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" a Batwariptioo _ TOUCHES ON POLniCS, TOO. I jljlnks tlis G. A. R. Men "Are Not ^JWenscd With the Course Roosevelt fekjfcf The elements are unsettled. The wind swms to bf\veerliiK southward. Roosevelt krc:>3 Jn saying kind wo'-ds abmt EKhHe us and thoVrepublleaus are in a state of apprehciwion. The G. A. It's mad the first as.'ltult cn him because he \ dared to exalt the bravery and patriotism oI our iyx?ple: but he answered tbein back niddv. Ami row timv i E?*)nsternatio& because he invited Clark Howeiv to dino with him. The City of ShuslXan is perplexed. It look3 lilte there is .j power of good political fun ahead of i.\a. nnd we can't be worsted. McKinlcy wanted to be kind, au! they woublent let him, but my opinion & is that R->osev>U is going to run the machine according to his emotions, lbis a man of emotion?good, generous emotions?and on.- emotional nature Is the be3t part of our nature. That is the reason that women are better than men; they are more emotional. A selfish man, n greedy man or a political * "per so" have no emotions. They plot and scheme for cprs.mul advantage. Hamlet said tlia* a politician is a man who would circnT eont Ond. The-' hribe and deceive to gain their e rl. Rut Roosevelt is outspoken, candid and fearless. The politician's ntteran m . are cautions and come from his head; Rooeovolt talks from his heart, and if he feels like Inviting Clark Howell to ilno he is going to do It without consulting Mark liauna or the (I. A. R 'a ?r for a moment considering what the party will say about it. I like Roosevelt because he has a wife and children; in fact, he has hern married twice and has two sets of --children. That's all right if the clill *lren harmonizzo and the last wife Is as good to the children of the first wife as ahe Is to her own. Our nearest neighbor for long years had three sets Of children. Oolnnel Hnv-i-il n utIiImw. rr with two children, married Mrs. Hand. a widow, with theroe children. Two more children were born to the lost marriage, and all was peace and harmony in that household. This iv' minds n.o of another family, where there nvn three sets, end they dident ** harmcni'/.e. and one day when they j xveie quarreling in the l ack yard the wife came running in and s.iid t > her husband; "John, you'd better go out f yonder with a switch; your children ?.nd my children are fighting otir t h 11 nlnen.'* I am pleased to learn that our president is coming to Georgia next fall and will visit his mother's old home at Rosewell. Think 1 will meet him there And show him around, for aim st ev ewbody else is dead but me that was there when his mother was a girl. 1 will show bi;n where we boys played imllprn and town hall, and where his u&i le half Dan or half of his 1'ncle ttaa and 1 played sweepstakes and IVus always won my white alleys. Yes. 1 . " , jarll! show him around. But that t ol.-ny of Jlno Savannah people, all blonde.' stock, are not. there now. There were the Kings and Dunwoodys. who wcr in ivsllcge vrtth me Not all tin- Kin iKiys, of course, for th'M > were nine of them, and only one si.-dt r for tin whole rovvd? a beautiful girl. I have a very # <lcar cousin in P.lnningham wh > ha.' , nine girls and one son. \Yh it i pity ^ ? f that those two families were n ;t neighborn and cotemporaries s? that the hildren could have mated and intcrmarrlerd. 1 like families with numerous m*. ii i ii. m i ur ii ih 1.1IIK OI till* onsi tint ion. whether federal or state. -Mtldent let a bachelor hold a pnl>llo ho shouMcnt l?o oligible to go - or the legislature. It is riot "rttlo * *\1 deeply eaneernijetulty of govern i-tii 1 ilron and the gran 1v fathers are living for. An uniniuv"*! 