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v / i ?? ??? SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Deniml Time nt Jack<invilte nn*l Snvannali. Jiasts. :i Tiin?' et OSh?r Points. KchiHlnlv in Knoct Jane ! Oth. li> 1. NOStTIIIIOUNIt. T\',";5, OuUj> , LhUJy (a. .Ii lvil.o i!*. til.. H on! ....( .... 4 ^n.-nmmh t.So. tigr. > 1_'i">l# iU<ksi l iimw ;! 4 i:>* " Htnekviiic . ....... : I Jul i i/j-m ... Ar. < I-, .. f, fljon ILv. <'imr.estoii. tM-TR'y .. . <77? l "77. " Suiiimervillo T 4ln I"J0-.i?t ** Hrntii'ltvillu iio lit iittjii .... ' Ornno'bur,: !?V>n ? 4A? .... '* Kjti|(VlUe I J. in 4 U ?n .... Ar Ooluuitihi II li^i 5 40u . ... ? Cv. AlWUIUoi <>s>. My.) i.TO>>| tiiiupl f.v. (vmniteville .. * :itiro 111 l.">l> 4jV. Aiken 3tV>p .. .. Lv.'Crenton II OOp " Johnston 4 0. l>| 11 iAi|' .... Ar. (.'olumhin. 545f> 1v.ii ... L,v. t 'ouniitun. i HIUk >->t ;iu.>i> 0 ?'.? " WiaiiRloro H6o;>l 7 U'/iji ? CnicHi?'r 7 :(?i> 8 17H " UocU Hill Sfc)j> Ar. CJh-irlotto '.'0n> ! .Vai Ar. Dnnvillo . 1 Ar. Kwhiuoiid . >Ui|> Ar. Wns.iiiiKton . 7 itji i?uj|? .... " Hnltiinoro (Ptt.KR) ' l?l&i liaTip " l'liiliult'lpliia . ,11 Win! 31, n * New York. .. 2U8p' rt2ii\ tv. Columbia . II 7-Xtii Ar. !Sj).irtiui>>arK :U(?i> l<? !ibu ' Ashovi)l?< 7 I7>j> :JOjp Ar Knnxvilla ' 4uf?i v lun A r <Hnrmnaii . 7 ifc/pi m 1 i Ajv Loui-niiio . . i otfpi SOUTHBOUND. Uau"' uV.iy t jV. !?<>ui*viil?- . 7 l.?a ? it >i> Lv t'l H'imiHtt . . . .. ?;*M| iiufti'j Lv. Kno.xvil.o !:?.?? H'-liui, rt-.lit'Villi" I I II >.1 .IHIJI " SpiirtmilnirK . lJli5:i fl 15{> A r. <" >luml)i:i .. 2 15; . IKMp ??v.*N?'?v Yorlitl' ;>;*!;> Iu'Imii *' PhiliiitHphui .... . . Olkjpi ;1 i'rti .... " Bnlliiium- 0 22n L.v^'WunIii'ttt ii l Sh.Kv ) ll.MJpjll lAtt Lv. Ki'-lim-'ii l Uli'VlAilm (it. DMyfiie 4 <t6a| 648p " Lv. Ch:irlutt?>.. ..... ! "h .-i.n 'J.?.>p! . " H-i.-lc Hill i 11 1 i)7i It)4 ipl * I 'lii-stir D-Un 11 I5t>I " Wiunstxirn. . UOJ-vi liOla .... Ar. <'"lu?i'. >ia. i Hlili; St 11 lion 1 OT?:i vETv.tNiinmtnii, | U. D.IJihiii l!5Jn< ... Johnston ... .1 ti';> tin. a; Trt'uton 1 i ii V.Nn .... A r. A 1)011 Uliii-.i 7 H 11 Ar. ( imiiiti-villi- . 'iSlj) ii 5 it .... Ar. Avigustn .. :;om> 7 l."?n Lv. Do mm I-In iuft fin I 1 ; &? KirtKvllln I :mi(> JW.-i1 ... " <) miiiri'Kirir I i:.' 147ml *' Hrnii'-livlili' r?S5p 1-'.".-. " Suinmi'rviil-- . ii 12; 1 ;>57.i Ar. I iiarli-si-ui . 7;ji? > 70..1 L\ . I' -iniiitu i is. . K\ .) lll i 1)- :. ' 1 An 11 2 5'Jn ' klitrnw.-11 1 ,i,;> Jlil.n' ' Savannah .. :mv.i l.Vnit Ar. .Iiwikv mvilli- (J*. S.i 7 I >i> BIVi Sloejiia^ Car Sarvicn. I'.sc-i-lli-nt ilnily ; as.iingor si rvii-;- ls-lwi Fl irii'..i ; -->1 \i-? \ >>rlt. * i ;:;m .t M'W lil'K : i:i l'':ii.nln 11*1 pro-.- 1)r:r.viiii;-ri> mii ?*i?r.? i -.v.. \ A'lKUHta mitt New Yuri:. i'lilliiinn ditlkvii { n>on: ..ii ; iuu oiiih 1 in *'? Ml i*ort 'J i .lr V *imv.!liv -.i. i'1'i.m v. a \i . v-t < ?ti a Flili. .a r. .< - I t- w i i ' KirJiv -I i it.i ji>;ioa:nl Norlf l>i lat jC. ii i I ft v. :i ( li loll a*, i v.. .i. K-n. .mil .S. : i-i Mil!, 1 fulli*.' . rtra?;ri:-iin?r.i li.'-tT*" n" : I f \ t\vt***n .lafl- ivii!" ami New \ :> i t f III .11 f. . 1 s v. u An t- i . \ lotli" unit V\i: i .) ? a.. I Ki-J* ! \ r;i. - ! \*i 1 I i i - r i-.. i Mi i \ iuu I'lll ll irlliillA Iil!l? : *l'l l%> l" ? : l dm ' 1 i w i ! .1- ; i \ i. .?al ( i . tinti.vii villi*. anno::, .* . :<'k, ' '!. i \ 1 Mjx.i Won. Pin iwi.. V\ i??..ini:T"!: l? 0. WuHiiiiRtnu, D. ( \V. H. '1 A .Oik. K. \V. U. T, Ak l U?ti. I'll" Av'fc., l)lv. Fiism. A At.. Atlanta. (-5a Clwritwni.i.'