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" ' LOCAL ANP PERSONAL ITEMS. Good cotton. 7 50 to-day. Born, c:: Saturday evening to Mr. and Mra* R, V. Macon, a aon. Mr. J. Me Murray ia attending Krekiue College, at Due West, S.C. A Mr. Tliouins wm severely injured at the dam Friday by a heavy atone falling upon him. Mrs. T. H. Meachan, Jr., and child, of Greenwood, S. C., are gueats at the homo of Dr. T. B. TVf eneha in. The Fort Mill Light Infantry hag had a neat room built in one -couuer of the town hall for their gUIbo. .?tC. Mr. W. W. Sellers hft Wednesday evening for Dunn, X. C., where he will be eugaged in buying cotton. One of our jovial friends asks us to state that Mr. tt. P. Sutton has at last found his little dog. Ho says to ask Mr. Sutton. Saturday wan the best trade day our merchants have had this year. Au uuus*ia|ly Large crowd of farmers were in town. Work was suspended at the dam Monday ou account-of high water, the riyer having overflowed their works on Sunday night. Mrs. 13, i). Heath and children returned to their home in Charlotte Friday after spending several days with relatives in this place. Mrs. John Love died Wednesday at her home near the upper mill after a long illness. The remains were taken to Mtn. Island, N. C., Thursday for burial. Mr. Jos. P. (xilos, who has just recovered fiviui an attack of typhoid fever, came up from Hock Hill Sunday and will spend several days with relatives in this township. Mr, 'W. IS, Deaton, whose ad vertisenient appears in another column, has opened up a first-class meat market and restaurant in the Jones building on Main street. A nice dining room has recently been added thereto. Bill posters for John Robinson's shows were in town a few days ago and the small lioy has had his usual "look and laugh." From present indications a good crowd will go to Charlotte tomorrow to sec the circus, Mrs. C. D Phillips is visiting her son, Mr. W. M. Phillips, in Rock Hill. It is reported thai Mr. Phillips will move with hit family to Lnurinburg, N. C., in a few days. Among thoso from ChnrlotU who attended the Belk-(jatliii<j marriage were Mr. B. D. Heath an uuce of the bride; Mi&tfes Ada Heath, Annie Morrow, Eula Heath, Mrs. \Y. O. Nesbit and Mr. Henry Be Ik. Misses Esther White and Avn Kimbrell have opened a dressmaking establishment up stairs in the Massey building, to the rear ol the Woodmen hall, and will be pleased to have their lady friends call and see them. Mr. Joseph Smith, wife and children, arrived yesterday morning from Pittsboro, N. C., and are guests at the home of Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr and Mrs. A. A. Young, Mr. Smith has been in ill health for several months and it is hoped that a visit to Port Mill will benefit him. General J. W. Floyd has advised ('apt. T. B. Hpratt of the F??rt Mill Light Infantry, to assemble his coml)anv Saturdav for the annual inspection. The company will assemble in the town hall at 3:3C o'clock, p. m. All members are urgently requested to be present The Book Hill and Vorkvillecompanies will also be inspected thin ^ week. Mr. L. K. Brown, until recently manager of the Hook Hill roller mills, spent Thursday in Kort Mill Mr. Brown, who has had years of experience in the mill business, is interested in the erection of a mill at this place and his business in town last week was to try and organize a company to build out here. lie stated to a Times reporter that all the business men and farmers want a mill, but each our 1 wants the "other fellow" to build it. Too bad. "J" *' Miss Annie Stevens relumed t<> j her home in Hock Ilili Monday morning. Mr, uud Mrs. Ralph B< lk of Walkup, N. C., visited relatives | here last week. Mrs. S. M. Mills is visiting her son. Mr. T. M. Hughes, at Lancasi cnster this week, | Col. Leroy Springs and little j ; son, Elliott, spout Sunday at the , , home of Capt, S. K. White, Mr. J. K. Wiljiuiuson left Satur| day night for the Pan-American! j at Buffalo. He will l>o gone for j : about ten days. A Mrs. Thomas died Friday n ar i tiie Fort Mill Mfg. Company. The burial took place at McAdetis, N. C., Saturday. There is talk of the S. C. A d. ie.