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Pi CHKATEH THAN I'.VLIl. Hlchuioiid, Va. Curutvnl, Oct. 7-18. Ttao Grand Free Street Falrnnd "Carnlvnl At Richmond, October 7 to 12 inclusive, will ?arsurpass last year's celebration. It will I we a veritable "Week of Wonders." There | will be | arailes every day and night. Shows galore. Brass Bauds play. Miles of exhibits.' The greatest electrical display over given In the South. Phintiey's famous Band from the Pam-American. Grand liotseShow presentlog the Bon Ton of Equine Aristocracy, and a thousand features which space forbids mentioning. The Itailfoad rate is one fare round trip. Send a to Blchmond Curmval Association, 1111 East Main street, for (irugrummc and premium list. According to it certain kind of philosophy, any man can be a good follow an long as ho has money enough to l>uy the drinks. If you don't make hay while the asmi Rhinos you won't cut much ieo when it freezes. Potatoes form the world's frronlost si 1yle crop, 4000 million bushels beinc produced annually, equal in bulk to the entire wheat and corn crop H. 11. Gnr.EN's Sons, of Atlanta. Ga., are the only successful I>ropsv Specialists in tho wurhl. See their liberal offer iu advertisement in another column of this paper. /a An ordinary piano contains a mile of M piano wire. mk Piso's Cure cannot bo too highly snokon o' as n cough cure.? J. W. O'Hkikn, 322 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. (J, l'JOO. ( ruination oi the dead has been the cushion! in Japan for 1200 years. It's easier to put up with tho prodigal son ttinn to put up for him. So. 37. ^ Europe and Australia together are nlmost exactly equal in area to South America North America and Australia combined would almost cover Africa. IlrnlncM S'miitoi He t'urcil by local applications as they cannot reach th? diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Iienfnrss is caused tiy nn inIfcuncd condition of the mucous linini; of the Eustachian Tube. Wh?n this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is ?>ntir?'ly closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be faken out nnd this tube restored to Us normal (Condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. "Nine. eases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which i? not bine but an inflamed condition of Ibc mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any of Deafness (caused by catarrh), that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars .uent froo. F. J. Cuksky A Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggets, 75c. Jlall'ti Family Fills arc the heat. The population of the German Empire include* 3,000,000 who use the l'olish lan* Putnam's J-'adklksh Dyk produces tho fastest and brightest colore or any known dye stuff. Sold by all druggists. The State which produced the largest corn crop last year was Illinois, with 347. 00,000 bushels. A vessel going from Montreal to Pert Arthur has to ascend 000 feet Item! I'or lite llmvrl*. No matter what ails you, headache to a csui'-ov, you will never got well until your bowels ara put right. (,'ahcaukts help nam re. -nsre you without a gripe or pain, produce <sa*y natural movements, coat you juat 10 ?ent* to start getting your health haok. Cis-caHKTH Candy Cathartic, the getmino, pet up In metal boxea, every tablet has C.C. C. -stamped ou it. Beware of imitations. ' A man can go down hill faster than he -.3W1 )!ll 11]). TITS par inanonily cured. No tltxornorvoniai-SRafter tirat day's una of Dr. Kliuo'a Great Notre Unvtnrur. 6"J trial bottle and treatixe free I)t. 11. II. Klinb, Ltd.. 931 Arch St.. l'hiln. l'a. .Physical culture is only another name lor hard work. Mrs. WinHloir'sSI?'