** C. (THE NATIONAL CAME. Tin- i;tuis hnvo scored fewer runs than ;idv team in tin* l.i<acriu> Imb-lder Nelson, Into of Now York, has ao?eplrd tonus with llartford. Impuo O'Dny is said to If froth nervous prostration. Mho Amoro-an T.rnyue Intends to plaoc a olut? in Now .Jersey next year. Mi-Cuitv. of ltroi klyn. hits eaugiit more gatm s than any other entohor in tlio League. Hughes. liahn and Mnthewson will ho racing pi'elty < os for tho season's strikeout record. "lirookiyn is g < ?1 enough for mo." said Ned linnlon .; other day. nuonl reports of U:.s going elsewhere to lunn I JiO. Frank Dwyer - ays the work of umpiring it: the League this season is child's j'.ay 10 what ii was some time ngo. Hilly II : <ti "1 nn'.v done nttout n long a sir.-ieh ;>i eon etitlve games behind ?ho hat as a ay body in tho l.eayue this aron. Thai >1. v. : |'nr. llari-el and (Iroen, are doing ye<nuin work fir the I'lticngos. ami doing has <>; work to wui gaisu v " > iiai i-lni?. "A p'.ioii.-r." : ays I'anion, "should have a vca.? w for every hail he sends over Hie plate. A good many yauics are lost hi eaits - piteiiors are earelesr." (latin wan .aid lost l-y run nr" getting to he the fashion. Wince the middle of .Inly tie-re have been idghti n such games in the Xni.., J.ei; Five ..ill i ' r < .1 pav ''i iii 1hr? Ii< u 1 1. nine i i wiiirh m-iihri' in M * It * Mil ; Tfer. 'Iii.- Phillies JigUlitl i:i ihlte ?> ' these Contests aliil J'illsbl*;; ill i in <*. "The new foul strike rule has helped me and I like it." .'ays Herman Long. " ISefore. 1 used to pull tli.? ball, but imw i i iii straight at it to it through the iulioid." rA Storv of \ bishop. Of ail tlie Rood >: a*, ever t?>1?I about the late Pr. Stuhbs. Hi lu>p of Oxford, prol ably the following, which really is oiitln iilie, i> the 1 :est : Prior to iSSS hp was lb-Imp of Cluster, and whip the Si e i i Oxford became vacant it was offere 1 to him, the fact of the offer bring made i abac - . >e days before lie signified bi intention of accepting transla tu n. ioij'.i reporter was sent up to j IVcside to make i'Hp'iries a < to the bishop's ?.!e ision. *" 11i-- lordship i- ml gevp u tin- t" : 11 :i - a re 1 Stub'. "Mrs. S'.rbh is <';cd." "1 should like to co some ii'.cnthcr of the \ farni*.And. fundly. the reporter was \ ?i In i. 1 into the pr<-i:.ce ot .Miss \ Still and delivered himself of his in\ -quiry. "Well, you see, tt's tlti- way," \ sad the bishop's daughter; "pa's up\ s'air-* ' raying f??r guidance, hut mamma V has begun to pack, -o 1 suppo c we arc fe. \ i- ? TRAIN ROBBED BY BANDITS 6lew Cpen Car, Wrecked Sa'c, and Lifted IV!ail Sacks. RUN DOWN BY BLOODHOUNDS Klv* Mn*Unl Men ll.-lil I'p a rnMi>n;oi Trnln In Imliitn Territory?After Mowln? Open Sur? They tint 8*1..TO?Kolitieil Hie PniwcnRcrn I.nuclilinjly ? Itmuliti Are Capture! Within Two llourn. Fort Wortli. Texas. ? The southbound Missouri. Kansas and Texas train. No. 3. was robbed at t'nney switch. Ind. Tor., by live masked men. The express car was blown open, the safe wrecked and the mail sacks were rltled. All the passengers were robbed of their money. The operator at Caney, when lie heard the shooting, suspeetod the train was being held tip and out the light in the station and telegraphed to Atoka, eleven miles away, for officers. Within two hours after the robbery was committed bloodhounds had trailed these men to their homes: