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1 ioOAL AND PSBS0NA1 JTSKS. <Jood coitoDy^o. Poaoe reigns in our little city aud ilia weijck continue to grow. \ Mrs. Siushu Brejwer, of Kowltaw, is visiting relatives in thin place. , Mrs. A. Ii Hartee 11, of Concord, C,. is visiting Mrs. I, P. Fill p. Mr. Waller Parks, of Hock Hill, visited relatives in the city this week. Mosquitoes are said to be more numerous this year than ever before. Miss Lelia fctt.?ele, of Rock Hill, speutseyeraldaysat Dr_ Thorvells this week. Dr. J. B, Mack will preach in ilie Methodist church on west iSunday at 3.30 p. ai. The meeting at Ploneant Hill church wstSAjuiie successful. There wene ten additions Mr. W. W. Boyce, of Rock Hill, was iu the city for a few hours fast {Saturday. Cadet Allison Thorn well leaves today for Cletnson College to re. .mime his studies. Misses Lilly Boil ami Aline Neeiy of Old Point.are visiting relatives in t he Fork. The residence of Dr. T. B. Meacham is being clothed in a Stylish suit of paint. M iss Fssie Clawson will leave in a few days for Coyxvx'4 where she will resume her studies. Mrs. () P nf ? - Vtl, V/L ifLVJlllUC, It* n guest at tin1 homo of Mr. O. W. Potts in Pleasant Valley. Itev. H. A. Yongue left on Monday for Orangeburg county to assist his brother in a meeting. fThe many friends of Mr. J. II. Coitharp of Gold Hill, ivere glad t*? see him riding ou the streets Tuesday. Tlie bootblack profession seems to he on a boom as several new "shines" were seen on the streets this week. Mr. W. C. Owen, of Fort Mill, and a student of Wofford College, visited friends in this city yesterday.?Rock Hill Journal. innate a number of young people came Over from Rock Hill and Kbcne^er Sunday to attend services at the Presbyterian church. One of our prominent and ob-? .servant farmers informs a Times reporter that the sun set clear on Jnst Friday for the first time since April. Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatrick chaperoned a party of young people 3/r. tfie dam last Wednesday evening wLere a delightful moonlight picnic was held. Miss Bessie Scott, of Decatur, Lin., is the guest of ALrs, W. B. Ardrey. Miss Scott attended the Agnes Scott Institute with Mrs. Ardrey and Misses Delia Mills and Mable Ardrey, of tiilis place. Miss Pearl Roach, of, Columbia, who lias l>een visiting Mrs. A. O. dones, spent several days of last week with Mrs. John Harris, in Pleasant Valley. , The William-Hughes Company, .of Lancaster, opened for buai iiesai Monday morning. Messrs. T. M. Hughes Riid J.j G. Taylor were in the city a shoL*t while last Wednesday on their way home from the northern markets. Contrary to the article published in last week's Times, Will Stevetison, tlie negro shot by O. L. Potts, was not instantly kilfled but lingered until Sunday afternoon and expired. At the coroner's inquest Monday the jury rendered a verr diet of justitiable libmicide. Cotton is opening favorably during the presenjt fair weather ami a majority of the farmers will l>egiu gathering t/he staple next week. The tirst bale from Meek* leuhnrg county wins marketed in Charlotte last weeik by Mr. Jus. P. Blakeney, of Ar drey's, who lias held the record for the tirst bale 1 / for the past eight een years. Barge congregations attended the morning and evening services ^ at the Prosb#k6rian church Hum * day. Conuhunion sorvices were BMIh held in tli4 morning and every seat in the church was taken. The pastor wi^s assisted in the services ?y *lHyf of Clover. After services a especial .prayer was ofEH fered for 1(1 ie recovery < President | The condition of Mrs. *T. C. Huddles, wluj is tick with typhoid i faver, remains uiiclianfged. Dr. J Stepkeuson caih? down from CharI lotto Sunday night to see her. | Doctors Kirkpatrick, Thompson and Spratt successfully amputated the right leg of Andy Neely, a! colored tenant on the farm of Mr. | B. F. Maesoy, Monday. The negro ! has been suffering from a large i sotv on hie leg for some time and ' it hnd f[rown to such an extent that