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I k i . VIII.. X. THE IBM'S GUP STAYS |h Coinnibin's Thr<e'Straieh' Victories in r. Series of thrilling Rac^:. UPTON GREATLY DISAPPOINTED In Hip ( (inltrt lti? Shiinrnrk l'rntx !]??? llrrmilcr "?y Twn Stromls, Ilut 11*? Calllliiltln tVI?? nn Time Allnu;*nre ? Thr t'Hiillen;rr tli?> lloftt Gout IZrrr Sent Atro.xx .lie (lceaii. new t ork city.?America':: Cup. the badge or national supremacy in shipbuilding and in seamanship. will remain on ilie pedestal where it was placed half a century ago l?y the cleverness of an American skipper ami an \ 'Americau crew who crossed the ocean ^ to win it. Tie latest and the fairest ami the most sportsmanlike challenger .who lias ever attempted to recapture tile trophy was defeated in tli< third race of the k -ries of the best three iu live, Columbia. the defender, ll.vitig the colors of Commodore K. i >. Morgan. won over Shamrock II.. dying the colors of. Sir Tltomas ldptoii, by forty-one seconds on time allowance. Crossing the line, boat for boat. Shamrock defeated Columbia by two seconds in the thirty-mile race to leeward and return. There whs the usual manoeuvring for position at the start, the Columbia getting a hit the Worst of the game, crossing the line thirteen seconds ahead of the Shamrock, and t here fore giving her rival the coveted opportunity of blanketing the leader, and which the Shamrock was not slow iu using. Then ensued a lulling match. Captain Sycamore endeavoring to keep the Sliumrock dead astern of the Columbia, and that vessel striving to get clear of the blanketing of the Shamrock. The challenger's greater sail area soon began t<? tell, and gradually sin v lessened .he distance between herself and the tlying leader. With 'varying fortunes the twi fought it* out to si. outer mark, tirs one and .then or forging alien' to the *'roshevlng o. the sternwar' wind. '\?ari?g the mark the Shan" rock tin .>v considerably in the lea' jiiiii. lai ;;!i^ in iml'-iMii jin and spi1 linker she swim;,' around the polir? found. 4is ilie Columbia followed I1'1' around. _ ,hat she i:siil gained on?? u "* me undi four see mils Tn the run dov,; til:' wit id and that she had then ,ul six see- ,uds of lime allowance to nor" come i |, the rhresli to windward. The : mrugglc then was mainly u ,al* tie of skippers, and a right g'tid struggle it was. The thousands o ae:i borne :;curslonists knew of thu seeoue.* of tini allowauee wide! *be Shunnloek must uow over eon' 'u orderjj, t<< win the event. The ColnJh!u iu1Iipi*',?,-s K1 " of the slint 4l(' " of th watched mo> to see. if tli?y eouhl. one litilc .-mud's gain Of lc* Ait*l as the two. al ter uiiihertick*. tinall.v drew near the Sandy i oolc l.'g'mship. which marked the tin p. i of th" race, .it" t Vlnmhkt hackers aw xv it a lira/is in their mouths that 'bo Slinin/oc! w:i: marly on even ferii'" wiili the former, llie two hctng seai ''ly ;t length apart. lengths counted then, hut the dofen lor. though sailed with all the ski' that (' plain I'.arr is eanahle of. M not ovcrtak > the Shamrock's nutl hi ill.- hitter struggle ttiat followed th<> challenger finally slagOver the line with a lead of hut Utile leys than her own length end )vo seconds in lime. This, substrnet# ,M from the forty-three seconds which ?ic Shamrock allows the Columbia, give the victory to the defender l?y a ,. ose margin of forty-one seconds. The cup was saved, hut there was nothing to haast of. In Shamrock the American champion had found a com< etitor which cnljed' for her most j trcnuous efforts. Shamrock II. is without douht the ablest yacht ever sent to try for the fanlous cup. and her work will he renumbered with admiration by