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1 LOCAL and PERSONAL. (Jot >d cotton .S 30 todny. Messrs. J. M. and \V. E. Spruit spent Friday in Rock Hill. Mr. Roy Spratt. of Chester was n visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. Mr. J. L. Watson came down from Charlotte to spond Sunday. The town treasurer collected $2 50 in fines Saturday afternoon. Mr. J. W. McEllraney spent last Wednesday in Pineville on business. Mr. Allison Thomwell visited Mr. John Gelzer, Jr., in Rock Hill last week. Miss Nora Watkins, of Spartanburg, is the p:uest of her sister, Mrs. -J. E. Botfgs. Misses Llattie Edna and Lulu ,i .i - ? r i;> i . . i >UUL' (lllUfll, (Jl I LUC K II III, VlBlietl friends in the city this week. Mrs. 13. F. Massey and Mrs. MeCollough spent several days in Hock Hill aad Ebenezer laat week. The six-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon is very ill of typhoid fever near the upper mill. We are requested to annnouce that there will be services at the Methodist church Sunday evening by the pastor. Mrs. J. F. Mosteller, of Charlotte came down Saturday and is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Robt. Burns. A number of people were disappointed hist Sunday morning because of no service* in any of the churches in the town. The family of Mr. John Kennett has moved from Rock Hill into the Drakeford house, recently vacated by Mr. Robert Butler. Mr. L. J. Maasey will leavo Monday night for the Northern markets where lie will spend two weeks in selecting his fall stock. We are requested to announce that there will he preaching at the .Baptist church on next Sunday morning ami evening by the pastor. Ail infant of Mr. and Mrs. Bon Montgomery died at the upper mill oil Saturday night and was buried Sunday. I)r.?T. B. Mack conducted the funeral services. Miss Mary Sledge, stenographer in the law otfice of Glenn it MeFadden, of Chester, came up Saturday to spend part of her vacation with Miss Mary Ardrey. The fall session of the Fort Mill graded school will open on next Monday, Sept. 2. The faculty will consist of Prof. S. M. Mason and Misses Clara S:odge and Delia Mills. The Woodmen excursion from Rock Hill to Asheville, passed through the city this morning with a large crowd on board. About .'15 Fort MillianH joined the excursion party. The rains on last Thursday and Friday washed away the abutment to the small bridge over the branch which is about a quarter of a mile on thissideof Bniles' Bridge. The damage was repaired immediately. There is talk?a tiling common in Fort Mill-?that the fall will witness the erection of a large two-story business house 011 Main street, nnd while it may or may not be true, there in certainly a deinntid for such a building. Mr. B. 1). Springs and son, Master Eli, were down from Charlotte Sunday and Monday of this week. No one enjoys a day's hunt more than Mr. Springs and to say that he is an expert marksman is proven by the fact that on Monday he succeeded in bagging 44 squirrels. Miss Clara Sledge, of Chester, passed through the city Saturday en route to Charlotte to visit Mrs. Mary 1). Scott. Miss Sledge is expected to return to Fort Mill on Saturday, where, on Monday, she will resume her duties as teacher of the intermediate department of the graded school. For the second time in the past few weeks the Fort Mill ball team j has made arrangements for a game with tin* Rock Hill nine to plav in that city, and in each ease wero disappointed by receiving word, on the eve of their departure, that the game could not be pulled otT. Now, Fort Mill has only an amateur team, which has had very little practice this season, and we can scaroely beleive that fear of defeat is tin' roason Hock Hill has backed down. The heaviest rain of the aeus m fell at this place last Friday. A^ent R. Y. Macon visited his old home, Blythewood, Sunday. Mrs. Lou Yogle, of Charlotte. is ! spending the week with friends in the Fork, i Miss Pearl Roach of Columbia. is the miest of her cousin. Mrs ! A. O. .Tones. | Mr. Alex. X ivoiis, of Nimiod ! N. C., visited relatives near this I place Sunday. Mr. \V. P. ("ravloii, of Charlotte, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in town. Rov. Mr. Y onuue is conducting j a protracted iieetino at Pleasant i Hill church this week. Mr. 11. K. Merritt left this week tor New Orleans. La., where ho i will lie employed in a suirar mill. VI,. 