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' VOL. X. FORT MIUUS. C., WEDNESDAY, DKCE.VIBER 25, 190L NO. 11. ~ iONG POSED AS A WOMAN _ , Remarkable Case of Feminine !mo:r- j sonation at Nor.h Havei, Me. I MA"<J'JERAD;DFORTHIRIY Y2AR3 1 1 ' ^rtlir.r T.. Carver Cnl^ic'v ftntni. Tlln n An n AVomii'i Iv>*)l i\ j , Harbor Slum and C.f ?lv Star-* at a Sttmm?r1ti>?nrr ? Wan Kvon lVonul bv ttio VlllH-rr S T1*!') ?. t Ito.-klind. >1??Arthur L. Carver. of North Haven. Me.. for thirty years has appeared Iwfnre the rubMe as a woman ttudrr the mme n" Tdl'.in C. Carver. Tin* em.' of "Miss" Came- is a mo-t remarkable one. "Miss" Cwer hid for n niunber of years enndneted a candy sto-re and barber slion. "Mrss" Carver wan m errivrt barber, and was quite popn'nr with the prom lent residents and the rrrowlncr summer oniony of North Ilaron ami was well known. "ITer" harhe- slino wns a roil''!1" re( sort for the vibe r> "-><<;pis. ?iivl ">f!?s" Carver Is said to lrvn rnndnoted a nrosnerous business. "TTe-" <nf white hands were much admired bv Mm natrons of "Jie?'' barb"" slinn. and many tales arc tohl of vllhiare swa'ns who tried to ean'ure the "woman" barber witii their w'nninc smiles. "f-he" never ref vtp?d ^ (tj-? fi-orn (he bis-hearted vlliarrn 'o'k. the r'eli i*nstonlans or tlie Ne\y Yo-lmrs who make North TTaven tbc'?* snmom;* heme. "Miss" Carvm* dicm^'ed smh? to Mm yomir lad'?s of the vP'.t" rail ""Cfpd out the enrdv f-< Mm srlwd ehildren for mans* "ears t?nsus*r*r'rd. "Aflss'' Cevver ti**e'1 of Inn" masnite raditiT, h"s rnndo mib"ea s'von r'atoTiipn). slcnart 1)** * rJ7?n;* T . Cawer, ?Mior" pnven'r. and the Rev. Lyman L. ' Swnnt. r - follow?" "ITnvlp?~ hpm krnv" in North Tt.a. von. my blvMitilnea ?>? ..1 hnmo for <hWv yonvr as " female 1?v tl|?? onnio n" T,tl. Jir. p f?. fr-vp'1, T <io lwrobv iiu'<,'",v <lwlare flint T htvo be?n me?nuora<1!u<x and fo- more <hon ten yo*?~s a tablet my wi?i'o?. Tforon c" InbU. filial rejrnrd ami d"Td o" the n?oop,*i?"v ? orations attendant neon f"p!i a sl< > h?v? prevented me f-om dVn?r it* dn'v, wlifeh now, r." n Chris/ma. I undertake to do. "Mo real noTpo *<; v'luv T 's'Ip ver: I am a mar and s'noo this year. haw* dressed and have liern known r?s auob." Tile pffii'TU eanie on the heel'? n" a tnTTprlso firch vrar afford"'1 No"tli TTr.von residents when "Lillian" e;mv? Iwf!* frnrn -> <' >' !:i Tit 11 * v villi hi-i fe.thc:\ Avilnv Carve*. a? ho liis nunniin'Vfl **. wns in ivilc ntlivp, ?n which ho !'i? 1v*r" ?>'v - '>?? Son . ..> her. when ho 'of!- Nn-ih TT-'vrn. "r.m??nM was ''o**vcv-i-ii \ \ ^ cvan^el'st*. to whom revoa'0'' Ftovv. nivl rp'i" '11 lo 10 <?*.. I public. Tnc'rfcl of doinT ro * *"."11*:*to** , left Xn"?h TTn\ :i f. ' > ; > > <011her o*id wm to n rmoll .own no* v*h?vo nuttloT on r'lire, lie became n'*-V el '. in o h Cine pvinin<? a X<> ; linv > wo < In end rcrnvr'-V tb? < " 1: : < illlan** Cawcr. TIv? VIC- ? * ' V.y Jn fil?ht and rmie ;f, ?b* v. \ > 111 the nvc??n"c r.~ h'? no* li > si- n 1 the sintev.ifo" ileclnvhi-.; hiiusel." a man. LAD D?? AM1> C XP1TAL UNiTT. Nr.iT "'rlrol'in 'Vill i ll Strike* ? Smulnr Tlvm:? Cinirmvi. Nejv Tori: Cily.?Tiio Conceal Committee chosen by the con'ovencc o.'ilh tl to consider plans for healing difference between the capitalistic and labor Intercuts nf the country liave organised. elected officers and Issued a statement of their mission. The officers elected are as follows: | Chairman, Senator Mark Ilnnna: Vice/' I Chairmen. Samuel Gompers and Ose/fr f>. Straus; Treasurer, Charles A. Moore; 3 Eecretnry; Kalpli M. Kasley. Commit ft tee on P,v-T,aws, Oscar S, Straus, S. ft It. Callaway. JoUvvs 'T.. Keliels. John 5 .1. MeCook, Samuel Cr sopors and