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|j-L^ Hffer on School XttUr. B*e of the Loan nnd Ex Biik of Columbia* vs. I Kliealy, treasurer of county, J udge Gary Iihb that certain warrant* pay for Evans's school E null and void. The hilar to that decided by Mi in this county last r, in tiie case of the Nat'l Ink of Rock Hill, against f Neely. In both caseR istees had bought school id to,pay for same had rarrahts on fuuds that t be anuortinriAf) to lli?> intil thei following year, jnal Union Bank had over $2,000 of these 1 Judge lit ugh ordered 1; The .Loan and Ex, unk of .Columbia had ainst Lexingtoii county tnets to the amount of i appealed to the court of mandamus to make jfton treasurer p*y, Afng up the law and the lis decree. Judge Gary i his decision as followst union is that the board i made a contract for the charts for the use of ?ral schools at a time e were no funds nvail?och < purchase, and the that said claims were ible at u later or future f funds not then npporthejr said schools, was effort to avoid the forevision of law, and that act of purchase is null It is, tlierefore, ordered rrit of mandamus he reIt is altogether likely Tiae will go to the su?rt.?Yorkville Enquirer. Valuo of OonuUlkx. I Corn may be grown for the stalks only, some day, and not for the ears. Wouldn't it be funny to lie experimenting tor an earless corny That in what it is likely to come to if the uaea for the corn stalks keep on developing. Just now it is neck and neck between the stalks and the ear ab to whioh is the more valuable, go the wise farmer ia niak- , lug good money selling his corngtallts instead of burning them. The uses for corn stalks are very many. Tim - agricultural depart- j went has medt* public a bulletin showing that they may be used for ibpsp among other purposes: A packing for warships; a high grade of writing paper; the basis of a smokeless powder, and a cattle food made by grinding it to a pow dcr and mixing it with cheap molasses. The new food is pressed into cakes under a hydraulic press and can be shipped as easily as brick or cordwood. For feeding it is broken 11 n on/1 nit wii/l A >f^f iu?gvv~Y? VT 11)11 TV fllCl iV'lUIH tents hsve been made and samples have been sent to agricultural stations in Europe. Report from all sources are very encouraging. This food will be particular valuar ble for our cavalry in the tropics, and the food cakes can be made at a minimum cost in Cuba and the Southern States, where thousands of tons of low grade molasses go to waste annually.?Kansas . City Journal. kn Important Docidon. An important decision has been decided by tho assistant attorney genfeVhl in relation to the authority of school trustees to appoint teachers beyond their own torm^of offioe. The trustees of a school district in Greenville 001111ty who went out of office last spring, claimed the right to electa teacher !pt Duncan's chapel, who was to. tt>achl tlietsumtfher school after their term had expired, which , the new trustees thought was an invasion of their rights. The county Bupefintendnnt of education submitted the question to the attorney general's office, and the following is the reply: 14You roqusted to be advised upon tfia following question: 'Is it legal for j trustees for any school year to make oontrapts foy teachers to 1 serve during the school year sue- 1 I needing the year in which their [commissions expire, and, if so, are i I their successors bound to exeoute said contract?1 School trustees beiiiK creatures of statute l?