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THE FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATIC. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS. Thp TIMES COMPANY. Subscription price $1 per year. Correspondence <pi current subjects is invited, but. we do not .\m*eo to uuhlish coiiimmiiratioiis containing mom than I let) words, and no rnsismsibility is asmimed for the views of correspondent#. As an advertising medium for Charlotte, l'inpville, Fort Mill, and Rook llill business houses The Times is unsnr)Kissed. Kates made known 011 application tq the publisher. local Telephgne Nq. 2<1. DECEMBER U, 1001. The Tijltnan-MoLniirin fi^ht in on again. TIiTh lime the theatre, of their differences linn shifted Ifrom the hustings in Bouth CnfoJinn to the United States Senate. MeLaurin began the fight nnew Monday afternoon l?y complaining to the senate that he had not bepn invited to qtlend the cuirtiH of the Democratic senators, ami as a consoquence wonld not be appointed in membership upon any of the lenate committees? a very inconPistcnt complaint, in view or the fact that be openly stated diping the last session of Congress that he would not participate in tl)Q Democratic caucuses, and that lie die] not wish to be invited to attend. He arose to a question of personal privilege and stated that there was h conspiracy to discredit him in {South Carolina, and that he was being humiliated. This brought Senator Junes ( Ark.),chairman of the Deuioprutic national committee, tp hig? feet, and he denied that lie had any ulterior motive in not inviting MeLaurin to attend the Democratic caucus. {Senator Jones' statement brought fortli from Senator Tillman a review of the whole controversy between MeLaurin and himself. In the course of his remarks Tillman said that "this conspiracy is a dream oonjured up by him. It is the creation of his own brain." In conclusion, Mr. l|?illman adjured his Democratic polloagues not to fret about the pharge that they were conspiring to discredit Mclauriu at home, because "liis crowd was demoralised, cowed and whipped." MeLaurin t.h#?n dared that he was willing to meet y Tillman at any place for a discqsgf cussion of the issues between them. * Thereupon Tillman challenged McLuurin to resign with him on the spot. McLaurin made no reply. Senator Hoar (Mass.) then took the floor ami expressed tho opinion that tho resignations sent to Gov. McSweeney by the South Carolina senators last spring still hold good. The speech of McLaurin, which occasioned the clash between Tillman and himself, was perhaps the the most pen rile ever delivered on the floor of the senate. With the bride in Kentucky and the groom u\ Texas, a couple wpro married by telegraph the other day7 hat couple must be trying to some lawyer a job. usher has been struck the heart of New that prom11 > 1 > than plies to newspapers as well as letters and other valuable wail. People when taking mail from the office shouldexamine it before leaving the bnilding; it will take only a moment and possjUly save a great deal of trouble. To say it was the poet master's fault will not be accepted as an excuse, * ? * Saliant Features of President's Message. There are scarcely a score of specific recommendations in President Roosevelt's message to Congress, and they are these: 1. That attacks typon the life of a president, or upon the life of a vice-president or any officer legally in tlip linp of succession for the presidency, be made n matter of Federal jusisdictiun. 2. That. the Federal government shall "assume power of supervision a?4 regulation' over all corporations doing an inter-stnte business". 3. That a new department of commerce be created, with a secretary in the president's pabinet. 4. That tlie Chinese exclusion law be re-enacted fpr another period of years. 5. That the inter-state commerce act be amended so as to prevent discrimination in rates to shippers. (>. That Congress shall confer on the president the power of transferring lands to the department of agriculture for use as to forest reserves. , 7. That the Federal government shall undertake to establish a great system of reservoirs and canals for tjiv irrigation of arid lands; and that these works shall bo paid for from the national treasury. That Congress shall provide for a substantial reduction in the tariff duties on imports from Cuba. 9. That there be pensions for the loyal Macabebe Filipinos who have bpen killed or crippled in the service of the United States 10. That the present restriction of the Spooner amendment upon the granting of franchises in the Philippines be removed, to unshackle enterprise in those islands. 11. That a cable to Hawaii and the Philippines be provided for at once. 12. That there be appropriations at once for several new battleships nnd heavy-armored cruisers, with lighter craft in proportion; and for 4,000* additional seamen and 1,000 additional marines. 13. That naval cadets shall hereafter be styled "midshipmen." 14. That in the army a genera} staff be created. 