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I.OCA I iad PERSONAL. The Times subscription list is on i ( the increase. Catawba river u*as n^aiu on a kooui last Friday. tlood cotton is?jivot/yi at 8.05 ou this iuar#et today. ( The watermelon soy ply was e<}ual , ;jto thed maud on last Saturday. , Mr. Dudley Sturgis. of Leslie, ] was a visitor to Fort Mill last Friday. Mrs. V. (Gk MeFaddeii. of Rock Hill, visited relatiyes here last week. , Mrs, W. F. Sledge, of Chester, I is spending a few days with friends I in Fort Mill. Mr. B. M- Hosarie aud family, of I I lock HiJI. visited rejutives at tlj its place Sunday. ' Mr. Ifeury Massey, of Tir?ah, 1 spent, a few days of last week with ( relatives Ivere. Just because a twau orders hia 1 paper stopped in no sigu Mi at he /quits reading it. Some notable improvements have 1 been made on the streets during the past we/?k. A load of pine wood from any of 1 our country subscribers would be ' thankfully received. Miss Fay Ross, of Charlotte, , spent Monday with Mrs. W. A. Watson at this place. , Misses Mabel Ardrey and Lillian M?H?e,y are spending several weeks , at IJendersonville, N.OC. The street near the depot is i again closed, the box underground 1 .having again washed out. i Tlu? authorities seem to have for- i gotten the ordinance prohibiting ] youths to loaf around the trains. Mrs. J. II. Barron and children, J ot liock H.U1 were the guests of 1 Mrs. F. T. Pegratn last Thursday. Mr. J. H. Milliny; and family spent Tuasday at the liospitable home of Mr. Frank Massey near this place. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson came down from Charlotte Monday and spent several days with relatives 1 in the city. The White Ginning Company have had their gins etc., overhauled preparatory to starting up when the cotton season opens. Afiss Mary Atwater, who has beau visiting at A(r. S. A. Epps' and at Ardrey's N. C., has returned to her home at Byuuiu, N. C. Steps are being taken by the baseball enthusiasts to arrange a game with tlje Bock Hill team to be played in that city uext Friday. Owing to the confliction of dates for the Forest Hill andTir/.ah picnics, the former has been postponed nutfl Aug. 31 t instead of the 2itlt. *r_ r ma n aa \ ? ? ^ -? m r. ,j. m. r?prait una sold to me Charlotte Brick Company all the wootf torn down by the cyclone several weeks ago, amounting to about 500 cords. Alias YVrenn Harris, daughter of J. T. J. Harris, of Pleasant Valley, was one of the successful contestants from Lancaster county for scholarship at Winthrop college. There being no further symptoms of glanders among the stock of Mr. B. F. Massey, atTirzah, the quarantine was raised last week by State Veterinary Nesom. A protracted meeting began at Philadelphia church ott Monday of this week. The meeting is being conducted by Revs. K. A. atul .1. C. Yongne.and will continue through the week, Dr. ?T. H. Thornwell has received an invitation to deliver the children's address at the Forest Hill picnic on the Hist instant, but, owing to a previous engagement, is unable to accept the invitation. Communion services will beheld at the Presuy*eriau church on the second Sunday in September. The meeting will begin on Friday beforehand. Dr. Thornwell will be assisted by Itev. Mr. Hay, of Clover, S C. The first open cotton boll of this season was brought to town Monday by Mr. It L. Bennett of lower Fort Mill township. Air. Bennett ba? a wall established reputation of leading his brother fanners along thjs line. i\. citizen suggests that it would be-an excellent idea for the street foK-e . to cut ditches on the inside] of the sidewalks, with occasional outlets This, lie Hays, would ore vei?t the washing of gullies on tlio . pavements. Dr. N. R. Hotel!!;ja? of New Haven, Conn., a former Fort. Mill man, spent Thursday with frienda at this place.. Dr. Hoichkiss waa called South by the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. W. ?S. Stewart, of Charlotte. Mr. W. II. VViudle, of Gold Hill neighborhood lias a Held of cotton from which he hopes to gather three balos to the acre. It is the beat cotton in this aection and if looka count for anything it will turn out a tine yield Wtk. Miss