University of South Carolina Libraries
PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS, The TIDIES COMPANY. Subscription j>ri<%.o $1 per your. Correspondence 011 cnrrutjt subjects is . m ' iuvitod. but wo d*> not agroo to publish j I communications containing more than , I 8Q0 words, and no responsibility is as- ' mimed for tno views of correspondents. As fifU advertising niediuui for Chav- I Wf lotte. Pinovtlle, Fort Mill, and Rook V Hill tovMness houses The Times is unsur- j uewrd. Hates made known on applica fiou to the publisher. J^ocal Telephone No. 20. f OCTOBER 0, 1901. J [ TO OUR PATRONS. J ^ I Mr. Tlios. Withorn is author- A ( t izod to collnct and solicit sub- 4 <> scriptioiiH to The Times, and all (t 4 * accounts paid him will receive ^ I * proper crpdit at tips office. ? J I B. W. BRADFORD. J Borrowing Papers. The Titnes hns recently heard complaints from a number of its subscribers abput people borrowing their papers before they [ the ^ sucscribers] had read them. This practice, it is said, hus been going pn for some time ill the Pleasant. Valley section and to such an ex>tent as to sometimes cause the papers to bo lost or considerably tie. layed in reaching their destination, Sonic months ago this paper supported a certain gentleman for ; congress, cpntiniy to the will of a number of its Pleasant Valley subscribers and, for revenge, they decided to break up the paper, or lli litQui ii\ llAtUfAt i it 111 tlitkt ...w v ftvuoi' vvs uyj v^til t it ill tlldl' Hl'U" tioa by discontinuing thoir subMcriptions mid inducing others to do(likewise. But thpt tlioy wore unsuccessful is proven by the fact tljat wo are Htill here and eopjiiiue to circulate a goodly number of papers in the Pleasant Valley section. Failing in their efforts to squash the pappr and not possessed with enough manhood to renew their subscriptions, these very people? The Tifnes boycotters?are the ones who practice the borrowing -pro< esp. This is a ease of "whipping the dovil a roped the stump," and is pot only an imposition upon the Bubscriher who pay for the paper but also upon the publishers, who are supposed to furnish one paper one year to one address for one dollar. Our subscription hooks are open to all and we will be glad to pend the paper to each of these "borrowers," if they will only notify ub, and thereby out a stop this uncalled for imposition. r? Tt certainly looks as if the steel trust plight to add a little more water to its stock. The spectacle of this giguntic ''infant industry" showing a profit of nearly $">.r>.000,OtK) on the six months' business just ended and that, notwithstanding, it was during that time the great strike occurrpd, is not one that is likely to prove of benolit tp the Republican pfipty. * * The Schley Court of Inquiry proceeds steadily and with no sensational features, For the third time death has effected the court, tlpi last time necessitating the temjiornry absence of Judge-Advocate Lemley who was called sway to atb'iid the funeral of his sister in North Carolinn. t + * Colonel Wy)ie Jones has withdrawn from the race for \fpMpd States Senntor in favor of General "Wade Hampton and has suggested in an interview that other candidates do likewise. i l ? Regardless of the decision of the court of inquiry, Admiral Schley will at ill bo considered, by every trqa Southerner, tl?e bofoof Santiago harbor. J "* t ? The Newberry Herald and News, wbioh b?d arranged to start a daily edition, now announces that tbe enterprise is off for the present on account of failure to secure a telegraphic news aervice at a satisfactory rate. f Historian MeClay s book may peed some revising when the ttclilcy Court of Inquiry adjourns, j 4~ 4 tho caption The Twer/' the following appears in the Spartjuuhurg F>ee Lance of last j Friday: The. papers published at Charlotte and Abbeville have a lazy, ag- I gravating habit of mentioning peo- ; pie from this state. "Mr. .John Jones of South Carolina is here," 1 "Miss Alice Smith left yesterday for South Carolina." These are samples. It boons to be the idea that South Carolina is so mo little locality down tho railroad fixm which people occasionally slip off . to Charlottoand Asheville to spend 1 money, not having