- :? :* i. I u.\. Mnuntiji [|HH 1111; lift 1 from Blacksburg to lioek llill in tii? near future. Mrs. J. L. Dnbbs returned to her home in lioek Hill Saturday after a viait to her moth or, Mrs. G. W. Melton. | Miss Lizzie Be lk returned to her home iu Lancaster county Sntur- | day after spendi ng several days with relatives in this place, i There were niueteen jugs ami several cases of whiskey put off the southbound train at this place Saturday morning:. Is there need of a dispensary in Fort Mill? The city of Rock Hill is soon to %ve a daily paper U? be kntiwn as The Journal, being the outgrowth of the aemi-weekly Journal established there a few months ago. Mr. S. L. Mencliam has completed the extension of his 'phone i line to the Providence section. i The line now readies n point near Providence church. Mrs. E. Fulwood was considerably bruised on Sunday by the falling of n pulley at the well of Mr. T. A. Mills, where she had ' gone loget a bucket of wnter. Bryan, the 11 -montha-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Dohson, died i ruinaay arternoon ot pneumonia. 1 Mr. and Mr. Dobson live in the Boyd house on the southern out1 skirts of the town. * The State board of equalization ' having completed its work as to ' cotton mill and railroad insurance, ' Treasurer Neelv now has the books * in hand to collect York county's taxes, which work will begin in a > fow weeks. Fort Mill township is 1 to pay $0,420,412 of the grand to1 | tal $1)2,903,68.8, which will bo col' j lected this year. 1 i The Charlotte News of last li Wednesday says that Squire Hoey ; unci 3lr. It. tx. Graham (known in i Fort Mill ufi Peg-Eeg Graham) mot today and purchased their L winter shoes. Mr. Graham took the left shoe and Squire Hoey the right. Both were deprived of a leg in the civil war. Every year they 1 meet and purchase one pair shoes which isamplesutliciency for both. Fort Mill now has a night oflicer, whose duty it is to guard the husi' | noss portion of the town between the hours of JO p. m. and a.ui. Mr. 11. V. Macon deserves ' credit for the town's securing this much-needed officer, for it was ' : ho who first agitated the matter 1, and who also solicited subscrip ; tions with which to pay the watchj man's salary. Mr, E. P. II. Xivi ens, lately a guard on the county j chaingang, has been given the poI UIf i(?n The ladies bookclub held their first meeting of the season at Mrs. 1 T. B. Bulk's Tuesday afternoon and effected a re-organization with 1 ! sixteen members. All the old 1 members were enrolled except two who had moved away and thr?*e or four new members were taken in. This attests the popularity of the 1 elub and the enjoyment the ladies tind in the organization. Mrs. S. E. White was elected president; j Mrs. W. 15. Ardrey, vice-president ' and Miss Clara Sledge, secretary. A list for an order of new books 1 was arranged. ' The Hock Mill Ilorald of last 1 Saturday announces the death of Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, which oc1 curred in that city on Tuesday night of last week, after a several ' week's illness of typhoid piMMimo' mollis. Mrs. Nicholson was tin* ' eldest daughter of the late Isaac ( Newton Wilson, of Fort Mill She \* : % * ^ ????