.lonst Syrup forchildron u-etUin^. soften tlio K'ums, ruduoos inflaiuma* iion.alUv.i pain, cures wind colio. '2So a bottle H Jinturolly it make* a follow feel cheap B| to give himself away. I Mother | n 4'My mother was troubled with I consumption for many years. At I V last she was given up to die. Then I I she tried Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, B and was speedily cured." g D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. t No matter how hard v] your cough or how long I you have had it, Ayer's A Cherry Pectoral is the J best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait I until you have consumpI tion. If you are coughing vl today, get a bottle of 1 Cherry Pectoral at once. I 1 Three tliei: 21c., 50c., SI. All drnijtiU. I Ivuwiuo JUUI vuciur. II no mi lane it, | I ho n do at ho *ay*. If he toll* you not I to take It. then Don't take It. Ho know*. I Lwtc It with hlin. Wo aro willing. J. V. AVER CO . Lowell, Mtn. I Pill?lllllfll?I II Ml?J Sick Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipatedr Tongue coated? it's your liver! Aycr's Pills arc liver pills; they cure dyspepsia, biliousness. 25c. All druftclata. ff Want v?ur nvmalaelie or hoard a beautiful | lir<t*n t'i blank? Then u*e a 4 BUDKINGHf'TS nVE&MSU Here It Is! | "Waul to learn all ahont a aa lUtr*' How to link Out a fiill'V'' hlicw linpotfoi a?-? ttnai.I ?i:ain*t \ i?Uv! Alltl y\" "* " /*YV when *fUlHl I* f \ I pie * ' \ fk.-Tt ill" \\ I it to '?ll Ih? IMtToront 1'arle of tli!\ _ Jju t II .W -ill. .1 ll.T 1 r..). .] I. ' All till.1 I ., ..-i . i.f . . ni- i .i. i n ... latoadbyl . y ID !.: ti.i II.IilttTKATI J || s in a/Muapa. I mi ARP KEPT AT WORK His Wife Reminds Him When Repairing is Needed. J ! BILL ALWAYS OBEYS HER ORDEJS I he Then Tells of the limes When He Was Young and How the Coys and Girls Used to Act. My wife said she had o promotion that we would have an early fall and I had better prepare for it right away. She reminded me that there were s one broken glass on the roof of the llower pit and the sash needed repainting and the shelves renewing anil I might whitewash the brick wall and 3.1 forth and so fifth, and so on. Well. I have done all that and was humbly waiting for the next order when siie told mo that Sam, the dark y. wascnt coming to run the lawn mower over the grass in the front yard and may lie I eonld do il and s?uo 7r. \tr?n 1 1 .. w?. . ^ u \ ii co. ?* en, i nil V t* done that, hut nobody paid me the 75 cents and next thing I knew she sent one of the grandchildren to me for 75 cents to pay her debt to the aid society. These women have got nearly as many clubs and societies as the in n. but they stay at home of nights and that is better than the men do. Th: re are the Masons and Odd Fellows and Nights of Pythias and Nights of Damon and (lie Royal Arcanum and the Klks and the Nights of Jeriocho and Nights of Labor and tin y are all nights or midnights, and the women have to stay at home and nurse the children. If I was a marrying woman 1 would strike out the word obey and put in a promise for the man that he wouldn't join anything that "took him away from home at night. It's bad enough for young folks to tramp around at night hunting for the moon. They are erazzy about the moon, and that's why crazy folks arc called lunatics? for lunah means the moon and the ticks are not far off on a moonlight walk in the woods. Last Tuesday night there wore six couples of our lunatics who went up the river road in search of the moon. They wanted to spc it r."e from out the water and they had to get out to the big, flat rock in the river to see it. and they had to slide dosvn the bank to reach the rock, and the young men conned it down first to clear the way and the yaller jackets were waiting for them and by the time the girls wore on the slide the little ilcv Is j began the attack anil they took 'out i n ' the slide in the llank and In the rear. In the face and shirt waist and arms and legs, and took the young men. too. and such screaming and scrambling was never heard or se.?n in that part of the country. The young men did not desert their partners, but shoved them tip the slide again with great alacrity. The