Jessie Hutchison of It id in ' Hook, has returned home after | \ visit to Misses Addie and Dovie Ha rris. Preliminary stejis have been taksn by those in interest to incorporate the Wdliaius-Hu^hes Company which is soon to he launched noon the treacherous sea of mer.'handise. It will he composed of Mr. (rcorjje W. Williams, T. II. Hutfh es and Mr. J. E. Taylor and will be capitalized at $20,000.? Lancaster Enterprise. Mr. S. L. Meacham, proprietor jfthe Fort Mill Telephone System, lias contracted to furnish 'phones to a number of residents of the Providence (N. C.) neighborhood and the present line to Ararey b will lie extended to Hint vicinity as soon as the necessary material, which has already been ordered, is received. Calvin Morrow, a negro man who live* oil the plantation of Mr. J. VV. Ardrey, six miles south of Fort Mill, crmo to town Tuesday after- ! noon suffering with a gunshot wound. Morrow and another tie!*ro named Hart became involved in a difficulty over some watermelons which Morrow is said to have taken from Hart's field and the latter proceeded to reap vengeance by shooting his antagonis in 1 lie leg. Dr. Thompson dressed Morrow's wound. . i On Monday The Times man was shown specimens .of penmanship ] by the pupils of P. J. Furr's writ- j1 ing class, which closed last Friday. .1 The impovementfl of all the schol- i urs was simply great and bespeaks for Mr. Furr that he is an expert M penman and an able teacher. Miss j Ellie Parks was awarded the prize 1 for the greatest improvement with the pen. Mr. Furr informs us that 1 he will take up a class at the old ( White house, and also one in Gold 1 Hill, iu the near future. < The p otracted meeting at the , Methodist church closed Sunday ( night with an eloqueut sermon by , Rev, J. 0. Yongue. The atteu- ( dance at each service was large, sud especially that of Sunday uight, when the largest crowd that has assembled in Fort Mill in some time went hear the closing {' sermon. The Revs. Yongue did noble work and deserve great praise for the many able sermons delivered during the meeting. Ten additions were inade to the church. In veiw of the fact that Fort Mill is to be overrun with meat markets this winter, Messrs Ira Q. Stuythe & ISon have decided to go out of business here and will close up this week. The outfit will be moved to Gastonia, N. 0., j where Messrs T, M. and Roschelle I Suiytlie, will open up a market. This is a great loss to Fort Mill as the Messrs Snytlie, not only had the best market outfit that has ever been here, but were expert meat ! cutters and good citizens. We wish the young men much success in their new undertaking. Mayor's Court. Tl. ^U.. 4 ? --- 1 ? m-v i vy iionaury wus ropu'lllSlieu to the tuneof thirty-five dollars on Monday and one addition was made to the county chaingaug as a result j of the breaking of several town 1 ordinances by the colored sports of the community. The proceedings Monday morning began with the trial oj Giles White, a rantankerous individual of dark complexion, who had bought more booze than his purse would justify and, to even up matters, had been "tigering" a few pints away 1 to his friends. Found guilty and fined $1 5 or thirty days. White j was also fined $0 for playing cards, j Both fines were paid. The next case to come up was J that of a stag party of young bucks who had been indulging in a little | private game of "skin"?said party consisting of Joe McKinney, Sam Benson, Geo. Wilkes and Dave j Knox. All plead guilty to the ; charge of playing cards 011 Sunday and wore fined $5 or 2 4 days on the ! gang. McKinney, Benson and Wilkes seem to have "rolled" Knox 1 in the game, as he was penniless, 1 while his pals immediately pro- 1 duced the five shiny plunks. After [ hpenning aoont twenty-four hours | in limbo, Knox succeeded in raining the money with which to pay his tine and went his way rejoicing. Magistrate Mdls was also called upon to administer the law to dim Mason, colored, who was charged with assault and battery of an aggravated nature. Mason was bound over to court, in the sum of $200. Mr. L. S. Nivens, upon whose place the negro lives, furnished bail for t he prisoner. To 5ave tier Child From frightful