@ ? ?' ^ Wai |j iJiis jpj spue O next Iwcel we a goinj to su pris( you. Mill! and You J ft) warn mm penetrating the brnui.l Very little hope in entertained for Ilia recovery, although he ia atill alive at tlua writing. -? ?Stepped Into Live Coal*. "When a child I Iniriied my foot frightfully," writea \V. II Mads,of IoiichviIIc, \ "which caused horrible leg sores for dO yea id, hut Ullcklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured ine >ift??r everything else failed Infallible for I hi ins, ( hits. Scalds, Soies, Bruises and Biles. , Sold bv T. |i Meachaui. 2oc. I Mr. t'lvdr Barber sjn-ai Suuday hi/1 Keck Hill. J 1 / I i ls>OQ?a???0?0< " was married to Mr. Nicholson February 17, 1881, and to thorn were horn nine children, five of whom survive. They lmve lost three little hoys since moving to ltock Hill from this township about ten years ago. from early morning until h> o'elo'-k Thursday night the store | of Messrs. Meaehain <V' Kpps was I crowded with ladies and a number I of womanly men viewing tin beautiful tleeorations of their thiol annual fall opening- Miss Chutis, i who has charge of the millinery | department, is an artist in the trimming of hats, and that .--lie has proven herself to he, is best evil denced by several ladies who have ' 1.?.../! i I- 4 I. . I...4 , >?.vsi in (u u iw iriii(iii\ (Iiat uir il'ii.i were the prettiest tlint liavt been displayed in Fort Mill for a iniiu, hor of yourfi. Tin* openi ns^, in jevery particular, whs oho ijrand SllCCCSri. i John Cauthon, colored. who. it will I>o roiMoiiihorod was urn sled i and inado to pay a lino at tluspluee a lov, days aj^o, was shot, on Thurs| day niulit at the plant of tin- Ca! taw ha Power Company. Cuntheii was basking in the moonlight near one of the cabins, when a pistol report. was hoard and lie was seen to fall. No one knows who tired the shot or why it was tired, but it is said that Cauthen was a desperate diameter and that ho was shot in this manner is not to be wondered at. Medical aid was summoned from Koek Hill and it was found I that the ball had taken < ITeet just . below the light eye ranging up j I I if ^ ? iris ? 69 B tb xP xe. ? 3'? ? ?????????? A Fiendish Attack. ! An attack \v,-n lately mad * < >tt C I K. Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, th:i i nearly proved latal. It euun | through It in kidneys. Ilia hack go ihi) mint* ne coulil not sto.?p wit hou ; jjreat pain, nor wit in a elmir excop ; prnppeil by cushions. No reined; j helped liitn until lie tried Khrtrii Hitters which effected mich a won derfuI change that ic writes hi feels like a new num. This i.inrve 1 Ions medicine cures headache am j kidney trouble, purifies the blow i and builds up your healt h. Onlj J ;")()<: at Menehnni's Drugstore. " Harness Gil I (for blackening and polishinj. ; harness.) Train Oil (for preserving .uirness.) Castor Oil, 2uil. grail* (for or?-asiiiLC bu^ii s.) Engme, Cylinder and other ' his at ARBREY'S, AN AnVKKTlSKMIiNT. This concerns the "IVaenek and Other Piicins," :inil "Is'fters of Tivn," 1>_\ .lames Hampton Ist. His book of love h-tt'Ts has !s-en pro lioiilieeil the (liviiiest anil e\t.ini Th?lMMikof I'oeins ti.isalrniidy brought l.i < i ?ii- . 