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Robinson Crvssoe. Wbe*edid Defoe find the name Rob frso# Dim?? llis biographer-, have a:' |B pointed otf that at Mr. Morton's Acad^^B exngr at itote No wing ton he had one ^B Jfitnoftir Crasoe for a school-fellow, and ^B there thej have left it It is rather as- j ^B fomshiog o be told by a correspondent ^B of iht.Wir< that in St Nicholas Clia- j pel at Ktn^s Lynn he had just found a ^^^B tomb laserbed with the name of "Robfnso? Ctwr, Upholder, who departed |^B this life Atguft 6. >791. in his sixtyH second yen" No part of England was HHB- tnorv farndkr to Dtfoc than East Augj^B fl It*. and it now appears that he may B have disenvrred the name there rcadyf \ nu(k'. Not that the Robinson Crttso? I l .m+iose gnvt lias just been mentioned W I I IcnuM have .applied him with it, for V \ ""Robinson Crusoe"' \va- published in I 1719. inst to years before this worthy I "I phohid** vas born.?London Globe \ CouH Stpnd ths l iss. \ *. moneyed man of Detroit was Miri prised to receive a call from a rather J s?cedv loofcinrc chat)?an entire stranger - the other d;y. Having satisfied the guards that was nut a book agent, lie was allowcJ to enter and state his business, which he had insisted, in order to gain admittance, was important. "Well, sir?" the worthy stepped in. "Why," was tie unahashed reply. "I'd like you to indorse this note for me." The man of mmey examined the note critically. as he observed : "Why do yon come to me? I don't know yon from 1 Adam. Why don't you go to some one you know?"* "Wciy was llv cool reply, "f came f to yrm became 1 <new you c mid stand the loss better thai anyone else I know of. "?licit oil Free Press. King A bed's Can o. The millenary if Alfred the Great lends special intenst to the estate of > Winklebnrv, in Har.pshire. now in tlie market- It contains the well-known cir- | cr.lar camp of that name, said to have formed a stronghold of Alfred. Kxcav at ions jnst made ty Reginald Smith at thr British Musnrrn have brought u? light fragments r>f ancient British pottery. An examination wa* also made t.n tlir autumn of last year, and on l?r?t 11 *<mstons hones of extinct animals have Wen discovered, showing traces of fire, nrohably sacrificial. 'Ihe camp i-> believed to have existed before the Roman invasion. It was occupied as In'e as the >c\ cntcrnth century br the Parliamentary forces when lrsicging Rasing I louse.?London Chronicle. Wiakine Konay In a Bush. If any one wants a curiosity in the line of honey manufact ire, the opportunity is offered to hi n on J'*.. Gill's ' farm, east of Montavil a. Bees have I anode a comb in the hush brush. This & 5irn-,h has a thick growth and the limbs I *n>t branches are so closely crossed as A he almost mntltyl. In one place the ! B "feers found the branches so close as to form (he walls "f a COmb, ami they imH noliatdy d to f'.I the space with honey. It is commojj for the little H busy l> to store its sweets in the hoi- J ?fw. if it." . hut ili- is the first >casr known where a comb has been : made in the open. Whosoever