whole party were bunged up amazing. Eyes and ears and' noses and hands and le?j? began to swell, and they never got to see the moon at all. The girls erled with anguish and the hoys moaned and groaned and these was no ammonia, no soda, no doctor and no house within a mile. They could just se.o enough to find the horses and by the time they got hack home some were blind in one eye and 'some in both, and you eouldnt tell 1 a hand from a foot, nor a nose from a turnip beet, nor the ankle from a calf ?calf of the leg. I meant. Well, they goi home about midnight and that T>mile ride was the longest and most miserable of their lives. The young i men have not yet reported for duty nor j have the girls dared to look into a . mirror, for fear of breaking It. It is a ! wonder tlint those girls with such thin j apparel were not stung to death, hut I I annnnso 1 turn uir mulling itllll pudding about tho breastworks saved them. We old school boys know something about yellow jackets. It is bad enough to tackle a nest in the daytime in open ground where you can run and fight, but to slido down into one near the water on a dark night must be awful in the extreme. The last time I came in conflict with the spiteful things 1 located the nest and wont to the house and got the wire fly catcher and set it over the hole. It worked beautifully and was fast filling up wnen an outsider took me. "ker-bim." on the back of the neck, and 1 departed those coasts with e'ncrlty. Hv and by the boys came and built a little fire not far away and s"t r<e fly catcher over the smoke m l killed the whole concern. Hut you mus* 'ook out for the outsiders?th? scyts and sharp shoters. Hees can't st'ng but one time, hut a jacket can keep up as long as the poison lasts. The sMng of a hoe is bad. that of a jacket is hadder and a wasp is the baddest of all, except a hornet or. perhaps, the devil's packsaddle on a fodder blade. They do say in Texns that a tarantula is worse than all the rest put together and freourntly proves fatal. They say. too that any sting is a cure for the rheumatism, but I never found a man that had tried if. Some poisons affect < ne ?>rson more man another. A good eit'7rn of this country died in 24 hours from a hoc sting. but my faithful rerx int. Tip can take lliem up in his hands and let them "lit-3" on his n^ek t ! face and sting him furiously, and ho brushed them off and laughs and says they tickle hl?m. I have nickel the stiu".! off his tlosli by the dozen. an<l he has never hail rheumatism. \ ' olony of h'n?v boos number o.OOO, > ilow jnrket? r?fu) and hornets 200. But tb's Is enough about suen pesky things, though the sting of a mosqu'to M"']tis to be :i11111 ting much attention from the men of science. But 1 was ruminating about things that have to be done before lontr. My wife says it is about time to mak 1 -ituce bed for the winter's supply an ' it about time to transplant two or throe rows of strawberry plants fr >ro our own runner i. for it Is a good pirn to have some nrv. on?? coming on every year. ' "< - ive so m ny le;* . from pood v ng ab;> it ltoi grow i h e i so forth, that 1 v. " si A briefly: SOUTHERN RAILWAY. |?ntral Tim? at Jaeltfmvlll? na.A Savannah. I. is;?. n Time at Other Points. Schedule in EfT<*ot Juno snth. 19C1. NORTHBOUND. > gg* Lv. Jac.csoavit.o (P. a).... souu V iop| " Savannah '.So. Ry ) I .'.'.ip I'-ibr. " Knrmvell .l.Vpl 4 L8n| " Kln.'kvillo 4 ltti> 4 :>a Ar. Columbia Anui> 8 1.1a . .. Lv. ChnrliMtoa, (So. Ky . . o.t: lloip .... " Sniiimcrvillo T 41aT.IM'fj " BrunehvUle OUOn u'IHh " Ornujteburg 'J L^n Z -*.??! " Kingvillo 11 . a 4 Ota Ar Columbia n i ja :> 4Ua| Lv. AUlTUMtll, IM). ?iV. ) .... -till1' i. ,SLTl?! .... Lv. I4i anitovlllu .. " 10 l&pj Lv. Aiko.i ! auapi Lv. Trenton a ra'p 11 ojpi " loluiiitun 4o.pi 112ltpi .... Ar. Oolninbia... r>4.1pj 'J lua! Lv. Columbia, i.uiug 5i ftAApl Otto ..771 " Winimlmro (I.Vlpj 7 ?Vi ..... " Chester : 7:iy< SI.a " Hock Hill ,| Soap Kosn A r. Charlotte .... .. . ;>Uiri> 0 5.1a Ar. Hanvilic . 