every lover of yachting sport. As it standi! Columbia beat her in throe races, covering n total dis tance of ninety ndleo, by a total of three niiuutos and twenty-seven seconds actual tithe and flrve minutes and thirty-six seconds corrected time. A few years ago the total amount of the victory would have been regarded as very satisfactory for one race of the series. "I a in a disappointed man," said Sir Thomas l.ipton. at Sandy Hook, after the race. "My Inst hopes have been shattered. Until within tifteeu minutes of the iinish of the race in the heat to windward I would have staked my life that the Shamrock II. would have crossed the line victor. "I was terribly; disappointed, for naturally nil my .confidence in the Shamrock had ledf me to centre my hopes in ilds third race. With two against us success or ?.v?>n im-ii. eontesi depended on winning t<> day' liuc. :in event of which 1 felt eertaln throughout ihe move than lour hours of the rare until thai last sudden ehange. 't was enough to take the I tenia out of any man. However. I would rat her re;.tin the i rieudsoip and respeet of the Aiuet iean people than lift that eup. and what tliat means you must know. "In regard to the eontest for the w Ameriea's Cut) I feci that the Shamvoek put t?' a good tight, a I>i?ttor tight 11 in it has any other hunt that ever crossed with Intent to take hack the cup. I believe the rnep to-..ay was the closest, especially at the finish. of any ever sailed In these contests. We brought over onr best and did ottr hear. There is little else to say. I > i i XEJTl "Whether j ^ shall ever challenge ! again it Is tpu early to s;'iv. } do not I know what) * may do in that regard or what wif' he done with tlio Shamrook I!., h*'1 't is not true that slio wii! rem ait? here to race next spring." dymam>t? wrecker killed. i <!' Hi ilied ? ? '! ? ColUn :?* tlio Mail Who Lit tlio l*u?o. Chicago?The funeral services over Thomas Brow were interrupted in order that the body might be identified as oue of the conspirators in the wrecking hy dynamite of the. Heldmaier &- Kdgewor. t stone yards six weeks a**?- The identification releases an innoL*rnt man. who was locked up in the cbtmty jail. Franl4 Hardy, who has turned State's evident*0- ?uade the identilieation. A p. proaehhtg the eotlin. Hardy said: "That body is of tlie mau they called 'Lou.' nctl he lit the fuse at the stone yards. Bro*'8 death adds a new phase . f mystc'T to the ease. He arrived la ChienR? suffering from severe injuries to hi" AVhile being taken home in the polti'e a 'lance lie became uheonsc,ou* iU1<* ' :x ^eU hour:; later. Uuilnex Falluris For o Work. Business failures during the past week, according to 11. G. Dun A: Co.. uuoibered 11-7 in the United States atu. thirty-one in Canada, against 1104 in this country and eighteen in Can JUlii during the corresponding week last year. /tertnuu Foi??ter Kills Two I'onclters. Ten poachers attacked Forester lyvrsch in a forest near Sagan. Gerniatiy. He killed two and wounded tiirec. The others tied. Kersch was Jlghtly wounded. So Ktamu For Cit.v o( Trenton IXkiiHtrr. At Philadelphia the Coroner's jury which investigated the explosion of tue port boiler of the steamboat City of Trenton in the Delaware lliver on August US. which resulted in the death of twenty-four persons, was unable to charge criminal neglect on the part of any of ihose who const met cd the boiler or who operated the beat. Soil of l'resident Kruser tlrail, Tjaardt Kruger, a son of the loriner President of the Transvaal, who recently surrendered to the British, lias Jnsi died at Pretoria after a short illness. Nuvy NitiIk "(Kill >civ Moll. Two thousand enlist ed men are wanted by the Navy to brin^ tin* strength up to tlie loll limit authorized by law. The Navy requires matiy of these sailors this winter in order to place ill eottiinlssion the la rite lleet of j torpedo-boat destroyers now nearly completed. Nmv Companies of Coast Artillery* Orders will soon be Psued by l.ieuj tenant ?b-nerr.I .Miles to provide lor ; the addition of ten companies of coast J artillery. liUlior World. The ' .1 strike cost :j*J."