'man lives for bimseir. lie may be smart and moral and well edu ated. hd*. aa Kipling says. he can't unlerotand the p< tornal anxiety. MJ tho?e ItosvvelJ bova were manlv mil well favored. They made good ireachers, Rood soldiers, good arehlccts and rtrftnifarturrrs and were g rod itheen*. T'Oor Tom King ha.I ills 1 rg hnttered at Manassas, and as soon as c could valkwas in the field agi'n ,)d was killed at Chlekamarga. 11 .v? a bright rhoorfnl. handsome mtn. A everybody loved him. Old Barring ii King sent north for a teacher an 1 t one by the name of ICels. but the va uldont llko him. They said hT> i* ? hv or rite and nn nhoMti nist, J was just fooling papa. They caii.u in "Sllrkflsh. and guyed him until ho b sent back to where he came from, oriel llayard marrl d Binlngon ig's sister, the Widow llan I. an I vod to Rome. He was a courtly gt n uj.t, ;i im \ uuxiiiit i>.iI, and his gran lfather was N!c. lis .?rt|, a French Huge not. 11v? was a ;In to the Senators Bayard of Del %. Hp was a:i expert n.vrrdsman, loved to Show you the stroke vh!ch his ancestor. while flying some troopers, slowed up his *? ond. as they came up < n th . p. cut their heads o![ one by < n this ramc hack stroke. One of his laughters. Miss Fl. n la Sviy. has My wedded a Mr. Tracy, of N vv r nephew of B. F. Tra y, who >crotary of the navy. One of Mrs. d'? daughters marrlod B shop ml. druggist, doctor, preacher. \ chaplain and then bishop. H beautiful and dutiful wlfo, an I <ng else he askod for. Kindan l lovely as a woman, he alTied a satchel full of eako un l r other peopled children when ,lel on the tra'n. Wo <x*?g new him wo'l In Athens when i first a drug clerk and next a nnd wo lot him pull our teeth ause he was so kind and gonial. now I have written all this esewell because our president's "lioUTHERN li-MLWAY. | Irilml rill* at Jank^tir U# nn I Sntmnoah. ISasioi a Time at Otnur Points. Sol-ifUiU. in Kffcet Ju*-o 80th. 10 1. Notirii no tiNu. l>A:lv ; Dully' ft . Juckso.ivl!V. \P~).~T7 8 Ojui , 4^|>: TT Havana* Mdo.fcy.) U.3pjl2;*J,. " }-: ^vV * Ita r?l:i"Uvlllo .... 4 ]:>;> 4 Ar. Oolnml in .. 6flup' fl i:>t| |"'I Lv.? naiv Uy i IA;< !lov:>! ? ouiiimorviUo 7 Un'mut .. j,: ??*. svjri. .. i?a?l S48? KincviL" U:.ln| i 07a Ar ( ..iuinl.m . II IUt; 5 ilia ... Lv. Au?UHIH, inl. ky. ) . ... MJUttl Lv. (-rramtcvillo liini'lUlOn' k Lv. Aiken !>(l6pj I Lv. Tnenton Ufi'p 11 Oi/pL . Johnston ' -!ori? lia?n? .... Ar. (VluiuLiji. { 54.lJ)| ? lu*j Lv. OoitunLin, 'BuIk .->t . r?T :7p| 0 25-ii TTTTI " Winnithiiru 0/vjp 7 " i>h,,.4".Ti. ! ' T " Rock Ilill 8i>.,p 8(JHa Ar. ( hirlottc .. . .... cr rr>j yr?ia Ar. ii.-inviilc . . _ lj Ar. Richmond Him?! Ar. WiiHliiMtttun . ... , .Ui <<?/n "7771 ' Hjltllliii.rn . t>.. II' i i ill i I . " Philadelphia. . 11 'A JV'u " New York. .. 2o:,pi r, Zn Lv. Columbia ... 113;a 7 .Ma Ar. Spartanbui k H 10;> U *J0:?f ill " Ashovilio | 7lft|? ^irni Ar Km ox vl 11 a . ...J 406a! 7 uri> L Ar. Oinoinna i . 7:vn>i a"Tu . Ar. Igakyilln . 7fiupl H4ui bouth iiouxn. w";;5*' Daily Daily! I.v LoaiBTlll?~T ~ V Ult . 3upl Lr. Cincinnati .. *.>? sif. """ Lv. tCnoxvilin f?? M 26*1 ' AshevlUo . 7 IKvi lloOp fcimrtunburR .. ... . d035n (ll.'ip Ar. < oinmblb .. . j :.,i i>:nip' ..... l.v.Tiow YorktHa.K.K) :>yA>,lilwil| Philadelphia ?05p ;tjoa , Balii f ioro H27p 0 22a i.v. W nnhi Rf 11 i So. |{y i tlROp 11 lf?a EvT Ki. i,in..ti I ; i ;t n> l.vim f.v. DanviUu I j Hip Ly. Charlotte.. . j m Ami 056p * Hock Mill y \(r.i Mint Chester 0 44a; u up \\ iiiiiKboro . . 110 2So 12Ola . .. Ar, Collimbin, < Bid*; St 111 :tv\ 1 iCmi Lv. Columbia, (U. U.1.7 lAMmi ""7T Johnston ,1 40l, Ht>yn . 