1 . ? a i. > Ar. Hmhmoiui . 8uta 84op Ar. W aMungton . I 7 ;<.~i |ion> ....' it,.1.......... . r>.. ou. I i.i-.. it "* Philadelphia. lllVm! iJ.VIa! " New York iJUClp' it -'".'.n ,.. Lv. Columbia . ... ill ;i?v 7 :iOn Ar. Spartanburg j 8 lt)p 10'JOa " Ashovillo 7 l.?p 2l)up! At. Knoxvilie 4U5a Ar. Cineitnmii 7 :vn>J h lut . ... Ar. bmlHvlllB . , oup!"5 i<-v BOUT" BOUND. ^iiyimUy! Lv. Lontsvillo 7 l&k ttjpl Lv. Cinomuati . 8 8Ual KUftpl tiY. Knuxvlllo 7. '.' | l .v?J ? ar*i " Aitbevillo. . .1 7 05al UOOp " snrtubnrg .. Il095ti Slip Ar. ( olumbia .. 2lRp OOOp Lv. New York) Pa.K.K) , n.'jup i'Jl.yi:i 777.7 " Philadelphia iiu&pi :t 5w?| " Baltimore ... H-7\>' it Air. Iff. Waahl'gt'n (So.Ryi j ofcopjil 15a| f7v. Kiohmoa t ilitfnlii'm [.v l)an vlllo i 4 .?6a Mp T Lv. Olmriotio ; H an 5.v.>|>j " Bock Hill I 9 lii:i 104dpi " Chester 9 41a il lap) " Winnnboro . 10 28a 1201a|. Ar. Columbia, (HldgjSt jlltloa I iiTmv' Lv. Columbia, (CI D.).. llSxim: 850aI.*77777 " Johnnton J Mop1 tola " Trenton I82p 0 28a! Ar. Aiken 28Up| 7 80aI Ar. Qranitevillo | 221pl 66m Ar. Angtu<*a.. 7 4.\?? Lv. Columbia 1 00. Ky ) tin" I .fc.a " KinRviUo " ! 840p 282al. i " Orangelmr g. . 4 4-Ji> 8 4Sn|. '* Branvhville a3&p t " Summtirville it.|v?p j.".* .... Ar. 1 'hnrle.t .it ! 7:v>;> 7u0n Lv. Columbia i.So. Hv.i M j ci t bn Hla.-kville I 2up ?> .V.'a " Barnwell I ;i o7a " .Savannah ... 4 .Via1 Ar. Jiieksonvlllo ( p. S.i 7 4no I) Its' Sleeping Cur Sorvlco. Kxeollr it ilaily liasv.tajjor survive lietwoi n Florida and Now York. No.s. til and 8-1?N> \v York and Florida I3x- 1 pro-rt. Drawinvrooin .-.'loping ears lotwim Augusta and New York. Pulhr.iui drawing ! room sli <-( mi; earn Im Iwim-h Port .ln -k sonviilo. savannah WA^iiiiiiionmul Ww York. Pull 111:111 sleo; intt iiira between (.'hnrlotto and Richmond un?l <'linrlotto and Norfolk. Lamm: Min tiolwii n t'hirlotto and Savannah. Nun. anil ij?V? I". 8. loixt Mail. "J'liroTlirh Pullman drawing-room ! -. can between .fnoksonville ami New York ami Pullman sloePine vara Iwtweon Augusta and Charlotto anil Charlotte anil kii-hmoiid. Oiiiiiu: cars serve all tiioals enrouto. Pullman sleeping cars botween Jacksonville ami Columbia nroute ilailv I x-t woon Juulcs >u villoand Oiiieinbad, via Asiioville. FRANK 8. (1ANNON, 8. H. HAK1 iVVlt'K, Third V-P. Ji Gen. Mgr., Urn.Pax Agt.. Washington. D. C. Washington, 1). vl W. H.LALOK. 14. W.Bl NT, Aa't Gen. Pass. Ac'L, Iliv.> Ag't.. ^^^Atlanui. Gx Ch-irko-' "i. 8^.^ Prepare the ground about like you j would for any garden herb or veg ta- | ble, fork deep and manure liberally, open a furrow and scatter ashes in itany kind of ashes, wood, eoal or mixed. If you can't sift the ashes, he sure and throw out the cinders and lumps. Place the plants ahout a foot apart, spread out the roots, draw the earth around lightly. If ground is dry. use water to each iilant. then null noinr dry earth over the wet. That's all. Have the rows two feet apart. If you have no plants of your own. then i order some, and got Brandywine, Lady Thompson. Gaudy an<l Rxcolslon. There are several other good kinds, but I know what these are. If ashes are scarce use a good handful to each plant. Stable manure makes the plant grow and ashes makes the fruit. Let me make another suggestion to these good women. If you have no asparagus lied, make one this fall. It is the cheapest thing grown, and about the best. We had it in abundance all the spring and are now having a second crop. Buy one or two hundred crowns at To cents a hundred, plant about like you would plant strawberries. Don't dig any ditch as they used to do. Give a good coat of manure every fall or winter and the samo bed will last you 20 years. Fork up the ground once or twice a year, but do not fork too dose to the crowns. One other thing and 1 n:n done. Plant the small buter bean. It is sometimes called the see-wce bean. it is | sure and prolific and keeps on hearing j until irost. it will tase an arbor or very stout poles to hold up the vines. That's all.?Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. I'nf* plnrn 1 I.mid* Ncnr I' li ilxilnt |>?i li?. There are parts of New Jersey within a very short distance of Philadelphia, too. which, strange as it may seem, are but little more known today than they were 200 years ago. In fact, there are portions of the "Pino Barrens" which have ne-er known tho tread of n wnno man. n is this wilderneivs that a party of naturalist*?Mr. St >n as chief and Messrs. Hohn and ('.) gins as asalstanta, aro starting out t ? explore. Starting from Medford th y make a circuitous route, camping as heat they can for seven nights, and returning to Medford with tholr collections. In a certain sense of th word, this expedition Is only preliminary to others of a more extended nature which may follow. Work in this region must be done by small p-.rtit ; returning frequently to some Iviv of supplies, as food is nearly unobtainable and transportation of heav y lo:?. !? of specimens Impossible. The e .pe dltlon will make observation upon the soil and water supply and collect all j manner of plants and animals, whlvl ' will be turned over to eminent special* 1st* for identification. It isn't always the close fisted man who^ccr* his temper. THE PHILIPPINE POLICY Natives Are Taking- an Active Pari in the Civil Government. Two Filipino Mtmberi of (be Tnft Com. mission Innitnratrd ? Progress Torrard Peace and Harmony. Manila.?'There wore appropriate ceremonies In Hie palace at the inauguration of Dr. Pnrdo do Tavera and Benito Begnrdo as memtiers of the Philippine Commission. Jose T.uzuringa, the third F'liplno member, was unable to take the oath, owing to illness. Civil (Governor Taft said that the ceremony does not fully complete the (Invnrnnionf 1 *! ? < 1? 11 !\foIvinli?v III tends forming, but sufficient lins been done to show the nature of the policy to bo followed. Municipal Governments have been generally formed, of a substantially autonomous character. Their officers are entirely natives. The Provincial Governments are partly American and partly Filipino. Now the Philippine Commission Is partly American and partly Filipino, it being the purpose of the President to form a Government In which the nntlve element will be able to voice the desires of the people, their locnl aspirations and necessities, and give the Filipinos an examnle of American institutions and the customs and laws prevailing in the United States. The anniversary of tlie beginning of legislative work has occurred. The commission will have worked hard and much will have been accomplished if they feel they have advanced with the same progression a year hence, and will he assured of the success of their efforts. Dr. do Travera said that hardly had the people begun to appreciate the work of pacification tlinn the Institutions of peace were accorded them. The enemy of the evening before began iho next morning to aid their adversaries in building roads and houses and Introducing acts of peace. The day was not far distant when the Filipinos would enter a legislative body for the islands, elected by the people. Conditions prevent the elections nt present. The Filipinos consider to-day to he solemn and grand, because it Is the lirst time part In the supreme government has been given them. They believe that the day is coming ?n the American Constitution. as 'hole, without amputations, would b 'anted here, as the Hag is. The o also took the oall ffice. KIL ? TRAIN WRECK. K Itpav-rnd ilslon In Montana Crimlirt Out Tlilrtj -si* I.ive*. Knllspell. Mont.?Thirty-six lives were lost and thirteen persons were injured in the wreek of a Great Northern Railway passenger train In Nynek, Mont. None of tlie passengers were injured, the fatalities having been eontined to employes of the railroad company. The wreck was caused by the breaking in two of a freight train on a