Harry White. The General Committee will hereaf tor bo known officially as the Indus\ trial Department of the National Civic | Federation. A sub committee had preI pared resolutions, which were adoptI ed wllli slight modifications. These del fined the province of the newly named 1 department as being "to do what may t seem best to promote industrial peace, Ito be heipful in establishing rightful I relations between employers and worktors, by its good offices to endeavor to lohvintc and prevent strikes and look nits, and to aid in renewing industrial relations where a rupture has occurred." j The most Important section of the resolutions Is, perhaps, that conferJ ces should lie held to settle differVices and disputes before an acu.c Jr ge is reached, iu order to avoid mlccs or lockouts. Questions at islie may be submitted to the departVent as a whole ov to a sub-committee /l?e named for the purpose. Tin? denrtmcnt will not consider abstract Vlustrlal problems, and. obviously, til assume no powers of arbitration n!ch have not been specially conWed by both parties to a dispute. Senator Hanua is delighted over the |>gress niaac, as no ne.ieves succes: pw in . Ho said: I have been working on this plan H over a year, and am gratified with results achieved. The committee I conciliate, ameliorate and arid, .e. The fundamental Idea is to ^ f w capital and labor close together." 1 I A FATAL GAS EXPLOSION Workmen in a Death Trap in an Iron Mill in Fittsburg-. Furnnr" Kiowa Up nml Vlrtlm* Arc Caiislit by Flmucs r.nd Molten Metiil? I <S'o U'ny of Ksntpo. Term.?Tty r.n crtp'op'on oT eras in Hip folio furnaces of Jones & ii'in lfpp men were Imrncil lo death and five* others were injured. Tlr* damn :e to tlie plant: will amount to P'JO.O'tO. TIv* <'::p!o<J*nn occurred i:i one of the Hy Mad The men were fit wovU at the in of the fitrrace, over 11-J* feet Mem the tjvound. Thny were employed as fillers. and \v re "ust tretii;r: rendv to onit work, hoimr members or the nie-ht crew, wh mi .he ?ras. wldeh had acni>. u' Med in the furnace, cxid-nlcd. "nd tel.- of inr';:"i nic nl. c'r.d and slajc were thrown over til"'."!'. \Y'?r:i <t"* 'ran h*t ye a. n.mic ensued on tin* p"rit"e.ein above tin* lo". All the nun had made a rush for the c*ovator. hut it had -tone down, and the ?* was 110 escape. To hr.nn meant death, and to remain nn the platform was just as cert a'n death. Tons of molten metal and flames feM m*on them end burn?*d nine to death. Their hedies dronned to the roof of the niiM. rhrhly-tive feet below, an u.tivceo?uir.ah!c mass. Thomas .Tones and Arthur Vonn", m. am seers of the plant, say that ordinarily onlv throe work on ton of the furnaee. hut one of tin* lieavv Iron wagons used in takincr ore .* Hie top of the furnace t?o' stink and ttie three men rent f?v as^Istan-'o A few nun wen un. hut they could 1*0* move the wa*ren. .* ml n*or.? avcii u**. nnMl the number reaeh -d fourteen. It was Avhl'e they wore* levin ft *0 ivl*n?e the war.ut that the ovMosiun Mr k Mace. All the men Ave:-* PI a a- and I'.tV:-. I've v.*j p,,r t'..> nc"!denf say that when tl*e ?*::*i'cslon toek Ma-a tlu'.-e was or * loud iviu* and tlm Itr:iveil *- wpro H'oni'iip..wiili :i rrr"tt o* ?5ho\vT? : :1m well in *om o" iI:-> fus-Tf" ri: enr;i\ "p icela . Pvops and lio*" metal l-.n'.-r' ricr* vnVetv* In re ion. l?'ive ? * ' i- > n.r n WiVi1 lilown op* fb"? (on or fnnruT. and. Kirr.rTe :i? if n?:iv pooh'. luan tire tlio ones il>n .to sI'U 1 ivir. The o'Imrs lure; on lit" rnl'-n"". rn i'n on 11"? o;i eV ?. n!rn 1*i-? fnsldo, rnlil (i?pi* p1o"'iint; wri hivoed p**. Two of tlv victims on (!) ? outside lipid on ami rem Vim1 ol!m *,t to Mie ralli"": it?i ;i il?ir.ii"i'V' Vi'i'vo lowed c t'lv'v t'o"n feM to the roo." n." the mill. itp;:'1. (' < ",il o" die mm wove found "cad ru the ii!:i!"orrn of i 11 -? evrnda. 