the doctors found amputation ' necessary. The citizens of the town should j keep their lots clear of weeds and 1 grass not otdy for a better appear- j ! a nee but also as a preventative of i j sickness. This is the time of year when the dew and frost, fulling (>u I weeds as they decay causes dip theria and our people should wage i t war against such things during the month of September. Mr. Iv. Shannon, the public cotton weigher, has purchased new and expensive scales. Fie had to 1 J dive down into his own pocket to pay for them, for since the people ! ; have taken upon themselves the privilege of electing the weigher, | the town, we suppose, feel no long- I ] er obligated to furnish scales. I However, Mr. Shannon is anxious I to please the publis and he wanted to hear no kick coining about old j jscales. Make Hay While the Sac Shines. | Jn veiw of the short corn crop I and the scarcity of fodder, etc., ! which will arise therefrom, our ! farmers have been busily engaged | 1 during the fair weather of the past t n-n.. 1. rt.. i ' - - wining miiu curing penvilie hay. The improved mowing machines are being extensively used this season and all the the farmers are well pleased with their work- j ing qualities. Agents in this place for the different companies have sold quite a number of harvesting machines and numbers of people have been heard to say that they will buy later. r 6. \ i ? ? -4?>- ? 1 Would the Tows. We notice in our exchanges that several towns of the State are collecting taxes on dogs and a number have taken in more than a hundred dollars from this source. We do not see why Fort Mill could not profit by such an ordinance, as^ the town is well supplied in the canine line. The town would have better streets and more money with which to repair them were the council to enact several tax ordinances. Tinier Have Changed. One of our oldest citizens remarked while returning from divine services last Sunday that it reminded him of old times to see the large congregations at the services at the Presbyterian church. He said that years ago it was an unwritten law in every household that every member of the family ' must attend church on Sunday. I Then the families hod pews and I every member of tho family from the smallest child to tho grayhaired parents could be seen in their respective pews and it was ! a ease of flogging when n child left church during the service#. Uut ; how times have changed! -W DrcwAoi ?t the C^m. j Another death occured at the . Catawba dam on last Wednesday. Jim Horn, colored, was drowned while crossing the river in a flatboat along with several other workmen. The boat had reached a point about twenty feet from the shore when horn was seen to spring into the water, which is very swift at that place. His companions watched a few moments for his return to the surface, hut he was not t > rise again until Friday afternoon when his body was found several hundred yards below where he had jumped in. None of the persons who were with him hnve nny idea why the man jumped from the boat. ) FOR SALE ?A new, 22 calibre i Marlin Repenting ItiHe. Will sol^^^to for cash, (.'.all at LOOK OUT! V??i' "t ?l "1 j ~ ' '* W? are not golnc to thoot, but are palgn. Our TWO buyers are now In Ing the best factories and wholi prettiest good*, and promise to a season. This is our twenty-secon eleven years and the experienced gei deal to our customers as well as oqt customers, free of charge, the fufl.b< It Is useless to mention prices as ra< prices are always from ;o to t? peri State or North Carolina. We can af because our expenses are so mu< to divide with, no house rent to pay, Is the only firm In Fort MIH that dli alone saves us about $$00.00 a yeai Mlas Mabel Ardrey will bava char now In Baitlirore In the largest m< States copying the prettiest and lal the fall trade. It you fall to aee her It, and If you fall to get our prlcs^y L. J. _ . \i * I - ; i RIBBONS! R | Just rcceivt 4 of that Wo licit all colors and 1 ' ..;s ^^nnd 3 1-2 iuch V cents. MEACHA3 ; v i - . ft -' . # "l it? I - _ _ August a Month of High Waters. j The month of August just past 1 lwi# broken the record for rainfall in this section and those people ' living along the streams have been ' j inconvenienced to a great extent by the high water. The Catawba ' Power Company have been daini aired worse than ?nv ntlier-i I?? ll>i" I r? J ? ? / - t ?f ' I section as the rivgr was, over thyir , i works continuously from the 4th ; day of August to the 1st day of this month. When the waters' j had reached a point low enough i the big pumps were put to work hiuI in several days time the water was pumped out of the cofferdam, ! but that was not all the management hail to do before going to'1 work. All over the works wrh found from three to four feet of mud and settlings and seveinl t more days were consumed in ro-'i j moving this. The management holies to get in some good work from now until Christmas if the old Catawba will be good. -i Messrs. J. M. and W. E. Spnitt,-' who have a contract with the coni, pany to erect the power house, were also considerably damaged1, : the river overflowing their brkik plant and rendering all of the brick unlit for use until washed. '' ^ * A Night of Terror. J, "Awful anxiety was frit fur widow of the-brave General iiurrjliaiu of Machine, Me., when the doctors said she would die from I'nuemotiin before morning1' writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful niyht, but she be^trod for Dr. Kind's New Discovery, which had more than once saved her life, and cured her of Consumption. After taking, she slept alt nitjht. Further use entirely cured* her." This marvelous medicinV is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Luiiij Diseases. Only r?Oc at Meacham's dru^ store. ? i A conimitte has lven appointed by the direcA} ~ ill) us tone college, Sparta? ? 2 to award the contract for th?*g'ect-iou of a Win* * ido Dayis Hall * History, which the directors decided to have built j for Limestone. The building will cost $l2,00o exclusive of material'| It jfc Jk i''\ . -v uioadlnc onr?uns fer.thefall cam i Baltimore and New York search. c Male houses for the newest and sake prices very Interesting this A visit to New York in the past lne<t In that time Is worth a great selves. We propose to give our neflt of our expensive experience. >st of you already know that our ffnt lower thdn any house In this -I ford to sell goods-so much cheaper ;h lighter,, We have no partners i .no had debts to make up .f?-and tcounta every hill. This diacount p- ' ' re of our Mlflln;ry room and she la B -lit lltaery establishment in the United teat styles and electing stock tor kaUt before buying you will regret ou will be]mad." ' - ' IM ASSEY, . , -v? ;??? * N 4 t ; t . ; . . \ A\ ... \ ' ' a 1 LBBONS! r*d a new lot ^ *r Kilihoii in pure ?ilk, 3 < tea wide at 15 i i & Bpps. ; j . ? jl 4 _ y *** Mlt ... ji 1 ' .1 I . . If- .. .. ' t ??? ?..; ... -..J. *v _ * i31 ' A New uVthoi of j^njihinent. t k 1'rrtf, S\ M. MaijoiV, 'principal of tlie graded, school, lift* instituted Uie 4vh linuKiitf system" in his, school. Tl^e students who are guilty of misbehavior i!ijthe, school hours fire put on tin* ijanq during rocess and forced to di^ vveeds, fill up ditches and otherwise improve the grounds. ^hitV1'its* quite h new idea in' (his section t Ji and is certainly a good ope. A visitor to the school grounds can see the effect Af.i the system, although it has only been in operation for a short time. Mr. Harris' 7?ipol? Story. Mr, W. P. Harris' tadpole story i/i. attracting considerable attention, ' A nuujhCr rA people in other towns*hftvcflitipbireU'bf the Times :r i. i.:. i . xi i * iljflll 11 lie UHU Wt'lill T4J11 i|) the fields i)e^r Fort, M ilj, and we yvereieom.pelled to answer in the negative as wo hatfe not. reran My, visited the' gen fie of-Mr. Ffarria' fthservation. ()iio . of- the iio qAiiivrs takes the following form. It, is frvHi K friend in Georgia and ik very pertinent: 4'Kdito| Times; 1M eftse tell Coop Flams t fiat seeing 