11 XI ^ 11 - i > .?>. ?#. mm ciniuren, 1 Miss Fannie noil Mnster John, of 1 Cheater, visited relatives in the city this week. : Mrs. A. Finch, and sister, Mrs. j I D. C. Freeman, loft Friday night for Louisville, Ky., to spend sever- ; nl weeks witli relatives. Master William Sledge returned to his home in Chester yesterday morning after a month's visit to I relatives iu Steel Creek. Mr. and Mra. ?T. W. Ardrey and | I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson spent ! , several days at Ardrey'a, N. C., i last week with relatives. I i Arias Hessio White returned ! home Saturday from a visit to j Rock llill. She was ncconip\niod t by her brother, Mr. 11. 10. White. Several of our farmers have been ' selling cotton during the past week at about 2 cents on the pound less than if it had been put on the market last fall Misses Mabel Ardrey and Lillian j Mnssey, who have been spending [ the past ten days ?n Henderson ville, X. C\, are now visiting tin* j Misses r oil, in tinttney. Mr. Win. CIhwsuii, of Rock Hill I cniue up Friday night to spend i I several Iiours with his mother. I i . Mr. Clawson has resigned his po- , | silioti at th? Main In stor mills and , is now employ d at ilie Rock Hill ! power house. Mr. W. 11. MeCaw, of GreenI vilie, who is traveling in the inter- , j est of L'iie Kxpositioii. spent Sou- i ilay in the city with, friends. Mr ! MeCaw has just finished his work ] in Rock Hill and has gone to Xew' berry to write up that city for his j Miss Matfv;io Gannon, who has ; born spending 'In- summer with , her sister, Mrs. S. A. I?pps, left i Thursday for Asheville. whore she I 1 will spend several days before e >, inis to Greensboro t > take up her duties us teacher in tho (ireensboro ' graded school. The population of our city lias inereased slightly during tin past week. A daughter was born to ) Mr. and Mrs. d. K. H i^^s. Mi and Mrs. Win Suiniuervillc haven new boarder;while Mr .J S l)eaton found a Id-pound boy at his home yesterday morn n<jr. Tho Charlotte bric k e nupany I are said to lut\c- more brief cade for shipment than they < an secure ' curs iu which to loud them. Dm 11114 the past few weeks the com I pany hart been averaging u iniiv 1 shipment of five cars, the most , of which wore for Jacksonville, Kin. ( Mr. E. S. Purks? .quo of the Fort Mill boys, in winning great praise ! from the Rock Hill papers and pub lie generally for his fine ball playing Springs has been catching I for the ltoek TTill team d 11 rim* the season and they claim there in not a better amateur catcher in the State. Dr. J. B. Mack has recently bought the J. L. Kimbrell projierty on the eastern outskirts of the city and we are informed that the place will be greatly improved. The present dwelling will be remodeled and several new rooms added thereto, and, beside tliis, other improvements in the way of outhouses, etc., will be m de. Architect II. K. White, of Itock Hill, will furnish plans and supervise the work, and Dr. Mack may feel assured that when it is completed he will be the possessor of one of the prettiest, if not the prettiest, places in Fort Mill j >1 k eounty, aerordiiio to the' recoil! ci>nsi;s. has an average of r>~ person? fo the square mile. Inst as we j*o to press we learn that Miss Kthel Ross was injured; by falling from ,t horse neur Mr. 1 l\ Chowder's home. V revival meeting has been in progress duriuir tin past week at ( the colored Methodist cliuich near the depot. The presiding elder and several other prominent di vines are in attendance. Phe meet ievidently reached its ii?ht on Sunday night W hell Several converts indulged in shouting to a 1 'i Hid'' CXtent. iMcpgrs MrKlhatiev, Crock and Holies P'reshei tiii e- h ei I : p tin' tile season iti ties t nvnsli.p y?