'Pw? wee i- ".nniptp'v r-iv' d of liv di ? dames and ih bodies v- ovi?o. Ir,p nn:*r.w psi-.t-s ':v;n d-mili. '''on*, o" robe ru ' lint elmler some tV-pps ? ('' I'.'iv nhiicst ill-?' no'.ii'ils. allied i'.iw 011 ill ? ro t mauv had to nm "v'o ' >. r : end for protcei" rde livlrT jli ? ." 1 fo" b'o ' * <';i o" s'<w w l'.-'dv . , ,... , ..J pj. , { . > (. ;j pre. r.nd ."'i' ' ?* uiliritofi n'.'o" the report .t; ',] i imiI? c' per. on a " rd jit'otr !ii > fnrnnoo. I" ' 1 !" ; '! ? rxn'miou was cr.u i by a in t'.:a fi'.uaee. FUT'JHZ C r THZ Pi !il.t?P.ME3, Sul'Jec!- 1'iscn -Til In tl?o Aiimal TTrport of (!i? roi"iri iim. Washington. 1). c ?Provision for a ponuamut oivil r:?ve:*n"u-nt and for much : an" lesr'.slation ivrardiiiT flip inniis:iial (lpvol ipi ipnt of .ii? V.iilijipincs 's oniPrnlo 1 in tlm rnrral tp1)0:" of file I'iii" in->in ? t^n .lri'se'f.n A mom;, Ike mn ;t it.rpcrian subjects diseyfscd arc: Tim form o" the government to hi? nrovided for tlio lslnnls. tlfo adontion of a differential varif' in .favor of I'lr.liivtine products entering ^ihe United Stat??, tin? issue of bonds for taking nn tlie lands of the friars, the granting of franchises for public and private corporations, the creation of a distinctive coinage. the extension of the American 1 nnking system to the island?, provision for aid to railways, and authority from Centres? to pass proper pubil. Ian J, mining and timber laws. PLUCKY WOMAN RESCUER. Savrti IIio!ia;iil ami Clilldrcn Front niimlitK Itiimr, Though ll?r t'rfl Are Frozen. Baileys, Col.?Airs. Frederick Ilailer saved lrom death by lire her husband and children, but will ltavc both her feet amputated in consequence. In her bare feer, and ? my u thin night gown, with the temperature thirty degrees below aero, she carried water in a bucket from Craig Civuk to dash it upon a tire which was destroying tlio cottage in which the members of her lamity were asleep. She subdued the ilnmes co the occupants could break down the door and es.'apr. The l oure was burned to the ground. f/r.OAL OF HONOR FOR A PRIVATE lie In 1.'. r.>?i;nt Lilin u Lion *1 Iipii Ucl|ird to lnrr> tlir Woiiiiiicil. Manila.?C'< ncrnl .Smith has n oo is mended Priva.e llusu:;, o. ill.; Mcdi enl DeparaaenL of the -\: *.? y. .or a luedal ?;.* honor as a lewirai ior hero ism at the battle c. ( .t.aia li.ver, Is. and o.J Kaunir. Hein.z lought as Ions as he was abh while she. ?h.o;:.^ii i.ota arms am with a had hole slash hi tue i aclc. A tor tro.n a tannin;., siiel. with both arms in son;'. ', ilciula d. reeled the work o: carrying the wnuuo ed till they arrived u. Caibuyou. SCHLEY CASE IS OfflEP! The Finding of Secretary L-in? Adverse to the Re; r-Admiral. SAMPS3N AT ISSUE WITH DEWEY I UN Ooun?H Slate Navy Ueivirtroent TTnrt I Settled the Question rf tile Couimnml OS' S .ulin^e? htiljtn Ailvoeate ami .%?, tteplyim; to Hill ?>r Inceptions, hhnvply Assail Hear- Vdmirul schli-y. | I Y.'nCii'.v.virn. I>. Th.* S if. -y < r rt has utoveil rapidly toward a clliuhs. .Tml .?* Advocaio Coiioral I .era y land li:iu \ I to Soiri.nry Dom; a pas. rkrnod by himself ami his r.ssisinn:. "Mr. Ilannrt. in which they reply (<i Admiral Sehiey's liiil of e:: options am) sharply assail the Admiral ami oil oounsol. Admiral i'ainpson's proa J n^ainsi Admiral Dowry's opini m a the ease has also boon tvreiw I. Hit counsel ronuostod that Dowry's coin* ion bo disapproved. Captain Dandy's answer doelares thai Srhloy's Dill of exeopaions is "inaorttrate anal mlslead'aa in its reformers" to "the majority of the court." rl liik ah! n inti Wo lw\1<lo *?