct of the Bonine defense. The acquittal of Mrs. Bonine was a great victory for him. A WOMAN'S AWFUL PERIL. ' Thoro is only one chance to save your life and that is through an operation" were the startling words heard I?v Airs. I. li. Hunt of Limo Ridge, Wis., from her doctor nfter he Imii vainly triod to cure her of a frightful ease ?>f stoinaeh trouble and yellow jaundjee. (Jail stones had foiined and she constantly grew worse. Tljen she began to use Klectrie Hitters which wholly cured her. It's a < wonderful SStomach, Liver and ^ Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 5(Jcts, For sale by T. 13. Menchatn. , P v li V. >5k ' I V \k 'I THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA. ! Short Items of State News Conveniently Grouped for Times Readers, Clarence K Qray, ijjayor of Laurens. wan married lust \Yo lnes- ! flov eveniin/ to Miss Marv Waller Camp, at the church of the Nutiv- ! ity in Union. The $ 10.000 waterworks bonds, issued by the town of Florence.! have, been purchased by Kudolph ( Kleybolte and company, of Cincinati. ()., at 105. Bids were opened i at a meeting of the commissioners uf public works last Tuesday ni^ht. There were several bids for the bonds. A $2,000,000 mortgage?Allan-j tie Coast Bine Lumber company | to the Colonial Trust company of j New Y<-rk?i- in tbe clerk?-f court's j otHeo so b" recorded in Ffoienee county. It contains about 20,000 i words. The pap *:' will be recorded j 111 six oilier countles. Cherokee's new iron bridge nL'ro-s lirond river is tiuislied and being used. It iH n splendid structure cestinji about $S,000 and the new county had the money on hand and paid cash for it. Cherokee and York counties have also Established a free ferry at Howell's Fo: ryA\ hieh is also proving a ureal onvenience for the people of both dislric.s. .1 li. Crabtree was accidentally killed in Lexington county Wednesday evening. The nlfair happened 11 miles from Columbia on i lie Saluda road. He was returning to 11is home from Cohunhin I when his horse became frightened nlid van away. The wagon strut k n stump and the b ?dy of the wag- < on was overturned, pinning Mr Crabtree under it and causing his death - Iter. Irl It. Hichs Is Not TcadNotwithstanding a widely currant rumor that Kev. Irl H. Ilicks was dead, ho uevi-r was in hotter health, and never did a harder and more successful year's work than that just closing. Ho lias just completed his large and splendid Almanac tor l'.KrJ and, with his stiitt" llf :?!?! ? Vl ikl'lrorc bnc beomrbt ble v\Mei?.?l Woki) and Wokks. justly forward iuto international reputation. For a quarter [ of a contury Mr. Hick* has grown in I reputation ami usefuhiussns t he people's astronomer, and forecaster t?f storms and the character of coining seasons. Never wore his weather for casts so sought after as now, his timely warning ju^'drouth this year lyv ing from loss and sutflflhig. Huusbo.ii of wheat wore^arHffrough his advice to {mint Hit would mature early. Tho i ^HpPRn people will stand by Prof. HfcITs, when it costs them so little and the benefits are so great. His tine Almanac of 201) pages is only 2oc, and his splendid family journal is only one dollar a year including the Almanac. Send to Woki) and Wokks, Pub. Co., 2201 Ijoenst St., St. Louis, Mo. Pity your Kubttcriplion. FOR HARNESS Ml uui^t aud you will be astonished t 13 It's this wa You can burn yours Powder, etc., cr you with Steam or IIoO only one proper wa] scald and that is by Mexican Mustang ] I It gives immediate relief i linen cloth, saturate it wit1 1 /xrvcrtl tf ni\An Iwi ^ luvai/ijr wj/uii tuo VMIIIU. idea what nu excellent rem you have tried it. k rnwi TIP Ifyouhavoa M r U If L III. other poultry Liniment, it is called a THE ROCK II1LL Grnin Dealers, We Sell: Corn. "Fresli Table Meal, White Flour, 3rahan\ Floor, Bran, Middlings, Crushed Com and Mill Feed of all finds. Wo want yt.ur busint I FOOD CHANGED TO POISON. Putrefying food in the intetines produces effects like those of nr senic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons fioui clogged bowels, gently, easily but sure y, curing Constipation Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Lively Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at ^Jeachuui's Drill* Store. j NOTICE?I will offer foTlmk* at my livery stable in Fort Mill, S. C.. oil Saturday, De<-. 