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[Keynotes of Natilins^ Kot only is this period' of history rightly called tlic "age of sltel," but the rune of the "land of steel' might ?s Justly be given to our own, ac <oxdinx to the curious testimony of a Resident of this city. Mr.! B? whose has not warded off the infliction ?bf blindness, has recently returned from Italy, where he was for months under the care of a famous specialist of Turin. Like all those deprived of sight, Mr. B. has grown hypersensitive to sounds. I but, being a man of broad education, his observations in his perpetual night have also been of a wider nature. "Without hearing a spoken word," said the gentleman, "I am sure I could fell whether 1 was in Italy, France, I England or the United States mor.-lv I by the ronr of their respective cities;! I by the grand organ note of their teemI ii.g civilizations. The sound of Italy I I could best describe is wooden. It is ft soft and rather soothing. That of ft France affected me something like .he I rattle of china. Kngland had the dull, heavy roar of an immense bell, but for bar'li stridcnce and metallic clangor B there was nothing resembling the naV tional sound 1 f the Unjted States. Here B here is always forein the clatter of B steel, and to jud ;c merely by the sound B I should say that the substitution if lhar metal for wood has gone twenty B per cent, further in America than in the B Old World, though, of course, I can't speak for Germany, as I did not visit ^^ft that country. ^^ft **I do not rememl r that old IlelmBB holtz ever took up the subject of a ^B national musical note, hut if he had it ^B seems to me quite possible that he -night have made discoveries in race af.tinilies llinl li.'ivn m-ph v?f ethnologist and etymologist. Rather ( odd. isn't it. that Italy, so long the very paradise of sight seers, should also prove the most comforting for those deprived of sight?"?Xczr Orleans litnes?trmocrat. Duke's Loos' Trip. When King Edward visited America an 18O0 his itinerary covered from first to last some 1.2.300 miles. I low much the I Juke of Cornwall's tour will ox?recd that of his father in distance cov-ered may lie seen in part by the reports of the St. George and Juno, which were rrplared by the Diadem and Niobe at SL Vincent, and have since returned to Cnglnnd. Their logs show that thry have covered 27,865 miles at sea in 107 -days; other details of the service from ahc same source are that the St. George hurried 8.700 tons of coal; that the longest day's run was 428 miles, between DuKvun and Simon's Ray; that the highest temperature rcgiscrcd was 9.3 degrees, at Singapore; the lowest, 37 -degrees, at llobart, and that rain fell on seventy days of the trip.?Toronto ^Globe. Communication has boon establishtM' f'orn Melnlk, in the Turkish prov:nrfi of SalonlCA Wlttl th? hrli-n ndo I* ho abducted Misn Ellen M. Stone. Tlta Dlclatlc *n<I UjrgleDlc Oaietta soys: "Walter Baker & Co., of Dorchester, Mass., U. S. A., lmve given fears of study to the skilful preparation of cocoa and chocolate, and hnve devised machinery and systciua peculiar to their xnethbdB