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iCCil Ain? ?5BS0rAL ITEMS. "News scarce. <Ciood cotton T.90 today. M?as Mable Ardrey spent Sn?<day \wvth relatives in Rock Hill. Miss Lillian Massey, of Tirzah, is here on a visit to her cousins, the Misses Ardrey. Miaa Amelia Beckham came up from Rodk Hill Monday night to visit friends in Fort Mill. Mr Cree Spratt, of Chester, apept Sunday at the home of his .uncle Mr. J. M. Spratt. Miss .Julia Spratt returned to /"M. *r 1_? -ti? _ -i- ! ? luucain uiuuuny Hiier a visit or ?evt?rAl4nys to Relatives i?ere. Misses Edith and Maud Stewart, .of Rock Hill, spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. L. N. Culp. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Patterson, of Bascotnvijlle, S. C., spent last "Thijrsday and Friday with relatives liere. . Mr. S. L. Meacham is contemplating the extension of bis telephone lines to the Belair section, in Lancaster county. Married at Van Wyck by Rev. Xt. A. Yongue on the evening of Oct. 20th, Alias Mannie Neal Crenshaw to Mr. J. H. McManus. The Bible Class, taught by Rev. Dr. Mack on Sunday afternoon in the Presbyterian church, will after this meet at 4 o'clock. Rev- Dr. AJcllwaine, of P^qeacoin, Fla., will o<*cupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at thie place next Sunday morning. Mrs. L. E. Ligon and children .arrived Monday morning from Wake Forest. N. O., and are guests at the home of Mrs. J. R. Harris. The Fort Mill Alf'g. Company ?inn recently received additional machinery from the A. T. Atherton Company, of Pawtucket, R. I. Farmera are complaining of the scarcity of cottou pickery, and an an inducement to secure more help Home have increased the pay price to 4i9 cents per huudred. Mrs. Carothera, mother of "our townsman, Mr. W. R. Carothers, ^returned to her home at Clay Jf ill, fS. CM Monday after speuding several days in Fort Mill. Mrs. Hutchison and daughters, Misses Seline and Annie, of Charlotte, N. C., and Miss Lemley, of Jackson, Miss., are guests at the home of Capt. S. E. White. The Rock Hill Journal says that Dr. Thornwell, of Fort Mill, begins a meeting Tuesday night at J)ethel church. Prepartaory sevvices have been conducted since last Thursday night by the pastor. One of our sportsmen iuforms us that partridges are plentiful this season. He says that he was in the fields (without his gun) the other day, and that his dog found seven covies within a radius of one-half mile. Mr. A. W. Cockrell, of Jacksonville, Fla., spent severuj days of last week with relatives in Fort Mill. Mr. Cockrell is #. grandson of Robt. D. Spratt, deceased, wlio was well known by eouve of our older citizens. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will give an oyster supper in the town hall, on the night of November J.Mh. As (the object is to pay a church debt all friends o,f the church are inyited and expected to be present. Tickets 25 cents. Mr. Potter Starnes, who Cor a [ number of years was a resident of Fort Mill, had his left arm so badly torn and mangled in a cotton gin in Lancaster county last Monday that the physicians found it necessary to amputate the arm just above the elbow. Mr. R. V. Macon informed us on Monday that there was only 51 balt-s of cotton on the platform atthis place, nearly all of which belong to the mills here. He thinks that not over 2 per cent of the not-! ton raised in this sectjon will be shipped to foreign markets. A government expert is expected here soon to go over the rural de- , livery mail route to Ardrey's, Wo neglected to mention bvet week that Mr. J. Q. Cousart had drawn n vnrtr noot ' 1 .. ,vi; iivai, mill CAJJIIWIL lllUp Ot the proposed route and it was for* wartjed to Washington with the othe)T papers. The sweet potato crop in Fort Mill township this year is unsually .good. Capt. S. E. White informs U0 that he will gather about 200 bushels (if potatoes from less than an acre of ground. Capt White, who hue always been noted for his liberality, kindly remembered, apioug others, The Times man in the usual distribution of a part of jiia crop. The Times man met Supt. Whitner on the streets yesterday and learn-d that Mr. N. M.Abbot, 1 representing Geo. H. Crafts & Co., contractors, had arrived and preparations are being made to repair the county bridge. As is known i the chain gang has been delayed in the vicinty of the bridge foi several weeks aw aiting the coining of Mr. C^uitin, who had charge o( building tlae bridge, but the Jattei has been sick and has not yet re covered. During the delay iU< time hus been very profitably em ployed on the roads in the vicinity of the bridge. On Monday of this week Post ] master M*asey received the boiuh and other necessary papers for tin appointment of a carrier and aseis taut for the rural free delivery mai route from Fort Mill to tin* ?r<?lc Hill section. Mr J. U. Haile, Sr. was appointed carrier, with Boyet Bennett as assistant, f t is thould that the name, J. &. Haile, Sr. was an error on the part of tht official who made out the bond, ai the young Mr. Haile was the per son who was recommended for tin place instead of his {father. Ii will be A verv miiku nmMap 1.,.