?.0!)0.000. ??\ i r _'."i i.oii:i miners are required to j prodv.i the world's supply til eutll. The job euinpositor of to day ocrtli pies a higher plane a eraftsmati ! than he lots over held i:i the witole j course bis e.xistt Ute. The strike of velvet shearers at CreI feld, which had been in progress lor j eiu'tt weeks, has elided, the nit it r? j sniuin;^ work tiueoudiitonally. The condition of women ami eiiil ; tlrelt employed in Ohio Iceboats will I ne invesiictatetl by a special act nt to the State l.ahor Comiuis-ion. I RAMS' HORN BLASTS r'^i^7 I a statue but a I ^ chisel. y S~~~\ selfish look vi^7*\ 'eat's a sinful / **od helps thoic i ja?y** who help others. IXyMStTvi Great d i d., are IfoStI \\ *yffor achieved 111 the kvjr \ y) heart first. We lighten our Lp\V~Vwirf own loads when ? 1% ? * we lift others. Men w ill trust the church that really trusts God. No man lives honestly till he has seen God openly. The best way to hide God is to try to analyze Him. AH the rivers that bless the w rid have their rise in God. The man who prevails with God will not fail with men. Manhood and manner are mote t > a sermon than matter. Win n a man's honesty is only prole; ted by a policy it will be held at a premium. Go I docs not waste time weigh in: worthless men. Many paupers are made by att mp to relieve poverty. Men will not freeze to yon becan e you are < old-lx urtcd. Sacrifice is the price that love pays for the privilege of serv The only iv .1 who can bc.i i'i weight of l' " wo: Id s s'n is he wli >:n it 1, lids in prayer. Holiness is the secret of all sacred things. Tt divinity of the church is n >t demonstrated by the dignity of the I preacher. In the arctic regions gr> at forests of willow trees thrive, but never reach a height ol more than six inches. OUT MILL, S. (J., WEI ALARM AT BOER AGTIV1TV Brit:*. . Government Awakening to the South African Situation. HUbt MKIYIY UN lilt L) t f t N 51V t I'reuli Troop* Aro lo llrplnrc CciktrI UHchrnrr'i EilinuRtfil .Mm ? llrltlili I.our Over Thirty Killed in Itrpcllinc nil Attack on tlm Cntnp at Murdnrlll ?Colonel Kekewiclt Now Wounded. "London.-"For months past we have been told.*' says ihp Dally Orapliie. "that if thp Doers would only abandon tlipir plus!vp taptics and conip to close quarters wo should sop what wp should spp. Thp l'.oors have takpti us at our word, ami Hip results are certainly not encouraging." Thp chorus of dissatisfaction with the inertia of thp tioverninent is daily gathering forcp. Winston Churchill. M. 1'.. speaking In Oldliani. described the situation in South Africa as "serious and disquiet in;;." lie said tlio war could not bp ended by procluma lions or tiircais. but only by vigorous military operations. The Daily Mail and the Daily Chronicle comment upon the fact that the huge Kritish army is seemingly only able to reinain on the defensive. It is believed that the Hovcrntncnt at last recognizes the necessity of meeting the renewed Doer activity. 1*reparations are being made to replace Heneral Kitchener's exhausted men liv fresh ilntl'ic \ n e..^ been issued making it impossible to obtain discharge l?y purchase from any of tin* army reserves. scot ions of which arc being prepared for mobilisation. There is further ov'nlonoo of the seriousness of tlie situation in Cape Col* ony. Mocdwill. the scene of the bob I | attack by Commandant lielarcy ?