1adpoles on uj>loads planted io cotton is rather a had ' sign.. -Aiisinth makes lions, tiger* and other l?pgg brutes; ordinary 1 (jnot" brings Forth snakes of h1 I HI'/l'S. killfts find fillip nlid ,1/inl.l.. Mended at times. Hut h(? far wo liavo never had a#iy record of the tadpole kind. - This 'R an arguiihMit for Inwh regulating the Hale (if cheap Whiskey. ;s'1 Alex. Mack." Ha by Sponges, 5 cent* at AUDREY'S Large Huggy Sponges, 10 and 15c at AUDREY'S. Prophylactic Tooth Bruphes doc . at AUDREY'S. Fountain Pens $1.00 each at AUDREY'S. Indellible Ink 15 cents at AUDREY'S. A 'rv X ' ' ' ' , I Just from I Northern ? A full lint' of HUijjlY* Dr I 09 O ut i ugf*, Qitfca Silkotines, Dr?|)i?ry, CM I ^ jl i(uiurir4 MirtU'llIH^* i 09 (liloucliod and imldeiicl V ' iiius,.HU(i i|> fyfd, every 09 Tlit'hf {,'ci h! pricts, Ujat? HANDSOME t*A fifc A new shipment of Jinx We otfer nil SutriUier P ftp call and see ouiT stock, o ? 8HQJ5S for Vl^<iic ftp We .have .-lyll i\ie. latest s ^p Wlitui in need. o|/iVuJul Water or Woll?, Ituek* ftp jiowjs ?n$ Moi^da, VVfti Q aim! >S.loneivfire; pi ways; ? A Full LinoofSii j* Call and se.e ourOw.tlerj X with.every piece' Klinrt ! jg! ^unrnnfee, but our own * We refund your money ? Fresh Salt-water Q J net receiprtl n JiacreJ < ^p and fa* Wo stiJl Jkee|i S Try It, it. with writ you ^p tilings to eat. is too 111111 H Cttlj uj> No. i2 i <*> wjmt. ^Vcjuj S iff if i c I mILL? 0 * oa ' " (SmW&jtfjVrt tA f 0? 0? ?? ?Q??tS ?f( l. ; , .,, ,-.jl? ra., . . F:' , " ' ' >?S? MHv q ! 'Tllli OLD UEL | , - i'- , T " iThese prices M ' ?/.. Vv>., ' 9 . One pound of gotxl; Olio nmiifd ni! iriuwl ~ 7* n"*'" One pound of good One pound of Toss One pound 4>f Avliitc One pound of good* Nice salt maekerel' Itoek salt, 50 pound One dozen T-t* glalh One dozen ITgalU One pair of nijenX^ A set <>f tfooU'&ugg: Lot oft>u^?y1v3?i?p's . ' i ' *U3x' V?;p <?Kiv. Bagging Mr. li. N. Cjrfl]pi:has bales of bagging piid/i [good as now goods a , . Mt? ' vj'. . V f rom 20 to 25 wnts u ;** v:i, small lots aro 55 eont <r*<>'> a*;00 oonts for heavy we large lots, 25 bales of v,*V v' Call on Mi\ Coin o ' .. >*. ' 7 !..>i Store" and see the ha These prices "THE OLD UEl , T. IVfel f 1 ' j '- ''" -^SBBi 1 * ^": *: ; > . -. ' $ y (iood?C <iqiieifetiti<j. of * Per? '5^ ' ' '^|r|r en, ,Ciii?K^???i8, Fianueiteftrft^'i ' ?*/' levoits, Alfiumnce, DiveKUiftri, * :' Slitting*, Canton Flannelc' ??d')? Hickory Shirting, ?icikr J' ;j 'v<v* ifcing in staple. Dry OotxJta. :.( J ivill mutest von. I- k; ; O M5S-- *3 . kt ^ - v,; , , < > . a> Handsome lV\titPv r$ee;ve?. ( ,. tin IS -AT COfcg i\ You abouhl | \ f stylish tii * 4 , 4-rl $ nhrt Mfiii* w . A'3 ". ' .* k- v4 .. ? . ?( ) t\U'K^mJ,<-nn jsave you money. jf'vl ^ ^ifx'ku, .Tube;*C}ollVe Mills, ,( ) ilK.' aGbunis, Baskets, Butter t ) should*. JSjfleis, Crockorj', Tin C ' rcmeaUjiir that \\& jiantMo t . U ich ArfteJtfs, ^ y JAispluy. A tuW -ahowcaae \ uittyxj, not ,a ftumutactivrer's t?uaruutoe, wlijcAi moans that , if j^oocla aje jaoJt .satisfactory. Mackerel. M >r hue Shone Mackerel, uiee tlust nice'^-u 11'Cream Ghtves$. .<('V^.. r taste: - Our stock of-nice .,( ^ ierous to mention. ' *: '' -? villi irof wVnit vnn <> %j ll lM?t> J \?U ! ' * V ' . ,vi> it, ; o . .* : YOUNG. E i m ' 1 ' 1 utftaM' & ) "1 f7) ,'X *? SVtfTfV ,i;.' ? f "?. ' n^.w- - - " -*? jable store: \'<~y -v. , can't be '.'l n< % . ,, green coffee,H rScic, 5c. V m tobacei*, 25c. v/: . 1 um baJviii^ powder, 5o. 3 fish, 5c. r v: Koda, 6o* .? * ? i*#e eaoa. Is and over, lc. . \ , I . .1 . )ii Mason jars, 81. _ " Hi jiirs. 75c. ;otxl punts, 40c. ^ Tuirn-ess, $7.50. ?;10c. up. 1 r 8 t * a s i %,4 . ' 1 ' ? # V "* and Ties. Ma V -n '*"' '< * * renovated about 6,0D') jjids, ivhifch are jlist \ ?' . 1. . ? - - ml can lw bought i bale less. Price*- ; s for Hght weight ar- - ; ' a* x.. >' ight. Special rates aver* ra *The Old Ilcliabb : vVjJtri- fffltirH Mf : '- * y , i S ; ,< ggtng*atid tie*. Gan't bebc^i , / I I ?? III ? MWI.I?-||<i M .1ABEE sxt)i:r/ J i, PiH)i)rI<kt?or; - BBBBBB3&