University of South Carolina Libraries
I THE FORT MILL TIME I DEMOCRATIC. ' I PUBLISHED 9 ^^aSi'J^ou corropondI rv',si 1 il'tfK President Roosevelt's M |im?albeit he Is still In I 35 l-V his voice and can com 1 mti %'AiYne services of a typewriter. I w If. however, Mr. Roosevelt intends I ji to cover one-half of the ground laid I out for him by the correspondents our H advice to him Is to Issue his message ~ - \ In serial form, says the Chicago Rccx 4' ord-Hcrald. He has the pen of a roady writer and an exhnustless fund of Ideas of his own to draw on. and yet he Is said to contemplate the incorporation of the reports of his cabinet officers'in his own reviews of "tho state of the Union" and recommendat Cf those things he judges "necespury and expedient" for the consideration of congress. If President Roosevelt v.ill consult rhe sound sense of the American people he will make his message tipigue in I he history of modern presidential messages by its brevity. He ran say al! that is necessary to be ?al4 at this time in a message of G.COO woi'ds. and by using the reports of the .1epj?rtnuiits a.s appendixes in loss 4paceTho constitutional id^a of the president'^ message was that it was for the "information" of cor.grc.~r. and tho peopl?. But that was before tho daily press l(i&d conic to keep tho public better informed as to the state of the union ^han It could be if presidential mcFsag^f were issued weekly. Tho president cannot do better beween nV3"*' and the first week in Deember tlban to devote bin spare time -of which lie will not have too much ?to the strenuous task of condensing what is \necessary and eliminating what is ufineceteary to be said in ids first incrsaEc to congress. He should be familialr with the superiority in rnnge and accuracy of u riP^ over a blunderbuss! Every unnWoessary word in a presi1 ent's mecsaKO increases the opportusity for eiyor. THE WOMaV and tiie STREET l TAT? A si ret car Atopped at a crossing, and i woman was m-V'1 coming out of it. Two men en tPc sidewalk were watching her. \ 'Til het you ?5 to fifty cents," said re of them. "shYe Rets off the car the v.-v tig way." I "It's a hopeless! het," said the other. ";u't I"i] take it." V The woman was -about to step off the car. when she lopkei'l -it the name on the ! post, saw she Viad not conic to the right street yet. nndA went back and sat ?rt,;,,, trihVne. southern Railway. lent rut Time at Jneksoavil.'* nnt* Harannah. | K wot a Time at Oth*/r Point*. Pi'hrdul* In Klhct Joatj 19J1. SOUTHBOUND, {JSjf IMilJ (Tv. en-it,( < hTITi.TT "tf WU? Tfc'P " tvjvar.nuti tSo. Hv i 25p 12 !><o . j " t nrnwell al^Jp 111* ...... ! " I- -i.-kviilo ... * i'2r> 4 3<ii ! Ar. ' ilnmbin 5 mPp| ft 16w .. .. I t'.i.irioston, ("So. liy 777. ~7~oV? lloap >'uij:norvitlo 7 4/a;l:lWt?( , iiuehvil:.- DOi'*' -tw* " ? -iun " lvi'itfvillr 10 -<I\ <0ia Ar ' >imnbin ii iuA' <r?<u? 17 .V.l.'m.h, (Wo. ivy. ) 01*iv >'.v. * ? ::mi to villo ..." aSfp '"lip v. Aikon ;j(*,|i I.v. 'i'io iton liicipli J t*n> " iinibion 4ii|p At- Ooiumbla. ... 64lto a* lu> i.v uinl.ui, iHkiK .77777. ;'i.K>p > -f<o A " WiniiMltovo rt.itip 7 ' *>" ' 7 av,> H K# ' hook Hill hiap 8t.!W? Ar. (\nrloito_ imi ip (1 f ?Vv ._. Ar l)nn\iUo ._.. 777 iTifralTL^ Ar. Kl -ilUHintl . tltm 114, V Ar. Washington 7 . t - ;ir7Yv,...? r.iMiiwtro (Pti.RH) ! I.ailll BRv'J " ? kiladolphia . 11 H'* 2Mb-]-' " No.v V rk. _.... i.v, < ?:utnhif? 11 :v*J f*\>m Ar. wpartnnburg u lOp 10 ??i " Ashrvillo 7J5p JiOup Ar Kn.?xvlll? 4 tk'>rt 7 tup .? ?.? Ar UmcinnA 1 .7 _ 7 .wp "? . Ar i. TisvilUt ..??!