any town at i home in which to spend it. I see \ no reason why, if the Tarheel rule is followed, theJSpartanbuig news- . paper men can't say that "J. W. i Alexander and E. P. McKissick of the United States arc in the city." Important Elections. The State. At the next session of the general assembly theio will be a number of important elections. The terms j of six members of the circuit bench expire within the year 11K)2. The ' term of Hon. Ira B. .Tones assoc. i- i ate justice of the supreme court, i expires .July 13, l(.H)2. The followtn^ circuit judges' terms expire; K. C. Watts ami J. O. lvlutrh, Feb. I t; W. C. lienct and Jas. Aldrich, Feb. 1<?; Geo. W. Gage, Feb. 15, and O. W. Buchanan, Dec. 8th. It is said that Judge Buchanan will not stand for re-election. The commissioner and the throe directors of the State dispensary ami the trustees of the Slate colleges will be elected at this session. The chairman of the dispensary boind is e.octed by the senate, the other two members by the house,. ? - Head This to Your Boy. Every part nt who has a son knows that tit a certain lender aye hum h'r n ll|l Mini 111 II11 I |]l lt*(l . Messrs, Fronk McArvor ami Bel Jenkins from time to time have been killing then) as they have able tp get within gunshot range I of the wild canines, until now only about two remain. These dogs lived in uwampH ami fields. They had deep dene of refuse burrowed out in tb*' swamps, where they had comfortable and romantic domestic headquarters under ground. In ! summer they lay under the thick ; cotton and peas and other growing crops. At night they chased the hare and prowled about the neighbor's premises, but they were seldom to lie seen by day-? Oastonia Gazette. The Parish hotel at Vorkville was totally dest loyod by lire Monday morning. Loss estimated at $10,<>OJ, with insurance. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Short IUej of Mere cr Less Irtorcs Grouped for Timet Readers. Hon. O. (i. Dnutzler. of Orangeburg, will bo a candidate before the general assembly for judge of that circuit Mr. John Baker, a piano tijner from Asheville, died in Camden la?t Wednesday from the effects of a fall from the upper story piazza about I o'clock in the morning. A Chigao young woman ariived in Columbian few days ago with a deiief that she was soon to be the wife of a young man in that city with whom ahe had been corresponding for some time. When she arriyed no lover met her at the station, so ahe drove to the street address given in a letter from him, which proved to be in a squalid negro settlement. Then the truth dawned upon her. Her fiance had been using an assumed name and she had been made a fool of. A very 8>i(l story conies from Kershaw county. Two brothers, Foster J. and John I. Marshall, aged 21 and 23 years, have been sick with typhoid fever, and on Monday night last after days and weeks of languishing, one of them (lied and in about 12 hours the other died also and they were buried in the same grave.' Within past three years the family has lost seven of its members, A shortage $282 was found in the books of Dispenser Stevenson of Winnsboro, last week, but he i immediately went to Columbia and adjusted the same with the State board. The next day, the clerk, an unbonded otlieer. was discharged, dud Dispenser Stevenson is run| ning the dit-pensary alone. The store and stock of goods of 'J no (r. Cousar & Co., at Bacouiville. were destroyed by tire last Thursday night at 11 o'clock. I This is the third time within the past three years that these gentlemen have been burned out?and each time after a full line of new goods had been installed. Tue loss was est imated at $<?.