\r, have no power not specifically delegftted by law, and such powers are staktjy construed. No authortturt^Rkn to public school trus A^^^Bbchool lawo^da?tate South Carolina Nm. "?1 Mrs. Mnttie Pegg, of Chesterfield county tins recently cut three front teeth at the age of ?3 years. A colored employee of the Southern's bridge force, was drowned Thursday morning while clearing drift wood away from the bridge over Catawba river, near Belmont. Richland county's cotton mills have been assessed for taxation at valuation of $2,07(1,340. Mayor J. C. Hemphill, of, the Charleston exposition, ha? invited the Hoo-Hoos to hold thOir next convention in Charleston during the exposition. / .. ? Labor unions in Charleston.Lava received a circular letter, signed by the Textile Workers' U&ipu, No. 211, of Columbia, urging wageworkers everywhere to stay away ! from the Canital Oitv. t I A ^ " Dr. James Mack James, the wall known physician and baseh/tUplny-" ef'is lying at the Charleston Hospital, suffering from serious injuries sustained recently in a runaway accident Ht Cbet/pw, S. C. Teet Sims, colored, hasvbeen sent to jail by Magistrate Goesett of Pncolet for house breaking and larceny in the night time. He is I accused of having a week ago broken into the depot at Paco et. Frank C. Leechner, cashier of the Bank of Tiinmonsville, suddenly disappeared from Timuionsville, S.C., a short while ago for reasons unknown at the time. Sinoe then an examination of the bank's accounts show the cashier to be short some $5,000. The tnsk of erecting a dynamite gun on Hilton Head Island is completed and the official test by gov ornineiii experts ?h sciieUlileu to occur this month. This ^nn in forty feet long with a calibre of sixteen inches, H?d is expected at the trial test to hurl a five hundred pound projectile charged with, nitrate of gelatine a distance of four miles. W. S. Mowry, of Eaglewood, New Jersey, died on Sunday morning. He is the step-father of Sen? ator McLaurin, and his death had been hourly expected for two weeks. ... The governor has pardoned James Barnett, of Union, convicted in 1895 and sentenced to the penitentiary for 15 years for burning a house near the town of' Union. .v During the first seven months of the year the gross sales of the Sumter dispensary , npioujjted . to $40,000. It is said that the work of broadening the gauge of the Lancaster and Chester railroad will be completed by October 15. - The government's September report on cotton puts the percentage of South Carolina at 80 and Texas at 50. Work lag Nlffet ant) Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is I)r;': King's New Life Pills, These pills change weakness J into strength, lis leness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health, Only 25c per box. Sold by T. B. Meacliam. Cheap Rataa to the State fair. The rates to Columbia and return from all points in the State , on account of the State fair this year will bo one first-claas fare for the rniifirl frit, ntuu f?fl ..J -f i'? f * 40 w v nun, IIU* mission to thp fair grounds. Ticketa to bo sold daily, Ootober $7 to 31, inclusive, with fund limit for ( return to November *1, inclusive. Secretary Holloway is still making an effort to obtain a oent-a-inilo rate and it is hoped tha? t\a will, succeed. Under the present rate; the round trip fnre from Fort Mill, including entrance fee to the fair, ' will be $3.18. TM?tfon of York County's Cctton ?1U?. TT Tlie State board of equalisation ; ban fixed the following ataessmeuts on the cotton mill propery in York county; A roade mills $ 69.49H , Manchester mills 110,202 Fort Mill Mf^. Co.- * 54.900 Millfort mills .'17,032 < ' Sutro mills 18,31b York mills 103,500 ' Clover mills 129,000 < Chiuoru rnillH 20,100 ' Victoria mills 30.000 1 P^d^uid Park Mfff. Co. 125,Ov.O Calamity. HHHVbafell a railroad laborer." t BHHMw A. Keliat, of Wiflifagfltf RSPHis foot wep badly crusjBM in'i OVER THE COUNI Y. \ ft?