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LOCAL AND PS930NAL ITEMS. 7:40 fras the rujipjg price for .cuUoii yesterday. The .weather during >the past week has been delightful. Mr. D. fl. Hutchison, of Charlotte, spent Thursday in Fort Mill. Dr. and Ifrs. W. G. White, of Yorkyille, were visitors to Fort Mill Fr?day. Mr. and Mre W. M. Phillips, of Rock Hill, visited relatives here 4,his week. Bntfalo Bill's show dr,ow a large .crowd of Fort Mill people to Char- I lotte Monday. Mountaiu apples, chestnuts and j fnllllfliri' uru nluntifnl /-??? *1... ?>? v iivi&yt VU fC hj: iliai .ket these days. Have you paid for VW paj>er yet? If not, do so at ouee. The .money is neededAir. and Mrs. Juo. Af. Scott, of Chorlotte, spent Sunday .with Cupt. and Mis. S. E. White. Dr. vGj. I?. Stephenson cauve down from Charlotte on piofeusioual business Thursday. Aire. Leroy Springs, of Lancaster, is the guest of her parents, Capt. and AJLrs. S. E. White. Mr. and Mrs- W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, spent Sunday at the home of Capt. .4. W. Ardrey. Fort Mill h^e Usd feyer cases of typhoid fever this summer and fall than for a number off years. Au ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicyejles on the sidewalks would meet the approval of all the . citizens. Mr. and Mrs- W. W. Warren ! and children, came down from Griffith, N. C., Thursday to visit relatives. Some of our farmers do not .seem very anxious to sell their cotton at present prices. They can afford to hold, they say. If your name does not appear underneath the tresspass notice it should, for it might save you great damage to ;'our crops und timber. Mr. ami Mrs. X* A. Mills and little .daughter Margerie xwere among the number who ntteuded the Wild W^st show in Charlotte Monday. Mr. R. M. Erwin cyitne down from Pincvijle Sunday and spent the day with r.olutiycs near town. Mr. Erwin reports tire cotton market very quiet in Ida town. Messrs. S. P. Blankenship and D. A. Lee were chosen by the York Baptist Association as (delegates to the State Convention in Florence, S. C.f next December. Last Friday was a remarkable day in one respect. Not a drop of rain fell anywhere in the United ? rn.:_ - - MUlloa, aiusihh singular coincident nnd it does not happen often Parties who make a practice of cutting down large trees to capture ti-ouuee 'possum had better be careful as a number of laud owners are on the lookout for such trespassers. We hare heard several farmers complaining of having their pea crops destroyed or greatly damaged by rabbits, which are said to be more numerous this fall than for years. A delightful german was given in the town hall Wednesday night by the young people of the town in honor of the Misses Hutchinson, of Charlotte, and Miss Leinley, of Jackson, Miss. Mr. A. A. Young tells us that the condition of his son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Smith, who is at the home of his sister in Georgetown, S. C., is a little improved over what it was when he left this community a few weeks ago. m i? - ' x uuiouny illuming uie mayor i had two "Weary Willies" before him, but an the county gang has a full compliment of hands, they were allowed to continue their journey provided they would leave j town within thirty minutes. The reason for killing birds j opens Friday and a number of the . hunters will engage in the sport on ! that day. They should observe the ; tresspass notice in The Times before going out, however, as it may save them the trouble and expense of a case in court. It is reported that the sheriff of this county says it is impossible to keep t ack of the murders and shooting scrapes among the negro workmen at the Catawba dam. While at the dam a few days ago the sheriff learned of h murder which had never been reported. Mr. B. D. Springs has on exhibition at the State fair this week j a number of fine cattle from his Springfield stock farm, near Port \ Mill. Mr. Springs hopes to carry off several prizes as his cattle are in fiqe condition and are said to lie the only Harefords and Polled Augus in the State, vyould be glad to get in aevprifl copal* qf wood at once from our subscribers. Those who wish to do so. can bring us wood in payment tor their subscription to The Times. price allowed. Those who wish to pay in cash are urgeutly invited to call at the,office j or send P. (). order for amount due as early as possible. TUo Vurk Baptist Association held its thirty-third annual session with tlve Union church, four miles from y.orkville on Friday, October J8th. It was decided to meet next year on Thursday before the third Sunday in Obiober with the Flint | Hill church, near Fort Mill. Subscriptions are being taken in Kock ffill nod Yorkvillo fori permanent improvement of the roads between the towns. Fort Mill people should help the neighbors in the work which would ho of such great benefit to those of our people who use the roads in going to the county court house. u i a-!? * * i * *-? - ' iiuiiiiu irip ncKcis irom f ort Mill to Columbia were put on sale ou the 2fith and will be sold to the 31st with final limit Nov. 3. The rate is one fare with 50 cents for admittance to the fair?