K. C?. ltielimond. "Hob"* Alford. Keorire lirowii. .lolm liihson, "Tom" Kdwards nail "Jack" Hart* were arrested ami taken to Atoka, where the} were jailed. The other men connected with the robbery rode away on horseback and had not been captured. The messenger and clerk were forced to assist the bandits in their work. With Postal Clerk Tulley holding an empty mail sack, the robbers went through the coaches and robbed every passenger. They obtained JjklSO in one coach. A negro who refused to give up his money was severely beaten. The passengers were compelled to throw all their valuables into the pouch. After the work was done the robbers, who seemed to enjoy the situation. sat around and laughed over the matter, and one even went lutek into a ear to get something. Alter holding the train two hours the robbers left, going east into the delist* bottom limber for which the tortuous Caney Creek is noted Caney. whore tin* robbery occurred. Is at a side track thirty-nine miles north of Dcnisoii. It is in the Choctaw Nation of tin* Indian Territory, and the population surrounding the station is only lfio. The train .dep.; i only on signal. The proper signal was given, ami the train slowed down, tin* ? ighm driver ami tinman were con fro, t d by two men wiih mask I faces. the same time the eximss me -. r .. . and the mail >! ad: were onion d to open their curs, three of the nibhe.n shooting wildly. There was no restvipse. and tit* firing la gan a a In. The ? . id gel or. hrnketnen ami poners ran through the train calling out. "It's :t hold up!" 'ilie awakened passengers tried to hide their money and vnlunhi Then a blast of dynamite was <-\ploiled, tearing a si.i,> off tlm expre-s and mall car. The roldiers leap d through the opening and overpowered the messenger. The robbers then blow the safe <>p n. They obtained only SI r.O, as (ho money had all been left :u Muskogee. !< bo sent tip by (ho "Katv Fly.'*." wit. It runs through tbo Territory by day. (JEC.IO BURNED AT THE STAK7. \ (SentRill Molt Tukr-t Summary Vi'iisi'iiiiri' l-'or mi Atrocious Crime. Savannah, (5a.?.loo Washington, a negro. who assaulted .Mrs. .1. .1. Clark, ?t' Way Station, (5a.. was bttrnod at I ho stako eighteen milt's south of Savannah. Mrs. Clark idontiliod bint aftor ho had boon captured in I.iln rty City, and a ntob of -10M men was rolleetetl to take summary vengeauee. Only the ten or twelve loaders, ho\rovor. i \reuted tbo plan of burning Washington. The rest; of tbo nidi was kept at a tlisianee. and was not permitted to come near the stake. Tito negro admit toil other erint Inn stnbbornly denied the assault. After ::i> pealing for mercy from Ids rapt .> , lie prayial for a few niintttes. Along tlie side of the railway tra !: a crowbar was driven into the con!:. To this lie was bound, in a . position, bis legs i Mending in front of idni in eitber side of the hoc. Mrs. Clark bad been out-mi 1 11 <> leaders of tin* molt to apply Hi" torch, but sin* declined. :u:il her husband was select* (1 in her stead. Washington looked straight into tin eyes of Clark :is I In- lai h i- stoop '1 down with the lighted match. The wood of tho pyre was rich pile, saturated with kerosene oil. aiul lhinies leaped hungrily toward tho negro's body. His face showed n > sign- ?