1 ronton 1 52p fl 78a Ar. A ikon . 2 :?U|> 7 ?* .... Ar. Uruuitoville 221p ?5>a Ar. Auruata .. S0.>i?;7 40n Lv. Columbia <So. Kvi iiirnp i.m " Kinttvillo ... ?4?p 2a!aj OrnQKAliurs. . 4 42p :!4ha .... , Z Branohvillo 5 26p 4 2&a' ... Hummerville <142p 5 57a . Ar. Charloston . 7 W)p| 7 (IDA Lv. Columbia (So. Ky.i M l.Ni 1 I on TI Black villa i t 2U; 2 52a' " Barnwell . 1 ttupl 8(i7a' .!.. Navnuiiuh | lUftpl 4 W ... Ar. .ineksoiivilla (I'. S.i . 4 ip Olio' tslcopint; Cur Sorviao. I Excellent daily passoiiRor service Ixitwcon Florida and Now York. Niw. itl and 111?New York and Florida Kxpr< -s. I >i a wine room HUopitijj ears between A'.iRusta and New York I'lillinnn drawingroom MloopiiiK oars between Port 'i timpu. .laek X'mvtlle Snvantiab Washington mid Vow York lullman lepinvears be weeti Chariot.e and Kiehinotid and < hurlotte and Norfolk. | homR tern Iwtwe u I hat 1 >tte and Si' ann.ah. Mot. :>. aud r, s. M.-.i . ,'hrourh Pullman drnwiiiR-room buhot M< ^ bvei'ii Jacksonville mid New York an 1 PullMian roeolniiRunis botweeti Augusta JiudC'r.r I ioni" miii i nnili/tln iiml liii'hus.inil. rnrK nerve :?ll nienl* en i nn Pullman Hlcep tag ?airs between .luckHitavlll? ami i'<i'.iiinii:a. nrout e daily 1??1 winn .lucks >11 vllleiiml (Jiuein buti, vin ArIiuvUIc. FRANK S.UANNON, H. U. H aHDWICK, Third Y IA. (iein Jl,;r., ?- m. Pur Ajti.,' Wnshlnifloii, l> YVi\ liiiiu.oii, I); 11 W. H TAMII; R. \S . Hi N !. il't (ii'll. I ll< A :'t., 1 *1V i ll- \u t, Ai .until, i t.i. J5v?i C. I mother lived tliore and married there. 1 like to speak of him a.s o.;r pr< i ieiu and 1 don't want any Georgia pai ' to call him Teildy or to moke spur: of ! him In cartoons. Some idiots think i these arieat ui i ; of our president ard | wry smart and funny, hut the p o;d > who hav > n >p. et for the h.g.i it r I think they ore shameful. You ran'i degrade the man without degrading th i oh ice. But we will have to wall some time on Mr. it .'as v? lt. You ean't a'.waj sometimes generally tell, as Co'.ie! would say: we must wait and s li w long this south wind blows ' the sv, e south wind that breathes upon a ban.; of vioh is." us Shakes;) are says. And 1 we are the viol ts. We have bulb hope ! and confidence, for a man of emitions j can't go hack upon his anceators nor the place of their nativity. The Builochs have been horned in Georgia. More than one hundred years ago we named a county f >r Governor Bulloch and we wonldent ml ml naming another for his groat-great-grandson. Georgia lias never had a president, and we will be proud to have even half of one, especially the inateirial half?most alj great and good men have bred aftw the dam.?Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. "ANOTHER PETTY WAR. Gr*ut Itrltuln ll.n Another Conll'.ct on Her IlitndH in Afrlrn. Seldom if ever is the great British empire at peace. Wars are continuallv going on in one quarter of the world or another, generally, of course, with savage tribes and in regions so remote from civilization that the general publie scarcely learns of them. The fierce struggle being waged against the Boers is familiar through newspaper reports in every civilized land, and yet while this war was being waged in So.ith Africa Kngland was in conflict with the natives of the Gold Coast colony of Kumasi, on the west coast of the Dark Continent. This war being ended, another has sprung tip. this time in Somnllland, 011 the east coast. Just south of tl'.e Gulf of Aden. Kngland exercises or seeks to cxcrci > * a protectorate over part of Somalilan 1, while another portion of the same region is under the nominal control of Italy. The natives decline with thanks the protectorate of Knglnnu and und r n fanatic leader, the Mad Mullah, are in open revolt. Recently they attacked a British force u d r Captain MacNeil and were it not th.?t the British were entrenched it is not unlikely that thoy would have suffered heavliy. As it was they lost ten mea. The Mad Mullah was defeated and ia treat d, to rally his forces anew and again attack when opportunity offers. i lie arougui na> licen a severe cxperi- i encc to the western fanner, but it may | prove a valuable one if it cause-, an c.