diaflgurcmout Mrs. Nannie Ualleger, of i.t Orange, Os.,1 applied Buclclen'a Arnioa Salve to great! sort s ou her head and hoe, and writer,! its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles 2'k\ Cure guaranteed by T. 13. Mcucllam druggist. , Great Barga Yes, wo are still offering 8 few Hummer Goods we have left Our ealeof Ladie's Muslin 1 sold more of this during the ladies see what garments they ca would cost them. All 75 cent Gowns for 50 ee All 85 cent Gowns for GO All 50 rent Pants for i All 38 cent Pants for All 25 cent Pnntj All 55 cent Waii All 50 cent \V All 75 cent All 85 cei And all HLIPPERS and OXFORD xney lire going tast. ,1 list think for cents. We arc bound to have room daily, bo if you want Bargains cm ME AC H AIM An Monor to Fort Mill. The following from the News and Courier will be of interest to I the people of this vicinity. It is f from the pen of that gifted, patri- |? otic man and brilliant orator, Col. ! ? >Jame6 Armstrong, whom the peo- i pie of thiH section once had the < happy privilege of seeing and hear-'t ing. The incid nt referred to hap- < pened on a steamer trip from Char lestou to New York: J i "There was a delightful enter- i ( tainmeut in social hall Friday ' ' evening. The master of ceremo- t nies was the Rev. M. P. Welcher, {I uf Brooklyn, who won golden opin* i ions from the passengers. He is I 1 11 good musician. There were re- < citations by two charming Charles- * tonians, which elicited unbounded * admirations. Mr. J. Hampton t r ?f xt.,... v....i. e..~ -1? * n ui iiu? iuik, luniit'ny ui c on Mill, favored the audience by reciting a poem, of which ho is the author, written in honor of that < beautiful town which has three monuments?one to the women of i the war, one to the uien who wore 1 the grey, and one to the faithful ' slaves, the three memorials having ( been erebted by that gallant Ex- I Confederate, progressive, patriotic ? and public-spirited citrieu of Fort 1 Mill, fylfljor White." 11>vividly > called to the writer of this letter two dreamy and delightful May days he passed at Fort Mill, when he met the brave veterans of liberty-loving York County, and when it was his proud privilege to be the favoied guest of that sterling soldier and scholarly divine, the Rev. Dr. James II. Thornwoll, chaplain general <?f the South Carolina l)ivision, I nited Confederate Veterans. M r, Lee has written many | poems, which have been highly ! praised, and are to bo published in an attractive volume in New York." ? What A Tale It Tells. If that mirrorof yours .showsa wretch- | eel, sallow complexion, a jaundiced look moth patches and blotches on the skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr. King's New j Life Pill regulate the liver, purify the ; blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich i complexion. Only 2-*>c at Meacham's drug store. Lylc Held Without Bond. Clias. Lyle, charged with the! murder of Newton Lanier three , miles south of Charlotte on the afternoon of Aug. 2nd, and who' was arrested ui itoanoke, Va., was ! brought back to Charlotte Friday j night and lodged in jail. At tlio preliminary hearing on Monday morning Jdye was repie- j aented by Attornoy F. K. McNinch. i The evidenee in the case was in accordance with that given at the coroner's inqued, just after the murder, and with which our readers are already familiar. The defendant, waived examination and no test imcmy was offered in his behalf. He was bound over , to the September term of superior (; court without bond, and sent back 1 to the county jail. ? ?- ? A l.eason on Subscription. 1 ? Col, Ti?*roy Springs is now presi ?!<-itt of tin* two cotton mills in Cheater, Eureka unti Spi inystt in. tins. ojjje wonderful bargains on the [Juntlerwe&r continues, We have ) past week than ull year. The iu get t r just what the material tits. cents. 18 cents. 28 cents, ? ir. i~ j iui ju iXMim. sts for 25 cents. 