> "m"4u? ~ ^ ; ?n;;Til BOUND. Nrr-lti'o 35 1 Daily Dally ' 7v 17, if<vill?? "7 1..V .To ...y. J.v.i'i vmnatt . V.*.a| s>'. ,. AT. I \ . Kn.xvtl.o ...7 1 :>.ia n Jjal.. \. Akdcviuh 7ttia :?o0p " .-I'jirtanbsirK 1011.5a fl l.Vp V Ar < > nrnbla 8l&p onup| 1 i.v. Afw Vorinl'u.K.K) vi.A'V, 1-1."/i ..".7\ i'lnnidelphiH flu>p a .'xia lkiltintorw HlfTp1 rt . .'a f.v. Vnahijart'ii (So. Ity> 9.5Up|ll 1.1a| j.r mviiniti.) t .. lia'ipjijuiiiil......' tfTbnvilte . 4ufe| awpj.. Lv. Ctmvidt e m -liw!~va.>p * liook Hill WlUn lvMrp. " Cnostor 0 44a! 11 l&p m- .r. .............. L ? .IUI,-I?VIV> . .... JU (KHI I C Xtl t\' Ar. (lotumhm. (BIdgKt 11 3i>ti 1 ifin _ l.v. tUdunibm, lU. D.).. lAMin 8.*>n " Johnston 1 40p ?IU>n " Tr^nlon 1 &2p 6 2Haj ?_ Ar. Aikcu 2 3(Jp 7 8wv Ar. (: ninitcvUir ... 2 21 p ft & al Ar.Aaawn.. lOJp] 74Sn .... f,v. Columbia l&w. ky ) ... 3UUp| 1 .am! " Kinjcvilie ." 3 4flpj it Still " 0.nn?eburK 4 42pj IMS" ** Hi an hvlllo J>2T>p 42Ni . ** t>nnimcrv1llo .. rt42p 5 67n' Ar. ct?ar < -'"n 780 ' 0 n Lt. Oomnibia \*Jo. Iiy7)7..11 4,? Jim .... " kmckviHo 12UJ>| 2Wa' " Barnwell 1 8 07a " Puaannah SlllVt> 4 .V*i| JlT. Jaolwanvtllo IP.8.) 7 4op 0 15a1 Nleepinp; Cur Sorvioo Kxre'lent daily passouger aerrieo lad wren Florida and Now \ork. Noh. ii.t and 34?New York and Florlila Kx PTi"w Dr?wlntj-ro<>m sleeping rain between Adnata and New York. Pullman drawing room hIch , tug ears l?>;wcen Port Tampa,.Taek amvliiiv savannah Washington and Vew York Puiiman k.ceding cnra between Charlotte and Richmond nnd ' 'nar lotto nud Norfolk. Dining lmr< la?i worn i harlolte and barannah. Non. H> and od~U. 3. Fn*t Man. Through drawing-room bulToi aloamng eara lie (iwwa Jacksonville and New York and Pull (linn h ?H>; iuK .-am between Auguata nud Oliar lotto r.nd Charlotte and Richmond. Dining earn serve ail moaia enrou e Pullman sieop Ing i-ni'H Ixcween Jacksonville and Columbia r.ronic dully 1*1 wwa JuckaonvilleandCinoin ba.l, v..i Aahevtlle. KHaNK s uannon. h. h.hardtviok. Third VP. & t-ruu. Mgr., Wnn Fm Age. V >i? lug'on, I>. C. Waahlngtoa/D. C \Y. H 1A .OB, R W.HCNT, A^i lifti. i ?? Ac'L, Di*. Paaa. Ag't. A..?ntb. Qa 'Oi.arlof.BO. 3. 0. ^ mm ' i i P " ;s I ' ? L* WHEN YOU COME HOME.1 BT CLARENCE UHMI, What golden suns will gild the happy skies. What incense from the meadow altars rise. What hymns fill all the groves with glad j'.irjfrisc? When you come home! How memory-bells will softly ring and rhyme Amid the dear old ivied towers of t'mo, | As arm in arm we listen to their chime ? When you conic lioinc! 1 At joy's bright festal board shall we sit down. And mirth and music, each with myrtle crown, Will drive away the tear, the sigh, the j frown? When yon come hone! Suspense will quickly change to ralni content. Desire with rare fulfilment will be blent. And meeting ha one long, sweet sacrament? When you come home! ?Harper's Bazar. I HIS LITTLE WARD, i {T was very amusing. Leslie Thomas throw the letter impatiently 011 the table, ami grazed for some time into tlie slowing embers of his bachelor fireside. nut nad he done? lie. a soberminded single num. so he saddled with a child lor the real <u his days, lie, who disliked cliihirca. to be :u?? guardian and protector of a *ri;*1 who was nothing to liint. until she should arrive at an age to take care ?>' it- tvelf. Yet lie hail promts d the child's fa liter. Willi an Impatient sigh he picked up the letter again and lead the eontents. Dear Mr. Thomas," it ran. "I trust yoa will not consider this a piece of interference on my part, hut 1 thought it necessary to know that your little ward, Kva tircshaiu. has now reached the age of live, without once having seen the face of her guardian. 