>n Colonel KeUcwieli's camp. ir seventylive iiiilos west of Pretoria and fifteen west of Kuss? n bur jr. tumoral Kitchener reported tliat two otiieors and thirty-one men have bfen killed in an attack on Colonel Kekewlelfs eatnp. The liners, who were under Conmiandants Ilelarey ami Keuip. had fourteen oflieers and lit men wounded, after two hours' night fisrlltilljr. when tlie liners were driven off. Coleucl Kckcwich was among the wounded. The liners are reported to have been lOtirt strong. tteueral Kitcnener. in liis dispatch. said the Ilritish repelh *1 the attack with great vijror. Colon I Kekewicli was slightly wounded in two places. He said that all ranks behaved extrenielj well. General Kitehcner eonlinnod the heavy losses of tlie Heers. abi.n; 'JutI killed and ."iOo wounded, in their at tack on Port Itala ami Port Prospect. He said the guns recently captured at \ l.ikfouteiti have been recovered from 1st? l'oers. A mixed column tun! r tumoral Kit. honor, the ConMiiandcr iii-Phief's broliter, has !>\m sent to relieve, presumably. Natal from Commandant tumoral Kotlia's forces. It lias reached V rylteid. PURSUING TROOPS CARRY PIANOS. Hitrhrnrr Fimts Out Wlir 11 iColumn.* Itim't Cati'li ItiM'rs, London. Perliaps t>ne of the reasons tiiat the lirirish. who are so l'retpieutly reported as being i:t pursuit, fttil t<? overtake tlie I'.oers in South Africa is found in a remarkable army order issued by Lord Kitchener, as follows: "The commander-in-chief lit Soul It Africa desires to impress otiieors in command of mobile columns that Mm object of such columns is mobility, and that be lias learned that such forces carry with them furniture, kitchen rauges. pianos and harmoniums, which uullfy that object. These articles must be banded over to the nearest stores." CAVE DIRTH TO QUADRUPLETS. s?nif Woman the 31otlt?*r of Triplets and Two of Twin*. Chicago. Joseph If. Orinsby. who for three years has been trying to solve th?' problem of perpetual motion, recently parted from his wife. A few days ago. at her home, a little frame cottage, whieli is used as a grocery ami a dwelling. .Mrs. Orinsby became the mother of three boys and n girl. The children are small, but perfect in form and there is an excellent prospect of their living if they receive the proper care. Kind neighbors have taken charge of the household. Mrs. Ormsby twice has been the mother of twins and once of triplets, 'ihree other children were born, making fourteen in nine years. ?S,too,-101 Colnctl Daring September. The monthly statement of the Oireeio" Ml tlte Mint sltows lit' total coinage c.\et irtad in the mints of lit - C'nii d States during September,1 t. it) 1, as follows: Mold. tf-l. lott, ITT; salver, $d,s!?tt,.YJ!; minor coin, $ll?u,7uu. ?.; ii. Sji.iln. \Yitlos*preltd devastation lias been ?ausnl l?y licud* in the districts <?t Sail I'andilioii ami I.lobiegai. Spain. Cottages have It t'li swept away ami whole villages are Inundated. Connect lent Doctor ItniHiiiil. V.'ord lias been received in Collilisville. Conn., telling of the drowning 01 Dr. li. W. Mct'lero, of thai place, at .lat'Utnan, Me. Dr. Mcl'Iere was thirty live years old and unuiarricd. v 'r: ? - :? >-rs ' / : ... - /. _____ ?. ~ ^ ,L T )NESDAY, OCT O HER LAUNCHED AT BATH, ME. Tna Crv.icer Cleveland Christened by Miss Ruth Ha.tna. Onr of the Six Slicntlirrt, I'rolor-tr.l War[ hI?IAutliori/.