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IN THE HiCAl FIELD. Events of the Past Week In and Around Town Briefly Told. (Crood cotton is bring 7/50 on itliis market today. Gapt. S. E. White and Dr. T. B Meacham spent yesterday in Charlotte. J. T. Green, Esq., of Lancaster, spent Monday and Tuesday in this place on professional business. Rev. A. Finch left this morning I .for-Winston, N. C., to attend the ,atmual North Carolina convention. Misses Pearl Smith and Gertrude Kerr, of Sharon, N. C., are guests at the home of Mr. W. II. Parks. Mrs. J. M. Green and little daughter, of Charlotte, sjjent several days of last week at the home of Mr. 13. IT. Massey. Mrs. T. M. Hughes ami infant linvn rr>tnrnt>rl .-? il,.-.!,. . ^ . ?. ??. . ??v ?? V\y i II VI l Ul BaricRster, niter a week's visit to relatives in Fort Mill. Bishop Gallowny, at the recent ;ineeting of the South Carolina Methodist conference, assigned Rev. *1. T. Spiuks to a charge in Oconee county. Mr. A. R. Kimbrell, of Rock Hill, was up Sunday to see father, Mr. S. J. Kimbrell, who is dangerously ill, as a result of the burn he received several days ago. The friends of Mr. W. S. MeMurray, who for several months lias been employed as clerk in a Baltimore drug house, will bo pleased to learu that he has been promoted to the position of traveling salesman for the firm, and will pay Fort Mill an occasional visit. A number of members of the local lodge Iv. of P. went up to Charlotte Wednesday evening to attend the annual fail meeting of the I). O. K. K. Messrs. G. S. Thompson and Osmond Barber were the only Fort M; Minns who received the initiation, the others having previously joined the order. Much to the regret of a great number of people in this community, Rev. R. A. Yonguo was not returned to tho Fort Mill Methodist church for another year, but was assigned to a charge in Orangeburg county. Rev. W. A. Wright, of Branchvillo, will he tho pastor of this church, lie is expected to arrive next weok. According to the report of the county commissioners to the grand jury, on the work of York county magistrates during the pnst year, J. B. Mills, magistrate of Fort Mill township, retrieved a salary of <-$210 for self and constable, issued 20 warrants, sent 3 defendants to chaingaug, failed to execute 9 warrants, bound over or acquitted 8 defendants, oollectod tines to the amouut of $18.90. Socao people value a bound very highly, Mr. L. S. Nivens and Will klnke, colored, are two of the number, A few days ago Blake stole a hound from a young son of Mr. Nivons, who came to town and swore out a warrant for the negro charging him with petty larceny. Blake was arrested and tried before Magistrate Mills Wednesday, lie was given thirty days on the chaingang. That practically no interest is being taken in the coining election of town officers is evidenced by the small number of citizens who have thus far registered. The administration of Mr. J. W. Mr F.I h&ney has been thoroughly satisfactorv. and if lie rlen.iilea come a candidate for re-election to the oflice of intendant, it is very probable that he will meet with no opposition. Mr. H. C. C'ulp lias also given satisfaction as chief of police and as overseer of the streets, which are in better condition than in years. Burglars again visited Pineville Saturday night, breaking into the store of Mr. R. M. Erwin. They effected an entrance to the building through the front door and broke open the cash drawer, from which less than a dollar in money was secured. The sife was unharmed and nothing has been missed from the stock of goods. It is thought that the burglars were frightended away before thev had completed their work. Tins is the second or third time Mr. Erwin's store has been burglarized since he began business in Pineville, four years ago. On the 18th instant Miss Emma Ardrey, daughter of Capt. W. E. Ardrey, of Ardreys, N. C., and Dr. J. L. Spratt, of Fort Mill, will be jnnrrif?rt ?.v VMV UVtllU Wl I un |*L IJepectivo bride's father, tlie liev. Mr. Sprinkle, of Pineville, to officiate. Miss Ardrey is an accomplished young lady and is well known in Fort Mill, having visited frequently at the home her uncle, Mr. J. W. Ardrey, in this place. Dr. Sprat t is deservedly one of the most popular young men of Fort Mill. Last spring he graduated in dentistry from the University of Maryland and l;ns s ,,vO practiced successfully here \ h &&? . A. k. Hood's Home Burned. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock ! the home of Mr. A. Is' Hood, who lives ou 31 r. d. Q. Gov iH'b plantation. in Pleasant Valley, was i destroyed by fire. Mr. Ilood and family were away from home at j the time, and wlnen neighbors dis- : covered the house on tire, the (lames had made such headway ! that it was impossible to check ; them, and the house and all of its contents were totally destroyed. 1 The origin of tin1 tire is unknown, j but it is thought to have, been the ' result of a befeetivo stove tine in the kitchen. Several years ago. while living at the Barnes place in (the same community, Mr. Ilood lost his home in like manner. ?Negro Hobo loses His Right Foot. Saturday morning at 7 o'clock ' an aceident occurred near the 31111! fort Mill in this place which cost I John Pong, colored, his right foot, i Pong was attempting to beat his j way from Fort Mill to Smith's on | the local southbound freight train, after being warned by the conduc{ tor to keep off the train. Like 1 most hoboes, he paid no attention to wit in me conductor said. Mow he wishes lie had. As (lie train was leaving for Rock Hill, I'oiirr undertook to board it. but missed the step ami his right foot slipped under tlio wheels .?r the moving train, with the result that his foot ; and ankle were so badly mangled as to necessitate amputation. l\mg was carried to tlie otlico of Dr. D. (I. Thompson, where tin? npertion was successfully performed by Drs. Thompson, Kirkputrick and Spratt. T. II. Hoover's Barn Burned. The barn of Mr. T. II. Hoover, a few miles north of Fort Mill, was burned last Sunday night at about 10:.'>() o'clock. In the building at the timowero five mu'es, one horse, 20 tons of hay am! ;L lot of other feed stuir, all of which was consumed by the angry flames. Mr. Hoover's corn crib that was | located m ar the barn, was also consumed with 1,500 bushels of i corn. Between 10 and 11 o'clock. Mr. ! Hoover was awakened bv a brii/ht | light in the direction of his barn. He aud family got up as quickly j as possible, hut by tin1 time they reached the scene, the entire build; ing was wrapped in flumes. In a short while the barn and contents were reduced to ashes. Mr. Hoov- j ' er feels sure that the burning was ; i the u-jt of an incendiary. SAYS SHE WAS TORTURED. | "f suffered such pains from ; corns I could hardly walk." writes If. Kobinson. Hillsborough, Ills., j "but Hucklen's Arnica salve completely cured tin 111." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, ' sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers, i Perfect heul*T of skin (lis* as s and piles, Cure guaranteed bj T- 1>. MoacLmm. 25c. ? -* #? Tlie Kings Mountain chapter of tho Daughters of tin? American Devolution, of \ orkvilP, will give a gold medal for the best paper on | the life of Mrs. Eliza Luea* Pinckney. The contest is open eily to the pupils of the Yorhvillc graded school. Tin" report of the weather bureau shows that for the past .'.'0 years the warmest December we have had \va? (iiat of ISSt), with an average temporal urn of HO decrees. The average date of n killing rrost, November 20ih. T!ie highest temperature wan "<! decrees on December 1 It!). iNStl. the |owe?t, I.1 decrees on December d()th, lss<>. FOR KENT. A i*ood two or threo horse farm near J>arbemvilie, S. ('. Apply to Ah x Barber, Fort Mill. S. C. NOTICE. I have in rny posses i fiion two single-barrel i nunneries:; shotguns (:supposed to have bee.i stolen > taken from negro boys ou Sunday, Nov. ti. ()\vnerean olitnin Same by furnishing pro >f of owner- j nhip and paying for tl.'s ad. Apply to -J. \V. MoFlhnmy, Intendant. Ladies Home Missionary Society ul' Til It PRESBYTERIAN Clll KCIT, Fokt Mill, S. C. greeting: To all our friends, though far or in ar, j We crave your kind all litioa, So please to lead us now your tar While we a subject meat ion. Tile Homo Missionary Society will hold Dm it duv not distant .u\ If wo have boon correctly told, A Fanny Work Luzaar. Tlicy have