=. J ?-J """ ever, to have this alight change made. A government official it expected here in a few days to gei the route in operation and inspect the proposed At drey's rural deliv ery route. Spanish War XcmorialWhile on a visit here the Rev Dr. Kdward Mack gave his fathei a beautiful mahogany walking cane, made from a part of tin "Reina Mercedes,v one of tin Spanish battleships captured bj our navy during tire late war. Tin handle is partly of oak and parti} of teak wood. Both the cane and its handle show many marks ol the time when the unfortunate vessel was under the ocean's wnves The cane was made by one of the workmen of the Portsmouth navy yard, and given by him to Dr. Mack <?* ?. All White Teachers ffcouU AttendRock Hill, S. C., Oct. 19. To the teachers of Fort Mill township: The county superintendent has called a meeting of the York county teacher's association to be held in Yorkville on the 2t)th of this month. As this is to be a meeting at which officers for tlie ensuing yeai are to be elected and as steps will be taken to divide the county into suitable and convenient districts for holding monthly institutes, it is earnestly desired that all teachers in the county try to be present As president of the association, I urge all to attend. Come and lot us have the largest meeting of teachers ever held in the coun ty. IX will do us all good to meet i and spend a day in social inter{ course and in devising means for i the improvement of ourselves and ' our schools. Again I auk all teachers to be present, Yours truly, A- K. Banks, Preset Y'ork Co. Teachers Ass'n. Dradging the Catawba for Sold. Charlotte Observer, I7t&. Dr. J. H. Warren, who some time ago bnilt a plant on the Catawba river for securing gold by dredging, was here yesterday accompanied by Col. A. If- Ryan, of East Orange, N. J. They left in | the afternoon to inspect the dredgI ing works, jtt is said that since i Dr. Warren began dredging operations he has brought up some rich sand and that his plan has proven successful. "-The stutf that the dredges bring up speaks for itself. AFIendish Attack. An attack wm lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came k:~ i-:-i TT L i iiiiwui;ii ilia ?iuilf)<. tiih duck ^(ll bo lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped hy cushions. No remedy helped hiiu until Ue tried Electric Hitters which effected such a wonderful change that die writes he feels like a new num. This marvelous medicine cures t^endache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at Meat-ham's Drug Store. ? ?An editor has been inspired, after looking over his list of delinquent subscribers, to compose the following: "How de^ir to our hearts is the silver dollar, when gome kind subscriber presents it to view; the liberty head without necktie or collar, and all the sLrunge things which to us seems so new; the wide-spreading eagle, the arrows below it, the stars and .the swords with the strange things they tell; the coin of our fathers, \ve are glad that we know it, for some time or other 'twill come in right well; the spread-eagle dollar, the star spangled dollar, the old silver dollar wo all love so well." ? Stepped Into Live CoaU. "When a child I hur.cwd my foot frightfully," writes W. //. Ends,of .Tonesvillft V?? Vji-liii'li , uuirni horrible leg aortas for i>0 years, but Bucklen's Arnica &alye wholly fured n?e after everything else cailed " Infallible for jbinitt, CuIh, Scalds, Soras, Bruises >u,d Pi lea. Sold bv T, P. Mk'ttcbww. 251'* I r r r CUSS AND FORI ;; AB? !! IT^PAYS TC J . t ~ ! Ou-i" Prices t -A.I*? Alwavs rPii? I_iO"W"?s"t Our Goods Tile Best HlMlUSllMliS 1 .11 .... ; SG3 mmmm You can get it piece by piece, a We use th Snve your Crockery Coupons?\s You pay no more for your goods li is to make this store tlie most po| fully for coupons. i 1<? Checks gets a 5 inch Plate. 20 4t " (i ? 