1 nui anxious to know what you intend to do in the way of lier education, and thought perhaps you would better Judge by coming down soon to see her. Yours faithfully, "ROSK IIKUSCHEL." "A piece of Impertinence," said the devoted guardian, biting his nails. "What is it to do with Miss Hose Ilersehel, I should like to know? The Child Is nothing to me. However, I suppose I must do my duty by her. I I'll run down to Seveuoaks and set I matters right straight away, packing my ward oft to boarding school, and | ..,?ss Impudence about her business. ! She has had a nice soft time of it. I looking after that child, and new, perhaps, she will he sorry she had a i finger in the pie." Tlint \VnU liniir M? I 1" , ...... mi. jit-am: i nomas found himself (ho following after110011 outside a snug little villa at Sevonoaks. lit* hesitated before knocking. The collage, lie thought, looked rather tine for such humble inhabitants, and yet there was tin* name written up over the porch right enough ? Woodbine Cottage, in big gilt letters. Filmy lace cur. a ins buttered at the windows, through which a glimpse of a daintily-furnished drawing r oin could he seen. The window hoxes were gay with flowers, and the whole house had a thoroughly well-kept appearance. In some surprise Kva's guardian .i-iened up and lifted the shilling door-knocker, wondering, t:i spite of I himself, that he had never had the [ curiosity to venture here before. The 1 door was opened by a spruce maid, to 1 whose skins clung a little girlish mite J of live. "Miss Ilcrsehcl?" he inquired, with a glance of interest at the child. -Will jv.?. jiii-unc cnim' in, sir?" said the girl, and Mr. Thomas followed the girl into the snuggest lit do drawing room over furnished. lie had hardly taken a chair ere Miss llersrhcl entered with Eva on her haud. She was a tall, peaceful girl of about eight and twenty, with a sweet, womanly face, frank eyes and a rich, glow ins color. "Mr. Thomas! T'm so glad you've come; I thought you would." she said, with a smile, betraying a bewitching dimple in either cheek. "I did So want you to know your little ward. Isn't she a darling?" "A nice little girl, indeed," stammered Leslie. "I am glad you sent \ for me. She is now at an age when \shn should mix up with other eliil\dren. 1 will see about a boarding W-hool at once." "A boarding school!" The color (Reopened suddenly in Miss Hcrsoliel's c*ioek and her eyes flashed lndlgnantlj\. "A boarding school!" she repeater! warmly; "for a delicate child like thJtt! Nousonse! Site wouldn't live a miAnth In It. R esidc, 1 love her and cannot part with her." T^e haughtiness and assurance with wnicu sue spoue surprised and Irritates Mr. Thomas, who considered hlntsWf a masterful man in his way. "Indeed." lie said, dryly. "But the futur# of the child must be considered Lp'fore personal desires." "Shet could go to a day school about here, t>r?or I could spare time to teach lWr." "Thatf* you. but I prefer the Idea of a btoarding school." said Leslie Thomas. "You forget I am the child's giutrdlan<" "And y?