University of South Carolina Libraries
' ? One Southern Clas* A" College tor Women. The latest report of tho IT. S. Commissioner of Education drope from ""Division A" one of the fourteen col* leges for women heretofore so ranked. The Itandolph-Macon Woman's OolI lege at Lynchburg. Va., is the only J tiolkge ot this class south of the Potomac. Nntr c nnH c In a certain Michael Murphy, a former alderman of Richmond, Va.. that cRy believes it has probably the greatest checker player in the world. He is h modest man. of ample means, and he will not play for money. But Mr. Muriphy has in social games beaten the l>est players in this country, England Ianil Ireland. The late John R. Williams was one of the best players in Richmond, but he was 110 match for Mr. Mnrpliy. The Paris Debate says that a monument is to be erected at Trots, in tho Douches du Rhone, to the memory of a man whom it calls one of the national glories of France?namely, Urbnn Dubois. the father of the explorer, Mr. Felix Dubois, author of "Timbouctou la Mysterieous. He was chief cook to King William of Prussia, and naturally resigned when the war broke out. Hi thereupon immediately undertook to publish in tasteful and often expensive volumes his vast and detailed knowledge of tho culinary art. producing half a dozen volumes which have become classical in their kind. Born in t* ibis, no (lieu a lew months ago. 1 King Glarriionl Hyrrd and his wife, Quron Natalie, of the gypsy tribe /* vamping near Morristown, New .Torsoy, wore divorced recently according to the rites of tribe. The sacred marriage rod jfo was brought out and placed on a eloth in the centre of a cirel" of gypsies. I Then the property of the tribe was brought out. llalf of it was placed on one side of the rod and half on the ' other. Tit on the Quern opened a hook aiiul gave the number of the page. The King did likewise, and as lie came nearest the centre of the book ho step- \ ped over on the north side of the mar- ! riage r >d. The Queen took her place ani'in; the goods or. the south side of Xthr rod. They stooped to the ground together, picked up the rod, each holding an end, and after a moment's hosllntion broke it In twain. Tiicy were , divan d. j i tir Portugal electric lights are attached lo 1. collars of limiting d o_rs 11* fo.\e- and badgers from their hoies as the di'o". < nter. fcs advt. Of HMITUDXAL'S IlfSISLsS C'OLLKOE ; ^ 'J htu. Ae 1700 Indians ui Arizona own- 1 / ing farms. . Mr.. Window's Soothing Syrup for cliildratl "t^rtbinrr, soften the gntns, reduces inflammation, allays pain, euros wind colic, fiwa bottle An ostrich which was lately di.-sectcd in London had in its stomach a small prayer bowl:. PisoV Cure for Consumption is nninfalliblo medicine for coughs and colds.?N.W.Sihckl, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, l'JOS. Only nineteen of the seventy Ilerlin I traa lines are now worked by horse traci Lion. It'.- easior to put up with the prodigal son 'than to put up for liiui. So. 35. I Grau Hi7/>l i K " I have used Ayer's Heir Vigor U ?. for over thirty years. It has kept H ; t w r.calp free from dandruff and H Ji l . ? prevented my hair from turn? in/, gray."?Mrs. V. A. Soule, b r.;:iings, Mont. | There is this peculiar | thing about Aycr's Hair | Vi;-or? it is a hair food, & net a dye. Your hair docs 8 \\ :. t suddenly turn black, H i 1' . a dead and lifeless. j i ? :: i gradunl 1 ythe old color I rues back,? all the rich, j | k color it used to have. ? ; hair stops falling,too. [ , SI.00 n bittl;. >11 t'r.ntist*. * . ? ; >"UP dr.'.jfcint r:ii?not |>;0y you, Ja ; yt .?s "no dollur ?tul mo Mill i x|*i<s8 M |v v o,t i ittlo. n? sure ami clvo the namo j'J J < . v'jur iiwr '?t f xiiri>-< oilit f, \ildri **, it . \ \ i.K ( >.. II, yjass. ll I orar.-^r T?