-il l>> CoKcroBS?l.:irs<'?" (joTcrnr.ient Vi-jfpl limit In Maine. Tlnth, Me.?The I'nited States cruiser Cleveland Mas successfully launched at the yards of the Hath Iron Works, in the christonine party were Miss Uttth Uanna. her father. Senator Ilanua. and Senators Frye ami llale. atul Representative I.itilelleld. of Maine. ar uio stroke or the noon liotir Misr Ilnnua. with n daintily mounted silver hateliet. cut the cords, releasing the keyshore*. As the 1?iir craft began t> move she broke :t bottle of American champagne over the how. christening the cruiser Cleveland Whistles and i>ells saluted the vessel .'is she touched the water. At the conclusion of the iamicliintr a luuclieon was served by the builders. The Cleveland is olio of the six sheathed, protected cruisers, the construction of which war authorized by Congress in March. 1S'.?:?. Her length of water line is feet, over all length .TJX feet inches, mean draft in normal condition. l."? feet !> inches and displnecuic'U h'Jnd tints. Her required speed is n;c. knots an hour. Her hotI torn is sheathed with hard pine, covered with copper, as a precaution against the r.ceunmlaih-n of barnacles. I lor engines aggregate .|."hit horse power and iter coal capacity is 7<?? tons. The armament will consist of vi main battery of ten live-inch guns and an auxiliary battery of eight sixpounders. t wo one-pound guns and four Colt nuiehir.i guns, she is the largest CnvcriiuicUi vessel ever constructed in i j Mai tie. SI3TER AND SUITOR KILLED. Angry ttrotlirr >li:iilcr? Two Willi lluti-liot anil I'litut. P> '.'ol i. Mo. William Civr.Ii 11 lias ! trade a confession to Prosecuting At | t irucy Williams, in which lie sa> - that ' his brother. Daniel Dt'cctihill. kill d j their sister. Mrs. Sadie iron. and her r.uitor, .lolin Melny. The eon""ssion says that the hrmh! era ih.leeted to Meloy's ate anion t<? i their sister heeattse lie was a septal : thrift and wanted in marry Mrs. I'mn I heeattse she was wealthy. I t n the i ijiht <d" the nntrder Daniel entered Mrs. I ron's room and found j the woman sitting on Meloy's lap. In j a tit i f r.tue tlreenhill s robbed a 1 hatoliet and sank ii llrsi into th?> skull I ? f Meloy. after which he hraiued his sister. Ho then look a revolver front Meloy's pockets and tired into the wounds lie had inflicted with the i hatchet. I After the eettfesslon t'aliti Andtvws j wna arrested as an ncoe.-. ory and as a I witness to th- murder. The < liven hills an 1 Andrews arc heavili guarded j a^aiitst any :i11 >111 i>t at lyiichintr. tin* j r<vli?n; against theni I . r? beint," it: j tell St!. MONTH'S SURPLUS SI2.I23.6GG. War IJcpailment I'.x it iir<-> I'i.II AliuuM MiS.OOO.OOt. Y/axhiiigton. 1 >. C T1 n? i >? !?." statement of the (rnniciit receipts nml ? \p ndituros shows tie:: for Sente:nber t lie receipts nmoii u: i><1 to S M.-lo*. l'S2. ami I he expend:: arcs S:vj. ! olO.TI'lJ. leaving a surplus lor llio luonlli of Sl?.1"JJt.(lS?}. Tin* decrease in expenditures in the War i lepart meat aloiio is almost The i< ceipls by items arc driven as follows: Customs. $lP.H5(M>Kt. decrease as compared with September, l'.mo. S.Tltt. (Mio; internal revenue. .fJ'J.t'l.'l.ori:!: de crease. S'J'.t I.TiOO; miscella neons, S-. S-bt,75o: increase, $ It. I,."So. The disbursements charged to the >? iii i M iiM iii ;iiiiouin<mi in < >.10; decrease, .S7.75o.fMHK Navy. S.I. 551,fill; increase. $l,ooo.ono. Pensions. iflUi'.M.P'.rj; decrease. .S2,'J00.<KM). The net surplus since July 1 last is shown to lie .51,500,000. I MANY DEAD IN MINE EXPLOSION. I Olio Man Saves Illmself Siy Uuuniiu. Faster Tliitu tin- Fire. Victoriji, it. Seventeen men are <lca<l as a result of a lire and explosion in Extension .Mine No. 