of treatment, whereby the purity, palntnblllty. and Lugfecst nutrient characteristics are re1-uTi l Their preparation* are known |t>e world over and have received the liighest Indorsement* from the medical L-iraciitionor. the nurse, and the lutelB Kent housekeeper and caterer." B Tin- COOk** Witniing. Wife?'Well, .lohu. I'll have to do cooking now. The cook left wltli^Bt warning this afternoon." ^Hloshnnd "Not exactly without ^Brning. She told me this morning ^Bad better bring home Rome dyspep H tablets tonight, hut I didn't quite l^^ch on to what she meant."?Judge. . Id-Niern of Fx-President mes H. Polk, Writes to s. Pinkham Saying: ear Mrs. riritiiaii :?l have been |4 for nearly two years, and so ] re not been blessed with a child, I however, suffered with a comlm of female troubles and pain* mstruation, until very recently. J HL H|Bts. IDA r.osF.n. of Lydiik !!. IMnkCoiupotiad was attention by .111 intimate o life had simply been a , inflammation mid ulcer- ( rew bottles of your t'oml her; eho can hardly I . ; he en joys I health. I t'?>k four I lef B 1 am once more in tiue Irits; my domestic and ' Kdl socm easy now, for I I I can do throe times do. You have a host of Brer, nn l am o riff th best ^pcry jjratefully.-- Mm. KM' lsth Ave., Denver, Br/t If air,[-a ttsilmimlal Is net ilon't. hesitate to ^^BydiaK. Plnklutni's j^n^nBHH^^npound The Roat Throne of Bri'ain The English King tnay he said to have three thrones, of which the finest and most splendid is perhaps that at Windsor Castle; the most frequently used one is that at Buckingham Palace, and the true English throne (so designated because, seated on it, the Sovereign receives the Ambassadors, in state) is the one at St. James' Palace, London.? Lady's Magazine. Brooklyn. N. Y., Oct. 31.? After invostiget. fng Garfield Tea. which is quite universally acknowledged t<> he tin" best family r< nic is not difficult to explain its hucccss ?it is the m? d'eine for good results! It is manufactured tori* by the On rile Id Ten Co. in their .1 w and attractive laboratory and is made wholly from simp'u. sweet, and withal, health-giving herbs. Garlield Tea is the original lierl) euro for constipation and si6k heada-he. One-fifth of the married couples of France arc childiCM. FITS per msneully curort. No lit* or norvonsnegs after first day 's uso of l>r. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. *'.5 trial bottle and irealis* free Dr. It. II. Ltd., 981 Arch St.. PUila. Pa. It is much bettor to hit the nail on the heart than the nail on the iinger. Mr*. Winalow's Soothing Syrnp forchitilron teething, soften the gams, reducos inllammation.allay* pain, cure* wind colic, ij a Potilo The onlv time some men got a hustle on is when they are looking tor trouble. Piso's Cure for Consumption in an infallible medicine for coughs and cold*.?N.W. ijAXUKi., Ocean Grove, N. J.. Fob. 17, 1900. Youth, in its profound wisdom, reels a great pity for the ignorance of old age. Sweat and fruit acids will not discolor goods dyed with Pctnasi Fadeless Dyes bold by all druggists. There is nothing underhanded about lovemaking. You can't kiss a girl behind her back. llclfost iR Ireland's richest and most populous city Sion Itrward. cuno. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that ia Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength l>y building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that tlicy offer One Hundred Dollars for any case thnt it fails to cure, bend for list of testimonials. Address F. .T. Cheney ?t Co., Toledo, O. ffolrt by Druggists. 75c. Haifa Family I'ills urc the best. The otvl isn't as wise as he seeins. He prefers always to look on the dark Hide of things. Rest For tl?e ISonrlt. No matter what nils you, headache to a rancor, you will never get tv?ll until vonr bowels aro put right. Cascahuts help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, coat you juat 10 cents to atart getting your health back. CasCAitXTs Candy Cathnrtic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. SICK PEOPLE! My Medicine* help you or money refunded. Antl-Pnln IMlls.fornny I'al n ,25c per bottle Antl-M alitrlul, for Chills, Foter, Ac., 26<\ Kovlvl I'llla, for the Old and Wmx, 2Sc. Wuhoo I' III a, for tho Stomach and Liver,25o lascara l'llla, for Constipation, 25c. S. C. PRIEST, M. 1)., Newark, Ohio. WE CURE CANCER AND TUMORS ^Wc Use NO Knife, NO Plaster. We give no pnln, shed tin blond. Wo euro sou BEFORE Vol' )*,\V. Wo are n Ornduatc of Tw?> Medical Colleges. Wo want you to read our 50-i'ngo Book. We want this "ad" inclosed In writing us. We are Dm. J. Bills Daxikl, Richmond, V*. Write a postal to-dav For Book Free. ASTHMA-HA/.FEVER * L CURED BY h^ /e) 7 FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Aeoress dr.TAFT 791130 ST..N.Y. city f HEAP SCHOLARSHIPS Ai Ourro logc apace is greatly enlarged and t o 111) it Up at dice \M- will accept ofllco work or no's* lor tuition, pay rallr ad fare, lurnlsh cheap hoard, and vectiro positions when graduated, 'litis offer Is uiadu only to a few Irom each county who api ly flr?t, so write at once. Address ? oll .uhia til ?IM>N ? oi.i.kbk, ( oi.r u in a, n. c. $900 TO $1500 A YEAR W'r want intelligent Men and Women in rraveliujj Representatives or Uocal Malingers; ixlary $vH> to f:s?o a year and all expense*, ipeording to experience and ability We also slant local representatives; s.aln'y f> t'.s a sleek and commission, depending upon the tier Sevoted. Send stamp for lull particular* nud tiate position prefered. Address, Dept. U. IHH BEI.L COMPANY. PhiladclDhia. Ta. THE SWIFT CREEK DAIRY AND f"~S?: STOCK FARM r?llo< IIIIM* alarm 11. tfl'V . r'y number of ltegi?tureil A Ji >' It/ V ii.II JKKM.1 111 I.I.H i-A* f.r AMI Ill.ll'i fn.iu fi ( Yv _ IX fPJll Mllknl.,1 ll.,ll..r * ^lr -d UP fo dato; nonnliHttrr it i In* HouYh. Th* 1?lo<>?| of I ho f?nioii* st ik?* )*<>jrif?. sr.l.umhrrt and ('oonx?o? i?b rn<!er|. Poland Y'lilna IMk'i Always on han<l. T I llraswi*;i rattlfhuro, N.c. ?1? MILLS! Engine*.Wood Plin"rs. 11 11. ('rn*?tie ? mlUclilutnaml Othfi Muobtuory, ?' Mnnuf-eturcii by th * StUoi Iron Wurka, h*n m, S.C. 58.00 For this AT YOUR STATION. /? Warranted Accurate [jf? Other *tse**qualiy low. V. ,i , BUY or THE MAKER \: . \ ^|W looot (lit Pays tl.o h Tomtit.) y HlKOUAWTOS. N. Y. U4XOMOJKR A >11.KK AN I.ADY, n iirutly rich, w-ints tiunm: bu*l>/u<l. A> lies* Ilr?. I'., * <inr?el < litc-ago, II.So. 45. Msg Host tough Syrup. Taste* GooJ. Uk W JKI In lima. Sold hr rtntgirl**-*. r*Y gME32I3n2SaaEIIH?p JUt.'ul':: Thompson's Ey* Water | APUDSWE ? 