2Stli, at j 3 o'clock, p. in., for cash, two single barrel bauiuterless breech-load in g bhotfjjuiis. J. W. McELHA-NEY, Intel. FIRE WORKS ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by t}jo town council of Fort Mill now met and sitting in common council and by authority of same, That on and after this date it shall be unlawful for any one to explode, or shoot off, any tire works of any degcrip- | tion in the incorporate limits of the town of Fort Mill. Anyone violating this ordinance will he subject to a fine of not less than one, nor more than Ave dollars, or to work on the streethof Fort Mill not less than one. nor more than ten davs. Done and ratified in council this, tjie 1 tit li day of December, J 001. J. W. McEl.haxey, Intd. ,T. M. Sphatt, Clerk. HEALTH RULE. Co and it is heroly declared by the Board of Health of the town of Fort Mill that the following rules are adapted: That any and all persons, who in the opinion of the board of health, have, been exposed to the contagion of small- | pox, or other contagious disease, shall I in the discretion of the board of health, be quarantined and guarded until the jH'riod of incubation of tljo threatened disease has passed; and that all persons 1 declared by the board of health to bo in . footed with smullimx or any other contagious disease, shall in their discretion be quarantined and guarded and placed ' in such pest house, or o her secluded place, as the said board of Ileal til shall direct, and there kept until ordered dis- I charged by the board of health. That all jHirsons interfering with or resisting the enforcement of provisions [ of this rule shall be punished by a fine of not more thin fifty dollars, nor more than thirty days imprisonment. Made and adopted by the board of health of the town of Fort Mill, S. (J., this Kith day of December, 1001. S. E. White, Pres't B. of II. T. B. Mracham, Soc'ty. Ratified and approved by the town council of Fori Mill, S. C,, this, Decent her loth, 1001. J. W. McEt.itA.NKY, Int'd. J. M. Spk \tt, Clerk. TRY Til 10 Citv Barber Shou w JLFor a ti rat-class HAIR CUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO, or HAIll SINGE. Curothers Son. Proprietors. Thiitl door Bank building! Soros Moxlcnn Muotanjt IAnl* t what you tuxvl. It takes efTeefc o sea how quickly it hauls yores. fil y: elf with Fire, with . can scald yourself Abater, but there is r to cure a burn or using Liniment. Oofc ft piceo of BOfl old li this liniment and bind \ L",.,. 1. ? .. ~ ? .. . 1 ? ~ i uu vtiu nat u iiu uuuquuiu cdy this is for a burn until bird afflicted with" Roup or any disease use Mexican Mustang D remedy by poultry breeders, ROLLER MILLS, Koek Hill, S. 0. We Buy: Shell Corn, Eur Corn, Wheat and Grain of all kinds. Wp also buy sec- ' ond hand crocus ?;tcks. ?ss. Get our prices. ?. L. BARNKS, Sec. and Trcas, g THE PRIZE WIN] ^ Our let tor-writing contest, to M which 1iPir.ui rihum tiiiin nini \vn.a ^ thiiuk the children for {lie ninny 1 jjfc The prizes consisted of a large dol ^ .1 warded to t he authors of tho foj jsj} cided by the judges uathw best rei Fort Mi ^ My Dear Santa Claps: I v ^ last year. I liad measles and was know you wore hero until 1 hoard cheoriug. I ran to tho window ju jolly crowd gout# down stroet. C 1 am well and strong now and ci bring mo. Please bo sure to visit point all the boys and girls who I< ?? old and have been trying to be a f me an extra supply for my disai Oj you a safe trip, 1 a?n your littl?* fi ^ Fout Mi ^ Dear Mr. Santa Claps: I a a of age and I am going to tell you /$l any mistake about it. I live on a shutters and there is a big witidtn lafr ing you eome to is mine. It is tin JO the hearth so you will he sure unr a drum and lo* s of sugar plums at l?'s ?f other things. 