>u seem to forget that I have taken the place of the ehild's mother." said (he girl quickly. "Well, you have been paid for It." They w^ro insulting words, nnd Leslie was sorry the moment be had uttered theai Even then he was surprlsod to aeo the effect they had upon the glrL u _ She rose Instantly, trembling Jn every limb, the color coming aud going In her checks, and with her eyes ablaze with indiguutiou. "Paid for It!?yes." she said, rapidly. "And for all you knew, and for all the Interest you took in me and the child, I might have been a wicked, worthless woman who accepted the money for her own use and shamefully neglected and ill-used the child. With tlilts she swept liiui a look of utter disdain and contempt, and walking over to her writing table unlocked a drawer and drew forth a small box in which reposed a little hoard of bank notes and golden coins. "Ifere are Kva's savings," she said, stiffly; "4*250 for nearly live years. It Is a nice little sum. Will you please take it with her now?" Leslie Thomas turned abashed from the scornful brown eyes, and by way of diversion picked lip the child, who belt hint furiously with her little doubled lists. Leslie laughed awkwardly and set iter down. "She is a little mite," he said. "I suppose site will not ho the worse for a little more coddling. What do you say7 Shall wo hoop tin* peace fur an' flier twelve months?" The girl swept liitn a deep courtesy. "My lord is gracious," she said, with mock gratitude, ami then, with a sudden change of manner she turned from him with a sob and caught the child passionately to her breast. *?* ** Kmboldemvl l\v a strong sense of ; duty, which had never troubled him h: fore the interview with Mva's good friend, Lesi;? Thomas paid frequent visit-; to the little villa a. t-'evenoaks. Mi.-s 1 lers,-hel was consulted ahout a school i:i the neighborhood for his little ward, her talents wero discussed, her toys chosen and her pleasures arranged, and in the mutual interest for me child's welfare the altercation at. their 11:st meeting was forgotten, and the two became fast friends- nay, more, for the line color in Miss Herseiter.s i hook deepened to an alarming degree when the familiar knoek came at the door, and although Leslie Thomas had ax yet spoken no words but. those of kiudly friendship, his eyes were uneon-eiou.-ly eloquent. Hut. silence could not he maintained for long, ami one day, when Leslie had accidentally met her returning from a walk, lie purposely returned to the subject of a boarding school for the hapless little Eva. 1 This time Miss Uerscliel maintained 1 her composure and smiled severely. I She knew her power now. [ "Do you want to be saddled with j the child all your life?" ho demanded. "If you put it that way?yes." "But you may marry," this anxiously. "In such an event," began Miss llerschel, coloring, and with a swift, upward glanee, "she would still he in the cave of her guardian." "Then you would leave her?" asked Leslie. I "Oh, 110; she would still remain as j my little daughter." This time her eyes were withdrawn, for, with a burst of eloquence, Leslie had caught her in a close embrace. "l)o 3*011 really mean It, Rose?" he ; muriumed, at length. "Can 3*011 really j look upon me as a lover after?after 1113* rudeness to 3*011 and 103* brutality t.? that child." "Yes. 1 think I can," sold Rose, smiling; "even after your brutality.' Hut listen, ami don't think im? quite disinterested with regard to little Kva. Her father was once betrothed to 111.*." 