>i the pain he must have suffered, ami be died without a groan. CHOLERA FROM GREEN POTATOtT Itiisti to Suit iirsil Y?igrtnl>lri Ciiuiet K|)lilonilc. Worcester, Mass. Cholera morbus is epidemic here, and physicians be lievo the catiso is the unripe polnto. One physician said tIt::t lie woubl nu more eat one of the potatoes now b lug sold than be would take so much poison. Tiie present stringency in the mar kct has driven farmers >>f all parts ? i the country to put their potato* s 11 tiie market while the prices are hi tin air. U id n hotter harvt.-u season p .v. than it will l>e la or, when the ;'ai crop- come i u All tiv<> members o* ore . :i war; tain n ill at.of eating dinner. All eaieu potatoes freely. <inmr7. Will Mot It" Pr*?IHi>n?. A commit too of one of th wards o! Havana, Cuba, recently named Conoral Muxi uo Gorao* an its eaijilidati for President an I Estrada Paltua foi Vice President. Ocucral Gomez lias written to the committee saying that h lias Irr, v cal ly deolit d uot to accept any nomination for the cfllce. A New War Clonil. Charge d" Affaires llitrscll. I t Cara t is, h.ia v. )tific 1 the S.atc ]><M>:ir tinea that ilit i* s is danger <> war L w. . j V? nezuela au.l Colombia. I The Value of the Sharpshooter. The experience of the British forces in South Africa demonstrated the value of the sharp-shooter, and charging an intrenched po it ion seems now to he a \ thing of the past. Had the Spaniards! been as well armed and of the same fight- | ing material as the Poers, the American victory at Satt Juan would probably have been a disastrous defeat almost identical ! with tin:t of tin Pritish at Colcnso. 1 Hence the necessity of drilling the N.i ......... u.vuiuuig ?<> jjivvauing con- ' ditions. The old method >t marching a j company in front of a target, and firing a volley while standing, has been eliminated, and .skirmish firing by company has replaced it. According to the new orders each company advances to the live-hundred yard line, and each man fires two rounds; then at the words of j command the men advance on the run to four hundred yards, and again firing i two rounds they rush forward to three hundred yards, where, after using two i more rounds, the order is given to re- 1 treat, the line being halted at three bundrcd and fifty yards, and again at four hundred and fifty yards, a volley being fired at each point. The firing i- always , done prone, so that in actual warfare ; each man would he able to take advan- j tape of any inequality the ground might ' offer. In the first three instances each i man aims ami fire- as quickly a - possible ( regardless of the others, but the last two are volleys, only fired when the order is | given. In some instances the whole line sounds as one report being heard.?Herfcr's Weekly. Wanted TnnctoH ir-a r Apparently if a man in this town 1 ike his ice cream cooked ami juicy instead of frozen solid and headache-producing he i- an object of curiosity. One of this variety went into a downtown restaurant. The waiter obsequiously wiped a dish with a towel. "What'll yer have, sir?" "Bring me some vanilla ice cream, but Cf ok it a little hit first." The waiter only laughed. "What are you laughing at?" asked the patron. "1 always eat it that way Put it 011 the coffee urn or in the oven or something and let her melt." "Do you mean it. sir?" "Am 1 talking Knglish?" \ minute later the head waiter hustled up. "Did you order cream, sir?" "Cooked?" "Yes." Then came the pr< p-ictor. The patron fore-tailed him. "I always eat it toasted." he said. Then came the waiter, fori a look at a new speeios of freak, and at | last came the tee crcim as solid as could 1*; . , i I s mighty strange, -aid the young woman who makes change, "that a man i n't !; i ice cic > n ?