1 lease do in fir asleep. Well, 1 will close for tl q, Christmas. Go. d bye. After examining each letter ^ that especial mention be made ol ft) Sipitli, which was certainly tiiee 1' $ MEACHAIV * ^j pWlNGH ill : Factory Loaded ! * "Leader'' and "Repeater * powder and "New Rival" 1 * Superior to ali other brands t UNIFORfUTY, RELIAR * STRONG SI %!i * Winchester Shells are for sal * having them when you buy am ift ttt t Wc Kike Y?ur Dollar in payment of laundry work left in onr earn, but we strive us well for your approbation. Our aim is to wash clothes elejjjj, iron shirts, collars and cuffs to your liking (we mean by that polished or domestic finish), and generally to {jfford yon the best satisfaction at prices commensurate with good work, but still cheap. The perfect work of the Model Steam Tjiundrv. Charlotte, N. C., all the. time at short prices has won the general favor of good dressers. Shipments made Wednesday evening. En. L. McElh \sky, Aoknt Fort Mill, S. U. A Meat Market AND K KSTA UttANT. At whieti reasonable prices precloniilinte has nt last been established in the .Tones building, on Mnin street, where the elio cest 1>EEF, POKE and SAUSAGE can be had at any time. A first-class restaurant and lunch counter will be run in connection with the market. Fresh Fish. Oysters, and all other eatables to be found on this market will be served each day in the wo k. \V\ E. DEATON. J. U. Tray wick & Co., DEALERS IN FINE LIQUOKS AND WINES, No. 42 East Trade St. CHAKLOTTE. - - - N. C. )}< pr jmptl/ procnrrd. OB NO TEE. Send model, akrtch.v. iVor photo for fr.>?r*pnrtnn patentability. ll?k "HowW 3? to Obtain I S mnd K<>rri(rn I'aUin'a and Trade Marka,"?) 30 FREE tairvnt tern, a ever offered to inrentnra.l j) PATENT LAWYEKa OF 2? YEARS' PRACTICE OC s? 20.000 FAT EN IS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. $ All tMisun'jt C'.iirtaonful. Sound Faithful ft ftjfterrfo*. M-1. n.i? ch%r*t* fr) rrc. a. snow & co .| J PATENT LAWYERS. 0. | 0pp. U S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, 1 C.$ gaga;agagacapaeacap^ NING LETTERS. jfl children under 12 years of age, closed on Monday last, and we letters sent us for Santa Clans. I mill it II11.15 >> it IA-Ilf it 111 t ?U4U llowing letters, which were doLL, S. C.. Dkcemjier 12, 19Q1. ras so sorry I could not see yon i shut, up iii iny room and did not C^H the horns blowing and tho boys ist in time to get a glimpse of a >h, how I wanted to join thorn. in eat all the good things you our little town and don't disap[)ve you so much. I am 11 years ?ood girl so that you would bring ipoiutmeut lust year. Wislpng rieud, Dora Grier. LL, S. C., DF.CEMCER 21, 1901. m a little country boy 8 years bH where I live so you will not muko hill in a white house with red ill on the barn. The first stock- jHH 9 smallest, so I will put it near 3|H 1 see it. I want yon to bring me id some candy, nuts, raisins and flrH >t make any noise fori want to be nfB lis time. I wish you a merry flrl Samuel A. Lee. txl carefully, tho judges requested n r the letter of little Miss Inoz ? or a 10-year-old child. /I & RPPS. ? I 9X4&Xt VXGMVXIIlR | esterJI i I Shotgun Shells, " loaded with Smokelesl oaded with Black powdej t'LITY AND " * iOOTING QUALITIES. | e by all dealers. Insist upon * 1 you will get the best. |j Ir* Hoc Vinces. The sign which means most in the business world of today is the sigi1 of business judgment and good taste shown ir printing. Ours is tht right kind. It gives character to your busi-j ness announcement. Oun printing stands for us and for you. R. M. LONDONJ Rock Hill. S. C. f DR. J. L. SPRATl j SURGEON DENTIST. ! Office in Jones bnildiug, Mai11 Stw | Fort Mill, S. O. After December 1, office will bo clc ovory Monday. TermH, strictly cash. NOTICE. 1 hare in irfy aion two single-barrel hammer shotguns (supposed to have t stolen) taken from negro boyt Sunday, Nov. 6. Owner can obi same by furnishing proof of owi ship and paying for this ad. ply to ?J. \V. McElhaney, tendant. Registration Notice. The books gf Registration the town of Fort Mill for the I 1002. are now open, and will | closed on the fourth (4) dnl January, 1902. AV. B. Meael I llJlM llPPI) fltlTfiiinlnfl Ruifioteor* I -rr ? ]3y order of the council, J. W. McElhanky^^ J ntendn^B to write for oar confidential letter plying for patent; it may be worth \Vo promptly Obtain U. 8. and Foreigr^H^HR patents! I ?n<l TRADE MARKS or retan^MH TIRE attorney h fee. Send model, or photo fti^d we rend an IMMED^^^^^R FREE roport en patentability. \SH| the best legal service and advice, charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & COl Patent Lawyers, HM Opp. U.S. Patent Office,Washingt Asj^l NmraaraaMMyoMnMBUuiMff^H