'To you!" said I.eslie, suddenly releasing her. "Yes. but you needn't be Jealous, dear. It was a most prosaic affair, and lie afterward fell In love with and married Eva's mother, who died, as you know, soon after llu* little one's birth.. Perhaps it was natural for my poor Herbert, when he knew that he was dying. to wish to place the little orphan In my care." "Then you love the child for her father's sake?" said Leslie, almost resentfully. ".No; for her own and for his sad memory," said Rose, gravely. "Is she to he your little daughter, too, or only mine?" "She shall he ours," said Leslie, with some fervor. "She was the means of bringing its together, and for that alone I owe her a debt of gratitude I shall never he able to repay." "Except by being good to her and her adopted mother for the rest of your life." said Miss Ilerschel, lifting her lips temptingly. a Tin nestle sealed the compact.? Penny Pictorial Magazine. Crow Took (iolf Hallo. John Mott, of Heliport, had a peculiar thing happen to him while playing golf In the Westbrook Club tournament near I slip, L. I. lie drove a good hall. and. while going forward lo the hole, saw two crows fly away from the spot where his ball was supposed to lie. As the crows flew toward the wood? one suddenly dropped something white, and upon Investigation, as the bull could not he found where It ought to he. It was discovered that the crow had picked up the round mass of gutta pereha, evidently ex peetlng it was an egg. There was a good laugh all around at this slngulai rub of the green. A similar case happened to a play cr last winter while on one of the Florida links.?New York Times. Tllgclnc ti|> ??" Anclpiit Cerartery. At Postol, in the district of Mlliteh a cemetery 11000 years old has heei discovered. Two hundred gruvct have been unearthed under the super vision of the director of the Bcrlls Museum. The coffins are of stone square in shape and date from tin rouz* period. rljf! ' Vs ' ' i* >? *?a?'. '* h.S*T f'y' "' "I1 ???^11 I I ! I HI* Kona/'l Worth. "Mary Ann," said the economic*; husband at the summer resort hotel. **let the mashed turnips alone and take some more of those cream potatoes. Think what they're charging as here for board"'?Chicago Tribune. Low KhIvn for Iluntlns and Plahtuc Ttu Srilioard Air 1,1 nc Iluilu njr- ' This popular route, whoso lines penetrate anno* oi tlx- Inst country tor Kttme, bird# and fleli to be found anywhere in the Souin, has on #hIi< reduced ram tickets from Norfolk, Portsmouth and ltb.Ttneud to all points in Virginia. Nmth ami South Carolina, for tne benefit of ht::,tlng :iud fishing parties, moving individually or i therwbe. One dog la carried free with nnnli passenger and others are transported at a small cost. Full information its to most desirable points, rate*, schedule*, etc , furnished upon nppllei Hon to an\ ugcut or representative of the Company. Brooklyn, N.Y.. Nov. 29?Garfield Headache Powder* arc Bold here in large <juan titles; ibis show* that people realize the value of a remedy at otioc harmless ami effective. The Powders are of undoubted value in curing h? adacht-sof all kinds and in building up the nervous system. Investigate every grade of rtmcdie-. offered for ihi' euro of licadachct and the Garfield llmdachc Ponder# will be found to hold first place. Write Garfield Tea Co. for sampler. Some lucn bear he camo relation to life as the vermiform appenuit to the human anatomy. permanently euro 1. No fitr. or nrrvoiiRness after first day use oT Or. Kline's Great Nerve lteuvorrr. J trial bottle and (realise free Dr. 1!. II. Km sr.. 1.t>1.. Arch 1'liila. I'a. It isn't tweauro people arc fond of music that they blow their own horns. Mrs. Wiimlow's Hoothing Syrup for rhildrcn teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamm*** tion, allay s (win, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Men