> ?ke<l it he lil . it ( that v.ay. anil has to he treated like a curio because he order- it. That's the !i tihle with tIt5 t 'tvn It can't mind it own 1 "sines-."?.Yi":.1 York C"on. r. 1 . U:\ 1I fu iS_/. the United Kingdom only \ to- ed est journals, of which fourteen were is-.tied daily. Now there nr< in . fewer limn J.-t-jS newspapers and 540 11.. . iiii's. making J S.y iti all. 1 (in;; is ts simple ns washing when yen U?. I': ISAM 1' A1 1:1 l)Vi:S. Sold lo all , druggists. Tim eolon'n S and dependeii ics of (Ileal Britain have upward of 1U.W stamps without a single duplicate. If all the eahs in Condon were placed in ' a line there would be a total length 01 ( forty-four miles. If est l'?r 1 lie ICoirrU. Vo matter what ails you, headneli? to a i ancer. you will never i;oft well until your bowels are put riifnt. <'Asi\inKrs help nature, euro you without a yripo or pain, produm rosy natural movements, eost yon just 10 rents to start Ri ttin ; your health hue I;. <' \ s - I r.uirw Candy Cathartic, tli" genuine, |>u' iiu in metal boxn, every tablet dm C. 0.0. i stamped on it. lloware of imitations. Sound through air at the voloeitv of 114J feet per >:ui: tnimi-di water, foot; throu^.i won, 17.."<?,) uct. S'.lTKli Uiiiii, Ci rv ia'Toi.:;i e,i Lc &a Corn tv. ( l"i! .ni .1. oiikkkv ni : oath I . it he la the le nine i . no r of tit m o! !'. ,T. ('a i.,(loinRliti inosa intlio? iiy ofToloilo.Cor.nty . ii-! S t:. t a i ii - a i?t. an I . a i. . id firm wi I aw llieslllll of o\k iirsnur.o el.*.\l;s . .a il i-.iel iMi'v oT i \T.MtItli I hat rair 'n niri it by the use of !Iai i s C\- aukii ? i:?. I'liA> K .1. < hii.n . Sworn to before in and Hub.-rrilrd i aiw . ? ?. prcucnoe, thin titb tlay of Di tcmber. J sit A l, ' A. 1'., 1M0. A. V.. <ii.i<- >. ' ? ? 1 Xotnry Publifi. ' 'lall's t'aiarrii < are is taken int rnali> an I arts dirertlv on til l Idn iil '.ml nilirotis i .area ol the system. s< nil or kettimonials, r. J. i*ni ikt C Toledo, u. Sold by TinmUh, 75e. , Hall's family Pills tli best. 1".I;.Witll pMVp'.C ItMVC- a'l<1 (f-fl| fruii h ?ii iiui'Otl:: t .1 into r.ritisli imv.mtv.. or.i In Japanese shipy ~<1 < i iaiit vessels are being built for San Francisco and Soattle , lines. KITSwrmaiifntly cured. No tit-tor nervousness after 'irst <lay'* use of Dr. Kline's Drcii*. V rvt lP'storer. trial bottle and t rt utisj Iron l>r. It. it. i\ 1 .t?i.. ! M Arch St., l'Liln. l'.t i 'lie ioliahit fits i-i" Otitnr write more ltstivs than I lit .if all the of t'aal n't. ilrt, Wint?low'? Soothing syruo fo'cUilln ^ tirti osj, Hoft-n t'.i ;.? n*. In i infla-iru?- I tiott. t inyi> a.'nr m Tin I i'i ,i n: * "i i it it I V n nl >. Mount Blanc was made I 1 M'k Hill l.imuir-lf '<?-< Tilt* ft? p>.I. - y 1 i >' . SIMM Upi? Ml? ' ?. I~... A a i , rk " " itn < i is 1 Mr. H , ' >t\\n thi ; fjrafiQg? ; ;'i fs j. / . W y i S;fLCTT p"i CARTRIDGE s*?ffa?r j/:*3 always Rive entire saiisf iuct'8, i ' modern manner, by cxaq.,? ' fcfl THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOl A Broken Heart. I should like to narrate the following, | which is mo-tly true. Some years ago. 1 was playing in a match in India. Bangalore vs. Madras, when a hawk suddenly swooped down on my ball and carried it off in its claws. I appealed to mv adversary to allow me to drop another hall, but he was one of our canny brethren. and replied: "Eh. no. man: lost hall, lost hole." This slid not admit of i argument. Some weeks af'erward 1 went for a walk before breakfast, and ilimbing a rocky eminence to see tlie view. I came aero: s a hawk's nest, and by it a dead hawk, and in the nest -my gotf hall: both the hawk and the hall were quite warm. I sent the bawl, to the curator of the museum, and asked for a post mortem: his verdict was "a broken heart." and <-n my telling him thstory lie had tin doubt that the poor bird had expired in its vain effort to hatch out my "silvertown."