111 imr miluy ii'iicrs ot r?Migl'aI ul.i tiou anions which is the following: Morristown, Teim.. Anj;. l'?, r.ini. Dear Mi. !.? < : With tin- weird niusie of "The IVarock ' still ringing in my ears, I write to thank yon for the heatitifnl gift of your delight fuI ]M?ons. I had heeu looking anxiously for its MpiNturnnce and 1 ran " truthfully" say that it confirms my predict ions. How proud your mother must l?c of lief gift ed son! Tell her I rejoice with her in your itucceits I never nee a young ntuii leading a clean, grand lifu, hut what 1 want to congratulate his mother, for I know how thankful she must he and how many prayers she has made for that end. So many have admired your hook that I had to wait ami wait for a rlianoi to read it. May all your readers see with my eyes and your suere?s i?? assured. Your true friend, i Mi's.) I,, K. I)<niahlsoii. i Samples of the ahove' hooks are oil sale at the store of Messrs. \V. 1' Awl re y it Co., or tlmy will he mailed oil receipt of the price, il.otieaeh. THK AHItKY I'KKSS. Publishers. Ill, Fifth *vi\, Ne\v York City. 1 -, I - T ? W? 3,re Beady '^r 'T!*?*n-cert cv*r*rp1c*frs ?#to< ^ *l??UKlf toVMrrt MM ^ ^VeUiice mavo D^WSt-iS-! ^ 4 b- 1 nv? corns i*K*d, aivi *.v?e c Q (i.i: wjs.iv *b-jut 'Iiifcf ,wlw cr.iBKjeetetoi? iwtow tiiia, ?o 4li< | 0 y/ur *. ?*? l?y bariixji^ oei<^S?K ^ - M:r i-wj ^rent sfdemutm > . s jt A1 ' TV. ")tttf Aa vu< 4 w 'W Vice <b mti ho| i I . ?x'j t "?i 1 t. see osr iL*!i 4 ^ .-* il! k J1 j3fifi?rati>rrcr ? U'tt.'. Mv y v.iv ;???! ttkoot; 3 r.av !k.v 4<?>? ,runny iic? P wO >*nd ?vi ts<'i^?H?3s ,'liiS (lil'ir s J L. J. IV] J # m s s ^ H H 5 o 1 S E S All kui^H of SHOES. 1 jP rn*)r. K?'riH^. All tho latest TV JK yo-i vwtnt ?4U(l you h?ihII Uure g ; !r tiso o :ehrat'?d J)rou\ Sel o2. 4 L>.r?() mid $J. Tl?rt utnt'o:; AIsoh line ?;f wnl W S? <> > Co., <hat noxl 110 itiLruC W ipxds yoara. If y< I fm ask t?j ?? ? our special ^(.oU ?i V Lyntt., Mam. A full line of < Uk :S?ar Shoo Co., <>t" l/ortsiiioutl ^ Iroui $1 1<> $1 per jwiir. An i ^ SIhmu If you want any kind of iR vvf liavo them. S MJGACHAI i| "TILE OLD KEL 'These prices? ()no pound of good . i < )no pound of good Olio pound of good ()no pound of 'P08SI ()no pound of white One pound of good Nioo suit ninokorol Uook sail, 50 pound iin 1111'/ / in 1 O 11.. wm u I " v (>no dozen 1 -4 gallo One pair of moil's g A sol <4 i*ood buggy Lot of buggy whips, Bagging i Mr. L. N. Culp lias bales of bacilli* and t good as now goods ai from 1o 25 cents a small lots arc 55 cents /?i k ' * t)ti cents tor Heavy wei large lots, 25 bales or Call on Mr. Culp or Store" and see llie bat* These prices* "THE OLD UELI T. 15. BELK V P \ ^1 . ^H ? _?--^?BB^^M mm * To Show Tea k i-rf FALL <QOQ6SS 5<^CK tiMmafll flte roitcuft Hk? awSt CastbSioua/^^^H^^^^^H <**t?jKvctaUy attractive and i* p?u La?y otiter pdaoes. 0?r *y tn-y la prill tke wo<jfl oner ?r* 31 EL PCiCE ?d MR. VHH wfiivuit tike -dUier, iaal we i ee .T ad* >(ut? Cent Svv to. P! S1kx?. .Kuery Infcy Jummrs ^ r *L:i! fo fuunkwa/? Wew. n.Mji'f.' .quality uu .weill as ^ B1 [load turn-id wedAo, ?.r*5. <*om- ? '>V it>s And Seek. Ask for ir.*hat S it. In 4V?r?HTi',a iShoea <we jS )Pj by ?& Coue 4a r?e acid wi ta at ^ J se Kidfl haw a cixti^ud cep- ? J t? made by tin? Uay "State m lection, 08 We ?dd ltfipaa * ? ju want n medium pricedone 4R !*ot? made .by dtnei^<aBD, of 4R ii ildtvii<s -S1k*? made l>y fcho 9 il, Ohio. All kinds of Hkoes aH| i elegant line ut Children'? '9 Hlioee, rMave. and see ua, for S HI A EPFS. | IABLE STORE." can't be beat: ppreen coffee, 10c? rice, 5 c. tobacco, 25c. 7^ ..... , VU fish, soda, 5c, 10c each, \ ' ' ' ' ' A ' s and over, lc. 11 Mason, jars, 81, 11 Mason Jars, 7i5c, ood pants, 40cJ harness, 87.50, 10c. up. / and Ties. renovated about 6,000 ios, which are just as ul can be bought at bale less. Prices in for li^ht weight and ght. Special rates in over. a "The Ohl Reliable mid ties. ;an't be beat. IAI1U4 STORE." j , Proprietor. ' . . .