*o o I'.m.lo'.i.l 1*%? :ill throe members oi* the court, exoep. where Admiral Dewey specifically disagrees with his colleagues. The expression "inaccurate and misleading" w:i .used by the court in clia racier izlii, Schley's reports about his coal supply. Captain T.onily nc?eris lint Atlmirnl 8 eh ley ;^ul his counsel hove no rish to assume that Aumira's llanisay and Renlinin did not consider ihe testi nnuiy of his witnesses. ti was their sworn duly to consider it. and it cannot po assumed that they did no:. Hut. ho holds, they had a vivht t ? iveore it after considering it. if tH y saw tit. As to the eh.rare that they hrnoveil Sc'i! o-'s own testimony, Captriii l.cmly declares that Schley's io? timnny proved the truth of most of the eearves a train si him. ami thai th court may have based their op'.uiou <.:i what im said on the witness s,:;nd. He also denies thai he made any admissjons < xeenr that there was 110 truth in the eharjre that Sch'w took his blockade away from Santiago at niiriit. and that there was no yvound. for any char-re of cowardice. He declares that the points which Schley claims were not proved were established. Schley, he declart s. lias had his day in court, and the Secretary should improve the opinion. Admiral Fninnvon's protest the Dcwcy opinion criticises only tuat par; of it which li'.uls that Schley was in absolute command at Srntia?re. Ills counsel colliPUU '. Pat US ' <i .- M -it ion tir 1h:? fleet shows Sanmson ii> have been in command, and Hint S iley. by niakin ; the lore*. deprived bim.-elC of tli" rich; t<? mnk ? :miv claim to tlmt position. They ti; lot out :hnt p.' >T"NInlcy :>n 1 Secret aw t.o"-; liwii'.d tii qupiiiou in fnv.v oT Frvr* Mi. Tli v r?Jvo c';iini 'I::i <>\ >> < m tVp sabwci was not ir.lcrn by ill" Court > f Inquiry. There are :i it. nhi? <>' tip lions front tli" evidence showing that Adniiral Dpiv t. as tin* mouiinicr n' tIn* eon v.. ruled ?.n i:::aiv cuesiie.tu; hearing on the sub'cet. The preeon;, they point < ut. was frai v d iti:n io < elude any mi el'on o' tviio was in < > :innnil. and to suinnl. nothuiy: to tb" row; but the qu. tion oii Admiral ; Schley's conduct. FG'JFl B3 LZIT3 FX-LCOZG. Workmen Killnl sml t'>,5ur- 1 ami ttnoli 1'rniwrt.r llama 1. Pi.'tsburc. I'onn. ? The lTlnok Diamond S;rol Works of Pari; Brother* was the scene of an accident in which five workmen lost their lives anil twelve were injured by the explosion of the four large boilers in the build inc. The holler works of .Tames McNeil, adjoining, were also destroyed. The injured and dead were found nil dcr wreck ace and in the mill yard! where they had fallen in their race for life. Tli" No. fl ten-inch mill was n bis iron-clad structure, built on a steel frame. In the rear of the plant are the bit; boiler works of .Tames MoNeil. One of the boilers went clean through the Park Brothers' mill and crashed into the McNeil plant, almost onmiiletelv ilmiinllcliinff ir Another of the boilers went throuuh the roof of the hnr mill, soared through the air und crashed into a residence across the street. It went through the front wall and fell Into the cellar, completely wreck in*; the house. The other two boilers were blown to pieces, and it was these thru caused the complete destruction of the mill. FOUR JOINED IN SUICIDE. ilirrtl AtJ.iniii t Kuiintt itvxl T'illnJ I ltd All \\ ii li Chloroform Coluuihus. Ohio.?The dead bodies or two men and two women wore found in ad.ioiidn*; rooms, tilled with fumes of chloroform, at n hoarding house In this city. The doors of the rooms wore securely locked and the keyholes an <mi:\ - were car.'fully slonned whb rugs torn mto mir?n^ Tno ucnti nrp: Pearl Warner, aged 1 weniy-eich years, a rook: Slrwiran I.a'h??u- >. : onh driver: T.onKe Kline, a . ei^lile; r y?