>ccm?cni?ifl Dizzy ? | T .in >our liver isn't acting ! well. Ygj suffer from biliousness, constipation. Aycr's Pi!is act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have beer, the Standard Family Pill. 1 Small doses cure. A I rtruvriflr.fs | f \V is.i'yoiir riii.ii Ai-ln- i?r~*"ril. > < autlUil ( | I it, vm nr rich bltick ? flirt nit j I SUUKIKGKAM'S 1 i I j *>- r ?a . N. V.H J[ j i *J l'<wt Cou h Syrup. Tju-ica < ?n??l. i: .o ! !;pS^K^^Pi!wSSS^B i t-Jere Bt Is! "twit to iMrn all aUoat a a* 1> i -? * How to lvk Out a A i utino* Kdvw li?i<rlw<(/\ , 1 " V i .ii- i i il ? . Ottard axatn-t \ v ?.iwl: J)i?twt l>taaa.-a ami / X' " " / \ ' ,Kn . i i 'vr* whan uiue It / \ / \ ' ' \ Tall tlia A^?* by \ / \ jl \ ' IV"). What to call tha ItiiTeroc* I'nrt* of rim | \ / m Ml llow to Whoa n llorai lTopirljrf All th!? | a n? >:liat Valuable Information can l<* nhtamad I7 riling our HKI.PtdK II.I.l'STlt ATKI> ' \, '* < i.MR UIH?K, whioli wa will forward, jnat,i?i-.wnMi:>< of only f j renla tu maapa. ACpil rVUMSIIINO HOChR. 1 Ut l^eonard st., N. V. ?> , k -2 ? . j >' i \ "southern railway. Otatral rimn at Jaek-onvill* nl Savannah. ILnstmn Time"at. tit her Points. Schedule In Krr< ?.-: June utth. 1>1. Nonn.norx,,. SZuSfnSuyl Lv. Jncksmi vibe t pTTTi Sum 7 4.>p " tiaviuitiiih (So. Ry ?.... 1J :!Ap 12 ttutt " Barnwell I il5flp 4 l;:n 14 Bln<*!cYiili> 4l'^i 4 iSmi Ar.Columbia .. .">ntn> fl 15n| Lv. Charleston. (so.itjr luwlliMp .... " Bunimcrvilio 7 4lit lJUUot, " Branohvllie ; ttOUa sv.m " Orangeburg st itsi ::ji M KiiiKvillu ... 10'.4n 4?)">ai Ar Columbia li lut ton Lv. Auvustit, (.-so. i.v, i 2i"?up V(Wp Lv. (4ra:nti)Villo .......... It :Mp l.t lopl Lv. Aiken . au>p 1 l.v. Trenton 8ii2p 11 ttipi ' Johnston 4 o, p 11 M\> Ar. Coluinhin. 547>p 2 l.'a .... Cv. CoininVnn. ( Bldji rtl.".. a.Y>p 0 27m " Winiis'ooro O.Vlp 7- mi " Chester 7 ISsp 8 17? " K<x"k Hill 8 Slip S o-ii Ar. Charlotte . 1 t'Oip 0 55a Ar.Panvillo l.'vn imp Alv Kli'lniioinl . OUUU (ti p Ar. Wnsiiiu^'toii . . .. . 7 im p " Baltimore i Ha.ltKi ... it 15allJ7>p " Philadelphia . .. 11 ICtu1 15'"n " New York. 2tflp' 8 J In Lv. Columbia .. .. IlJtn 7 "tin .... Ar. Spartanburg IJI Op 10'."On " Ashevillo 7 l.ipi 2v)p Ar. Knox villo t o.'.n. 7 loo Ar._Oineiunni 1 . mpj s'l'n j Ar. Louisville . , (U|' s tun I . iNo.SHlNo.35 aounr bound. dnlivo-d'v' i i " t 1 Lv. Louisville _. ' Urn . !??p Lv. Cimii.imtl . 8!m? ki<fit> : Lv. Ktio.willo ! 1 fit inl 8 '.".hi ... | " Ashovillo 7 O.Vi liUUp | " Spartanburg .... ... 'lOHia 0 15p ..... Ar. <' iltimhiii .. 215:. ILVp ' Lv. Now YorktPn.k.k) li.'Kipil2l.m!i i " Philtiilnlphiu Iltt'p i " Baltimore S27p il 22n .... Lv. Wmlil'itt'ii (So. ry). OGOp 11 ian i Lv. IIio'iuh ov 1 11 drp'lUultn lv Danville .... 4 .cm ft tfpl . Lv. Ohr.riorio .. ... i n -itn uajp! ' lv -k Hill i v km l,14jp " Chester 1 1) 44a 1! 15yl "* VTinnsb >ro . 10 2611 12 01a Ar. Ooltimhiii. tBlilgSt lldiui 105a Lv. u liimlna. it*. l?.?.. 1 Axon .j 5 a .... " Johnston i 140p] illian " Trenton .... j 152p 0 2ha| Ar. Aiken 2:?)p 7 a Ar. l-lrnnttnvillo 22l[i 05-uj .... Ar. Augusta ... UOJp 7 15 a i Lv.Oolnmbla use. tty) t>?< 1 nftsl * Kin grille ulflp 2 32n| " Oinugehurg. . 142;- :i 15a .. .. m BnnohrtUs i S2Sp 425s " Bummer villa i 642pl 5."7a Ar. Charleston | ?80p! 7 ujnl Lv.OolnmWn (8o, hy.) .. li 4m i i<^> Bloekvlllo I 120p 2 52a| M Barnwell 1 Sip 1107a " Savannah I 805p ! AOal Ar. Jnehionvtllo ip.8.1 r lop 0 isa'. Car Sarvico. hxociieut tiltii.t" d.'iav 'kt'r service between Florida and now \ >rl?. Nim. Iltand .'14?New io?u u.i.l I'.uriaa E\ pr?- s. Drawing-room ; ini eh.--* 1 tv. ?u Augusta New York. Ihiliirwi.l graving room bleeping our- 1 '-tween 1' >rt tartan Ja onrlllo.oar nnnh wn*liingt? nandVowYork Pulhnnu s ee ing ems l c wre:i Char' tiea-il Kiohinoml a el Chnrlni .* a Norfo'k. x) Cars < h'?rl.?tt<'iu;-l Snvnnmih. noj, 01 c. s. f.. d mi..!, i uroi.Th Putin vi drawing-room hutTei -h- ' .ungear-' *v> twm'n Jaeksonvlilv and New York anl Hullman s!i oping car* bolwuan Augusta and char lotte anil Charloltv ami hieiuao:ii. Dining cars serve nil meal-. on roil", o Pullman sharping curs itct v.