*?t* ilny. Mf ! W. M'-lOlh itn v in- ! forms iih thill they have threshed ' U.lMH) bushels of w hint, 1,U>^ bushels of oats, 'itid l.r>S bushels of rye. These figures indicate tlmt the farmers of this township are in 1 good shape for another ywniv ?? \ leant, ho far an livint? iH concerned. | 1 While in town yesterday morning, Mr. IS. P. Sutton staled that | 111" heaviest rain of the season fell | in tiie vicinity of his home Monday ' ( night The rain was accompanied by a heavy thunder storm A i bridge across the big branch j near Mr. Hanks Jones' home was earned away by the high waters. ( This is the first time the water 1 has reached the bridge and ttiits fact giwH to prove that Mr. Sutton was right in his assertion. W c are gratified to know that I )t. J H. Muck has acceded to the request of a number of our old and young men to teach a liiblo class iu tin1 Presbyterian church every Sunday afternoon at f? o'clock, lie ( has interested them so that in two 1 weeks the number in attendance has almost doubled. W-* hopi that nil <1 cur youti^ nii'u will attend 11 this instruct :v?? so.vie ; and we : do not we wliy the benefits of llu class should not lie opened to the ' Indies also. I Mi T!ioy. Diino'll Imp ( -ir 11mnks fd h lout I of ooinl pi n<' wood wont us Monday morning Mr. I.)ar-i noil is one of those fiinnors who ! , i always has an abundance of home ' | supplies and docsn t object to i sharing them with his newspaper friendt We will need several i'iinils of wood io waim us through 1 the winter, and any other of our fiiends who wish to pay their subscription in this way. ean send us a load of wood, and wt assure them I it will be gratefully received. i 1 The exposition, a niHui/.itie pub , I lished monthly hi the interests of i the Charleston Kxposition, eon tains a write-up of the city of Ilock , llill in the August edition. In the I a'*count there are photographs ol ' about twenty of Hock hi ill's tine resmene s which were Miiill unties ( the supervision of Architect H I'. j White, foimerly of Fort Mill l'ho 1 tographs of the store >1 A Frioii I heiin t'v I ?ro . which is one of in th> South, and the stop-a j t M Ins. S White, ire now in course <>i erection, nn hIho i given ;is samples of the work it A re hitivt \\ iiite in lloel; Hill. W. I'. Kreeinnn slot mid killed 1 Holland IturliHin in the govern- ' in tit distiller} of the hitler's half 1 brother, M. 0. Durham, at Lanrlrutii, Thursday evening. Holland Durham had started out of the door, carrying Home liquor, when ' lie was order?xl to atop by Freo- ! \ man, the jugger. Durham refused , ] to give up the liquor, and started I for Freeman with an open knife. ( Freeman then shot him in the ' neck, killing him instantly. Fieeman went to Spartanburg and sur- ' rendered to the sheritr. A party of northern capitalists have had an architect and engineer 1 at Batosburg for several days surveying the property upon which ! they have secured an option. They are to build a tourist hotel, establish an extensive park, drive- i ways and locate a race track, which , is to lie the derby of the south. ( Mif hundred thousand dollars is i ho l< iwont est i in i to t hey have iiihiIo on the coat and work probably ho begun nt once. To Save tier Child From frightful disfigurement Mr.> Nannie (Jallc^er, of l*a (France, (?a., applied Bucklcn's Arnie-a Salve to great sores on her head and fa??. and writes its quirk cure exc eeded all her ho}M>s. It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions. Cuts, Hums. Scalds and Piles Joe. Cure guaranteed l>v T. B Meaeh i mi druggiM ! OVfcR TMli COUNIY. Item* fioin Contemporaries Group.*d for Finies Reader*. Y.irlivillo Yeoman. I no. Ross, colored, was taken into custody li\ Chief of I'olice Love on Saturday eveniny for solium liquor. (Mi Tuesday titoniinu Mayor \\ illis lined him ?*.">0 or lays on llu* f!mitii?ntiy. .John said I In* would try to pay tlie linn, as litis not of tin' ehain^nny olass Mi. .loloi Plexieo. one of our onlerpri-iim farmers. wiio believes in | expansion at homo, has raised ilSO ; bushels of wheat oil ho acres. The land was seeded w ith 2 I '2 peeks i I he an-. The yeild of.straw will iuii>uii* t" jihout !{() to "0 tons An ma id ni ooeurivd Tuesday niyht uitht S. f A (i la. railroad, between I-at is and Inaekshtiry A p.'s.-mioi r eoiu ii mi Train No. 12 i ll Hit U.WK Hllll Went llowil Itll 1111 ?m 11 k 1111' m t, Several por^oiis were injured, but noin' seriously. ltov. J. B l'ozenian is holding n meeting at Union church, about tour nnfcs above Yorkville. It began lust Sunday, and will continue the iPHt of tliis week. Largo congregations have attended both morning and evening services. Rev. A. Finch, of Fort Mill, is assisting Mr. Bo'/.cmau. About live hundred people attended the picnic at Blair's Grove near Blairsville on last Saturday. Representative A. L. Gaston, of Chester, and Congressman 1). K. Finloy entertained the large gather ng with their eloquence. The dinner was excellent in quality. Kveryone appeared to enjoy the pleasures of the day. Yorkville Eiupiirer. There is to be a $lo,000 knitting mill at Bowling Green. Ihomin-Mit citizens of that section are to furnish the money and operate the plant. The names of the gentlemen interested are Dr. T. N Duliit, Mr. .T. \V. Smith and Mr. T. J. Uatrirk. The whole matter was discussed at a meeting held for the purpose last Friday, and Frank 1'. McCain, Ksq., was instructed to i iix Lr> it i i??l !