steep grade on a Rocky Mountain foothill. The rear cars of the freight dashed down the mountain and crashed Into the rear end of the passenger train, which was just pulling out of the station In Nynek. The ear attached to the rear end of the passenger train was the private coacli of P. T. Downs, assistant general superintendent of the Great Northern lines west of Mlnot, N. 1)., who, with itis son. Kirk, ami their cook. ITony Rlnir, were killed. The ear just ahead contained forty-six Scandinavian laborers en route from I ninth, Minn., to Jennings. They wore killed wholesale. Only thirteen were taken from the debris alive. APACHES CROWING RESTLESS. hulianK Arc Holding Meeting* *iut 1)1*cuHHlng firlevmiceH In Arlmnu. Tucson, Ariz.?Advices from Port Thotnns state that the Apaches getting restless and trouble is feared. Hundreds of Indians are gathered near Fort Thomas, holding meetings und discussing grievances. Settlers are feeling uneasy in San Carlos, sixty miles distant from the nearest post. There are only six privates and a sergeant at the fort. lUvival In IlrttiMh Iron Trade. There is every prospect of a considerable revival in the British iron trade in the autumn and winter. In consequence of the l'iUsburg strike, American consumers of tlnished goods, it is said, are placing orders lu Great | Britain on a large scale. Cleveland Damaged by a ltulnaiorm. Heavy damage was caused lu Cleveland. Ohio, by the greatest rainstorm iu the city's history, and the property loss la estimated at $1,Odd,(MM). Australian Mail Conch ltoblmd. A masked cyclist stopped a mall conch near Sydney, N. S. \\\, wounded a passenger, secured the malls and eyals valued ill $7000, and et-cayed. I'.o, m Become AecrritKlve. Tl:o situation In South Africa shows renewed Hoer activity. Itoers Mewup a traiu near Wnterval, anil Uleutenant-Colonel Vaudaleur was killed. A SurpliiA In the Tremury. Government receipts for August showed a surplus of Jfil.otJ.dJN over expenditures, against a deficit ol 5611, 413 In August. 11 ?00. New Uutnrunr of I'orto Klco. Presldeut McKiidey has appointed William li. Hunt, of Montana, Governor of I'orto Itico. Mr. Hunt has heeu Acting Governor of Porto Kieo since former Governor AJleu's return to the United States, and his appointment was not unexpected. The ,-teol Strike Situation. The seventh week of the steel st-lke tided with the advantage on the sale W the manufacturers. The force of hon-uniou men has been steadily m. creased. * ? Not All Alike. Switzerland has wet summers and dry summers, so that some tourists may spend two or three weeks among the mountains without ever getting a view of them, while others hardly see a cloud and revel in mellow sunshiue. Up to the middle of August the present season was exceptionally unpleasant. and thousands left the summer "playground of Europe" disgusted. Nevertheless there has been a constant succession of accidents?more, in proportion, than in any preceding summer. Tills, however, was to have been expected, for the figures printed in the year book of the Swiss Alpine Club show that there has been for years a steady increase in the number of fatal accidents. In 1805 nineteen deatli were recorded in the following vpnr tu'nntv.fniip 1^07 nml 1hnd thirty four am! thirty-seven respectively. while the fatalities for 1S99 and 1900 wore forty-one ami forty-eight. Altogether Canada sells about $80,000.000 a year of products from its farms. That is only about one-tenth* of what the United States does in the f ame department, but then it must bo the proportions of $10,000,000 to $0,I's a little more- than one-fifteenth that of this country. In the exportation of fish Canada leads he United States in the proportion og $10,000,000 to $(>,000.000 a veor. QTARTLING F l Thousands ot children are being gn ft, J nr? seldom reliable. They depend uj ' ^? variety of worms present in the latest ami sure course by using DR. BOYKIN'S > C4O0O IT IS A SURE, SPEEDY AND