\- i tension of ihc systems of irrigatioa. [ LAND OF THE DRACON. . nollef In Thin Viinlglitly C reatur* la | lu C!ilt:n. I In China the belief in dragons is Ken- j eral. There are Rood and had dragons lu that laud, and while it 1b easy to Rain a dragon's favor, it is Just as easy to irritat.o him. Some dragons live un- 1 derground. Others fly in the air. Thus J earthquakes are caused by under- , ground dragons moving themselves l tempestuously. Eclipses are caused by ' aerial dragons, wherefora Dreworks are set off and gongs are beaten to frighten them. The overflowing of rlvcra ia imputed to a specially bad dragon named Kiao. One of the oldest Chinese books, the Calendar of the Hia, recommends in casea of inundation that the authorities organize a hunt through I the country to discover and capture the ' dragon. They always find him. They j tell a great dragon story of the pres- | ent young Emperor. Some time ago | there were drouth nnd famine in an im- j porta lit section of the north. As, in 1 spite of many processions in his honor. ! the dragon continued to withhold the j tain, the indignant Emperor at laat ' hurled a thundering edict condemning j him to perpetual exile along the shores ; of the river Hi. in the province of Tor- i got. Officials had started to find the j dragon and execute the sentence upon j him. when the latter, with touching , ^ resignation. cent word?they do not say how?that he had started already for the desert of Tartary. Such an exam- \ J pie of obedience "melted the heart" of , the Pekin Supreme Court. The solemn mandarins got together and threw themselves at the feet of the Emperor. "Spare the dragon!" they begged. The young Emperor was touched in his turn. The sentence of banishment was | revoked, and one of the imperial me.s- j ' congers was sent galloping across the land to overtake the dragon and ac- ' quaint him with his good hick. He 1 ' found the dragon, and the grateful ani- I inal immediately cont abundant rain. The Realistic School. Vivian's residence is much in tl"* wiy ! of i)<M k agents, itinerant tea and collcc J merchants, enlarged photograph art:s s : and improved-silv.r-polish philanthrop- | ists. j , Every historian is influenced to a 1 greater or le-~s extent by his p.naonil ( surroundings ami the things i f his own times. For example: Vivian wa> recning in exceedingly new words the old. old story of Peter's I release by an angil from prison. All 1 1 had g< ne well ami glibly up to the point j ' where Peter had found his way in the 1 ' house of a friend. ! i "\ irv well. Wis; did he do then?" i 1 inquired the listener. ' He?he rapped a* the door." i ' 1 hat's right. What next ?" 1 There followed . somewhat ic*:gthv I pause. Then an in piration came to the trimnpl ant young historian. "\\ by, I guess he asked i the lady of the house ' vuis ill."?Leslie's I rcklx. TOo (Iter*, 1 >i<l you evnr use Goohk (><.k*nk I.ixi mp.x r for k-oiir little one*? You sliouitl nnver i>? without ilus r?m??iy?it cures till He ties ami jiiiiim. f. ' V ? 