rocs in | H etuest of the curiosity should bear in mind that the h arc just now in comH tnand of tbc situation.?Morning OrcM gMNm G. J. Harrow, of OS Walton street. t Atlanta. (In., and associates will an- > ^ B ply ft* clinrt< r for company to es 9 taollah mill for the mwtiiotttw of ^9 handkerchiefs and pillow roses. Mr. ^^^9 Barrow is now prepared to receive in- j 9 formation and quotation! from manu-1 9 9 facturors of the required machinery h^H^B ?nd of the supplies needed. wwKS^B True prayer in tile heart makes it I lie home of praise. IW?t For thn Itnwrln. BH| No matter what ails you, headache to a 9 cancer, too will never get well until yoar bowel* are put right. ('asoaiikts help nature, | otro yon without a gripe or pain, produce | 9 coxty rai.uriil movement*, coat you ijuat 10 ewnt* to wtert getting your health barli CasHB9 cAHtn tandy Oathartic. the gonntaelpnt up ?n tic tail boxiw, every In V' |B ibapwl on it. imitehou. 991 ^ souere font of honryemnb alxmt OtKXI cclla Oil MBBB tTTrtpermanently rnred. No tit* orii' nn^n ne** ?flrr ilrat day'* tine ot Dr. Kline'* " teat SBBOfl^B N?-r *> H/-f.torer. $2 trial bottle and treatise freo B Or. It. Ltd.. Arch8*.. PMfc. P.. BHB? Itnatnn wan the first city hi the coin try 7i? establish fret- public baths. EhHqHB^9 .Mm. Wmalow'a Soothing Syrup for children tocthiup. often thn gurus, reduce* mtlammaB altar* pain, cam win I colic, '.lie a boat! 9 False teeth An- now made froin paper -to<? an* Mid to last a lifetime. nn|H9 i ?lr? not believe Piao'e ('live for ConmmpnHnKHBHSH nr baa an equal for cough* and rohlii ?Jon*: |9H|nr. ttova*.Trinity Spring*. Ind.. Feb. 1ft, 1900. J 9H99 Tbrn- arc 30,000 Portuguese in Maaia 9 9P*,l,**"r' iiootnri having .1000. 11 woman need never hope to keep a ec- ! ?t. will tell on her. I< mrpuree no espcrience to dye >etth PtrrU Fapkiush 1>t?k. Ntmplv boiling }WT l<!? in the dye is all that ih nNMWiy. gold < kll drefCRista. Jftwren tho yean I 7?m> and 1776 loo.ooh ; kda of hi Ik wen ox ported from (?ror i lt > Kngiaml. Bdonn't take An IfdeultWIlt to raise I Catarrh Cannot Hi Cured. ^HvraJ application*, as tl ry eannot reach Hi of the disease Cata.'rh is a Idood or j^Hational disease, and in i rdcr to cure it ^^Lst take internal retnedii t, Hull's Caj^Hare is taken internally, ? id acts diroet|^Hbe blood and mucous sin ">ce. Hall's ^^HCnro is not a qnack medio, e. It was by one of the heat phy. Icinna in ^Httxy for years, and Is a re jr. la r preit composed of t*- best tonics d witn the her. blood purifiers, on the rouce ?e surfaces. The I H^^Hmbinntion of thr tiro ingredients is ^^^^Bnces such wonderful rnsulvs in curHend for t stimoniars, free. HHscrrv * Co.. Props.. Toledo, O ^^^^Hlruggist*. f . ice, 73c. Pills Are the beet. ha* one physician to every ' ant..