$3.20. Special trains will run Wednesday and Thursday, passing Fort 51 ill at 0.38, a.m., and returning will leave Columbia at 8:50 p. in. Fred McKnight, the colojred man who was arrested at thus place about two weeks ago, and who escaped from the gang, where lie had heen placed for safe keeping, was again pinched Saturday night by Officer Niveus. Mclvnight was taken to Yorkviile Sunday and placed in jail to await trial at the November term of court. The Lancaster Ledtf'T of Saturday contained the following: "I)r. 1 ,J f-f 'TlliirilU'i'll cfiiiitm/l 1.. T" ? - ?v.r,,u? H''1C Thursday enroute to Kershaw where he delivered his very entertaining lecture, 'A Country Person Abroad,' that night. The prooceeds will go to establishing a library for the graded school at that place.'* The Fort Mill representative of the woman's department at the Charleston exposition is Mrs. ?J. H. Thornwell, who received her appointment to this place only a few days ago. Mis. Thornwell is anxious for those who have small articles, such as money, ladies' handiwork, etc., of the Rev olutiouary or Confederate period, aud who wish saino displayed at the exposition, to forward them to her on or before November 12tl?. Anent the address delivered in Charlotte Sunday afternoon to the Y. M.C. A., by Rev. Dr. J. B. Mack, The Observer of that city Klll/K* "TV Mui.b ^""1"' ** * j . x'Ktv rv r jiuac n t III I* moil's meeting upon the importance of Bible study, using the many erroneous ideas which nre commonly held and derived from pagan and uninspired literature to illustrate his theme. Many startling facts as to the real character j in which the evil one appears in ] Scripture were presented." As a result of a row bat ween a party of Pineville and Providence j negroes, at a festival in Pineville Saturday night, Dick Davis, a Pineville colored man, was shot and instantly killed, and another negro had a bullet to penetrate his arm, inflicting a slight wound. Nathan Crockett and Zeko Davis, members of the Providence colored band, which furnished music for the occasion, have been arrested, the corners jury having charged them with the murder, and arc now in Mecklenburg jail. AFiendlsh Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fa'al. It came j through hia kidneys. H.h back got j go lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy I helped him until he tried Electric Hitters which effected such a wonderful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures headache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only i 50c at Meacham's Drug Store. FOK SALE.? Fine Jersey Ked and Berkshire pigs. Prices reasonable. Apply to L. N. Culp. WANTED, ? Renter for house ! recently vacated by Mr. J.C. Warren. Apply to Dr. J. L. Spratt. WANTED.?-Ladies and gentle- 1 men to do writing at home; good offer; salary $15 per month. For particulars address. enclosinu stamped envelop: "Mrs. A. ?J. Roddey, Lindsay, S. C." One hundred or more tine L'olan Oliina and Berkshire 1'i^s and Shoats for sale at the Springfield Stock Farm, J. 1'. Crowder, Mgr. WANTED. To buy each week! several hundred bushels of good wheat. We sell meal, flour, bran and middlings, and will pay good prices for corn and wheat. We want your business ipid promise entire satisfaction. Have you seen our cicular announcii?g changes? A new and up-to-date miller, Kock llill Holler Mills. t t ?????? mmm m> GLASS AND POR ABS IT !F>.A.~5rS T> fsjgi?jg[?jgrijg Our Prices i i -j. vv cb v cr> TLl? Lowest Our Goods Tlie Best HI!!?!?!? _A. Bee You can get it piece by piece, a We use tl Save your Crockery Coupons You pay 110 more for your goods is to make this stoic the most p< fully for coupons. ll? Cheeks gets a o inch I'late. 20 44 44 ?