(X)0, with insurance to the amount of $-1,200. The board of commissioners of Shiirtunltnnr tn limt v lmv*? f*. i '- - ? j .w^vv. ,v. i issue $50,000 1 per cent bonds to bo dated January 1, 1002, and will mature in twenty years, the interest paynb'e semi-annually. This new issue is made to rotito an issue of $75,000 bonds voted some lb years ago by tin* county for the Greenwood, Laurens and Spartanlmrg railway. These bonds, which are to h? retired, have been bearing 7 per cent. This action of the board will result in a decrease of the bonded debt of the county of $25,000. Post master J. C. Robinson, of Cowpens. is under $1 ,OtH) bond for violation of section 1040 of the iub i iia! revenue laws. The charge is making colleetions by means of a money order sent from I'nion to Gow pens by T. (1. Narramore to bis wife. Robinson claimed that Narramore owed him a sum of money and he is said to have deducted the amount from the money order before turning the money over to Mrs. Narramore. There was an attempted robbery of the bank of Georgetown Thursday morning at 5 o'clock by negro burglars, who secured only St. They escaped, after being tired at i five times. It is stated that Senator Tillman's eye is almost well, ami | would have been all right, sooner had he strictly obeyed his physician's advice not to use it in reading. It is stated also that he has accepted a large number of invita* i tions in various States to make addresses this fall and thnt he will leave about the |2th of this month an his tour. t 11 ..a vt rn c * % ? .-MiKM i ii. terry tor mnnms has | been courting Mrs. Sarah Rivera Smith ,who is 20 and pretty, in Mill Creek, Hampton county. She has boon widow for four years, i Mrs. Smith repeatedly refused the : young man. Hc^ot near iter in church and as the coimrenation wns ! leaving told her that if she did not promise to marry him lie would I shoot her. He seized her froin bohind. Mrs. Smith broke away and fled down tho aisle. Terry tired several times and flod from the 1 church, lie rode a mile away and then sent a bullet through his body, inflicting a fatal wound. Mrs, Smith was shot through tho back and will die. A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. C-ollier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It oatne through bin kidnev? If... b ?? J W..V n ao lame he could not etonp without profit pain, nor nit in a chair except propped hy cushions. No remedy hel|H'd him until he tried Electric Hitters which effected such a wonderful change that ho writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures headache and kidney trouldo, purities the hlond and builds up your health. Only ~>U< at Meaehaui's Drug Store. thai tx>y will try to learn to smoke, lit* will probably begin on coin bilk, dried grape leaves or "rabbit tobacco." iJ111 be sure lie will begin on something. These things are dangerous. At Phillipsburg, New .Jersey, this week the two young sons of Mr. and Mrs. .Jasper Beenmn died after a peculiar illness during which their mouths and throats became so inflamed that medical aid was of no avail. I The attending physician, J>r. d. Reese, issued certificates giving the cause of death as blood poison| ing, resulting from Hinoking corn silk and dried leaves of grape vines. The lads who were ten and fourteen years old, were ill less than a wools.? Atlanta New-. Advice to Correspondents. In announcing a marriage it is not noees ary to say that the. in! toresting event occurred at the home of the bride's parents. You j might as well say that it was not a : runaway match. In writing the death of anyone, ' it i-< not necessary to say, that his sons and daughters 'were left to mourn his loss.' They may have i heeii left f< - other purposes. At I any rate the expression is stern | typed, useless and about worn out. In announcing the dentil of a young person it is not necessary to say, he, or she, was a son, or a daughtor,of "Mr. and Mrs.' John Smith. In a Christum land, and in polite society it is not usually necessary to certify to the maternity of John Smith's sons or daughters. In announcing any event, the correspondent's grief or gladness need not be referred to. It may he permissable to mention a fact as to the joy or sorrow of a community. hut the. personal feeling of any individual is not of public ' interest.?Abbeville Press and ! Banner. ?? ? Wild Dogi. For two or three years there has beon a colony of wild dogs on Craig & Wilson's farm oast of (iastonin. The colony descended from a homeless female dog which took refuge on the farm something over two years ngo. She produced a litter of pups and these 9 f A Communication. Sept. 28.?Mr. Editor: I .-iw a F state.nent i.t your paper some time I in August, that Mr. \V. II. Windle ! ; had a field of cotton tlint he would i probably make three bales of o?t-|g i ton y?