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f THE FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATICPU BUSHED WEI)N ESDAYS. The TIMES COMPANY. Subscription price $1 i>er year. Correspondence 011 ctuTent subjects is invited, but wo do not agree to publish communications containing more than ." 00 words, and no rosixnisibility is asstuned for t he views of correspondents. As an advertising medium for Charlotte. rineville, Fort Mill, and Uock Hill business houses The Time# is unsurpassed. Hates made known on application to the publisher. Ixk'uI Telephone No- 2d. NOYKMBKK |901. The Pallbearers union is tiie latest tiling in labor unions, which is the last union we cure to go up against. * * * There's always something to he thankful for. Czolgosz is doa I and the gush and gammon with which the country was deluged recently seems to have about subsided. * * Sampson, intentionally or otherwise, managed to keep out of the nnval battle in which Schley annihilated Ccrvera's fleet, and thereby ran no risk of losing his bacon, but since then, like Sampson of Phillistine notoriety, has worked his jaw to perfection. It Commenting editorially upon the necessity of the Legislature, at its next session, taking action in the matter of the erection of a home for indigent Confederate veterans, the Rock llill Journal of Wednesday says: "Other Southern States have made provision to take care of these noble old heroes and South Carolina must not be behind." In a country where cotton sells forT1.cents per pound most people consider themselves fortunate to have one home. p "The most outrageous of all 'Southern outrages' has been committed," says an exchange. "From somewhere in 'the sparsely settled ex-Confederate section' there has come to President Roosevelt a fat 'possum labeled 'Booker Washing ton.' Evidently the white people of the States lately in rebellion are hatching a period of re-Reconstruction." A deplorablo oversight was the failure to send along with that 'possum a bng of sweet 'tatqos of the McLaurin variety. * An exchange wonders why such a comparatively small number of persons attend church. Put your enr to the ground and keep an eye open, brother, and you will learn that one reason why so many people show no interest in church work nowadnys lies in the fact that too many pulpits are filled by men who do not enjoy the confidence of the public. It may be true, in accordance with the old saying, that it takes a thief to catch a thief, but it isn't generally understood that it takes a two-fnced minister to make the word of God interesting to the average sinner. Tammany Loses?Party Gains Elsowhorc. Wow York, Nov. 5.?Soth Low, former president of Columbia university and four years ago the Citizens-Union candidate for the first mayor of Greater New York, was elected today tho second mayor of Greater New York, by a plurality ranging anywhere from .'10,000 to 40,000, defeating Edward M. Hhephard, of Brooklyn, the Democratic nominee. Columbus, ().,Nov. 5.?The Republicans have carried the State by over 50,000 plurality, re-electing Nash governor. The Logisla* will be Republican on joint ballot and will return Foraker to the U. J3. Senate. Louisvillo, Nov. 6.?The CourierJournal claims the Democrats will have increased majorities in both houses of the next General Assembly, which will elect a successor to U.S. Senator I)eboe ( Republican). The entire Democratic ticket is eleoted in Louisville, which has been Republican f<?r years. Providence. 11. I., Nov. 5.?This Btato has gone Republican by decreased majorities. The Democrats made big gains. Philadelphia, Nov. 5.?Both the city and State have gone Republican by decreased pluralities. Baltimore, Nov. 5.?The Democrats have carried Maryland nnd will elect Mr. Gorman Senator. Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 5.?This 8tate has probably gone Republican by 8,000, SOUTH CAHOLI1JA N2WS. Short Items of More or Loss Interest Grouped for Times Headers. The Atlantic Coast Line's freight depot and the cot*on oil mill in Dudingtou wore destroyed by fne j last Wednesday. It is said that "Winthrop college j will have a creditable exhibit at the Charleston exposition. A serious affray took place in the Anderson cotton nulls just j before closing time one evening l last week between Jauies Duncan and John Fisk, two young follows | of about 17 years ?