* <>n Jacksonville a.i<l Columbia, an route duiiy l>et wii':i Jackson vll'e ;.ml? ineiiinut!, via Asheville. frank s. gannon, f. h.KAUDWiOK, Third v'-p. a: gi-n. Algr., Hon. t\-i \?*r., Washington, l?: c. Washington, l>. o \V. II 'X ALOE, tl. W.HlNT, au'tlion. Puss. Ag't., Die. Ha-<s. Ag't. Atlanta, <La. ciwirle . n. s. c. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Edmnml Audiau, tlie Freuvli romposer, is dead. George William Chaffee. of Nashville, TellII- is !i ttvin ln..?? !>..?. ? r /.? ? ... ukViUVl U1 v * ' 11 * cral Chaffee. United Slates Minister to Brazil Bryan is voyaging along ii?e Brazilian coast ou the cruiser Atlanta. Former Governor Stone, of Missouri, lias nearly recovered from what was feared might be a fatal illness. Attorney-General lsidor llaynor, of Maryland, has been retained by Admiral Schley as an associate counsel. Cornelius Vnnderbilt lias been elected to a lieutenancy in the Twelfth Regiment of the New York National Guard. A firm of cotton buyers at Atlanta, Gn? have announced Hint they have taken Richmond IV Ltobson into partnership. Assistant T.lbrnrian Alnsworth It. Rpofford, of the Library of Congress, is to spend three mouths in Europe buying books. The State Department has confirmed tin- report that Ambassador White at Berlin is to rcluru to the United Stales ou leave. The Czar has coufernd on Count Voti Wr.hlersee the Andreas Older, with diamonds and swords, tlie highest Russian decoration. John Barrett, formerly United States I Minister to Siaui, has been appointed j Commissioner-General of the Si. Louis i Exposition to Asia and Australia. President Eliot of Harvard tan do more than steer a great university, lie is an expert sr.llor and can put a yacht skilfully through all its evolutions. King Edward is said to lie looking worn since the death of his sister, the Empress Frederick, ami rumors that be is suffering from caucer of | the tongue, and cannot live mauy years, have been revived in London. MkrU Milium h 11 ir Uocord, The fact that Mark llanaa has bo:onu n member of a (?. A. K. post In Cleveland will be news to many, for hitherto few people were iware that :lie maker of presidents hud a v.'ar cvfinl. Ilanna rnltate 1 In the nun Huwirc.l and Fiftieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which was mustered in fur 10(.? days in 1861 to guard Washingtor.. The ofllrial record ??f the regiment . totes: "After the reg'ment was r.worn into service. May r>. 1SGI. it was immediately placed on c u-s for Washington. On its arrival the regiment was ordered to garrison Forts Lincoln. Saratoga, Thayer, Hunker Hill, R!o< um, Totten and Stevens, forming part of thf chain of fortifications surrounding the national capital. The regiment remained in these forts daring the whole term of sorvlce and participated in tho tight before Washington, tv'th a part of Early's rebel corps, Tuly 10 and 11, 1864. Companies G md K were engaged, but being be-1 ilnd breastworks did not suffer much.' Dno man was killed and three or four *? -? - i ? ? - ?? 1 / MILLIONAIRE'S TRAGIC END jambler Kills Samuel Strong- in a Quarrel at Cripple Creek, CoL tV?nteil to Stoj> a Gmne, Hut Ornnt Crumley, Who Hail Loit. Objected mid Shot Mine Owner Deiut, Crippie Creek, Col.?Samuel Strong. Jneuter of tlie famous Strong mine, at Victor Col., was shot dead in the Newport saloon and gambling house by Grant Crumley, who was conducting u roulette wheel in the saloon. In company with J. ii. Neville, liie father-in-law, and his private secretary. C. A. Fitch, Mr. Strong had spent the night in the place, and had won ,SH<> at roulette. When he insisted on accompaniug Mr. Neville to liis home in the morning Crumley objected, since it meant the end of a game ill which lie had lost heavily. In the Quarrel that followed Crumley shot Mr. Strong with a sawed off