*r acre. 1 have passed along i i the road several times since seeing I is your statement hut cannot find I w the field that will make so muchly ' cotton. He has two acres right ^ above his gin house which, with , a favorable fall, might make a lit- 1>< I tie over a bale per acre, but he ^ I has as much on the opposite side ft] t of the gin house that it will take n, six or seven acres to make a bale, tt j Then, what about the 30 or 40 i acres that won't make any at all, | so the average will run very low. u I My object in writing this is to I VllinW tllllt if iu n llliatak.i nl?nn? ? 1J .. ...- .v ?* Miioinnu nuuut n ' " , ! big cotton crop in tliis neighbor. ?' hood. " I heard a one-horse farmer say 01 he would not make more than one Hx bale. He lives within a mile of Jt Mr. Windle. I don't know what about one of hie 4-liorse neighbor farmorH. A Friend. | The above communication was _ received on Tuesday of last week, but too late for publication.? Ed. J ^ , Whet's Your Feco Worth? V Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a : jaundiced look, moth patches and * blotches on the skin,-all sisjns of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Rills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion, j ()nly 25 cents at Mcachum's Drug Store. ' The round trip fare from Fort j Mill to Columbia during the State Fair will be $.*>.17. which includes Mumikhioi) id mi' tan- u; rounds. iV%V^%VW%VW^ A IVIeat Market A N D It EST A UR ANT. I 1 ! At which reasonable prices pre- v dominate has at last been ?stall- l( | lished in the -lonos building, cm | c (Main street, whore the choeest jc BEEF, POUK ami SAL'S AC IE IJ I can he had at any time. a A first-class restaurant and lunch 1 counter will ho run in connect ion ' with the market. Fresh Fish. x Oystere, unci nil other eatables to he found on tins market will be served each day in 1l?e week. W. K DEATON. The Charlotte Observer1 Ninth Carolina's Foremost Newppaper. Hipper and more attractive tlio 11 ever. | it is an invaluable visitor to the home, the ottlce, tlie elut? or the work room. THE OBSERVER | Contains all the news of the world. ^ I Has the Associated Fics.% Dispatches; I special correspondents at the State and i National Capitals and an ojqierieneod j ! corps of correspondents throughout the x State. J The Daily Observer ?ew,"f8y' Is per annum; $1 for six months; y, '2 for three months. \ jTh^ Semi-Werkly Observer, A perfect family journal. All tl\e j > news of the times. Only f) per j \ annum. j > Sample Copies pf Either npon Application THE CHARLOTTE OKSEKVIjK. Charlotte, N. C. IF ' VOIT ARK IN BUSINESS IN THIS < SECTION AN ADVER- i TISEMKNT ? IN THE I . Tl M1.V JJIJ WILL PAY voir ] If AND- 1 {SUM ELY, ( THY * IT. W / AN ORD1N ixiiij* tho Lovy hi id Pro\|iHing for the Collection of Projiorty 'ltnxee in the I Town of Port Mill, S. C. \ He it ordained l?y the inty-ndaut and ud wardens o the town on Fort Mill, . O., and by authority of tAe same See. 1. That two million 1 the dollar i hereby levied on all taxabu? property ithin the corporate limits Off Fort Mill, ' . C.. on January 1, 1901, life and the ; nue iw hereby made, for ortf j,mry pur- I ases. \ Sec. 2. That said taxes shai] b? and ! scoino due and payable on \ the 15th , nv of October, 11)01, at tlio. office of1 . M. Spratt, secretary and (treasurer, ' ud tho treasurer's books shall' be oi*ei u that date for tho collection of said i\es, and tin* same may lie t?a>i,l Up to ; iul including the 1st day of NoyCinber, : till, after which date said tax,(,s may a pad with 20 per cent penalty added , ntil the loth day of November, 190I. Sec. a. That on and after November 5th, 1901, executions will be iH?n(Mi for II delinquents for tho full amount of ixes due together with tho twenty per snt penalty and all costs, inc]nding ue dollar cost for every oxecutiOI1 is. ied by tho treasurer. jm 111(9 mm ninneci in council a^^m. led this itith day of September. I901. J . \Y. Mi \5fi-Y, Attest: Intoiida^^ J. M. Senatt, See'v. and Treas. Call 011 or write the ]ROWN SALOOV, FOR 'INK WINKS, LIQUORS, ETc. OLP NORTH CAROLINA EAGLE CORN WHISKEY A SPECIALTY. . M. WOODS1DE & CO., PllOlM. Queen City 'Phone 2(V,?. 