-1vs. a cook: John .Taeolis. e'oief < >.>!The four /ml to i lie hoarding liou-'which is owned l?y <l< urge Pureell. :?n? representing themselves as niarric persons asked if tliey might rent pe ntan.Mitly two eoinmunlojtling momThe accoiniuodniions were given th" :> The friends of the dead men and wo on can give 110 reason for their suicide IINOB EVEHTSOF THE WEEK WASHINGTON ITir.IS. Prcshl -lit lloosovclt so lit to ConCivss i\ lot tor strongly coanneudiu;; tho i?!n;? for n n:ition:?l forest reserve ill the iijntiioru Apalacliiau region. Hills <vei*o introduced in Senate and House o make Ilea r-.Vd mi nils Sampson audi Schley and ('amain Clark, of the Ort son. Vice-Admirals in (lie Navy. rnanliiMnis agreement was reaehed in iii" in lii'iuvwinjiini's iii:i.\ing ih? Nicaragua Canal bill lli<> lirst ord"r ' Iir.sim after the holiday rel . ? Naval Hoard of Const-.v1 >n reeoiiur.ended the sale of the receiving 'sli ;i Yermon.. j.-,. .j. tav.v lia.v eo:?s? nle.l to deliver the oration at the scrv.. us in nie :ory j of Mi'Kinley to l?o h M l?y Congrc.-i Pity i Akara.i Oradkara. the new Sian'.i m' .Minister to tit i nited States, was pri -ented to President Hoes \\ It. ovtt AimrTi:i? isi ands. Secretary Hoot refused to ^change the date of the Cuban elei ion'. The tlovernmeir will lie asked to assume charge of the lener colony of Hawaii. Ceneral Hell is conducting an aggressive campaign in Luzon, 1*. I., against the insurgents. Cuban customs revenues, ten months end int.: October ill, $lb.t>i?S.i).'?(5, a loss of SltiO.oIf. over the same period of M'JOO. A publie rond from one of the leadng towns to Pago pngo. Samoa, is oeitig constructed as a memorial to President MeKinley. DOM Warden Ilagnn. of Urn Tombs Pri sou. New York City, was dis nis-ed lor insubordination. The Suneriiiteiidcnit of State Prisons of New York issued an ordi t- to pe mil prisoners to wear their hair long enough to comli and part. A New York S e k li.vehauge sent was sold f?r ST.'t.OOO. i run'-snr .\ i.r: nam i?en doubted that 1>r. Sylvestiv 1km! discovered a proecs* oi' sceiuj? l?y telephone. Storiette. 11 in Oklahoma and Indian Territories iivured a .en per eeut. loss of stock i:i iln? :Tivm storms. tii ureal Fnnslon's wife gave birth to a son at Oakland, Cal. The National Hani; < f Nor"' A "f- \ , "yin Now York City ' ,J* lie + of the Statu of N \J.J?} 'overcome l?y strons: p.. j vin. a laborer, fell 011 a r>. metal at Coin mints, Ohio. <? roasted to death. I.areony of StlT 1.7." is the eharsre apa'nst Clnrle; 1'. Chipp. of the Con tndler's otli e. at Now York City, hut rr.M.OGO eiiihczzleiuent is said 10 lie the faet. A decoy letter led to the arrest of ] A - htaui i\i tmr.ster Herb Matin y. r. M \ tli vilte. Ya.. for opri:in\j mail. I 1 u! :i e eol-1 r ol lack of i-. T' * a'. inv," ii hard for prairie re ideiits in kr. n-ms. Cherokee Indian are ;i- I11 (>1; lahoma hi *ause of crop failures nud the blir.r.ard. Six per-.>ns were kille 1 and el-wen In.'uivd in a eolii* ion 011 the 111 amis I c, ntral road. '''!: ? Yd el! ami Canal closed for (he j wlnier season. T! I'rcs'.yterian ConimiStee op Cn .1 Tl. i.ii.11 ? snide; 1 its work. . nrd will report February .1, 11)0J. in I'iiilatleinira. Fiv Mointists** at Coffey \ Hie, Kan., sued 11 v Mrs 11 M e.v an I ??;?'