ten-bore shotgun, heavily loaded, at close range. The contents entered just above liie right eye, blowing off the top of his head. Mr. Strong fell dead and Crumley surrendered to the police. Crumley formerly ran a hack in enl.wniln ill, WUK unci. charged '.villi holding up a mail train [ on the Florence and Cripple Creek road. Mr. Stronpc was about forty-two years old. lie came here from Illinois in 18S.1, about which time If ? tirst wife, now living in Illinois, secured a divorce. The children from his tirst innringc. a son and a daughter, are students of Notre Paine University. in South Bend, lnd. Mr. Strong made his first strike in the Strong mine in Cripple Creek, lie bonded the mine to Colorado Springs capitalists, now the Strong Miring Company, in 1 SOL'. lie was roe erly sued in the Arapahoe Count court for $200,000 damages for blowing tip the mine to depreciate the property so that it might revert to him from forfeiture of tiie ho d. The explosion occurred during the miner's strike in IS!).';. Four men served terms In the penitentiary for the crime. Mr. I Strong was acquitted after a liard tight. Mr. Strong was married in February, lS'J'J, to Miss Jtegina Neville, of . .lust at tin close of the cerej irony an ottieer served pa pi rs in a i breach of promise suit brought by j MPs Vane, if Celd!i"'d, the si mount I iicing Neliie M. I.ewis j a similar suit for $'g'i<i.<itM) I fluuiagis. The tirst ease was settled j out of eOtu't. Miss I.ewis was granted I $;"iu,(joo at ti.j trial, in April, Hit to. I 'J'liis stiui will i.j paid out of the i esintc. Mr. Strong'* wealth l? OHiintaiml at about ?2.."00,000. lie \\':?* prominent in various mining onti rprifes. lie was a pioneer of Cripple .thoclt untl prominent in the camp's devoh i> Ult'Ilt. ^ HELD HIM ON THE CALLOWS." SIuttirrAr r.riiirn lie Wni HaiikciI l'or Crime Coimitllted in lH'.H. Seattle. Wash.?Charles W. Nnnlstrom was hanged hero l'or the inttr(ier on November 27. JM)1, nine year? ago. of William Mason. Nordstrom wept continually when he was taken to a room adjoining the death chamber. It required the utmost efforts of four men to keep him on his feet. When he was taken into the dentil chamber lie broke down entirely, praying that his life he spared. Then , lie collapsed and fell to the floor. ! Efforts to raise liim and keep liim I on hi.-a feet were fruitless. Finally Sheriff Cttdih-c onlt ri d that a hoard be brought. To this Nordstrom was tied. Six men raised his body on the hoard, and with gr-at effort succeeded in getting llit.i u'.'.n the sen (Told. There he was placed upright, while four men stood on the four sides of the trap ami Imhl him. In less than two seconds after the condemned man was fas ened ih trap was sprung. Th's was at m I Xordstrotn was prommiiced dead at lii i':> o'clock. .\orustroni shot Mason i:i a dispute about Swhich lie declared wa-. due hint for work. liis U:\- had be a pro longed for ra. than r.ieo year,; ; through the ofi'orts ol Lis]. PREACHER HANGS HIMSELF. I Mr. Il;irrlui{iniiiiif !t\riiv.l, \ . !., Ciiiniiiili Hull-tile a Fnrliii|;!il A : irr iinc. I I Belvldere, N. .1. Tlie Ibv. th-orge ' It. I larrat ;iott, wlio lias lit -n pram-; I lug in ill.- .Metl.'.itiist Church at Osioiil, ] I eoiMiuiio d suicide by hanging! | roll' in the belfry of She church. 11< j was l wciiiy-nine years of ago, ] was still a student at Dtvw Seinin-j ury, not yet having h i 11 admitted to full ortli is. His iiotne was in Delaware. lie was married hero two w.-.-ks ago to the organist of his eirnreh. ami had seemed happy since tin n. A few days ago after break fast ho remarked to his wife, as if joking, that he guessed he would kill him elf ill'dug the ilaty. .Mrs. Harrington say- she thought nothing of the remark after saying to hint that It was a sorry joke to talk in that way lie did not return to the house at noon as usual, and sc-areh for him was hogiiu. It was learned that during the tnorniug lie had visited the stare of the Oxford .Mining Company and had there purchased a piece o< haifiueli rope. The church was t-no of the last places searched n..r. ? - ?