1 W. Trade St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. nrmi A u; ft v Like Your in payment of laundry work loft in nir care, hut wo strive as well for your ipprobutiou. Our aim is to wash slothes clean, iron shirts, collars and lull's to your liking (wo mean by that mdished or domestic finish), and geiier- i illv to all'ord you the best satisfaction , it prices coin inciisiira to withstood work, < nit still cheap. The jierfeet work \ >f the Model Steam T.aundrv, Charlotte, ; V. I'., all the time at short prices has yon the general favor of good dressers. j Shipments made Wednesday evening. El). E. McEluanky, Acknt Fort Mill, S. C. | J. U. Traywick & Co., hv. at w.n? txt FINE LIQOOIIS AND WINES, No. 42 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C. ' J, pruuiptir procured. OR NO FU Hund piodrl. akcUh. A; Vor Lhtilo for fr*o reported puteDtubllit*. Rook "Hen Vy J. tuObUipl'.Q i??4 Forelgu I'atenteaiiiiTnulo.Marke.' A v rin v?i ro|t term* ever offered to iuveutor* . ($> UrATfcJfT LAW VERS Of 3? TEARS' PRACTICE $ ? 20 000 PATENTS PROCUREO THROUGH tHEM. CP U All buliuaa* OontlilcnUal. bound ftimo*. Faithful ft glMTYtM. Mfrlrntt* oharpua fV |TC? a, snow & co.f i e SATENT LAWYERS, ft ^ Qpp. U. St Pat?nt Office. . WASHINGTON, D. C.^ ULD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. MEAL, FLOUlt and I Your attention is called to the First that we guarantee satjpfai :orn and wheat. Our capacity is 1 wheat per day. Second, that wo buy ear corn, f ty; and sell flour, meal, crrfshed ?u Mings and all up 11 products at lowt ROCK HILL Rl Don't make the Mi Of your life by going to the wi 11KK SI lor, where yon will find eady to servo you. Our patrons n >f holes, rips, cuts and fringes. \V ihavc. Cull ut third door of Hunk carothe; In Hoc Si^no Vixices. n>i. ? _: L'.L _l nc sign which means most in the business world of today is the sign of business judgment and good taste shown in printing. Ours is the right kind. It gives character to your business announcement. Our printing stands for us and for you, R, M. LONDON, Rock Hill, S. C. FOK GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CAM. ON* OR WHITE TO av, ir. iioover, CIIAItMIITB, N. C. dr. j. l. spratt, SUltt.EON DENTJS"?. Office in Jonc.s building, Muiu Street, I'ort Mill, S. C. Terms, strictly cash. 1 ' HE NEW YORK VYMRLD. Thrice D^fAi? - UUIIIUII* I1!') Most Widely Read Njewapaper in America. i Tine has demonstrated thy* t'10 Thri(?-a-Week World stands alio?* m its <*\sa. Other palters have iiJrit??ted its fi-iu but not its sucuen. Thil* is bocausiit tolls all tl?e Mows all thy time and tiiH it, impact ially, whetlnpr that news >e political or otherwise. I? in fact a nost a daily at the priot# of a wookl and you cannot affurd jto tbo WitllOV; jt. ' ''1 ltopi >1 icmi and Democrat aliky can road th Thrice-a-Week World wif?h absolute <ou.ic*nC0 i|i its *** tti-ii* In addition,,- news, it publishes firstclass serial sttWios and other suited to the home and tireside. The Thrice a-Week World's re^i^r subscription price is only $1.00 l>eryWir and this piiys for inti impure. We jffer this unt?a?|ualled newspaper and the Fort Mill Times together one year for $1 The regular subscription pi'ice ol the two papers is $2.00. mm Repeaters i. iVd i Vt J are the otiiiwl ??M I t? . . * At\J ill top and side ejector*, f^rv V ? ? 1 Jr I This feature forms * I 11 K., . ? Amm solid shield of metal 1 1:1 If ^ ' u'cBai between the shooters I VtSWTi head and the cartndre 1 '# 1 {?<! at all times, throws the I k I r OAJ empties ?.way from him I instead of into his face, I l? J| .wW prevents anioke and II I ' Ah eases Irotn entering his II I M* eves and lunaa- and the lino oirfjht | MARUN action smoothly. making very little noise. Our new automatic ^recoil^operAmiCe. 1 New Have*, Conn. ?EED. following facts:? ution in grinding, i\nd exchanging 50 bushels corn and 250 bushels diell corn, and wheat of good quak id crocked corn, whcnt hm?wl ml<l J .? ??MU^ at market prioe, Quality best. 3LLER MILLS. Lstajke ou% place. Visit the CITY 15 ARn eorpa of white barbers always oyer K" away with their faces full e beautify the face With an easy 1 Building, facing railroad. RS & SON, I