>f age each, i Fisk was struck on the head with on iron weight and had his skull crushed. The physicians say he will dio. At a meeting of the State agricultural and mechanical society in Columbia Thursday night, Muj. 1 A. II. White, of Rock Hill, was ; elected president to sueeed W. D. Fvans, whose term had expired by constitutional limitation. J. W Dunnovant, of Chester, was elected vice-president for the Fifth Congressional district. The foundations for the AbbeI ville furniture factory are being excavated, and it. is said that the machinery lias already been purchased. The entire stock has been i subscribed and tho men at the head of it are practical men, with snfiicient means to make it a success. There has been an epidemic of : barn burning in Anderson county for the past ten days, it is not i known how any of the tires origi: listed, but in all cases large quailI tities of forage had been stored and ; spontaneous combustion is sup! posed to be the cause. A McLaurin man says that in the event of Senator McLaurin being appointed to a cabinet position. Col. J. L. Orr, of Greenville, president of the Piedmont Manufacturing Co., and of tho Orr Co'ton Mills. Anderson, would make the race for the Senate next year as tho representative of tho element which is now supporting McLaurin. Darlington never before had such cause for complete satisfaction in tho tobacco business. With no drumming, no "breaks," no blowing and with a short crop of light weight leaf tobacco to handle, results in every respect have been entirely satisfactory to buyer and seller and warehouse man. Olio of the most interesting events of the past week in politics was the announcement that Judge Beuet won hi not be a candidate for jutlgo again. There are many people in tliiH Stale who do not love Judge Benet, but men are few who do ijot admire him. There aro also but few who have any well-defined objection to him. AI >e Jeffords, who escaped from the penitentiary, was captured by detectives in Augusta, (in., Saturday. Jeffords was tried on a serious charge of burglary in Lexington county over 12 years ngo and was given a life sentence, the extreme penalty. After serving 12 years, Abe made his escape on ! the 11th of September, 1000. | There was a $.">0 reward for his capture. ? Spreads Like Wildfire. When things are "the best" they become "the best selling." Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, ()., writes: "Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20 years." You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kid' neys, bowels, blood and nerves. : Electric Bitters tones up the . stomach, regulates liver, kidneys J and bowels, purities the blood, i Min-iim urns tin' iifi vt'H, nencecures ; multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire spstem. Puts new life nnd vigor into nny week, sickly, rundown man or woman. Price f>o cents. Sold by T. 15 Meackam druggist. AVilliam Senver and Walter Hinder, two young white men, who went to Columbia from Newton, Mass., several months ago, to take places in the C. C. & A. railroad shops, were fired upon by unknown parties, in their homes just outside Columbia Saturday night, Seaver was instantly killed and Kinder is suffering from a number of wounds. The shooting is believed to have been a result of the machinists' strike in that city several months ago. ?r That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Thousands of sutferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by T. B. Mcacham, Druggist. T A BILLS STUDY. , The Home of Satan is Not Hell and HI3 Appearance is Net Repulsive, but is That of an Angel of Light. Chariot to Observer, 3rd. What is the greatest hindrance to i the triumph of Christianity ? It is not tli9 barrooms; nor the dance ' ! hall; nor the gambling saloon; nor any ; of those lesser evils which some saintly j souls delight to denounce. It is the neglect of the Biblo, tho failure to regard the Word of God as tho only sword of the Holy Spirit, the adulteration of Scripture truth with the notions of men. Both the Church and the clergy are prone to teach t he tra-I | ditions of tho elders, or the telics of Paganism and Popery, or tho half I trut hs of their own denominations, sis eternal verities, and as the voice of God. As an example of such erroneous ant I injurious teaching, see the commoi I idea of pulpit and pew in regard u Satan. If you ask, "Where is Satan's home, and what is his personal upi>earanoo?" | at least nine out of ten Will reply, "llis home is in hell, and he is dark and re |iui^nu in jus jniiMiuiii uppcarilllCO. Yet the Bible teaches that bath of these answers are untrue. 1. Hell is not now the home of Satan. Yea more; it never has been; and the llihle asserts that more than one thousand years must yet pass by before Satan's foot can cross the threshold of hell. To deny this is to deny tin; testii inony of the llolv Ghost as repeatedly | given in God's Worth Six times since Adam's day, in tlio I (lid Testament is Satan seen. Where j is he found and in whose company? In the third chapter of Genesis he is I seen in Eden, the Garden of God; ami in I company with Eve, a pure and holy I woman. In the 22nd eliaptor of 1 Kings ho is i seen in heaven, in company withangels and is permitted bv the Lord todoseeud | to earth on a message of deceit. In tin* 21st chapter of 1 Chronicles he 1 is seen in the holy city of Jerusalem, and in company with David, the kingly representative of (lod on earth. In the first- and second chapters of Job he is twice seen in heaven, and both j times with the holy angels, and also j conversing with God. In the third chapter of Zccliariah lie i is again seen in the presence of Jeho| vali, and there to resist that One who is I the priestly representative of God for i man. Not one iota of the Old Testament has the slightest intimation that Satan has yet ever been even in the neighborhood