?London Globe. | About one third of the wor d's coffee production is consumed in vie United States. bee ndvt. of Smithdeai.'s Business Coi.i.kc.e _ .... ! Kng'nnd has a yearly surplus of births over- ilo-t'i- minium- v..... I ...,1 -.1 eiwi Ireland, o? "J? .00.). Ho who (oroeastos calamities sudors thorn twice over. So. :I4. w??? 11 ^ ?? a?an J Lost Hair R *'My hair came out by the hand- g ful, and the gray hairs began to jj creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, tj and it stopped the hair from cor.- jj ing out and restored the color."? g Mrs. M. D.Gray, No. Salcnt, Mass. $ There's a pleasure in I offering such a prcpara? tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. | It gives to all who use it | such satisfaction. The j hair becomes thicker, g longer, softer, and more ;} | glossy. And you feel so 2 5 secure in using such an J | old and reliable prepara- 8 tt tion ...... .. R _ ?!.?? n LU.IIC. All cmjjuts. Q H If your ?lrtiir?ri*t iMnnnt p:i|iply \ >11, H i ?j gctul lis iiiiu dollar niiil wo will \|Y<>s l] N you a liottlo. lio hiiro and uivo llio i.aino [J it ot joiir isciireet ?*\| ross tillioo., 0 g J. C. A YKK CO.. Ixivroll. Mum. U - Your ToBUft'ue ? I it's coated, your stomach is bad, your iivcr is out oF order. Aycr's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver ri^ht. Ifasy to take, easy 10 operate. 25c. Ail ilrup^eta. 1\N mi jui.rii *? *1*1.1 >; !> ard a !>< I'i' .u:; ortlrl' blur!:Thru iif? j BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtfG^ * ' . r r "* ? R ? H*i t A M * , ? . I , j S900 TQ ?1500 A VEAj< j \v:mt iplfi.iRrnt Mrn anil Wn:?ira a-. 1'ravelMl Kejirr'nilativi* * ct laical .\tan;:.i:?-: > : ilary .i**? m #: <> a ycai and all expen-r?, livonliiiK 'w;erica.? aiul abii'ty < a!s<> a:it t?? I rrpimeiitaiivrs .aia- y f, In a ivtr. ami oiniuii- :oti, dc|.ctidini: u; > i tliriunc ,1-voted. Semi M:ini|* foi full |ia: liculat > ami ' <alc position lifffcrnl. , lJci. It. .ill. 1:1:1.1. COMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa. TATE SPRING, of \ in. rki H IlofH c >? ? !? aild Wnlrr Shlnm-il i I.?. 41 A a. I 1. ino -? I'Htuht t ul lit-all h an* I 1'h*.. - n r?? lo H Tt In tin* I nitm. Hrrtrlo l. :hi-*, Mfain .?f. V itci U? r!?- ? urf? in tin Ml n, ! .t|| iroull.-? ..f the | i \ nr. Mnnthidi. t :ii#l<t r. llowi'Ss an<l Hliciimutisin ami !:!<??> i x. Wrlto lor l*aui|ihlfi. I 12Or.. TO fll.lNNON, (In nrr I'ropr. 1A1 .. - 'RING, l I.N Ni SSI r.FOK COLOKi 1) 'J I liOTN IS OF both sexfs. ST. AUSUSTIHE'S SCHOOL, is im:u;?I. >. < . ( ollr-ljil' ,% . mi;* |,a mliiHir al/S r.ilni ?ii. > !.?<>! for n ?ii c ?? a V. ?n*h ta ? ?if? * nx w ? k 11 ir ?v an ! /?? i . iciit ti ?o| t'aiv?'n?r.<. iVI i'. liv..u. I .. I*. . r Ha- < I .i 11 i*li. . ..r I* v rriu l*-ula :.r%. \. !* kliiklcr. illli* 14? I i I KDUCATcforBUSiNCSS y XT Til H i-^LEXJHQYO?! BU INcSS COLLEGE, I i.i \im; i o\ fs.% a hi :hi'la-!h hinlii'x I r tt -lu j n.-!i ?nl f >r T.mvs mm 1 Iri . 