>-- ? ,. ...... u in- uu'.iy was found. Cnlnm1)i;i IliiTori In: l'eii?or#liij?. The Columbian (!ovi".'iimrm is r.ow en f ore in.i; a strift eensorshlp. Drunnrd in UiUr l,ri?. Crib. Five ineu were killed in tlie Waterworks Crib No. live miles out iu i.ake Erie at Clevelaiitl, Ohio. Mayor Coin 1.. Johnson lias ordered all eonSii'tietiou work on the tunnel stopped until every sale^uard shall lie pruViued lor the proieelion ot the men. Dvslrnctiv? f'lre in West I mile*. A ?ivai live destrt?yeil boo houses (tint :>,n.e of (ll_ pUOlic of Oli-litl i.e.II:, tile eita i. tOuii oi lire isiainl ol' Marie Oaluute. L- Velieh W'esi > Hides. \ II *m . ?li n ii|inl?>- - HCT? Ylic Man to Pattern After? Kxuftperutlng Amiability?Inclusive? Keply to a Pool {Juration?Nothing Loit?A Lock l'lckcf ?The Intricacies of It. Ktc., Ktc. The man who tries is a man to praise? But wait a moment, wait!? The n.:iu who does is the man, my son, For y m to emulate. ?Chicago Record-Herald. T?xas]icrattiic Amiability. "Amiable people are often so exasperating." HV..O. I If II... * !? ..-I.... ..... 1. i va, x n \'iiviri u iuu is m ikii auiivus them feel so amiable."?Detroit Frco l'rcss. - t ' i Inclusive. Flic?"No, I can never marry yon. All our family is opposed to you." lie?"Ilut if you are not " She?1"I saiil all our family."?Pliila* delphia Press. .. * - - I i Koply to n Tool Ouestlon. "What ten books would you take if you liad to pass the rest of your life ou a desert island?" "Oh, I wouldn't take books at all. I'd take things to eat."?Tit-Bits, ???- /-> TCoftiinjj Lust. Hi?"We may have to wait somo time before we can get married, dear." yiie?"Perhaps it is just as well. Papa says he expects to do twice as much business next year as this."? Detroit Five Press. A l.nt'U l'lclier. "Crookstcr never lias any trouble win n Ills wife refuses to irivn lilm .-i latchkey." -He doesn't*:" "Nope?he's a reformed burglar."? Ohio State Journal. * < T1ii> Ititricaelrn ??r It. "Why didn't you study the time table and then you would not havo miised your train':" "That was the trouble. While I was trying to translate the time table the train pulled tail."- Huston Journal. | . Darkens Ills Lift1Askit?"Why dues Writein, the great I author, wear sueli a look of constant i fear':" I Tillit?"He wrote the class song I when he graduated, and his enemies 1 are constantly threatening to make it public."?Kaitiinore American. . Tiie Only klutl Slu< Knew. Mrs. ltrowne "Mrs. Whitty Is forever talking about the repartee a I her liOllSo when she and her husband enter tain.'* Mrs. Maiaprop?*' Yeg. I suppose that's some cheap kind. 1 always use Oolong myself."? l'hiladelphhi Press. I.otl ill tlx: Crowd. Toss meeting Jess on the street)-" J "What's the matter':'' Jess?"1 is just lost something, and . I can't think Jitfll .what it is." Toss?'"It was/r't >'iur " Jess?"Oh, I know now. li was that little Mr. Suipp, who was walking with tue." Tess?"Then it .was nothing, after all."?Philadelphia. Prone. ,y Feminine Figure. "She loolvS lik?? thirty c?o?ts," remarked lie, hut .when I reminded him that ()?? subject of liis remark* belonged to the jjoutle sex. lie qi.VUly corrected hhuseJf. and 1 was pleaded to note that lie seemed not in t"U?? least otTeitdeii: "I heg your tinrdoru 1 should have said ihat she looks lilce twenty-nine j cents." ? Pittsburg I'hrouicle-Tclo jrapii. "2* r A <;? !.tic fiylvwrtoii. sir," said the man tlio high brow and lofty air, "are osiy a literary hark." ".No," . nswered lii patient plodder; j I "don': call mo that. Von never npo n.o < i getting t'oiii ; liars as niueh for a serv - i I ie,> as ii's uovth. wiih a tip thrown in. i \ 1 am prepared to admit the justice of 1 your remark s,, ;,tr