'iiistfl for 38 ceuts WHisth for 50 cents, it Waists for 60 cents. I $1.50 Waists for $1.00. S:?Our Cut Prices do the worl, l of a good, solid Dongola Slipper for our fall stock that is arriving jine to the glass front. I & EPFS. Tragedy Near Matthew*, N. C. During the absence of her liusland, Mrs. Lemuel Martin, a resectable white lady, was assaulted it her home in Providence townihip on Tuesday of last week by a legro named W ill Monroe. After .'omuiitting the deed, Monroe came o a house on the outskirts of Charlotte where he was arrested at 2.30 u. in. by the police of that city, VIrs. Martin was taken to Charlotte m Wednesday and identified the iegro hh the man who had assauled h?r. Monrna r?<ni funnel l?iu juilt. A petition was sent Judge Hoke of the superior court asking \>r an immediate trial of Monroe mul it was granted. The trial conlutnod less than two hours atul remlted in the couyiction of the ne?ro, who will hang on Sept. 13. Attention Confederate Veteran*. Yokkvii.i.k, S. C., Aug. 17. *01, 2apt. J. W. Ardroy, Fort Mill, S. C, Sir: You are authorized to call a mass meeting of Confederate veteran* of your mwitHhip to meet at Fort Mill on S*turlay the Hist instant at 4 o'clock p. in., to olsct a representative. The repr<MieU' tatives so elected will meet at the court liouHe in Yorkville on Sept. Uth at 10 j'Clock, a. iu. to elect a County l'tuiainu Board for the ensuing year. By order jf Iredell Jones, Comity Chairman. J. F. ,WAM,ack, gfioy. ' Eighty-five | Different styles of new Writing Tablets at AUDREY'S. Every one different, i- See tlieni in window. ! We Like* Your Do.lar in payment of laundry work left in Dur care, but we strive :ts well for your approbation. Our aim is to wash j clothes clean, iron shirts, collars and nutts to your liking (wo moan by that i polished or domestic finish), ami potior- { [illy to afford you the best satisfaction ill prices commensurate with good work, hut still cheap. The jjerfect work | ijf the Model Steam Luundrv. Charlotte. N. C., all the time at short prices has won the general favor of good dressers. Shipments made Wednesday evening. Ed. L. McElhanky, Aokst Fort Mill, S. C. Call oii or write the CROWN SALOON, FOB KINK WINKS, LIQUORS, ETC. OLD NORTH CAROLINA EAULK CORN WIllsKKY A SPECIALTY. ,1. M. WOODSIDK & CO., Pitors. Queen City 'Phono 202. M W Trade St CHARLOTTE, N. C. MILLS & YOUNG, I (Successors to Hughes & Youug.) * I ft Do Not I '* %?W Forget | to call up No 'I]) 12, when you are In need Something nice to eat We keep a full stock of FliESH GOODS* We will give your orders prompt and earefnl %?vi/v*?vivii t?nu uvtitu J um ^vuua ut jvur door. 111 ' \ ' Snmethtmr-fn RpmpmhAr ? A?VAUV11XA/V1 Our stock of Hats, Jk~ " 1 for boys and men, has mmmm iflliWp^ never been so comw^.; i-^ggjiijf\ ~ plete as now, j We also carry a full stock of Dry (*oodsr J Notions, Pants, Shoes, etc, m Mil I C t VAIT\T/T 1 miLLJ a iuunu, j| Be wise in time. Late knowledge is often lost. When you want legal advice, go to a regular lawyer. / When you want spiritual advice, eo to* ? 1 your pastor. When you want medical advice, go to a regular physician. But, when you want to buy drugs, or have prescriptions tilled, go to a regular druggist. ' I will till your prescriptions and prescribe for you. I have bad years of experience in practice and dispensing drugs. THOS. B. MEACHAM. M. D. r t MEAL, FLOUR and FEED. Your attention ia called to the following facta;? Firat that we ^ua ran tee satisfaction in ^rindin^, and exchanging corn and wheat. Our capacity ia lf>0 bushels com and 250 bushels wheat per day. Second, that we buy ear corn, gliell corn, and wheat of good qunl. ity; and soil flour, rneal, cruahed and cracked corn, whent brand, mid-ii ...:n i.- A- ? i . . " ... - ciint ci(i linn (hduiicih m lowest nmrKui price. (Quality best. ROCK HILL ROLLER MILLS. 1 " 1 II i . i .11 . 1L1_I.I^ Don't Make the Mistake Of your life by going to the wrong place. Visit the CITY BAR* BER SHOP, where you will find a corps of white barbers always ready to serve you. Our patrotiH never go away with their faces lull of liolea, ripH, outs arid fringes. We beautify the face with bu easy shave. (Jail at third door of Bank Building, facing railroad. ii t>rvmur?f>o A ^ vnnv i ncno a C>UN. J ? 1 Call Up No. 27, M Wht'ii you want k<kk1, fresh BKKF, and when in need of ick M it will pay you to buy from the largest dealers in town. Spe cial priced t<? our country friend* and others who want it In?' IRA G. SMYTHE & SON.