<. the I niled States one ( BB ? * t . * ' Royalty Wanta Pr'vary. The days when kings died in semi- i publicity, after the manner of Charles i II, are done, and royal families arc now J allowed to he as sensitive as their sub- ! jects about the privacy of a death bed. j The Empress Frederick had her partieu- i lar reserves in such matters, and it was by her own wish that she was attended in her last moments only by her own children. It may he added that Queen Victoria shared this feeling of her eldest daughter, and she was not a party to the summoning of even the Kaiser to. her . siclc. Tlis Majesty, well aware of the . reluctance that would he felt to make i this tax on his time and emotion, took [ the matter into his own hands, and. having an arrangement with a court of- I licial to lie informed in cipher when his ! grandmother should he dangerously ill. | came over of hi* own accord, not await- I ing for the invitation which all sorts of considerations naturally delay.?London Chronicle. Brooklyn, N. Y., Ociobor -id. The Garfield Tor. Co.. manufacturer* of Garfield Tea, Garfield Headache Powder*, Garfield Tea Svrup, Garfield Belief Plaster*. Garfield Digestive Tablets and Garfield Lotion, arc now occupying 'lie large and elegant office building and laboratory recently erected by them. For many yearn the Garfield ltemedlea have been growing in popularity and their euceefB is well deserved. Permission has been given for the erection of a crematory in Madrid, Spain. MISS LAURA HOWARD,! President South End Ladies' Golf Club, Chicago, Cured by 1 Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound After the Pest Doctors Had Eailed To Help iler. " DrarMrs. Pinkiiam :?I can thank you for perfect health to-day. Life | looked bo dar., to me a year or two J ago. i nan constant pains, my limbs Bwcllcd, I b^d diny spells, and never ^ MISS I. AUK A HOWARDy CU1CAOO. knew one day how I would feel the neat. I was nervous and had no ap^ petite, neither eould I sleep sound'. Jfl night . Lydia G. Pinklmm's Y etable Compound, used in ou-M junction with your Sanative Wash. <Ii?1 ] more for tna than nil the medicines and the skill of the doctors. 1 or eight months 1 lrive enjoyed perfect health. 1 verily believe that most of the doe- I tors are guessing and experimenting ! when they t?*y to cure a woman with , an assortment of complications, such as , mine ; but you do not fitiess. How 1 wish all sulTering women eould only ' know of your remedy ; there would lie I less su'.T ring 1 know."?Lacra ilow- i a:;:>. 11.'I Newberry Ave., Chicago. 111. ' ?J5330 / '' f '/ -si" '< tsr'lmonlal Is not ymuinr. Jllrs. IMnklintu invites nil wu men who a*?-<? 111 l<? write Iier for advice. Address Lynn, Mass., giving full particulars. li t: CI) IE CANCER AND Tl\l(IR$ j " f^We Use NO Knife, NO Plaster. We Rive no pain. rhed no blood. Wo cure \ou BKFOllK YOU PAY. We are n (>rn<iuut<i of Two Medical ("oIIoro*. Wowuut you to read our 50-1'uro Hook. Wh want thtx "?d" Itiolo.oil in writing n-a. Wo nre Da. J. IUmi i., Kieltmond, Ya. Writo a poMtal to-day For Hook Free. UOItK j.l AIC UTI I.I) \V.want|!oi. intent, for our Ho.. JH lla'ncii. HI* rter. |u r.iu.T g ,j o.ii.lli innilo Mi lull ml W lii<1. of nr c6 Ili'o, ItriO. atlil cv,-r) thing "hero K; KTV w,tl| climciied rlvrt ii iiswo , imr ^ Tf-wWr v?r y""*e '??' ri'i lm'ln : all qIIh-i rltret r. >pnit.'J.' In .tanip-i fur *Mi-.