of hell. Precisely the opjiosito is true, for lie is always seen either in heaven or on the earth. Does the New Testament give the slightest hint that Satan has yet over been one moment in hell? In the third chapter of Matthew ho i is seen with Jesus Christ in three places; | in the wilderness, on a mountain and j on the temple in Jerusalem. Next be is seen near Christ and with Peter, the j I leader of the apostles. Next lie is near. or in, the room whore Christ and His disciples are celebrating 'll? Passover, find he is dealing with Judas, the treasurer and only uflicial of tho chosen twelve. Next ho is seen iu a great revival, where Ananias was prominent. Then time and again was lie with Paul, so that iu 1 Thessalonians 2:18 it. is written, "Wherefore we would have come auto you, even I, Paul, ouco and again; but Satan hindered us." Neither in the Old Testament, nor in the New Testament is there one jot or title of evidence to prove that Satan has as yet ever seen a single gleam of the lurid tires of hell, or even smelt one particle of the smoke thereof. To say that lieli has been, or is now, his home, is to discount and deny the testimony of the Holy Ghost. 2. How does Satan appear? Is it with | a human form and a dark face, wreath- ! ee with sardonic smiles? Is it with > scale-like flesh, with bat-like wings, i with sharp horns and cloven feet and! forked tail? Such is his api?eurunco as constantly told in prose and poetry and picture. Our children aro shown such pictures in tho nursery, and our yout h read them in the thrilling words of Dante, Milton and John Huuyan. Doing thus trained up in the way they i should not go, when they are old they I o., ,i.f....... ;? Hut how differently d<x>s God's Word j siH?ak. The Holy Ghost, through Paul, testifies that lu? apjx-ars a.s "an angel of light;" and by Kzekiel that ho is "porfeot in bounty." Ho is callod "tho anointed eh -rub"?not an ordinary ungol, but one oxaltod above his follows, I being anointed like kings and priests. , His moral character is hideous for ho 18 ft liar and murderer; but his mental | jxnvor is immense, and his jtorsonal apI pearance is attractive and magnetic. Thus the ideas current among us con1 corning Satan came not from the Bible. ! They came originally from Paganism; ' from that Paganism which prevailed in J Babylon, tho city built by Niuirod, tho | son of Cnsh, and the grandson of Ham. ; As ho seems to have journeyed eastward ! to reach Babylon, he may havo carried j this idea of a "black devil" (this Zerno* | bogus as ho was called) with him from j Africa. At any rate the dark hue of i Gushite is 011 it, and the fetid odor of ! the negro is in it. Ix?t us accept tho testimony of thoBiblo on this subject, and realize who Satan is; whence ho came; what is his mission; where ho dwells; and whither iiu win :ii liisr go. moil will we begin clearly to behold the glory of his grout conqueror and final judge, .Tonus Christ. For as tho shadows in a pic! turo bring out more clearly and fully the lights thereof, and thus render that i picture more perfect; so tho real character, history and doom of Satan will reveal more clearly and fully tho dij vine radiance of our King and prove tho ! infinite and eternal greatness of His salvation. J. B. MACK. Fort Mill, S. C. Hoisting His Campaign Sails. They do any that Col. Alexander Robertaon Banks, of Rock Hill, this county, ia trimming liia aniia in the effort to induce tho political winda to carry him into the office of State auperinlendent of education, the job now held down by one MeMahan. The colonel will have to get tip before day and raise a dust before he can beat McMalian.?Yorkville Yeoman. Notie? to Koad OyerMer*, The law requires the overseers of York County to see to it that all road hands belont?iii? to their section jliibor lor forty (40) hours annually on that section. If this work is not done, it is the fault of the overseer and tho law holds him responsible for it. All overseers in York County are hereby uotified and warned to"summon tliier hands and put tiieir full time for 1901 on their sections between this date and the 18th day of November next. By order of the County Boord of Commissioners. JOHN F. (iORDON. Attest: Couuty Supervisor. Mary J. Hunter, Clerk. | I v 1 " l>\SS \v \ KX1 N(t. All persons nre warned not. to bunt, iisli or for any purpose whatever enter upon any of the lands owned or controlled by the undersigned. The law will be rigidly enforced against any one disre- j garding this notice. S. E. White. Mrs. J. M. Odf.i.i>. J. W. Audrey. P. Nims. .T. M. Spkatt. Miss Bcssie White. Kduak Jones. W. I. Jones. D. A. Lee. J. B M \< k. J. H. Ooltii.vup. W. B. Hoke. W. E. Spkatt. B. M. Spkatt. T. M. Huuhks. T. S. Kiukpatrick. T. C. Spkatt. DR. J. L. SPRATT, SURGEON DENTIST. Office in Jones buil<linf?, Main Street, j Fort Mill, S. C. Terms, strictly cash. "VVinter's Wintry Winds Are approaching and you will peed Window Glass. We have a full stock of the usual sizes. A Candle Is a ^roat source of convenience and comfort. We would like for I you to see some Candlesticks we have, made of oxidized wrought j iron