> for j Mliii'* liquor to her - >n have : l:con found not guilty. For refusing to comply with the Tor' riiorhtl laws Mayor F. A. Ahhotl. of Mo A lis I or. I. T.. si ud Dr. Ksrvl. of Kufnuln, wore ejected from Uio Territory. Covcrnor Ferguson, of Oklahoma, will investigate the sanitarium scandal whioh resulted in tlio outsing of (iovornor .Tonkins. Dr. Let eve. of Pittsburg. T'onii., announced tlio discovery of a scruui which will cure lockjaw. I l.uisri Storii was nut to <ir?nti? !? electricity at llostou. lit* was th<> first person to die in tlie chair in Massaeliu .sells. FORKIGK. T' Is learned that the British postal authorities have considered the Ainer ican route for mails to Aus.ralia. The Kast India Hallways Company decided to give an order for forty lo comotivcs to foreign manufacturers. CJermany is expected to interest herself in a Nicaraguau concession acquired hy the Hamburg-American Steamship Company. Systematic efforts being made to col h et money for the L'.oer cause indicate i determination in ollieial IJoer circles a ncraist ill tlio *trii?r??li? in?nl?ui t.'n.. bb ? I :iikI. Fluids are heimj eolleeled every .vnere tliromJioiit 11ollni)(]. i 11 uuh Kekewich, a member cu' the TjOMtloll 1 !\riianue. %vlit* lost heavily in copper. committed suicide. At Charlotte Anialia, Dauish \Ve.| Indies, sailors from a Banish eruiser lanulid. mnl the populace follow* d dunning opposition to the sale <>.' the sinuds. Ccrmnii trade is looking up. improve tin nt in the in n industry h lau must I io. icon hie. Bruce Hamilton surprised a Boer laager in the lCnsicrii Tniu .vaal. tilling sixti t'li Boers and ?.iplinny, evetny-si::, besides wounding many others. For murdering his hoarding house mistress, B. t.aplaiue wa . Iiatind .it .Montreal, tjue. CHARLES E. SMITH OUT Fresidont Accspts the R?fiqpation ot the Postmas er-Geneiul. rrrmirc of I'llvnln Hn> Ivruton ? llfnry I'. I'uyiic, tf Wisconsin, >?aniril no 111* Succonor. Washington. D. r. IVistmasior (lont?ral Siaiili lias ivsi;;ii;Ml his o.'.'tv. ami the annouiH'iMiuMit was I'iadc that lloiiry r.iyno. or Wis-.-on.-in. would j stieoood li I in. Tkcro i< not tin* s'.i.uhtosi juiosiloii iliot Mr. Smith's rosi-iinliun \\ as puroly n po:\ .mal 111:11 tor. T!: ri> was 110 qtt s.ion of p< iiios in it. II lias 1<>U? boon nil on -n scrvct tlett; | :ho I'osiinastov Hon vol did not lik;? his work. Ho coiixoii'ii ioitsiy ami hono^.ly 01100avorod to 1 nihil tit.1 null's of 1 lio ollioo. and nvnlo an onviaIdo rorord. Novortiioloss it was not llio khnl <>r work that lio proforsvd or felt hiiitsolf host 11; tod for. Followitf* is 1 In* io:;i of Mr. Smith's lot tor of residua. I011: "My Dear Mr. l*i"s'd"nt: "l'ollowim; my verbal eoiiiinunlontlon of sotno tiiuo aero. I bos to tender my rosi-rnation of tho ottloo of I'os; mastorll.m. 1v.1l 1.. 1 .<! .. ..I'.'.... 1 1:. convenience on tin* nnpn'.u meat ami quali Ilea I ion of iny successor. jiiis stop is tnkon in fulfillment of a plan lonjj sinoo formed. for nuroly personal reasons, tin* execution of whloli has been delayed until it could [ Hvv^.v( Wl 'i?*c !i 1 V5s-^ W ' CHAULI'S BMOtiV SMITH. 'liin'oui at c>r. .101111 s, A. I-'., l>y the Ancr'.n Amorionn Telegraph C'onionny. claiming a monomdy of the telegraph business in the island for I In* < oinpany and demanding that lie cense his ox trrlmrnts and take away his npnn-aius, fail i?'i which an app< al for ait !nI junction will he made to tlit* courts. A Unci* I.r;? tor f'n|>liiirit. A dispatch from Cenrral Kitchener, tatcd It.dfasl, South Africa, nnuouiua d In ('..nimaiidant Ki tie fa mnus Hoar i a<l -r who lir.s ii'.nrcd no rominently i'i connect u u with tin* invasion of t'ape t'oloiiv, has he n captured. badly wounded, by General French. For ltnynlfv'n Kntertnimnrnt, 1 Senator I'rye has in.indited a joint resolution nuthnrizing the IVc-mlcni to invito the Kins of Siani to visit the 1 'tilted Stales. An npprnpriniIon for Ills Majesty's suitable entertalnnient is provided, but the sum is left Plank for the lire sent, \ S i ; P'lio first monitor of Presidi-ni rtoosovcli ri Oiililnot io r?