have been know n to lose on dead sure things. I amiurc Fi?to's Cure for Consumption saved ! my life tbreo years ago.?Mas. Tbouas Hob- I bibb, Muple St., Norwich, N.Y.. Feb. 17, l'JOO. I A tombstone inscription is often u giave [ error. Fpts am s Fsnr.i.Kss Drr. produces the fast- ! est an I brightest colors or any known dye j stuff. Sobl by all druggist*. According to statistic* prepared for the | Home Secretary 1700 children are burned to death yearly in the I'nited Kingdom. nrslui'M rmiliol Itr t'llrril by local application* a* tlicy cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by eonslitulinnal remedies. Deafness is caused'by an inflamed eonditioti of the mneous lining of tli* Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed von have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the resnlt. and unless the inflammation ran be taken out and this tub>> restored to its norma' condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out oT ten are caused bv eatarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any rase of Deafness ("caused by catarrli), that cannot be cured by Hall 's Catarrh Cure. Circulars sent free. F. J. CMrvr.v ?V Co., Toledo, O. Kohl by Druggists. 75c. ball'* Family Fills arc the best. The man who always expects the unexpected to happen is proof against disappointment. H?lt Tor tli* llowdi. No matter what an# you, headache to a r a near, you will never "pat well until vour bowel* are put right. Carcikvtb help natura, cure you without a grips or pain, produce eaay natural movement*. coat you juat 11 cent* to atart setting your health hack. <;*? cAaarA Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boat)*, every tablet has C. C. C. tamped on it. Beware of imitations. It's when a woman is dressed to kill that she cuts her less fortunate sister dead AN OPEN LETTER Address to Women by the Treasurer of the W. C. T. U. of Kansas City, Mrs. E. C'. Smith. "Mv LVeak Kjsti:ks:? I believe in advocating1 and upholding everything that will lift up and help women, and but little use appears all knowledge and learning if you have not the health to enjoy it. MRS. K. C. SMITH. " Having found by personal experience thai Lydla ' it. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine of rare virtue, and having seen dozens of cures where my suffering sisters have been dragged back to life and usefulness from an untimely grave simply by the use of a few bottles of that Compound, I must proclaim its virtues, or I should not bo doing my duty to suffering mothers and draggedout housekeepers. " Dear Sister, in your health poor, do you feel worn out and used up, especially do you have any of the troubles which besot our sex, take my advice ; let the doctors alone, try I.ydia 10. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; it is better than any and all dix-to**? for it cures and they do not."?Mrs. E. C. Smit" 1212 Oak St., Treasurer W. C. T. U., Kansas City, Mo,?$5000 forfeit if about testimonial Is not qenume. Mrs. l'inkhunt advises nick wonu ll free. Address, Lyon, Mass. WT: PAY R. R. FARK asp rsnm $5 (MM) ? Denofclt, (iu*rnnt?? Cy adt-u& 200 ? KK.K SI MOUIMII I"? KlIAIlU AT COST. v\ i? j ?- Qntck to OA.