'J. belonging to the Wellington Colliery Company. The flames started front a curtain, which caught lire front a miner s lamp. in half an hour the whole slope was on lire. Itescucrs reached the place wit ere the miners had been at work, but. the im n had gone. The had run with the fresh air. instead of against it. in an attempt to get out by the ae customed route, thus meeting death half way. While the resellers Were at WQrk several explosions oceurred. James Thomas, a rope rider, was riding down I lie slope, and seeing the lire routing, jumped off the car and ran. Two tiinlit'i'ii tn called to him to follow them, h'.ii lie ran on and barely escaped. The others perished. OUd TROOPS WERE DECEiVED. ?.?- ?/iir 11* * i-?|?i Ji.eti clruce iii I fie I'iilpluoM. Wnsliili:.Mill. 1?. C. ? The full.w i:;. cablegram was receive il at the War Ucpnt'iimiif fi .-ii (lomral t.'hafl'i *"Ai.111iI:i Atljti.aui-i Ion. nil, Washington. \ 'jt ii reiereiiee lo your t a hi (In- I'.i(111 ultimo, will cable mum ol' im- mi.-'-iin,, enlisted men us soon as ascertained. t in- company was ruslu'il about o'clock in the morning by a lai'Ko bod\ of boluincu, about -100. ticncrnl il utiles thinks the surprise was due to tlio coiiiidcnce of tin- ooiiiiiiandiiij; oflleer in assort ions of frlomlsliiit from tlio natives. Result of the mvestiga tiou w ill be tabid as soon as obtained. ?Chaffee " ; ; I ' , 9, litOf. STEEL TRUST'S BiGSUliPLUS j Mors Than $12,000,000 A'trr Paying the Usual Dividends. UNINJURED BYTHEGREAT STRIKE Ofiloinl Slati'inont For tli * rlr?t SI* Motilliw Shown Tlint tlie- Itillioii Hollar Cnmtiiniition Is in ? Far Morn l'roopi-rotiM Condition Tl>:%n Was Supposed? Dully Famine* $.",()0,0llll. N'cw York CMlV V.-t onrninnc ..f ?! ? T'nited St atos Steel Corporalion for the tirst six months of the company's eareer. as announced officially. are !?."> !.S71. These figures were given out after a meeting of the eonipany's directors. at which the usual quarterly dividends were declared on hotli the common and preferred stocks. I'nusual interest was shown hy Wall Street regarding the probable action of the directors on the matter of their issuing a statement of operations. All doubts were scattered, however, after the close of the Stock Kxchange by the formal statement of ihe company's sound position. The figures show an enormous business, which i\as not injured, apparently, by the steel strike. President Schwab tells the story of the eonipany's operations since April last, when lite "iliilioii Hollar" Trust was launched, in the following figures describing the net earnings: April, $7.:iot!.7 11: May. S'.HilJ."?*.?: June. 1''.M.747: July. $'J.;iNi 1.1"?1; August, sto.SNl; September (estimated), jun.oiMi: total. S5oi.t?M.S71. MM... ?..* i in- .ii-i 11;11 1111:i:11-1;11 reipiirenicnt s nf 1 (in' SIeel Trust. which include ?11vi- [ deinls at the rate of seven per rout. | oil tlio preferred :in?I four per cent. on | llto common stock, together with the interest on tho bonds. tiro $71.o:H.!N)7 for :i full year. So ftir 111:s year it ouu. In- soon tho ooiiipatiy has oarnoil within SltJ.ttfui.uoii of this rot|iiiroil amount. 1 Miring .Inly ami August. tho months wlion tho stool strike was wtijrnl tho lloroost. tho earnings of tho Stool Trust Oiil not show any ilooroaso. Tho closing ?! wit of tho oiitiro system of 1 plants of tho American Tin Hate font- 1 puny, half of the mills of the American shoot stool Company, ami a largo per- 1 cent ago of t lie properties of tho Stool lloop Company, acenrdiiig to tho statement. wis not retleeteil in the earning ' onpnclty of the big steel eompany. t This is explained l?y tho statement ! that the executive management of the I eompany was able ? di-.rilnitc flie I business which otherwise would have | boon left nnliamlloil among the various ! mills which wore unaffected by tho strike. | ITobnbl.v the ntosi imporiant part of ; the otiioial stati nicnt is the announce j, Intent that largo sums are sot aside from ttnio to time for the maint 'iiam j fund and for tho establishment of a | sinking filial. It has been generally i known in W'al Street for some time 1 I that i lie company had established C 1 I sinking fund, but no one was taken I into tlio ooiitidenee of the corporation t j regarding i.s extent. In the stateuiettt j i! is ;iiiiKtiiiK'i'tl licit S7.0V.i.7l>."i Icis ] . ! i- m set a- ale. After this annum. wa- , : I deducted Hit' company ?