> 4* 22 44 44 7 44 44 24 44 44 Tea ouu and * 34 44 " 8 inch l'lattei HO 44 44 10 44 44 88 44 44 12 44 44 We fland.e "Most" E; I^ShoesTsi S For Men, Won Shoes that give service. m sell Drew Selby & Co.'a of Po U does not make a shoe cheaper ^ pair is guaranteed to give H'll for women at SI.50. the (,'reigl A nice lino of boy's and girl's ft and $1.50* In men's goods \vi ^ the best $3 shoe on earth. B ^ the famous Walkover shoes at ^ you get all the style and servi Mr Silw tnni) <*!! no !.??* *1. MI.-'V MI?'M MM im lllfll |*ll?"M' if ? at $!'."><> tliat has one-half as ^ Walkover shoe. Hut we ham 'jL s'1("'8 $1 ,UI(1 UP* Women's si jB shoes 2."> cents and up. So if 4K call on | Meacham j Bargains ^ We have a lot of Ladies' i ^ of one, two and three pairs of W to pet out of ihe way. If yon ^ lot you can pet them for less t ^ are some rare hat-pains in this ^ We have some special poc gfc Hlankets that will intere t yor 0 Cooking Stoves have advn ^ We will sell at old urines until ^ Wlun you want to ^?-t po? ^ oqr stock or 'i hone No. 71. $ L. J. M A 1. CUE CBIHAWABE FiiE TO 30LUTELY G-I^TEIsr O TRADE WITH IVTILID.^ *851 oo.oo Worth of Handsome Presents, which inclefles 500 pieces of Kjcely decorated GLASS aid CHINAWARS The pattern of the Chinaware is a violet decoration in natnral colors, and pink tinted edtre, elegant and tastefnl in color eiecntioa. The Glassware is nicely trimmed in Geld, and yon jet a pierc with each ten tickets. In fact this is the most heamifal pattern of One decorated Porcelain in the market. LTXtifl 11 T"H n-nc _ ?ij? m w mBh mil alb aAa idki full assortment in any ipiu?*tity desired, ami you can match it lese Dishes as a Free Gift to increase our Ci with each 50 cent trad*? you ^ct a Coupon; return tlicm to us and we here (usually less), hut we j^ive the Crockery to you FllliE, lis a pr< (pillar trading place in Kurt .Mill We ask your assistance in making 10 Checks ^ets a Sauce Plate. fi<f I0 " " "I incli Scallop. h*4 00 44 " 8 44 - 48 mucer. i 8S 44 44 Su?nar Bowl. 36 I .'til " " Cream Pitcher. 56 36 44 44 2 pint 44 4 1 38 >' " 3 44 44 130 MTF.T Q A XU-X i-IUkJ UG rerything ?3?00??????? 10 GS i "OLD R.ELIA3 S ? ''Still in the rinjr if w( ion and Children. ^ j&j Fine ^oods for women. We ?p Wo lvllOW lllOl rtsmonth, Ohio. This firm h.v than two dollars, and every Uh jjp ( * all must wei tiafaction. See our special & Qp , o t . > liton Shoe, Of Lynn, Mass. ? ! <g Slides, ail(l Oat ll<><2 school shoes at SI,"i * QP W(' a 1)1' ? show you the Hay State, ^ Cp lit the nobbiest and best is Uk Qp I 11 if < nid Shoes and t $11.50 and St. In this shoe S 1 QP . ,-e tlint ran I,,, put in a g |>11WS to Sill i riot a shoe on the market p Jl ' fSr <0| imnuuii a iow till] U'rt'llt SMlt H JIK lllis IMIlloUH W II*' nil kinds of nil *'H. Mi n s ? Pants from Mi e io**H $1 nncl tip. (Miiltlifii'ri <o ? von want any kind of Shot's ? Children's suits rJ, i H Shoos from 25 e S Epps. | g Hlaoo Dross Go< ? a Vilnl UI? ? Fanov Dross Do 0 , ' 0 @ 11 yjinl up. in Shoes * I ^ K 'inn n ^ ? and children. Tli Find Childion'H Shorn in hits $ g ranted and, for tin 11 kind tlnit wo nit* nnxh iiH v vy |)Cst ()11 COI'tll "W^C r isize hiiitjiciiH to ho in iho 0 . , , , , T1 ^ @ for hardware, #toci 11 nn w I ml ohm lo cost. J lioro ^ A lJ lot, D?>n't fuii to roe them. ^ ^ lies. NN e also sell >d iii Kino Wool ^ |)OtHSll, ( ottoil S('0(l i ^5 seed feed. (*et oil mood tuioo sine - wohon?{l)t ^ ^ tare and stoves. ( I Novoinht r .*? & i ^ * * i i Q IONX'SI. iugncat ited on piitM-8 cull and him' J ? |o|- <M>t t <> 1U COttOl $ q *>aI<m! hav, SS E Y. ? g "OLD RELIA] ^ ? T. H. BKLK <?s>!X50'3???@@?C I ?* Hw^BBaBI ',"" :.4-v E ^v*%'%^?'vv?<<& ? ?;. ,-t. *. <Ss "STOTTl? 1 ~ - - * laieiaffiiwisgja If it OaTO^ from: ills kWl it is .A.11 Pigl3003919 'i' r?> ii-. > . ?p~pj - ^ >i* Set" up from us for years t-? * #? ish Trade. will ^ivi1 you Orockerv i\ . Lo-m?; j jtit sharing bclieuio. ? i, ; ; it so. J?xj*u)i_? i p Checks gets a 1-2 gallon P * d'or. ' 44 Covered Butter Diii'a 44 44 Sauce Boat. 44 4* 7 inch bak. r. H ? y >t 44 44 Pickle D'fih. 44 44 Covered Dis'-.. YOUNG," Fort Mill, S -. f , . V 5??:?s?0^^e' * 3L.E ST03L23" 4 ' ? don't make a thing" ?? % ? - 'A riey is scarce, b;d. ar Clothing a ? ; and hominy. $ ? stock of Cltrt*/ y Vr? ivo ard going to Jf " jC | t everybody. \VU $. i, ngs: ij vr f < J i'ills tof $3 a pair- J at j oi\r own pri ^ '4 I r wiy 9 onts tg $4 a pal 'J< | hIs from 1ceo < I m s v n I ods from 15 ccoHp ying our celehr*N fsJ fl for men, wojtnen ^ H rsv shoes are wr- fl| JHH b money, ore the & ib s are hoa<lquar? ers. Hg cries, bagging and ^ H acid, murate c @ I meal and cotton ? r prices on furni)ur prices aro the gHHSj| market price .paid i seed, corn itijd ^ I 3LC STORtf' . Proprietofi I