31 Wpfr i ar^,; , , Mrs. InVma E. Fc c{u Lac, Wis., Social 1 How She was Cured c ful Menstruation by Vegetable Compound \ Dkar Mrs. Pinkham:?I Vegetable Compound for irregula was ^ntirely cured after using two boon to suffering women, and I woi the above troubles to try a few bot fully yours, Emma E., I)ivi$.~oob if tub altoy Wljon women are troubled wit I mens; runt ion, weakness, leiicnrrhma. Wonihjihat. bearing-down feeling, tut! bloating; (or flatulence), general uebi trationlnr are beset witli such syinptt excilablity, irritability, nervousues gone" and M want-to-bedeft-alone" they should remember there is one lMnk loan's Vegetable Compound Refuse U? buy any other medicine, f< No oilier medicine for femnb Such widespread and unqualified M rs. Pinkham Invites all sick bhe has guided thousands to heal .,...., - v ^ ?V V W nH** MVJMMX I ^APUDINE @ * J fi?u *;) N rrvon* |end.toll<?. Nrtirnlr. l:t, , funl niClAlEADACHE. It !? nfcg. *\ lately hafn.lpjii. No rff^ot on thV heart. F?fair nt all Drue Htorry. I,~ firS* Ml > : ?? ?? - - - ? memorial life of Mckinley : ?{>liB)n I'olourl A> K. Dtri'liiff. Hotel ' .-.nil Oxm & v>?n iiv.-i- Kvi r ! ly the ntoai ?11>? ri i >>. '? Wo i>. ,;),( On - >>ook will c?n * .1 1 Hill art ouiil 01 aim vi.Uioti. Dimi'ii -n<' t'unfr. I Hi'lvi to 111 for ttifl 1*1' hootf. Pi' rl't lus l' KtauiOf to l;?v ji, ?:%, . VUdro:.* IvClil.Mi; It Vt. I H? II I ().. A At or 1 It ((1U Chl'iA.. iiS?2ERT|III^CWBE;i SOZOO0ST Tosth Powdtr 25c A C li nnopto Tlnko Tlonoy. I have been selling Perfumes for the past S months. I make then; myself at home und -ell to friends and neighbors. Have made 1710. Kver? one buys u bottle. For 50c. worth of material 1 make Perfume that would sell for $2 in drug stores. I also sold 125 formulas for niuking perfume at $1.00 each. I llrst made It for my own urn ouly. but the curiosity of ftb?nd? as to where I procured such exquisite odors, prompted me to jell it. 1 clear from #25 to 'IS per week. I do not eauvnss, people come and send to me Tor the perfumes. Any intelligent person can do ns well as I do. For 42c. iti at am pa I will cud you the formula for inukipgall kinds of Perfumes nud a snmp'e bottle prepaid. 1 will also help you get started in the business, Martha Francis, No. 11 S. Vaudcventer Avsnua, bt. Louis, Mo. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after tirst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restov ir. $3 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. It. 11. !\i :s r. Ltd.. i'tll Arch St.. l'hila. Pa. A follow may have clocks in his stock ings and still never be on time. Mrs. Wintlow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften tho gums, reduces inflammation,allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a Pottle Idleness is a disease with some people, anu n s contagious -it. that. riio s Cure ii iho bent medicine we ever lined ' for all a (Tectum* of throat and lung*.? Wm. O., Vnnburet;. Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. There is quite a difference between an airship and an heirship. We Dave l.OOO l.epera. Investigations regarding the number and histories of persons sufTefing from leprosy In this country are being conducted by persons connected with (he surgeon general's office at Wash- | Ip.gton. These Investigations, It Is ! hoped, will furnish valuable statistics ( and will open the way to learning the heat possible method for checking U e spread of the loathsome disease. Ti.ey have awakened the interest of hun- i rlnls of physicians in every State, j especially in Louisiana and some western States, where the disease has Bpread rapidly in recent years. The results of the Investigations have so far revealed that there are six i cases in New York, six in Chicago