1 ,V Thnt tli? nlnonifiod ni">l ...... v.?v ^ium.Muvv? v. i v 11 OCl V ice be extended to the District of Columbia. 16. That the Tndian tribal fund^i be broken up, with a view to recognizing the Indian aq an individual and not as a member of a tribe. 17. That the census oflice as now constituted be made a permanent government bureau. 18. That Congress shall refund to Mexico the balance of the money received from that country on account. of the AVoil and La Abra nwnr/lo 1 u iron ay;?ttttts rrrrjTTTTj^Tni rry our courts to have been obtained tlpxui^h fraud and perjury on the part of the claimants. FOR HARNESS At. ouoe, Aud jou will bo astonished I It's this wa You can burn yours Powder, etc., oryoi with. Steam or Hot only one proper wa; scald and that is by Mexican * Mustang ! It gives immediate rclicl I linen cloth, saturato it wit 1 loosely upon the wound, idea what an excellent rem you have tried it. ApnU/l TIP If you have e Ulf L Ilia othor poultry Itlnlmont. It is caliod a btajsuai THE ltOCK HILL Grain Dealers, . We Sells Cora, Fresh Tabic Meal, White Flour, Graham Flour, Bran, Middlings, Crushed Corn and Mill Feed of all Irinrlu Wo want your buBin Don't make the Mi Of your life by going to the w: HER SHOP, where you wjll find ready to eorve you. Our patrons n of holes, rips, cuts and fringes. shav i. Call at third door of lia:\k CAROTHE Can't Satisfactorily Revise Confession. Commenting editorially npon tlio vtrqrk. of ttyq committee (now in session lit Washington, D. C.) appointed by the Northern Presbyterian general assembly to revise the Westminster Confession, tho New York Suq says: Like previous attempts to revise tho Westminster Confession which have been made of recent years no revision possible for this Washington commit tvo to make will be satisfactory. That ancient standard of faith is so logical and so perfectly adjusted a system that reasonable men like the theologians on this committee will soon discover that they cannot change essentially any one doctrine without destroying the integrity of the whole structure, and, least of all, those very doctrines which, usbeingoffensive to the sensitive or supersensitive spirit of this time, have provoked the present wide spread orv of revision. if the majority of Presbyterians necessary to the adoption of a revised confession d> not believe in the present system of cloctrine, tho Westminister Confession as a whole ought to be set aside, in order to save them from hypocrisy. If they do not believe it, of course, they ought to givo it up and insist on the making of another in which they can believe. Bnt is thero any be lief comniqn to t horn i Aro not many of them rather without any definite theological mid doctrinal convictions, and possessed 'inly of a vague religious sentiment? l^or example, in tho theological schools, in the pulpits and in the news the very postulate on which tho Presbyterian church's reason for exis'once rests, or the uhsolutn truth of the Bible as the inspired Word of God, is rejected as historically and scientiil T flow* SLe^ofta ifustang Uok st what you na?d. It takes effect to i oe how quickly it hoals aorta ly: ^ >elf with Fire, with i can scald yourself Water, but there is y to cure a bu^n or using .. ~~ i ~ _ Liniment.,, ' Get a piece of soft old ' h this liniment and bind \ You can have no adequato i tody this is for a burn until y bird afflicted with Roup or any disease use Mexican Mustang id remedy by poultry brooders. ROLLER MILLS, R b M.ll ? n JULIil) M, V/| We Buy: Shell Corn, Ear Corn, Wheat and Grain of all kinds. We also buy second hand cpocus sacks. ess. Get our prices. K. L. BARNES, Sec. and Treas. istake :ong place. Visit tho CITY BARn corps of white barbers always ever go nway with their faces lull re beautify the face with an easy Building, facing railroad. RS & SON. oally untenable. Givo up that dogma and whore is the foundation for the belief in the incarnation or any of the miracles upon which the Christian faith depends? The Westminister Confusion ohirf. out necessarily with the laying of a foundation for its system of doctrine by j declaring that the Hi bio was "given by inspiration from C5od, to be the rule of faith and life;" that all doctrine cau be determined by "no other but the Holy Spirit speaking in the Scripture." How can the Washington committee revise that dogma so as to include also denial of the absolute authority of Scripture, of the "entire perfection thereof," as also proclaimed in the first chapter of the confession ? Here is the slnmbling block before the committee of revision, and it is insurmountable. The impossibility of reconciling the irreconcilable will render vain its efforts at pompromiso. SAYS 8HE WAS TQ2TU2ED. "I Buffered Bitch pains from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Robinson, Hillsborough, Ills., "but Bucklen's Arnica salye completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by T. B. Aleachnm. 