us the iipenl??u is vwiui 11:< <i. i >u: <n?ii i ? ;: 11 uii' a had." < | -Washington Star. A l'uzzlo iiutrrd. The fair youns; j;irl wno was to Ikv , collie a bride on the morrow sal iu 1 her boudoir, nicdi.n; ini; seriously. "Shall I marry Henry," she mused, i "or shall 1 shoot liiinV All the yirls who si.oot their lovers !?c; such lovely write-ups in the papers." r.m she derided tliat her trousseau iniplit oe t'o i I'll eh i.i a Imnulin.u man- , ner by the reporters at t!te trial, so she ! concluded to be married.?Boston j American. A tlij; IHnVrenoe. .miss loung i ?n.n t really see why people should compare inarriag?> with a In '.lory." Mr. old "No, I dorft; they aro not a bit alike." j Miss Young (enthusiastically;?"l'ni so glial you agree with inc." .Mr. Old In a lottery, it you draw a blank you can tear it up, and try j again." Miss Young (somewhat mystilicd)? "Yes."?The King. Itignrsft. "Men are bigger fools than ever!" exeiahuod the cynic. "Nay. nay!" protested the youth. "They are by in means as big tools as they were!" They appeal to me. 1 laugh quietly, ' with an air of reserve power. "You are both right!' I ery. "Men i are no: to tall us thty rs. i] to he. but ' they measure more around the abdonu n!" When they fatuously fall to arguing | that .his is not eon elusive. I lose till na tieuoo uud leave iLeai.?Detroit Jour ml. CURRENT NOTE^. I A pet dog belonging to a millionaire j In Newport went astray, but the police department to a man turned out and i soon restored the missing canine to its j distressed owner. The kldest police j force in the world is that of Newport, j An Alabama nowspaper, the Luverne i Journal, has the following: The thir- j teenth amendment freed the negro, the \ fourteenth made him a citizen and the j fifteenth amendment made him a voter, j What the Alabama Convention will make of him the Lord only knows. The footpad naturally breaks into a ehoo store for booty. i QTARTUNG F 1 Thousands of children are being gni K I are seldom reliable. They depend up Y? variety of worms present in thointcstl and sure course by using DR. BOYKIN'S \ VOVOOi IT IS A SURE, SPEEDY AND SAFE t IN USE OVER 30 YEARS. ACCEP1 I BUST VERITirgUE KNOWN $20.00 TO $40. /T# B?lnR Mane celii i ' LOO J.c Ciffv- of lrval and business f..:u.s. pondluin of plain and ornn . , /****2 u'ntur and Knrin >r?' Hoi A complete sot of Int.-r st s of CIS ! EKNS.Tii V4.'A In oi.rt \ obfo.c. Oyer \~'Z pa; 11 is 11 Completfl bus'ncF : e fify '} SIMILE. I'HACl it'AL and ^ ^> r j.j and air)* pin mil h i well n> 1 /*C.^rST:r ' (me 1 *;< ;? t 111 t.lio country 1 r J ' ? PI'k. Aclltl llTW ITIT.V H I' inK pi le*, W1.00 an t t? 1.."ill. otlitlt; satisfaction gu i-uu?e. - w-'?.1. |? Muslins?"Haulom, the drayman, seems a very humane man." Buggins? | "Humane! Why. since his horses have taken to wearing bonnets h?> lias ac- i tually fitted up all their stalls with lookingglnsscs." Thirl? mlmites in all the time required to dye with I'ctnam Fadelksa Dyes. Sold bv all druggist*. A man may own a watch that is a good ] timekeeper, and yet he may not have a good time. \\ ith the aid 01 a microphone you can ' hear a fly wp'k. IIpni fox- 1 lie UoupIii. \o matter what ails you, liendnrho to a rancor. you will never get well until row bowels aro put riglit. Cancaiikts help nature, cure you Without a gripo or pain, produce ' ........... ...... ciii.-m it, i-.imt von J LX ilt 1U cents to start jjet* i??i? your health hack. C\n< AitKTs Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up ! in mo till hoses, every tablet has C. C. I'. Btanipeil on it. ii< ware of imitations. Wolves, the energetic traveler-., among the lower animals, are comparatively short live il. Ili Uitrc of Oliiuni'iit* tor Critarrl* Contain .'lereury, as in. in! y ..ill surcij i!"?u-oy the nemo ot j smell ami completely ?lt r.\..ig, tlix whole syi-- I tun when entering ;t through the mucous ' surfaced. Such nriicl i. tit r.ild lto. cv be ubo l I c'-.o.