and nearly 100 In New Orleans. Most of the persons reported to be suffering from leprosy wore born lu foreign countries. In the southern States the majority of the victims are Italians, and in the western States Swedes. It is cetimated that there are 1,000 lepers in the United States, exclusive, of course, of the Hawaiian victims. Til* t?m|>*r?r W u? I'ollta. A woman who is of high social dislinction in America was presented to i the kaiser at some dinner that was iiot attended witli royal state. She was talking to him when she was offered a famous Herman salad. It was handed on her right and the kaiser was on her left, which put her in a predion- 1 rnent. She did not dare turn her face from the emperor to help herself to | the salad. The situation was too much for her. The eiuperor. seeing the condition at a glance, looked at her for an instant and laughed, as he said: ! "A kaiser can wait, hut a salad can not." The Ciratul Trunk Railway has a car with tanks to carry live fish for stock- j inn -trcams and pools. ilch, Treasurer Fond Economic Club, Tells >f Irregular and PainLydia F. Pinkham's have used Lydia E. Pinkham's r and painful menstruation, and bottles. I can truly say it is a j uld recommend all suffering from ; ties and be cured. Very thank- ' .ion St., Fond du Lac, Wis." i: lkttkk is not geniink. i irregular, suppressed or painful 1 , displacement or ulceration of the lamination of the ovaries, backache, lity, indigestion, and nervous pros?ms as dizziness, faintneas, lassitude, sleeplessness, melancholy, uallfeelinys, blues and hopelessness, tried aim tru remedy. Lr.lla E. I jit once removes su h troubles. ?r you need the best. [* ills hi tlie world lias received endorsement. women to write licr for ad". ico* tft. Address, Lynn, Mass. feMWillKi MIJIUJ niiiiDO; 1 _ Engii'.es,*?Voi (1 ! 1 u orn, II II <'r 2 MilCllltiO- HIJ'l <>'b -i Vitclilovi), p Vnnuf-c'tar?*A by ;h > 2 Snlaui Iron U nrhi? Halru:, X.C. r THE SWIFT GREEK DAIRY All!) "7?? ? STCCK FARM \Y\ ' I \X^, .IB"! r ?A I- < III-: I1?,| Ihr.o I) y.''V. ,, I r\y number..f i: g. ii-nd \.'? < I / t_J V' iini JKK*I.\ HI I.I.N fi -S^f fjj A \ O III i K lis, a i fr.-in ^ ' > T[ (rr? nt Milk mi l Itii11 r loi'K 1! uf *o <1 kU ; ni?n l'?"i?T in cti?? South 1 Ii blfoil ??f flu* f -in -un -1 W?* Pop,*. s*. 1 jiinbrrt tind room h rn 1? -1 I???iai*?I t i.iDH f ;* alii * f% ta oil i f.f.1 .. ::.ii. ?i? ? ?. v<. % Each package of Tctxam F*r>t:i.f*s Dtr colors more goodj than nnv other <iyo and bokfes them better too. f-'ohl by all druggistj. The fellow who neglects golf to attend to business can never hope to be much of a player. A woman ru. v be hard of hearing anu till not be deaf to flattery nrnfnrM Cannot Re fitretl hv local application* as they cannot reii^v, diseased portion of the er.r. There in only one way to cure deafness. and that is l?v constitutional remedies. Deafness i* cruised l>v an infliimeil condition oT Mie mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed von have a rumbling sound or im*x'rroethes.rintj, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ton are caused by catarrh, whiob is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness fcanseM bv catarrh), that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars neiit free. F. .1. Ckknkv .V Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists. 7;"k\ Hall's Family Pills are tne best. Perhaps the reason Aj.ix dc'icd the lightning was because he had no mother-in-law to practice on. Rest for llie Rowel*. No matter what ails yon, headache to a cancer, yon will never get well until your bowels arc put right. Cahcahets help naturo, euro you without a gripe