8 K CURES jj /f- KcrvmiR Hrndarhe, XtMirnleln, tl{ fcj nnci SICK HKADACUE. It Is ab?o- J* g lately harm lees. No effect on tho tt J heart. For bale at all Drug Stores. jjf ?\ ?i *i >; 4A? fe. fc fe & k &Stfc fcSIt*,1! i*& l t AllKM'S oin;*II the **Matrhlri>a"ftlile ?a*h lock Wnir.ed tho m? itc?t nntl-ruttlcr anil buritlar . -j ii wM i. .? i in ?i"u iiiijr ror | dim ??ii> wuit t<? work. Nlckto suiiiplc KKKK; Inc.<>? f"r i?v|?ci-. >l AT> IILKssm-K'-ULT^ CO.. ?>P ?. >11 M il-:. IMI So. 45. ? fe-1 ? Si- c- S-Eir ? 6-1 f t- tr it t- 6- i-& e- w ?.* r- < l CTARTLING j JjjJ Thousands of children ai j \Jj Worms. Symptoms arc scldoi child's temperament and upon the var 1 tines. I osc no time! Adopt the safe ? * OR. BOYKilN'S \ I U< * A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DES ! ? IN USE OVER 30 YEARS ACC , 25c EEST VERMIFUGE KNC ; ^4-323*3 3* 33-3M*-33-3 3*-3-32 3-33j W0V.30^ I " r*BMt*Mouc* rvx "LOG ;V1 WT *Q 1**3. t] C~-.- '.vc T^lLJS^rA J fij ?- ?/ a**8oa rsmittnoo j*J TAGS. ^ 1 li fl ?5;> ?<; 1 CS2E2EC^223E2=K> GH m fcj*>t.\ /jo tags J<J ^^vil. v^ /5^ ',y.' ~_i' *mTT"r~?~?F^'.'K'm 1 I r H. /j :ri. is .ICS. I ^ofiuMte wM&inL' >t,.: ~i r*? ;ry-v.uvrr atpxxjL^v'.r .* * ixtyv-v .Xt-i i-Atttff 'r*rr!tf f i % wn r' ?"s WOK 14 (irARANTKKD V. W? wantscn. afrrntafor our Ilo.a tt Ht'iiriii Hlirlrr. JS-Hi^^iirr Injr " u p.'. V*(**3 iwilljr luaitf.ilrnili ml kliultnr ar 'J '(? uoa*. Boita. n:ul rverjihlni? \vlu*ro ^'1 tn VV-|K\ wall . Irnobrtl rl\.t nnawKt* uurSiHar.KMl ri'|ilnrln< all other rtrtt'yf "V; ' ?. r?-n<lf In ?tanil?. for K-unplo \iir' JNi'llvfliT*nii Ivi* <>r lilvcc* anil our jHCLm^^ (H Vr-inratitocil inunrv m.ikl propo" rVl sltlnn. Hujr direct from I ?r|;rat man?7^3T-~a^Pyllfn,.?urrt.. Uramr?lll? * ?r|. K V'.:1 L/0!* 4*etiJ?ii<alWork*.' ra ns-vlllr.Pa * ' ^ .Vrufion f/it?/'<ip?? uhrn writing <.o!?! .Mrilnt at Buflnlo xpouit ion. McILHENNY'S TABASCO UsECERTftlNSCURE.f? rii-c-iciriri-frfrtt-t'C-S-H-S-S-oErttt-t vjr FACTS. I *c I icing gnawed to distraction 1>y * !1 rrli:ihlr Thrv /lor.oti.1 ntuu. *tio lit - 1 Tietv of worms present m the rotes- m rod sure course by using J|J VORM KILLER. ; iTROYER CF THESE MONSTERS. ? EFT NONE OUT DR. 90YKINS. )WN SOLD EVERYWHERE. * H 1 PRC ?"ftlDEDtfci mi jf II LI^J1 LI ' " "PO IIIPP'1 ^ uKAnubS 2 Granger T,vise Tags being egad, ?| Rice. Qreenville," "Cross I'ow," .*-<pexir M Tl$| Master Workman," "5 C-*JI ""' j iai| "^iunuaii] ;v tune," Razor," "Ole Varjji 23 TAQ5 MAY BE ASSORTED ! Our new it CATALOGUE 0 I F0R 3 ,'H?j will incluac many articles not she ; '/y rr.oat attractive List of Presents e' f/y i oe sent Dy mail on receipt of posta (Catalogue will be ready for mai Our offer o? Pccocnts for Tags \ a CON"! ! t_. Write your name and address d containing Tag3, and sund them ai J c. t mz> A'lt:!\ v; tUtt ?lt??w ***?? ?O0T*t?. T~ M I ^ Vc\ union Jt *} SH< y ^ tk-jf / \ l3 For Morrl jfi ..1 ' \ * r?