useful articles of every kind I Sofa pillows and tablo covers you'll find, With fancy articles they are doubly blessed, , And beautiful tilings for Xnias gifts. ! C.'kes will Is- sold, jiopcorn b. lis, Tfomo-niado candy and children's dolls. Short Items of State News Conveniently Grouped for Times Readers. In Greenwood t. mnty Thursday, John Drennan, a.i old white man of miserly lialiits, was robbed of $1,000 and many valuable papers. Daisie Smith. a white j^irl l!S years old, whose ? hornet r was reputed to be none too tfood, was brutally killed with a shotgun in Walhalla Friduy nij^ht. The governor and about fifteen members of his stall' went down to) Charleston Sunday afternoon t?> j attend the opening of the exposi lion. Special exercises were held,' in which the governor took part. it is rumored that the S. C. <?: <i. Ex. Ibiilway will, be^inninu i December 1st, put ?>n double daily trains between Charleston anil AluCion. N. C.. and will operate! tl. in during: the continuance of the South Carolina later-State' and AY est Indian Kviinsitinn ? - ? % ' pon (ho unanimous rernni- i ni. udntion <?(' the Charleston delegation in tho general assembly. Hi ' governor litis appointed and commissioned (.Jcorge i). Bryan to It p-olvito im 1 lt ' t<?r the county of Charleston to till (ho vacancy occasioned I?v (ho (loath of the luto J udge Bolger. Tames K. Kiolmrdson, a white 1 hi, who lives in Augusta and works at a brickyard, litis been nrr. -tod in tliat city charged with bigamy. Two of his wives wore South t'urolinians. lie diverted ih in and married as a third wife a (icorgii woman. He married them nil within the past few years, diverting them successively. All the wives are now after him and he is in deep trouble. The first suit under the South Carolina ant i-t rust law litis been begun in Sumter by H.C Cuttiiio, a retail ice dealer, agaiiibt the Sumter Ice Company and the Sumter Klectri and Ice Company, doing business as the City lee Company. The ice companies named were active competitors, but combined last summer and raised the price 100 per cent. There was a homicide at 10 o'clock Wednesday night at Con v. .rse, six 111 ties: Lroni Spartanburg. Two operatives of tlio Clinton Manufacturing Company's mill. Mac LiAvy and William Lnttimore, went to the homo of John drizzle, ami Lowry, who was making him self obnoxios, was repeatedly requested to leave the place. 11 is companion. Lnttimore, attempted to force him out the door. A Bcuflle ensued, in which Lowry was shot and instantly killed. Two young white men, disguised as negroes, in the town of Laurens, entered the resilience of J. T. Lnngston, a prominent citizen of i that place, Wednesday ni^rht in t he absence of ! he men of the family and attacked Miss Lamxslon, :. daughter, in her chamber. The screams of the girl frightened the marauders away, and a posse of eit i/ens succeeded in capturing one 01 the men, who proved to he Henry Sullivan, a young man of that place. Sullivan was placed in jail. Ahram I>unmoio, n well ki?.nvu ] I icmocrat negro and one of the Lest darkies in Clarendon, had a; serious accident to bid ill liini Fri tiny nl llio Manning (til Mill. While attempting to place the l?elt on a shaft lie was caught up and his entire left arm completely crushed and mangled. II was suspended in the air, attached to the shall, f r sonic time hy the broken arm before he was found, and was tli u discovered by some one passim;. The limb had to he uillputatcd at the shoulder. PCOD CHAINED TO POISON. I'ntrofyini; food in tho intestine produces ciVects like those of ar sonic, but I Jr. Kind's New Life; I'ills expel the poisons from closed bowels, oently. easily but | surely, curing Constipation Liliousiiess, Sick lleadnche, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and lioweL troubles. < bdy at Meacliiun's : I )rui; Store. F< >K (toot) WHISKIES,! WIN ES, t > I I l f \ J net ' ' i; i b l <J ( Al.L ON on WRITE TO \Y. II. 11 GO YEH, Cli IK MUTE, N. C. DR. o. L. SPRATT, SUHCJKON DENTIST. Office in Jones building, M;iin Street, Fort Mill, S. C. Afr< r Deeomber 1, office will b< closed every Monday. Terms, stuotiv cusli 1 AYhere to make their purchas old adage that "a fool and his mo part" is not often exemplified tin "Keonomv" is the word uppermo mind of everyone, which is equh saying that the merchant who o best values for the least money * vour trade. That mosiiw "27. 