-pt <>n prescription! froAi reputable phvslcLins, as tin diviuve they will di is t'-u foM to tin goo 1 y -?.n | o . ilily ?leri\ from ;): in. 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by K. J. Cheney it Ci.t Toll'li?, t>.. contains no incr J, nifl is taken iijtornrlly, acting directly ; tlpofl the blooil j fid nVr.C 'is Mirfn ;h of the iiysleni. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure t<? gel the gontiiuO. ji i? taken internally, anil Is mailo in Toleno, Ouio, by P. .1. t henov A Co. Testimonials free. WSoid by 1>. tt'gists ; prieo, 75c. por bottle. I Hall's Family i'llla are the boat. The Jongf-st pipe line in the United St_es is to be built lrom Wyoming to I Suit I>akc City. FITS permanently cured. Notlioornervou.- | Reus after first day's use of I)r. Kline'* Orowt . Nerve llcstorev. $2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R.H. hi.i.M . Ltd., ' HI Arch St.. l'Mla. P? tin matter how' bad music may be it never coined out at the small end of the horn. | WE PAY R. R. FARE am- listmn {5,00) . 1'ej chit, Uunraatto : ( V I SOU KICTCK. sruor.Ausii M?U. iioakdAi , C(HT. Writ.-(Jitl.-k to tin-Ala. Uutilnens i Collfrfo. Mwon, C?a. \ (JAPUD1NE o 9 For IfKiVnA<:HK6i ? O ami BUS. ,* ^ Taken with Initio it pro v?nti? Nor- O V votisiioBt nuri A'hltiir and ra U?v<?it tho 1 X Kover. AT Al l i?HU(I STC HKH. ^ ->040-cC<>0'>:X'i.^ OOO-S-O-Ss, ?o->o*c> <S//s/4f'&s2x Is thr oldest ami only huHinc-m?otlegr urn \a.own* I ingita building?> grind newont. No > ? Unities ft Krntfrmrn Hook2 i-plnx.Shit* thunU, Typewriting* Penmanship, Telegrn'pti^ ^c" Leading business coltoae south oltlvvPt* oinac ?t*er."?I'hila. Stenogtapher. Atldresi, LI. M. Sinitlulcni. I'resiitent. Xictutia' FEMALE COLLEGE, w"-L5*gM* N NOT KLSKWIIKIIK la such an Meal of CUIUST1AN KDl'CATION. L Ia?i*ttnro Course, Library, Apparatus, CnK I* fm>t?. ^FiTst-oiatit. book-Kenplng, ShorihumV. > Al t, JBUMIC, ti!i? f. 'J'S* Op II PO of ererv ,1e#<-r!rtlnn. Bat- ! ' ^ lufiv-tlon Ousrintead. >V'A Wrlto (or prl. JKS8K MAJ4l>ES \it> s i unrUt. ?; . fiAi.T'MiiKr. M?. USECERTflifiS' 1 Nr.w DISCOVERY: ,lfM U 2 S? KM i)U:ck mile? anil onr?i mint c* H' i>< ul tettiiDOMi* n and lOtlnyn' treatment 1 * Free- Or. U It. OBi.CH'8 30MH. tm a. AlUut*. l>? v SoZOiScnt - - Te JUST THE DOCK CONDENSED ENCYCLOPEDIA OP I trait* upon about every subject nnder the roa. intl will ha sent, postpaid, far 50c. In stamps. poatf !EE m EKCYSi will clear up for plate index. *o that It may be P" PJ /"* la a rich mina of valuable R?3, I r Kg ^ J Utterentlnc manner, and Is ww w fll KtM times the small turn of FIFTY CENTS which pr'.vaof tncalculahla benefit to those whoaa adnee wtU also be foend of trrcat mine to .hoae who cat tare acquired. BOOK PUBLISHING HOI : S MB m B B KAlLiKOAD 3 I e Be i fake. | ^ * Hi BLc k k Hotel Bill, | fl * 3 DU fl_ TICKETS TO 3 1 J G1 HR Cn SHOWS. I I | STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL 1 f H OCT. 7 to 13!. 2 B H \f <r\ I I may win ooe or all of IS m V# these If you are a QOOD 3 B QUBB8EB. Send a postal to-day for 2 B ffl particular*. Address > H S RICHMOND CARNIVAL ASS'N, g I 1111 E. Mala St. Kicbmood, Vu. K I 4CTS^7~ awed to distraction by Worms. Symptom* I ion the child's temperament and upoa th?- I inet. Jjosc no Time 1 Atl opt the an Ft WORM KILLER \ ?! | tPQTDnvno THWCB piawct :nc 1 r NONE BUT DR. BOYKl.VS. 25c. SOLD EVERYWHERE. OO PER WEEK o;.s in Hu'iin !<f." It is a com. lu'i! handbook A utup'olo Ia'kiiI Advl?nr -rv cmnjdr ti ('otur.i nt^l Puutuant-h i>; a complete lightning ;koner. s Urnin, Lumber, arid < '?>t n i Tablet; inoasnbcr. Lumber. and 1 ins o* tirnln, etc.. ;e9,860 illustrations. . duciiio ; bi'i-ti rlit borne to every*, ' PLAIN. 