*sltii.) j out without embarrassing tr declared policy :ttiil until the department measures in which I ;r.n deeply interested cotthl In- s.tllsfactorily advanced and ns-ond. "In laying down the tn:st eononltiod to nty hands I want to i.i:r you most sincerely lor the ?nni'.iii tee yon have r. posed in inc. ami for the giv.-r. pic asure 1 have? found in an i ial.ett whieh has deepened nty est 'em for you personally and my ; ! una*. ?>:t ; ?r the spirit and aims ?>;' your Administration. "With nty hod wishes that yen may have the largest measure o* success, 1 remain. ih ni'v v . "Cil A Ki.M.S HV'OKV* SMl'i'.!." Pos:m:t> ?r ' e ral t-nllh. in at: interview, sj1 us follows a out his :.eth n: "As Indicated iu nty let let* n" res'e.naIion, til's s'e ( has he; n taU 'it n eon fortnhy whit a tr? l'n-mi .1 to: ny mouths ago. I cot ituun an i > y pn p.> e to tli" Pr. c 11 at last m nth. with ih" aceonipaitylie; ? i.ement that I wished to consul! his convcn'rucc a.s to the time win n I should go it. 'Cite President was t\epeiiimriy gracious and strongly urged nut to s ay. 1 ut tiiiallv aeei pled toy reasons as coiulijsive of nty duty to ntysel "My relations with the President llMV?? /? * t\\r% ittAo' li..l - tor. mid have strong;honed as we have worked together. \W have been in | thorough acconl in all ma tiers of polI icy. 1 have formed ilic highest esiimate of his lofty and patriotic standard of administration, and it has been n groat pleasure to co-operate with him. My resignation lias been delayed beyond my original tmrposo for two reasons, which have harmonized. "First, to consult the President's wisiies and not to embarrass his declared policy as to his Cabinet, and second, to carry forward department policies in which I am greatly interested to a point where their .success Is assured. "My successor. Mr. Payne, is a man who. by ability, experience and knowledge of public affairs, is admirably fitted for the and I am glad to surrender the trust to such excellent hands." M?r?- oi?I May l> Siiftl. Papers have been served on Signor THE M'KINLEY MEMORIAL It Will Bi Ei'iote:! Over t'la Lat? President's Grive at Canton. A N?tln?ri1 Ktt'xl Kcin ; 1! \liH For tl?# rurp i<c~r>i ilrllinC.'iin !'rnm All Section* ?r t iio Country* C!ovo!:iml. 01i!o.?Tho plan to croefc 11 nation::! inomo.i: l over ti'.c crvavo of rrosUIont MrK 1:! ;* ai ('anion, Ohio, ha* :issum>*tl a <? !oriu. The vordion of Iho ! :. . . ! w1 ho un?>; :aki'M !y t'.*? a: .h' y National Mi'i jovial A?"n.-Ia: kj. of n li'cli WillIt. I>.:y. ^ .-votary of S. Co. 5? T' -" I." S M. A. llaunn. Yioo at: My.\m T. ITorri( ]<. Tivnsr.ivr. a: ' llvt-von KUrlil*^, Srri"tr.ty. i to mmoln;Ctl by IVoshlon I; . \ ? '. . h : '!.? Coor;;e 1*. Cor;cly< u. la* !' ? - i!-in's \irivnto spoiv a: y: Crane, of ?<!as-ac'.Mt-o: t >: K * ; I o\v;y, of (Vo.-yia: Ilr ivy S . of California. anil o.h"" n-o'l '.:r< \vn oiC./.ons nM'-'osontin.? tlirfnv.H L'.-atrs of the I'nion. Tilt* asjocii'ir'i *' a s'a'r ntont n<l dressed to tIi-? Amv "i people. reporis the sal isfa? ;<>ry r.ess of organization. It is ?!