SAFE 1 IN USE OVER 30 YEARS. ACCCP BEST VHRnil UCiE KNOWN CURRENT NO ! ES. T. C. Martin, an authority upon the subject, finds that 100,000 people are employed in telegraphy, 20,000 by Bell Telephone companies, 150,000 in electric lighting plants, 150,000 on street iMilltenve oiuirnto.l l?t* nloet rioittf nnil 150,000 in electrical factories. A personal difficulty is imminent in Kansas City. The mayor says that the city clerk deliberately helped two claimants to dip their hands into the city treasury by officially certifying to a falsehood; and the city clerk says that the mayor is a liar. In shortening the Union Pacific Railroad between Omaha and Ogden by thirty miles, reducing the grades j from a maximum of ninety-seven to ; a maximum of forty-three feet, and ex- | paneling the curves, $15,000,000 will , have been expended, it is said, when the work is finished. There will be a great saving in fuel, in the use of ! much longer freight trains, and in higher speed, and the resulting in- , crease of earnings has been estimated at $3,000,000 a year. Sir Wilfred l.aurier is a very clever man. He had to make a speech at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition Tuesday and he had to say something about this year's census. He admitted that the figures were a little disappointing. and then he told his audien-%. that. Canada's business (exports and imports) in the last fiscal year amounted to about $^7 per head of the population. while that of the United States amounted only to about $29 per head. so you sen, no saui, mai oven wun our limited resources we can trade man for man. about two-thirds more than our American neighbors." Oi'Pim View, V*. Is rapidly assuming precedence as a Hummer l.'osort. %c accessibility, proximity to Norfolk, from which point It is reached by electric cars on a frequent nnd convenient schedule. and above all, its great natural advantage* and attractions, and splendid hotel accommodations, easily place it with the joreinost of our seaside res rts. The Sealourd Air Line is the direct route to Norfolk froin ad poiu s South. | "WEEK Of WONDERS" I It It'll MOM), VA., O | Oct. 7-12, 1 901. | X A postal will bring full information. J ? RICHMOND CAfNIVAL ASS'N, S 9 HUE. Mxin St.. If Icti inond, V?. %. iO+O* O+O* O+O* O+O* O+O* * WE HAY K.K.FARE AM. I ndkk $5,000 ??. J)e|cMt, (ilminulfB uj/T / C_y cdtu& * JO HUKK ?nini % HS H I PS. IU> A III) AT COST. Write Quick to <;? - \l?. Iitisi non* ColloRtt, Macon, tin. ( tab f f^'St Of?|l rf of ??Te'Trt#?<-riptton. Bat#rrflr>' "UrLLO t*fa< tlon Onarinitatwl. /**% itr-'vVX Writ* for rrtrra. JliSftK MAUDES iaw x 1 ji, . Tui.tiM'oir. M i>. ' 'ThvXnurrtlntt inndr IVI I'olnt tuinotn. MclLHENNY'S TABASCd. DSECERTfll^Sy CUBE.** DO (D Hi Q Y "tW DISCOVERT; ? ? m * *4^* Si %J0 1 qmok rr -? andcur?i wiint ? sbMVA Bo >* of totttniom* n and IO <Jat* trcatino .1 A rcc. Dr. H. H. (iA?EM 8 fONtt. Ho* *. Atl*ala. Qa m,7. ielThorr.Dson's Eye Water JUST IKS BOOK CONDENSED ENCYCLOPEDIA Ol trait* n|M>n aUnut evrry auhject nrxlar tb? in; M<1 will ha sent, poa; t>nM, far .":0c. Id iUmp?, pi Im rttn lorom raf - p lb a a a a , Matter* and thing* [* M fi, g! V aa.tarstau.l and tfH It 4 SatiflSj ifi i will elnnr np for plat* lml*x. mo that It may ha J"" fE 1 la a rick m i n* of nimbi* ft" IB k ? Vnt?rMtin? mnninr, and U Uxuaa th# mail mm of FIFTY CENTS ?l pro?a of Incalculable haneflt to tbopa whoaa mt Will i.lao b* foaad of errant aalcndo thoaa who =?it~ FRAGRANT K, SojQPONl T?eH? Pswder in a har.dv Patent Bos (new) ga _ SOZODONT LIQUID - 25c Largo LIQUID and POWDER, 75: ?ra ** At till stores, or bj- Mail for tlio price. HALL & RUCKEL, MEW YQR4C Q+O+O+O+O +<*< <OrCtO*O^CK( t ? CAPUDINE I 9 For II K .% DAl'H K8 1 A nud KKVRRJ. 5 * Taken with Q'.tnino it prevents Ner- O P voiifiu-jH ati<| ,\ -hm:* nml relloviw tho jt X Fever. AT AI.I, DliUiJ STOKE A <? Ch0O*O*O* -XK>? t?0-0 i?0*0+0^0 AGENTS^!!!? Brohard Sash Lock and Brohard Door Holdtr Active workers everywbei* cnu eurn bt* money; always >? steady deiunnd for our .muktls. Saiuiue sssh loi'k, witb I'rii i's ti-rnir, etc., t ree tor to stamp for oostn+ie. Til K IIUOU \UI? (?.. Htatlou "O." l'kii?