1 !'i vnr. ! ? - .,n. mi.-ii I -1 ??i fill ? "Hir'i's ,"|V, an.| , , r a* M it t?? in. '; i I n oii . i \ I. . , -ii ItfdwIiiK l?ftw I ?H ko. | I.i*. ?*>titp. > r 111 ?ti t. I y (m*\vrl;In r ami fa- Kn 1 * ^ 11. rif.- t <| a for ti find n und ? It' i*ii ar- ?-\ p ji-ii-n; imti thlm \?|?lt"-h 11. Joacc. I'rccnli lit. l?r xiti-41 <?ii. Ill* So. :i!. TEi*:ALE LGLLtUE, NO I KI.SK W 1IK UK it* thcro sis<-h mi I !<wil <>f ? II IMS I IAN K OIK'.XT I O.N. Li i'turc ('our-". I.ilir.-i'v. Vr>nnr:itiiH, I'n -i- -lii--. Jl Sliurthioiil. Art, Mil- .-. Hcc^&TAPV-M/V' OrinC ?!, uol^i.n a >ij iu i\ uuiil. I it I* ** 11 MM* Mlllt lllll: If 1Vl--t i'llilll ItlltlKll-.. ijcllhtrii* / 3 i aba3cj. again ^ T't .tino.i Journal. has been several ndditiois >" , ounly chaingnng In tie days. J rvJ . K. White was in Gi?- |l "3 h week submitting pin is deil school building. ? is on exhibition at police iters a bludgon takenfr<ni 1: ersion of \Vill Price, t is a peculiarly construct* h large egg-shaped iron ? I weighing aixnit Hftten attached to a leather wi Ut- }< D ALWAYS AHli N ^ ^ ^ W i ^ i 'An ^ | STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL S| on. 7 to 12. * yt f ! ! >/ ( may wiu unw or nli of ?; those if you aro a GOOD jp ft U ESSE U. u postal to-duy for yt, Jf1 particulars. Address IX i Ji RICHMOND CARNIVAL ASS'N, ? j 1111 K. Mum St. Uh-hmond, Vn. 9| i i-.N.*><. V:* kit *.>.* xtr.vt A| nOPKII \ !tK ('OM.riii:, Unf?Ko O. <K ' n yr . t i?Unto " H ii ; K. II. J.tsv Iriv; m. ca Is the oldest nml only Inrm- scoilciy- in Vn. owning its building?a gran J new one. No vacations. ; 1.ailics & Rcntlcincu. UookLec|iiti;;,Shorthand, TyiwivrUiiij!* IVnraausbip, Telegraphy, &c. Leading bus:nris college south ol the Potomac river."?f'nitu. Stenographer. AiMtss, C. M. Smithilcal. 1'rcsnletit. Zticliiuouil, Va. .'OK;tCK)^C'yO? % CAPUDINE S 9 For UK. M)A''HKS 1 1 0 mul!. 9 TnLnn C, :;iiin?> it prevents Nor- O ?vi)Usirhs ?iii'. A -hlnir anil relieves* the y i Kever. AT AI.I. l)ltU(l Sl'OliKv 9 O?0-?OaO*O?OarS ^ f?ff i-oSvATORY \\ nit v a A I . lit It it \ M. v?'..UIitBCTOR. ASTHMA-HAY FEVER ' cured by i i ) 7 FREE TRIAL BOTTLE ! Aocrlss DR.TAFT 79 E !20T- ST.. N Y. ClTY n m rrT n rTir v -z ?SAW MILLS! EnKli>en,SS 'I- (I Planon>, It l? Oros^tie c Machine* nuil Other Mnclituory, jf " *, 1 ManutTtuival by ill* 3 J Salem Iron \l ?I'S>h, Ma'a m, K.C, ilv: teipi Jjj-HlSr 01ml w J sZ I f Millions si T TSE CUTICURA SOAP, .1 * 3 the great skin cure, for pi lying the akin 01 infants a end chat in ga, for cleansing the : druff, and the stopping of falling and soothing red, rough, and sore o? the toilet, bath, and nursery. J Soap in the form of baths for ann and excoriations, for too free or oi r ? r f oi wasnes ior ulcerative wearer antiseptic purposes which readily especially mothers. No amount v/ho have once used these great use any others, especially fcr pre: scalp, and hair of infants and eh delicate emollient pro~erdcs clcrlv, cure, * ilia the purest oe cleansing lag of flower odours. No oth< 1 with it for preserving, purifying, hair, and hands. Ho other zorei ever expensive, is to he compare: 1nc toilet, bath, and nursery. Ti at ONE PRICE, the BEST shin . t j'.let and baby soap in the world Com;-.:cto Extornal ar.d Ir.tornn! * * Coii.m ti I-;' Of ' 1 t C'"fl I' Tf <^>*1 II it'* :?n S M-ft 11 -,r W *;1 y ictijt- Rs 4u in t'u.t'.v .ii-- it.