< -"..'Ml tIimt nil organization l?e formed H every State ami Territory. with local organizaiIons in cities. toviK ] rurnl districts for tlm purpose n raising the rrt(uired fund t'o- the umnor'al. AH harks have hern designated ilonosltories for suhserinti ins; a'l po-tsnasters will receive ami fn -ward ihoiii-vf, ami . all express eont'ianies wi'l ;-mic money orders ami forward money free of charge. A heaetifrl rouver'r eertifieate, ] ri> n whie'i is oo t *a \ed a nnrtrait of I President HrNinlrv rr 1 -hadow pictrres of the lat * l'resh!?ni"s house at Cantor, tin* Canto'. ami White, will he scut to every - a mviher. who should have his . ; 1 or ?:im" sent to the Treasure". . i T. Horrific, at Cleveland. Okie. f. n-. ? -\-ation in the permanent arcliit r. of ilie nssocint lor. At a eon'erpnof of t't<? vepresentnti\ es of t'i* J'cXinlt v > a otial Mnnn"i:'.l Ass,via i, a and o' the William MeK iitl'y Mem >! Ar 'i A s'-oci.ltinn, | of W:n h m. on. tlm resolution was nd?.p ed: "That i 1t?? the sen?u? of the trusters of flie MeKin'-y National Metnor'al Association tha. tk\ ftr'il of popit'.ar srhseriotion slumld" 1 r left to it fo * raising the sirn m o. -r ary to pro > nn- .1 Miili'lili" I'K'IIK) .: ? iO I il(* 1.1 [R President at '""antan. where hi* hotly lies: and that this a<?r>r?intion shonll .!oi 11 wiili tit Wil'tam M,%Kli)lcy Memorial Areh A?.-oci::t ion. of Wnslila,i< u. in m'loorialir.MV. <'mistress to < vci a nalion:l :iini'"-;al a. tir> Capitol f our Vorn ry ? ronr.uemorate his servh os to the tntin" S"i:ator Haa nr. i* ? i'ncrly cratlfh ' ?n?r th" n i ' i shown i i the '?ropo? i ni-:m:\ to President M'-Kinloy. >n?i 1;? tit * a- relation has only root !i:l iis'oii ' nn i a workins: l?:i?i- ; it < a 1 - '* -tiers of eoilllt . *r.' : . |' :i ft -. ??r iretl I'll il o;':;in'v ;t - i \o ' . ). or nro h:-ill-i alio,t < ;'. r l\iiiiCV,T,V pro oor* <>" rs?> i? r'- ui lal fund vhieli shall, iioo < f i.?!H!< ?- . Sltt; i ly rx?iv? tii ' ' no,vein, '.in o' th"* rliarart ' ' mi-ex of tho martyred Pre-V* ; in C shape of a n tion:;! tuonio al ?.w th crave, to! the li -.'y will li i-illy rest, in We. I T.awn (' i ie|( : v at ('anion. COVERNOR GREGORY CEAO. "lilt* Clltl'f I'vi-lllivc nf Itll.i.l.. Inliltlll i'\|iii<-i> at v. i< s.forti, i:. i. Wiekford. It. I. Civeruov William Cr"j?ory, of IMio ' I-?-'*i'. t'i.ol at Ids hoi i > Lore after an il.ur ; cf several j month . j C ivornr.r Cretrrry nn ln \ star* in i luisiucis as a mil! hand. 11/ was born | in Astoria, I/. I., in IS'.P, and when In? j was still a hoy hi-/ family moved to Westerly. II. I., where In' obtained a Inch school education. When fifteen years old ho en ored a factory, and [ fori* years later became the superintendent of a woolen mill. After that he tilled various places, and finally heennie a trill owner. He served as a Representative to the General Assembly fron ISSN to ISh'Jand as 1 a State Senator from IStl! to 1808. ami was Lieutenant Governor from 1 SOS to 10(0. I:j tin' latter year ho received tli" Republican nomination for Governor. to succeed Rlisha Dyer, who declined to serve .Train, and was elected, i He was President of the Wlekford Naj tional Pa ik and a Director in the | Union Trust Company, of Providence. f1 LUONS O- L03T LETTERS. Contutnnl SI2.8H In Cnr.1i nnil SI,170,070 In I'ajirr. Was'iinslon. .'). C.?The Dead-Letter ' Ofiic ? !kilulled s.ruT.'JAT pieces of dore liet nail matier duriuv the year ended .Ii ne last, neei rding to the annual report of tli" Superi itendent, David P. I.elhhardt. just filed. Of there the un< I.timed h to.? numbered .1,0.11,-t 07. j There were 4-I.Orif misdirected letters , and parcels and lOl.df/.) directed to fie , li<ions addresses. j Letters route mm* money found loose in the mails without addresses ( nutnhered In !7.~i.">J of llio lot ?i io it ii mii .ii- i .i * vnr was fo.iml. (In- total lieiir; $ 1.1 uS,!!(l.'i letter.; were note;; ;in<! otlier papers of not currc ney of a tot..l face value of f!.17S.07<\.7J. Miiitlnnnrlf* Sort; 3II?<? Stoiin'* TSio legation* at Constantinople. | Turkey, have r.i-n^d over the negotiations fir the release of Miss ami her companion to the missionaries. t