-ALA. IICMNESS tol.lht.h. MASON, OA. DAYROFFKIt. Main i.rlnt Divinity Circuit III Tn> hrf'i I Ihlc i*i*|. pilrr $7 i*<, *cui pirj.ald V for One . ? MIl.N It OK tlliWIA.M . EAKTbT.LUlit. ILLINOIS. Thompton'i Eyt Wattr Om? IInI VoiMn. Cuen> Ulcer*. Binmn, Etc.?Medicine Sen* Free. It you hare offeiwive pimples or er.nptions, uIssth on anr part of the body, aching bones or joints, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen glands, skin itches and burns, sore li,>s or gums, eating, festering sores, sharp, g.tawing peias. then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginnings of deadly cancer. Y'ou may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.), mallo ospc cially to cure the worst blood and skin diseCs?JJ. It heals every soro or ulcor, stops all aches and paiiw and reduces nil swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all inatignant blood troubles, such us eczoiua, scabn nud scales, pimples, running tores, carbuncles, scrofula, etc. Especially ndvised for all obstinate c i*- s that have reached the second or third Druggi'ls. $1. To prove it cures, cample of medicine sent freo anil prepaid by writing T)r. Olllain, 12 Mitchell Street, Atlunia. On. j Describe trouble and freo medical advico I KiTcn. | Wo refer to the men as small potatoes ; j who don't get to the top ol the heap. AT SH tKHSrr.AKr.'S HOME. " 8lratfi*r<l-on-Avoii." "I am finishing n tour of Kurope; the brat thing I've had over here is ? box of Tettcrinc 1 brought from home."?C. H. McConnell, Mgr. Economical Drug Co., of Chicago. 111. Tcttrrine cures itching skin troubles. 00c. a i.... ?... ? > ' ? - * .?? >u?n )r<iin .1. i. ennpirme, ts?Tann*ti, ] Csi., if your druggist don't keep it. Last year there were 192,705 miles of , telegraphic lines anil 933,153 nnka of wire j iu tuo United Slates. ? GAPUD,NE ? 1 itt Ot?KE* Sf> Nervous Headache. Neuralgia, M 2 iad HICK HEADACHE. It is abso- ? g lately harmless. No effect on the n jg heart. For sale at all Drug Stores. ivkminillikkktifikSliiatrtliKliintlSk i I I ; MORE COTTON to tlie acie at less cost, means more money. More Potash in the Cotton fertilizer improves the G soil; increases yield?larger profits. I Send f-.r our hook yhc) explaining how to I \ GERMAN KAI.l WORKS, , iji St., New York. ^ New and Enlarged Eclitioa Webster's International mmarnm?? ? n mmtmammmtmmmm???? Dictionary of English, Uiogrsphy, Gto;;rap!iy, Fiction, etc. 25.000 NEW WORDS. ETC. Edited hv W. T. HARRIS. Ph.P., LL.D.. United States Commissioner of Education. New Plates Throughout. Rich liindings. a-&4 Pages. 5000 Illustrations. BEST FOR TI1E HOUSEHOLD AlMWebstcr'sColleitlstc Diction sry with a valuable f ffyofe s. B Scottish Glossary. 1100 Pages./ ^~**r \ laoo Illustrations. Sue yriosa'.in. [ WQSTtRl IB ?lltr mo vnm alj I j Specimen pages, etc., of both V UtCTiOKaHYJ fl books sent on application. y/ 1 j G. & C. Merrlun Co., Springfield,Marc. I LOOX HERE! ',:V.;r: ra-.'Si.f SiTu-io n. ! " .11 \ ! m'.li'lli-s.i li:i-? 1'nUrrli, t iviS I' Ilmti. .Mi .p. j IihmiiiI'. sli ps 1 tKtkacln', iiiu-sii. NeurnlKW. Srr 1 1 i.ii?iiess. Am lir.m. Ihri..-.t and 1 unc i i.-ut-li- Mal i-I ; Mil r. t-ilpl if .'.1 - t- . S-Hlii|i-. s. ml for rntu win . 1 ( luittaiu eialt> c i>..l.oa liT.t. linttaiu" ?n. li-un < . 01 d .11 eon I ul . it ! it hi l.X|insl!Hili. VIcILllENNV S TABASCO No 4!? ' 9 tf !>*> * I ULin BAiltirtjdAM. Pr*f. Ifui. Jta* 177>. Bmmo (MAAA AA GIVEN VALUABLE I! The offer la oar Premium PtroJ tm hereby | EXTENDED FOR THE I jj (except Proa | PRESENTS WILL BE rfejlwred to as during the ye* tag brmade of oar tobeceo R. J. Reynolds' 8 ozSto Golden Crown, Reynolds' S Mahogany, Speckled Beanty, Early Bird, P. H. Hanes I J and (X To apprreiate oar offer, the That we are giving $2000.00 pt ory of chewers on onr trade ma I tify our bent efforta to please ol being deceived by imitators. Full descriptions of 1 tags will be furnishe R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO ( _ "f Asthma "One of my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but without relief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and three and one-half ? bottles cured her." ? Emma Jane Entsmingcr, Langsvillc, O. 3 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I certainly cures manycases I of asthma. 