25c. That there are many thousands of acres in South Carolina on which tea enn be grown profitably can not be doubted, for tho thing is being done. FOOD CHANGED TO POISON. Putrefying food in tho intestine produces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, _n T ; tf i * ? mi uiver, ivianey and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at Mcacham's Drug Store. Gov. McSweeney has refused to grant a pardon to Will Gill, a York county convict. A WOMAN'S AWFULVEBIL. "There is only one chance to ' save your life and that is through 1 an operation" were the startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of I Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor i after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach ; trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall j stones had formed and fiha constantly grew worse. Then she | began to use Electric Bitters which whollv cured her. It's ? wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50cts. For sale by T! B. Meachum. -' V' . g SANTA CLAUS H u| New York a ^Messrs. Meacham & Errs, Fi Dear Sibk: Your advert Times received. I am very g S children as to whether I retur ? them up as I must kuow by tl ^ yisit Pinevjlle, N. C., on that for me to come on to Fort Mi country from Pineville, so let S Yours for a happy Xmas. pfc Now children, you se,e fron U kuow at once. We have alrea ^ of letters to Santa Claus, all he drives through from Pine1 I the way and bring him in tow V Remember there are two ] other for a girl?so do your 1 u your letter will be printed. { SANTA ^ Has arrived and as nsi 5 set Hi. J Q Our stock was bought early ^ choice. We have too many pi ^ yo won't attempt it, but if you ^ the prettiest lot of Christmas ^ before. All vou have to do is ^ ordinary low prices will do tL ^ best and purest Candies in Un ^ Citron, Currants, Nuts, Fire tP will interest you. \ A Missiongi] ^ TUESDAYS, December 10' ^ Missionary days. This societ; ^ help the poor and needy. Wt ^ store to them, on the above tw f good cause by your patronage gb cent of all the Cash sales on tl # Xj. J. TS/LJS We Like Your Dollar in payment of laundry work left in our care, but wo strive as well for your approbation. Our aim is to wash clothes clean, iron shirts, collars and cuffs to your liking (we mean by that polished or domestic finish), and genorully to afford you the best satisfaction at prices commensurate with pood work, but still cheap. The perfect work of the Model Steam laundry. Charlotto. N. (J., all the time at short prices has won the general favor of pood dressers. Shipments piade Wednesday eveniug. Ed. Li. McEljianey, Aoknt Fort Mill, S. C. <%?%,% *.<%.%. 4 A Moat Market AND RESTAURANT. At which reasonable prices predominate has nt last been established in "Ionea building, on Main street, where the choicest BEEF, PORK and SAUSAGE can be hud at any time. A tirst-clasxi restaurant and lunch counter will he run in connection with the market. Fresh Fish, Oysters, and all other eatables to be found on this market will be served each day in the week. W. E. DEATON. J. U. lraywick & Uo., DEALERS IN FINE LIQUORS AND WINES, No. 42 East Trade St. | CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C. i EADQUARTERS. rt T~\ A 1 AA1 ?|J \j1ti, fs/fipiluck 17, 1w1. jrt Mill, S, C. ' fib isement in the Fort Mill fib lad you have left it to the & n. Ypu will have to hurry ^ le 23rd. I have decided to ^ day and if the children Bay W 11 I will drive through the fib me know as soon as you can. U SANTA CLAUS. g 1 the abqve that we must fib dy received quite a number X wanting him to return. If ^ vilie, we must meet him on tR n in great style. V prizes?one for a boy; the jest to win a prize. And fit M EACH AM & EPPS. g i i j.... cuiir^ u^l made headquarters ? ^SSEY'S. J , >vhile we could pet first ^ etty things to mention here, ^ will call we will show you ^ presents ever shown here ^ to see the poods, the extra- ^ te rost. We also have the ^ vn. A fresh lot of Raisins, Works, etc., at prices that ^ i*y Offering. \ th and 17th, will be Home ^ y beinp in need of money to ^ j will turn over our entire ^ o days, and you will help a ^ *, hb mey win gel 1U per ^ iese two clays. ^ tSBEY. # */%/%/% '%/%/vvy^ NOTICE.?I lmve in my possession two single-barrel hainmerless shotguns (supposed to have bieen stolen) taken from negro boys on Sunday, Nov. 6. Owner can obtain same by furnishing proof of ownership and paying for this ad. Apply to J. AY. MpElhaney, Inton dan t. , In Hoc Signo Vinro>? The sign which means most in the business world of today is the sign of business judgment and good taste shown in printing. Ours is the right kind. It gives character to your business announcement. Our printing stands for us and, for you. R. M. LONDON, Rock Hill, S. C. DR. J. L~SPRATT, SpKGEON DENTIST. Office in Jones building, Main Street, Fyrt Mill, S. C. After December 1, offico will be closed every Moujlay. Terms, strictly cash. *'UK GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC CALL OR OR WRITE TO W. H. IIOOVEI^ CHARLOTTE, N <\