22 " 44 7 >* 44 24 44 44 Tea cup nud sn M 44 4* 8 inch flatter, i 60 44 44 10 44 88 44 44 12 44 44 We Handle "Most" Ev< ? Bargains ^ We have a lot of Ladies' n W of one, two and three pairs of a f to pet out of the way. If your ^ lot you can pet them for less tli ^ aro some rare barpains in this 1 ^ We have some special poor ^ Blankets that will interet you. W Cook i np Stoves have ad van ^ We will sell at old prices until ^ When you want to pet post ^ our stock or 'phone No. 71. Lb. J. M Ai | Embroiders | Emb ^ 1,500 yards in short lonjrthi W and 25 cents. We sell the maj ml None higher than 12 I 2. This U| come to see. The latent fad in ^ Knit Gloves at 25 and 50 rents. ^ Knd and Bijoe Kids in black, ta W gloves arc guaranteed tin* best j. jR GENT'S FURNISHING GOO ^ A ???'w lint* of Hie Lyon bin * shades, all fast colors. < >ue of t | fR A frcsli line of Four-in-huud pfc Bows at 25 and f?0 cents ! g LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. W The beat lino for both il>en flr A pure Linen Handkerchief at 1 jJk shier, at 25c. A nice line of En S It), 15, 20 and 2~>c cents. Silk II MEAGHAM N ^ srns?. SHIM CHIMARE FREE TO 50L.UTELY QIVEN ^"W"^ Z> TRADE WITH A/r.IX_.T_.S Sfl> 1 00.00 Worth of Handsome Presents, which includes 500 pieces of Nicely decorated GLASS aid CHINAWARB mL. _.ii p .? TiB pauern 01 ne liiiinaware is a violet decoration in natural colcrs, and pink tinted tip, elfjant ani tastefnl In color cxecolioa. Tie Glassware is nicely trimmed in Gold, ani yon pt a piere witl eacl ten tickets. In fact His is tie most leanlifnl pattern of fine lecoraiei Porcelain in the market. ."ULtifuiI Dinne full assortment in any quantity desired, and you can match it ese Dishes as a Free Gift to increase our Ce ritli each 50 cent trade you get a Coupon; return them to us ami we ' ere (usually less), but we give tlie Crockery to you FREE, ns a pre Hilar trading place in Fort Mill. We ask your assistance in making 10 Checks gets a Sauce Plate. 61 < I 40 " " 7 inch Scallop. 84 (JO ? " 8 44 4 4 4 8 uicor. I SS 44 44 Sugar Bowl. 30 30 ' 4 44 Cream Pitcher. !> > j " " 2 pint " I 41 38 " ? 3 " " j 13(t "mills & arything W * ?8???????0??(S Ol ^ ^ "OLDRELIAE 1X1 k>H06S ^ | * ''Still iu the rin<; if we S) ?* i nd Children's Shoes in lots $ ^ * Is. I KAN lll()ll kind that wo nro nnxiouB ^ Cjp WO all must ssea size hHp,? MH Id Ih- in tho # jg SIlOOS, ?111(1 1'ilt, llOfj; inn wlioloaalo cost. Thorn Sr *'> ot. Don't fail to a, U,??. ?? U . W? haV0 U bi8 i ? r u- . ^ ail(l Sliocs and 1 Im renins in r ine W ool ^ eg 5 ? nia'ie prices to suit iced twice si nee wo bought. $ j^p aa 111 i()Il a fc\N thill November 5. # j ? Pants from 36 CC ed on prices call and see t <?) C'lllhlroll's SllitS I ^ ? Shoes from 25 ce < Si Ic V ^ cS Hlace Div*?s _ - ^ V \/\/1 fvy . a i ictk ^ g? a yard up ^%^%'W'VW^ ? Fancy Dress Got %$?-&<%xv3vxix&'ip ? a y-ml l,IK ~,r. ? ^ ? Don't miss bin y tod "Eagle" Shoes JTOiciCiTSCS $ 0 and children. The 4. one-linlf, worth 120 & I jg| ranted and, for the nity t<>r 9 mid 10 cent.-. ($?\ i a I... is wortli vour ?l H.. ... 3 ? l,('S< ?" ('iU'15'- ^ ? ?ioveM ih tii.. & <g> for hardware, erroee Also m lull lino of \\ i h! in, white mid grey. TIicho ?j5 ft? ties. We also sell dovt'H you cm11 buy for$l. IR 6Q a i a.a. i # Q |)otash, cotton seed $ ? seed feed. Get our ml Murtn in Iho lending JV he bent SI chii tH for 95c. ? $? ture and stoves. 0 find C.tub I ii'b. Shield ^ , tt ^ j 2 K lowest. Highest u w jg mr cotton* cotton find women we ever liml. ^ hilled lltlV 'j 1-uc. Finer ouch, very flr X * uhroidered Handkerchiefs, Ul X * 'OLD REIalAB ? EPFS. ' | ? X. B. HKLK, ) # ? { I j^BjiTrj-f^f " ' l x. M M$I I ii & YOUHG. II !araaiS?l!lli If it Oomo / from. Mills & M| it is .A.11 Higtxt. Set I up from us for yoare to comeu ish Trade. kvill ^ivo you Crockery for th<Mn. ifit bliarin^ scheme. Our jor! it bo. Examine each Jajliio0? cure Dhecka gets a 1-2 gallon Pitcher. " Covered Butter Diali. 44 " Sauce Boat. 44 " 7 inch baker. u >1 ^ a ?? 41 " Pickle Disk. " Covered Diah. yotoT Fort Mill, S. C ILE STORE" Q % don't make a thing." vV I ?) X I ley is scarce, but @ m ir Clothing and ? fl and hominy. M stock of Cloth- ^ we are going to & everybody. Will rfts to S5 a pair. C* $ fl I ?Jt your own price <& H| its to $4 a pair ils from 15 coots qM B )(ls from 15 coots (ring our cefebra- IhHmB for men, women 'so shoes are war- BHBM i moneys are thel are hcudquartors^^^^^H ries bagging an<? I aci<!? murato ou meal and cottnJHMHBll prices, on ur prices are larket price seed,, uorn, stor^H^HH K'roprieU)!'. l I msgnggm I 1