-li:ir_c?'?l off the j I interest of lite I.(.mis. amounting to j, | S7.t5tm.iM to, tlii' In ten >t for half a year Inn tie $:tor>.ooo,i)oo live pet nt. bonds I issued when the eoinpany was foriueil. The net earnings as stated in the oliieiai annoiineeinent represent, therefore. all the funds applicable to dividends and interest on I lie bonded indebtedness. When th. :-.* amounts are deducted there remains a balance applicable for a surplus or new const ruction. as the directors may decide, amounting to Sr_\.T_'<;.7 r_\ When the process of concentration was completed the corporation was thrown face to face with a strike of immense proportions, which threat ened tile integrity of the consolidation. I'nder these conditions the showing is considered by the directors most fa\ oralde. POSTAL SERVICE BUDGET. I'or l'rf? Delivery I'o-tl mush'r(irupritl W.uifH $'M Wnsliington. 1?. C. The otlicial estimates for the fiscal y ar beginning duly 1, l'.in'J. which Postmaster ticticrnl Charles Kniory Smith will submit to Congress at the aliening of the session. call for an aggregate of $i>..">()l (Mwt for rural free delivery service tlirottghottl the country. Tills is an increase of S'J.ToO.tiOO over the expense of that service for the current year. The total for the free delivery service proper, which is (lint operated in ritien is sis.7mm?. an increase ??f nine per eeni. The grand aggregate for tile entire postal free delivery serviees. inelnsive of belli the free delivery and rural free delivery, is S_' I .She,(K It. SEYMOUR NAMED FOR GOVERNOR. I'lie Mayor ??f Newark Nominated liy (tie New ,lrrm\v l?eiiiorial?. Trenton, N". .1.?Janies M. Seymour, now Major of Newark, was noinin.1 ed oil til" seeolid liallot for 'iiue.ll or on the Dcnmeratie ticket. The lirst liallot resulted: Seymour, -iss; I'arrell. 1-'.; Carrow, '17: lira an. !M ; .Mat line, HI. As tiie vote was Ileitis; announeed Camden tried to change its vote by transferring its ('arrow votes to Seyinotir, litit it was too late. The talcing of the second ballot followed, ''aiuden swung Into line for Seymour. Then the eliange.s eauie so fast his ! noniinatIon was assured lung before | the ballot elided. ? -T: ?r^ vyBjt ,-^ V ' lf*rllM _ ^ ;J no. :$o. BINOR EVEHTSOFTHEWEK ] WASniXCTON ITKMS. 1 Ttr'cndi'.a-General J. M. Roll, who J kvas promoted recently to flit tho vnrane.v caused by the death of General Ludlow, was retired on account of as<* Henry K. Cooper. Secretary of Ha- > j wnii. denied the report that he horo j the resignation of Governor Dole to J the President. Arthur S. Itaikcs was appointed Secretary of the Rritish Embassy. The sale of postage stamps of the Pnu-Aiuerieaii issue will be dlscontin* ued at the close of business October 111. William E. Itidpely, recently appointetl Controller of the Currency. * w arrivt?! at the Capital. Secretary Cage received 2>t?1 r>0 from mi anonymous writ or as a coutrlhution to tin* ' conscience fund." OlfR AllOI'TICl) ISI.ANPS. Captain Thomas \V. Council. T.lcntcnant I'll ward A. Huoipus and Surgeon It. S. (Sriswold. with oiler members of t'0111 pain C. Ninth Infantry, Worn killed by Filipinos in the lialatigign