|i|n rl"5^! i': o i'h'i nml l? x of Hlx-pla ami mr . iKOeir Hj V- inr.niii" 'I money makl |in W attlon Oiiv direct from Urgent in.ot ' PKTJt? nfiicinroi < Urn sriillr a grlW<l*r^B''Hll?riil Work*.- ' I lfi-nrfiinlhiii|jaiirt n/.rn wri/ir. SICK PEOPLE! My Med I dnes help you or money refundoil. | Antl-I'iilii IMIH.forany Paln,'25o per bottle AiitlOlnliirliil, for Chills, Fr.ur. it1., '25t?. j Hevivl I'lUs, for th?? Oi.u and \V ak, '2;>e. I Million t*lll*,for tlio Htomuch ami I,ivor.v5c ( iiscurn 1 * 111h, for Constipation. '2.So. S. C. PRILST, M. 1)., Newark, Ohio. $900 TO $1500 A YEAk We want intelligent Men nuil Wou-.en tin i ft-ravelinjj Representative# ?.r laical ManuRer*; i laiary L<"? to HSrn n year anil ail expense., according to expetieaee and ?bil'..v AN e al.-.i> want local repie.eutalives aalit'.v ft tofts a j reek aud comuimimi, depending upon the time tevoted. Send atnuip for lull pniticulai- and ate positiou prefered. Addiess, l>ept. H. THU BKIX COMPANY, riiiladelpliU. Ta. fHF.AP SCHOLARSHIPS ^ j Ouron lego epnrolx greatly enlarged arid Vir to till it up at once w o will adept officii work or nom lor tuition. p:?y radr ml fare, ftirnlnh cbeip board, and -et-ur.- pox:- t tionx wlien wn\<l hfoil, 'Ibis offo u made only to n fi-w irom emit county who apply 1 flr?r, to a\ rite at once. Addros-. (Oil tlillt HI SI > I. - S < Oil. It.I, < Ol.l ft Hi t, S. ?*. ASTHMA-hAV.FEVEf? CURED BV ? / 1 Dr.TAFTS a A# lisiflES; Aaontis Da.TAFT 7d E I20t-"ST..N.Y.City Ho. 43. "'TktMaaer Ibal mmlr \Vr?l I'nlnt lainniK, MclLHE N N Y S TAB AiiuJ. SOZODOHT for tho TEETH 25c SCAi Si 1 ; U l 8 Aapudiime ? I ? CURBS M ! Sj Nrrvou* il^iidurlif, Nrunilcla, 3 g nu.t hick headache, it i? gf g lately harmless. No effect on the t* y. heart. For halo at all Drug Storm. [5 Thompson's Eye Waier >?T. i:i. j S9Z030HT Tooth Powder 25c ' ICTARTLING Thousands of children at \iz Worms. Symptoms are scldoi child's temperament and upon the var * tines. Loso no time! AdoDt the safe < ? OR. BOYKIN'S \ Vt/ * A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DES * IN USE OVER 30 YEARS- ACC 25c BEST VERMIFUGE KNC ! N0V.30 1/ ' fyfr -fyyT v1 v iOTAti. Mmr s -r.-" i . Asr a ? aww / 5.use *33 fl CO TAGS I > /vV TAGS B MATCH BOX M 7 g SAW MILLS! I Ermine*.Wood Pl?ners, R.H. Crnsnti* 2 mMacbinn and Other .Machinery, r Monul <ctnred by li- 3 Salem Iron \V?rbnt Shii-di, N.C. BOOK-KKKPBR8*l>aMlvtalon ll<lrx,cuti it* 3.00Cliiitn<'. 1 rat <>nf. univ 11 ftrilv.-rctl. Tru it. UbK'l' I.MlhX I'll.. AlUOTA. UA. FACTS. I *v e being gnawed to distraction by J|{ n reliable. They depend upon the icty of worms present in the iutes- ?n and sure course by using JJJ VORM KILLER. ; unnvrD ntr tuccc momctcdq 1* EPT NONEBUTDR! BOYKIN'S W * )WN SOLD EVERYWHERE. * i FRC 1 PRUMH08D m "nnnn uuuu M 11 HH fifi V UM1 ^ B Granger Twist Tags being eqjci 44 H. Rice, Greenville," 55$ 44Cross Bow," 44 Spear lit i 44 Master Workman," 44 Si 44 Jolly Tar," 44 Standard Nt L)j^ tune," 44 Razor," 44()lc Vargi ^3 TAOS MAY BE ASSORTED II Our new iil CATALOGUE Oi CLOCK \ FOR 1 'llf i include many articles not sho4 j Iff moat attractive List of Presents cv iff be sent by mail on receipt of postaf (Catalogue will be ready for mail Our offer of Presents for Tags v< CONT Write your name and address/ containing Tags, and scr.d them an c. 51 ?ru? mme ?furn i wiiium iiwiiMg* ( titit efj It mil CP of (r??rjri1i?Tl|i?l?. BeV M8<r*\ oUSLCw liffc'tionOunnn.owl. iv/V'' BEaBWrlt? for rri< m. JKs.HK MAHPKN l?U-l'? S Chnr)?? St.. lVtLTiMOKE. Mi>, | .. \A UNioh .