in artistic shapes, looks as well as bronze. Price 15 cents with a caudle thrown in. Buy a prir for your mantle. They would adorn it. Tooth Picks Should be on all well regulated tables. We have the best quality at 5 cents the box. If you should commence to use thorn, you would never be without them and then, your guests expect to find then) on your table, AUDREY'S. F( >K GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BllANDIES, ETC CALL ON OR WRITE TO W. II. HOOVER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. The Charlotte Observer North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper. BifiRor and nioro at tractive than ever, it is ail invaluable visitor to the home, the office, the club or the work room. THE OBSERVER Contains all the news of the world. Hasiho Associated Press Dispatches; special correspondents at the State and National Capitals and ail experienced corps of correspondents throughout the State. The Daily Observer SewenokayB Is per annum; $1 for six months; for three months. Tl.? * in: orun-urrmj WIF>rrV(T, A perfect family journal. All tho news of tho times. Only $1 por annum. Sample Copies of Either upon Application THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. Old newspapers for sale at The Times office. 20 cents a hundred. WANTED.?To buy each week sevoral hundred bushels of good wheat. Wo sell meal, flour, bran and middlings, and will pay Rood prices for corn and wheat. We want your business and promise entire satisfaction. Have you seen our cicular announcing changes? A new and up-to-date miller. Hock Hill Holler Mills. ? % Tax Extension Notice. The time in which to pay town taxes has been extended to Satur-1 day, the lCth of Nov. After that date, the loiral pennlty will be collected. Ey order of the council. J. SI. Sprutt. Treas. November 1, 1901. W *><4. A Meat Market AND RESTAURANT. ft At which reasonable prices predominate I)?h nt lust been established in the .tones building, on Main street, where the eho rest BEKF, PORK and SAUSAGE I can lie had at any time. A first-class restaurant and lunch , counter will be run in connection with the market. Fresh Fish, OysterSj^nnd all other eatables to be found on this market will be i served each day in the week. W. E. DEATf >N. We Like Your in payment of laundry work left in our care, but- we strive as well for your approbation. Our aim is to wash clothes clean, iron shirts, collars anil cutis to your liking (we mean by that )?>lishe<l or domestic finish), and generally to all'ord you the best satisfaction at prices commensurate with good work, but still cheap. The ijort'eot work of the Model Steam Ijiundry. Charlotte. N. C., all the time at short prices has won the general favor of good dressers. Shipment s made Wednesday evening. En. L. McElhaney, Agent Fort Mill, S. C. Rock Hill I Grain Dealers, I We Sell: Corn, Fresh Table Meal, White Flour, Graham Flour, Bran, Middlings, Crushed Corn and Mill Feed of all kinds. We want your bush / l Don't make tlie Mi Of your life hy fjoin^ to the wr Blill SHOP, where you will find i ronuy to sorvo you. Our patrons in of holes, rips, cuts and fringes. W slinve. Call at third door of think ] CAROTHEI Ever Occ That the best can employ is 111 ent in a new circulates aim of whom you < Fort Mill and covered thorou Ss^THE T FOR SALE.?Fine Jersey Red and Berkshire pi^s. Prices roauonablo. Apply to L. N. Culp. WANTED.?Renter for hoope recently vacated by Mr. J. C. Warren. Apply to Dr. J. L. Spratt. ~ V f J V VV. 1 V f I $ I In Hoc Signo Vinces.i The 4i.^n which means most in the business world of today is the sign of business judgment and Lr0O(l tnste shnwn in printing. Ours is the right 1 kind. It gives character to your business announcement. Our printing stands for us and fofr- you. iR. M. LONDON, (Rock Hill, S. C. J. U. Traywick & Co., DEALERS IN FIXE LIQUORS a|ni> wines, No. 42 East Trado St. charlottJe. - - - n. c. t !. : our i ? i> ii.i.-nt .. 11. r I I >r. :,j.plying for natentj: it may be worth money. Wo promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS >r return EN" I TIRE attorney'? fee. Head mo<lel, sketch or photo and wo +end an IMMEDIATE FREE roport <in patentability. \\ e give the best legal service and advice, and our charges aru moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., I Patent Lawyers, , Opp. U.S. Patent Office,Washington, D.C. { OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT THE TIMES OFFICE Roller Mills, lock Hill, S. C. We Buy: Shell Corn. Ejar Corn, Wheat and Grain of all kindjs. Wo also buy second hand crocus Licks. les. Got! our prices. !. L. BARNES,?Sec. and Treas. j stake ong place. Visit the CITY BARi corps of wliite barbers always ver go away with their faces full e beautify the face with an easy Liuilding, facing railroad. & SON. i i W//1 I I IT ? , air to U I salesman you j an advert isespaper wliieli * )iur i> e n nl o I - c-f I - " I" ! expect trade? township are ghly by IMES. WANTED.?Ladies and gentlemen to do writing at home; good offer; salary $15 per month. For particulars address. enclosing stamped envelop: "Mrs* A. J* Roddey, Lindsay, 8. C." ? .1