or pain, produco cany natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CasrAKETs Candy Cathartic, the genuine, jjut uji ... .... ..til uiuirk iim v.. v., V>. stamped on it. Bciture or imitation*. A woman never uuarrcU with herself unless as a last resource. itnlli era, I >i<l you ever use Ooohf. (Ii.kask I.inimfst for your little ones? Vou should never t>w without this romod\?it cures ull aches nuil pains. Two thousand of the 30,000 books on the French Revolution, which have been presented to the Blbllotheque Rationale by the British Museum, will be kept there. The remaining 28.000 will be sent to the Blbllotheque Sevigno. Sosc Good for Not Bad foi Sozoclont VoZodont Tooth Powder Large Liquid and Powde All store:. or by mail for the price. Samj rif ' iii Thousands liildr< n ill Worms. Svmptoins are sold ^ child's temperament aial upon the v * tines. lose no time! Adopt the saf * 11R. BOYKIIN'S U/ A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE D! Z IN USE OVER 30 YEARS AC MJ 25c BEST VERMIFUGE Kl * ^2 -5 3 2 * 2 a -9 3 2 i i J -3 2 2 *3 9 3 -3 3 2 -3 3 \yT: CI I F: CANCER AND TUMOR^i w ^Wc Ise NO Knife, NO Plaster. \, iri\<< iio pain, -lied i>m Mood \\ i' onto vein lli. CO It!'. Y??IT I"AY. Ho are ii (11udiialn <>I T\v > M'-illi'iil (IoIIckui \\ < want > <>u 1 r? :i l mir 1 aire ilook. We want tin-" "nil" In t??-? t in writing us We arc I>k. .1. Hn.i.s !?Asr !.. ltielimoud, Ya. \Y iii? u |><>sial In day l'< > r I'.mk l-'rw. SICK PEOPLE! My M"<li !?.< ? In-lp v. it or tuonoy rofuiulotl. V m 1-1 * it 111 I'll Im.for iinv l'?tin,2.rv por bottle Aiitl-Miiiitrlitl, I?-r Chills. Finer, X>'., 25'*. fvivl I'i i>, lor ili" (it D iiiul Wiah. 25". V ttlioo I'JH*?,f'ir ili" StoiiiMob noil I.ivor.25 iiitrnrn I'IIIh, for tlonstipntiuii, 25". S. C. I'RIliST, M. I)., Newark, Ohio. r HEAP SCHOLARSHIPS i Our"" lag" ? iu k i* greatly i nlarti'il ami 11 llll it ill' nt i new we ivi.l accept nllli'i work or i o ? ? lor tuition, pay railr ail fart*. I n fulfill t ho -p Immt, anil *ecur<J fanail(l na when ti rati at oil. I Ilia iilTio in luntlc only to it tew i r< in pucIi fount/ who apply tlr?t, ?u write iit. out'". Aildivat, ? ??1.( .11 ItM It I MM/.MOM.KGE, (<>i i u iti.%, < ; '. \VHT"""SIVIlllK (. I A II IMTKMIl V wr Wo want gen ?tri*ntjif.>r our Dull II ? Mirte II |% r|rr. ^ tn$Spfr.j?j i ? S- * *^^3B Miily niftdr Mciulu uil k IikIh of ar [ I Ml". ta. ?v?* >th!i?x wb??rr ' ~ ff'J v elenehftl r?v? t miiwnrn jmr '^P^tiTv r?*t'lAoliw ail ??thi*r rlrei ' ^ ir V/* 1" - -n r, in ?tAiiip? for hampU '* / ; N. I'tl* if'T mid b ?X <>f Klv^ts ami < ui I nionrj ni.*kl propu .J1 aliton.ilny direct from Krgrat iaan u'H't irera braiunllir tftrl. * . 0m' ,>*;* J 'in* .ira I \\ ? rl.* nvwrvlllr.Pa ^a ? *? ?1 ' f^?ajuj>?r uhm writing $900 TO $1500 A YEAR We want in1tlll(enl Mr:i and Women a< | Traveling Krpreieiilutives cr Local Managers salary J.oo to Hon a j er.r and all expenses, ! according to experience and ability W e alati < want local iepie??nt?ttves ealary %i> to fi.s a rreeU ntid cotnoiisrion. <*.ej ending upon the time devoted. Semi ?ia:nt> fo. full particnlarn uud la:- pcition prefeird. Add rent, Dept. 11. TTilS nr.LL COMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa. , ftSTHfcm-HAY.FEVER f : CURED BY i <* ? ATId taFT'C - t tit J - UJ - }-n?H TRIAL 30TTLE. Arrj.TAri 70 E !3Ct-5T..N.Y. CITY Or* /T* "3 V *>'w nTscovFRT: ?i** a V t O ? ?) i m r?l ?' ?nJ cjral w >r?' r . Mt U * of laatimin ? ? ?ii I I (I tin > a' trevitnnc tree- It U- * OdaXd ? d >od. Ao* d Atlanta. Ua i'lif Sauce Ihnt inni'.e \\ r?t runtnu* MclLHtNNYS TABASCO |l-? CJRtS tfHtfttAll. ILSt f AILS.ta ji V.,Tt Couiih fjnip. Taaioa Good. Use f*l ' ' ' . Thompson's Eye Wa?e Churches may bo hotter measured l\ their gifts than by their gains. I'lVo Hair?