*?ryYorkville Yeoman. Bill Edwards, a f? year convict anil trusty'on the ch/ctn gang, escaped at noon Tuesday from the gang^ which is stationed near Watera' hill in Catawba township. His escape was discovered in a few inim\tes, and as soon as the other convicts could he made secure, he wns given chase, but has not yet been caught. Mr. .Joe. Nivens, who moved from Fprt, Mi|l township to a point two ..or tliree miles northeast cf Yorkville about four years ago, was in our office'this week with a fine looking stalk of cotton. It measured five feet, six inches in height, But a close examination showed that the cotton was not what it ap? pearYKl to lie. ft was poorly fruited. At i^ast a tenth of it had no blooms atalh Air. Nivens remarked, with a i , > i uumorous twinkle in ins eye, Unit he hud.lne mule blind ami hiu lieu run out before lie 8liowed his cotton stalk, He also intimated that he believed his part of the report be hbw printed in The Yeoman about that upper Fort Mill farmer having cotton that he ejcpected to feif four bales to the acre from. Le said he had lived a number of years adjoining this craek farmer, and he was never able to got ov\r GOO pounds to the acre. Bock Hill Herald. Miss Julia Tin rnwoll. of Fort Mil], is visiting Miss Lillian Massoy at Tirzah. Miss Annie Culp, of Pineville, is a guest at the home of Mr. mid Mrs. Hugh White. Miss Carrie Kimbrell, niece of Mr. A, il. Kimbrell, returned to , Fort Mdl Thursday morning. Architect H. E. White has just 1 Completed plans for a handsome i residence for M. C. Willis, of Vorkville, Miss Kose Key returned home froui Fort Mill Friday where she has been spending some time with Miss Louise McMurray. Miss Lillian Massey, of Tirznh, and Miss Julia Thornwell, of Fort Mill, were in the city Friday, the guests of Miss Hat tie Banks. The first bale of new cotton was sold on this market Thursday morning by Mr. F. H. Barber. The staple was classed good middling, the price paid being 8 1-2. XiUe Soiling Cotton, It is learned tlvat several cotton mills in South Carolina hnve gone temporarily into the. cotton business and have disposed of a large ! Shipment of cotton on hand tci be j snipped to Liverpool. These mil a have been running cm ynrne but with present "ridjoulous prices'1 as n commission merchant pu a it, they see no inducement to spin yarns and have thus curtailed by selling part of their raw not ton on hand fc/r export, <i,pf the tiifrnty-tive hundred b dps thus.sold, a lai ^o portion was compressed at the Charlotte press. It is expected that further sales of this nature will he reported in the future.?Charlotte News. TBOM OUB COBBESPptnjSUTS. ARDRKY'S, N. Q. Sept. (>,?A large crowd of young people gathered at the home of ^r. Lark Robinson in Providence lust Friday night and enjoyed a delightful la^n party given by Miss Minnie Robinson to her many friends. . ;The farmers in our section are busy with the hay crop these days and the inower can l>e heard on all sides. This is a good move and the farmers are trying to make up for the short crop by gathering all the peavine hay. Misses Dula Wilson, of Griffith, Hannio Jones, of Cokesburg, S. C., Who have been visiting Miss Beulab lioss, have returned home. . ' Miss Alice Ardrey leaves Wed- ' nesday to resume her studies at the Greensboro Female College. Miss Mary Lee, of Marion, is vleiiing mm. >v. fj. Cunningham, Nies Lenn Smith of Charlotte, spent several diysof last week at Mr. Sain Kelt's. i . - 4 ? Stwd Death Off. K. 3 Mini lay. a lawyer of Henrietta, 'LVx , once fooled a gravejigger. He Hays: "My brother w?h very low with malarial fever ind jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Hitters, and he wan goon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. I j w^reJ^gMc Bittern saved his expel* Cheap Bates to the Mountains. The S. O. G. Ex. railroad has nmiouneed excursion rates-(6 Hh*?lby ami Blacksbnrtf from Rock Hill at $1.20. 