#? ? --??> !... - ' ni Stale for a commission to ortrun- j i/.c I'in coininirtriion lias been aj>- J I?!> I for ami the organization will ; l;ik? p!uu? without uiiiii'CfK.sHiy ilt>- 1 lay The company intends to ? n. _'not. in ilio manufacture of lino I uiulorware. povea, t? .. am! will have tin wheels turning within a ; few months. It is understood 1 hat Mr . Kobert 1 >nIiII is to be seeietury Hid tiouwurex; hut whether or not! lie other oflteeix have ht?en decided , upon tiie repttrier has not learned.! Till 3c:rc Fort Mill. The foi! ?whil; extract, from a xniiinuiuation sipied "Catawba," which appeared in the Yorkville Yeoman of last Friday, will be read with intercut hv F at Mill people j Nrcly s ferry, as you know, is the site ?f the C'atawha water j power eomj any, the const ruction >f which has been ?n progress for more than a year, but on account >f the ufipreeedeiilecl rains since arly spring and tin many "jmoh" the Catawba iias been on in conse lueiieo, the r.slnietion of the' lain is progressing very slowly.! I?111 leaiiis be k'-d In, ample means Mil a eoihpiisn almost anything Did ere lone tin- mighty Cutawim ... 11 i i i - < ?iii i" iiiu in-r^fum and cii'i'irK' [?mv?T ^t*i?ei;itt <1 hero which will lie furnished to inuinifiirt uti 1114 [naiil-. in this section itt n cotnpnr ii\ ly stimll co.-1. <>ur t?iti*I?y own. I'oit \Jill Mini our county's! met 1 opo|is }{. ck I! II, will blossom ike the rose. Who knows hut : iiut m ?he near l'ut or? (lev Mill.' ^orkvilh Tir/.uh, New port, lytic, Ii<. k Hill muI Kurt .Mill 1 will be connected by u belt dor- ' trie r>iilwa\ '{ - ?SVhat A Tale It Tells. If that mirror of yours shown 11 wretch- j *<1. ruhllow coinplexion, u jivumlieeil look 1 moth luituhes mwt blotches on the skin, ' it's livnr trouble; but Dr. Kind's New , Life Pill res'ulntc the liver, purify t|)o tiliMsl, pive ulnar skin, rosy ehunks, rich omploxion. Only ? %*: ut MeuellUin'H Imp store. W U Different stylet* of new Writing Tablets tit A It DKKY'S. livery one different. See tljein in window. ' <&./ ' ( ? T On To New Ts the fomnmnd of oar house, mid milliner will leave for Baltimi We have secured the service liner for the approaching season, lost season, doee not express it. tat ions, anil she has promised gre; season. Having taken u several I n i: A ? v mmuiiih, .uii-K Curtis writes uh ttu She has quite a number of special she will till while north, ami wouh bid ore leaving. | Keep your eye on the glass fr ami see the latest in stylish 1 -f. > i i \ Meacham & MILLS & (Sm ceseors to ftugli _______ SU *??. * 1-1 jjv?* i Something c Wo koop a full stock < Wo will give your ordei fill alt on I ion and delivei door. ^UlllCllllIlg 10 We also carry a full si Notions, Pants, Shoes, ( MILLS & TIMELY ADVI I a ' t . %i When you want lej J regular lawyer. When you want spi your pastor. When you want mc regular physician. Bu1 buy drugs, or have pres< a regular druggist. 1 will fill your pre scribe for you. 1 have 1 * ence in practice and dis | THOS. B. WIEA. n4 " ' > .r j*? ? fork! So on September 2, our buyer I >re and New York for ten daya. 1 b of Miss Hat tie Cartie m eiilTo any that she was a success She went far beyond our especater things during the coming weeks reat in Eastern North it she is ready for the fall work. rmllTH 111 flfi.'t nnf nf Inron 4?.n? 1 be glut! to aecure many more out during the Fall season of uiillinery. * ' h * ' ?*;.% " Epps. YOUN# iea & Young.) . - )o Not For^etjr o call up N6 2, when you ire in neecr lice to eat/ >f FRESH GOODS. ? r> s prompt and carer your goods at your Remember Our stock of Hats* >r boys and men, has ever been so comlete as now. Lock of Dry Goods, *tc\ YOUNG, ?? ICE- t > - ; V jpd advice, go 5 to a .* ir.a J i ritual advice, go t0 tdical advice, go to a i .<* a' ;, when you want to riptions filled, go to ascriptions and pretiad years of experi- A pending drugs. 4 CHAM, M. D. A