-i?nt**.ti?>n <?f \\*. I A3 ?' I i, i' ;* s!io*t? io* fttyle.coinfor ;Z?4 -H ! f" fill . all oth# 4* iiiaki-:i boM a;t Vd?> < l ' if?s/ j rrllftil reputation lia* I T? t i ? M 4w'W Um-HoiibU* ,*jt i f VV*? ' 'r ,r ' " wfc.Y C* I 6? v/ "Tra* , ??., [..M LJ! . \ . yf\ , jAv t lie K t S.-..U I ami 5>i 0"3--4v\ >: rl f-.A;*}!!!!.,*,!. Ili<- : I'rl.ii L firn i -7S, 'V 'SSSF-^iiiiciiiiiai r ? B2 , n- \ '*r;' I , / JLn. ,,,r ?,,?' V ill tlie C-. V " Msfe'? S3.-Vn.hee* tliMii In* i [' ' ' \ Iii? L Dousla* inal.r* an<! trllmim D : -a\ \ i ' any < ''fT twoliuruif.ietiirer -p VJ\ ;* I', "1,'t* w. I. I'fttt? 1'^ '.ft > "U of i he <Rm? hlcS rraile Irr.t hrr* ft* >< &ro u coo?l ! rtrr; B.:\ - J? Solii /'V /' -r p\ O - ? / to irea?rr?i' <>?r/>r m fcES^ 1 .' V toe: heavy, mcllum. ?,r | ' ' TV. I,. Dou-flae. Br HPHPQY NEW DIA UVIUY; t,?? Ljr I \ V* & O nuick r*lief *n,1 cur** ?,,rit ltou* of to-iiniftotil, oiU lit treatment I'r.'C. Dr. II. H. QKKEU B UOHU. Bex t A'.lnu. ,,. >M ^ ar . C SUtA* S" i.nnMfV a JSsUltT H 'to cne of ethers mentioned . Horse .Shoe," "J. T.," k*ad," "Old Honesty," iiklc," " Brandy wine," _ nvy," " Planet," ? Nep- b^1"" ">' " 4 N SECURING PRESENTS. Eg! lust rated j||^ F PRESENTS 902 iwn here. It will contain the ver offered for Tags, and will ge?two cents. ling about January tst, 1902.) / 1 ^ vil! expire Nov. 30th, 1902. "INENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. Plainly on outside of package! ? id requests for Presents to ;y. BROWN. 424-1 Fo'som Ave., 5t. Louis, Mo. Ti.v xextAntC ax or tux c?a made s ujhs 54 Cit Ed*e lino a tj Equaled at Any PftceTs/^^ / .. w\ I ban a Ouartpr of a Oalurv jff r ' ?. ^ j TV M l'"'iula ' tj f . , . ivj. Sum *m l in t vrinr hns i*Ti*i llt l j# r-~vtj ' 'Sv*. Vl tlii'M* |?ri?-? ?. ilils ox g I' I '' V), U < ill won by initll r.lcm Jj i ' . * VS// klii'l'li IlllVf io t* vi* Ih*i- M T ; /"v fl hi i:;:m oltirr }'t.'*):in<l H fc> 'siiv.i >-S tfj .iiim*liisri-|>M.iti?nfor ? /?l1 i vluns must in* nmin-Wk SI iM I liasalwnvnIvvniilnvi'iiU \ I /3| iii r it i-i iTi? titim* i tlm ,*<?V.. \ ?!0 \V. I.. Iiiniilim { i.?j arilA A ' \N .- //BS. -n I cl?i*wlu*i .*. \v. I ^ *' . "Sv \".;*: : ij I ti < siimill inv^i>v*rv. y^r..*C\/f I < Int' .*n irM. I'im riiliir^NKflS^T/H In in nail fa 111 itinn irvanilf '<Sr^ H i ?i?r J la t * aud f ll ikurv unil *ty*iivaJ^ "i <"vi Villi*. I *'nrrt in .4 nrrirni rih < !Ur(ti/irv r frvin/itctvi o . t ; urn/ the /'. .?/ s'f ** li . .? < . I t r .'-ft .* * ? ap? W. I,. I iiii(la? >liw?lik , ' |irire itavnpnl on bottom, Sllo.-i srllt n* V- fit, p- on r? ? ?>?t <>t j ii mill C"-<\ n.l'ii- ? (B il lur i'iiiri.ik". I i'm' nte.rist-- V J| t* of 1 <;k nh?Trti: i late fly..- VVy" I B r.-.l; *'/ ttii.1 Mi.t'li jS* 4 B; |-l:i:uur \T 4 8 ocktori. Mm-.. I f?t?b rpil Crt Of f>T?rvi!?i?irlptlfm. Kit. ny?> uJ Lwv> . tioc l.uar intend, fv & jVAr ?'< Write for rrt .s. JKSKK MARPE* 4t??iw s fii'.-ii-i nt..DtLTiiioBi.Mua ' : ^ I I?02o 1 I GS ^ H fiOZSIS Krrrgj I ru 'AQce*S' *0 TA S \ // jl szr. SB TA0? MtA&UfiC. Wp^/r ty %j)"'C*,'d. y. -a re*. kg o CA*r. _ t*'- |j 7.T MM. ", _o 1 ?? ' ? a ft r-r-;- ?j