disaster. Tlie loading revolutionist politicians of Cuba have issued a manifesto to tin' country recommending Senor Tomas Fsiratia I'altna as a candidate for the Presidency. Customs ri ceipts in Cuba for seven months ending July 151 amounted to Js' Major Pileher captured Coventor Atienza, of the Island of Mindoro. P. I., with seven of his staff. Litis llnrhe, postmaster at Pnnta Santiago. Porto ltico. was arrested for violating the postal laws. Sergeant Lloyd M. Itriggs, Troop 1^. Eighth Cavalry, died from interuilh* tent malarial fever at Camp MeKoulie. Cuba. The drought was broken in Hawaii. DOM KSTIC. Arresied for improper use of the mails, II C. Westall. Asheville. N. (\ confessed that lie hail forged sixty or seventy cheeks. At the Andrew Carnegie mills, near r- . . - ? ? - ? - - iw.-n 11m. i vim . inree scanoius. on which wore windy two bricklayers and laborers, ptvo way. and many o* the men weir seriously injured. Nine indictments wore found against James H. Thomas, cashier of the Partridge Liatik. Ovid. X. V., which failed several months ago for SToO.OGb. Frederick \V. > I art man, a farmer living near liohart. lud.. fatally wottndeil his wife and then committed suicide. The National ihirertu of Identification is t<? be moved from Chicago to Washington, 1 >. C. I hiring an altercation near Conyersvilie. Teun., Wnllae" Ward, a son of Frank Ward, a prominent planter, killed his brother, i'.rowu Ward, and then tin d to take his own life Avltli po: <>n. A iieekiaee of sevcv' y-six pearls, with a ma - . ve ?I:: in ml clasp. Avas ini>s< d from otie of the large jewelry stores of lies I oil. i;s value Is placed at S"J.miii. W. M. Ihtils. formerly secretary of it grocery < mipany at tlrand itnpld . Mich.. AVas sellt nei'tl to venrft' Ini pre imti i'iit at li:ir<I lalmr i->r em ?easling Hear Admiral Sampson surrendered command <>i' ilic Koscui Navy Yard. His sin ivs-or. Hear Admiral M. L. Johnson, assumed command. Five negroes warn lynched nil 1 n white man killed in a Texas race war. Ilooppnor, confidential clerk for A. W. Fa her A. Co., of New York City, is accused of a $40,000 defalcation. and was arrested in Buenos Ay res. At the inquiry into the loss of the Alaskan steamship Islatider, a witness swore thai the captain and pilot were intoxicated. Two negro "trusty" ronviots and a white former convict named Duncan were charged with murdering Ilenry F. Newell and wife, near England, Ark., the motive being robbery. Colorado's Legislature will hold a special session to pass a new revenue measure designed to reach railway und telegraph companies. The Buffalo Exposition Board of l>i rectors decided to mark by a railing the spot in the Temple of .Music where the late President stood when the shots were Ured which cost hiui his life. Burglars took $100 in money and stamps from the postollice ul Adairsville, Ky. FOHEttiN. The Prin-ess Charlotte Bonaparte, widow of Count, l'rlmoli. died at Itouic, Italy. She was horn in Home in D.T_\ The boiler of a French torpedo boat exploded near Algier . Due member of tiie crew was killed and two In jurt'd. M ussuhnnns and Christ inns engaged i;i a sanguinary conflict at ifeirut, Sy tin. The outbreak in Iluyti was declared to hi; suppressed. Arabi I'aciin, pardoned by the Khedive of Egypt, returned "< Cairo from his exile in Coj ion. I'orrs attacked Fort Itnla, on the /*oii11 border, but were repulsed, both sides losing Iienviiy. Count (Jreppi, the* Italian Minister at CiilK*, died at Santiago. Mr. Choate, Culled States Ambassador to Croat l'.rituin. thanked Kurd T.ansdowne, the Secretary of Suite i'or Foreign Affairs, for the nn?snge ot* ee.ndob nee on the oeeaslon of the death ot' 1'resideiii Mc&iule.v.