-n. . mm f*. MM A ? l.Ti <> ? ? t*< i.. 5? IT. I in injr, iu.'I liunnlnittn ot hair, when all else fall*. Jiolil lhroti?h- i t * iins, '07 anil 'rs. Charterhouse Sij.. Lontloa Vr^ob.. Boston, U. .S. A. I MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, PuJ K?inbii?iic<i to J I hp - ixtv-fourth sewlon will nimmonr* "clutter 1st, iikil. Utpwtawni <>f Meulciitr, i<??# jHiir* iMUf"1 r.'o* $?> ." > per H'?|1>II. Il-prt' ttiKMll of eutlitri. liir. v Vi-ur?piuw, fe?'H (Jrtl.OU per M'whiil Department ? I'liartuai-y. r..<? ve?r? ciurm*, few? ,<K) per .e?.| 111 Kur fur.nor particular^ ami C?L? injcuo ...! irem, CURUi'ui'lIER TOM' KiMS, M D., Dcaa, UK'll.UU> U, V A. % Vk<5-?<L5> xt 51 "A wSH ;5?o?3 ^ \M -*sf l MA1IK. \ I I for JloioTluui ayuarlorof a Cenlilry The reputation of W. L. Doujltis $3.?Jb ami Si..iO nlioea for style, cointcrt nild wcur hoa excelled all other makes ccld ?t 'heso prices. '?liia excellent reputation hiss be n won by merit alone. \V. L>- rjcualnjs shoes heve to give bi tter satisfaction thnki other Stl.OO ami jJ.riO shoes because hi* reputation for the best S3.C0 and $3.C0(l shoes must bo m intaincd. The standard \ has always been placed so hiftb that tbo \ wearer receives more value li r his money \ in tho W. L. Douglas irli.VO and t?3.&0 \ shoes than he eon sot elsowhere. ? W. Ij. Douglas sella more 83.00 and $3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers. W. L. DoikjUix $-*.0U Cm Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. I |'| v-fi W ) ->. "i ill zfhooa aro nsado of tho xamo hlfjh ffrado loalhora umod In 95 and SO o/ioos and aro Juat as ftood. Sold by tho best shoo dealers everywhere, lnslnt ii|W?n linviiif- XV. I . I)oii<;I:ik nliorfl with name iiikI price ntniupcil on bottom* Blow to Orilir by Muit.? If \V. L IVuiKlaJI filio* ? aro not poltl in your town. n^nct onVr dtrrct to f.o'tory SIiooh g?*nt ativwlom on m ipt of price and V 7 . r \ ' *H* !td?SH for r.urintfo, My \ rail v"' t4>ln -'iwltiient will uiako you a I i' hi Hint "ill itjuul ?5 and *?* mtV loin niittlo Hho?-?. t:i ntyio. itt nnd f o. *0 \ \\t :\r. True ni .iMiM i.n'ritu of i *' *' ?a, y n-h!k>'\ tuui iiunlrl. stato i 45f *2 jy ^ si.i i! ted; el ju* and width f * rf'ji + Uhii:i*ly worn: |?li\tn or / ' > ?V i .i|? t??r; fn\iv>, med1 JT Ou c u mm or li;:ht v?w?*. L V !'*f] A fit ft; uatiiwt. ___ "i?l ('n'?ir - *T' 1.. NiMrrliik. ".rockion, 11 uir9 ,:%8S\s V W W ^ f //SuM" '-"y 3 an f?a I l\jy (J 1 ii i I & issisted by Cuticura Ointment, cscrving, purifying, and beautimd children, for rashes, itching* ;calp of crusts, scales, and dan* hair, for softening, whitening : hands, and for all the purposes Millions of "Women use Cuticura oyingf irritations, inflammations, [tensive perspiration, in the form icsscs, and for many sanative, - suggest themselves to women, of persuasion can induce these chin purifiers and beautiflcrs to :cvviog and purifying the skin, lichen. Culicura Soap combines ed from Cuiicura, the great skin In:; xdlcnts and the .most refresh'(iccixc.tcd soap Is to be compared and beautifying the skin, scalp, y,i or domestic tolL't soap, horv! with It for all the purposes c? :us it combines in ONE SOAP end completion ccr.p, the BEST Trecitmont for Every Humour, :: v -nAi'. In I' . r " < .*u?u :u><5 tbliAciii .1 i . I i. lit..; ? II sv, U? . r i:n:ii'it.i i ii I :uir| P.t, t i < -l tiii't c'it.:. -d :l , iwL n tifflclonl t > enro Uio ipuK i liuiti i.-, ?lli iljt. tr ciiln, 111>. I iiluoii ; . , joe? till- WOllil. llr.ll .'I I)C|I ... 1*. Vr.wi BUY A4 . l'orrt;; Duwu .u<i> cuiei. sol#