13. SBXjiB; Olotllimg, Clr<3ilL"t9e Our stock is complete, and tliiiikiiii*' of buying Clothing Collars, Culls, Ktc., you give what we have. SSij-Oos, Bb.oes, ?3] i t; our shoe department y< Children's shoes from 2oe to $v>.()0; Mens' shoes from 81.0 Ery G-oods sixxcL As tisiuil. our stock of stap date. Tlirro aro values hero The "OLD REL] T. ]B. BSXjIC, .A.S St37a"SJ "Which way the wind blows so w show \on where d( irw r* * ury u ooas, ! Notions, Etc. Dress Goods, Etc. I 2.000 yds. best make Prints at ? and tie ; 2.01X) yds. nice < hitiiiLC at 5 to UK* 1,0()O yds. heavy Si cetin^, a l?arnain at 5c 1.000 yds. latest patterns in Flannelettes . .<?to 10c l,()ftOyds. nicely tinisln d (? iii^hams at tie 1.000 yds. I Headlines and Lone Cloth . .5 to 12 l-2c 5(10 yds. Canton Finnic I. Pleached and mibleached t? to 12c I .( ()(> yds. Uiverside and 11. >it*s A lamaiice... 5 to (5c 5Ud yds. heavy Cheviots, for shirts and aprons 7 1-2 and S l-2o 500 yds. all-wool Kcd and \\ I?it? Flannel at 12 1-2 to 25c 200 yds. Tickings, for feathers, straw or cotton 81-3 to 121 -2c 200 yds. heavy deans, for winter pants..20 and 25c in fact, we k< i |? everything in staple dry ooods. Blankets, Quilts, Comforts, iJodspreads, Talile I hiinask. ()il ('lot li. AW have a nice line ol these, at prices that will prove interesting to you. Qversiilrts, Sweaters, Underwear. AVo have jnst received our second t)it_C shipment; it will pay you to oet our prices. In these ^oods wo have the cheap as well a? the better (pialities. Shoes and Oyershoes. Cold, wet weather is bound to come, so prepare for it in time by oettino a shoe that will keep your feot dry and warm. We have them. When in need of Trunks, (Mocks. Ilentors, Shove Glassware, ('rookery, Fable ami Pocket Cutlery, Lo^<{ Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Collars, Cull's, Fascinators, nice line of all such articles, -a- MILLS &. P. S. Ho sure to ask for Premium Tiekefs when every It' tickets secure you a vuluuble present. ' H I ' I os. ti,,. \ h ? Fo.rnisliiiig:^. I all we ask is that when*y<jm aro , Pants, Shirts, Hats, Underwear, 4 us an opportunity to shy>w you lioes! / ,)ii will find itll t.lio In?+??i? ^ ! tuwpt ^i-yirro. SI.oO; Ladies' shoes from loo to 0 to S4.00. I IXTotions. I lo dry goods and notions is np-towort li investigating J V ^ ^ "<k-n. <*, *V ^ <i> Sk ^ <%/% [ABLE STORE," IProiprietor?. VS ?JHLO"VST ill the following announcement hilars can be savfed. Groceries, Confections, Etc. Ksw Groceries-Fresh Groceries. We art' anxious try, supply you with grocer's, hut not merely for the^sake of profit. We strive ?o hat-, isfy each patron t^> such an extent as will make hir; a regular custom^er. To that end we hi I. f <, .* stock of groceries with unusual care, seeing to it in eneh instance that we get the nicest and ft-sheet. Consult with utk for Flour, Meal, Molasses, Bacon, Hants, Breakfast Strips, Boneless Hams, Sit >uMe*s, Pork Sausage, /Boloonn Sniina??>? _ 0 1I1<U<I\CID!, I) IlliO Fish, Lard, Cjfthbage, Irish ami Sweet Potatoes, Beans, IVas, (lorn, Oats, Shorts, Bran, Salt, Pickiea (loose, uud in bottles), Saner Kuiut. I Canned Goods. Now Snlmcin, Mackerel, Corned Beef, Cl.ippf > Beef, KoasJ, Beef, Vienna Sausage. Patted Ham, Sardines (.French and domestic), Corn, xoinnt -a, Beans, Polts, Sauer Kraut, Okra and Tom.u Peaches, Apples, Syrup, Jolly, Preserves. / Fruits and Huts. Apples, I Oranges, Bnnmnas, Cucoanutt T{ue'i?i? i Citron, fC\\vrants, Dates, Prunes, Mmmids, Filwrh % Brazils/ Pecans, Hazlenutsand Walnuts. ? I Pnlrftfi nnfl j auu OdilUltiS. Wo Handle tbo host Cnkee and Craeker-, ami v >" will ftlwayo find us stocked with the bt it < Vi-: We endeavor to keep a full line of fnrv*> *muI bupio Kfoderiefl, and will always tfive your orders proi.ip: andf careful attention. i 1 atid Tonics, Andirons, Smoothing irons, Tiinv.- v, ins; Umbrellas, (cloves, lloisery, Susp aiders. I'<? w s, School Supplies, Etc., bear in mind wo liuu.llo a ""X-OTTHSrOr- "*? y.-.u, trade wit!,, ue.. They ipean money to, yoju?ty* " i Ji i