5,?'0 r. gents wanted at oiic.r. lijya tnoti nn<l wiiimii. sold ijeope- in iinc ilnv. Anntlier .'10 in nno <1 nil il.iv ; il sn'.il Ilnipy lit I'T.'ty 1 nai'i. Solil.lber il ill. ei'Unt to : irelitH. S< 1 il iijo fur fil (nr mnnoi refund""1), t.'ircnlar* ! r- e. NICHOLS & ,)KNIil>S, ATI.A.WfA, ?iA. ' 1 TATF: SPRING, \ j 7 of \ivt? r.fii y Hotel Oj i?n an.I Water Shipped Thn ughout \ ? 1 car rhe miwi ! altirhtrul Health and Pleasure K?** *rt In the Tnloi*. Kleotrlc Li^ht*. st?'uin H^nt. Water Works. \\ itrr I nrr* 2>VAtieptla, and oil trouble* ?f the Liver. >t??niH?%hl ltlfi*l<U'r. llowel* and Kidney*. Rheumatism mid lllood Dlsens* s. Write lor Pamphlet. TIKOS. TOULINSON, LwnrrA I?ropr. TATE SPUING. TENNESSEE. Cd li'.t 8^S 8 *"2^ fur the Brohard bash Lock c.tJ * Brohard Doo? I'old?T Active worker* liore ran earn bl|f mccti nl\uivi ii Kti'.ely iloinand lor uiir taenia. Snimilo CAjtlilo. L. with N teitns, etc., I'vco lorstamp lor puatatte. Tilt: it lioit \ U t> CO., Mnlluu "U," I'liiluilclpliiu, fn. EDUCATE forBUSINESS LLJ-IKGTQH BUJlSsSS COLLEGE, I.K\im; rev K\ A lil?hrla s Hmhii** Imlnlny School for Hoy* and I'.th JJo*j <n)l|Mii, uut: fl?-?t of everyU'Jli1 "urse* elective ami i"iitiriuM Its'bnuatlca, . '* . f' . ?' vis i"ivi'rnmi'iit llmi'.itip T..iw. lloolc-* keeping. 1' nnnunlilp. shorthand. typewrit In* and K,i*? Kiiiillsh. Write t'',1 it\ fur hnii'l hook ami circular* cx plaining ororv i lilnic AiUnna llt'i'iaui'u It. Jouea. t'rcHldi ut. I.cxluclou. Ky. F03 COLORED 3 fUDENTS OF BOTH SEXES. ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL, tm.E'.ICEI, iv. c*. - . Coltrsliit? ,<Vor!u%l,ludaatrlal, Train* Inc fic.lool lor Viirari. Sfi.iTC n Monlh. Stu-tenli ...ay w rk their way and !?>? Mtfht Hob ? >1 1,'arnentry. t'rtutlup. Hric'k'.ayiu< Un.lor the liplton; a! Church. 113th Vexir. for Catalogue, upn y to Trlaclpal. Ilev. \. D Umirr, Hnlftch, .V 1*. -v ?SAW MILLS! Er.ginof.Wood Planors, R.K. Croutls m Machines anil cither Machinery, y >Sanuf?ctured by Urn Salem Iron Worlia, Dalrin, IV,C. SBEOICAl COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, lyd II.(nU'.?lied 1838. p 3 llio iixty-fourtfi session will commence O'twMfr l?t. 1>jI. Uepartoiap'- yf Ke.llclne. fou* years court?. rers $u5.0y per y?*sloii. Department of . Ciilistry, thru* years oourxe, lee* $63.i*i per aesaloa. Iit-nurtiuent ?>r Pharmacy. tWj> year* course, fao* %fr W' per aiMilull. t or furl tier particular* aud C'abe logue vJJre,*. CHR13TUPHFR "OMPKINH, U. D., Dean, 111' II.TIOKD, V A. r mzm I ^ MUSIC. h iiit v n r. i>i mi\ tor. Atlanta College of Pharmacy. Woll l.atM.rnturl^M, oxi-ellanl Tw\'li"rs. ii i' ? Dlnnonaitr y, ivhoro lui ulreils of prom rlptlon* by tli? bi At phyab-lnnii art* <<mpnuri<l<-<l <!nlly by tin- xuiib-htn. Mii.lir.tH < btaln IlrM ' liirtM prn 11 11 iii.Mr nr. loll an wi-lj as that of .1 the iri-tl ill niifttro. Thoro .* a uroa'er dt'iiiuini ioi < nr K'ikImiiIos than wo an supply. A<t Iri an t??c. i;?-.o. ?-. I'AYNK, I'ftyno'a Clii'inl. vl l.rtb iratory, K xnu 11, Atlanta. On, ASYH fv? A-HAY.FEVER j ? CURtD BY ^^ 1^ 3 & FRE? TRIAL BOTTLE 40MESS C/l.TAFT 79 E 130 ST..N.Y. CITY jg??0_TO $1500 A YEAk ?? r U1 .1ICU II1K1 nUDCIl [IS Traveling Representatives or Local Managers; alary $>/oo to fi'ro a year ami all expenses, cording to experience and ability We also k nt local repreteutatives; sala'y fg to fis a * -It nnd commission, depending upon the time iteil Send stamp for full particulars and position prefered. Addres.,, lJept. B. 'r K ni'LI. COMPANY, Philadelphia, Ta. . . I "inde West Point Inmnns, tctl hehny s tabasco. So, 0,i, re'^k'^ri, ""'^Thsmpson's Eyo Wator igi'b a 4 raSlltls 25' ?80 \ Was UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE, M II it contain* 6CO p.g Ulualrated. il sot* or silver. W he" r,,AUi?? TO" donbU a o?. -ew, M ^ erencea to many LQPEDIA, ss's.'tt yon. It haa ? com ^ referred t > \ J i "formatlor ^ *? well worth, ?"J W. uk tor It. A study of tide book will ttlon has been neglected, win ^ *?tnn?d ?uot readily command the km . !/*! f iSE. I 34 Leonard StM V Clt*.