1 And it cures bronchitis, 8 hoarseness, weak lungs, B whooping-cough, croup, ? winter coughs, night | coughs, and hard colds. | [Tliren altri: 2.V\, enough for an ordinary ? colli; .Vie.. Just ritflit lor bronchitis. Iiournc- j3 lies*, hard coltln. etc.; fl. moat economical fl for chroulc eases nufl ti> Keen on hand. G J. C. A V lilt CO.. Lowell. Mass. H ?a?apcwpwi tmm MffioH ALLHH $1 | ~ i i|. POINTS^YIEVirj U | vj The tire buyer should loolt well B Vl before choosing. A good pair B M of tires to the life cf your wheel ? H ft s.ves it many a jolt and jar. >'5 H Service is what G & J Tires give firrt, B R last ar.d =M the tim?. They are comfort J able, satisfactory and easy to repair, fij J tut the kind for country roads and big jS B loads. Send for catalogue. fl H Ci & J TIRR COMPANY, Bj B Indianapolis, ind. THE SWIFT GREEK DAIRY AND f?fit STOCK FARM Mi j, i T irulrCIIRM'tilarc* li V > '' 'lie number of Oginprrd AJCl' V tint JI!lt?KV HI I.1.M ur **>? from IT V, jK ,rrM Milk unit Putter Mork oi?*.J' 11 p 1 up in date; n?nf better iu i no South. Th- blood the famous 5t >k* I'ncls. S' I nnil'til and ilnomt-'li" l? ended. Poland <?hln? lMen nlway*on hand. T I' Pratnvell. Kattleboro. K.f. WANTED AT 0HGE!^"? vv in.ii'1 graduate in time to neeopt cowl ponitlons in tlin spring mul unmi-r Wil wnlt for part tui Ion utii posit on* are inumI. accept notes, or wi.l pnv H. li. litre nml fur nisli nttlrc tvorkf >r i art'tiit'< t?. HomiiI < ltonp. Don't uii-H till-ctrat li.'r. hut write at onca tor full 111f .rination (oti iiitiA in *sti;ss coM.r.bic. 4 411.11 n Its A. s. 4". $900 TO $ 1500 A VEAK We want intelligent Men and Women us Traveling Representatives or I.ocal Malingers; sulary fr/jo to Moo n year and all expense*, according to experience and ability Vte also want local representatives; fiala*~y $9 to f;,S a week aud com mission, depending upon the line devoted. Send stamp for full particular* aud ate position prefered. Address, Dept. U. THK KHI.I, COMPANY. Philadelphia. Pa. FOR EIGHT i t1 \ dollars .M H You can fcuy the very Imt Jr lb. Platform Scale. B Otbrr plxca equally low. jjy Jobcj (Ilo 1'iyjtke Krpl(rht) *">* UlNUHAMTON, ?. nDADQV N?W DISCOVEUY; ?_> B V 1 %?mi> ontrk r?iief ?nrt <urti wurat i-MDK liook ?t t? iimnnikU ?nil 11? iln ? ?' I r?*l rntul Kr?-?*- Sr. I H OtIE* HOBS r.?i B. Atlanta. ua. Ctttb fKB'II <J p 11 IT P of BMry rteocr'.rllon. H?t?? m?i OUtLC.0 U> tion (iiiitriintr*-!. $9 1 Writ* for ril'-M. JK8SK MARDEN | IST GUHtS WHtHt AIL ElSk FAILS. G| he IUwt <i>unli Syrup. Tasira Cso " in Itiuo. Sold I t ttrutrclM.v 1*1 mm?i?w-jyta.\rruamniii i t. in. ?i .a*.? i m ? mm PER DAY _AWAY! ? FORMATION tvpirinC J *nu&r v m, zgoi, ENTIRE YEAR OF 19021 ?B< jV?. jrspj S GIVEN FOR TAQS~| r 190s, fa if* a frim <2io follow ?berry, R. J. R., Schnapps, inn Cored, Brown & Bro.'s Annlo Man'e DrMa I nji|/iu wuunj rnuu o l i IUV/j ft Co.'s Natnral Leaf, Gutter I N, T. \ ae facta ah on hi be considered: I ir day for tags, to fix the mem- I rka placed on tobaccos, to idea- s tewera, and prevent them from *reaenta offered for oar d upon reqneat to IP,, WIHSTON-SM.EM. H, C. .