<teli>tii?. Pa* 4GTS^4 nweil to (lUtrnction by Worms. Symptom* >ou tbo ohiM's temporinnont i?a?l upon thi inei. Ijoso no Time 1 Ailopt the safe WORM KILLER >*o* >ESTROYI?R OF THHSE HONSTERS. I NONE HUT DR. KOYKIN'S. asc. SOLD EVERYWHERE. EDUCATE forBUSINESS ^LEXillGTGN Bli IHESS COLLEGE, A hiKhcIa** llusltu -- i r t h:.- soli ill for Hojrs ana <ilrl?. l'tli y.-?r Ii.m ...pil .mollis -t of .-verytliliii. lourso. elective nml ouinrin'.- Mathematics, KconnmliM, Civil liov.-. iwi. ut It-in <tiiif. l-aer. HookLei'l'liiit. I'<'nm.yuilil|> sliortliml i > |H-\vrtiliitr and I'JMI Kinrltsh. u rito t .ilsv tor hand lesik uud olr> en lor. explaining sutvi IiIiw V . I dress U. Juui'a. President. l.exln?lon. Kv> Medical college of Virginia^ . *s:is. 1 llio Mxty-fourth ??x\ will commence October Int. r>?l. Ui'pHrtnieiH of .MnftcHue* (ntf jt ur* ?v,ur>H. vvsi m. tinent of thr? ? vi-ur* tn'iinu*, fo?*n ?<?.Yu?.) l>c|iurtiu?kut I''y. t*o yenrt ourtf, fee* .10 per H?H?ton. for further particular* Augur CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS, M D., Deal, Ull II.UOAU, VA. THE SWIFT CREEK DAIRY AND f~> .. STOCK FARM lY\ \ ' ' ->Ki tin. for sal.-<|IK% |??|iawi Vt. JU&&. l', j"Y niiumcri.r lt-KLtcr. d vice Lj \ mm J1:It-KI III 1.1.>s |j' \>l? II I-. I P K It M. U 1 fr ,m fU \ /ft pr? ?t Milk ?in<l Ruttor i??ck liioit up uvdato; none hotter in ttii* s?uifh. Th Mood ?>f tho Fniiioui st Ro^ta. Si. I.ambort and (Njoni i-*!" Ih-diIciI. 1'olntid China I'I^h nlwftyHon haii'!. T. 1'. Itranwoll, l!attlrlH>ro, .N,k\ FOR COLORED STUDENTS OF BOTH SEXES. ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL, KAI.KIUII, >.<. Co llc?lntr, Nor m til, I mt ii at rial, Train* Ins *rliool r<?r .X iirtra. n Month. stuilnuia nujr work thtlr wot ?nl f:n to Night School. Cnriwntr*. ?*rlni|nK. BrlekJav. Ilk- Unilcr the Lplwot at Church. 35th Yeor. K'or Ui.tulotfiir aj.p.y ID 1'rl icliNtl. Iter. A. B. Uuktrr. It a Irltfti .V C. ^1*> I X. C.AM IIB TOR. |saw ills; _ _ Engines. Wood Planers, R.R. Crnaatie 2 ' aft Machines anil Other Machinery, y LLJ| MuiiurHctured by Lb-Salem Iron Works, Sait-m, M.C. ' TATE SPRING, 3 Hotel Open ami Water Shipped Throughout Vw Th# iiiixt Delightful Health anil Pleasure lteaorl In the Union. Electric Lights, Steam Heat. Wuier Work*. \> nler t iifea InUlKeMlnii, DYseepvlu, and all trouble* ,.f the Liver, Stomach, 1 HlaiMor, llowhls an.i Khltieya, Rheumatism ami | Hloo.1 Ulsea* a. Write lor Pamphlet. I TltOH, riiUI.OSDN, Owticr & Pro pp. j TATB 8PRINU. TEN N'KSSEB AatHWA'HAY.FEVER ?v 11 CURED BY* *' ( A'Dr.TAFTV* A | vSEND FOR ie) 7 FREE tRIAL BOTTLE AODRE'SS DR.TAFT 70 E I30T- ST.. NY. CITY $9U0 TO 51500 A YEAk We want intelligent Men ami Women na Traveling Representatives cr Local Maunders; alary $.yeo tv- #tvo a year ami all expenses, according ,to experience and ability We alao want loctsl repu??nt?tive*- salary to >n u week amtcowni'stqu, (lepenitiiig upon the time 4rvoted. Send stamp (or full particulars nutl ate position preterrd. Address, Dept. U. TMK nRU. company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; | :i7. C7C f^nna Per Month ?P I v iy*p4Vv. levant Premiums Free! Addro s, SICOIT REMEDY 0 , Louisville, Ky. NVhm jrifu writ- mention this imper. 3 fyittSmeRt ALI tist fails. Ei e<q Best (Pivh S?rtr,.. Taste* Good. Use 1^ ? ? In ttir.e. Soi l hv Inu-'lsts. g5fl ipp2iSEa|gi 1 yob wm F UNIVERSAL KMOV/LEDCE; ? 11 a. It contains| p?gna? profusely llluotratrd. natal mote o* tUratr^ rending you douhuafl CLGFEKA S-ijM f It hna H ?T Mr. Thle^Hjj^^S Tj LJb ?" p Information, i re?ented Will A< SDJ- rati# flBH licit wa ask tor tU Jk.o-U.dy of ibis to ''VmHh Inaction no?a n. J ected. while the ac^yiat i/Adli) e?mAy.r..l ;bo knowl--di HSmSS IqAe.'O* tcor.frd St.. K. Y. A H b^i ' \MM