\ 1 "My hair was falling i?ut very ; p fast and I was grcatiy alarmed. I | \ then tried Aver's Hair Vigor and 1 my hair stopped falling at once."? | Mrs. G.'A. McVay, Alexandria, O. | ITne trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray i hairs arc beginning to , show, Aycr's Hair Vigor I will restore color every 9 time. {1.00 a bottle. All dnixtlil*. jsj If your drupe iat cannot aupply you, B aend'ua one dollar and wo will expreaa M H you a tiottle. lie auro mid pivo the u&mo {tj [1 of vour iic.irr?it ,xi>r^#(i oftH'e. AUdreea, I J.C. A YEU CO., Lowell, Mam. H lliizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from biliousness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. Aiid??wut?. - - i. - . . ~ 1 naiityour mumUnlie or hoard a boautllul brown or rich black ? Then u?e BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Whiskers I ' Good TeetJi lit 25c, vie for the postage, 3c. \ FACTS- I vu are I'Ctn^ gnawed to distraction by jij lont reliable. They depend ttpon the aricty of worms present in the intes- *\ e und sure course by using ^ WORM KILLER. ; ESTROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. J! ICEPT NONE BUT DR. BOYKIN'S. *iOWN SOLD EVERYWHERE. * i VjJ XL??f \ M?> jiAliK. ^ V 1 for Hole Than uQuarterof n Century The reputation of W. J3. Douglas $3.00 [ and s:i.50 t.hoe.1 for Btyla, eon.tort and \vo ?r haa excelled all other makes nohl at. 1 thrse prices. This excellent reputation baa been won by merit alone. W. 1.. Uouulu? shoes have to give better satisfaction thau oilier iilJ.OO and $3.50 shoes because bis reputation for the best SJ.OO urul S3.50 shoes must be maintained. Ihe standard I has always been placed so high that tho wearer receives more value for hi a money 1:1 the W. Li. Douglas S3.00 and ?3.50 I shoes than ho can get elsewhere. VV. Ii. Douglas sells more S3.00 and S3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers. 1 W, L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at anq price. ?. w ?># ?? anrj > i sfioot ara mtdo of the smmo hluh orado loalhmrm uood In $K and $0 uhnoa and nra /us/ its good. ' Hold by tho best nhoc dealers everywhere. Insist upon having \V. I,. l>oiighm shoe* | with naiue siul jirlii stamped on bottom* flow to Onlfr hy Moll.?If W. I.. Dnugla* | shoes are not sold In your town, send order direct to fs.'tory. Shoes S'lii any a hero on receipt of pries and IV.i f 1 -i 1 additional for carriage. Mr f "V custom drpsUmtrit will mats you a I pair that will equal and fa cuoB' . \ Coin made shoes, tn style. fit and ~.j\ wear, lake measurements of t ?.' t O. jpTv foot as shown on modal; stats V; '^^v. *tyl*d? sued; il/.? anrtwldth f. V^v usual: > rroin; ,'atn or t >*' a |V ctp toe; heavy, mert1 O, 0,'B <! Sv luni or light solas. ' [~B i^t^AIlt gus-aiitsed. - J Fftflt Co'or Ff^lfti j (ttlclAr fre#?. W. Is. Iloiaglhi, lirucklon, Nf.u, : 575 tn ^?AftPcrMont yl w IU ?P?v"Heiianl Premiums Free I Addre-a, SCOTT REMEDY CO. Louisville. Ky. t When yen write mention thlsiai>or. i Lifo of McKiniey by MuratHalstead lractlcully the only Mckinley hook In the field. for mtv one wiinis ths Malatt-ad IhkiIc and DuniliiriKOing like wlldflie: !Mi |wr rent, commission; which Is > .>>> per cent. profit for agents: I .Ik inonov for agents I wil l net quickly; outfit firs and they are now rsaly. i I AHK ? CO.. WlOUlk 4tn Street. Philadelphia. IstsW WB'lt epll CO of evsry description. BatP .i OUfLLvi ttfartlon Ousrsntsed, l^T I?w9!Sl Writs for prt. ss. JR8SK WAUDE.t - /U4e&wniht let n niirlM ' ISOZODONT for ths TEETH 26c