1o Rutherford ton nt $1.75 and to Marion, N. 0., at $2 00* lor the round trip. Tickets will he on sale Fridays and -Saturdays until Oct. 5th, good to return Monday following date of sale. Tickets will also be sold for ten days' trip at one first class faro for the rguiid trip. Call on or write the CROWN SALOON, ?FOI: FINE WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. OLJ) JSOUTII CAROLINA EAGLE CORN WHISKEY A SPECIALTY. J. M. WOODSIDE & CO., PnorsQnocn City 'Phono 202. SI W. Trade St. CHARLOTTE; N. C. We Like Your DoJar in puynieut of laundry work loft in our care, but we strive us well for approbation. Our aim in to wash clothes clean, iron shirts, collars ami cnffs to your liking (we mean by that polished or domestic finish), and generally to ulTord you the best satisfaction at prices commensurate with good work, but still cheap. Tho perfect work of the ModelStoumLaundry. Charlotte. N. C., all the time at short prices has won the general favor Of good dressers. Shipments made Wednesday evening. Eu. L. McjiuiiANKY, AtlKN'T Fort Mill, S.'C. tf - . J. U. Travwick & Co , " * , ! . . . DEALERS IN k FINE L.1QUOK& AND WINES. l*o. 40 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C, Why DO You Throw money away l)y buying a cheap grade of Harness, wlien you can get the beat Hand Made 'Harness at tlie aanie price? How is your saddle? Now'b the time to have it repaired. Give me a call. J. E. MARSHALL, Opp. Centrnl Hotel. Hock Hii.l. S. C. A promptly procured. OH NO FIE Send model, tkrteh ?J' r phnU) for free report on patentability. Ityk A1 toObuin I' S *nd I-..rriyn Patent*!>ioiTrude M?rkr. sj. A> FREE F*lr eat term* over offered to ,inventord W YJPAnElfT LAWYERS OF IS YEARS' PfcACTlCK-W 3) 20,000 PATENTS PR0CURE0 THROUGH THEM. 7?, JO All buaiun?i ofinfluentinl. Sound advice. Wilthfyi(A 'fflNrvfn M.rd rat* obarffM. QD swi:uC. a. snow & no.? AJ PATENT LAWYERS, "J ^ ft Opp. U. S. Patent Office. WASHINGTON. 0 C { ... i -T ? (JIJ3 NEWSPAPERS FOR '/ 3 A EE AT THE TIMES OFFICEMEAT,, FLOUIl n/nd Your attention i? called/to the First that w?' ^uaranteri saiish corn find wheat. Our capacity is wheat por clay. / Second, that we buy oar corn, ity; and aell flour, meal, Jrushed a tilings and all mill products at low ROCK HILL R fthc m the w > win i / : * % l In Hoc Signo : Vinces. The sign which means most in the business world of today is the sign of business judgment and good taste shown in printing. Ours is the right kind. It gives character to your busi ..V.-., U.|IIWH>"-V.IIICIH. UUI v printing stands for us and for you, R, M. LONDON, Rock Hill, S. C. w FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, KRANDIES, ETC,, CALL ON OR WRITE TO W. H. HOOVER, LHAKMMTK, N. l\ DR. J. L. SPRATT, ji SURGEON DENTIST. ; i h . Offioo in Jo?es building. Street, Fort Mill, S. (J, Tonus, striotlv oftsh. ! THE NEW YORK WORLD, Thrice a-week Edition. The Widely Rend Newspaper in America .. - ?; ' l "* Tiwo Has demonstrated that the ThrioeM|*^F4Mlr World ntuitd* .-alone ?u its oIuhm.' -Other isvpers have imitate^ 1 its form hot not its success- Tips is ho- ' * M j cause it tells all the news all the tiine M and tells it ipipartinlly, whother that fl news bo political or otherwise. It is, in fl fact almost a dailv at the prioe of a 1 B weekly and you cannot affura ti> \o - MB without it. Republican and Democrat alike can read the Thi'ioe-a-Woek World wjth absolute confidence in its truthI In addition to news, it publishes first class serial stories ai)d other features suited to the home and fireside. The TUriee-a Week World's rej?ular ... subscription price is only $1.01) j?cr year < and this mtvs for l."?(5 imhwim wo ''?4Ji this uueaqiiaUecl lidwupaper ami the . Fort Mill Times together one year for 91 .(US. The regular subscription price of tho two papers is $2.00. f^fSiRePeaters I I? " ! ??&9!W?ss! 1 rTv ' \ v . l/i This Imt.ire ? U L%XVWilll SSJJf&tU?! 1 1 I'i-iy-'? M'&tesiG \* tMN empties away from h>m \JJfc instead of into hi* face. * prevent* smoke and iQBjf - \1?J, i:a?e? from entering hi* HH' \1M eye* and lung*, >i?d koe^* themline pf^kt rr smoothly, making; very noi^e. SJsKilW lustrations, cover t^gj nine colors, mailed for H''' The M*rfln Fire Arm* C*. II FEED. following fncts:? iction in grinding, and exchanging 150 bifdhel.s corn and 250 bushela shell oorn, and wheat uf good qoal. rid cracked corn, wheat brand, niid Ht market price. Quality best. ^ OLLER MILLS. ' A / 41 . - L. 1 ' istcilse rung V Us jt u*vt^goawny HHautify