^$3-so SMi 1*1 ^ Jffr \ W\ "I "? J[j! V ? ?r Riylo.foml H: J />* Ju/ // all otli? r iiiha^iaolil a\ ^ rib/ . o-llent rvput it l<?n lm i # tM -# *?*.assa .?- i - e^:;7 Tv * 53..V) - ?? *? i"P4 ~y>\ * ajy, thr to-st 5^.0-aii.l' 3-?\ \ jJnHiJi.ittiwi. 'Iii"Ktanilj 3 rO \ - fr 'isisar * > l>ml? t'"?i tlx* u q.n*\ v JCL. for ''* ?lo!l"Y *111; \ jj 0?rt t tli<x'? Hun li> a \ r^n' Dou:hs in ikm and m-IUh s ..\ x * P. htit otlil-r two ma-iuf:irtllr ? < ,-srJ. r:v?*l?*io n?<*it. w. I,. i , n wv .. of ihf lilfS r'olf 1 Vo^lSSt aro Ju*t M rood In atery ir ^ ^ ^ . / Sol,I A,/ ...7 /tnHf, >M j " m hiiataf | 1SF IV MWJT** rp^rr^ ROLL ^ jj SU6A9 IA 1 Tiifi nir ^ to one of others menticned t Morse 3hoe," "J. T.," :ad," "Old Honesty," cklc." Brandy wine," irtVy," Planet," " Nepny* 4 ii S SECURINO PRESENTS. Ejj iustrated efe,., F PRESENTS 902 iv? here. It will contain the er offered (or Tags, and will j je?two cents. ^ *ng about January tst, 1902.) ^ rill expire Nov. 30th, 1902. INENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. Ininly on outaide of packages ^ d requests for Frcscnts to '' y. BROWN. 42+1 PolBom Ave., 5t. Louis. Mo. ' jj '' ?r? > r MAtAHUl nrni iaoo r*a t Y* ' r M ii. \ PlDADCY NEW DTSCOVLKY: Klrm LJ i ^ I ouick r ?lr**f an?1 curat w?>iit lJoo* ot ie uiuonmU .u?d |() duv?' irftaliueul Free. Dr. H. H. ORCe.s 8kONB. Cez S. AU.nt*. ugla^? J MADE I Oougla^4Gii^d5clJn^ | ot be Equaled at Ar.y Priced & I i? Ihnn n <Jwnrt*r of a Onfnrv m F ^ i ^ 0 I.. potmlns(i);uil v*i;-) u - **.>. " v*-"?.. %fl ort h. I has rxcelli'tt B i i-Vik* xVA BH a* tliiM- pritvR. 'Mil* c-M *r'f *V- , All V s ^t'n won liy mrrit alom f V" A '/ fl ,i? Mm*** liav?* t?? lK't- V at'\ /-y iu* lhan otlirr |n.H)Knd I I -JTtLL-o 2 wmurte lit* reputation lor 11 v^alr^.v 1 E ;? shut's ntimt !>?? main fi yl Bg irl hi? ?yn liorn phirt!|A x vV? \ J9 iq \V. L Donirln* $X00 ii !? vffe*'' /(jKfcv Mm imn* ?3.00 ami ! A.*h(r* t haiflSB-Sb^ B rrn intli^wnrlii. Friar < *ol?%rXX, V/ B zla? f 3 and f 3.50 ?hne? arr m*d* ^0 .r* u*rd in f 5 and a lion. and B , ."' M'nn nrtr* srinrrpint fcf Jrehi/acturpW profit: ami the best shor tintJrrs ?-t t rytthrre. II .Ul.po. ? ..!?? W. L. h..*!., .h,>.. wllfc B rl |rk.' in l?lo?. Shot'. soil' /yv .1 lirrn on mript of pron anil nihil- < ? U >nal for ivirriuKr. Tako nu immi - rni* of foot n< shown: Male mj.c I I strixl; ?lro anil w tilth ' ,1 uallywotti; plaiuoi rap . ~vi ] or liichi m>ir?. x3^-v'\Lr v VV n Jrockton. M n*. ^' V y* '" V I I9Q2. | jjjj I .v//2 ~Kossas' ct/acs 1 ^ i r.'z 'touts' to rtes. ~*^" fr>" rs/r a y//#iCKii \v*rc*. H | ?0/ 'SJar'Ci 1 GO CA*r A i.JK AS? f0*''S I ?*? xvrn |'-7^ I ^ M